Wow ensidia: Guild:Ensidia (tarren mill eu) | WoWWiki

The Raiding Pinnacle: Ensidia — Method

If you can’t reach the hit cap with your gear, it’s a good idea to use [hit rating gems] to hit the hit cap. In any case, try to put [Runed Crimson Ruby] into the red sockets, or cheaper versions if you are short of money. Yellow slots should be filled with [Alarm Ametrines] and blue slots with [Refined Dreadstones] if the socket bonus gives us an advantage (check the above thread if you’re not sure). Else (if the socket bonus isn’t worth socketing gems by color), socket [Runed Crimson Ruby] in all sockets. In general, it’s not recommended to use yellow gems to get hit caps, so as items improve, it’s worth paying attention to items that contain hit (and capping hit with items will force you to replace gems with hit with other gems, which will lead to inevitable costs — approx. per.). As a meta stone (a special stone that is inserted into a helmet), only one stone is suitable for us — [Chaotic Skyflare Diamond], which gives +21 critical hit rating & +3% critical damage. This meta gem requires 2 blue gems to activate, so be careful to keep your items at a minimum of [Refined Dreadstone].

Speaking of symbols, there are many opinions about small symbols, and their choice is not fundamentally important. Personally, I use [Glyph of Levitation], [Glyph of Fortitude], and [Glyph of Shadowfiend].
However, I prefer to use [Glyph of Shadow Protection] instead of [Glyph of Shadow Fiend] Mind Sear], depending on the boss. Basically, if you’re not using Mind Sear, take [Glyph of Shadow Meld]. If you are not going through hard mods, then this is not fundamentally important, but there are a number of bosses in which this symbol would be extremely useful. I’m later ( in this guide, in English ) I will tell you about some tricks in CPI 25 and CLC 25 that will help increase DPS on a number of bosses. Some of these moves are based on the Glyph of Disintegration. So:

Always: [Glyph of Darkness], [Glyph of Mind Flay].
Depending on the boss: [Glyph of Darkness], [Glyph of Mind Sear].

[Helm]: 30 SPD 20 Critical Strike Rating (Exalted with Kirin Tor)
[Shoulders]: 24 SPD, 15 Critical Strike Rating (Sons of Hodir)
[Cloak]: 23 Haste Rating
[Chest]: +10 All Stats
[Wrists] Wrists: +30 Spd
[Gloves] Gloves: +28 Spd
[Pants] Pants: 50 Spd, 20 Spirit
Boots: [Tuskarr Vitality] (increased running speed will help survivability, and in some fights increase DPS) or [Icewalker] (only to get hit cap).
Weapon: [+63 SPD] or [Black Magic] (on a one-handed weapon), [+81 SPD] (Staff)

shoulders and other improvements). Make sure you choose the best enchant.

SHPs do not have stable rotation, instead SHPs use the concepts of cast priority and opening rotation. With four out of five items from T10, the priority of spells changes, but first things first.

Opening Rotation

There are a number of opening rotation variations, but I recommend you this one:
Vampire’s Touch > Devouring Plague > Mind Explosion > Mind Flay > Shadow Word: Pain rotation, but the main requirement for it is one — Shadow Word: Pain must be applied no earlier than you have collected 5 stacks of Dark Weave;
Secondly, in the rotation introduced by 4\5 T10, using Mind Blast reduces DPS.

So I prefer the following opening rotation:
Touch of the Vampire > Devouring Plague > Mind Flay > Shadow Word: Pain Shadow: Pain > Mind Flay

In other words, make sure your target has Touch of the Vampire, Devouring Plague, and Shadow Word: Pain, and throw a Mind Blast on cooldown. Fill any gaps in your rotation with Mind Flay, but be careful not to interrupt the last tick of Mind Flay. ITALIC Later I’ll talk about an interesting macro that will save you from this. If you find yourself in a situation where Mind Blast, Vampiric Touch or Devouring Plague is one and a half seconds away, then just cast Mind Flay to the end, despite the fact that the target will remain without a DoT (Spell that deals damage over time) for a second.

Spell priority with 4 T10 items.

Touch of the Vampire > Devouring Plague > Shadow Word: Pain > Mind Flay > (Mind Blast right after casting Touch of the Vampire)
In some cases, Mind Blast is not needed at all, but more on that later.
Very similar to normal priority but Mind Blast is cast half as often. But this cast is still very important, as it applies [Replenishment] to the raid. But, be that as it may, this change allows us to release 5 talents for other needs, but more on that in section 5 — Talents.
However, first of all, once in a raid, it’s worth checking the following thing — Restoration works on 10 people, so there should be at least 3 characters in raid 25, and at least 1 character in raid 10 that can apply this buff. These are 5 specs: Shadow Priest, Retribution Paladin, Ice Mage, Survival Hunter and Destruction Warlock. If there are 3 of these characters in raid 25, and you, dear ShP, are the fourth, then use the simplified rotation. Here it is:
Touch of the Vampire > Devouring Plague > Shadow Word: Pain > Mind Flay
That is 3 DoTs and 1 attacking spell that fills the meju space with DoT upgrades. And Replenishment will be on your raid members even without your Mind Blast.

But the most important principle is called ABC, Always Be Casting — Cast always. Stopping to wait for a cooldown or a half-second delay to wait for the perfect time to apply a DoT will only hurt your DPS. Don’t stop casting Mind Flay before the last tick and don’t upgrade dots until the last tick! Upgrading Touch of the Vampire to the latest DotA is a huge DPS loss that should be avoided. With an increase in haste rating, reduce your casting time and you need to be careful when throwing a DoT ahead of the curve. You should be especially careful about this under BL/heroism.

On an encounter that involves killing multiple targets at once, a good SH will maintain DoTs on all targets at the same time, remembering to only cast Shadow Word: Pain on 5 stacks of Shadow Weave.
Also remember that Devouring Plague can only be cast on one target at a time. Keep in mind that Mind Trick Talent increases damage against targets with Shadow Word: Pain DoT by 10% (critical on Saurfang Deathbringer, for example).
And the final rules of the Shadow: don’t throw Shadow Word: Death if you’re standing still and you can throw Mind Flay or Mind Blast.
Don’t waste time! If you’re on the run, do something that can help the raid! Throw Shadow Word: Death (cast on the run and even with your back to the target), refresh Devouring Plague, cast Fusion with Darkness (it will make it easier for healers if damage passes through the raid, restore mana, and since you still don’t help on the run, you won’t lose potential DPS ), Throw a Word of Power: Shield on the needy (SHP’s shield is not strong 5-8k on average but better than nothing!).


Threat is not a problem for Silk. However, when pulling the boss, it makes sense to cast Fade to make sure you don’t rip the boss while the tank is gaining aggro. By the time Shadowfall ends, Misdirects and tricks will have enough aggro for the tank. Also, Fade is indispensable for AoE (doing area damage).
To monitor the threat level, you need to use one of the addons, but more on that later.


A list of consumables that would be nice to have for the raid:

20x — [Frost Serpent Flask]
60x — [Potion of Wild Magic]
60x — [Potion of Swiftness]
60x — [Smoke Salmon] anything)

On difficult bosses, it is customary to drink sweats (potions with a 15 second effect) before the pool, so that during the pull the sweat cooldown rolls back ( during the battle, the cd does not roll back, but if you drink the potion a second before the pull, you can fool the stupid machine ) . Have the Raidleader or tank count down to the pull, and on the count of 1 drink the pot, turn on Fade and start the opening rotation. Using a Potion of Wild Magic rather than a Potion of Haste is necessary for the following reason.
When you cast Shadow Word: Pain on a target, you are under the effect of a Potion of Wild Magic, which means your DoT has a spd of 200 and a critical strike rating of 200 more than normal. And by updating it with mind torture, this property does not disappear. Thus, the potion drunk at the beginning affects your Shadow Word: Pain for the entire battle.
During the fight itself, you should drink a Potion of Swiftness. Make sure you don’t use it at the same time as Bloodblast/Heroism. A significant overkill in Speed ​​will not allow you to use the full potential of the Hast Pot.

There are actually only 2 options suitable for PvE. One of them for SP without 4 items from T10, the other for owners of 4/5 T10.

Regular spec

4-piece T10 spec

As you can see, the main difference is the release of 5 points from Improved Mind Flay. This allowed us to increase the flexibility of the spec. We channeled 2 points into Improved Vampiric Embrace, which is great for raid survivability in CLC Hardmodes. We also took Inner Focus and threat reduction by 16%.

Each SHP should only have 2 addons: a good DoTtracker and a good castbar. As usual, the conciseness of the interface is very important, and I am sure that many of you will take this factor into account when creating your interface. An addon that will show you DPS can come in handy, Recount or Skada can handle this role.

DoTtrackers: Auracle, ForteExorcist, ClassTimer, DoTimer.

There are a lot of DoTtimers out there, but I recommend the ForteExorcist, although it’s quite tricky to set up.

Castbars: Quartz, Gnosis, AZCastbars.

Quartz is the current standard and I use it too.

Speaking of macros, I will mention a few useful ones. The first one is a standard macro for uncasting Mind Flay and Mind Sear. I wouldn’t recommend them for players with high latency. As you get used to your ping, you will learn how to cast Mind Flay at the optimal time to minimize the loss of time and, at the same time, not to break the cast before the 3rd tick. But anyway, the increase or loss of DPS from this macro is not great, I leave its use to your discretion.
The macro mechanism is as follows: let’s say you cast Mind Flay. As you near the end of the cast, you press again and you may accidentally end the 3rd tick of Mind Flay. Using this macro will prevent you from starting a spell until this one ends. But due to the ping peculiar to Russia, I do not use this macro. My 200 pings delay the start of a new cast after the end of the previous one by about 300-400 milliseconds, while I touched the cast in advance and compensated for the delay. However, anyone can try this macro.

Regular macro for no-channeling Mind Flay casts (Remove quotes) nochanneling:Mind Sear] Mind Sear»

A common macro for a Shadowfiend. Currently, the pet uses [Creeping Darkness] (teleport to the enemy and attack) when it spawns automatically, but it often happens with a delay of a couple of seconds. Pressing this macro twice will spawn a Shadowfiend and teleport it to the enemy immediately, but I don’t think this macro is vital. Use as desired.

«#showtooltip Fiend of Darkness
/cast Fiend of Darkness
/cast [pet, nomodifier] Creeping Darkness»

Finally, we’ll make a macro that will cancel the Meld into Darkness action. I didn’t try to merge this macro with the cast of the merge itself, as this could inadvertently cancel the merge. But the macro is applicable in a number of cases, for example, when the merge is no longer necessary, but you need to continue to deal damage.

«/cancelaura Darkness»

A few macros and addons from me.

Castsequence macros help save space on your panels. Now I will explain how they work.

Teammate buff
«/castsequence reset=3 Power Word: Fortitude, Divine Spirit, Shadow Protection»

We see 3 parts here: /castsequence Command, Parameter 1 reset=3, Parameter 2 Power Word: Fortitude, Divine spirit, Protection from dark magic
The command means that by pressing the button we will cast spells from parameter 2 in turn.
Parameter 1 means that if we leave the button alone for 3 seconds, then the sequence will start over.
Let’s take an example: I press the button 1 time — a buff appears on the target Power Word: Fortitude. I press for 3 seconds again — the Divine Spirit buff appears. Wait 4 seconds and press again — Power Word: Fortitude buffs the target one more time. I press for 3 seconds again — the Divine Spirit buff appears. I press for 3 seconds again — the Protection from dark magic buff appears.
Thus, 3 buffs fit on one button. Further similarly.

Self buff
«/target {your name}
/castsequence reset=5 Inner Fire, Power Word: Fortitude, Divine Spirit, Shadow Protection»
The same, but on you personally and includes Inner Fire.

Raid Buff
«/castsequence reset=5 Inner Fire, Prayer of Fortitude, Prayer of the Spirit, Prayer of Shadow Protection»
Actively used after wipes.

Required addons (not only for SHP):
Aggro meter, necessary for any DD: Omen, Skada.
Raid: oRa3 (will tell the RL what he needs to know: cd, ping, etc.), DBM\BigWigs (will tell you what to do so as not to die).
Class: Decursive (without this thing, removing diseases and magic is hellish torment).

Q: I don’t agree with you… I think…

Answer: As I said, this is a subjective guide and I don’t require your consent on every point. In some cases there may be no theoretical proof, and then I relied on experience. If you don’t agree, then do what works best for you.

B: SPD, hast and crit. What should I focus on first?

A: With the current item set, there is no way to get haste cap, and no way to get 100% crit? so just upgrade your equipment. And yes, keep a close eye on the topic where the list of the best things for the Shp is located.

Q: When should I drop the Mind Blast and start using the 4/5 T10 chart?

A: Basically, once you get 4/5 T10 you can start using the new rotation, priorities and build. Basically, there is a point where dropping Mind Blast will start increasing your dps and Gromack figured it out. But for the lazy, I’ll say that when you take 5800 gs or start trailing CLK 10 heroes, it’s a great moment to switch to a new rotation and build.

Q: Definitely give up Mind Blast? Infa 100% that DPS will increase??

A: Well, not exactly. In this guide, I explained why this possibility arose, but the reality is that due to your ping or skill, abandoning Mind Blast will not increase your dps even after 4/5 T10 and 5800 gs. There are a couple of reasons why Mind Blast doesn’t have a last tick and you can’t interrupt it with another spell. It can also be handy to close gaps where Mind Flay could be too high. There are threads where you can get more information. Be sure to read Gromack’s post.

Q: Why doesn’t Black Magic apply to one-handed weapons anyway? He has more points when converted to theoretical units!

A: Yes, it is, but then your DPS right now will depend on the proc. Personally, I’m not used to counting on them and prefer permanent bonuses. This enchant is one of those and that’s why I prefer the permanent 63 SPD over the 250 haste proc.

Q: Why not Icebreaker and Tuskarr Vitality? After all, with an icebreaker there is more DPS!

A: The answer was mentioned above. The increase in speed and stamina is a great help when you start working on Hardmodes! In the CLC, a lot of bosses require you to be mobile, and your running speed will help you more than once!. But again, this is my personal opinion. If you personally do not need running speed, then you can use any enchant you want.

Q: I have a great GS, but the DPS is still like a tank =( what am I doing wrong?

O: Honestly, I have no idea. and the hit cap is taken, then you should just blow up the recount.If not, then you are probably a CRAB!0003

Q: Should I break Mind Flay on the 2nd tick to save time?

A: I wouldn’t recommend it. Theoretically, there may be times when this can give a DpS boost. But I am sure that many players will not be able to correctly assess the situation and choose the moment when interrupting Mind Flay will really increase DpS. I know a lot of Shadows who deliberately interrupt the cast, but I don’t consider them good Silks. For example, it is likely that if you try to interrupt Mind Flay between the second and third ticks, you will interrupt it before the second. Seriously, don’t interrupt.

Q: In what situations should you use Inner Concentration?

A: I only see 2 applications. The first is to cast before the fight and start rotating with Mind Blast, hoping for a crit to trigger Improved Spirit Trap.
The second — before trying on an expensive and very important Divine Hymn. On a number of bosses, heals will not interfere with support.

Site from ShP for ShP

Best raid gear 3.3

Perfect T10 Shp

Thoughts on speed cap

Thoughts on giving up Mind Blast

Functionality of Shadow Word: Pain

Gear Intelligence Calculator

If you have any questions about the Shadow Priests, ask me on my blog here. I will answer them and probably add them to the FAQ.

From the translator

Muqq, unfortunately, did not touch on the issue of race and professions, so I will only touch on it very briefly.
Races and professions are up to you — the bonus from them is small and unlikely to play a big role. But if you choose the ideal races, then this is Troll for the Horde, Draenei for the Alliance. The best professions are Jewel, Taylor and Enchanting.
I would also like to add a couple of things from my experience.
ShP are extremely sensitive to gear! Choose (especially spend EP and DCT) only those items that are really good for you, again, check the list.
Multidotting eats up mana very quickly! Watch for this in fights like Saurfang, Lady Deathwhisper, The Lich King, Valithria, The Professor. Plan in advance how you will use your mana regeneration abilities. The symbol of Merging with Darkness will be extremely useful.
Fighting a boss without adds while standing still is a test for SP, it is difficult to show decent DPS in such a fight, but it will help you that you almost never run out of mana if you fight against one boss without adds.