Harvest moon ds tipps: ‘Harvest Moon DS’ Tips & Tricks

‘Harvest Moon DS’ Tips & Tricks

In anticipation of the Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town remake, I dusted off an old game of the series, Harvest Moon DS, and I’ve decided to share a few tips/tricks. Most of these do not work with the female version Harvest Moon DS Cute. A lot of these are only successful because there are so many bugs and glitches in the North America release of Harvest Moon DS!

1 Million Gold Tip

Before your first year is over, you can make over a million gold by using this trick. You’ll need a few water harvest sprites to do this (I had 3). Any easy way to unlock your first water sprite is by fishing in the watering pond next to your Horse Shed. After you receive the fishing pole from Galen, catch 10 fish to receive a sprite, and then fish another 100 to receive the third sprite.

When winter comes, hire the fishing team to work at the beach. Every day, there’s a chance you may receive up to 1 million gold. On Winter day 2, I had over 1 million in my assets sheet. Just refresh your asset sheet as the trick will appear randomly.

Note: This appears to have been corrected in the English version of Harvest Moon DS Cute.

The Witch Princess and Other Marriage Glitches

Harvest Moon DS has a lot of bugs, mistranslations, and glitches, so there were multiple versions of this game that was released; there are 3 versions of Harvest Moon DS in North America. There’s version 1, 1.05, and 1.1. Version 1.1 is the only version that has the Witch Princess fixed, and unfortunately, 1.1 only equals about 10% of the copies sold in NA. Unless you have version 1.1, the Witch will not count how many animals you kill and the event will not activate making her unavailable for marriage. The fix for this can be found during the New Years Festival. At the New Years Festival, if you get Buckwheat Flour instead of Buckwheat Noodles, your game is not glitched and you can marry the Witch Princess or Harvest Goddess.

There’s also an inability to marry the Harvest Goddess because of the missing Buckwheat Flour. Just like with the Witch Princess, receiving Buckwheat Flour at the New Years Festival will confirm that the game is not glitched and that marriage to her is possible. If the “Choker” accessory item does not show up in the Mining List, the Harvest Goddess is also unavailable for marriage. In shipped item list the necklace may also appear as choker, but it is not known if this is a fix for this glitch.

If you have a hurricane or snow storm while being married to Leia the mermaid, the pond might get blown away along with Leia. She will still appear for events, but she will not appear at any other time. Since you can not give her gifts her LP will drop which may cause difficult in having a child if this happens right after you marry her. Getting remarried is also not a possibility in Harvest Moon DS.

Unlimited Wool

Since it takes so long to collect the amount of wool necessary to free up the Harvest Sprites (Betty, Chamy, and Ole), those who desire a faster method can use Lord Bap’s Sheep Sheering Sheet to speed up the process. There are a lot of steps, but you may receive up to 6 wools from 1 sheep with this method if done correctly.

“First off you’ll need an adult sheep with a full body of fur. Make sure you have put the sheep inside your barn so as to prevent the passage of time. Push the sheep against a wall to prevent it from wandering around, equip your Touch Glove and Clippers, and then start the sheering mini game”. The completed visual guide can be found here.

Note: This appears to have been corrected in the English version of Harvest Moon DS Cute.


You can use this trick for just about anything, but this is the most fail-proof method to reach the bottom of the mine—the save/load trick. This requires an insane amount of patience, and works with the female version of the game, Harvest Moon DS Cute.

If you use your Hoe to till the ground inside the excavation site, you can find small bags of money (3 – 10 gold each) and jewelry that sells for 2000 G a piece. When you dig in the ground you exhaust your Stamina, so save/loading to only dig on the spots where the jewelry spawns can result in a nice profit.

To conserve your Stamina, enter the excavation site and then save your game. Be sure to save inside the excavation site, since the dig spots will reset every time you enter/leave. Start digging around until you find a piece of jewelry (Earrings, Broach, Bracelet, or Necklace), then reload your saved game. After you have reloaded just walk to the spot in the excavation site where you found the jewelry and dig it up with one hit of your Hoe. Leave the excavation site, enter again, save, dig around until you find another piece, and reload just like before. This can be very tedious, but you’ll have enough energy to easily make 10,000 gold or more without exhausting your Stamina to 0.

Save Your Game Often

Due to the numerous variables in the game that are randomly decided (such as weather, crop success, mining, etc.), it’s a good idea to save your game each and every time your character goes to bed. That way, if you wake up in the morning and something is happening that you don’t like (or something happens that you don’t like throughout the course of the day), you can simply reset your Nintendo DS and restart the game, hoping for better results. You can repeat this as often as you want.

Sell Fish to Van

The wandering salesman will visit Ruby’s Inn on the 3rd, 8th, 13th, 18th, 23rd, and 28th day of every season. He will set up his shop in the back of the 2nd floor—just go up the stairs to the 2nd floor, through the archway, and to the left.

Van will purchase just about anything you give him, but his price for fish is unusually high. Normally, you can ship fish for 50 G each to Thomas (in your Shipping Bin), but if you sell them to Van when he is in town, you can earn about 250 G per fish! Just talk to him, and select “Sell Items” from his shop menu.

Mining Tips + Food

As mentioned before, reaching the bottom of the mine can be a very tedious task and requires a tremendous amount of patience, but it’s well worth the effort, as floor 255 of the 2nd mine contains a potential love interest for boys, and the Dark Sword, which can be used to unlock the fertile field behind the waterfall.

As you descend down the floors in the mines you need to keep an eye on your Stamina levels. It wouldn’t be good if you where half way down and had to start over again because you passed out!

When you fall down a hole you will loose Strength equal to the number of floors you fall, up to a max of 100 STR lost. If you don’t recharge your depleted Strength, you’ll be working off of your Fatigue points instead. If you happen to fall down a hole when you have 0 STR, you will loose Fatigue instead. When you eat food you can recharge your Strength and Fatigue back to safe levels.

There are creatures throughout the mines that will try to harm you. The bugs will fly along set paths and can easily be avoided, but the other beasts will hone in on your location and knock you around. If they hit you, you will loose stamina! Fight them off with your tools (which uses Stamina anyway) or run around while avoiding the creatures with the hope you will luckily run over an invisible hole to escape down to a lower floor. Powered up tools do not hit for additional damage.

I really love Harvest Moon, Story of Seasons, and Stardew Valley. I’ve been playing the Harvest Moon games for a really long time, and it’s one of my favorite series of all time. Follow me on Twitter to get notifications on my published works here and elsewhere!

Harvest Moon: Tipps, Lösungen und News

Wirtschaftssimulationen hatten lange Zeit den Ruf seelenlose und mit unübersichtlichen Statistiken überhäufte Expertenspiele zu sein die für Ottonormalspieler zu komplex kompliziert und teilweise schlicht und einfach zu langweilig sind. Die Ausnahmen waren immer rar gesät. Spiele in denen der Spaß noch im Mittelpunkt stand in denen es nicht darum ging Bilanzen miteinander abzugleichen und sich den Stress eines Großmoguls aufzuhalsen. «Harvest Moon 1» war nicht nur eine dieser Ausnahmen sondern ist zudem eine Initialzündung für eine ganz neue Art von Wirtschaftssimulationen und gilt zurecht als Meilenstein des Genres. Das Ziel klingt einfach: Der Spieler schlüpft in die Rolle eines Bauern und übernimmt dessen Aufgaben und Tätigkeiten. Und auf einem Bauernhof gibt es viel zu tun: Die Felder müssen bestellt und die Ernte rechtzeitig eingefahren werden. Auch die Tiere müssen eine vernünftige Versorgung erhalten damit sie genug Profit abwerfen um den Hofbetrieb am Laufen zu halten. Durch das Erfüllen dieser Aufgaben kann der Spieler dazu beitragen dass sein Hof immer weiter wächst und expandiert.Aber «Harvest Moon 1» ist eben mehr als eine schnöde Wirtschaftssimulation. Der Spieler kann direkt Kontrolle auf den von ihm gesteuerten Bauern ausüben. Der Spieler schlüpft dadurch direkt in die Rolle des Hofbetreibers. Somit ist nicht nur für ein Maximum an entspannender ländlicher Atmosphäre gesorgt sondern darüber hinaus wird die Spiel- zur Identifikationsfigur. Auch der Bauer hat seine Sorgen und Nöte seien es die konkurrierenden Landwirte oder die hübsche Marktfrau auf dem Dorfplatz. Das Fingerspitzengefühl eines jeden Spielers entscheidet über Erfolg und Misserfolg eines ganzen Lebens.

Nintendo, Natsume
Rollenspiel, Strategie, Simulation
Letzter Release: 
12.04.2007 (NDS)
ab 0 (NDS, GB, SNES)
n/a (N64)
12.04.2007 (NDS)
25.11.1998 (GB)
29.01.1998 (SNES)
22.12.1999 (N64)


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Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for August 2022 | Chita.ru

In August, gardeners again have a lot of trouble


It seems that in August, know for yourself to harvest and remember the recipes for conservation in order to preserve it until the next season. But it was not there! The moon dictates its own rules to gardeners, and the most restless ones can not only clean up beds and cut branches with shoots, but also plant something useful. What garden work you can do in the garden, checking the lunar calendar, we will now tell.

There are few unfavorable days for gardeners in August: on the 15th, the lunar calendar recommends doing nothing, and on the 26th and 27th, when the Moon is in the sign of Leo (an unfertile sign of the Zodiac), it directly screams that you do nothing. But for the rest of the days you can safely endure all your troubles.

Gardener’s lunar calendar for August 2022


Those who plan to enjoy fresh greens in autumn can plant onions, cucumbers, cabbage, asparagus, radishes and much more in August. Residents of southern latitudes can postpone planting until September, but in the middle lane — it’s time.

If autumn is expected early, you can plant greens in a greenhouse or in a greenhouse, and not in open ground.

What and when is better to plant in August 2022

I didn’t have to replant anything in the spring.

Trees and shrubs that can be planted in autumn


In addition, August is a great time for planting green manure. They will increase fertility, help improve the soil and improve its structure, loosen the lower layers and restore saline soil.

The lunar calendar also has something to say about harvesting. According to him, in August 2022, August 18, 23 and 24 are best suited for harvesting. Perhaps the lunar calendar alone is not to be trusted here.

— A lot depends on weather conditions, whether the summer was hot and dry or, conversely, cool and rainy, says Evgeny Shcherbakov. — Therefore, here it is necessary to take into account the calendar terms of ripening, and focus on signs that show that it is time to harvest. Take the same potato. In August — September, the tubers have already taken everything they could from the tops, so if you see that the tops have begun to dry and turn yellow, be prepared to dig up potatoes in three weeks. For greater certainty, you can dig a couple of test specimens. If the skin on all the tubers is dense and does not hang down, and most of the potatoes have separated from the bush, you can start harvesting. If it seems to you that some bushes are not ripe, wait another week or two.

What kind of gardening you can do in August


Also in August, don’t forget to support fruit trees and shrubs and protect them from breakage — a bountiful harvest can harm even adults trees, and there is no need to talk about young seedlings. So, so that nothing breaks, provide plants with supports and garters.

Trim branches, shoots and fading flowers to keep plants from wasting resources. Also loosen, spud and dig the ground near the roots. And do not forget about fertilizers — most of all they are needed by plants and flowers, especially demanding for wintering.

Here, of course, no Lunar calendar can advise you. You can make blanks at any convenient time and depending on what you managed to collect. For example, not so long ago we shared tips and recipes from gardeners on how to store berries so that they survive through winter (and longer).


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Ilya Nenko

Editor-in-chief of the national editorial office

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Queen of the Night: How the Moon Affects Your Harvest

  • DzagiGrow

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    Queen of the Night: How the Moon Affects Your Harvest

Since ancient times, at an early stage of their development, many peoples have observed the change in the phases of the moon. This gave them the first idea of ​​how the moon affects the development of plants, the ebb and flow, and man. Centuries-old experience and observations of the satellite of our planet have turned into a certain knowledge that can be profitably used.

Open the grower’s current lunar calendar

The Moon is a huge material object located in close proximity to the Earth. The movement of the Moon around the Earth has a complex orbit, more precisely, even to say both bodies — the Earth and the Moon — move around a certain common point of the center of mass. This movement generates lunar rhythms. The physical influence of the Moon leads to regular ebb and flow of liquid media, both in the seas and oceans, and in the physical systems of all living beings, including plants, causing a constant change in the direction of movement of plant juices.

The lunar month lasts about 28 days, and its duration is always slightly different. There are 4 phases through which the moon passes:

  • Phase of the growing moon — within two weeks from the moment of the new moon to the full moon, ascending sap flow occurs in plants — from roots to foliage, flowers, fruits. Together with the growing Moon, the energy of the plant also rises, upward growth occurs. During this period, sowing and planting is recommended, as well as transplanting plants that develop above the ground.
  • The Full Moon phase is «full flowering». Plants at this time are the most resilient and full of energy, contain a maximum of useful substances. Therefore, in order to get the most useful and energetically saturated fruits, they should be removed on the days of the full moon — the day before the full moon, on the day of the full moon, on the first day after the full moon. Since the activity of the biofield is concentrated in the aerial parts of plants, this period is not favorable for pruning, pinching plants.
  • Phase of the waning moon — on Earth there is a decrease in the water level, low tides, a gradual decline in vital activity. In plants, energy rushes down — from the crown to the roots, they become sensitive and fragile, and the stems and branches, on the contrary, react poorly to damage. The period is favorable for root dressing and pruning to slow down the growth of shoots.
  • New Moon phase – all activity of the biofield is concentrated in the roots of the plant. Landing work and transplants are not desirable. You can carry out work to protect against pests; pruning diseased and dry branches, unnecessary shoots and overgrowth.
  • Thus, we can conclude that the seeds that fall into the ground during the waxing Moon are programmed for more active growth upwards and development above the ground, and those that were planted during the waning Moon have the opposite tendency to develop downward underground. Therefore, plants whose fruits develop above the ground must be sown and planted with the growing moon. And all root crops — with decreasing.

    In addition, it is important to consider which sign of the zodiac the Moon is in, since all signs are divided into fertile, signs of average fertility and barren signs.

    Fertile zodiac signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

    Signs of average fertility: Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn.

    Barren zodiac signs: Aries, Gemini, Virgo, Leo, Aquarius.

    Yes, the lunar calendar is not a guarantee of a successful harvest, it is at least a good helper. And to apply his recommendations or not is your choice. But observations show that if the phase of the moon and its location in a fertile sign are taken into account when sowing, then the harvest is indeed higher.

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