Komplettlösung tomb raider legend: Komplettlösung Tomb Raider — Legend

Tomb Raider Legend

Komplettlsung PC:


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— Tiwanaku


Peru —
Rckkehr nach Paraiso


Tokio —
Treffen mit Takamoto


Ghana —
Jagd auf James Rutland

Ghana (West Africa)

Kasachstan — Projekt Carbonek

England —
Knig Artus’ Grab?


Nepal —
der Ghalali-Schlssel


— der Spiegel
Bolivia Redux

Croft Manor


Der ultimative Legend Ratgeber


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manche «externe» Links funktionieren hier (eventuell) nicht mehr, ich finde aber
auch keinen Ersatz mehr dafr, oder es gibt diese Seiten schlicht und
ergreifend nicht mehr! Sowas kann
man dann aber auch meist googeln.


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Auf der Suche nach einem mystischen Artefakt kmpft Lara
Croft auf verschiedenen Kontinenten gegen dunkle Mchte und korrupte
Machenschaften an. Der Anfhrer allen bels ist ein alter Bekannter aus ihrer
Vergangenheit, der lngst tot geglaubt war. Und das ist erst der Anfang

Legend erschien am
5. April 2006 und auf
den Plattformen PC, PS2/PSP und XBox/XBox360.  Der Preis liegt
bei 50 fr die PC-Version und bei 60 fr die anderen Systeme. Hier gibt es immer die neuesten Informationen zu «Legend»
und natrlich auch meine ausfhrlichen Lsungen.

Um einige Fragen zu beantworten:
es gibt keinen Kurtis mehr, und «Legend» ist keine Fortsetzung von «Angel of
Darkness». Das Spiel wurde von Crystal Dynamics komplett neu entwickelt, und
orientiert sich an den klassischen Tomb Raider Spielen. Die

liegen im normalen Bereich.

Weitere aktuelle Informationen findest du im

Legend-Forum, dort kannst du auch Fragen

Legend bestellen:


3D-Screen 1 (4MB)

3D-Screen 2 (4MB)

Trailer 1 (13 MB)
Trailer 2

Meine Playlist
mit allen

oben im Abspielfenster kann man das gewnschte Video auswhlen:


Croft auf der




Weitere Bilder gibt es in meiner


Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Legend (C)
Eidos Interactive Limited, 2005. Developed by Crystal Dynamics, Inc. Published
by Eidos, Inc. 2005. Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Legend, Lara Croft, Tomb Raider,
the Tomb Raider logo, Eidos and the Eidos logo, Crystal Dynamics and the Crystal
Dynamics logo are all trademarks of the Eidos Group of Companies. All other
trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

Tomb Raider (2013) Info and Walkthrough

Initial Release: March 2013

Metacritic Score: 86-87 (details)

ESRB/PEGI Rating: Mature/18

Platforms: Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Later Mac OS X, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Stadia.

Game Info: TOMB RAIDER  was released March 5, 2013. The list of bullet points below includes spoiler-free highlights and links to additional information.

The most recent TOMB RAIDER trailer, titled «Survivor,» premiered December 7 on Spike’s 10th Annual Video Game Awards. I’d love to hear what you think of it. Leave a comment on my YouTube channel or Tomb Raider Blog. More videos, screenshots, concept art and other goodies can be found in the TOMB RAIDER media section.

The Tomb Raider Definitive Edition came out at the end of January 2014 for PS4 and Xbox One. The gameplay and content are the same as the original game, but the TRDE comes with all the downloadable content and many tasty graphics enhancements. More info and FAQ in this blog post.

  • Although the tagline «A Survivor is Born» and the hashtag «#reborn» have been used to promote the game, its actual title is simply: TOMB RAIDER.
  • TOMB RAIDER was developed by Crystal Dynamics, the same studio that created Tomb Raider: Legend, Anniversary and Underworld,  as well as Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light,  and will be published by Square Enix.
  • The game begins with a 21-year-old Lara Croft shipwrecked on a mysterious island in the so-called «Dragon’s Triangle» off the coast of Japan.
  • Before the accident, Lara is part of a group searching for Yamatai, the island domain of the legendary shaman queen Himiko. The expedition leader, an older man named Conrad Roth, can be seen in the game trailer and some of the screenshots. He is Lara’s mentor, and she must help him survive when he becomes injured.
  • In retelling Lara’s origin story, the developers have said they hope to make her a more complex, human and culturally relevant hero, in part by putting her in an extremely dangerous and challenging situation through which she will ultimately prevail.
  • This time around there is no real-life model representing Lara for promotional events; however, the game will employ extensive use of motion-capture technology.
  • Camilla Luddington has provided both voice and motion capture for the Lara Croft character. She has appeared at various press events, though not in costume as a promotional model.
  • The game was built using an updated version of the Legend-Underworld  engine—the same engine used for Eidos Montréal’s Deus Ex: Human Revolution—allowing for more realistic, physics-based interactions within the game world and much greater freedom of movement for Lara.
  • The camera has also been completely revamped so as to move more dynamically and react to the in-game situation—closer to Lara in tight spaces, father back during combat, etc.
  • Tomb Raider staples like puzzles, combat, exploration and action will still be the foundation of the game but will be more realistic and more fully integrated into the basic survival storyline.
  • Although the press has speculated on the game drifting into survival-horror territory, this is not a Resident Evil or Silent Hill type game. There are definitely some scary and gory bits, but the game is much more ‘survival-adventure’ than ‘survival-horror’.
  • The auto-targeting feature used in previous games has been replaced by a free-aim system.
  • Weapons include a bow, pistol, rifle and shotgun, as well as an axe, which Lara uses for climbing as well as self-defense. Lara starts out with practically nothing and gradually acquires each weapon and bit of gear. Players can upgrade Lara’s equipment as they progress in the game.
  • While not strictly «open world,» the game is non-linear. Players can explore the island’s diverse locations freely and can revisit areas as well as reach new areas as Lara’s skills and equipment improve. However, there will be some scripted sequences that advance the story, and there is one main plot and one ending.
  • Unlike past games, there is no health bar. Instead Lara’s health/injury level is indicated by how she looks and moves, as well as by grime/blood spatter on screen during action sequences and combat. Health packs will not be required, and Lara’s injuries will heal gradually over time.
  • A system of «base camps,» allow players to fast travel among various areas on the island. Base camps also provide opportunities to examine and combine inventory items and access an RPG-like skill system to enhance Lara’s abilities. Check out this video, the Guide To Survival Episode #2 for details.
  • There are optional side tombs and numerous collectibles to be hunted down, offering additional exploration and puzzle-solving opportunities.
  • There are multiple difficulty settings to make the game accessible to a wider range of players.
  • Changing weather conditions, Lara’s improved gear and abilities, and the player’s influence on the game world keep locations fresh when revisited.
  • The game includes a hint system called «survival instinct,» in which players can highlight clues and interactive elements in the game world by pressing a button.
  • There are no vehicles and no swimming. That isn’t to say Lara can’t  swim, just that the opportunity doesn’t happen to arise.
  • As in the original game, Lara has only one outfit—she’s stranded far from civilization after all—however, the state of her clothes will evolve over the course of the game as she interacts with the environment. Additional costumes are available as downloadable content.
  • At the heart of it all is a mystery reminiscent of the TV show LOST. What is this island all about? Who are its strange inhabitants? Why is it seemingly impossible to escape? Lara—and the player—must discover the truth.
  • According to the developers, the characters and storyline are vital components of the game. TOMB RAIDER’s story is a collaboration between in-house and outside writers, including Lead Writer Rhianna Pratchett, whose credits include Heavenly Sword,  the Overlord  series and Mirror’s Edge. More about Rhianna here and here.
  • There is also an optional multi-player mode in addition to the main, single-player storyline. For details check out these recent blog posts: «Tomb Raider Multiplayer Details Emerge» and «Tomb Raider Multiplayer Hands-On Preview.»
  • The game is available for Windows PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. The PC version is digital download only (no physical DVD) in the Americas. Both downloadable and DVD versions will be available in Europe. The developers have said they’re looking into Macintosh version sometime in the future, but nothing has been finalized. There are no plans to release the game on Nintendo Wii or Wii U.
  • Players can expect about 15 hours of gameplay, provided they take no detours and just play through the storyline. However, there are plenty of side areas to explore, collectibles to go after, and opportunities to revisit areas where you’ve already been.
  • PC System Requirements:
  • Minimum system requirements:
    OS: Windows XP Service Pack 3, Windows Vista, 7 or 8 (32bit/64bit)
    Video Card: DirectX 9 graphics card with 512Mb Video RAM: AMD Radeon HD 2600 XT, nVidia 8600
    CPU: Dual core CPU: AMD Athlon64 X2 2.1 Ghz (4050+), Intel Core2 Duo 1.86 Ghz (E6300)
    RAM: 1 GB (2 GB on Vista)

    Recommended system requirements:
    Video Card: DirectX 11 graphics card with 1GB Video RAM: AMD Radeon HD 4870, nVidia GTX 480
    CPU: Quad core CPU: AMD Phenom II X2 565, Intel Core i5-750
    RAM: 4 GB


This walkthrough applies to both the original PC/PlayStation/Xbox release and Tomb Raider Definitive Edition for PS4/Xbox One.

Area 1: Scavenger’s Den
Area 2: Coastal Bluffs
Area 3: Coastal Forest
Area 4: Mountain Temple
Area 5: Mountain Village (first visit)
Area 6: Base Approach
Area 7: Mountain Base
Area 8: Base Exterior
Area 9: Cliffside Village
Area 10: Mountain Village (second visit)
Area 11: Mountain Pass (first visit)
Area 12: Chasm Monastery
Area 13: Mountain Village (third visit)
Area 14: Mountain Descent
Area 15: Shantytown (part 1) | Shantytown (part 2)
Area 16: Cavern Entrance
Area 17: Geothermal Caverns
Area 18: Solarii Fortress
Area 19: Fortress Tower
Area 20: Summit Forest (includes Shantytown second visit)
Area 21: Gondola Transport
Area 22: Shipwreck Beach (first visit)
Area 23: Cliffside Bunker
Area 24: Shipwreck Beach (second visit)
Area 25: Research Base (includes Shipwreck Beach third visit)
Area 26: Mountain Pass (second visit)
Area 27: Chasm Stronghold
Area 28: Chasm Shrine
Area 29: Chasm Ziggurat


  • Controls and Gameplay Tips — A detailed introduction to the game mechanics including controls for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360; tips on saving/loading games and checkpoints; experience points, base camps and fast travel; health and healing; weapons, ammo, hunting and combat; challenge tombs and collectibles; plus how to use the in-game map and inventory screens.
  • Guide to 100% Completion
  • Guide to all Skill, Gear and Weapon Upgrades
  • Quick Guides to all Collectible Items — In addition to the complete walkthroughs for each level, these short guides will help you find any documents, relics, GPS caches, treasure maps, and challenge items you may have missed.
  • Unlockable Extras (concept art and character models)
  • Outfits/Skins and Other Downloadable Content (DLC)
  • Multiplayer Guide (by Steam user Anime_Pro_420)

Additional content, including PC Save Files, Achievements and Trophies, are included in the sidebar under Related Pages.

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Tomb Raider — Legend: From Tomb Raider to Legend! / Games.


Crystal Dynamics, Publisher: EIDOS
Genre: Adventure, Tomb Raider: Legend in database

1: From Paris to Undiscovered Worlds
2: From Tomb Raider to Legendary Hero!

Ten years ago, in the bowels of Core Design, a
an idea for an adventure game set in the ancient
pyramids, tombs and temples. But not just games — the developers wanted
so that the game has a bright, memorable character, fearless, ready
go to crazy deeds to achieve your goal, but at the same time
wise and resourceful. After much thought, options and ideas, this hero
was the fragile girl Lara Croft. Beautiful, inquisitive, feminine,
but inspiring awe and respect, she did not stop before the dangers,
and any obstacle passed with closed eyes. At 1996 Laru
shown to the public! The game soared to the top of the charts, collecting all sorts of
awards while gaining armies of fans. at a fast pace
the game «survived» to its sixth revival, but it, alas,
caused her death. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel»

Thirst for continuation (or «money» as you like),
did not leave the losing company indifferent to the theme of Lara Croft
eidos. Sixth part, Angel of Darkness was a brutal abuse
over those ideals that were valued and respected by the admirers of this gaming
series. Not being able to allow such «mistakes» now,
EIDOS handed over the seventh part to studio Crystal Dynamics ,
which began its mystical journey to the knowledge of one of the most tenacious,
the most profitable and most beautiful computer heroines. For an answer
to the key question «What should Tomb Raider be
nowadays?» Crystal Dynamics turned to Toby Gardu
— the creator and founding father of the original concept of a woman — a robber
tombs — Tomb Raider.

From Paris to unknown worlds

No doubt Lara Croft (or
Larisa Krotova, as Russian pirates of the nineties dubbed her) —
one of the most desirable gaming heroines imaginable
in his fantasy-rich mind of a gamer.

Dead Parisian streets go into the distant and ghostly
past. Lara returns to places more familiar to her. We will visit
the ruins of the prehistoric city of Bolivia, Tiwanaku, in the snowy valleys of the Himalayas,
jungle and, of course, in the whole variety of ancient mysteries full of
tombs. The change of surroundings in many parts of Lara’s adventures was perceived
in different ways, but many understood that it was the tombs that were and remain
her native home. This, of course, does not mean that they are completely
take up all the playing time. The game will have at least two missions,
where we will visit in the city, because it is extremely important for the plot.

By the way, about the plot. Crystal Dynamics don’t spoil us with it
details, because you yourself understand, to reveal the plot of an adventure game
— to poison her interest. But still, something is known. A few
years after the events of the first part, Lara goes on another journey,
the purpose of which is to search for an ancient artifact (who would doubt it?),
but the dark past is on her heels, and sooner or later she meets
with old enemies who want to stop her. Help her in her troubles
wanderings will be the familiar Zip, holed up in a warm room stuffed with
the most modern technology. At the slightest hint of danger, he will
notify you and set a further course for your dangerous journey.

As already mentioned, the gameplay will be returned to the previous
direction, and an unsuccessful experiment to transform the gaming atmosphere on
the quest mode should not be repeated. Instead, we are offered a completely
improved gameplay of the original Tomb Raider, flavored with newfangled
graphics, many new gestures, new features and new


All screenshots from Tomb Raider: Legend
in our gallery

If we conditionally divide the playing time of Tomb Raider, then
three parts can be distinguished. The first is to perform unthinkable acrobatic
tricks that give us the opportunity to climb into the most unexpected places,
the second is solving riddles and unraveling the mysteries of ancient mechanisms,
the third is shooting with enemies. All three of these points were subject to
significant improvement.

Acrobatic element includes «branded»
features of Lara’s movement, but in a more «flexible» version.
Embarrassing situations in Tomb Raider when you really don’t know what
what you need to do and where you need to get, sometimes clouded by the need
to contrive and only with a limited set of gestures to get to
cherished goal. But an even more terrifying situation is when you get
to the desired point, you find yourself just a couple of steps away from her, but Lara simply
can’t jump sideways off a ledge. Nothing stays as long and
painfully looking for other ways to achieve the goal.

1: From Paris to Undiscovered Worlds
2: From Tomb Raider to Legendary Hero!

This had its own charm of the game, and its own, I’m not afraid of an ugly word,
hemorrhoids, but this is already a thing of the past. This time the main character was provided with
so many moves that Prince
Persia looks like a clumsy baby in comparison. good old
«signature» body movements such as swallow flight, and spectacular,
but completely useless standing on the hands will remain, but their ranks will be replenished
new body movements, whose combinations are yet to be unraveled. For a small
diversity, added interactive video inserts, where the player only
need to be in the right place and at the right time to press the hot key,
and Lara will take the rap and do everything on her own. In addition, developers
taken care of various spectacular options for the death of Lara, in the event
your sluggishness.

Not so long ago, EIDOS presented to the public
The new face of Lara Croft
for the next two years. The famous, and already familiar to all Angelina
Jolie in this «post» was replaced, hitherto unknown to anyone
an aspiring model from London Karima Adebibe (Karima Adebibe). Cast
Lara Croft Karima will appear at the annual E3 exhibition, as well as in an advertising
campaign game Tomb Raider: Legend. Lara’s new model caused a storm
discussion in the forums of the Fighting People, join.

The gaming arsenal should not surprise you with anything. All those
two trouble-free revolvers firing endless rounds, and
many other, already more «worldly», but spectacular weapons.
It should also be noted that we will be able to pick up any weapon from the defeated
enemies (mostly people, mercenaries), but not with one weapon we
we will defend. If we are forced to go into close combat we can
give a fitting rebuff. Several combos with the strongest damage will come
to our benefit. Replenishment in the list of our equipment are branded
digital binoculars equipped with a remote analysis device showing
detailed information about all objects on the map. This, of course, is also a miracle flashlight,
automatic turning on in the dark, and universal magnetic grip,
with which it will be possible to cling to any metal (and
defiantly shiny) element on the map. Very likely to appear in the game
controlled vehicles.

Each moveable object on the map
will have physical properties that will significantly complicate
and diversify the process of searching for the hidden possibilities of ancient mechanisms.

The developers «subtly» hint that the automatic
the camera in the game will not bother with its sluggishness and clumsiness,
added «mouselook».

Save anywhere we can’t wait us
awaits the old, unnerving checkpoint system of the first part. Concerning
inventory, then it promises to be simple two stripes and a menu
quick access to features. Nothing extra, everything is at hand.

Other goodies

Despite the fact that the game is being made simultaneously for the PSP,
PS2, XBOX, XBOX 360, each of the Tomb Raider platforms will have a unique
view, which is equally equivalent for PC. An improved
engine from previous Crystal Dynamics projects. Normal mapping and parallax
mapping will delight the eye, creating the illusion of volume, HDR will enliven
picture by adding cinematic effects. Juicy and soft shadows
(shadow mapping) fall from each object on the map, and the shaders of the last
versions show excellent effects and realistic water surface.

«pranks». Lara walking through a very dusty and dirty
places, will get dirty, and, given the places in which it happens, not
it’s hard to guess what our beautiful heroine can turn into.
However, the process is reversible a couple of baths under the picturesque waterfalls
and before us is a new, refreshed and pure heroine. I hope you paid
attention to the changes that the horny guys from Crystal Dynamics
exposed Lara herself? She became even slimmer, her expression more serious,
and the voice promised to remain just as gentle. Who happened to jump off a cliff
in the previous parts of the series, they probably remembered the languid sound «Oo-oh»,
for which the young actress Rachel Weisz, known for the main
roles in the film «The Mummy».

From Tomb Raider to Legendary Hero!

I, like many other game lovers, hope that this
part of the adventures of Lara Croft, we will remember as a legend. And will be remembered
legend, not because the game will have something supernatural,
unusual, but only because it will mark the rebirth of the Reaver