Wow best addons: Top 8 Best WoW Addons (2022)

Top 8 Best WoW Addons (2022)

While World of Warcraft remains a fantastic game, its user-interface, both in its appearance and the way it presents information to the player, can be pretty poor at times. There’s also information that simply isn’t available to you without an addon, such as how much damage per second you’re doing and where resources spawn in the world.

Thankfully, the WoW community has always been proactive in resolving these issues by creating addons.

There’s thousands of WoW addons out there, and some better than others. If you’re getting into WoW for the first time or are simply looking for some new addons to try out, we’ve created an essential list of the most popular—and useful—addons in WoW.

Also Read: How To Install WoW Addons

Deadly Boss Mods

If you’re considering sinking your teeth into some endgame PvE content, Deadly Boss Mods is one of the best addons. Whether you’re doing Mythic+ or raids, many of the boss fights are demanding, and in many cases, downright confusing.

Deadly Boss Mods acts as a helping hand through these fights, alerting you when key mechanics are coming up and letting you know when you’re standing in something you shouldn’t be. This helps you to do a better job of planning cooldown usage, coordinating with your group, and positioning your character.

Deadly Boss Mods works pretty much out of the box, you’ll just need to tweak a few settings to your liking. Make sure you get this addon before tackling any difficult content, or your group will probably kick you!


If you care about the performance of yourself and your group during a fight, Details! is the go-to addon. You’re able to track many of the key performance metrics, such as damage dealt by each player, healing done, debuffs dispelled, and more. All of this is presented in an interface that’s incredibly intuitive and easily customisable.

It’s a great addon for competitive players who want to see how they’re stacking up against their peers, while also flagging players that aren’t pulling their weight. Clicking a player’s name lets you see performance in much more detail, including spells that did the most damage, number of interrupts in a fight, and more. You’re also able to share the data with your party so you can show off your big numbers.


Let’s face it, WoW’s default bag UI is pretty lackluster and outdated. Finding items can be a chore, and a unique window per bag is just unnecessary. Thankfully, Bagnon makes inventory management in WoW far easier and less time consuming.

Probably the most notable feature of Bagnon is the way it turns your bag and interface into one large window, and does the same with your bank. There’s also a sorting feature that you can customize, and the way Bagon color codes item icons based on rarity makes it easier to sell junk and less valuable gear at a glance.

There’s also a ton of advanced features, my favorite being the ability to check the banks of all my alts on one character. The tooltip counts for items are also handy, and means you’ll never have to spend money on crafting materials you don’t need.

Speaking of crafting materials, GatherMate 2 is one of the best WoW addons for all the gatherers out there. The spawn points of herbs and veins aren’t random; they’re coded into the game. GatherMate 2 removes the need to repeatedly circle a zone looking for materials, as it populates the spawn points on your map.


You’re able to set the addon to only register a node once you’ve picked or mined it, or you can download other players’ data to add all the common spawns automatically. To stop the map getting populated by useless nodes, you’re able to filter the ones you actually want to see, or set it so they only appear when you’re nearby.

Bartender 4

If we’re being honest, Blizzard hasn’t done all that much to update WoW’s UI since the game came out, 18 years ago. Bartender 4 transforms the old-fashioned action bars and allows you to customize and rearrange up to 10 action bars to your preference.

With Bartender 4, you can control the layout of your action bars, their position on your screen, transparency, size, and more. You can even switch between different action bars seamlessly, allowing you to optimize your bars depending on whether you’re raiding, running Mythic +, PvP, crafting, or any other type of content.


Keeping with the topic of UI, ElvUI is a true powerhouse when it comes to customizing your entire interface to your own tastes. While there’s a bit of a learning curve to this addon, it’s well worth spending some time with it if you really can’t stand WoW’s default interface.

Whether you’re a minimalist or prefer your screen to look like a spreadsheet, ElvUI allows you to change every little thing, from action bars to name plates, bag interfaces to buff and debuff displays, and much more. Just be prepared to watch a few YouTube videos to get the most out of this addon.


Like the previous one on this list, WeakAuras  can be a difficult addon to get to grasp with, but once you do, you’ll struggle to play end game content without it. It’s essentially an incredibly customisable way to present different information in the game, such as buffs and debuffs, cooldowns, energy meters, cast times, and more. Certain set-ups can even help you with your rotation, telling you what to prioritize.

WeakAuras can be made significantly less complex by installing other player’s set-ups. There’s plenty of dedicated players out there who have designed optimal templates for every class and spec, so you needn’t worry about doing it yourself.


If you’re a collector, this is the addon for you. This addon helps you to achieve 100% complete in WoW, by tracking your completion status of appearances, mounts, titles, toys, and just about anything else you can think of.

For stuff you’re missing, ALL THE THINGS has a ton of information about what quests you need to do, bosses you need to kill, or achievements you need to obtain to get each reward. If you’re seriously considering the mammoth task of getting everything in the game, this is the best addon for it.

The best WoW addons in 2022

The best WoW addons can make everyday activities like questing and trading much easier. World of Warcraft’s core UI is functional, sure, but it often lacks a certain something special. Ask anyone who has been mocked for using it after their party found out and they will tell you exactly where it falters.

The default UI doesn’t provide you with enough information at a glance during a raid, it’s too large on the screen so that it takes up to much screen real-estate, and it can be really clunky with all the windows popping up everywhere which you aren’t able to better arrange. WoW addons can fix all that.

Some WoW add-ons are aimed at avid raiders, while others tackle those all-important professions. With so many options, it’s tough to know what add-ons are worth your time. We’ve dug deep and tracked down the best of the bunch for general, all-purpose use. Each add-on will make your World of Warcraft experience far more pleasant, whether you’re a raider, tradesman, or simply keen to level up fast.

For installing and tracking these add-ons, we recommend the CurseForge app for PC or MacOS. This handy app helps you manage all your WoW add-ons and tracks whether updates to them are available.

Here is a list of the best World of Warcraft addons:


One of the most popular all-in-one add-on collections, ElvUI earned its unique status as one of the best WoW addons. It provides a sleek revamp of the entire default WoW user interface, combining many of the most popular improvements to spell bar placement, inventory view, frames for your raid members or opponents, and basic utility like the ability to sell all “grey” items or perform repairs automatically. It automatically configures your display based on your role (tank, ranged or melee dps, heals), but provides easy options for changing configurations, moving windows, binding keys, and a host of other tweaks to display and function.

Text windows are helpfully divided between chat channels, and loot and other screen-scrolling information. At the bottom of those windows and your mini-map, tiny configurable status displays tell you everything from how many War Resources you have to what your durability is at to how many free bag spaces you have left (currently zero, of course, given the huge array of bag-hogging items from Battle for Azeroth’s patches.) They can also give one-click access to your bags, your guild, or your friends list.

ElvUI is updated ridiculously often. Unlike most WoW add-ons, this package can’t be added to your Curse/Twitch list; instead, you’ll need to update separately. There’s a paid client to do that automatically, but the ElvUI collection is available to install manually for free.


Want to track those achievements, rare kills, items, treasures, pets, transmogs, or anything else you’re missing – and display them by the zone or area you’re in? The All the Things WoW addon has come to your rescue. It identifies everything you’re missing and presents them to you in one simple interface, allowing you to feed your inner Warcraft completionist obsessive.

The mod gives you a nice heads up for game content you might be missing, and also provides extra tooltip information about the things you’re collecting. A fanfare of chimes announces when you’ve collected or lost new appearances, pets, or items. All the Things is a must for Warcraft collectors, and a fun add-on for most players.

Separate databases keep All the Things from slowing down your gameplay, too.

Deadly Boss Mods

For five-man dungeons, Deadly Boss Mods is a great quality of life improvement, giving you warnings about important things – the boss is about to use a spell, you need to interrupt that mob’s cast to save your buddy – and generally acting as your gameplay guide.

For raids, DBM is essential, helping you to navigate tricky boss mechanics, giving you timers for when important events are coming in a fight, and generally giving you advance notice about all the things you need to do to keep your groupmates from yelling at you.

DBM is our choice because of the funny choices in its sound files; for example, a mechanic that makes you scatter from your teammates is typically accompanied by the Karazhan’s Big Bad Wolf yelling at you to “Run away, little girl, run away!” If you find that obnoxious, BigWigs Bossmods is another solid choice with less whimsy.

If you like DBM you can support its creator via Patreon (the link is on the page.

Weak Auras 2

There are several mods that allow you to set up simple ‘if this then that’ notifications for yourself. Is your major damage spell coming off cooldown? Is that crowd control spell about to expire? Mods like Weak Auras allow you to set up a blinking icon, text notification, sounds, or other noticeable cues.

For beginners, you might consider using TellMeWhen, which is perhaps the simplest, but still fully-featured version of these mods out there. For everyone else, the go-to is Weak Auras. Creating a new notification using a template is relatively easy, but the reason to use this over other mods is the huge array of pre-built notifications, trackers and simple quality-of-life doodads that have already been built by other people.

Want something that tells you in no uncertain terms what your “decrees” from Queen Azshara are in Eternal Palace? Something that tracks when the interrupt abilities of your party members are on cooldown in five man dungeons? Something that tells your party what Mythic Plus dungeon key you have so everyone can decide where you want to go? There are Weak Auras already made for all of those, plus collections for pretty much every class and specialization. Find a pile at after you’ve installed the mod.


There are plenty of damage and healing counters out there, but Details! is our favorite for its flexible displays, intuitive handling of things like pet damage, and lightweight installation. This mod allows you to track your damage or healing output (including absorbs like shields) based on the spells you cast and the abilities you use, how they hit your opponents, and how you compare against your group.

We especially like the ability to mouse over individual players to quickly glance what they’re casting and why they’re doing bigger numbers than you are. You can easily see segments like a single boss fight, or totals for an entire dungeon.


This simple WoW addon does one thing: bark at you when you’re standing in something awful. A lifesaver for hectic boss fights, GTFO sounds a blaring alarm when you’re standing in fire and a warning tone when you’ve been hit by a single ability you could have avoided.

Simple, lightweight, and a shortcut to looking very smart in groups. This is largely an audio addon (though visual warnings are possible with integration with Weak Auras or Power Auras Classic.) But if you look at the screenshot above, where we’re standing in green gunk, you can picture the alarm merrily blaring away.


There’s a lot of money to be made via the WoW auction house – if you know what you’re doing. Auctioneer goes some way to streamlining the process. This addon for WoW effectively appraises items, providing you with an intelligent price to sell a product for, making it easy to undercut others in the auction house.

It doesn’t stop there, though. The Auctioneer suite also tracks your bidding, postings, and mail, making it a breeze to list plenty of items at once. There’s also extensive support for enchanting, with figures available for disenchanting as well as selling enchantments. Used correctly, it’s quite the moneymaker, while saving you the effort of completing market analysis yourself.

If you really want to feed your inner goblin, TradeSkill Master is the state of the art for tracking and placing auctions, undercutting, combining raw materials from the auction house into items that sell for more, and the like. It comes with its own desktop app for maximum gold-making analysis, and requires separate download. It’ll identify good deals currently posted for sale and tell you what things should be worth. Using TSM correctly is a skill unto itself, so we don’t recommend it for beginners.


Keeping an eye on your inventory is a complex business once you own a few large bags, or you have multiple characters. Bagnon is a lifesaver in this context. Instead of having to view items bag by bag, it collates all your items together in one simple-to-view inventory screen.

Each item has a different colour assigned to it, depending on item quality, and there’s an intelligent search engine, too. This means you can see at a glance what’s going on inside your bags and that makes it easier for you to tidy them up.

Going one step further, the WoW addon also shows what all your characters possess, from how much gold they own to if certain items are duplicated across multiple characters. If you’re trying to move possessions from your main to an alt, it’s the perfect way to keep on top of everything.


Finding a rare item drop is immensely satisfying, but often it can be quite frustrating, too. The Rarity addon for WoW acknowledges that you want to know what the odds are of getting a good drop, tracking how many times you’ve tried to obtain everything from mounts to toys and battle pets.

In each case, it tells you how likely you are to obtain the item, tracks how long you’ve been trying, and determines how lucky you’ve been so far. No longer do you have to question whether you’re actually making progress. You’ll have a proper idea of your chances through statistical analysis. Basically, it’ll keep you sane.

Due to a change in the way Warcraft handles looting, Rarity does poorly at tracking items that drop from mobs that come in groups or drop nothing at all. If they drop gold, you’ll get the correct count; if they don’t, that ‘attempt’ won’t register.) Still, it’s a useful tool.


World of Warcraft’s map is fairly good at showing you where you need to go, but it’s not perfect. HandyNotes fills an important gap in the form of being able to add notes as you go along. A quick alt-right click on the world map lets you type in whatever you need to remember. More importantly, published collections of HandyNotes allow you to keep track of everything from the locations of treasure chests in Battle for Azeroth to the location (and whether you’ve killed them!) of rare creatures in Nazjatar or Mechagon.

As a result, HandyNotes is great for keeping track of locations such as secret entrances or even particularly scenic spots for light roleplaying. Prepackaged HandyNotes collections are their own WoW addons, but they all require HandyNotes to run. We highly recommend the Battle for Azeroth Treasures collection, and Nazjatar or Mechagon by TomCat’s Tours.

Angry World Quests

World of Warcraft: Legion brought with it World Quests – special temporary daily and weekly quests for maximum level characters. The problem was that World of Warcraft’s UI did a poor job of highlighting them and making them easy to track. Angry World Quests does the job for Blizzard, tracking quests in previous zones as well as those in Battle for Azeroth.

It lists quests directly on the world map, showing what the rewards will be and allowing easy filtering for quests that fulfil today’s emissary requirements and those that award gold, Azerite power, loot, or War Resources.

Sadly, Angry World Quests hasn’t been updated since 2018, but it appears to still work fine for now. If you’re looking for an alternative, we’d recommend World Quests List or World Quest Tracker, both of which offer similar functionality.

Bartender 4

Bartender 4 is a very useful mod that allows you to customise your action bars. It gives you full control over ten action bars, letting you customise their scale, position, fade-out settings, and more.


Never miss a nearby rare enemy again – RareScanner triumphantly announces rare monsters, treasures, and events in your immediate vicinity. Whenever a ‘vignette’ appears on the minimap – a star that denotes a rare, an event, or a treasure – an alert will sound, and a button will appear in the middle of your screen with the rare’s name and the loot that it drops. If you want to go after it, click the button, and a skull will appear over the NPC so you can track it down. RareScanner also adds icons for everything rare you discover, and will show extra information about it on a tooltip.

That lot should keep you going for a while. Enjoy the copious amounts of convenience we have just bestowed upon you.

Written by Heather Newman and Jennifer Allen

Best add-ons for World Of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Classic


View: 1022

Slot machine World of Warcraft: Classic is a pretty barren experience on the surface. The base game doesn’t necessarily give players much guidance when it comes to their adventures, so outside help may be needed to make the process run smoothly.

Fortunately, there are countless downloadable add-ons that can be integrated into your game and customized to make your journey across Azeroth easier. From addons that tell you everything you need to know about dungeon and raid encounters to addons that just let you customize your minimap, WoW: Burning Crusade Classic leaves a ton of room for added bits and pieces.

Here are some of the more important additions to consider before launching. Classic WoW is the latest expansion.


Screenshot via Blizzard Entertainment

Popular leveling addon in Classic Wow is back in Burning Crusade . The value of Questie lies in the fact that it provides insight into the countless quests that Wow has to offer. Between auto-tracking quests and displaying their objectives on the minimap, the Questie features are practically essential for any TBC Classic player. Since the built-in quest tracking system in WoW: Burning Crusade Classic , Questie greatly simplifies the leveling process and makes it more accessible for beginners.

Deadly Boss Mods

Deadly Boss Mods is one of the most famous addons in World of Warcraft — and for good reason. This addon, which gives real-time detailed breakdowns, timers, and warnings about dungeon and raid boss mechanics, is a practical must. This is especially true in TBC Classic given that boss encounters — especially those coming later in the expansion — are very vague to begin with, and in many cases will require outside help from an addon like this one.


TitanPanel is an important addition in Burning Crusade Classic due to the fact that it shows you all the information you need about your character at a glance. With total gold, bag, and exact location with displayed coordinates, TitanPanel will give you all the quick information you’ll ever need when leveling up or preparing for a raid.

tune in

Screenshot via Blizzard Entertainment

Perhaps the most grueling process The Burning Crusade Classic adjusts for when you get to the end of the expansion. Unlike retail World of Warcraft , raids and dungeons in Classic require players to complete a lengthy setup process, usually requiring extensive research and quest completion before they can enter a raid.

Attune serves as the perfect companion for tracking your progress through each of your customization chains, as it individually shows you how far you’ve progressed in each chain for each dungeon and raid. Whether you’re sneaking into Karazhan for the first time or slowly approaching the climactic Sunwell, Attune is perfect for knowing how long it will take before you can make it through the raid entrance.


The Ultimate DPS Meter in WoW: Classic is here to stay Burning Crusade . Recount is a short add-on that showcases the DPS numbers ranked by the player in a special panel. Because stats like damage throughput aren’t usually included in the game, Recount is a must-have addition for many players that gives a quick overview of how players are performing compared to their groupmates.


Screenshot via Blizzard Entertainment

Shredding reputation will become an integral part of Classic Burning Crusade experience. Once you reach max level, the race is on to get as many rewards and items as you can to progress, and each zone in the game has several reputations to keep an eye on. Fortunately, RepByZone automatically changes the reputation bar at the bottom of the screen to the most appropriate faction depending on where you are. For example, if you are in Zangarmarsh, the addon will showcase your reputation as Sporeggar, and if you are in Shattrath City, your reputation in the Lower City will be tracked on your bar. Instead of changing manually, RepByZone keeps track of all 19reputation in TBC Classic automatically based on your location in the world.


There’s nothing more annoying about Wow than getting a message from another player with a link in it and having to manually record that link in your web browser. ClickLinks is an add-on specially designed to solve this problem. This allows you to click on links pasted in Wow in chat and open them directly in your browser without manually entering the URL.


Image courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment

Bagnon is a simple addon that combines all the bags in your inventory into one interface. For example, instead of seeing five bags with 10 slots, Bunyon would have one large bag with 50 slots appear instead of your inventory interface.

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Over the past twelve months, we have a lot of reasons to return to already released games. There are a lot of DLCs, add-ons and free updates in 2021, and, most importantly, most of them turned out to be really successful. The best we have collected in this list.

There are already familiar content additions for game services, and add-ons for last year’s releases, and even a few additions for older titles that suddenly reminded of themselves in 2021.

If your personal favorite among the DLC released this year is not on the list, be sure to write about it in the comments.

Dead Cells: Fatal Falls

Motion Twin continues supporting their surprise hit Dead Cells for the fourth year in a row. The studio has been able to produce almost non-stop new content, and in addition to frequent free updates, Motion Twin also releases large paid DLC. In 2020, that was The Bad Seed, and this year, Fatal Falls.

In the new addition, the main character has a flying companion sword, new weapons, costumes, enemies and bosses. And back in November, Dead Cells received the All Here! crossover update, bringing skins and weapons from other popular indie games like Blasphemous and Hollow Knight.

But that’s not all: already on January 6, 2022, the next major add-on called The Queen and the Sea was released, in which Motion Twin, among other things, promise to add a new ending.

Doom Eternal: Ancient Gods — Part Two

The second part of the add-on for Doom Eternal can be scolded for controversial plot decisions and, perhaps, completely unreasonable twisting of the «epic» in the finale. However, in terms of gameplay, Part Two is a work on the mistakes that id Software made in Part One.

If in the first expansion every skirmish with demons was a tedious battle for survival, then in Part Two the clashes are closer in complexity and ingenuity to the «combat chess» from the main game. The bestiary has been replenished with new fiends, and the Executioner of Doom has a hammer in his arsenal that can stun a group of enemies.

In addition, the new tool is used to its fullest and significantly changes the pace of the battle. At the final stages, Part Two completely tests the player for strength and forces him to give all his best, using all available tricks — for this we love Doom Eternal.

Doomers, general collection: a review of The Ancient Gods — Part Two, the final DLC for DOOM Eternal

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A crumpled conclusion to an epic story that began in 2016.

Also in October, the shooter received a major free update for multiplayer, which introduced several new maps, ranked Battlemode and «Horde Mode».

Russian translation Disco Elysium

In 2021, Disco Elysium, one of the best RPGs of recent years, received not only a reissue of The Final Cut and a small content update, but also a long-awaited Russian-language localization.

The game is filled with dialogues with many colorful characters and internal skills of the protagonist, and the text itself consists of specific terminology and slang, because of which Disco Elysium on release caused difficulties even for the English-speaking audience.

Disco Elysium in Russian — an example of exemplary localization

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We spent a day in the Russian-speaking Revachol and tell how the translation turned out.

That’s why the addition of Russian translation allowed many players from the CIS to get acquainted with the outstanding RPG from the Estonian studio ZA / UM. The localization itself turned out to be excellent, and with the possible exception of a few minor points, the translation almost everywhere follows the letter of the original.

The Binding of Isaac: Repentance

Repentance is not only a great addition to one of the most important roguelikes, but also the final chapter in the history of The Binding of Isaac, which began back in 2011.

Repentance seems to have everything fans could ask for: new items, levels, bosses, and even endings. And all this — with complexity twisted to the ceiling, because the game not only has new content designed for a hardcore audience, but also the overall game balance has changed significantly. However, The Binding of Isaac never tried to be easy for beginners.

Time to die: Repentance review — the latest addition to The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

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An iconic update that makes the game harder than ever.

With the release of Repentance, the game has finally found its final form, and if you’ve been wanting to get acquainted with The Binding of Isaac for a long time, now is the perfect time to do it.

Watch Dogs: Legion — Bloodline

Despite the fact that the main feature of last year’s Watch Dogs: Legion was the ability to take control of any NPC, the Bloodline story expansion revolves around two specific heroes: Aiden Pearce from the first Watch Dogs and Wrench from the second part.

A duo of familiar characters find themselves in London shortly before the events of the main game. The plot part of the add-on is completed in a few hours, and in it Legion returns to its roots: the main characters here are not just random residents of the futuristic capital of England, but some kind of personalities with written stories and characters.

Even Pierce and Wrench’s abilities are unique to the game. Fortunately, after passing the DLC, both heroes can be recruited into a team in the main campaign. If you already have Watch Dogs: Legion, then Bloodline is definitely not worth passing by.

Total War: Warhammer II — The Silence & The Fury

Creative Assembly is preparing to release the third part of Total War: Warhammer, so this summer saw the release of the latest and biggest add-on for Total War: Warhammer II in recent times — The Silence & The Fury.

The greatest changes have affected the Beastmen, one of the weakest and most unclaimed factions among the players. Dwarves have also received a minor overhaul, and lizardmen have a new lord. In addition, the long-awaited ogres, omnivorous giants, who will become a full-fledged faction in Total War: Warhammer III, have been added to the game as free mercenaries.

Beasts, Lizards and Ogres: An overview of The Silence and The Fury, the biggest expansion for Total War: Warhammer II

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Beastmen shit, lizardfolk spy, ogres eat everyone, dwarves grumble more than ever.

Four years of support for Total War: Warhammer II ended with The Silence & The Fury, so Creative Assembly is now focused on the threequel, which will be released in February 2022.

Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut

An update for the samurai action game Ghost of Tsushima, subtitled Director’s Cut, received mixed reviews. On the one hand, a whole new island has been added to the game to explore. On the other hand, some PS5 next-gen upgrades could only be unlocked for an additional fee, which not everyone liked.

However, if we talk specifically about the content content of the Director’s Cut, then the passage of the storyline on the island of Iki will take 6-8 hours, with rewards in the form of new armor and skills. In general, a good GOTY re-release for the most popular action game of 2020.

Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut on PS5 — screenshots and impressions

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The Ghost of Tsushima: Legends multiplayer also received a new update, which added new maps and the Rivals mode.

No Man’s Sky — Companions, Expeditions, Prisms, Frontiers

I would like to believe that the enthusiasm with which Hello Games continues to work on No Man’s Sky is contagious. After the failed launch of the game, the studio did not abandon the game, but, on the contrary, began to steadily release new free updates. Sean Murray’s team doesn’t even seem to be going to stop, because this year alone the game received several major updates at once:

  • In Companions , players have the opportunity to tame wild animals that can be found on planets, as well as grow genetically modified animals themselves.
  • Expeditions has seasonal events and events with rewards for completing them.
  • Prisms No Man’s Sky received significant graphics improvements, including support for DLSS technology.
  • Finally, in Frontiers — one of the biggest updates to the game of all time — procedurally generated settlements appeared. The player can interact with residents and even become the mayor of one of the cities.

In 2021, the space «survivor» turned five years old, and Hello Games tried to celebrate this date with dignity. Therefore, it is not surprising that this year No Man’s Sky still managed to get «mostly positive» ratings from the players on Steam.

Death Stranding: Director’s Cut

Death Stranding received another «director’s cut» this year. As with Ghost of Tsushima, the Director’s Cut for Hideo Kojima’s courier simulator is only available on PS5 — at least for now.

Impressions of Death Stranding: Director’s Cut in beautiful (and not so) screenshots

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And a couple of tips for those who can’t decide whether to buy the game or not.

It holds a resolution close to 4K well in both modes and 60 fps. The game also has excellent HDR. True, the original looked amazing, so you risk not noticing the difference

The updated version has several new tools and structures that can facilitate the delivery of goods, but there is almost no story content.

Therefore, if you haven’t gotten to Death Stranding yet and want to complete the game in its entirety, you should look towards the Director’s Cut. Well, or if you needed a reason to replay.

Outer Wilds: Echoes of the Eye

Echoes of the Eye is an expansion that shouldn’t have existed. Outer Wilds was released in 2019 and was a complete game with seemingly no unsolved mysteries left. But no, Mobius Digital found a way to tell another story in an ever-dying solar system, and they did it brilliantly.

The last secret of the universe: an overview of Echoes of the Eye — abstract

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Without spoilers, here’s how the first and last expansion for Outer Wilds turned out.

Echoes of the Eye manages to remain inventive even against the backdrop of the original, and due to the denser filling of content, here you are much more likely to be surprised by what is happening on the screen. For ten hours, the addon carries the player along an incredible emotional roller coaster, forcing either to rejoice at new discoveries, or to run away in a panic in the dark from . .. in general, you will find out for yourself.

Be sure to play Echoes of the Eye if you like Outer Wilds. If you haven’t played the original, now you have another reason to play one of the best adventure games of recent years, and arguably the best video game Groundhog Day since The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask.

Deep Rock Galactic — Rival Incursion

Deep Rock Galactic’s co-op shooter about dwarves in space is another example of great post-release support. The game was released from early access last year, and new content updates are still being released for it.

In 2021, the biggest update of all time was released, with which the season system and a free battle pass appeared in the shooter. The first season, titled Rival Incursion, features new missions, challenges, weapons, cosmetics, and even a robot faction in Deep Rock Galactic, sent to a dwarven-occupied planet by a rival firm.

Right now, the New Year event has started in the game, and the start of the second season is scheduled for March-April 2022.

Baba Is You: Baba Make Level

One of the most innovative puzzle games of recent years, Baba Is You, received a free update this November with more than a hundred new levels from the developers and a full-fledged level editor.

Fans have been asking for the latest since release, and now you can not only create new levels, but also share them with other players. The creativity of users is really amazing. For example, with the help of the editor, players have already been able to «launch» the first level from the original Doom in Baba Is You.

Fortnite — Chapter 3

The second chapter of the Fortnite battle royale began in October 2019, when the original map was sucked into a wormhole during an in-game event. Two years later, Epic Games again held an event dedicated to a large-scale update of the game and the beginning of the third chapter. The changes affected not only the map, but also the gameplay mechanics.

Chapter 3 of Fortnite has begun — Battle Royale is the first major Unreal Engine 5 game

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However, the launch of The Coup was marred by technical issues on PC, which prevented the shooter from being available to many players.

Major new features include seven new weapons, a sliding mechanic, and Spider-Man’s web-flying gloves. The Friendly Neighbor skin has also made its way into the new Battle Pass, along with Dwayne «The Rock» Johnson as the Founder.

Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun — Aiko’s Choice

The Mimimi Games studio, which released the magnificent Desperados III last year, decided to please fans with a plot addition in 2021. True, not for a tactical western, but for his previous game Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun — also tactics in the style of «Commandos», but in the setting of Japan at the beginning of the 17th century.

The main role in the supplement is assigned to the girl Aiko, who knows how to disguise herself as a geisha. Aiko’s Choice features three new grand missions and new enemies, and the story follows Aiko’s former mentor, Lady Chiyo.

As in the main campaign, each mission has a variety of challenges and ways to complete, so even three levels can drag fans of the genre for a long time.

Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker

It’s impossible not to marvel at the fate of Final Fantasy XIV. The game survived a troubled release in 2010 and a complete restart in 2013, and now, more than 10 years later, it still continues to gain popularity. With the release of the Endwalker add-on, the number of players increased so much that Square Enix even had to temporarily withdraw the game from sale.

Such excitement around the release of the new addition is quite understandable, because Endwalker completes the storyline that began back in A Realm Reborn — the very restart in which the former world of Final Fantasy XIV was destroyed, and a completely new MMORPG appeared on its ruins.

Many players call the current version of Final Fantasy XIV the best story-based MMO, and the Endwalker addon has become the most highly rated release of this year.

Blasphemous: Wounds of Eventide

We have already mentioned Blasphemous in the framework of this material, when it was about Dead Cells. Atmospheric metroidvania from the Spanish studio The Game Kitchen this year also did not do without a major DLC.

Wounds of Eventide is the third free addon for the game. In it, in addition to new levels and bosses, the first chapter in the history of the Penitent One and the mysterious lands of Custodia also ends. In addition, a new ending appeared, which connects the events of Blasphemous with the second part, which was just announced this year.

The sequel will not be released until 2023, but for now, you can prepare for it and go through the final version of Blasphemous to the true ending.

Terminator: Resistance — Annihilation Line

Terminator: Resistance from the Polish studio Teyon turned out to be a typical representative of the Polish shooter genre on release. Clumsy shooting at artificial doodles and not the most outstanding graphics did not impress critics, and on release the game received rather cool reviews from the press.

On the contrary, the players rated Resistance much higher. This is because the Teyon game may not have turned out to be interesting in terms of gameplay, but in terms of atmosphere it is almost the best video game adaptation of the Terminator.

Closing backlog — Terminator: Resistance as the best thing to happen to the franchise since Doomsday

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A mediocre shooter with an excellent plot and atmosphere of the first films.

Previously, the shooter received a small update in which you can play as a cyborg T-800, and in December of this year, the Annihilation Line DLC was released for the game. The events of the new add-on unfold in the middle of the story from the main game, and as part of the new four-hour campaign, the player will have to fight against machines shoulder to shoulder with Kyle Reese himself.

Escape from Tarkov — patch 0.12.12

Streets of Tarkov was announced this year for the hardcore shooter Escape from Tarkov, but the update still doesn’t even have a release date. But in December 2021, the shooter received the long-awaited patch 0.12.12, in which there was another «wipe» of the players’ progress. Among the key innovations:

  • New Mayak card
  • Flea market change
  • Changes in body endurance and inertia
  • New weapon malfunction mechanics
  • Adding voice chat

We wrote more about the update in a separate article.

Another 300 hours in Escape from Tarkov: how the hardcore shooter has changed by the end of 2021

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Dramatic changes in gameplay mechanics and the best patch in recent years.

0.12.12. became one of the best updates for Escape from Tarkov in recent years according to the game community. Despite the technical problems in recent weeks, in terms of content and innovations, the latest patch has changed a lot in a positive way.