Hitman neues spiel: IO Interactive stellt neue Inhalte für Jahr 2 des Spiels vor

Hitman 3 wird sich 2022 neu erfinden

Hier im Vordergrund seht ihr einen der «tollen» DLC-Anzüge von 47.

Hitman 3 hat bisher grausige DLCs. Sieben kostenpflichtige Erweiterungen für insgesamt 30 Euro, die dem Spiel ein paar langweilige Escalation-Aufträge und Agent 47 einige neue Anzüge und Waffenskins bescheren. Die Anzüge sind hässlicher als das restaurierte Jesus-Fresko, und falls euch Escalation-Aufträge nichts sagen: Stellt euch vor, ihr wollt Nachschlag zu eurer Lasagne und bekommt stattdessen eine Handvoll trockener Bandnudeln. Geht schon in die richtige Richtung, aber Befriedigung sieht anders aus — mehr müsst ihr nicht wissen.

Die Sache ist: Hitman 3 braucht eigentlich keine DLCs. Das Spiel war schon zum Release Anfang 2021 ein glorreicher Abschluss der neuen Hitman-Trilogie — wer jetzt alle drei Spiele (seit 2016) im Bundle kauft, bekommt potenziell hunderte Stunden Spielspaß, sofern ihr euch auf den Hitman-Deal einlasst. Aber hey, mit Hitman ist es wie mit Geld, frischer Luft oder Hunt: Showdown: Mehr ist nie verkehrt!

Hitman 2 (2019) hat damals nach Release einige der besten Locations überhaupt bekommen: einen Bankraub in New York, ein Urlaubsresort auf den Malediven — die Hoffnung auf neue Karten in Hitman 3 lässt langjährige Fans wie mich also seit Release nervös an der Klaviersaite zuppeln. Und wir wurden erhört!

Was erwartet Hitman 3 im Jahr 2022?

Hitman 3 bekommt 2022 tatsächlich neue Inhalte, die fast so fantastisch klingen wie 47s Brumm-Brumm-Geräusche auf einem Bobby Car. Neue Locations, neue Modi, neue Story-Missionen, neues alles — aber warum kommt all das so spät? Na, aus gutem Grund.

Okay, sammeln wir mal kurz, was uns 2022 bevorsteht. Das offizielle Blog-Posting von IO Interactive geht noch nicht wirklich ins Detail, aber es verrät bereits genug, um mich freudig auf den Kalender schielen zu lassen:

  • Raytracing für PC: Die PC-Fassung von Hitman 3 ist bereits die optisch schönste, bekommt aber nun vollen Raytracing-Support.
  • Neue Karten: Es erscheinen komplett neue Locations inklusive neuer Story-Aufträge. Wie die mit der eigentlich abgeschlossenen Geschichte von Hitman 3 zusammengehören, ist noch nicht bekannt.
  • Elusive Target Arcade: Es kommt ein neuer Modus, der sich um die berühmt-berüchtigten Elusive Targets dreht. Offenbar könnt ihr hier Elusive Targets angehen, ohne dass ihr zeitlich eingeschränkt werdet. Zur Einordnung: Elusive Targets sind eigentlich Spezialmissionen, für die ihr bloß einen Versuch und einige wenige Tage Zeit habt.

Diese Aufzählung ist bloß vorläufig und wird demnächst noch um andere Punkte ergänzt — sagt zumindest IO Interactive. Die ganze Aktion steht unter dem Slogan Year 2 und startet ab dem 20. Januar 2022, genaue Infos zu Preis und Release der neuen Inhalte gibt’s allerdings noch nicht. Aber zumindest gibt’s schon zwei Bilder:

Wir gehen davon aus, dass es sich hier um ein neues Hideout handelt.

Sieht aus wie ein Schießstand, auf dem 47 seine Attentatswerkzeuge ausprobieren kann.

Sehr wahrscheinlich handelt es sich bei der Örtlichkeit auf den Screenshots um Agent 47s eigenen Unterschlupf — ein Feature, das ich im ganz alten Hitman 2 geliebt habe! Alle Waffen an einem Schießstand durchzuprobieren, ein bisschen in Hitmans Privatleben zu stöbern — im Hideout konnte man immer schön sehen, welchen Fortschritt 47 im Lauf seiner Kampagne macht. Offenbar bringt IO diese Location zurück.

Über die eigentlichen neuen Schauplätze ist allerdings noch nichts bekannt. Der Trailer bleibt ebenfalls recht vage:


Hitman 3: Trailer kündigt massenhaft neue Inhalte für 2022 an

Aber selbst der eigentlich harmlose Unterschlupf verspricht schon mehr kreative Mühe als alles, was wir im ersten Jahr an Hitman-DLCs gesehen haben. Dass IO hiermit solange wartet, liegt schlicht und ergreifend an Steam.

Der Steam-Release ändert die Regeln des Spiels

Die bisherigen Seven Deadly Sins-DLCs sind Lückenbüßer. Klar, ich spekuliere hier wild, aber zumindest deckt sich meine Theorie mit dem, was auch größere Hitman-YouTuber vermuten (ja, die gibt es): IO Interactive musste irgendwie das Jahr überbrücken, um die Epic-Exklusivität zu überstehen. Natürlich entwickeln sich aufwändige neue Schauplätze nicht über Nacht — wir hätten so oder so ein paar Monate warten müssen -, aber rein strategisch ergibt es völlig Sinn, mit den wirklich aufregenden Erweiterungen auf den Steam-Release zu warten. Hat Troy: Total War schließlich auch so gemacht.

Hitman 3 erscheint im Januar 2022 auf Steam — und kann hier einen schönen Paukenschlag veranstalten. Neue Maps, vielleicht eine neue Gold Edition inklusive der gruseligen Deadly Sins samt Year-2-Erweiterung — wer weiß? Und der bisherigen Epic-Spielerschaft wird nichts weggenommen, weil wir ja ebenfalls Zugriff auf die neuen Inhalte bekommen. Wer ein Jahr auf die Steam-Fassung gewartet hat, bekommt hingegen nicht bloß kalten Kaffee, sondern ein lebendiges, aktives Hitman 3. Well played, IO, well played.

Aber um mal ein bisschen weniger strategisch daherzufaseln: Ich freue mich auf die neuen Inhalte. Meine skeptische innere Stimme hatte Hitman 3 bereits abgeschrieben, schließlich werkelt das Team parallel am neuen 007-Spiel. Und falls nichts mehr gekommen wäre, hätte 47 eben auf dem Höhepunkt seiner Karriere aufgehört. Das würde anderen Spieleserien gut tun. Doch umso schöner, dass der alternde Killer noch ein paar neue Tricks im Jackett-Ärmel hat.

HITMAN 3 — Year 2 Reveal

HITMAN 3 – Year 2 starts on 20 January 2022 and we’re excited to reveal more of what we’ve been working on.

Watch the full Year 2 Reveal Stream now for all of the announcements, reveals and never-before-seen footage of new content coming to the World of Assassination in 2022. Then, read on for more details.

Elusive Target Arcade

Release: January 20

Elusive Target Arcade is a brand new game mode that takes the Elusive Target concept to the next level, mixes up the formula and introduces new challenges and unlockable rewards – all whilst keeping the essence of what makes Elusive Targets exciting and interesting to play.

There are several significant changes to the mode here: Each Arcade Contract now tasks you with taking down consecutive Elusive Targets, one contract after the other. Each one must be completed to proceed to the next – and there are additional complications added to the contract as well.

If you fail an Arcade Contract at any point, there will be a 12-hour lockout before you can retry the contract again from the start. This lockout enables us to keep the high-stakes gameplay that is a hallmark of Elusive Targets, whilst also giving players a clear indication of when they are able to play a particular Elusive Target again.

Crucially, Arcade Contracts are permanent additions to HITMAN 3. Once we add one to the game, they won’t go away.

Our aims with this game mode are; to give players the chance to engage and play Elusive Target content more frequently, provide a new challenge for long-time players in the Elusive Target game mode, create a new type of recurring content that will reward players with desirable unlocks.

When HITMAN 3 – Year 2 begins on January 20, the Arcade will also be open with a total of 3 Arcade Contracts, each one with Elusive Targets from a specific game in the World of Assassination trilogy. As you can see in the screenshot, the Ellipses Arcade Contract has three targets from HITMAN 3. Two other Arcade Contracts will also be available on January 20 with targets from HITMAN 1 and HITMAN 2 respectively.

As we move through the year, more Arcade Contracts will be added to the Arcade. We can’t wait to see our players take on this new challenge!


Release: January 20

HITMAN VR comes to PC, and once again we’re supporting the entire World of Assassination trilogy. If you can access HITMAN 1 and HITMAN 2 within HITMAN 3, you can play it all in VR.

With PC VR, we’re supporting the most popular hardware to deliver the best experience to as many players as possible. Our goal is to hit the benchmark for interaction and gameplay that PC VR players are looking for – all with the Hitman style and freedom that our game offers.

We’ve incorporated VR specific setups to some Hitman controls to make them feel as intuitive as possible and natural during gameplay. For example, you use two hands to throw items; aim with your left and ‘fling and release’ with your right. Whether you throw straight-on, a ninja-like sidethrow or any other way, it’s going to feel satisfying.

Combining the use of two hands with the freedom to move your body and huge sandbox locations is a recipe for creativity and chaos. We’ve seen our own developers adapt karate-stances, embrace their inner boxer and even just play around with how our AI and game world reacts to the new-found freedom of VR.

Take a look for yourself at an extended gameplay clip of HITMAN VR on PC recorded by Senior Game Designer, Eskil Møhl.


— Eskil Møhl (@Eskil_IOI) December 17, 2021

In combat and more action-packed moments of the game, that freedom of movement really comes in to play and you are able to control the situation yourself, rather than our animations taking over. When it clicks, it’s great and sometimes you feel like an idiot – but sometimes, that’s Hitman.

PC VR will be available for all HITMAN 3 owners when Year 2 begins on January 20. Full details on supported hardware is available via our PC VR Player Support Page.

Technology Improvements

Release: Later in 2022

HITMAN 3 – Year 2 is a fantastic opportunity for us to unleash some of the technical improvements that we’re continuing to make to our Glacier technology.

One of the most notable enhancements to the game will be the option to enable Ray Tracing on PC later this year. With better reflections and better shadows, our locations are going to look better than ever.

HITMAN 3’s opening level in a Dubai skyscraper is a fantastic showcase of how Ray Tracing improves the visual fidelity because of the volume of reflective surfaces in a small area. Equally so, the rainy Chongqing location later in the game looks especially impressive.

When it is made available in HITMAN 3 on PC later this year, Ray tracing will be enabled for all locations in the World of Assassination trilogy.

– Screenshot not representative of Ray Tracing –

In addition to Ray Tracing, our ongoing partnership with Intel means that we will also be one of the first development studios in the world to implement Intel’s XeSS technology, which uses machine learning to deliver more performance with exceptional image quality.

Finally, we’ll be implementing VRS (Variable Rate Shading) to boost PC performance by shading at different frequencies in different parts of the image, putting more power where it has the most impact.

HITMAN Trilogy

Release: January 20

Now that the trilogy is complete, we’re excited to unveil HITMAN Trilogy as a way for new players to get started in the World of Assassination. This collection brings together HITMAN 1, HITMAN 2 and HITMAN 3 into a single package, making it easier than ever to take your first steps to becoming Agent 47.

HITMAN Trilogy will be available digitally on January 20 for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S and Epic Games Store. As well as Steam and Xbox Game Pass. Let’s talk more about these new platforms.

HITMAN 3 arrives on Steam to coincide with the start of Year 2 and will have full support for PC VR and all of the technical improvements that we mentioned earlier, such as Ray Tracing, XeSS and Variable Rate Shading. We’re working on support for Steam Achievements and Trading Cards too – plus we’ll be including the Trinity Pack (the HITMAN 3 pre-order bonus) for free with all editions of HITMAN 3 for the first 30 days.

The HITMAN Trilogy will be available with Xbox Game Pass, PC Game Pass and Game Pass Ultimate on January 20, giving you everything you need to jump straight into the World of Assassination. We’re excited to welcome a wave of new players to enjoy the full trilogy through new platforms and services. More details are on our HITMAN Trilogy Player Support Page.

HITMAN Freelancer

Release: Spring 2022

Freelancer is a brand new, single-player mode coming to HITMAN 3 that introduces roguelike elements, strategic planning and a customisable safehouse.

Let’s start by exploring one of the new maps coming to HITMAN 3 in Year 2: Agent 47’s Safehouse. This playable space is an entirely different type of location and we’ve never built anything like it before.

It’s customisable and allows you to choose exactly what type of Hitman you are (or want Agent 47 to be!). As you progress through Freelancer, more areas of the Safehouse can be unlocked and new customisation options will become available.

You can configure and customise the safehouse to your exact specifications and spend as much time as you want there. Whether you want to pick out a new suit, browse and test your weapons at the firing range or make changes to your décor, it’s all possible.

The Safehouse is also an important space because all of your pre-mission planning takes place there.

After exploring the safehouse, it’s time to work. 47 will have access to a ‘mission hub’ where he can view all of the currently available Freelancer campaigns, each one representing a criminal enterprise that is prominent across the World of Assassination. It’s entirely your choice which campaign you pick and each one will take you on a globetrotting campaign to a selection of locations.

For each campaign, you need to choose the order you want to play the missions. After each mission, you’ll return to the safehouse to restock, resupply and strategically plan your next move. Whichever location you leave until last will be where you’ll corner the Leader of the enterprise. Blow their cover, eliminate them, and the campaign is complete. You get paid and return to your safehouse.

Campaign missions have been reworked to fit the Freelancer mode. For example, locations will have new NPC types, that can either help or hinder your progress. Suppliers will offer a selection of weapons and items that you can acquire to increase your chances of success, whereas other NPCs will alert Leaders and make your job more difficult.

In addition to these NPCs, there are several other elements that will make the Freelancer campaigns unique. You’ll be able to find safes, hidden stashes and even other NPC Assassins…

Unlike the main Hitman campaign, your gear in Freelancer is not persistent. Anything you bring on a mission and don’t bring back to the safehouse, will be lost. (If you thought you were attached to your Silverballer before, wait until you’ve left it in Dartmoor and it’s gone. For good.) Looking for gear at a Supplier is one way to restock your inventory, or replace a lost treasure.

Consumables, such as explosives or poison syringes, will also need to be restocked, since there’s no supply from the ICA in Freelancer.

We’re excited about Freelancer giving players a persistent and infinitely replayable experience that is entirely their own; from customising their safehouse to match their style or mood, configuring and strategically planning for campaigns through to picking a playstyle with all of their gear on the line.

HITMAN Freelancer is coming to HITMAN 3 – Year 2 this Spring. We’ll have more details to share leading up to its release.

New Map. Codename: Rocky

Release: Later in 2022

Agent 47 just doesn’t stop travelling. More details about this new map, codenamed ‘Rocky’, will be revealed later in Year 2.

Everyday life of killer Ivanov › Novaya Gazeta in St. Petersburg

Contract killer will spend a quarter of a century behind bars. Customers not found

Needless to say, the work of killers — God forbid everyone: the danger of exposure, the fear of retribution, besides, physical training is required, and shooting, and even artistic. All this, it seems, was in the possession of a previously convicted resident of Kolpino, Vyacheslav Ivanov. Only now he was not lucky (as, indeed, many of his other colleagues). So he ended up in the dock on charges of two contract killings and one attempt. The names of the victims are very loud, and these crimes themselves made a lot of noise in their time. The city court of St. Petersburg considered the murderer’s guilt fully proven and yesterday sentenced Ivanov to 25 years in a strict regime colony.


The first in the «track record of the killer Ivanov» was Alexander Vasiliev, head of the security service of the Parnassus holding, assistant to the deputy chairman of the security committee of the State Duma of the previous convocation, Mikhail Grishankov. In the past, he was a submarine commander, then a tax police officer, after which Vasilyev, having resigned from public service, went into business in the field of security business: he became a co-founder of the Petroboxing Contact Martial Arts Center public organization and a large security company Union of Officers.
nine0008 Who ordered the murder of Vasiliev, and how much it cost him — history is silent: the killer does not cover this topic, and the investigation failed to establish the truth in other ways.

The case was December 18, 2002. On this day in the morning, an unfamiliar young man in a red down jacket appeared to none of the regulars of the sports complex on the site of the Ozerki sports and recreation complex on Beregovaya Street on the very shore of the Upper Suzdal Lake. The young man moved from one sports equipment to another, pretended to be engaged, but in fact he was waiting for Alexander Vasilyev to appear, who did a set of sports exercises every morning in Ozerki.
nine0008 As soon as Vasiliev approached the bars, the young man pulled out a gun from his briefcase and went to his victim, putting the gun to his head. «Are you stunned?» — only Vasilyev managed to say, and these were his last words. The killer’s first shot hit him in the face, the second in the temple, and the third in the shoulder. He died on the spot, and the killer escaped safely. All that the witnesses could remember was a red down jacket, which perfectly diverted attention from the main thing — the face of the killer, which was what they were counting on. One of the witnesses was still able to describe in general terms not only the jacket, but also other elements of the killer’s appearance, but for the time being, this was not much help to the investigation.
nine0008 The second number on the «killer’s list» was Viktor Tyan, who was listed as the owner of a grocery store on Leninsky Prospekt and the founder of Vinland LLC. It all started in May 2004, and although in this case the identity of the «customer» remained unidentified by the investigation, Vyacheslav Ivanov admitted to the murder itself — he received 4 thousand dollars for it. Some time was spent tracking down the victim: it was necessary to establish the most typical routes of movement, the time of exit and return home.
nine0008 Ivanov even gained confidence in the concierge of the house where Tian lived, collecting information about his victim. He came to the concierge with a cake and a drink: they say, Tian’s friends asked him to give him a cake, but he doesn’t really know exactly where the «addressee» lives. Tian felt he was being watched, and in general his life at that moment was extremely tense — in one of the St. Petersburg courts there was a trial in which he acted as a plaintiff. He even warned his wife that he was afraid for his and her life, as well as for the lives of children.
nine0008 The denouement came on June 23, 2004 late in the evening. Tian was returning home from the parking lot where he parked the car. At the corner of Basseinaya and Varshavskaya streets, Ivanov was waiting for him with a cardboard box from under the cake in his hands, accompanied by his brother Alexander (Ivanov took his brother to confuse the victim). Approaching Tyan, the killer pulled out a «parabellum» and shot him in the head. However, the bullet passed on a tangent, only tearing out a tuft of hair and tearing off the skin. «What are you, a fool, or what?» — Shouted Tyan Ivanov, pressing his hands to his bloodied head. But instead of an answer, he received a second bullet in the chest. This wound became fatal.
nine0008 Ivanov’s third victim was supposed to be Andrey Ugryumov, director of Art-Avto LLC, better known in certain circles under the nicknames «Gloomy» and «Gloomy». Ivanov was to deal with him in January 2005. It is noteworthy that in 1998 Ugryumov was convicted of banditry and a number of other crimes to 13 years in prison. Elementary arithmetic shows that he should have been free only in 2011, but the rules of arithmetic sometimes give in to the informal rules of life. By January 2005, Ugryumov was already at large.
nine0008 To get close to the victim, Ivanov went to special tricks. Dressed in an orange janitor’s vest and armed, in addition to a pistol, also with a mop, on the morning of January 17, 2005, Ivanov punctured the tires of Ugryumov’s Volkswagen Passat parked in front of his house, and then began to wait for the owner of the car to appear.

Not noticing the punctured tires, Ugryumov got behind the wheel, and then the killer pulled out a pistol and fired five bullets at the victim. However, the wounded Ugryumov managed to jump out of the car and take cover in the building of the Kalininsky District Department of Internal Affairs. From there he was taken to the hospital of the Military Medical Academy, where doctors managed to save his life.
nine0008 Ugryumov confidently identified the killer, so Ivanov was soon detained. And in September 2005, Ugryumov himself was again under arrest — for organizing an attempted murder of the co-founder of his own company, with whom he could not share the business with the world.

Alexander SAMOILOV

A schoolgirl in the USA was arrested for trying to hire a hitman


US schoolgirl arrested for trying to hire a hitman

US schoolgirl arrested for trying to hire a hitman

US schoolgirl was arrested after trying to hire a hitman to kill her boyfriend, US magazine Complex reported. Radio Sputnik, 02/18/2022

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in the world



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MOSCOW, February 18/ Radio Sputnik. A schoolgirl in the United States was arrested after trying to hire a hitman to kill her boyfriend, the American magazine Complex reported. The police in the US state of Louisiana arrested and placed in a juvenile colony a 14-year-old schoolgirl who tried to “order” her boyfriend on a fake website for hiring hitmen. «We contacted the 14-year-old girl and talked to her. After discussing the details, we realized that it was necessary to make an arrest,» said Baton Rouge Police Department officer El’Jean McNeely. According to law enforcement officers, the schoolgirl tried to hire a hitman to kill her ex 14 year old boyfriend. She provided the site with a photo of him and information on where to find him. Michael Nunnery, who represents the girl, called the allegations nonsense. This is a 14-year-old girl, she doesn’t even have five dollars to pay the killer,” said the representative of the schoolgirl. In addition, according to Nanneri, the girl has a certificate confirming the presence of psychological disorders. there is neither the ability nor the desire to kill someone, it was just her next trick,» the representative concluded. At the moment, the minor is in custody with the possibility of bail in the amount of 75 thousand US dollars. The term was received by a man who checked his friend for «involvement» in the witches. Briefly and to the point. Only selected quotes in our Telegram channel. nine0005

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louisiana, USA, incidents

Worldwide, Louisiana, USA, incidents

MOSCOW, February 18 Radio Sputnik. A US schoolgirl has been arrested after trying to hire a hitman to kill her boyfriend, US magazine Complex reported. nine0005

Police in the US state of Louisiana have arrested and placed in a juvenile colony a 14-year-old schoolgirl who tried to «order» her boyfriend on a fake site for hiring hitmen.

«We contacted the 14-year-old girl and spoke with her. After discussing the details, we realized that an arrest should be made,» said Baton Rouge Police Department officer El’Jean McNeely.

According to law enforcement, a schoolgirl tried to hire a hitman to kill her ex-14-year-old boyfriend. She provided the site with a photo of him and information on where to find him. nine0005

Michael Nunnery, who represents the girl, called the allegations nonsense.