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Monster Hunter And The Witcher Are The Perfect Combination


Heather Alexandra

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Monster Hunter: World’s latest crossover event combines dangerous monster fights with the in-depth roleplaying of The Witcher 3 for a special quest that perfectly captures the tough work of a Witcher.

The story, which went live yesterday, begins with a mysterious creature stumbling into the Monster Hunter universe. The creature, a grimy little nekker from The Witcher 3, is shortly followed by the arrival of series protagonist Geralt of Rivia. Geralt jumps through a portal and finds himself face to face with your monster hunter. After reports of bloody monster killings in the Ancient Forest, Geralt sets off to investigate the cause. In a move somewhat unusual for the series, you take direct control over Geralt during his investigation. Armed with his signature swords and magic, you go on a quest full of intense boss fighting and bite-sized RPG sleuthing.

There’s a lot of detail in this crossover event. You don’t just control Geralt and fight some monsters. You also search for clues and talk with characters in a dialogue style entirely lifted from The Witcher 3. These moments are some of the best in the entire quest. Monster Hunter: World doesn’t really give its characters time to shine and rarely even gives them names. Watching Geralt interact with some of the item givers and researchers that I’ve come to rely on during my hundreds of hours of Monster Hunter: World is a welcome chance for them to receive genuine characterization. It’s even better if you play with English language settings. Doug Cockle, who voices Geralt in the Witcher games, returns with his signature mixture of world-weariness and snark.

The cause of all the strange happenings in the Ancient Forest is a leshen, a sort of primal woodland beast from The Witcher. This boss battle is both a perfect recreation of The Witcher 3’s intense combat and also one of the most frustrating fights I’ve had in Monster Hunter: World. The leshen has a variety of tricky attacks that require intense dodging, from summoning a swarm of crows to sending writhing plant roots through the ground. The idea is to dodge around, sneaking in attacks until you can use Geralt’s Agni rune, which unleashes a fire spell that stuns the beast. When you find your rhythm and manage this, the leshen fight is incredibly rewarding. It’s not quite as fast-paced as The Witcher but Geralt moves and fights nearly identically to how he does in his own games.

In practice, this happens less than it should. Many of the leshen’s attacks can knock Geralt flat on his ass, and they all come fast. In smaller areas, they can be difficult to dodge. The leshen can also cause the bleeding status effect, which can sap your health quickly and it can even summon a small horde of tiny lizard-like jagras as flunkies. As a result, there are portion of the fight where Geralt goes from badass witcher to absolute chump getting smacked around by birds and dinosaurs. You can block, as Geralt’s weapon functions as a sword and shield, but it doesn’t always work out. The leshen’s high health pool means that the fight lasts long and alternates between exciting highs and very frustrating lows, even by Monster Hunter standards. Many Monster Hunter fights are exhausting but few bat you around as much as battling the leshen. For the moment, this quest is single player only but a more difficult multiplayer-focused version of the leshen is coming at a later date.

At the end of the day, that is a small issue given how much this crossover event feels like a proper Witcher quest. If you grind out fights against the leshen, you can craft Geralt’s sword and even get a costume that allows your normal protagonist to dress up at him. Those are nice, but the real joy is playing an event that fits so perfectly into the Monster Hunter mold. A second part, which involves Geralt’s companion Ciri, is coming soon as well and will run from February 15th to March 1st.

Monster Hunter World: Witcher-Event-Guide — Alle Belohnungen kriegen

Die beliebte Crossover-Quest mit Witcher 3 kehrt immer wieder zu Monster Hunter: World zurück. Das Event gibt es für PS4, Xbox One und PC. Wir verraten euch wie ihr das beste Ending bekommt.

Worum geht es in der Event-Quest? MHW ist dafür bekannt, dass es viele Kollaborationen mit anderen Spielen veranstaltet. Eines davon ist das Crossover-Event mit Witcher 3, dem beliebten RPG von CD Projekt Red.

Die Jäger begeben sich darin auf die Jagd nach dem gefürchteten Monster Waldschrat und können dabei verschiedene Belohnungen abstauben.

Geralt wurde durch ein Portal in die Welt von Monster Hunter: World verschlagen

Der Trick dabei ist, dass dieses Event einige Side-Quests enthält, die versteckt sind und den Ausgang des Events beeinflussen. Wir erklären euch wie diese Event-Quest funktioniert und wie ihr zu dem besten Ergebnis gelangt.

Wo gibt es die Quest?

  • Name: Geist des Waldes
  • Ort: Uralter Wald
  • Stufe: 9 Sterne
  • Anforderungen: Jägerrang 50 oder höher
  • Erfolgsbedingungen: Töte den Uralten Waldschrat

Wie funktioniert die Quest? Während dieser Quest spielt ihr den Hexer Geralt von Riva mit seiner eigenen Ausrüstung und seinen Fähigkeiten. Auch einige Gameplay-Elemente aus dem Witcher-Spiel wurden für die Quest in MHW übernommen.

So startet ihr die Quest: Zu Beginn der Quest müsst ihr im Uralten Wald den Chefbotaniker und die Einheimische-Wese-Forscherin finden:

  • Die Forscherin befindet sich im Gebiet 3 und ihre Dialogoptionen werden euch ins Gebiet 1 führen
  • Im Gebiet 11 findet ihr das Notizbuch des Chefbotanikers. Folgt der Spur, um mehr Bücher und schließlich den Botaniker selbst zu finden.

Damit die Quest weitergeht, müsst ihr die Dialogoptionen mit den beiden NPCs ausschöpfen. Ab jetzt könnt ihr die beiden kurzen Nebenquests angehen, die für die Eventquest nötig sind.

Geralt und die Forscherin neben dem Kadaver eines Aptonoth

So schafft ihr die Side-Quests

Das müsst ihr für die Nebenquest “Unerwartete Gefährten” tun: In der Nähe des Ortes, an dem ihr den Botaniker gefunden habt im Gebiet 8 findet ihr noch mehr von den seltsamen Wurzeln. Sie halten ein lebendiges Pukei Pukei gefangen.

Befreit den Pukei mit der Hilfe des Igni-Zeichens und er wird wegfliegen.

Das müsst ihr für die Nebenquest “Das Häuptlingsproblem” tun: Um diese Quest starten zu können, müsst ihr die Gajalaka-Forschungsquest abgeschlossen und alle Palico-Gadgets freigeschaltet haben. In unserem Guider erklären wir, wie ihr alle Palico-Gadgets freischaltet.

Begebt euch zum Camp 11. In der Umgebung außerhalb des Camps findet ihr viele Markierungen. Untersucht sie und auf eurer Karte wird ein Lynianer-Forscher mit einem Ausrufezeichen markiert.

Er wird euch in den oberen Bereich des Waldes schicken ins Gebiet 16, wo man normalerweise den Rathalos findet, um mit den Gajalakas zu reden.

Besiegt sie und schöpft alle Dialogoptionen aus. Sie werden euch wieder runter zur Wildexpertin schicken. Sobald auch ihre Dialogoptionen ausgeschöpft sind, werde ihr erfahren wo sich der Gajalaka-Häuptling befindet.

Besiegt den Häuptling und seine zwei Begleiter im Gebiet 13 und schließt damit diese Nebenquest ab.

So geht es weiter mit der Hauptquest: Kehrt zurück ins Gebiet 12 und zerstört das Totem des Waldschrats, um den Kampf gegen ihn auszulösen.

  • Er beschwört überwiegend Baumwurzeln, um euch anzugreifen
  • Er beschwört manchmal einen Schwarm aus Krähen um sich herum, die ihr mit Igni wegbrennen müsst
  • Er kann sich teleportieren, indem er sich in einen Krähenschwarm auflöst
  • Nach zwei Teleports wird er einen Rudel Jagras beschwören
  • Ihr könnt die Umgebung nutzen, um den Waldschrat zu mounten und viel Schaden anzurichten

Nach dem der Waldschrat zum vierten und letzten Mal geflüchtet ist, wird Pukei Pukei euch zur Hilfe kommen. Ihr werdet erneut gegen einen Rudel Jagras kämpfen müssen.

Das Monster Waldschrat erscheint, sobald ihr sein Totem zerstört habt

Erledigt sie schnell bevor sie es schaffen den Pukei zu töten. Wenn seine HP zu niedrig fallen, könnt ihr ihn mit dem Lebenspulver heilen, das ihr in eurem Inventar findet.

Das sind die Belohnungen

Welche Rewards gibt es? Für den Abschluss des Witcher-Events mit allen Nebenquests bekommt ihr:

  • Garantierter Angriff-Juwel
  • Titel “Wilde Jagd” für die Gildenkarte
  • Neuer Hintergrund für die Gildenkarte
  • Geralts Geste

Mit den Materialien vom Waldschrat könnt ihr außerdem folgende Dinge schmieden:

  • Rüstung “Geralt Alpha”
  • Waffe “Verfluchter Stab Alpha”
  • Waffe “Hexers Silberschwert”

Nekker fangen – So geht’s

So könnt ihr Nekker für die Palico-Rüstung finden: Es ist außerdem möglich euren Palico mit einem Event-Outfit, wie einen Nekker aussehen zu lassen. Um das Set schmieden zu können, müsst ihr vorher aber erst eines dieser Viecher während eines Beutezugs fangen.

Holt in der Ressourcen-Zentrale den Kritischen Beutezug “Forschugshilfe: Kreaturenfang” ab, bei dem ihr einen Nekker fangen müsst. Der Rang spielt keine Rolle.

Geht dafür nachts auf eine Expedition in den Uralten Wald. Stellt dabei sicher, dass sich ein Groß-Jagras im Gebiet befindet. Startet die Expedition sonst neu. Geht danach wie folgt vor:

  • Geht zum Lager 1 und nutzt den Ghillie-Mantel
  • Legt euch auf die Lauer in der Nähe einer Aptonoth-Herde und wartet bis der Groß-Jagras sie angreift
  • Folgt dem Groß-Jagras mit etwas Abstand
  • Jagras geht zu seinem Nest zurück und spuckt seine Beute dort aus

Mit etwas Glück wird jetzt der Nekker erscheinen, den ihr ganz einfach mit dem Netz einfangen könnt.

Verwandte Spiele

Plattform: PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S
Release: 26. 01.2018
Abo-Service: Xbox Game PassGenre: Action-RPG

Monster Hunter World ist ein Action-RPG, in dem Ihr in die Rolle eines Monster-Jägers schlüpft. Begebt Euch auf die Spuren von mächtigen Bestien und erlegt sie …




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10 Monster Hunter World: Iceborne mods to try — from cosmetics to interface

Almost two weeks have passed since the release of the PC version of the Iceborne add-on for Monster Hunter World, which means that the authors of the mods have already adapted their creations for compatibility with the game . There are quite a few mods in total, but a significant part of them do not make major changes.

PC gamers can install improved models, add a little more convenience to the interface, upload new armor and clothing, make visual changes, change the camera distance, and much more. Please note that in general, installing mods does not require complex steps, however, there may be exceptions. Installation instructions are listed on the page of each specific mod.

Attention! Modifications can lead to the blocking of the game and even the account. Install and use mods at your own risk.

Wild Cat

Download link: Nexus | version in fox style
Description: Modification adds fluffy cat ears and tail to your character — and with physics and animation. A couple of variations are available and the ability to choose the right color.

Pretty face

Download link: Nexus
Description: One of the most popular mods for the game, with which you can make the conductor’s face a little nicer. The mod includes both the face itself and the hairstyle, as well as optional textures.

Weak element indicator

Download link: Nexus
Description: A small but useful mod that displays the weakness of monsters to certain elements right on their icon.

All items in the store

Download link: Nexus
Description: An updated version of the mod to work with Iceborne. With this mod, all things for purchase will become available in stores. However, please note that this mod affects the gameplay, which means that its use may lead to account blocking.

Animal gathering places

Download link: Textures / map version
Description: A simple mod that replaces the texture in such a way that the collection points of monsters are better visible from a distance. The second version marks places immediately on the map, which saves a lot of time.

Bunny suit

Download link: Nexus
Description: A mod that replaces armor with a Playboy girl costume — now compatible with Iceborne. There were no problems in use.

Camera distance

Download link: Nexus
Description: An updated version of the mod for Iceborne, allows you to noticeably move the camera away. Includes a couple of options.

Additional NPCs in Selian

Download Link: Nexus
Description: Adds a few more NPCs to the Iceborne camp.


Download Link: Nexus
Description: Turns your companion cat into a dog.

Quest board

Download link: Nexus
Description: A quest board appears in Seliana to take quests without dialogues with NPCs.

Other mods worth paying attention to:

  • Blooming Armor
  • Blood Effects
  • Monster Hunter Online weapon skins
  • Kirin Sexy Armor with Breast Physics
  • busty model
  • Swimwear in Seliana
  • Several nude mods — search manually on Nexus

If you want the model as from the screenshot in the header, you must use the cheat table. Details in the screenshot thread.

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List of Monster Hunter World layered armors, how to get Thermae, Yukumo, Silver Knight and other Iceborne layered armors

How Layered Armor works and how to get your hands on different sets from events, festivals and more.

Monster Hunter World Layered Armor is an additional cosmetic feature that allows you to change the look of your Hunter to something else while still wearing your existing armor set.

Formerly a bonus cosmetic feature introduced as part of time-limited events and festivals, Layered Armor is reintroduced at the start of the Monster Hunter World Iceborne expansion, where you’re given the Direwolf set to help you roleplay in the new icy setting.

There are many more out there, and our The layered armor list explains the many sets you may have missed so far and the temporary events you need to play when they return to the rotation to get them, as well as Iceborne’s own additions, including Thermae, Yukumo, and Silver Knight ,

On this page:

Layered Armor is a cosmetic option in Monster Hunter World that differs from regular armor in that it is what you put on over your current armor to change its appearance.

It’s not an armor set by itself — it has no stats or traits — it just changes your appearance. It often has a seasonal theme or new look, and can even make your Hunter look like a character from another game, from Street Fighter to The Witcher

Diver’s layered armor in action.

It’s worth emphasizing that Layered Armor is not a transmog system. For those unfamiliar, transmog — or transmogrification — is a concept introduced in MMOs such as World of Warcraft, where you can change your appearance to any other armor you may have earned.

While the Layered Armor system allows you to change your appearance, it has a limited number of sets that you must specifically unlock, not any set of armor available in the game.

This means that many special appearances, including almost every monster in the game, can only be obtained by directly equipping them, stat changes and all.

To equip layered armor or change equipped layered armor, you must visit your item chest either in the camp when you are on a mission or expedition, or in one of the hub areas, then select «Layered Armor Settings» at the bottom.

From there you can select the layered armor you have unlocked.

Some notes on how this works:

  • If you are currently wearing a Full Armor set — like the ones you get from events like the PS4 exclusive Horizon Zero Dawn Scarlet set — you must first remove this before you can change Layered Armor.
  • Although layered armor is divided into low or high rank and master rank, you can equip yourself with a set of low or high rank layered armor on top of your master armor if you so desire.
  • You can also change the color of some layered armor by pressing the Triangle / Y button (on PlayStation or Xbox) in the Element Field menu:

While you don’t need to craft most of the layered armor in Monster Hunter World in the traditional sense, you still need to find the components to unlock and use.

In particular, you must complete the delivery by handing over the tickets from performing certain actions. They include:

  • Timed events and issues
  • Seasonal festivals
  • Beating Arch — hardened versions of monsters (as part of temporary events requiring HR 50)
  • Purchasing additional content or pre-ordering the game

Meanwhile, the layered armor added in the Iceborne expansion appears to be provided for you to complete certain quests and does not include a ticket or event based system.

Some layered armor — such as Ryu, Commission, Origin, Sakura, Guild Cross, Dante, Deadly Stench, and Blossom, depicted here — are only available through obtaining Event Tickets from Arc-Tempered Monsters.

The following is a list of all low to high rank layered armor that has appeared in the game up until the release of Monster Hunter World Iceborne.

As mentioned above, you have to get them either from Timed Events and Trials, Seasonal Festivals, beating Seasoned Monsters (another form of Timed Event that requires you to be HR 50) or buying Additional Content.

You may also need other components to craft certain Layered Armor, but below is a list of the components you need to get from limited time events.

All of these events have already appeared in the game and, although not confirmed, will most likely return to the rotation again. Keep an eye on the event schedule to see what’s going on, and also take advantage of seasonal festivals, which are often used as an opportunity to bring back multiple events and quests.

Layered armor Required delivery points Related event, quest or festival
Aloy Tickets for Aloy + Nova Brave Trophy Monster Hunter World Horizon Zero Dawn event (PlayStation only)
Bayek Senu pen Assassin’s Creed Event
beetle Beetle Tickets Name Lavasiot!
Bloom Kirin Tickets Forged in Kirin Event (Requires HR 50)
brigade Arena King Hunter Coins Quests 6, 7 and 8 Lunar questline (starting with The Blazing Sun)
Homare bushes Busi Tickets Kulve Taroth Siege
Sabi bushes Busi Tickets Kulve Taroth Siege
butterfly Summer Insect Guide Gajalaki Outbreak!
Ciri mutagen The Witcher — Questline
commission Tickets for Xeno Jiva Hardened Arc Xeno Jiva (requires 50 HR)
Dante Teostra Tickets Teostrared Arch Teostra (requires HR 50)
Death Stink Vaal Hazak Tickets Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak (requires HR 50)
diver Summer Twilight Tickets Summer Twilight Festival
Drachen Glam Prism extreme hippo event
Artificial Felyne Fake ticket Royal Pain
gala Evaluation Tickets Appreciation Festival
Geralt of Rivia mutagen From Ancient Deprived after Monster Hunter World Quest
Guild Cross Eat Daor Tickets + Ace Hunter Coins Arc-Tempered Kushai Daora (requires 50 HR)
Harvest Fall Harvest Tickets Autumn Harvest Festival
Kulu-Ya-Ku Head Faux Ticket III + Kulu-Ya-Ku Tickets Greatest Jagras + Egg Lovers United
Mosswein mask Fake ticket Royal Pain
origin Zora Magdoras Tickets Tempered Arch of Zora Magdoras (requires HR 50)
Orion Winter Star Tickets Winter Star Festival
Ryu Nergigante Tickets + Ticket SFV III Nergigante with hardened arch (requires HR 50)
sakura Lunastra tickets + SFV II ticket Tempered Lunastra Arch (requires HR 50, console only)
samurai Additional content only Purchase of Deluxe Edition or Deluxe Kit
Sealed dressing Black armband + fake ticket II Bust with Shamos Kings + Know No Fear
Shadow shadow Summer Twilight Ticket + Black Crystal Ticket Flash in a frying pan
Skull mask Artificial ticket III Greatest Jagr
Wiggler head Wiggler + Faux Ticket II Rock me + Kings know no fear

Iceborne has arrived! Here’s where to start Monster Hunter World Iceborne and defeat the first monster, Beotodus. Once you’re comfortable in the world, learn about Layered Armor in Monster Hunter World and the various side quests available — including the Surveyor Mission Set, Boaboa quests, and find the Locations of the Pearl macaques, And, when you’re ready to accept it, Shara Ishvalda, If you’re crafting, you’ll know where to find rare materials like Purecrystal and Monster Slogbon. Useful. Been away from Monster Hunter for a while and need an update? Our pages on weapon changes and types, how to unite friends and squads in multiplayer plus how to capture monsters and mount monsters can help.

As above, there are Master Rank layered armor sets introduced as part of the Iceborne expansion. While they share some characteristics with the above, they also appear in the game through main and side quests, not just through events.

Here is the current list of what we know so far:

Yukumo layered armor

The Yukumo Layered Armor Set is an add-on content, which means it can’t be obtained in-game — you had to pre-order Monster Hunter World Iceborne from select retailers to earn it. Once you have submitted a code as part of a pre-order, it will be added to your game and made available to you.

This is how Silver Knight and Yukumo look in the game:

Silver Knight layered armor

The Yukumo Layered Armor Set is an add-on content and cannot be obtained in-game. Specifically, you’ll get it either in Iceborne’s Digital Deluxe version or, if you’ve already purchased the game, by purchasing the optional Deluxe Kit, which is available on the PSN or Xbox Live stores.

Once you have purchased this, the Silver Knight will be added to your game and available to you. Here’s what it looks like:

Wild Wolf Layered Armor

Wild Wolf Layered Armor is given to you at the start of the Iceborne expansion.

Layered armor for strategists

Spectacles Spectacles layered armor is given to you while playing Iceborne.

Layered thermal armor (also known as hot spring armor)

You need to complete the Steam Quest — the quest you get from the Blacksmith when you get into the Master Rank 4 quest set — which will get you two Hot Springs Stones.