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‘World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth’ Leveling Guide: Level 1-120

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The newest World of Warcraft expansion, Battle for Azeroth, comes bundled with a free character boost to level 110 that puts you right into the action. It only works for one character, though, and the new allied races are sure to make you crave at least one alternate character (and possibly more).


  • Entirely new? Use recruit-a-friend
  • Pick a Death Knight or Demon Hunter
  • Buy heirlooms
  • Pick up Insightful Rubellite
  • Pick zones with less legwork
  • Remember to buy mounts, and the upgrades
  • Use your Hearthstone
  • Play with strangers
  • Always log out in a rest area
  • Turn on War Mode
  • Other items that boost experience
  • Don’t forget to install mods
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You can also start playing World of Warcraft without buying the expansion or even the base game, though you do have to pay for the subscription.

Knowing the right tricks is important, and our World of Warcraft leveling guide can shave tens of hours off the time you spend leveling a character up to 110 and begin enjoying the new expansion. Here’s how to level the easy way.

Entirely new? Use recruit-a-friend

If you’re entirely new but have a friend who plays, you can earn a big boost through the recruit-a-friend program.

When enrolled, you and the player who recruited you gain a 50-percent bonus to experience from kills and quests if you’re in the same party and within 100 yards of each other. Your characters must also be within four levels of each other and below level 90, so your friend needs to want to level up a character, too.

The recruit also grants the recruiter levels, with the latter gaining one level for every two levels the recruit gains. There are a lot of rules and restrictions to that, however. It all basically boils down to leveling alternate characters together. The recruiter can even earn epic mounts and battle pets if you stick with the game for a couple months.

Pick a Death Knight or Demon Hunter

Demon Hunter Developer Preview

Most classes in World of Warcraft start at first level, but Death Knights and Demon Hunters are exceptions. They start at level 55 and 98, respectively. This alone can shave a huge chunk of time from your leveling experience. Of course, it only works if you want to play a Death Knight or Demon Hunter, but they’re both solid classics that can dish out damage or tank in a group.

Allied races also shave a bit of time from leveling because they start at level 20, so it’s wise to pick an allied race if you have one unlocked.

Buy heirlooms

Heirlooms are special pieces of armor that level up with your character, so they have stats that are always respectable for your character’s level (up to level 110). Heirlooms that fit the head, shoulder, chest, legs, and back armor slot offer an experience bonus. The total bonus is 45 percent if you have them all. It’s also possible to acquire a ring that adds another 5 percent, but you must win a fishing contest acquire it, and that can take some time.

You can buy most heirlooms from Krom Stoutarm in Ironforge (if you’re alliance) or Estelle Gendry in the Undercity (if you’re Horde). However, some can only be purchased from guild vendors, which means you’ll have to join a guild before you can access them. Check out this heirloom list to find all the items and vendors.

Most heirlooms only work in a limited level range in their default form and must be upgraded to work at higher levels. That costs gold, and you’ll need around 30,000 gold to outfit yourself with a fully upgraded set (counting only those that give you bonus experience). You may need to spend some time on a boosted character to acquire the gold you need to outfit another character with heirlooms, but it’s well worth the effort.

Note these items are “bind on account,” which means all your characters have access to them once you buy them. With a few exceptions, you can use them even if your alternate character is on a different server, the opposite faction, or both.

Pick up Insightful Rubellite

Another item that helps with leveling is a gem called Insightful Rubellite. This gem adds a 5 percent bonus to experience. It’s made by jewelcrafting, so you’ll have to buy it on the auction house or have a friend make it unless you already have that profession leveled (which, if you’re new, isn’t likely!)

Pick zones with less legwork

Most of the time you spend leveling will involve questing and slaying monsters, but there’s also a lot of travel. Travel earns you little experience (you do gain a bit for discovering new areas), so it’s wise to keep travel to a minimum. The new level scaling system, which scales zones to your level within a preset range, helps with that. You can choose what zones you want to experience and stick with them until you finish their quests.

That means you should focus on zones that don’t require a lot of legwork. We can’t give you a comprehensive review of every zone, but we do have recommendations.

Level 1-60

Alliance players are best served by starting in Stormwind and proceeding through Westfall, Redridge Mountains, Duskwood, and the pair of Stranglethorn zones. These areas are adjacent to each other, relatively compact, and have good quest flow.

Horde players, meanwhile, should start their journey in Orgrimmar. From then you can visit The Barrens zones and Azshara. Both have a decent quest flow and fun quests. You can then head to Tanaris and Un’Goro Crater, two simple, flat zones that have some back-and-forth but are easy to traverse on a mount.

Level 60-70

Buckle up; this is the tough part. You must spend these levels navigating the game’s oldest content. Skip Outland, which looks and feels its age, and opt for the slightly newer zones in Northrend. Check out Sholazar Basin, Grizzly Hills, and Storm Peaks.

Level 80-90

This level range opens a variety of zones from the Cataclysm expansion, which are spread across the game’s original continents, but it’s more efficient to head to the continent of Pandaria. You can spend the entirety of this level range exploring its uniquely themed zones and quests. The Jade Forest, Valley of the Four Winds, and Kun-Lai Summit are our picks, but all the zones are worth checking out.

Level 90-100

Draenor, introduced in the Warlords of Draenor expansion, is arguably the most linear questing experience in the entire game. It’s wise to stick to the main story quests, as they’ll guide you through an efficient questing experience with minimal back-tracking.

With that said, it’s wise to check out Spires of Arak when given the chance. It’s a beautiful zone with the expansion’s best story and characters.

Level 100-110

Unlike its predecessor, the Legion expansion’s new continent, The Broken Isles, is non-linear. It doesn’t have a main quest that directs you to specific zones (at least not until Suramar, and you’ll hit level 110 before then).There’s no wrong way to approach this expansion. Every zone is excellent and offers a self-contained story.

Level 110+

Follow the Battle for Azeroth story quests.

Remember to buy mounts, and the upgrades

You can buy a mount at level 20, and upgrade to flying at level 60. There are also several levels of mount skill that you can purchase as you level up, and each improves your speed on a mount. Don’t forget these! They make navigating the world far easier.

Use your Hearthstone

The Hearthstone, which teleports you back to an inn of your choice, is such an iconic part of World of Warcraft that it became the name of Blizzard’s spinoff card game. It’s also a useful tool that can cut down on leveling time drastically.

When you visit a new area, set your Hearthstone to an inn in the largest quest hub (usually the largest town, fort, or settlement). You can then teleport back to that spot when you finish a few quests instead of hiking back on foot or on your mount.

Play with strangers

The Hearthstone has a cooldown of 30 minutes, but there’s a guild perk called Hasty Hearth that shaves the time by half, giving you a strong incentive to join a guild. Yes, even if it’s some random guild that invites you without warning. It may feel odd to join people you don’t know, but if they have Hasty Hearth (and most guilds do), joining can save you a lot of legwork.

Joining a guild also earns you access to cloaks that can teleport you back to your faction’s capital city, adding a little more versatility when you need to switch areas. You’ll find these at the guild vendor in your faction capital.

Always log out in a rest area

Certain locations in World of Warcraft – primarily inns, capital cities, and private instanced zones like your garrison or class order hall – are rest areas. You know you’ve entered one because your character portrait will gain a “Zzz” icon where your level is normally shown, and because you can immediately log out of the game instead of waiting 20 seconds.

You earn a large rested experience bonus when you log out in this rest areas. This gives you a massive 200-percent bonus to experience gain from most actions (though experience from quests isn’t included). The amount of rested experience you earn increases the longer you’re logged off, and your experience bar will be blue (instead of purple) while you have the bonus.

This is a huge bonus, so don’t miss it. Always use your Hearthstone before you log out (as Hearthstone bind locations are always in rest areas) or hike to the nearest rest area available.

Turn on War Mode

War Mode is a new featured added for Battle for Azeroth. It’s effectively a world PvP switch that works on any server. Turn it on, and you can fight other players anywhere. Turn it off, and you’re safe.

It’s off by default, but you can turn it on in your faction’s capital city. Doing so nets you a 10-percent increase in quest rewards including experience.

WAR MODE! Bringing Sandbox Gameplay To World of Warcraft? | + New BfA PvP Gear System

The downside is that War Mode will make you vulnerable to other players, which means you might be killed more often. Whether it’s worthwhile will depend on the zones you’re visiting and how active the other faction is on your server cluster. Heavily populated realms usually mean more players on both sides, and more conflict, but on quieter realms, you may rarely run across an enemy.

Try it out and see how it works for you. You can turn it off if you feel the bonus isn’t worth the hassle.

Other items that boost experience

We’ve covered all the simple tips that are accessible to new and returning players, but there are a few other extra items worth mention.

  • Darkmoon Top Hat: Acquired from the Darkmoon Faire from Gelva Grimegate, this hat adds a 10-percent bonus to experience. It’s consumed on use and lasts one hour, but you can purchase multiple hats and use them back-to-back. Note it works as a buff, not armor you wear, so it stacks with your heirloom helm.
  • Excess Potion of Accelerated Learning: Acquired in your Garrison (part of the Warlords of Draenor expansion), this gives you a 20-percent bonus to experience from killing monsters and finishing quests. It lasts one hour, but you can buy it multiple times and use it back-to-back. Alliance players buy it from Sergeant Crowler, horde players buy it from Sergeant Grimjaw. Does not work above level 99.
  • Elixir of Ancient Knowledge: This incredible potion boosts experience by 300 percent for one hour. Yes, 300 percent! There’s a catch, however – it’s a legacy item. You can only acquire it by purchasing it from others at the auction house, and it’s pricey. It lasts one hour and only works for characters below level 85.
  • Elixir of the Rapid Mind: Another incredible option that boost experience by 300 percent. It only lasts 15 minutes but works up to level 100. Again, there’s a big catch. It’s a legacy item that no longer drops, so you can only buy it at high prices on the auction house.

Don’t forget to install mods

World of Warcraft supports significant modification of the interface, and some mods can drastically improve your leveling experience. Here are some options.

  • Altoholic – Helps you keep track of items and currencies between alternate characters. It can help you remember bonuses and keep track of important items.
  • Immersion – Changes the quest text experience to include “talking head” dialogue boxes. You won’t level more quickly, but you also won’t have to read walls of text.
  • Wholly – Provides in-game access to a massive quest database (Grail, which you download separately). This can help you find nearby quests or skip ones that require too much travel.
  • TomTom – A navigation assistant that helps you stay on the right track with a big green arrow, instead of concentrating on the tiny in-game mini-map.
  • Atlas – Another navigation tool, this one adds better maps, as well as maps for areas in the game that lack them.
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BfA Enchanting Leveling Guide 1 — 175 — (Patch 10.0)

This Battle for Azeroth Enchanting leveling guide will show you the fastest and easiest way how to level your BfA Enchanting skill up from 1 to 175.

This guide’s primary focus is leveling Enchanting, but you can visit my Battle for Azeroth Enchanting Guide if you want to read more about the new changes, Enchanting bonuses, and recipes.

BfA Enchanting Trainer Location

The new BfA Enchanting skill is named differently for the two factions, but the name is the only difference between them.

Kul Tiran Enchanting is the Alliance version and Zandalari Enchanting is the Horde version.

Enchanting Trainers:

  • Horde: You can find Enchantress Quinni in Dazar’alor at the Terrace of Crafters.
  • Alliance: Emily Fairweather is in Boralus at the Tradewinds Market.

You can walk up to a guard in Dazar’alor or Boralus then ask where the Enchanting trainer is. Asking the guard will place a red marker on your map at the trainer’s location.

Recipe Ranks

Most high-level Battle for Azeroth Enchanting recipes has 3 ranks. Higher rank recipes reduce the materials required to create a recipe, and also give skill points much longer.

Unlocking World Quests

Some of the Rank 3 recipes are locked behind World Quests. They show up randomly, so you can’t predict when you can get them, but there are new ones up every couple of days. They will be marked with a small enchanting icon on your world map.

To unlock World Quest, you must complete the first steps of the Alliance or Horde War Campaigns until you get the quest Uniting Kul Tiras (Alliance) / Uniting Zandalar (Horde).

Approximate Materials Required

If you played during the Battle for Azeroth expansion and still have some Expulsom left, then you can save some gold by using them to level Enchanting. You can check out my guide on How to get Expulsom if you want to farm some, but it is probably easier to just buy normal enchanting materials from the Auction House.

If you decide to level with Expulsom, you will also need to get some Mark of Honor from winning Battlegrounds and Arenas, or you can also buy an Orboreal Distinguishment for 2000 honor from Purveyor Zo’kuul in Oribos. One box contains 5x Mark of Honor, so simply farming honor and buying these boxes is the fastest way to get Mark of Honor. Mark of Honor is account bound, so you can send it to your character from your alts.

Normal leveling Expulsom + Mark of Honor
  • 734x Umbra Shard
  • 3850x Gloom Dust
  • 222x Veiled Crystal
  • 687x Umbra Shard
  • 3139x Gloom Dust
  • 25x Veiled Crystal
  • 87x Expulsom
  • 12x Mark of Honor

Blood Elf characters have +10 Enchanting skill because of their passive [Arcane Affinity]. An extra 10 Enchanting skill means recipes stay orange for 10 more points, so you can save a lot of gold by doing lower level recipes for 10 more points.

You should put the enchants on an Enchanting Vellum, so you can sell them at the Auction House. Enchanting Vellum is sold by General Goods vendors or Enchanting Supply vendors near your trainer.

1 — 30

40x «Any glove enchant» — 200 Gloom Dust

Make around 40 from any of the glove enchants that cost 5x Gloom Dust.

30 — 35

7x Any from the «Seal of…» ring enchants — 84 Gloom Dust

The recipe will be yellow, so you might have to make fewer of these.

You can also make 5 from any of the «…. Hearthing» enchants if you can get cheap Umbra Shard.

35 — 60

Learn the rank 2 ring enchants from the trainer!

50x «Rank 2 ring enchant» — 500 Gloom Dust

The ring enchants are green for the last few skill points, so this is just an approximate number.

Alternative recipes

Getting any of these Rank 3 recipes are good alternatives and a cheaper way to get to 85:

  • Formula: Enchant Ring — Seal of Critical Strike — Sold by Collector Kojo. It requires Tortollan Seekers — Revered.
  • Formula: Enchant Ring — Seal of Versatility — Sold by Collector Kojo. It requires Tortollan Seekers — Revered.
  • Formula: Enchant Ring — Seal of Mastery — Reward from World quest «Work Order: Enchant Ring — Seal of Mastery»
  • Formula: Enchant Ring — Seal of Haste — Reward from World Quest «Work Order: Enchant Ring — Seal of Haste»

The World Quests are rare and they show up randomly, so I don’t think it’s worth waiting for them. But, you might get lucky and have one of them up while you are leveling enchanting.

  • 70 x Rank 3 ring enchants — 560 Gloom Dust

Make sure to make them up to 85 and not just 60!

60 — 75

30x Enchanter’s Umbral Wand — 30 Star Wood, 600 Gloom Dust, 30 Umbra Shard

You can buy Star Wood from the Enchanting Trainer.

Make sure to disenchant the wands to get some of your dust back!

75 — 85

20x Coastal Surge — 100 Umbra Shard, 400 Gloom Dust, 20 Veiled Crystal

The recipe will be yellow, so you might have to make more. You can make any other weapon enchants that have the same material cost as this one.

85 — 95

17x Deadly Navigation — 136 Umbra Shard, 340 Gloom Dust, 17 Veiled Crystal

The recipe will be yellow, so you might have to make more.

Alternative recipes

If you played during the Battle for Azeroth expansion and still have some Expulsom left that you don’t use for anything, then making the wand below is a good alternative. But, if you only have 30 Explusom in total, I would recommend using them later on at 120 and 150, because you will save more gold.

10x Rank 1 — Honorable Combatant’s Sorcerous Scepter — 10 Star Wood, 120 Umbra Shard, 30 Expulsom

If you also have 6x Mark of Honor, then you can buy the rank 2 and Rank 3 recipe from Leedan Gustaf / Ozgrom Ragefang.

The rank 3 is a lot cheaper to make and stays orange a lot longer! Make it all the way up to 120 and skip the next step.

37x Honorable Combatant’s Sorcerous Scepter — 37 Star Wood, 222 Umbra Shard, 37 Expulsom

95 — 120

Learn the rank 2 weapon enchants from the trainer!

40x Rank 2 — Coastal Surge — 160 Umbra Shard, 720 Gloom Dust, 40 Veiled Crystal

The recipe will be yellow for 15 points, so this is just an approximate number.

Alternative recipes

You can save some gold if you can get any of these rank 3 recipes below.

Recipe Source
Formula: Enchant Weapon — Coastal Surge Work Order: Enchant Weapon — Coastal Surge
Work Order: Enchant Weapon — Coastal Surge
Formula: Enchant Weapon — Torrent of Elements Work Order: Enchant Weapon — Torrent of Elements
Work Order: Enchant Weapon — Torrent of Elements
Formula: Enchant Weapon — Gale-Force Striking

Sold by Hoarder Jena (Horde) / Quartermaster Alcorn (Alliance). Requires Revered reputation with Voldunai (Horde) / Order of Embers (Alliance)

Formula: Enchant Weapon — Siphoning

Sold by Provisioner Lija (Horde) / Provisioner Fray (Alliance). Requires Revered reputation with Talanji’s Expedition (Horde) / Proudmoore Admiralty (Alliance)

120 — 125

7 x Any Rank 2 «Pact of. ..» ring enchant — 28 Umbra Shard, 90 Gloom Dust, 35 Veiled Crystal

If you played during the Battle for Azeroth expansion and still have some Expulsom left that you don’t use for anything, then make the wand below.

Alternative recipe

Make sure that you learn the rank 2 recipe from the trainer!

5x Rank 2 — Enchanter’s Sorcerous Scepter — 5 Star Wood, 45 Umbra Shard, 10 Expulsom

125 — 150

25x Quick Navigation — 150 Umbra Shard, 450 Gloom Dust, 25 Veiled Crystal

Alternative recipe

25x Enchanted Tiki Mask — 500 Gloom Dust, 50 Umbra Shard

The Formula: Enchanted Tiki Mask is dropped by King Rastakhan inside the Battle of Dazar’alor raid. It drops in every difficulty. I went there with 3 different characters and got it for the first time with all 3 of them, so I think it’s a 100% drop rate.

150 — 155

Visit your trainer Narv (Horde) / Instructor Okanu (Alliance) at Nazjatar and learn the new recipes. (You have to finish the first few intro quest at Nazjatar before you can see these NPCs. )

5x Accord of Critical Strike — 25 Veiled Crystal, 20 Umbra Shard, 90 Gloom Dust

Alternative recipe

5x Rank 1 — Notorious Combatant’s Sorcerous Scepter — 5 Star Wood, 125 Gloom Dust, 35 Umbra Shard, 15 Expulsom

The Star Wood is sold by the Enchanting Trainer.

If you also have 2x Mark of Honor, then you can buy the rank 2 recipe from Dazzerian (Horde) / Crafticus Mindbender (Alliance) at Nazjatar. Craft it until 165 and skip the next step!

15x Rank 2 — Notorious Combatant’s Sorcerous Scepter — 15 Star Wood, 345 Gloom Dust, 90 Umbra Shard, 30 Expulsom

155 — 165

10x Force Multiplier — 60 Umbra Shard, 250 Gloom Dust, 30 Veiled Crystal

165 — 175

Learn the rank 2 recipes from your trainer!

10x Rank 2 — Force Multiplier — 50 Umbra Shard, 220 Gloom Dust, 30 Veiled Crystal

Alternative recipe

Buy the Rank 3 Formula: Notorious Combatant’s Sorcerous Scepter recipe for 4 Mark of Honor from the same NPCs as the rank 2.