Pokemon was ist gegen was effektiv: Fee (Typvorstellung) — Pokémon-Lexikon — Bisafans.de

Fee (Typvorstellung) — Pokémon-Lexikon — Bisafans.de

Mit der 6. Generation und den Spielen Pokémon X/Y (3DS) wurde
erstmals der Typ Fee eingeführt, der massive Auswirkungen auf die
bisherige Spielbalance hat. So dominierten in den letzten Jahre
zweifelsfrei Pokémon des Typs Drachen Turniere aller Art. Ob dies nur
am Typ Drachen selbst lag, der neben Drache nur noch gegen den Typ Eis
eine Schwäche besitzt, ist eine andere Frage. Drachen wiesen unter
anderem überdurchschnittlich hohe Statuswerte auf, was Drachen zu
einer Art Mini-Legendäre machte.

Der Typ Fee sollte diese Dominanz der Drachen brechen, indem Pokémon
des Typs Fee besonders effektiv gegen Drachen sind und von diesen
sogar keinen Schaden erhalten können. Schadensimmunitäten sind nach
wie vor eine Seltenheit in Pokémon, so dass man auf den ersten Blick
durchaus meinen könnte, dass sich nun alle auf den Typ Fee stürzen.
Gründe gibt es auf jeden Fall dafür, denn der Typ Fee ist nicht nur
gegen Drachen sehr effektiv, sondern auch gegen Kampf und Unlicht.
Hinzu kommt, dass der Typ Fee gegen Käfer-, Kampf- und
Unlicht-Attacken besonders resistent ist.

Der Typ Fee im Kampf-Schnellcheck

-Attacken sind besonders effektiv (Doppelter Schaden) gegen:
-Attacken sind besonders nicht effektiv (halber Schaden) gegen:
-Pokémon sind immun (kein Schaden durch Attacken) gegen:
-Pokémon sind stark (halber Schaden durch Attacken) gegen:
-Pokémon sind schwach (doppelter Schaden durch Attacken) gegen:

Im Gegenzug besitzt der Typ Fee natürlich auch Schwächen, die man
bei einer guten Teamgestaltung zu beachten hat. So richten Attacken
des Typs Fee gegen Pokémon der Typen Feuer, Gift und Stahl nur
geringen Schaden an, Attacken des Typs Gift und Stahl sind gegen Feen
besonders effektiv. Da der Typ Käfer relativ selten ist und zusätzlich
kaum verwendet wird, bleibt als einzige Gefahr in der Praxis der Typ
Stahl. Dieser ist häufiger vertreten und Pokémon wie Stolloss, Stahlos
oder Caesurio finden gerne ihren Weg in Teams. Stahl ist somit die
ganz große Gefahr für jeden, der einen Fee-Typ einsetzt.

Die wohl größte aktuelle Schwäche des Typs Fee ist hingegen die
stark begrenzte Anzahl an Pokémon und Attacken, die es (noch) gibt. So
praktisch und effektiv der Typ Fee ist, so unterdurchschnittlich sind
aktuell die Pokémon, die diesen Typ tragen. Neben Xerneas mit einem
hervorragenden Statuswerte-Set, wird es schon schwer. Untenstehend
findet sich eine übersicht aller Pokémon des Typs Fee. Für mehr
Informationen einfach mit dem Mauszeiger auf ein Pokémon fahren oder
es anklicken um im Pokédex z.B. die Attacken und mehr Details einsehen
zu können.

Alle 35 Pokémon des Typs Fee auf einen Blick

Hinweis: Einige Pokémon weisen Besonderheiten auf. So
ist 493 Arceus in seiner Normalform kein Feen-Pokémon, wird jedoch mit
der Feentafel zu einem. Guardevoir und Flunkifer besitzen eine
Mega-Entwicklung, die ebenfalls vom Typ Fee ist, jedoch für diese
Liste nicht als extra Pokémon gezählt wird, da Mega-Entwicklungen nur
temporär sind und somit kein wirklich neues Pokémon darstellen.

Zusammenfassend lässt sich also sagen, dass der Typ Fee wegen seiner
enormen Stärke gegen Drachen zweifelsfrei seinen Weg in Turnierteams
finden wird, die aktuelle Auswahl an Feen-Pokémon dies jedoch wieder
bremst. Außer Xerneas weisen die meisten Feen-Pokémon relativ schwache
Statuswerte aus und eignen sich damit nur für spezialisierte Teams,
während Drachen nach wie vor starke Allrounder bleiben werden. Schuld
daran ist auch der Mix an Feen-Attacken. So gibt es unter den 16
Feen-Attacken nur sieben, die Schaden anrichten, alle anderen sind
Status-Attacken. Für Turniere dürften sich ohnehin nur Attacken wie
Mondgewalt (Stärke 95), Knuddler (Stärke 90) und Zauberschein (Stärke
80) eignen, die restlichen Attacken sind für ernsthafte Kämpfe nicht
stark genug. Wer aus physische Attacken setzt, hat nur Knuddler zur
Auswahl, was ebenfalls einschränkend ist. Es wird jedoch in Zukunft
nicht mehr möglich sein ein reines Drachen-Team bei einem Turnier
einzusetzen. Der wirklich große Durchbruch für Fee-Pokémon wird aber
wohl erst noch kommen.

Um dieses Spezial abzurunden, finden sich untenstehend noch alle
Attacken des Typs Fee. Hierbei ist zu beachten, dass einige bekannte
Attacken der ersten fünf Generationen ab der 6. Generation vom Typ Fee

Alle 16 Attacken des Typs Fee auf einen Blick

Welcher Pokemon Typ ist effektiv gegen Wasser? (Technik, Games, Gaming)

Letzte Aktivität: 03.12.2022, 21:56
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  • Nintendo 3DS
  • Welcher Pokemon Typ ist effektiv außer vom Typ Pflanze

    ChrisCat1, UserMod Light



    Technik, Nintendo

    12. 11.2018, 19:24

    Pflanze und Elektro

    Quelle: https://www.pokewiki.de/Wasser


    12.11.2018, 20:03

    Die Attacke Gefriertrocknung ist ein Sonderfall, der als Eisattacke effektiv ist gegen Wasser. Zusätzlich dann eben noch Elektro und Pflanze.

    Wasser ist halbwegs berühmt dafür, dass es recht wenige Schwächen und ein paar wenige, aber gute Resistenzen hat weshalb es viele gute «Wasser Tanks» gibt, die dies ausnutzen. Mamolida, Aquana, Lahmus, Suicune, Milotic und Apoqualyp sind ein paar der beliebteren.


    12. 11.2018, 20:48

    Also wie du gesagt hast Pflanhe und Elektro und dann gibt es noch Sonderfälle wie den Gefriertrockner.

    Wegem den wenigen Schwächen ist Wasser ein beliebtee Typ.

    Woher ich das weiß:Hobby – Seit meiner Kindheit spiele ich das schon 😀


    12.11.2018, 19:22



    12.11.2018, 19:22

    Guck auf Pokewiki da stehen alle Effektivität.

    anime story Pokemon — Anime on DTF

    How our favorite animated series of our childhood has changed.


    In Russia, people know Pokemon firsthand. What kid didn’t run to the TV in the early 2000s to watch the next episode? Discussing Ash’s victories and losses, collecting poke merchandise, playing chips with friends in the yard — many still consider these to be one of the best childhood memories.

    The peak of Pokemon’s popularity in Russia came in 2001, but in Japan the series never slowed down. In 2017, the anime celebrated its 20th anniversary. Let’s follow his path and find out how the series has changed since the first season.

    The first seasons — timeless classics

    The history of Pokemon began with the hobby of Japanese game designer Satoshi Tajiri: as a child, he collected bugs. This passion formed the basis of the first games Pocket Monsters Red and Pocket Monsters Green (later in America — Red and Blue), which were released in 1996: they even got into the Guinness Book of Records as «the best-selling RPG on the Game Boy» and as «the best-selling RPG of all time.» Based on the games, an anime series was shot, which gained no less popularity.

    Japanese first opening

    In the game, the main character was asked to choose one of the three starting Pokémon — Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle. But for the anime, something particularly memorable was needed — a Pokemon that could become a symbol of the entire franchise.

    Initially, a pink Clefairy was considered, but this option was abandoned: the creators were looking for a Pokémon that both boys and girls would equally like. Pikachu was perfect for this role, loved by almost everyone. For maximum recognition, his name and voice acting were even kept in adaptations of different countries.

    The anime differed from the games not only in the first Pokemon, but also in the new main character: in the center of the story is a 10-year-old boy Ash (in the Japanese version — Satoshi, named after the creator), who dreams of becoming the world’s best Pokemon master. The novice coach’s enthusiasm is off the charts: he strives to «collect them all», fight with eight stadium leaders, the badges for defeating which give the right to participate in the large-scale championship of the region — the Indigo League.

    Ash does not have to be bored on his journey, because over time, hot-tempered Misty and amorous Brock join him: they often find themselves in various funny situations due to their character traits. However, that’s why they fell in love with the audience.

    No less interesting are the negative characters — thieves-losers Jessie, James and Meowth from Team R. It’s hard not to empathize with such «villains», because they are always «in flight». And the trio doesn’t look like fearsome thieves either: James flies around with a collection of bottle caps, Jessie dreams of a set of dolls she didn’t get as a child, and Meowth has a heartbreaking story about a broken heart, thanks to which he learned to speak human language.

    The series became a resounding success, so the creators decided not to limit themselves to one season — even though the plot was completed and Ash participated in the Indigo League. It is worth noting that the finale of the first season is not so obvious: the audience did not expect Ash to lose the League. In further arcs, the authors adhered to the same scheme, excluding intrigue: the main character loses by default so that he has something to strive for further.

    The second season of «The Adventures of the Orange Islands» can be called a filler, since there was no such region in the games. Nevertheless, this anime did not get worse, the writers came up with new tricks. This time, badge battles are not regular battles, but creative tasks to test various skills of Pokémon. Another advantage of the season is the resort atmosphere: tropical islands were associated with summer and relaxation.

    Russian opening of the second season

    But there were also forced changes associated with the release of the series on the world level. Brock, a character with an Asian appearance, left the company of friends, and white and tall Tracy became a new companion. So the creators wanted to avoid racial stereotypes.


    The first two seasons belong to the first generation: the series deals with 151 Pokémon. An important detail: despite the fact that in the anime it is repeated many times that these are all known types of Pokemon, even then creatures from the next generation appear in the series.

    With the release of new seasons, the mystery of the legendary bird Ho-oh, which Ash met in the first episode, is revealed, it becomes clear where Misty’s rare Togepi baby Pokémon came from, and also why Merrill Tracy’s water mouse is not in the generation list. During the first broadcast, these questions were not answered.

    The First Seasons: Pokémon As We Know Them

    In Russia, «Pokemon» made no less noise than in the whole world: the hobby was rampant, but they got to us only at the end of 2000. The local adaptation of the series from the Ukrainian studio «Pilot» had its own curious features, which the audience at the beginning of the 2000s did not pay attention to.

    Russian ending: Pokemon names left in American version

    First of all, the Russian version is a hybrid of the American and Polish adaptations. As a result, we got the names of Pokémon and characters, music from the USA, and the names of cities from Poland.

    For example, Ash’s hometown is originally called Masara (from the words «new» and «white»), in the American version — Pallet Town («palette»). In Poland and Russia they settled on Alabastia. Not the worst option: the name comes from the word «alabaster» (white mineral), which is closer to the Japanese version.

    Local innovations in our adaptation were also present: the character Gary was renamed Harry, Ninetails was translated as Nine-Tails. In some series, Clefairy is called Aria, Strength is called Navy Seal, Pokedex is called Dexter.

    Also, for the first version of the opening, they chose the minus of the second verse from the American song, which is more dynamic. But later they returned to the original version, and also rewrote the Russian lyrics of the song so that it would be more suitable for anime in meaning.

    First version of Russian opening

    It is interesting to return to the intricacies of translation years later, but viewers in the 2000s were worried about another problem: the second season was never shown to the end. On August 6, 2001, the demonstration of Pokémon in Russia ceased. According to rumors, the reason for this was the death of the head of the ORT children’s department, Sergei Suponev, on whose initiative the series was shown.

    The plot for the Russians ended at an important episode for the development of events: the naughty Pokémon Charizard finally made friends with Ash. The moment was delayed as best they could: at first they showed reruns, then — one episode a week. The children really missed their favorite anime, but gradually Pokemon began to be forgotten. For a long time little was heard about them in our country.

    If almost everyone is familiar with the first seasons, then only the most dedicated fans followed Ash’s subsequent adventures. Of course, some saw snatches of new seasons on TV — since 2008, Pokemon has returned to screens in Russia. Follow the path of Ash and his friends for 20+ years.

    The rest of the seasons — what happened next

    One thing remains the same in the series: Ash is 10 years old by default, he always loses the League. On the one hand, there is no character development and intrigue in the plot, on the other hand, this allows you to maintain a convenient format in the anime. However, most viewers are satisfied with this alignment, otherwise Pokemon would have touched on completely different problems. But even within such narrow limits, the series continues to change and surprise fans.

    The main measure of reference in the franchise is generations, at the moment there are seven of them. Each of them starts with a new game: a new region and a set of Pokémon are created. After some time, another arc of anime based on motives comes out. To avoid confusion, it is worth paying attention to the fact that two generations are included in the first arc of the series at once, in all subsequent ones there is already a strict correspondence: the second arc is the third generation, the third is the fourth, and so on. For convenience, we will consider it by generations.

    The second generation in the anime begins immediately after the well-known season of Adventures in the Orange Islands. Ash is going to a new region for the first time — Johto — and this is the biggest innovation so far. Since these seasons are a continuation of the previous arc, much remains the same: art, characters, main rival.

    Ash is not only not joined by new companions, but Brock, who was replaced by Tracy on the Orange Islands, returns. The series is as close as possible to the first season, but there is a difference — the plot develops more slowly, the key series with battles for badges are shared by a large number of episodes.

    In general, watching the second generation seasons is recommended for anyone who loves the atmosphere and art of the old Pokémon, considers Misty and Brock Ash’s best companions and wants to see how the confrontation with Harry is resolved. Until this moment, the series remains the way we loved it as children.

    The classic Pokémon is being replaced by the third generation and the Advanced Generation arc. And with it come significant changes.

    First, rookie coach Mei joins the group as a replacement for Misty, who has stayed in her hometown to look after the stadium. Not everyone liked this move, but still the character was appreciated: Mei, over the course of the arc, from a person who does not really like Pokemon, turns into a caring and skillful trainer. In addition to May, her brother Max joins the heroes: thanks to him, the series becomes closer to a younger audience.

    May and her Pokémon

    Another big update: in addition to badge battles and participation in the League, there is an alternative type of activity for trainers — Pokémon competitions, in which ribbons are awarded for victory. In these competitions, not only strength is valued, but also beauty with grace, so this sport is ideal for girls.

    Thus, the creators made May the main character on a par with Ash: she found her calling in becoming a coordinator, that is, a participant in the competition. Another lucky find: Team Rocket Jessie also enters these contests and becomes May’s rival.

    In general, the third generation does not deviate too far from the previous ones, the atmosphere and series are kept in the old style. For a couple of episodes, Misty even joins friends. Of course, the picture has become more modern, but its perception depends only on the tastes of the audience, because someone prefers retro.

    The fourth generation (Diamond & Pearl series arc) continues the line of the third: Dawn’s next companion also wants to become a coordinator. Therefore, the new series are not surprising — they use old developments. But the fans were pleased with something: another Pokémon with a bright character travels with the trainers — Piplup the penguin. He constantly puts on airs, because of which he gets into various funny situations and adds to the comedy of the series. As a result, the pokemon becomes almost one of the main characters on a par with Pikachu and rarely sits in a pokeball.

    But the fifth generation (Black & White series) brings many surprises. One of the biggest changes is that Team Rocket has been virtually eliminated from the story. Now villains appear only in special cases, for example, when performing a mission to catch the rarest Pokémon. On the one hand, boring monotonous episodes were removed from the series in which the heroes fight Team R, on the other hand, viewers sometimes lacked funny moments with the unlucky trio.

    The second important difference is that now both of Ash’s companions are changing. But they are a bit like the heroes of the first season: the gourmet Cilan cooks chic meals, like Brock, and the dragon Pokemon trainer Iris argues with Ash, as does Misty, who also specializes in a particular type.

    In addition, this time there is no coordinator among friends: all attention is focused on Ash’s battles, which is also close to the first generation.

    In the sixth generation series, a lot of things return to the usual pattern: Team Rocket annoys the heroes like in the good old days, and the new heroine Serena participates in Pokémon demonstrations — close to coordinating activities. Added pluses and a more detailed and high-quality picture.

    Despite the fact that all Ash’s companions have changed and the younger sister of one of the heroes has also appeared, the fans of the series paid special attention to Serena. Thanks to her, a more pronounced romantic line appeared in the series — the heroine is in love with Ash. The opinions of the fans were divided: not everyone was delighted with this plot twist. However, Pokémon has not departed from the usual course — for Ash, only friendship still exists.

    The seventh generation (the Sun & Moon Series arc) turned everything upside down: the new series turned out to be the most unusual and experimental in history.

    The first thing that catches your eye is a simplified picture, which has become the subject of controversy among fans. Some did not expect the series to develop in a similar vein, especially after a very serious and epic previous arc, while others, on the contrary, took it as an interesting move.

    The changes that few people expected from the anime did not end there: instead of the usual companions, a whole group of comrades from the school of Pokemon trainers appeared (before that, in principle, in the world of Pokemon, schools were very rare). In addition, the League and Stadium Leaders are gone, and Pokémon have z-attacks, unique enhanced attacks that require synchronized movements of the trainer and his Pokémon.

    The reaction of the fans to such a drastic change was about the same as to the new visual style: some asked to return everything as it was, and some kept up with the series, looking forward to what other surprises the writers would throw. Since the arc is still being released at the moment, it’s too early for Pokémon fans to draw definitive conclusions.

    Misty and Brock in a new art, appeared on a couple of episodes of

    Feature Films — Stories of Legends

    Even though the films are an addition to the series, it is impossible not to mention them, because they are different from the usual episode format.

    The events of the feature films take place between the series of all arcs. As a rule, the main goal of the films is to reveal the rarest Pokémon, called legendary. For special Pokémon — special means of expression, so the plots of the films are very serious and even dramatic, compared to the series. You worry more about the heroes, because in most feature films the characters are opposed not only by the funny R team, but also by really harsh bandits.

    Pokemon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew

    Things happen in the movies that you don’t see in the TV series. For example, the first movie, Mewtwo Strikes Back. It reveals the secret behind the incredibly powerful Pokémon, Team Rocket boss, who defeated Ash and Harry in one of the episodes. The viewers, intrigued by this series, finally got answers to all their questions. But the film is good not only for this: the tragic moment where Ash dies (well, almost) brought the anime to a new level — before that, there was no such intensity of emotions in the series.

    The rest of the feature films are not inferior in quality — each has its own merits. For example, in Pokemon 4Ever — Celebi: The Voice of the Forest, one of the anime’s regular characters is revealed in an unexpected way.

    Pokemon 4Ever: Celebi — Voice of the Forest

    In the feature films, you can also encounter not childishly sad moments: the finale of Pokemon Heroes: Latios & Latias turned out to be too sad for many, because one of the Pokemon sacrificed himself. Strong emotions can arise even if there is no tragedy in the film: Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea touches on the theme of maternal affection using the example of Mei and the Pokemon Manafi, which looks very touching.

    In addition, in the feature films, the plots are often more exciting than in the series — in Pokemon: Arceus and the Jewel of Life, for example, the characters go on an exciting journey through time.

    It cannot be said that all of the above components are completely absent in the series, but they are shown in a simpler way. For example, Misty and her Togepi in the first season also look like a mother and child, but their story is not as poignant as May and Manafi’s.

    May and Manafi

    Movies are worth watching for the sake of new facets of the familiar world, revealing secrets and interesting stories. But if you love Pokémon for its children’s plots, lack of serious problems and the ability to relax while watching extremely positive events on the screen, you may like the feature films less than the series.

    However, there are also some funny stories: along with the films, they show short films that are more childish in plot. These are funny stories from the life of Pokémon when they are left without trainers. Such episodes will even give odds to the series in their positivity.

    For example, Pikachu Vacation is a bonus for the first movie: all Pokémon go to a recreation park, where they first quarrel with other trainers’ Pokémon, and then reconcile, solving a common problem.

    Pikachu Vacation

    It would seem that everyone is already perfectly aware of what to expect from subsequent films. However, the anime does not stand still, and already the 20th film «Pokemon: I choose you» is different from the rest. It shows an alternate version of the events of the first season. The main character has completely different companions that are not related to the series. In this world, Ash encounters Pokémon from other generations early on, which makes the film a good gift for the 20th anniversary of the anime — it combines the entire history of the series.

    The next Pocket Monsters the Movie: Everyone’s Story, which premieres on July 13, will also be unusual: Ash will even have an elderly woman in his companions. Anime is definitely entering a new round of its development: for so many years, the idea of ​​»Pokemon» has not become obsolete at all and is still of interest.

    Pocket Monsters the Movie: Everyone’s Story

    Pokemon is an anime with a long history, loved by viewers around the world. It is still being released in different formats and never ceases to delight and surprise fans with something new.

    For Russia, this series will also forever remain special: it gave the generation of the nineties a happy childhood, and now new viewers are watching a fresh arc on the 2×2 channel. Some people follow the development of events throughout the years of the franchise, and someone just remembers that there are Pokemon seasons that appeared for him at the right time and in the right place.

    Pokémon: 18 Favorite Elemental Types

    With the release of Pokémon Sun and Moon this weekend, the portable franchise that has budding trainers everywhere catching them all enters its seventh generation. One of the parts of Pokémon games that make them so consistently rewarding is the type mechanic. Each Pokémon belongs to 1 or 2 of the 18 types that exist in the game, with each Pokémon being strong against certain varieties and weak against others. The Rock-Paper-Scissors mechanic is one of the simplest yet most important parts of the franchise, and the types themselves have built a reputation for themselves based on the Pokémon they show off.

    So what are the most popular types? Which type has consistently offered the most memorable, strongest, and most fun Pokémon to train and fight? This is obviously a subjective topic, but we think we get it. Here are Screen Rant selections for of the most beloved Pokemon types in rank .

    18 NORMAL

    Normal is vanilla Pokemon. This is a good enough type, but most people like it when it is accompanied by other types for contrast, at least. In fact, vanilla may be more popular than regular Pokémon.

    In Pokemon games, Normal has never had its rock-paper-scissors core game strengths and is ineffective against the Steel, Rock, and Ghost varieties, while having a particular weakness to the Fighting types. It doesn’t help with the cool factor that most of the normal Pokemon you encounter are found in the early game or as regular run food. We’ve all seen enough Rattat.

    In the more competitive Pokemon scene, there are some outstanding normal Pokemon like Blissey or Arceus that have a lot of hit points and can provide great support to their teams. Each generation also has a few large normal Pokemon like Snorlax, Kangaskhan and Slaking, and don’t forget the more curious normal Pokemon like Ditto and Smeargle. But at the end of the day, regular types… are just a little boring in comparison.

    17 POISON

    In the first few generations of games, Pokemon Poison was a type that only seemed to exist to apply its status effect of the same name. This was pretty annoying as you will always find opponents that have Poison Pokemon before you can get your own. The creators often seem to make Poison Pokemon the meanest and nastiest species of the entire group, making them a fitting calling card for the villainous Team Rocket. And when the battle was over, you had to deal with that flashing black border on your screen, reminding you that your poisoned Pokémon’s life was still fading away while you frantically made your way back to the Pokémon Center.

    The poison took some time to develop its own identity. Finally, by the time Generation 6 rolled around, Poison had gotten some powerful and useful moves of its own, as well as a few basic Poison-type Pokemon that actually looked cool, like Drapion and Toxicroak. Poison is also good against the new Fairy type and has resistance against Beetle, Fairy, Fighting, Grass, in addition to being immune to poison.

    16 FAIRY

    The introduction of the Fairy in Generation 6 was an even more drastic rebalancing of the type metagame than Dark and Steel were in Generation 2. Fairy is strong against Dark, Dragon and Fighting types, 3 of the most powerful offensive varieties in the game. It is also the only type that is immune to dragon attacks, but it is also weak to steel and poison types. So the best got a little and the worst got a little.

    It’s hard to judge the types of Fairies, as many of us are still used to old Pokémon turning into classifications. (When was the last time any of us thought about Granbull?) Of course, a lot of transformations make sense, such as Clefable, Wigglytuff, and Togekiss. Cards like Sylveon (an evolution of Fairy Eevee) and Legendary Xerneas are probably the most popular Fairy types to date, although Sun & Moon characters like Primarina, Magearna, Tapu Fini and Mimikyu may soon give them a chance to make money. Newer games are clearly looking to highlight the latest addition of fonts, so this could soon become a favorite. For now though, they are definitely at the end of the favorite scale.

    15 EARTH

    Earthquake. We all love it, we all hate it. But what else does the Ground type have to offer? In the first generation, he mostly served as a dual-type pair with Rock, although he had several of the same type, including Onix, Geodude, Rhydon, Cubone, and Sandslash. In the first generation, there were no strange combinations of types that could protect the Earth from its too common weaknesses for Water and Grass.

    But then we got Claydol, Exadril, Crocodile, Golurk and damn Groudon! After the introduction of the steel type, Ground boasts five types against which it is very effective. Only a Fighting Pokémon has so many strengths, and Earth is the only type that is very effective against Electric Pokémon. Good luck with your flights.

    Anime and Manga always bring Pokémon to life in a literal sense than games. When an earthquake is used on the Pokes screen, it doesn’t just cause cracks in the arena for one turn until everything is back to normal.

    14 BEETLE

    Is it worth it to switch to Metapod or Kakuna who knew to harden only a couple of times to develop Butterfree or Beedrill? Different coaches may feel differently. There was not much mention of bugs in the first generation, except in the anime. You cried when Ash released his Butterfree, don’t deny it. And almost everyone who played Red and Blue wanted Scyther or Pinsir from the opposite version.

    The error has always been the contested type. It is weak to normal Fire, Ice, Rock, and Fly type offensive moves, and most Bugs do not have raw stats or type coverage to use their power against Psychic. Then, someone at GameFreak came up with a Bug/Steel type creation scheme, so we got the fame of Scizor (and Mega Scizor), Escavalier and Genesect. Bug may still have a tough time in the type metagame, but she still gets some really cool Pokemon with every generation, like Heracross, Shedinja, Galvantula, and Volcarona.

    13 GRASS

    Grass is a very underrated type. This is one of the most common types, and has given us a lot of regular Pokémon inspired by different foliage. Grass is also one of the common starter-type Pokémon, and for most trainers, they usually end up being the least memorable of each trio. Grass Pokémon often get type pairs that double their overall weakness. Grass/Flying Pokemon are twice as susceptible to Ice-type moves, and Pokemon Grass Bug Pokemon are twice as weak against Ice and Fire, for example.

    But Grass Pokémon were some of our first Pokémon that taught us about statuses like sleep, paralysis, and draining moves. Grass also has its own basic strength type against the very common Ground, Rock and Water types. Each generation introduced some pretty cool Grass types like Exeggcutor, Breloom, Abomasnow and Amoonguss. And honestly, there’s nothing better than Sunny Day/Solarbeam comics.

    12 ROCK

    Rock had a lot of the coolest Pokemon in the first generation. Remember when you first saw Onyx in the anime and got excited when you had the opportunity to catch one in Red and Blue? Remember when those kids smart enough to turn their Graveller into a Golem were royalty at the dinner table? It is a pity that all types of Stones in generation 1 had an increased weakness to Grass.

    But The Rock has always had one of the best defensive averages in the game, if not the best type of matchup. Like many other types, Rock Pokémon benefited greatly from other type combinations introduced in subsequent generations. Aerodactyl, Tyranitar, Cradily, Bastiodon, and Barbaracle have some of the major disadvantages covered by double typing. And we have Tyrantrum, the bloody dinosaur dragon! Rock Pokemon even got a seat in Diancie’s recent Mythical Pokemon group, along with the likes of Mew and Celebi.

    11 fly

    Something about Flying types makes them automatically impressive. Oh, here’s a simple fire lizard starter you’ve been breeding. Have you reached level 36? Boom, that fire lizard is now a flying fire dragon! Have you been grinding a weak fish like water? A few more levels and you’ll have a colossal Water Dragon!

    Fly was one of the coolest things you could do with your Pokémon outside of the battle arena. Who wouldn’t want to ride in the back seat to whatever city they wanted? Undoubtedly, the Flying type has been saddled with a changeable bird-inspired Pokémon every generation. But they also got some cool themed Pokémon like Knocktower, Tropius, Honkrow, Talonflame, Noivern, and Tornadus. The Flying type has been paired with every other type in the game at least once, creating some of our favorite and most impressive Pokémon. Both the Legendary Birds and the Legendary Forces of Nature owe their greatness to their Flying Seal, not to mention the multitude of Dragons and Spellcasters.

    10 ICE

    Ice has always been one of the most popular types. Ice Pokémon tend to be among the more aesthetically interesting and sometimes beautiful looking creatures in the series, such as Cloyster and Aurorus respectively. They are also associated with Ghost for being the most unusual Pokémon, so their exotic rarity is boosted.

    The great thing about Ice for him in the first generation is that he was pretty much the only type that could kill Lance and his dragon lineup in the Elite Four. You know you had a Jynx, Cloyster, Laprass or maybe even an Articuno (if you’re lucky) in your back pocket ready to fire an Icebeam at a moment’s notice.

    Ice Beam is often found in the arsenal of non-Ice Pokémon, due to its common and uncommon strengths. Ice also has a few weird Pokes like Jynx on its list just to spice things up. Fans continue to speculate to this day as to what thematic or mythical inspirations may be behind her ice typing.


    Strong and mighty Fighting type was not always so strong and powerful. He has always been threatened by a powerful psyche and is even weak against a normal flying type. In 1st generation it was very effective against Normal, Rock and Ice, the latter being mostly a secondary type. And with the exception of Polywrath, there were only pure combat types in the first generation.

    But then generation 2 introduced Steel and Dark and decided to make combat types super effective against both of them. All of a sudden, Fighting proved to be very effective against five types, tying it with the previously mentioned Ground as the only classification in the game that is so strong against so many different types.

    Brawl soon began to combine with other types, resulting in some truly great Pokés such as Medicham, Lucario and Hawlucha. Three out of six fully developed Fire starters — and one out of six fully developed Grass starters — are of a combat secondary type. Blaziken, Infernape and Emboar are not only some of the most popular starters released so far, but also giants, even in the competitive arena. The fighting became so aggressively dominant that the Fairy became super effective when the newest series type was introduced in the sixth generation.

    8 WATER

    It should come as no surprise to Pokemon fans and girls that water is the most common type of all. This makes some sense when you think about how much life on the planet revolves around water and bodies of water. All kinds of real and legendary sea creatures have been the inspiration for the Water Pokémon. We have had some very powerful aquatic creatures for generations such as Gyarados, Lapras, Suikune, Wylord, Kyogre, Palkia, Seismitoad and Keldeo and we may have a few more of them to add to this list in the very near future .

    The Water Pokémon has always been one of the most reliable, powerful, and bulky Pokémon trainers could find in the mid game. They were our surfers, taking us to the open ocean for new adventures. Blastoise, Feraligatre, Swampert, Empoleon, Sumarotte and Greninja make up the thin line of water team pillars.

    Type Water has its fair share of legendary Pokémon like Squirtle, including a cool dude with shades that has joined Ash’s team. And with the advent of Z-movements in the Sun and Moon, even the Magicarp may no longer be completely miserable. Also, we heard that you are like Mudkips?

    7 STEEL

    Do you remember in the Pokemon trading card game when the new Metal Energy cards came out? They were drugs. The introduction of the steel type shook up the game. Steel was introduced with a whopping 11 resistances out of the then 17 Pokemon types. He ended up losing Ghost and Dark resistance, but gaining Fairy resistance and later super-effectiveness against Fairy in Generation 6. Registeel, Klinklang, and Mega Aggron are the only pure steel types, but Pokemon paired with a double Steel character set are some of the hardest in the game, depending on the other classification. For example, the Empoleon, the latest 4th generation water starter, is still one of the best defensive starters around.

    If you thought Onyx was cool, wait until you see Steelix and Mega Steelix! How about Scarmory, Metagross and Egislash? We also have Legendary Dialga and Cobalion representing a type of Steel, and we have Jirachi as a Mythical Steel Pokémon, in case you want to take things to the next level.

    Be sure to keep an eye out for Solgaleo in Sun & Moon; this dude is going to be awesome.

    6 ghost

    The Ghost type has always had an interesting place in the type metagame. They have been in a tug of war with Psychic and Dark since the second generation. Ghost is one of the few types that is strong against itself, much like a dragon, but it is also immune to normal and combat moves. In its current form, Dark is the only type that is resistant to Ghost.

    But enough of the little ones, Ghost Pokemon is cool! Remember how they tried to catch a Gastly or even a Ghost in Lavender City, or how creepy and funny the Ghosts themselves were in Anime? How about when Misdreavus was introduced as the first pure Ghost type and no one knew how his name was spelled? (We got that right, right?) Generation 4 also gave us Giratina, a Ghost/Dragon Pokémon that represented antimatter in the creation trio with Dialga and Palkia. Giratina can create portals that vary in size and take on more primitive forms that look like a cross between a snake, a spider, and a dragon, which obviously makes him a prime candidate for the coolest yet in town.

    5 DARK

    Dark Types are so cool, they’re too cool to still be the theme for any gym in any Pokémon game. However, various members of the Elite Four in several regions specialize in Dark types, including Karen, Sydney, and Grimsley. The villainous Pokémon teams also finally got an impressive Pokémon when Dark was introduced, which was definitely a nice touch.

    Dark was another type introduced to shake up the Psychic and Ghost metagame. Darkness is very effective against both of them — and completely immune to psychic attacks — but to balance things out a bit, it has had its own weaknesses to the Bug, Fighting, and Fairy types since 6th generation.

    We had midgum at first, but still very cool dark types like Houndoom and Sneasel. Like all the different types, we’ve gotten more and more outrageous Pokémon with each generation, but the Dark Type endgame Pokémon is one of the most powerful and fearsome of them all. We have Umbreon, Absol, Bisharp, Zoroark and Darkrai, all of which are scary in their own right, but we have Dark Dragon Hydraigon and the Legendary Death Pokémon itself, Yveltal.

    4 MENTAL

    We finally arrived at the first ever more-certainly fed. When the «psychic» type was first introduced in Generation 1, it actually had free reign due to type overlaps. The only pitfalls were that he was subject to Bug-type moves and couldn’t affect Ghost types; it was it. It’s a shame that all three Ghost Pokémon and most of the Bug Pokémon in Generation 1 had a secondary type of Poison, against which Psychic is very effective. The psychic can also crush that Machok, Primeup, or even that Hitmonchan you loved so much that would surely break hearts that day.

    Things became more and more balanced for the Psychic with the Darkness type introduced and the Ghost and Run type becoming more and more own. But rest assured, the psychic type has also grown. Each generation sees amazing new incarnations or combinations with the psychic type such as Xatu, Gardevoir, Hoopa, Espeon, Reuniclus. Many legendary Pokémon are descended from the Psychic type, including Lugia, Celebi, and Victini. Let’s not forget the big guns Mewtwo and Mew, who were the original all-powerful and uniquely rare Pokémon.

    And if you thought Solgaleo looked cool, wait until you get Lunala’s shipment.


    Let’s be honest: there’s one reason, and only one reason, why electric is number 3 on this list, and that’s Pikachu. But it’s a damn good reason. As the protagonist of the anime Pokémon and the franchise’s mascot, Pikachu still fascinates Pokémon fans (especially young children) around the world. The novelty is that in Pokemon Yellow you are accompanied by your very own Pikachu, just like the show was really special in those days.

    It doesn’t seem like Electric is a dull type sentimentally or mechanically. Electric is very effective against two very common types of Water and Fly, and it only has one real weakness (Earth). This makes it decisive, at least for attacking actions. Plenty of Electric favorites got even more amazing changes in later generations, like the Electivire and Magnezone.