Lost ark pvp: Lost Ark PvP guide: Rewards, ranks, and the best PvP classes

Lost Ark PvP guide: Rewards, ranks, and the best PvP classes

Want to know more about Lost Ark’s PvP system? Once you’ve gone through all the hard work of leveling your Lost Ark character, it’s time to take the fight to other players in PvP combat. Battling players is considerably harder than fighting against monsters in PvE; humans are smarter, they’re stronger, and battles tend to end quickly when your opponent knows how to counter your abilities.

Unlike a lot of MMORPG games, you have to get halfway through the leveling process before you’re able to fight other players in the Proving Grounds, Lost Ark’s PvP hub. There are several game modes to pick from, as well as a ranked mode which rewards skilled players with exclusive items.

The PvP system in Lost Ark ensures no one has a competitive advantage based on their experience or equipment, making it easy for new players to jump in without having to feel out of their depth. Here’s everything you need to know about PvP in Lost Ark, including information about the rank system, seasonal rewards, and more.

unlock the PvP Proving Grounds in Lost Ark

Lost Ark introduces players to the duelling system early on in the game, however, this is separate to the dedicated PvP area later on. To unlock the Proving Grounds, players must reach level 26 and have access to Luterra Castle. Once you reach Luterra Castle, the questline ‘Rebuilding Luterra’ should appear in your quest journal, leading you to the arena.

Lost Ark Best Classes for PvP

We have a guide on the best Lost Ark classes for PvP and PvE if you want to take competitive play seriously. The main thing to keep in mind is that Lost Ark doesn’t have any bad classes – every class is viable as long as you work together with your team.

As for builds, players have 1,250 stat points and 340 skill points to distribute to their class before heading off into battle. You also don’t need to think about equipment as that isn’t a factor in PvP matches.

Lost Ark PvP Modes

Lost Ark currently features three modes to pick from in the Proving Grounds:

  • Deathmatch (one player) – six players fight each other at the same time, the player with the highest number of kills wins the game
  • Team Deathmatch (one to three players) – two teams of three battle against each other to score the most amount of kills within a set period of time
  • Team Elimination (one to three players) – using the elimination format, two teams of three compete in 1v1 combat to determine the better set of players

While two of these modes can be played in a team, you can only play with a group of friends if you play the normal match mode. Competitive matches are restricted to solo queuing only – this way players can’t prepare their team compositions beforehand.

Lost Ark PvP Ranks and Rewards

As you start to earn points in competitive matches, there are seven ranks that provide different levels of seasonal rewards depending on where you land.

  • Bronze (points between 1 – 1399): No reward chest
  • Silver (points between 1400 – 1599): Silver award casket – unique look (leggings)
  • Gold (points between 1600 – 1799): Golden award casket – unique skin (bib and leggings)
  • Platinum (points between 1800 – 1999): Platinum award box – unique skin (headdress, bib, and leggings)
  • Diamond (points between 2000 – 9999): Diamond award box – unique title, unique skin (headdress, bib, and leggings)
  • Master (ranked 11 – 40): Award chest Master – 1,500 crystals, special aura, unique title, and unique skin (headdress, bib, and leggings)
  • Grand Master (ranked 1 – 10): Award chest Grandmaster – 5,000 crystals, special aura, special title, unique skin (headdress, bib, and leggings)

Rank does decay in Lost Ark and the decaying process speeds up depending on how high your rank is. For example, if you’ve managed to scrape into Diamond rank one month before the end of the season, there’s a good chance your rank is going to slip into Platinum if you don’t continue to play.

A lot of competitive players focus their efforts on ranked play at the end of the season to limit the effects of rank decay. The very best players in Master and Grand Master are expected to play every day in order to protect their highly volatile rank.

Lost Ark PvP Coins of Courage

In addition to the end of season rewards, players can earn tokens which can be used to purchase valuable rewards. Coins of courage are earned by winning PvP battles and if you reach a high enough PvP level, you can earn these tokens simply by participating in matches. Be careful, coins of courage expire at the end of each season, so make sure you spend them ahead of time.

You also earn a weekly reward depending on your PvP rank – the higher you are, the more tokens you earn. Redeem courage tokens by heading to the Quartermaster, where you can exchange your hard earned tokens for guild-related items, upgrade materials for PvE gear, and experience point elixirs. In addition to this, there are exclusive titles, mounts, and auras that can only be unlocked by PvP players.

Lost Ark Rank Points

As mentioned earlier, Lost Ark features a rank system which handles each player’s matchmaking rating, and a rank points system. The rank points system rewards players every week for participating in competitive matches. The amount of points earned depends on whether you win or lose, but your total rank points cannot decrease. After one week, this total number of points resets, allowing you to build your rank all over again.

Here are the current rank point titles in Lost Ark:

  • Gladiators (I to IX)
  • Commanders (I to IX)
  • Marshal

This system allows a player in Bronze or Silver to slowly accumulate enough points to reach Marshal rank, the highest available in the ranked points system. Players are rewarded for the amount of time they put in, not necessarily how skilled they are in competitive matches.

And that’s everything there is to know about the ranked system in Lost Ark. If you’re currently in the middle of leveling alt characters, you may be interested in our Lost Ark Power Pass guide to help speed up the process. We also recommend checking out our Lost Ark gold guide if you need to earn a quick buck.

Rules For PvP That Will Help You Win More Often

Lost Ark’s PvP system is one that, at a glance, seems chaotic and maybe even «shallow.» But, upon actually taking part in it and looking beneath the surface, it quickly becomes clear how much of a misunderstanding this is.

The Player-versus-Player content in Smilergate’sLost Arkhas an absurd amount of depth as well as rewards (such as exclusive Mounts) and plays widely different from any other fights in the entirety of the game. Because of this steep initial learning curve, players are struggling and bouncing off Lost Ark’s PvP pretty quickly (thankfully a lot more was just added to the game). Here are some of the best tips that can help players avoid this.

8/8 Positioning Is Everything

This needs to be the first lesson players learn when diving into the Proving Grounds of Lost Ark, and that’s the lesson of Positioning. While Positioning obviously matters for a large majority of LA’s endgame content, such as Abyssal Dungeons and Raids, it’s a bit different here.

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It’s more than just making sure to stay out of the red telegraphs and attack the boss from the most Class-efficient area (AKA Front or Back attacks). In addition, players must be aware of their animation startups, the range of their attacks to a pixel-perfect degree, and how far their opponent’s attacks will reach. A simple misstep in positioning can easily get a player trapped in an infinite combo that takes them from 100 percent to dead in a few short seconds.

7/8 Learn The Importance Of Peeling

Peeling is a pretty standard term in MMORPGs, MOBAs, and a couple other game genres. Essentially, it means to pull the aggro of the enemies away from allies so that they can reset, reposition, and unleash some damage of their own.

In some games, like League of Legends, Peeling is innate and relatively easy to understand. In Lost Ark, however, it’s a bit more difficult to pull off, since an extra step forward can get a player caught in a semi-infinite combo. So, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Peeling is primarily about
    drawing Aggro, not dealing damage.
  • Players should never abandon the person who peeled for them.
  • Sometimes, it’s just not worth the risk to attempt and Peel for an ally.

6/8 Understand Class Flowcharts

There’s a fair comparison to make between Lost Ark’s PVP mode and the Fighting Game genre. Both games require that players learn the «Flowchart» of their character/class. The «Flowchart» includes:

  • Which Skills are the most optimal to use for every different situation.
  • What to do when a Skill hits or when it misses, and what the next step should be.
  • What Skills lead into each other as part of a combo, and when to use Skills individually.

No matter what class one plays in Lost Ark, understanding their class’s Flowchart is essential.

5/8 You Don’t Have To Full-Send It Every Time

When most Lost Ark players start getting into the game’s PVP, it’s very easy to fall into the false narrative that every engagement continues until someone dies. In the lower MMR, players more often than not just fully commit to every fight, AKA the «sink-or-swim» strategy. But this tactic becomes increasingly less effective the more people get matched with higher-tier players.

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In actuality, Lost Ark’s PVP is built more around a «Guerilla Warfare» concept. Instead of one big engagement, it’s better to have a series of smaller engages, in which players focus on safely disengaging after they get their full combo out, only going back in once this combo is ready again or their window of opportunity appears.

4/8 Internalize Lost Ark’s Crowd Control Rules

Crowd Control in the Proving Grounds of Arkesia is huge. Understanding what types of CC exist in the game, how each type works, and what they look like can vastly change a player’s Win-Loss statistic. There are three different «types» of CC in Lost Ark: Stagger, Knock Up, and Stuns. Each one has a different «Immunity» that players will see in their Skill descriptions.

  • Stagger (Paralysis Immunity):
    This is when the player’s attack animation gets interrupted by another attack, AKA «Staggered» out of their attack. Basic Attacks usually cause Stagger.

  • Knock-Up (Push Immunity):
    This one is obvious visually, as this is either when the player is knocked up into the air or down onto the ground. The Recovery Action can be used while stuck in this CC.

  • Stun (Debuff Immunity):
    The «Hardest» form of CC, Stun stops the player in place, gives them stars above their head, and prevents them from using any of their abilities. There is no way to break free from this instantaneously.

Additionally, there are three types of «Super Armor» in the game, which use specific keywords to denote what CC they cancel or are «immune» against. Paralysis Immunity ignores Stagger; Push Immunity ignores Knock-Up; and Debuff Immunity ignores all CC, including Stun.

3/8 Play In 21:9 Aspect Ratio

In the standard Lost Ark content where it’s very PvE-centric, the debate between players using their default resolution or the «forced» 21:9 Aspect Ratio doesn’t have a lot of ground to stand on. In fact, many players don’t even know this option exists. Yes, players can see a bit further in all directions thanks to the wider camera, but there’s also that obnoxious letterboxing on the top and bottom of the screen, and the UI doesn’t utilize this new empty blank space at all.

RELATED: Things We Love About Lost Ark (& Things We Don’t)

Still, in PvP, this aspect aatio is almost required to make any sort of significant progress in the rankings. Without it, players will constantly find themselves hit by Bard, Sorceress, and Deadeye Skills without seeing where they’re coming from. Additionally, some Skills with the right Tripods enabled can cover more than the entire screen, so this aspect ratio also allows players to utilize their own Skills more efficiently as well.

2/8 Cowards Usually Win

Anyone who plays a projectile or technical character in fighting games knows this, but winning is winning. It doesn’t matter what it takes. A Fox player can spam their Blaster in Super Smash Bros all they want; Guile can spam Sonic Booms in Street Fighter; Faust can toss items around all day in Guilty Gear — they’ll all be considered legitimate winners.

This same methodology applies to Lost Ark’s PvP, where «cowards» usually reign supreme. It essentially boils down to this: get in safely and unload the Class’s main combo, get out while the enemy is down, and use every tool to stay away from them until the combo is back up. Simply rinse and repeat. And, when a player gets low on HP, they should absolutely try and run out the clock as much as possible before dying.

1/8 Know Your Role

Lastly, Lost Ark PvP players need to learn their Role in regard to their class. For the most part, the Combat Role of each Class in PvP is pretty similar to their role in the PvE content. Gunlancers are aggressive tanks, Berserkers are button-slamming damage dealers, and Sorceresses are trap-planting queens.

But, there are several exceptions as well, such as the Support Classes and the Martial Artists (including the new Glavier class). Bards and Paladins, in particular, are heavy hitters in PvP that will take most PvE players by surprise. Essentially, all players should learn what their Class excels at in PvP and adapt their playstyle accordingly instead of just going «all-in» every time.

Lost Ark is available on PC.

MORE: The Best Games To Play If You Loved Lost Ark

The Lost Ark: A Beginner’s Guide

1 Quick Links

2 How are the classes different?

Quick links

  • General advice for beginners
  • Character creation and customization
  • Bleeding manual
  • Dungeon Beginner’s Guide
  • PvP Manual

The Lost Ark is finally available to Western audiences. Following the success in Korea and Russia, players from North America and the EU, as well as other regions, can now immerse themselves — properly — in Smilegate’s MMOARPG. The game is beautiful, large-scale, and there is a lot to learn from it.

In this beginner’s guide, you’ll find everything you need to get started playing Lost Ark. We’ll walk you through how the gameplay works, what classes are available, and some general tips for getting started.

General advice for beginners

Welcome to Lost Ark. Here are some simple tips to help you better understand the game.

  • The maximum character level in Lost Ark is level 60. . This has been updated due to the inclusion of T2/T3 content in the Western launch. You can level up several alternate characters by working on your account level . If you want to know how long it will take to reach the maximum level, check out our guide here.
  • In the North and South Europe version of the game, you start at level 10 with some skills already unlocked. Do not confuse. The way it is.

  • Simple gear tips while leveling: Upgrade gear that has blue «arrow» on it, always redeem your Adventure items (yellow arrow) and focus on main quest if you want to maximize your time to reward.

  • Lost Ark has a fast travel system called « tripods » that cost a small amount of silver and can be used to travel between given locations on the same continent. You can quickly move from anywhere at any time.

  • You can get a free pet in the game by completing a quest in the first main hub city. Be sure to complete this quest. Pets are primarily useful for gathering loot, although high-level pets will also provide small buffs.
  • You can reset skills at any time absolutely free of charge which makes it easy to experiment with different builds.
  • There are three separate levels: Combat level, equipment rating and your account list. Your combat level is the level of your main character, equipment score is the cost of your items (sometimes called i-level), and the account list is a summary of all your characters on that account.

  • There are several currencies in the game — Blue crystals, silver, gold, pirate coins, feons, rift shards, carnelian and so on. . We won’t go into details here, as they are all covered in the game when you encounter them.

  • Skills have various attributes such as Stagger, Back Attack, Weak Point, etc. We’ll take a closer look at them in our class overviews.

Check out our explanation of Founder’s Packs if you’d like to pre-order before launch.

Character Creation and Customization

At the start of the game, you can create a character. Theoretically, this will be your first character and the first one you level up to level 50 with. There are several classes and specialized classes to choose from. Here is a summary.

Grade Advanced
  • Berserk
  • Paladin
  • shooter
Martial artist
  • Forward
  • Wardancer
  • Scraper
  • soulfist
  • Shooter
  • Artilleryman
  • Dead Eye
  • Sniper
  • Bard
  • Sorceress
  • Ghost Hunter
  • Death Blade

How are the classes different?

There are five basic grades with separate advanced grades inside. You can choose your advanced class at level 10, which happens immediately in the current prologue. Here is a very brief overview of the various classes in Lost Ark.

  • Warrior — Your classic, tanky melee DPS class. Berserker deals damage, Paladin acts as a heavy, aggressive support, and Marksman is one of the most tanky classes in the game.
  • Martial Artists — These melee fighters have high mobility and high damage. Male and female counterparts are also available for these classes, divided into four advanced classes. They have similar features, but are slightly different from each other.
  • archer — Ranged high damage characters — Artilleryman with rockets, Sniper with arrows, etc.
  • Mage Summoner that deals damage and main support in the game, Bard .
  • Assassin — Split into two parts, the Deathblade and Shadowhunter lead this fast-paced, high-damage class.

Go to our What class should you play in Lost Ark? See the guide for more information on class mechanics, playstyles, and other details.

Bleeding guide

Leveling is an important part of Lost Ark. Much of the gameplay revolves around the daily endgame missions, raids, and PvP content. You want to get there fairly quickly.

  • If you want to reach level 50 as quickly as possible, simplify the main quest while ignoring side quests, understanding quests and secret dungeons.

  • This should take you along 15-20 hours to reach the maximum level by completing only the main quest, depending on how fast you go.

  • You can solo most of the leveling content with any class in the game. .
  • You can choose a class with high mobility to speed up movement through zones, for example, Wardancer or any other Fighter class.

  • You will be there is access to the mount, but it can not be used in all zones, for example in dungeons.

  • Be aware of your Adventurer’s Tome . You can unlock account-wide rewards here.

Dungeon Beginner’s Guide

Dungeons are accessible through the main storyline and are always instanced, though you can solo any content on hard or normal . You get slightly better rewards on hard mode, but since you’ll be chasing gear, there’s no need to complete them on hard.

  • Complete dungeons as normal to speed up leveling.

  • You can go through the dungeons alone or with friends.

  • Once inside the dungeon, you cannot use the mount, but you can skip certain groups of enemies. They won’t follow you endlessly.

  • Most dungeons have a large raid boss at the end of the dungeon. They can be played solo.

  • There are secret dungeons where you can find my research scrolls in certain places.

We are currently working on completing our dungeon guides.

PvP Manual

You can play PvP from level 26 in the current live patch for Lost Ark, although we’re not sure if this applies to the upcoming closed beta and full western release of the game.

PvP originally required level 50. Regardless, PvP is a huge part of the endgame. There are different game modes, but the most popular is the 3v3 ranked arena.

  • You open PvP at level 26 in Luterra Castle. There is a quest line that you can follow to unlock the arena.

  • All gears are balanced. Thus, PvP is quite balanced.
  • Different classes behave differently in PvP than in PvE.

  • The end game is split between PvP and PvE content. You can find something to do with both types of gameplay.


Best Soulfist Builds — Guides & Game Reviews

We break down the most popular Soulfist builds in Lost Ark with detailed tips on skills, engraving and play style.

Soulfist is a well balanced class in Lost Ark’s PvE with huge burst damage potential. This class is also viable in PvP thanks to high mobility and a skill set that can be difficult to master.

This build guide takes a detailed look at two of the most popular Soulist setups. We have a powerful PvE build Robust Spirit and a high mobility PvP build.

For a complete overview of the Soulist class, check out our Soulist class guide. We will go into detail about class engravings, mechanics, and general playstyles.


  1. Soulist Robust Spirit PvE Build Dungeons
  2. Engravings
  3. Statistics
  4. PvE Perfume Combo

This is a 284 PvE build that uses the Strong Spirit class engraving. At level 3, Robust Spirit increases your total damage by 35% while you are in Hype (full energy) and you regenerate energy 200% faster. This build relies heavily on getting out of hype mode to deal maximum burst damage with World Obliteration , your powerful awakening skill.

Strong Armor

  • While holding this skill, all incoming damage is reduced by 30%

Wide impact

  • Radius increased by 20%
Ability Single tripod Tripod two Tripod 3
Energy Explosion

  • Charged area attack with the ability to knock enemies back.
  • Stagger Medium to Strong with Paralysis Super Armor
Weakness detection

  • Increases damage against knock-resistant enemies by 25%

  • When you charge this ability, you become immune to shock.
Fist Of Fury

  • Increases cooldown and damage by 80%
Crippling Barrier

  • An area slow with a hold that can deal damage over multiple hits, adding a movement speed and attack speed debuff to enemies.
  • Medium stun, Super Armor Paralyze
Strong impact

  • Energy cost increased by 20%, but Barrier damage increased by 10% per hit (up to 11 individual hits)
Sharp judgment

  • A charge skill that you can use to pull enemies in a short distance deals 40% of maximum charge damage
Magnetic Palm

  • Leap forward, dealing 3x damage, then releasing a charge to knock enemies into the air.
  • Stagger in the middle, attack in the back, super armor Paralysis

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Strong armor

  • While holding this skill, all incoming damage is reduced by 20%
Storm Explosion

  • Cone AoE Attack
Song of the Time

  • Stuns enemies for 3 seconds on hit
Energy Explosion

  • AoE attack width increased by 30%

  • Increases attack range by 4m. Enemies with a name or higher take 100% more damage
Merciless Strike

  • Multiple attack, can change direction between attacks
  • Low stagger, back attack, super armor Paralysis
Strong impact

  • Energy cost increased by 20% and total damage dealt increased by 20%

  • Adds two additional attacks to the last hit, deals 50% skill damage
Double Up

  • Creates an afterimage that deals 100% damage and increases cooldown by 5 seconds
Force Orb

  • Overturning attack (wave attack)
Quick preparation

  • Cooldown reduced by 4 seconds
Power wave

  • Increases attack power, damage plus 40%
Scattering Wave

  • 3 separate cone-shaped waves, total damage 110%+
Quick step

  • Mobile ability with toss up, combo to activate 2 more times, increased cooldown and increased energy consumption per use
Excellent mobility

  • Increases travel distance by 2 m
Victory Creek

  • Increases attack power by 10% for 3 seconds
Death Finger

  • Dodge back 2m, dealing damage to enemies in the air +30%
  • Attack back, slight stagger
Flaming Hands

  • Fire element. Burns the enemy. Deals damage every tick for 7 seconds

Skill Awakening — World Destruction. Deals massive area damage after 3 seconds. He’s hard to hit on single targets, especially raid bosses, but time it right with your Hype Mode 3 and you’ll deal massive damage. Great for clearing dungeons.


This is an example of loading engravings for the Robust Spirit/World Decimation PvE build for Soulist.

Attack and movement speed increased by 15%.

Strong Spirit Class Engraving: When using Hype, you will immediately go to level 3. In Hype mode, you regenerate energy 200% faster and your overall damage is increased by 35%.
Spirit Drain
Awakening Awakening skill cooldown reduced by 50%, +3 max uses. at Level 3.
Malice Damage increased by 20% to boss level or higher. Incoming damage reduced by 20% of boss or level or higher.
Cursed Doll Attack power increased by 16%, incoming healing reduced by 25%


You are aiming for division of specialization and critical hit into accessories . Focus on specialization first — this increases the impact of your ad mode, which this build heavily depends on. Then move on to crit as a secondary stat.

  • You need necklaces and earrings that share specializations/crits.
  • Agility/Strength or Crit/Strength split rings

Perfumed PvE combo

While you’re waiting for Awakening the World’s End to cool down, you’re aiming for combo Flash Step to attack, Power Orb to knock down, and Deathfinger to deal extra damage.