Wii sports resort easter eggs: Easter eggs in wii sports resort | Wii Sports Wiki

Wii Sports Resort Cheat Codes

Mario Sounds

If you play the island flyover and fly really close over the HILLSIDE CABINS location you will hear the starting of the Super Mario Bros. Game and you will also hear the sound it makes when Mario dies!

Mario SoundsHtml

If you play the island flyover and fly really close over the HILLSIDE CABINS location you will hear the starting of the Super Mario Bros. Game and you will also hear the sound it makes when Mario dies!

Te Secret Strike

In Bowling, during a 100-Pin Game, move your character all the way to the left or right. By using left or right on the d-pad), and roll a ball all the way down the gutter guard without it falling off. If it works, there will be a muted explosion sound, and all the pins will miraculously fall over. After completing the match you get the Secret Strike stamp.

Te Secret StrikeHtml

In Bowling, during a 100-Pin Game, move your character all the way to the left or right. By using left or right on the d-pad), and roll a ball all the way down the gutter guard without it falling off. If it works, there will be a muted explosion sound, and all the pins will miraculously fall over. After completing the match you get the Secret Strike stamp.

Island Flyover Help

If you are having trouble finding the last of the information bubbles on the Island Flyover part of the game, then find your island guide, Vincezo. Follow him, and he MIGHT help. I followed him when I was almost done and I finally found the last one hiding behind a rock. Awkward, isn’t it?.

Island Flyover HelpHtml

If you are having trouble finding the last of the information bubbles on the Island Flyover part of the game, then find your island guide, Vincezo. Follow him, and he MIGHT help. I followed him when I was almost done and I finally found the last one hiding behind a rock. Awkward, isn’t it?.

Swordplay Duel : Secret Round

In swordplay duel (on 2 player) do nothing for all three rounds. Then it will say final round. Then the blue section will rise. It will be easier to hit the other player of.

Swordplay Duel : Secret Round Html

In swordplay duel (on 2 player) do nothing for all three rounds. Then it will say final round. Then the blue section will rise. It will be easier to hit the other player of.

Final FINAL! Round.

In a Duel, If you win once and the other person won once and there is a tie, the more than half of the stage will collapse and two or one hit will make the other player fall.

Final FINAL! Round.Html

In a Duel, If you win once and the other person won once and there is a tie, the more than half of the stage will collapse and two or one hit will make the other player fall.

No Aming Hole ( Archery )

When your at the warning screen, press and hold 2. In regular archery you get an aiming hole but with this cheat you don’t.

No Aming Hole ( Archery ) Html

When your at the warning screen, press and hold 2. In regular archery you get an aiming hole but with this cheat you don’t.

Swordplay At Sunset

Go to duel and then when the when your at the warning screen press and hold 2 until your are about to battle.

Swordplay At SunsetHtml

Go to duel and then when the when your at the warning screen press and hold 2 until your are about to battle.

Secret Targets In Archery

You have to be very precise when aiming. In every stage and level there are secret targets. Some are hidden quite well and some are out in the open. When you start the stages, look to your far left, near left, far right, and near right and you will find different secret targets in each stage. For example, in the Beginner level: Stage 1 has an orange near the waterfall. Stage 2 has a watermelon. Stage 3 has a cantaloupe. Stage 4 has a cake.

Secret Targets In ArcheryHtml

You have to be very precise when aiming. In every stage and level there are secret targets. Some are hidden quite well and some are out in the open. When you start the stages, look to your far left, near left, far right, and near right and you will find different secret targets in each stage. For example, in the Beginner level: Stage 1 has an orange near the waterfall. Stage 2 has a watermelon. Stage 3 has a cantaloupe. Stage 4 has a cake.

One-hit Wonder Stamp In Swordfighting

In a swordfighting duel, I looked at the stamps. One I saw was the one-hit wonder stamp. At first, I had no idea how that was possible, but then I got a good idea. The idea was, Block. Just block, since they back up when you do. Then, when they are just about at the edge, hit when they are off guard. They will fly off and you will get the stamp. Careful not to take too long, otherwise the time will run out and you will tie.

One-hit Wonder Stamp In SwordfightingHtml

In a swordfighting duel, I looked at the stamps. One I saw was the one-hit wonder stamp. At first, I had no idea how that was possible, but then I got a good idea. The idea was, Block. Just block, since they back up when you do. Then, when they are just about at the edge, hit when they are off guard. They will fly off and you will get the stamp. Careful not to take too long, otherwise the time will run out and you will tie.

Superman Slam Dunk

In pickup games in basketball, you probably know there is a slam dunk. Well, I found out you can slam dunk from about 15 feet away! To do this, there has to be no one in front of you, usually when defenders fall, and you have to be just inside the dark blue rectangle. When you press [b], your Mii will fly into the air and slam it in. However, when your that far away, timing is important, so don’t let slam it until your Mii is just about starting to fall. If you find yourself missing or not going into a slam dunk, there is either a person in front of you, or you are slamming too early.

Superman Slam DunkHtml

In pickup games in basketball, you probably know there is a slam dunk. Well, I found out you can slam dunk from about 15 feet away! To do this, there has to be no one in front of you, usually when defenders fall, and you have to be just inside the dark blue rectangle. When you press [b], your Mii will fly into the air and slam it in. However, when your that far away, timing is important, so don’t let slam it until your Mii is just about starting to fall. If you find yourself missing or not going into a slam dunk, there is either a person in front of you, or you are slamming too early.

Basketball Tips

When playing basketball, (which I think is the best sport on this game)here are a few things to help. *3-point contest- Remember to actually use a basketball motion. The Wii Motion Plus makes it incredibly accurate of your motions. If you find yourself throwing the ball 100 mph at the hoop, you probably aren’t using the right motion. If you swear you are doing the motion perfectly and you keep on missing, then the remote probably needs to be calibrated.
*Pickup Game- Now this is the actual fun game. Offence: Act as though you’re dribbling the Wii Remote, and pass using either (A) or + (arrow pad) You can continue passing to other people for a maximum of 20 seconds, then press [B] to get ready to shoot. While holding [B], you have five seconds to shoot. Raise the Wii Remote to jump, then let ‘er rip. Your accuracy seems to have almost no effect
in this game, so you can also slam dunk. To slam dunk, get very close to the hoop, press[B], then jump. You will be able to tell if you are slam dunking or not. Slam dunks are all about timing; and are very possible to miss, so go at the right time. Trick:When you press [b], your opponent will usually jump to try to block it. Wait until they hit the ground, then shoot.
Defense: This is much simpler than offense. When they pass it, your player will automatically follow them, but you have to block. To knock the ball out of opponents hands, use a swinging motion (Careful, if you swing too much you will fall. ) Also, if you think you have a chance, try to catch it when they pass it to other people. Use the same swinging motion to do that. When they go for a shot, don’t press any buttons and quickly raise up the Wii Remote. Your person will jump up, but the opponent can pull the same trick as you, so time correctly.
*Also, listen closely for a high pitched voice that says «Vampire! » They say about every 10 seconds and are in both 3-point contest and pickup game.

Basketball TipsHtml

When playing basketball, (which I think is the best sport on this game)here are a few things to help. *3-point contest- Remember to actually use a basketball motion. The Wii Motion Plus makes it incredibly accurate of your motions. If you find yourself throwing the ball 100 mph at the hoop, you probably aren’t using the right motion. If you swear you are doing the motion perfectly and you keep on missing, then the remote probably needs to be calibrated.
*Pickup Game- Now this is the actual fun game. Offence: Act as though you’re dribbling the Wii Remote, and pass using either (A) or + (arrow pad) You can continue passing to other people for a maximum of 20 seconds, then press [B] to get ready to shoot. While holding [B], you have five seconds to shoot. Raise the Wii Remote to jump, then let ‘er rip. Your accuracy seems to have almost no effect
in this game, so you can also slam dunk. To slam dunk, get very close to the hoop, press[B], then jump. You will be able to tell if you are slam dunking or not. Slam dunks are all about timing; and are very possible to miss, so go at the right time. Trick:When you press [b], your opponent will usually jump to try to block it. Wait until they hit the ground, then shoot.
Defense: This is much simpler than offense. When they pass it, your player will automatically follow them, but you have to block. To knock the ball out of opponents hands, use a swinging motion (Careful, if you swing too much you will fall. ) Also, if you think you have a chance, try to catch it when they pass it to other people. Use the same swinging motion to do that. When they go for a shot, don’t press any buttons and quickly raise up the Wii Remote. Your person will jump up, but the opponent can pull the same trick as you, so time correctly.

*Also, listen closely for a high pitched voice that says «Vampire! » They say about every 10 seconds and are in both 3-point contest and pickup game.

Advance Golf

When your at the warning screen press and hold 2. In regular golf there is a menu that shows wind etc. With this cheat there isn’t.

Advance GolfHtml

When your at the warning screen press and hold 2. In regular golf there is a menu that shows wind etc. With this cheat there isn’t.

Play Opening Sequence ( Skydiving )

When your at the warning screen, press and hold 2. This will let you play the opening sequence.

Play Opening Sequence ( Skydiving )Html

When your at the warning screen, press and hold 2. This will let you play the opening sequence.

Reposition The Table Tennis Paddle

While you’re playing Table Tennis, if you have trouble keeping the paddle in front of you, press the down directional button and it will reposition your paddle.

Reposition The Table Tennis PaddleHtml

While you’re playing Table Tennis, if you have trouble keeping the paddle in front of you, press the down directional button and it will reposition your paddle.

The Shoe Paddle…

In ping pong matches, there are strange people who use shoes instead of paddles. Most often the two I come by are Ian and Chica. Ian is about level 250, and Chica is about 850. If you want to be sure you come by these people, progress slowly, just barely beating other people.

The Shoe Paddle…Html

In ping pong matches, there are strange people who use shoes instead of paddles. Most often the two I come by are Ian and Chica. Ian is about level 250, and Chica is about 850. If you want to be sure you come by these people, progress slowly, just barely beating other people.

Speed Slice Angle Help

You can do this at anytime during speed slice. If your having trouble seeing the angle of the cut, pause the game (+) right when the item is dropped on screen, if you do it at the right time you can either get it while its in the air and get a stamp, or right when it hits the ground. But be careful, if you try to slice it to soon after un- pausing, it wont work.

Speed Slice Angle HelpHtml

You can do this at anytime during speed slice. If your having trouble seeing the angle of the cut, pause the game (+) right when the item is dropped on screen, if you do it at the right time you can either get it while its in the air and get a stamp, or right when it hits the ground. But be careful, if you try to slice it to soon after un- pausing, it wont work.

Easy Accuracy In Archery

Getting easy accuracy is easy as it sounds. Go into archery under any level point your wii remote down. Press A and the bow should be up when your remote is down. Now you can get a bulls-eye much easier.

Easy Accuracy In ArcheryHtml

Getting easy accuracy is easy as it sounds. Go into archery under any level point your wii remote down. Press A and the bow should be up when your remote is down. Now you can get a bulls-eye much easier.

Perfect Guide To The Pick Up Game Section

First of all, when you shoot, flick the wii remote slightly (vibrate it). Next, when shooting starts to get harder because people are starting to block harder, raise the wii remote SLOWLY upwards so they will think you are about to shoot (it works! ) and when they jump, as they’re coming down, make your jump shot with the info I used previously in this hint. But when it gets harder, and they start to block more timing, shoot faster, but flick the wii remote slightly! And then, it will be perfect offense.
Now for defense, when they’re making they’re way to the goal, wait for the ball to get closer towards you and take it! Now for blocking, they will raise the ball up to fake you out, but wait for them to jump! Don’t fall for it! When it gets harder, they will shoot faster so stay on your toes, literally!

Perfect Guide To The Pick Up Game SectionHtml

First of all, when you shoot, flick the wii remote slightly (vibrate it). Next, when shooting starts to get harder because people are starting to block harder, raise the wii remote SLOWLY upwards so they will think you are about to shoot (it works! ) and when they jump, as they’re coming down, make your jump shot with the info I used previously in this hint. But when it gets harder, and they start to block more timing, shoot faster, but flick the wii remote slightly! And then, it will be perfect offense.
Now for defense, when they’re making they’re way to the goal, wait for the ball to get closer towards you and take it! Now for blocking, they will raise the ball up to fake you out, but wait for them to jump! Don’t fall for it! When it gets harder, they will shoot faster so stay on your toes, literally!

Wakeboarding Hint

On the Expert level in Wakeboarding, you’ll notice that when you start the orange buoy is on the right and the green one is on the left. As you play, every time you see a green buoy, go right. And once you see the orange one, go left. I figured this out when I was playing the game one day. I got a new highscore out of it!

Wakeboarding HintHtml

On the Expert level in Wakeboarding, you’ll notice that when you start the orange buoy is on the right and the green one is on the left. As you play, every time you see a green buoy, go right. And once you see the orange one, go left. I figured this out when I was playing the game one day. I got a new highscore out of it!

Island Guide

When you are playing the island flyover game you have to collect information bubbles. Some are out in the open and some are hidden very well. To help you find them press the 1 button and you will send off a flare. Look around and you should see another plane send off one too! That is miguel the island guide he will fly you around the island to every point. Make sure you keep up with him. If you lose him just push 1 again.

Island GuideHtml

When you are playing the island flyover game you have to collect information bubbles. Some are out in the open and some are hidden very well. To help you find them press the 1 button and you will send off a flare. Look around and you should see another plane send off one too! That is miguel the island guide he will fly you around the island to every point. Make sure you keep up with him. If you lose him just push 1 again.

Pull Stunts When Wakeboarding

To pull stunts while Wakeboarding, shake the Wiimote. You will pull different stunts depending how fast you’re going, easily getting you the «Bag of Tricks» stamp, and will raise your score, somewhat easily getting you the «Big Air» stamp!

Pull Stunts When WakeboardingHtml

To pull stunts while Wakeboarding, shake the Wiimote. You will pull different stunts depending how fast you’re going, easily getting you the «Bag of Tricks» stamp, and will raise your score, somewhat easily getting you the «Big Air» stamp!

Easy In Your Face Table Tennis Sticker

To easily get the «In Your Face» sticker while playing Table Tennis, hit a flaming ball! (The ball with red smoke trailing it) You can hit the ball and it will go super fast when your opponent almost has to dive to get the ball. Works best with the first guy you VS. (NOTE: when they almost have to dive, yellow marks will appear over their head, and BE CAREFUL! It won’t smack them in the face all the time, and they can hit a flaming ball at you too! ).

Easy In Your Face Table Tennis StickerHtml

To easily get the «In Your Face» sticker while playing Table Tennis, hit a flaming ball! (The ball with red smoke trailing it) You can hit the ball and it will go super fast when your opponent almost has to dive to get the ball. Works best with the first guy you VS. (NOTE: when they almost have to dive, yellow marks will appear over their head, and BE CAREFUL! It won’t smack them in the face all the time, and they can hit a flaming ball at you too! ).

Wii Sports Resort (Video Game)



Go To

Wii Sports Resort is the official sequel to the popular game Wii Sports, introducing the Wii MotionPlus accessory that added a gyroscope to the Wiimote for true 1:1 control.

Unlike Wii Sports, Resort actually gives the player a setting for their activities, the luxurious resort island of Wuhu Island (which is actually the same island you can jog around in Wii Fit), and amps up the original five sports to twelve individual summer sports, all taking place somewhere on the island, and like Wii Sports, all games are played with the remote’s motion controls:

     Game Modes 

  • Swordplay, where you can pretend your remote is a sword to fight other characters, challenge them to a speed cutting contest where you have to slash objects in specific directions, or defeat hordes of enemies.
  • Wakeboarding, where you pretend your remote is the handle of the rope as you attempt to get big air to score major points.
  • Frisbee, where you toss Frisbees, either to get a dog to catch them, or to play a game of Frisbee Golf, with some golf courses from the original Wii Sports making a return.
  • Archery, where you pretend the Wii Remote is the bow, and the Nunchuck is the string, pulling it and aiming for targets at various distances, mobility and wind conditions
  • Basketball, where the Wii Remote is a basketball, and either you try a shoot out, or to play a 3-on-3 game.
  • Table Tennis, where the Wii Remote is a paddle, and you play a basic 6 point match. Wii Play already covered Table Tennis, but this version plays more similarly to Tennis from Wii Sports.
  • Golf, which is pretty much the same as it was in Wii Sports, but with more sophisticated controls and some new courses.
  • Bowling, which is also the same as it was in Wii Sports. But now you can play actual games with 100 pins, or with various obstructions to try and bowl around.
  • Power Cruising, where the player pretends their Wii Remote and Nunchuck are the handles of a jetski, trying to get through rings.
  • Canoeing, where the Wii Remote is a paddle, and your goal is to try to get across further and further distances within a certain amount of time. Up to four players can share a single canoe, where hilarity ensues.
  • Cycling, where the Wii Remote and Nunchuck are the pedals of a bike, and you use them to gain speed and steer in a race against multiple people. Two players can share a tandem bicycle and co-operate to race together.
  • Air Sports, where you can sky dive to try and get as many pictures in as many formations with other Miis as possible (this game actually plays the first time you start up the disc!), or engage in an Island Flyover where you are challenged to fly around the Island and find all the points of interest, including the various locales that the other sports are held, or a Dogfight where two players can fly around the island trying to shoot down each others’ balloons.

All modes have stamp cards, which challenge the player to achieve specific objectives in order to collect stamps (such as getting a perfect game in Bowling).

Nintendo Switch Sports, a successor to the original Wii Sports, includes Chambara as a sport, adapted from the Swordplay duelling in this game.

Wii Sports Resort includes examples of:

  • 100% Completion: Getting all 80 i Points in Island Flyover gets the player a vacation home built on the Private Island. The game also has the collective Stamps earned via completing achievements in each sport (and branch thereof), but they don’t unlock anything — they’re just there to satiate completionist needs.
  • Achievement System: There are a set of five Stamps for each event, awarded for such things like getting a perfect score, performing certain tasks like fighting their opponent to a draw in Swordplay, popping balloons while air touring the island, or hitting hidden fruit targets in Archery.
  • A.I. Breaker: In swordplay, lunges (thrusting attacks) are a downplayed example. Most A.I. opponents (and most players for that matter) have trouble defending against them, since parrying them requires you to line up the length of your sword precisely with the path of your opponent’s sword’s point (unlike real fencing, there are no sweeping parries to divert the blade).
  • Always Night: The 3-Point Contest. You can also unlock Nighttime Flying for Island Flyover.
  • Arrow Cam: Archery does this a couple different ways; first, it happens if you ace a section (all three shots are tens) you will get a replay of the last shot in this view. The other is, in each of the 12 areas there is an alternate target (A overly large fruit, cake, or in one case a timer) that if you shoot in such a way that your arrow will near it, it follows, even if it misses at the far end.
  • Artificial Stupidity: Particularly evident in Cycling; sometimes the other cyclists will just suddenly swerve to the side… right off a cliff/into the water.
  • Automatic New Game: This game selects one of the player’s Miis and places them directly into the Skydiving event before unveiling the title screen the first time.
  • Bald Head of Toughness: Like boxing in Wii Sports, Matt, the only bald NPC Mii, is the champion of swordplay, in contrast to the NPC Mii Ryan, a long-haired Mii. He is also the final boss in swordplay showdown.
  • Beach Episode: For the Wii series, with the sports being what you’d experience at a resort, such as Table Tennis and cycling. And of course, we have Frisbee dog, which is literally on a beach.
  • Camera Screw: The camera from the Waterskiing/waterboarding game often goes slower than the player character, which results in being often unable to get back in balance and, thus, gain no points. It becomes unnerving on Medium or Hard difficulty levels, where obstacles are added to the course and it’s sometimes impossible to see them because of the camera. Yet it’s on the SEA.
  • Cap: The highest possible skill level for each game is capped at 2500. This leads to the aversion of Off the Chart, contrasting its straight play in the first Wii Sports game.
  • Captain Obvious: Like with Wii Sports before it, dunking a golf ball/ Frisbee into the watery depths in Golf / Frisbee Golf has the game proclaim «Water Hazard» at you, and comes off as a bit snarky.
  • Circling Birdies: One of the features of Cycling is that it has a stamina system. If a Mii’s stamina runs out, he/she stops in his/her tracks with stars circling his/her head.
  • Clock Tower: Wuhu Island has the Broken Clock Tower as a landmark, which has the peculiar trait of not having clock hands at all, as said hands were stolen some time ago. However, in its Mario Kart 8 Deluxe appearance, the clock seems to have been repaired.
  • The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard:
    • In the later stages of Swordplay Duel, the opponents begin to hit a LOT harder than you are to able to, and can block your attacks instantaneously.
    • The Champion of Speed Slice has reaction times beyond that of most, if not all human beings. Beating him essentially becomes a Luck-Based Mission where the winning point is decided on guesswork.
  • Convection, Schmonvection:
    • You can fly up to the top of a volcano, down into it, and inches over the lava and be totally unharmed.
    • Zigzagged during the Archery game. The lava does produce enough rising heat to affect your shot, making you aim lower than you’d expect, but your character still doesn’t seem overly fazed by standing in the crater of a lava lake.
  • Cool Old Lady: An NPC Mii, Nelly, is badass territory by being a pro in all sports, and has an elderly appearance.
  • Cosmetic Award: The stamps you gain by performing certain tasks in each of the games. They tend to be based on reaching certain thresholds of skill, with the highest ones requiring perfect games in some instances. A particularly egregious example is the final reward for Island Flyover. Most of the other rewards are pretty cool and affect gameplay in some way (alternate times of day, upgrades to the plane, and so on). So, how does the game reward you for finding 70 and all 80 info points? You get an alternate skin for the Whale Shark with your face on it and a tiny shack that has a flag with your face on it respectively.
  • Diagonal Cut: One of the minigames consists entirely of doing this as fast as you can, using the direction indicated onscreen (left to right, diagonal cut, vertical cut etc). This includes cutting hilarious items such as giant sushi, giant hard boiled eggs, a giant LED timer that stops and shows the timing when cut, and giant human-sized diamonds. You can even work in a few extra iai slashes before the next item loads, if that’s what you’re into.
  • Disapproving Look: Frisbee Dog gives this to the player if they miss enough times in a row.
  • Easter Egg:
    • When you fly over the Hillside Cabins in Island Flyover, you can hear someone playing Super Mario Bros (or possibly The Lost Levels) inside one of the cabins.
    • In Cycling, moving the control stick on the Nunchuk rings the bicycle’s bell, which doesn’t do anything.
    • Holding 2 while Archery is loading turns off the aiming circle.
    • Holding 2 while Basketball Pickup is loading lets you play at night.
    • Holding 1 and clicking A on the «Warning» screen in Table Tennis after beating Lucia (the champion) gives you a hotel slipper that you can use as a paddle.
    • Holding 2 and doing the same thing as for the shoe paddle in Table Tennis lets you play an 11 point match, though it is a bit faster.
    • Holding 2 while Swordplay Duel is loading lets you play in the evening.
    • As is to be expected, some of the Easter eggs from the original Wii Sports are retained here:
      • Holding a specific direction on the D-Pad while Bowling is loading changes the ball’s color. Down for green, left for red, and right for gold.
      • Holding 2 while either Golf or Frisbee Golf is loading turns off the Heads-Up Display.
  • Elite Mooks: In Swordplay Showdown, Miis with red and purple armor will begin to show up in the higher levels. While they are not as powerful as the boss, they are significantly more dangerous than the green and golden Miis, as they take 2-3 hits to defeat and can regularly block attacks before launching a counterattack of their own.
  • Everyone Knows Morse Code: There are three different messages you can hear in Island Flyover in Morse Code, between the player on a seaplane and the Light Candle; the larger-than-intended lighthouse:

    You: «Morse code takes forever.»

    Light Candle: «It sure does.»

    You: «Does anyone out there know Morse code?»

    Light Candle: Sorry. Use your radio.

    You: Why does anyone use Morse code anymore?

    Light Candle: Good question.

  • Everything Fades: The items you chop up in Speed Slice mode just fade out of existence after being cut. The opponents in Showdown on the other hand swell up, turn blue and then disappear in a flash of light when knocked down.
  • Fingerless Hands: Just like in the game’s predecessor, the Miis can partake in a wide array of sports despite this impediment.
  • Forced Tutorial: The three-minute-long unskippable video tutorial on installing, removing and maintaining the embedded Wii Motion Plus plays when you boot the game for the first time, and can be viewed again afterwards. The cutscene plays even if the Wii Motion Plus is already installed.
  • Foreshadowing: The description for the Private Island in Island Flyover says it would be a good place to build a vacation home. You get one built on that island when you collect all 80 i points.
  • Genius Loci: According to Shigeru Miyamoto, Wuhu Island is the game’s «mascot» of sorts.
  • Hammerspace:
    • Where Matt pulls the items you have to cut up in Speed Slice.
    • Ryan uses it to the same extent when you face the Speed Slice Champion.
  • Hollywood Skydiving: The game actually manages to avert this. In the «Air Sports» skydiving game, the player jumps out of an airplane and has three minutes to link up with other divers for photographs. The chute opens automatically with ample time to spare, avoiding the trope. Except for the fact that a three minute free fall would require about 35,000 feet of altitude, which would only be accomplished through the use of high altitude HALO gear, and the chutes opened rather low, in reality, that altitude would only be a few seconds from the ground. Also, and automatic opening from an AAD is Truth in Television, but no one would ever actually rely on it.
  • Irony: Ryan is the worst fencer in all Swordplay modes, whereas Matt, the Speed Slice judge is the Champion. Guess who shows up to serve as referee for the Champion match in Speed Slice.
  • Lighthouse Point: One big lighthouse named «The Candle» is a prominent landmark on Wuhu Island, as seen in this game and others where the island appears, such as Mario Kart 7, Super Smash Bros., and Pilotwings.
  • Meaningful Name: An NPC Mii, Midori’s favorite color is green, which is what her name means in Japanese.
  • Mercy Mode: In the Golf game, if you do badly enough on a hole, the game forces you to skip it and go on to the next one. Obviously, that’s a lot slower than just completing the hole normally, however, if you have a good overall score, then the game will start putting the hole on more difficult sections of the green to give you a challenge, which makes completing holes quickly a lot harder. Therefore, runners will skip Hole 1 by deliberately shooting their ball into the water repeatedly and then play the rest of the game normally. Their terrible score on Hole 1 makes it so that the game gives them easy hole placement for the rest of the game, which more than makes up for the time loss suffered on Hole 1.
  • Mook Chivalry: In Swordplay Showdown, the enemies will only attack you one at a time, while the rest of them circle your battle idly. Funnily enough, if your swing is wide enough, you can actually harm the enemies that are just standing there while they can’t fight back.
  • Multi-Mook Melee: The entire point of Swordplay Showdown mode. The event has the player take down dozens of sword wielding Miis. Most of them are KO’d in one hit but some take two and the final enemy (a boss if you will) has to be hit 3 times.
  • New Work, Recycled Graphics: Many of the assets, such as the sounds for bowling and miscellaneous props are from Wii Sports. The island itself is literally just Wifitty island from Wii Fit, only modified further for this game’s events.
  • Nigh-Invulnerability: If you crash at just the right angle in the volcano when you’re flying the plane, you will see your Mii hit the lava and come away seemingly unharmed.
  • Nintendo Hard: Many sports become incredibly challenging should you progress far in them.
  • No «Arc» in «Archery»: Averted in Archery, where you have to use the Nunchuk to draw the bow and you have to factor the distance from you to the bullseye combined with cross-winds into your aim.
  • Non-Lethal Bottomless Pits: Fall off the track while Cycling, and you’ll just get transported back close to where you fell off. Interestingly enough, this doesn’t apply to the CPU cyclists.
  • Nostalgia Level: Three golf courses from the original Wii Sports are present here under the name «Classic Courses». They’re even compatible with Frisbee Golf.
  • Old Save Bonus: The game is able to grab Miis from the Check Mii Out Channel if the player has it installed.
  • One-Steve Limit: All the opponent Miis have unique names, although some sound very similar to each other (eg. Steve, Steph and Stéphanie)
  • Overly-Long Gag: The instructional video for plugging in the Wiimotion Plus. It lasts an agonizing five minutes.
  • Palmtree Panic: The entire game, really, but special mention goes to Frisbee Dog.
  • Pandering to the Base: When unveiled at E3, it was specifically noted invoked that 1/1 sword fighting was long requested.
  • Pass Through the Rings: The flying and skydiving events have these, as does the «Power Cruising» event.
  • Pixel Hunt: The archery game contains Easter Eggs for you to shoot, granting you an achievement if you get them all. They are very far away to begin with (thus occupying only a few pixels at best), but, even worse, some of them are literally impossible to see from where your Mii stands. It requires paying attention to the arrow cam and other camera idiosyncrasies to learn where they are.
  • Purple Is Powerful: In Swordplay Duel, Matt uses a purple sword to signify his Champion status. After beating him, you can use the same sword by holding down 1 when selecting your Mii.
  • Roaring Rapids: The game has several games with kayaking and jet-ski piloting that involve maneuvering through rapids.
  • Rubber-Band A.I.: The further ahead you are compared to the A.I. in Speed Slice, the faster it reacts. This works both ways, as it will also have more delay if you are lagging behind.
  • Scenery Porn: The game has amazing graphics for a casual game on the Wii. You can see it to its fullest extent in the Island Flyby, where you can enjoy the scenery of the island from any angle (and pop some balloons too).
  • Smashing Watermelons: This is part of the Speed Splice game. The player’s Mii has to slice falling fruits, including watermelons, in specific directions. The accuracy and speed of the speed in each slash will determined the score.
  • Songs in the Key of Panic: During the Swordplay gauntlet, the music slowly adds more instrumentation when you get close to the end of the course. Another layer is added for when the player is down to one heart.
  • Sudden Death: In the Swordplay duels, if neither combatant wins best of three, it goes to «Sudden Death» where the arena is reduced to the center circle, and one good hit can easily knock the opponent off. Interestingly, even this can be tied, awarding the player with an Achievement («Stamp») for the round.
  • Stuck on Band-Aid Brand: A registered trademark symbol appears on the title screen for «Frisbee», as the word is a registered trademark of the Wham-O toy company, and the brand name far eclipses the other terms people have tried to make such sports that use them (like disc-sports).
  • Shout-Out: While every other Mii in the Swordplay minigame gets either a red or blue sword, Matt uses a purple sword like Mace Windu.
  • Smashing Watermelons: Giant watermelons show up occasionally in Speed Slice. Along with cakes, pencils, and bombs.
  • Tandem Parasite: This happens quite easily in the Cycling game if one of the riders doesn’t know what they’re doing or refuses to keep rhythm.
  • Tech-Demo Game: For the Wii Motion Plus peripheral. It is also notable that a lot of the mechanics in this game would later be closely replicated in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, ranging from fairly self explanatory (Archery, Swordplay, skydiving) to the more subtle (Bowling becoming the ability to roll bombs, flying an aircraft being adapted into controlling your Loftwing, Power Cruising becoming Captain Skipper’s boat). Even something like being able to control your Mii’s posture during skydiving finds its way into the Boss Key rotation puzzles, making Resort feel like a test run for Skyward Sword in places.
  • Treasure Is Bigger in Fiction: In the Speed Slice challenge, giant diamonds are one of the possible objects to cut. Don’t ask how it’s possible.
  • Tropical Island Adventure: The game is set on a tropical island resort called Wuhu Island, and many of the game’s sports events take place close to the coast.
  • Unlockable Content: Each sport is divided into categories, but some of them have to be unlocked.
  • A Winner Is You: The celebration for bowling a perfect game is less than spectacular.
  • Wide-Open Sandbox: Island Flyover lets you fly anywhere on the island, and Power Cruising’s Practice mode lets you go anywhere in the water around the island.
  • Wind Turbine Power: a set of wind turbines are used as the sole source of electricity on Wuhu Island.


Poofesure rage laughing

Poofesure is driven so insane by the basketball game in Wii Sports Resort that he starts laughing uncontrollably.

Example of:
Laughing Mad

Wii Sports Resort — my first impressions / Sudo Null IT News

For a very long time, I thought that game consoles are for kids, adults, if they haven’t played enough in childhood, play only on computers. But, this year, my opinion changed dramatically when I bought a Wii console from Nintendo. You can read my impressions and reviews of the games on the blog, and I will say a few words about it for those who still think that consoles are for children. Firstly, games will allow you to tear off your ass from a computer chair or sofa and get a decent load on your body. My friend, after jumping in front of the TV for 10 minutes in the boxing game, the next day complained of pain in the muscles. And with the addition of an optional Wiifit accessory, you can do yoga and strength training. This is the first reason that you may be interested in the console. But if you can’t live without a computer and programming, then the craftsmen have managed to write special libraries to work with the Wii Remote, and you can create your own applications using the remote. For example, there is a program when standing on the Wii Balance board, using the Wii Remote, you can travel in program Planet Earth by Google. On Habré, you can find references to these features. I also plan to take a closer look at these libraries soon.

But today I will tell you about my impressions of the new game Wii Sports Resort . Perhaps many of you already have this console, and you want to hear another opinion about this game. And for someone, suddenly this article will become a starting point and spur interest in the Wii.

Finally, we have waited! New game Wii Sports Resort has already appeared in Russia. I have already described my first impressions of this game when it was presented on Red Square. But, I wanted to deal with it in more detail in a calm home environment. Novy Disk Company, which represents the interests of Nintendo in Russia, has launched an advertising campaign on the occasion of the start of sales of this game in Russia. In the Soyuz store on August 5 there was a special presentation with prizes for the first buyers. I went to the store after work and bought the game. The staff at New Disc gave me a big Wii bath towel. For which I thank them very much, I just needed to buy a shower towel. nine0006

The new disc has prepared well for this event by launching a special page dedicated to the game Wii Sports Resort. The flash animation of the island was made on the site almost one to one, just like in the game. Also, the site tells in great detail about all the games: a lot of videos, instructions and other useful information. I recommend visiting the site to learn the game.

I will not repeat myself, but will only tell you about my impressions of the game. I must say right away that when connecting, I did not use any instructions and manuals. I was wondering if the user can figure out the game on their own. And, I must admit, the developers did their best. After I inserted the disc into the drive, the system update began. The operation lasted several minutes and I even began to show anxiety. But, fortunately, the update was completed quickly and it was possible to start the game. The game begins with the launch of a training video, which shows in detail the process of installing a new accessory Wii Motion Plus . And then the game itself begins…
And the game also begins with the launch of a video — a plane flies at an altitude of several thousand kilometers from the ground. There are two people in the aircraft compartment — an instructor and a parachutist. The instructor opens the door and begins to make a speech that the plane is flying over the island and it’s time to jump. The skydiver, who had been sitting with his back to me before, turns and I see myself … I almost fell off my chair! Of course, I didn’t see myself, but my character Mii, which at one time drew for a long time in the character editor. I got so used to my created unique character that when I saw him in a new game that I had never launched before, I was simply taken aback. So, my character, that is, me, courageously approached the open door and jumped down. And here my first acquaintance with the possibilities of Wii MotionPlus took place. As the Mii hovered in the air, I started fiddling with my Wiimote in my hands. The skydiver, obeying my movements, tumbled in the air in a very realistic way, just like real parachutes in films. Then other paratroopers came from somewhere. And everyone began to grapple with each other, forming various figures. I decided to play some tricks and began to spin, touching them with my body parts and interfering with them. Then there was a bang, the parachute fired and everyone landed safely on the island. And the game Lost (LOST) began. Just kidding. nine0006

And then we started getting acquainted with 12 games, which were generously presented to us by a Japanese corporation. Since game descriptions can be found on the Nintendo website that I mentioned above, I will talk about some of them.

As with many games from Nintendo, some games can be accessed after completing previous modes. There were no problems with this — all the first levels are quite simple. But let’s start in order.

Fencing — the first mode is interesting for boys when they need to push the enemy into the water on the tower. I liked the other two games better. Mode Speed ​​cutting has a touch of intelligence — the judge throws two identical objects to you and your opponent, and you need not just cut it, but cut it in the right direction: from top to bottom, diagonally, horizontally. And you need to do it faster than your opponent. At first, without understanding, I just chopped off the shoulder))). I really liked the cutting items: watermelons, cakes, pencils, a vase of flowers, etc. The animation is very high quality and cool. MotionPlus clearly captures the direction of your shots and does not count a wrong shot. Third Mode Encounter is also more suitable for the younger generation, but a grown man can swing a sword against a horde of opponents to stretch his body after work at the office or lose weight.
The next game I liked was Frisbee or cymbal throwing. The plot is simple — you throw a plate, and your faithful dog runs after it. If you threw the plate carefully and correctly, then your four-legged friend will have time to catch the plate and bring it back to you. I liked the animation of the dog on successful throws. When a dog catches a plate high in the air, he starts dancing with joy on his hind legs, the audience applauds all around, and you begin to be proud of your skill. Once I even managed to see how the dog, after a particularly successful throw, did somersaults to celebrate. I suspect that the dog has other interesting tricks in its asset. nine0006

The third game that could be a hit in the company is Basketball . The first mode is training. You need to throw 25 balls into the basket in 60 seconds. On Red Square, I never managed to hit the target. At home, in a calm atmosphere, from the first attempts I consistently scored 19-21 goals. But the 3×3 mode attracted me much more. This is a real game with combinations, false swings and dexterous throws. The game is played by two teams of three. You have three players at your disposal that you can control. You can pass to any of them and entrust the throw. In my team, a girl who constantly hit the basket from an acute angle was distinguished by special dexterity. You can also dribble and defend. You can play against a computer opponent, but I want to try to play with one of my friends. In a sports company, this game should be a success. nine0006

Table tennis was already familiar to me from the previous public presentation of the game, and there is not much to add here — a good game that will appeal to many.
The game Canoe is also of some interest. As with Fencing, this is a good way to keep warm in winter in a poorly heated apartment. You need to imagine that you have an oar in your hands, which you need to row very vigorously in order to pass the track, which is constantly increasing in the allotted time. Cheerful developers have added a duck with a family of ducklings to the game, which either prevent you from swimming, getting in the way, or swim next to you, mockingly overtaking you, while you are feverishly swinging the oar in the sweat of your brow. nine0003
And finally, the last game that attracted me is a real flight simulator. You hold the remote like a model airplane and fly around the island. You can do various aerobatics, fly under a bridge or through tunnels, soar upwards to avoid hitting a rock, and so on. My brother is a longtime aviation fan and has always played flight sims since the ZX Spectrum. I will definitely tell him about this game.

I tried the rest of the games briefly and can’t tell you anything interesting about them. After I bought the game and the first emotions have already subsided, we can draw some conclusions. In brochures, marketers are heavily leaning on the word Revolutionary regarding Wii MotionPlus. But, as a user, I did not experience any new features. Of course, without this accessory, the games would not have turned out like that, but I’m talking about my feelings. That is, increased accuracy of movements is taken for granted and is not noticed in games. If we talk about the collection as a whole, my favorites so far are Wii Sport (tennis and bowling), Wiifit and Guitar Hero. Perhaps later I will return to the Wii Sports Resort and pay more attention to it. But, if you’re a Nintendo fan like I am, this game is a must have in your collection. nine0003
The novelty is already available in Moscow, and residents of other cities can order it through online stores, for example, through OZON.

Play for your health!

Note: There are a lot of screenshots, videos and other material about the game on the Nintendo website, so I didn’t use them here.

Upd. People are asking for pictures. Here is a very good YouTube link. I will add to the review at the request of the workers.


To a resort with friends Impressions of the game Wii Sports Resort: Science and technology: Lenta.ru

The first part of Wii Sports, which is distributed with the Wii console, can hardly be called a full-fledged project. Rather, it is such a collection of uncomplicated mini-games, the purpose of which is to demonstrate to the gamer the capabilities of the new console. Wii Sports copes with the task, and no one demands more from it. With the sequel, dubbed Wii Sports Resort, things are a bit more complicated. nine0006

This game was also basically created to show gamers the power of a new device, a small accessory called the Wii Motion Plus that attaches to the Wii Remote controller and increases its accuracy. In other words, it allows the console to track any, even the most insignificant movement of the gamepad in space.

To demonstrate the benefits of more «clear» controls, the developers have not been too lazy to collect twelve mini-games in Wii Sports Resort at once, making the new project stand out from its predecessor. In the first part, only five sports were presented — tennis, golf, bowling, baseball and boxing. And that was one of the biggest weaknesses of the original Wii Sports. Within a couple of days after buying the console, gamers who had plenty of jumping in front of the TV realized that all these mini-games were tired and they wanted something new. nine0006

Wii Sports Resort is set in the picturesque resort island of Wuhu. This predetermined the theme of the new mini-games. There are not many serious sports in the Resort — the developers preferred beach activities, such as frisbee or water skiing. Some sports from the first Wii Sports (namely, golf and bowling) still moved to the new project, but due to the emergence of support for Wii Motion Plus, they will have to be mastered again.

Wii Motion Plus device. Click on the picture to enlarge


You can already understand how much control has changed thanks to the new accessory during the battle with plastic swords. This is the first and perhaps the most addicting mini-game on the list. Opponents climb onto a high round platform and try to push each other into the water. The combination of the Wii Remote controller and the Wii Motion Plus device works great — the character exactly repeats all the player’s movements, which allows you to make clever attacks and easily overcome the blocks that the enemy puts up. nine0006

Handling is just as good when playing ping-pong. It is enough for the gamer to turn the brush a little so that the character on the screen puts the racket under attack from a different angle and makes an ingenious blow, twisting the ball. Of course, the player is not given full freedom of action, as in real life, but the tricks available in Wii Sports Resort are enough to keep the match from being boring. It was these little things that were missing in the original Wii Sports, where tennis matches turned out to be too straightforward and monotonous. True, there was tennis, but it is not so important. nine0006

Like the first Wii Sports, Resort has plenty of mini-games that can exhaust the gamer just as much as a full exercise. For example, already after the first canoe trip, the shoulder begins to hurt — you have to row quickly, otherwise you won’t overtake the enemy. At the same time, it is practically impossible to cheat everything because of the same Wii Motion Plus — the game requires the gamer to make full strokes of the paddle, otherwise the character simply will not move forward.

The situation is similar on the basketball court, where you have to throw the ball along the correct trajectory. Otherwise, it simply will not fly into the basket. But the most exhausting mini-game was a bike ride around the island. To get to the first place, the gamer has to violently shake the Wii Remote and Nunchuck controllers. One such virtual trip is enough for an untrained player to have sore arm muscles in the morning. nine0006

A plastic sword fight at the Wii Sports Resort. Click on the picture to enlarge


The Resort also has calm mini-games that do not depend on how fast the gamer swings his arms. For example, archery is good for relaxation. Aiming with the Wii Motion Plus is quite simple — even an inexperienced player will learn to hit the top ten in fifteen or twenty minutes. But the most peaceful, in some way even mediative entertainment is flying over the island. You can view the surroundings from a bird’s eye view, you can perform tricks by rotating the Wii Remote. The most important thing is that there is no need to rush anywhere. nine0006

A few words about golf, which was present in the original Wii Sports. Even in the first part, rolling the ball into the hole was not an easy task. The Wii Motion Plus accessory makes it even more difficult. Although, on the other hand, it’s even more interesting — after all, learning to play real golf in a couple of minutes will not work either. Another difficult to master sports equipment unexpectedly turned out to be a frisbee. You can learn how to throw a plate more or less correctly quite quickly, but it can take a lot of time to master all the subtleties, since the flight path depends both on the strength of the throw and on the angle at which the Frisbee takes off. nine0006

It is worth noting that the subtleties of control, increased accuracy, improved reaction to the movements of the gamer — all this fades into the background when a second gamer approaches the TV. Where one player tries to find the right and cunning tactics for passing, two simply arrange a chaotic and cheerful chaos.