Lösung lara croft legend: Tomb Raider Legend Walkthrough and Game Guide

Solution Tomb Raider Legend — TOMB RAIDER FRANCE



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Le Manoir Croft est un niveau de Tomb Raider Legend qui fait office de niveau d’entraînement. Pas de contre-la-montre, pour autant, tous les collectibles du niveau et leur récupération peuvent représenter un certain challenge, pour lequel nous vous accompagnons pas à pas.




Tiwanaku, Pérou, une charmante civilisation pré-inca, actuellement en ruine. Lara cherche certaines reliques depuis, ouf, pas mal de temps. Mais une vieille copine qui travaille à Lapaz lui a parlé d’une rumeur plutôt intéressante. Un socle en pierre gravé… entre autre.




Rutland a suggéré qu’il existait un lien entre le socle de pierre et les ruines près de Paraiso. Lara espère qu’Anaya l’y retrouvera malgré tout. Elles ne trouveront peut être que des cadavres dont celui d’Amanda, mais Lara veut en avoir le cœur net.




Lara n’a pas revu Takamoto depuis longtemps. Elle ne doit pas lui manquer, après ce qu’il s’est passé lors de leur dernière rencontre. Toutefois, s’il possède toujours la relique, il risque de perdre plus que la face dimanche soir.




Les données que Zip a transmis à Lara la mène en plein cœur de la jungle ghanéenne. Elle ne sait pas ce que Rutland mijote, mais elle est certaine qu’il ne quitte jamais sa relique. Il va falloir le convaincre de s’en séparer.




Le fragment de l’épée a été emporté dans un laboratoire soviétique secret dans les années 50. Selon la rumeur, on y étudie les phénomènes paranormaux. Alister doit confirmer à Lara toute cette histoire en chemin.




La carte gravée sur le bouclier du chevalier mène à une tomber qui serait celle du roi Arthur, comme de nombreux autres sites qui prétendent la même chose. Mais si cette tombe avait de l’importance pour un chevalier mort depuis près de mille ans, elle en a aussi pour Lara.




La clé de la reconstruction d’Excalibur est aussi la relique la plus précieuse de la mère de Lara, celle que son père lui avait offerte innocemment au Ghana pour remplacer le collier qu’elle avait perdu là-bas. Une fois de plus, Lara est irrésistiblement attirée vers son propre passé.




Il est temps de repartir en Bolivie pour savoir enfin ce qu’est le véritable pouvoir de ces reliques. Amanda doit aussi chercher à réactiver le socle de pierre. Elle connait peut être sa fonction, du moins le croit-elle.


A l’occasion des 25 ans de la franchise Tomb Raider, on vous récapitule tout sur cet évènement qui se déroulera tout au long de l’année 2021 !

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© Tomb Raider France 2008 — 2022
© Lara Croft et Tomb Raider sont des marques déposées de Square Enix Ltd.

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La solution écrite de Tomb Raider : Legend

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A la poursuite de Rutland Solution Écrite | PDF | Solution Vidéo | Visite Guidée | Secrets

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Manoir des Croft Solution Écrite | PDF | Solution Vidéo | Visite Guidée | Secrets


La solution écrite est rédigée par Sylvester. Elle permet de se débloquer facilement et rapidement sous forme de lecture. Elle contient des informations détaillées et plusieurs astuces pour un même passage par exemple. Elles sont basées sur les solutions vidéo. Les solutions écrites peuvent également être lues sur format PDF : cela facilite l’impression, ou bien la lecture sur fond blanc.


La solution vidéo est capturée et montée par Rémi, elle est donc hébergée sur sa Chaîne YouTube. Cette solution permet de se débloquer rapidement, de façon visuelle, de toutes sortes de situation. Les vidéos sont toutes disponibles en HD, bien évidemment.


La visite guidée est préparée, capturée et montée par MOrlOck, elle est donc hébergée sur sa Chaîne YouTube. Cette visite des niveaux permet d’aller au-delà de la simple solution. MOrlOck nous y montre la façon dont le niveau peut être exploré, mais apporte également des informations sur l’histoire du jeu en commentant ses vidéos au cours de la partie… mais ce n’est pas tout puisqu’il apporte également de nombreuses références historiques et réelles quant aux objets et autres textures utilisés par les développeurs.


Legend, remake and lost potential. Reminiscent of the Tomb Raider series. Part two

7 years of non-stop pipeline and failures forced the Core Design studio to transfer the right to create games for its franchise to Californians from Crystal Dynamics. After Angel of Darkness, Lara Croft’s reputation was below the floor. Let’s remember how the new developers returned the love of millions of players to the series by creating their own trilogy.

The first part of Tomb Raider, released in 1996, laid certain foundations for the genre. The games of the franchise told about a British aristocrat who was fond of archeology and was looking for various artifacts. Her hobbies usually helped prevent the next end of the world, and during her adventures, Lara Croft did not hesitate to resort to violence and achieve her goals by force.

The creators of Tomb Raider destroyed the reputation of the heroine with a seven-year pipeline — new games came out a year after the previous one, and the quality was appropriate. You can read more about this in the first part of our series.

Tomb Raider: Legend (2006)

Having received carte blanche, Crystal Dynamics did not rush and approached the restart thoroughly. They wanted to return Lara Croft to its former glory, to show her from the human side and not to make an adventurer, once again, a killer of hundreds of identical dummies. The last point was debatable, but everything else made the Tomb Raider series once again… Legendary.

Legend shows us the seasoned and experienced tomb raider from all angles. She is smart, cunning, agile, graceful and beautiful — Crystal Dynamics immediately seized on the essence of the series and decided to use it from the very first seconds. An interesting plot, fascinating locations, excellent animations of the main character and many details make Tomb Raider: Legend almost the best game in the series.

Everything begins long before the events of the main plot. The nine-year-old main character and her mother get into a plane crash, but survive and end up in Nepal. A little later, they find a mysterious pedestal with a sword in it, and Lara, out of curiosity, activates it. Mother communicates through the opened portal with someone, and then, in horror, grabs the sword from the device and disappears in a surge of energy.

Finding her mother became Miss Croft’s main goal. Years later, we find ourselves in Bolivia, where Lara is trying to find another pedestal with a portal — exactly the same as she found in Nepal a long time ago. In search of the ancient sword Excalibur and attempts to return her mother, the main character will have to visit Peru, Japan, Ghana and even England, where she will be able to descend into the tomb of King Arthur.

Handmade animations of the main character captivate the player’s eyes. She no longer twitches when running, she walks precisely and gracefully. You no longer need to calculate millimeters on the ground for an accurate jump — in which case, Lara will always be able to catch her fingers on the ledge at the last moment. Responsive controls are no longer a dream but a reality, making Tomb Raider: Legend more enjoyable to play than any previous game in the series.

The same goes for shooting. There are many enemies here, especially towards the end. Mercenaries and fauna of local locations will have to be fired from the legendary pistols of Miss Croft or from the second type of weapon, to choose from. Here is an assault rifle, and a shotgun, and even a grenade launcher! The bosses are assigned separate arenas, each will need to find its own approach, but they are all quite simple and killed quickly.

To solve puzzles, the main character has new gadgets that have not yet been in the series. A hook with a magnetic tip helps to attract metal objects, as well as cling to them if necessary. Binoculars with an environment scanner can provide information about points of interest located everywhere and the possibility of interacting with them: break, move, activate the mechanism.

It’s nice that the complexity of the tombs grows as Miss Croft progresses through the main story. If at first it is a banal installation of boxes on buttons, then a little later everything turns into an exploration of several rooms interconnected by corridors with traps. It is felt that the developers believe in the player and are not afraid to throw him a test.

Searching for collectibles scattered around is also interesting. They are divided into bronze, silver and gold. And if the first two types of trophies are easy to find, then to find the gold one you will have to solve a small puzzle: open the door using a mechanism, activate three points of interest in the correct order, and so on. For searching for collectibles, the player unlocks not only additional materials in the main menu, but also upgrades for pistols: accuracy, increased clip capacity, and so on.

Was Tomb Raider: Legend a success? Definitely. Each new or improved mechanic from old games does not let you tear yourself away from the screen, Lara Croft’s animations fascinate the eye, and revealing the secrets of local tombs is insanely interesting. The game is played at a normal difficulty level in 8 hours — there is simply no time to be bored. The only negative can be called, perhaps, attempts to return levels with transport. Motorcycle trips, which differ only in scenery, are already boring by the second time, and the checkpoints in them are placed by some sadist.

Tomb Raider: Anniversary (2007)

Despite the fact that «Legend» ended at the most interesting place, literally hinting at a sequel, Crystal Dynamics decided to pay tribute to the creators of the franchise. The decision was made to remake 1996’s Tomb Raider and weave it into the main thread of the reboot. This could be hinted at even in the game in 2006, seeing a reference to Natla Industries, the company of the antagonist of the first part.

The plot is left the same — on behalf of Jacqueline Natla, Miss Croft goes in search of Scianus or Legacy of Atlantis, an ancient artifact. As she progresses, she learns that Jacqueline is one of the rulers of the sunken city, who is trying to regain her former power by gathering all the parts of the Legacy together. Having visited Peru, Greece, Egypt and Atlantis itself, the main character destroys the plans of the insidious Natla and successfully destroys her.

Using old animations and mechanics, seasoning it all with light innovations, Crystal Dynamics managed to create a reference remake. Huge and empty levels made saturated and more compact. They have become linear, but this does not interfere with the main idea of ​​the project — the British adventurer again solves riddles, avoids traps and searches for ancient artifacts. On the contrary, intimacy does not let you get bored.

We changed not only the appearance, but also the essence of the locations. If earlier it was necessary to collect four prongs to turn on the mechanism in the tomb of Kualopek, and then run with them to the very beginning of the level, now everything is different. The mechanism is still in the initial location, the search for teeth takes place at its different ends, but all this is done in the form of a multi-level puzzle with a sequence of actions.

Some improvements have also been made to the shooting mechanics. Now, if an angry enemy runs to Lara Croft, and she does a somersault in time, a mini-game is activated in which you need to press the shoot button in time. This will overwhelm the enemy.

Added some acrobatic tricks. Now the main character can balance on the pillars by jumping on top of them, or run along the walls with her magnetic hook. Many mysteries are tied to this, the complexity of which grows already by Greece. This is a little surprising, but it helps to quickly get involved and get used to the pace and difficulties of the local tombs.

Tomb Raider: Anniversary turned out to be a reference remake. The love of Crystal Dynamics to the original is visible to the naked eye. She helped them make a more local, but rich and interesting game, without breaking anything in the original idea and their own mechanics introduced in Legend. Unfortunately, they will make a mistake in a year, trying to create something new.

Tomb Raider: Underworld (2008)

The previous parts of the trilogy were released on the generation of PlayStation 2 and Xbox Original, and therefore «Underworld» was considered Lara Croft «new generation». The marketing company of the project insisted on this, promising us increased detail and large scale. Unfortunately, Crystal Dynamics repeated the fate of Core Design — releasing a new game every year, there is simply no time left to make important decisions. This is what made Underworld the worst of the trilogy.

The plot is one of the few things that can surprise you. The continuation of Legend was finally able to answer the questions of the players: what happened to Lara’s mother, where did Amanda absorbed by the dark spirit disappear, and also what happened to Jacqueline Natla after Anniversary. All this is seasoned with mysticism, Scandinavian legends and the search for artifacts of Thor — a belt, gloves and the famous hammer Mjolnir. It is with their help that Miss Croft manages to defeat the Queen of Atlantis for the last time, closing this page of her history forever.

The main character has her breasts and hips enlarged, her lips enlarged. Her new clothes are very often «on the edge» — which is worth only diving equipment. The charms of the British are constantly poking us at the screen, as if trying to distract from something important. A little later it becomes clear from what exactly.

Animations have become not only worse — they have become wooden. If in past projects manual animation was used, then in Underworld they decided to give everything at the mercy of the Motion Capture system. The creators recorded animations from live actors, only few people can move as gracefully as Lara Croft of Legend and Anniversary. In a jump, or any other somersault, the heroine resembles rather a monkey, on which the skin of a tomb raider was pulled over.

For some reason, the heroine’s movements were made terribly sharp and twitchy, and control was transferred to the mouse. Now, in order to turn around, you have to turn the camera from side to side, and during acrobatic studies, this only gets in the way. Instead of turning around or looking around, Lara will most likely just fall down.

Combat mechanics have been changed. Tomb Raider can now melee knock out enemies, dual-wield multiple targets, and dangle from a ledge. Secondary weapons can be obtained at any time using the updated pocket computer of the heroine. But this does not save from the general despondency of shootings similar to each other.

It is unknown why Crystal Dynamics decided to hit the next genome on the Tomb Raider series. The studio and the publisher needed to take a break to think things through, to weigh the decisions made, but in the annual mode of releasing projects, there is simply no time. This played a cruel joke with Tomb Raider Underworld, turning the long-awaited sequel to Legend into just a passing game. It’s not as bad as Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness and older parts of the series, but it’s also dubious to enjoy.


The relaunch by Crystal Dynamics brought back players’ faith in Tomb Raider. Best to this day, Legend rethought and changed the gameplay, and also returned an adequate, within the framework of the series, plot. Anniversary respected the classics, making it more comfortable and enjoyable. But there was a misfire with Underworld — too little time for development, swing to new consoles and strange decisions of the developers made it a passing project.

The series then went on an extended hiatus for six years and returned with a new reboot that changed the franchise forever. To learn more about the return of Lara Croft in 2013, see our article «The Degradation of the Tomb Raider Series».

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