Tschernobyl spiel ps4: Chernobylite | [PlayStation 4] für PlayStation 4 online kaufen

Chernobylite | [PlayStation 4] für PlayStation 4 online kaufen

Es ist ein Science-Fiction-Survival-Horror-Erlebnis, das die freie Erkundung seiner verstörenden Welt und nicht-lineare Story Erzählung mit einer starken RPG-Kernmechanik verbindet. Treffe deine Wahl, aber denke daran: Du wirkst dich nicht nur direkt auf die Zone aus, sondern manchmal spürst du die Konsequenzen viele Stunden später.

Spiele als Physiker, einer der ehemaligen Mitarbeiter des Kraftwerks Tschernobyl, und untersuche das mysteriöse Verschwinden deiner Geliebten. Versuche zu überleben und enthülle die verdrehten Geheimnisse des Ausschlusses. Denke daran, die militärische Präsenz ist nicht dein einziges Anliegen.

Mache dich bereit für ein aufregendes Abenteuer voller Überleben, Verschwörung, Horror, Liebe und Besessenheit. Eine, die dir beweisen wird, dass es nicht darum geht, wie du deinen Ängsten begegnest, sondern darum, wie du sie überlebst.


In Chernobylite geht es nicht um eine Solo-Reise. Es ist ein RPG-Spiel, in dem deine Gefährten der Schlüssel zum Überleben und zum Durchgehen der Geschichte sind. Du musst ein Team aufbauen, dich um deine Verbündeten kümmern und sie mit Lebensmitteln, Medikamenten, Waffen und Informationen versorgen. Wenn du es richtig machst, wirst du auf dem Weg zur Ziellinie unterstützt. Wenn du die Beziehungen nicht erstellst und pflegst, sind deine Chancen keinen Cent wert.


Weißt du, was Überleben ist? Ein harter Job, den man alleine machen kann. Aber sei vorsichtig — Entscheidungen, die du während deiner Suche nach Tatiana, der Liebe deines Lebens, triffst, kann dir helfen, mehr Freunde oder Feinde zu finden. Denke daran, dass du dich auf die letzte Mission vorbereiten musst und wie du dies tust, ist deine Entscheidung. Aber jeder Tag kann neue Herausforderungen mit sich bringen, von denen einige schwer zu bewältigen sind: Kameraden können sterben, Vorräte können ausgehen, eine unerwartete Patrouille kann dich entdecken.

Dies sind jedoch nur regelmäßige, häufige Gefahren. Denke an übernatürliche Wesen, die im Dunkeln lauern und auf ihre Gelegenheit warten. Denke also daran: Jeder Tag kann ein Segen oder ein Fluch sein. Und selten wird deine Situation mit der Zeit einfacher. Plane deine Strategie daher sorgfältig. Zumindest wenn du überleben willst.


Gemetzel im Rambo-Stil? Heimliche Beseitigung deiner Feinde? Oder sich lautlos an allen Gefahren vorbei schleichen? Deine Entscheidungen beschränken sich nicht nur auf die Geschichte, da du in dieser Welt entscheidest, welchen Ansatz du wählst wird am besten sein. Wir schränken deine Möglichkeiten nicht ein. Du entscheidest, was als nächstes passiert. Und du rufst dazu auf, dich auf die Gefahren vorzubereiten, die auf dich zukommen werden.

Stelle deine Ausrüstung und Waffen her, um der besser ausgerüsteten Zone zu begegnen. Das feindliche Militärpersonal und die übernatürlichen Bedrohungen lauern in der Dunkelheit. Nutze ein riesiges Arsenal an Waffenmodifikationen, um deine Kampfpräferenzen anzupassen. Verbessere deine Fähigkeiten, um so viele Informationen und Beweise wie möglich über vergangene Ereignisse zu sammeln. Nutze dieses Wissen, um deine Mission zu erfüllen. Entscheide, was in der Welt um dich herum passiert, indem du Entscheidungen triffst und die Wahrheit findest oder vermeidest.


Behalte deine Entschlossenheit bei und behalte deinen Verstand bei — das Kernkraftwerk Tschernobyl und seine Umgebung sind nicht mehr das, was sie einmal waren. Niemand kann die Schrecken vorhersehen, die deine Geliebte getroffen haben könnten.


  • Erkundung — Finde die schöne und schrecklich genaue 3D-gescannte Nachbildung der Sperrzone von Tschernobyl.
  • Nichtlineare Darstellung — Tauche ein in die spannende Science-Fiction-Horrorgeschichte.
  • Entscheidungen treffen, die Auswirkungen auf die Welt haben — Verbünde dich oder kämpfe mit Bewohnern der Zone, aber was auch immer du tust, vertraue ihnen niemals voll und ganz. Denke daran — jeder hat eine versteckte Agenda. Immer.
  • Teambildung — Unterstütze deine Begleiter, und sie werden dich unterstützen. Andernfalls bist du bei deiner Ankunft tot.
  • Überleben — Stelle dich natürlichen und übernatürlichen Bedrohungen, die manchmal von Orten kommen, die du noch nicht verstehen kannst.
  • Basteln — Du entscheidest: Kümmere dich nur um deine Grundbedürfnisse oder erweitere deine Möglichkeiten, indem du Waffenmodifikationen vornimmst, Werkzeuge verwendest und fortschrittliche Geräte in deiner Basis konstruierst.
  • Die Vergangenheit ändern — Wenn du dein spezielles Gerät verwendest, kannst du die vorherigen Entscheidungen ändern. Das Spielen mit einer alternativen Realität wirkt sich jedoch auf dein gesamtes Gameplay aus. Manchmal bedeutet es, gegen die wilden Kreaturen zu kämpfen, die aus anderen Welten strömen.
  • Informationen sammeln — Untersuche und sammle Daten mit einer Reihe hochentwickelter Tools zur Analyse von Umgebungen und Substanzen. Was du findest, kann sich auf deine zukünftigen Entscheidungen auswirken (oder auch nicht) … oder dich dazu bringen, deine vorherigen Entscheidungen zu ändern.

Chernobylite | [PlayStation 4] PlayStation 4 Spiele

Es ist ein Science-Fiction-Survival-Horror-Erlebnis, das die freie Erkundung seiner verstörenden Welt und nicht-lineare Story Erzählung mit einer starken RPG-Kernmechanik verbindet. Treffe deine Wahl, aber denke daran: Du wirkst dich nicht nur direkt auf die Zone aus, sondern manchmal spürst du die Konsequenzen viele Stunden später.

Spiele als Physiker, einer der ehemaligen Mitarbeiter des Kraftwerks Tschernobyl, und untersuche das mysteriöse Verschwinden deiner Geliebten. Versuche zu überleben und enthülle die verdrehten Geheimnisse des Ausschlusses. Denke daran, die militärische Präsenz ist nicht dein einziges Anliegen.

Mache dich bereit für ein aufregendes Abenteuer voller Überleben, Verschwörung, Horror, Liebe und Besessenheit. Eine, die dir beweisen wird, dass es nicht darum geht, wie du deinen Ängsten begegnest, sondern darum, wie du sie überlebst.


In Chernobylite geht es nicht um eine Solo-Reise. Es ist ein RPG-Spiel, in dem deine Gefährten der Schlüssel zum Überleben und zum Durchgehen der Geschichte sind. Du musst ein Team aufbauen, dich um deine Verbündeten kümmern und sie mit Lebensmitteln, Medikamenten, Waffen und Informationen versorgen. Wenn du es richtig machst, wirst du auf dem Weg zur Ziellinie unterstützt. Wenn du die Beziehungen nicht erstellst und pflegst, sind deine Chancen keinen Cent wert.


Weißt du, was Überleben ist? Ein harter Job, den man alleine machen kann. Aber sei vorsichtig — Entscheidungen, die du während deiner Suche nach Tatiana, der Liebe deines Lebens, triffst, kann dir helfen, mehr Freunde oder Feinde zu finden. Denke daran, dass du dich auf die letzte Mission vorbereiten musst und wie du dies tust, ist deine Entscheidung. Aber jeder Tag kann neue Herausforderungen mit sich bringen, von denen einige schwer zu bewältigen sind: Kameraden können sterben, Vorräte können ausgehen, eine unerwartete Patrouille kann dich entdecken.

Dies sind jedoch nur regelmäßige, häufige Gefahren. Denke an übernatürliche Wesen, die im Dunkeln lauern und auf ihre Gelegenheit warten. Denke also daran: Jeder Tag kann ein Segen oder ein Fluch sein. Und selten wird deine Situation mit der Zeit einfacher. Plane deine Strategie daher sorgfältig. Zumindest wenn du überleben willst.


Gemetzel im Rambo-Stil? Heimliche Beseitigung deiner Feinde? Oder sich lautlos an allen Gefahren vorbei schleichen? Deine Entscheidungen beschränken sich nicht nur auf die Geschichte, da du in dieser Welt entscheidest, welchen Ansatz du wählst wird am besten sein. Wir schränken deine Möglichkeiten nicht ein. Du entscheidest, was als nächstes passiert. Und du rufst dazu auf, dich auf die Gefahren vorzubereiten, die auf dich zukommen werden.

Stelle deine Ausrüstung und Waffen her, um der besser ausgerüsteten Zone zu begegnen. Das feindliche Militärpersonal und die übernatürlichen Bedrohungen lauern in der Dunkelheit. Nutze ein riesiges Arsenal an Waffenmodifikationen, um deine Kampfpräferenzen anzupassen. Verbessere deine Fähigkeiten, um so viele Informationen und Beweise wie möglich über vergangene Ereignisse zu sammeln. Nutze dieses Wissen, um deine Mission zu erfüllen. Entscheide, was in der Welt um dich herum passiert, indem du Entscheidungen triffst und die Wahrheit findest oder vermeidest.


Behalte deine Entschlossenheit bei und behalte deinen Verstand bei — das Kernkraftwerk Tschernobyl und seine Umgebung sind nicht mehr das, was sie einmal waren. Niemand kann die Schrecken vorhersehen, die deine Geliebte getroffen haben könnten.


  • Erkundung — Finde die schöne und schrecklich genaue 3D-gescannte Nachbildung der Sperrzone von Tschernobyl.
  • Nichtlineare Darstellung — Tauche ein in die spannende Science-Fiction-Horrorgeschichte.
  • Entscheidungen treffen, die Auswirkungen auf die Welt haben — Verbünde dich oder kämpfe mit Bewohnern der Zone, aber was auch immer du tust, vertraue ihnen niemals voll und ganz. Denke daran — jeder hat eine versteckte Agenda. Immer.
  • Teambildung — Unterstütze deine Begleiter, und sie werden dich unterstützen. Andernfalls bist du bei deiner Ankunft tot.
  • Überleben — Stelle dich natürlichen und übernatürlichen Bedrohungen, die manchmal von Orten kommen, die du noch nicht verstehen kannst.
  • Basteln — Du entscheidest: Kümmere dich nur um deine Grundbedürfnisse oder erweitere deine Möglichkeiten, indem du Waffenmodifikationen vornimmst, Werkzeuge verwendest und fortschrittliche Geräte in deiner Basis konstruierst.
  • Die Vergangenheit ändern — Wenn du dein spezielles Gerät verwendest, kannst du die vorherigen Entscheidungen ändern. Das Spielen mit einer alternativen Realität wirkt sich jedoch auf dein gesamtes Gameplay aus. Manchmal bedeutet es, gegen die wilden Kreaturen zu kämpfen, die aus anderen Welten strömen.
  • Informationen sammeln — Untersuche und sammle Daten mit einer Reihe hochentwickelter Tools zur Analyse von Umgebungen und Substanzen. Was du findest, kann sich auf deine zukünftigen Entscheidungen auswirken (oder auch nicht) … oder dich dazu bringen, deine vorherigen Entscheidungen zu ändern.

Chernobylite PS4 Review | Stratege

While many players are waiting for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 , Polish studio
The Farm 51 offers to go to the Chernobyl exclusion zone
now. I will say right away: this journey can leave bright
impressions, but Chernobylite clearly could become large, and
the reason for the untapped potential is not at all in the budget of the project. How
they say you can chase two mutated hares…

they meet us from the very beginning and do not let us go until the final
credits. And the list turned out to be strong: an intriguing plot, atmosphere,
living characters and consequences of choice. And this four can
enough to feel the game so much that you want to forgive
her and the repetitiveness of the gameplay core, on the one hand, and not
ideas and mechanics that have received due development, on the other.

But everything begins, of course, with the Zone. In 1986 there is
accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and in the resulting chaos of the game
the protagonist, physicist Igor Khiminyuk, loses his fiancee Tatyana.
Igor devotes the following years to the study of the one born in the flame
catastrophes of the mineral — Chernobylite. According to his theory, each
object and every living being leave a trace, like radiation,
which fixes the dosimeter. And if you use an energy source
sufficient power, for example, Chernobyl, based on this trace
you can reconstruct the sequence of past events. Wishing
find out what happened to Tatyana at 1986, Igor is developing
virtual reality glasses working on Chernobyl and in
accompanied by a pair of mercenaries, penetrates the nuclear power plant. Meets them there
armed guards of the NAR corporation, a shootout ensues, and
the remnants of the group escape through a wormhole created by
another invention of Igor working on Chernobyl.

As you can see, the game has a sci-fi feel right from the start.
elements, and this must be taken into account if you were expecting something more
realistic. In the local Zone you can meet mutants, there are
weather anomalies, and the player is teleported to the base using
Chernobylite portal generator. Moreover, after some
time opens up the opportunity to use the same Chernobyl,
to… travel back in time and change key storylines

It turned out that it is very difficult to take screenshots in Chernobylite —
many locations are very dark (there is a flashlight in the game), and the shots of the roast
fights almost always come out blurry

The main goal of the player is to settle in the shelter of a local stalker,
assemble a new team to storm the nuclear power plant and, carefully planning
operation, to fulfill Igor’s plan. Sounds simple and that
interesting, the option to attack the power plant, in fact, is hardly available
not after the end of the prologue. That’s just without cover, intelligence
and the necessary equipment, such an operation will surely result in
failure. And, accordingly, the more items from the list on the board
preparation of the operation will be crossed out, the higher the chance of success, and
the smaller the losses.

The heart of the stalker base are characters who can join our
rows during the exploration of the Zone. There are five of them, but almost all
require certain conditions to be met before they want to
join Igor. And the fulfillment of their requirements can be easily
screw up — play along with previous actions of their opponents, accidentally
kill someone from their relatives and so on. At the same time, partners not only
participate in the final assault, but also willingly give the protagonist
tasks, participate in dialogues, react to the player’s decisions and completely
may become so disappointed in his actions that they leave the group.
In addition, they can be sent daily for resources and trained
they have new skills. All the characters really turned out
characteristic and «alive», and their personal stories are fraught with curious

Our own base was given to us for a reason, and the player has to
deal with its management. First, in the shelter you can
set up workbenches and scientific equipment to create and
weapon improvements, as well as the production of consumables
(cartridges, first-aid kits, master keys, plates for armor and so on).
Secondly, each team member needs a place to sleep, clean
air, electricity (also required for crafting) and at least
basic comfort. For this, the lair has to be furnished with beds,
power generators, air purifiers and objects that affect
comfort scale — like TV, radio, light sources and
indoor plants. Moreover, the same diesel generator gives
electricity, but pollutes the air, and the purifier, on the contrary,
makes breathing easier, but eats energy — so do not forget about

In general, the set of available objects is quite good, although it lacks
surprises — the entire list of machines and beds can be seen from the very
start, and you won’t have to look for any drawings. Unfortunately, too
most concerns the crafting of weapons and their upgrades, as well as placement
campfires and mini workbenches to create the essentials
in the Zone — again everything is available at the start. At the same time, in order to make
any thing, resources will be needed: metal, electronics, combustible
materials and fuels, as well as exotics such as native mushrooms and
plants. Finally, the player will need to feed the wards with rations
(made in the form of loaves of white bread, which is a direct
a reference to what kind of game). The distribution of provisions takes place in
end of each day, and better? so that people do not starve — this will affect
on fighting spirit and loyalty, and those who are especially upset will refuse to go to
tasks. And of course, there will never be enough resources — behind them
will have to go to the Zone, but something will still end up in

Therefore, in the mornings, we always choose tasks and people who are on them.
send — with the amendment that the story missions are available only to Igor.
I would like to say that The Farm 51 did not go to the real Zone in vain
alienation and produced 3D-scanning of the area. Pripyat and
the surrounding territories turned out in Chernobylite very
convincing — albeit with assumptions in scale and location
objects relative to each other. Here you can walk between
residential skyscrapers or stand under the Ferris wheel, go to the palace
Energetik culture, go to the river port or to
radar station «Duga». Finally, the nuclear power plant itself in the game too,
of course there is. The only thing the developers were greedy with was
this is with the number of places of action — not counting the one reserved for the final
stations, there are only five medium-sized locations in the game. Yes, during
story and side missions, fixed or
random events, access to some buildings or
new characters appear, but the frequent repetition of the same
backgrounds quickly get bored. The situation is balanced only by desire
player to find out what will happen to the characters next and what other
meetings are waiting in the expanses of the Zone. No less tiring and daily
the need to «vacuum» resources in locations, although there was also
a mechanic that brings at least some «peppercorn» to survival — visiting
the same place for several days in a row depletes the number
found things.

To collect and search for evidence that brings Igor closer to the storming of the nuclear power plant,
it is also worth adding such things that are mandatory for the setting, such as
cracking dosimeter and the risk of exposure, as well as a gas mask with interchangeable
filters — for protection in especially polluted points of the Zone. Is there some more
the scale of reason, which can be damaged by Chernobyl psychedelics and
hallucinations (moving dolls, «ghosts» of the victims of the Zone), as well as
received wounds. In the field, the psyche is treated simply —
hot drinks.

But let’s not forget that Chernobylite is not only a survivalist, but also
action-RPG, and even with an admixture of horror, as the description says.
However, if survival is the least of all questions, the action component
came out less confident. And it’s not even that the available weapons
not so much — revolver, shotgun, assault rifle yes
experimental railgun with a plasma gun. Cannons at least
modify with various sights, butts and other
enlarged stores. It’s all about the intelligence of opponents, very
conditional system of shelters, lack of grenades, general dampness
character control during gunfights and, finally, poor
variety of opponents. And at first it may seem that
there are generally 2-3 types of enemies, but much later to replace the usual
officers come to the soldiers, and then heavy fighters in armor. Even
monstrous offspring of the Zone and Chernobyl, about which everything is forever
they say that most of the game is rare and distributed over locations extremely
unevenly. And after all, there seem to be humanoid shadows that can
teleport, and suddenly you already come across a strange cocoon,
reminiscent of xenomorphs, and a local analogue jumps in your face
«facehook». And if you stay somewhere too long, it will begin
Chernobylite storm with thunder and lightning, and out of the portal will jump out
Black stalker — local stalker ala Mister X from
Resident Evil . It even sounds intriguing, but, I repeat, such
meetings are rare, and the bestiary does not cease to be poor.

RPG elements, expressed by a set of experience and skill points of a character,
as simple as possible, but at least tied to a curious
interaction with satellites. Each recruited partner
there are five skills that he is ready to teach the protagonist for
corresponding points — from expanded inventory and non-lethal
elimination of opponents (untrained Igor so convulsively stabs
enemies with a knife that his psyche suffers), to increased damage
specific weapon. Moreover, the study takes place in the format of short
skits, usually requiring you to pass a small exam from your

At the same time, the Zone is slowly, but almost daily, changing: deposits
Chernobyl are growing, weather anomalies are becoming more frequent, and with
Chernobyl nuclear power plant, something is happening, and it is increasingly covered
hideous crystal dome. Yes, and the enemies increase
the number of patrols, as indicated by those appearing on the window
planning operations helicopters and searchlights. By the way, if
completely ignore the strengthening of positions by the enemy, in one
beautiful day NAR achieve their nefarious goals, there is a new
catastrophe and everyone… dies. Here, of course, comes to the rescue.
the ability to go back in time and rewrite key decisions,
who played into the hands of the antagonists — if you please, pay
Chernobyl. And in general, the system of selection and rewriting
consequences not only intrigues when interacting with partners and
NPC, but capable of small surprises. For example, once Igor
fell, struck by an enemy bullet, and already had to rewind for himself
back time, but 5-6 missions before that I rescued NAR’ovsky
fighter, «grown» in Chernobyl. As a result, the protagonist was dragged to
base for execution, but the rescued soldier opened the cell door and helped
the protagonist to run.

The visual side of Chernobylite looks great in that
concerns views, but suffers from budgetary animations and some
objects. However, this does not prevent immersion. Also for playing
a couple of really beautiful musical compositions have been written,
perfectly complementing the general melancholic mood of the story and everything
gameplay. A Chernobylite atmosphere that combines a sense of decadence and
hopelessness, slight sadness and hope peeping through all this,
incomparable, even despite conspicuous flaws.

There is not much horror in the game, but there are enough psychedelics

Coming to the end of the review, I cannot fail to mention an unpleasant incident with
saves. At one point, reports began to stubbornly come out about
errors, but at the same time everything worked, and I was not even thrown out in the menu
console. And suddenly, once again, Chernobylite still took off, and
when I restarted the game, there was only one option waiting for me — «New Game». TO
fortunately, there was also a backup copy of the progress in the cloud … two days
prescription. On the release day, the project received a new patch, and I want to
to believe that this will not happen again, but now is the time
will show.

Regarding localization in a game set on
space of the former USSR, it seems mandatory, right? AND
translation is available as subtitles with voice acting — some actors
replay, Tatyana’s voice, on the contrary, in my opinion, is not enough
confidence, but in general everything works on its own, quite entitled
to the life of the wave. And the hand does not reach out to turn on the English sound — she
this setting has no place.

clearly could have turned out better if the developers had more
concentrated on one or two strengths of the project.
Combination of survival, base management and sci-fi
action-RPG turned out to be successful, but not in everything brought to mind. TO
Fortunately, a superficial study of individual mechanics is not capable of
take away from the offspring of The Farm 51 an incomparable atmosphere, intriguing
story, characteristic characters and, for once, a working system
choice. Waiting for the continuation of the main game about the exclusion zone
Chernobylite will satisfy the hungry for a while

The review is based on the digital version of the game for PlayStation 4,
edited by the publisher. All screenshots,
used in the material, made directly by the author of the article
on PlayStation 5 for backwards compatibility.

Hyde Tyranny: riddles, puzzles and their solution



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Hyde Tyranny: Riddles, Puzzles and their solution 9000 9000 9000 9-12-2016, 00: 00: 00: 00: 39



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I. Dusk Spire

II. Burning library

III. Old Walls of the Grave of Blades

IV. Ocean Spire

Spire of Dusk

This is the first hard puzzle in the game, and you’ll encounter the likes of it throughout your playthrough. You need to combine the runes on the floor into a solid symbol to activate the portal and be transported to the top of the building.

On your own and spontaneously, you are unlikely to be able to add the lines correctly, since there are a lot of possible combinations. That is why there are hints in the game, which in our case are represented by parts of the final drawing that need to be found and connected.

Spire of Dusk 1

As with future symbol puzzles, you will find the first part of the drawing in the same room — on the wall. The second one you will find in the corridor nearby (the specific location in the figure with the number 2).

Spire of Dusk 2

Connect the resulting pieces and then the runes on the floor. After that, the portal will open.

Spire of Dusk 3

Burning Library

In this mission, you have to find a way to get into the Silent Archive, or rather, the code that opens the door. Pieces of code are scattered throughout the location — in the books of the Library.

Just run around all the bookshelves in the location, as there aren’t that many in general, and note the glowing spots — this is exactly what you need. The final part of the code is guarded by the enemy Bone Whittler, who will tell you the necessary order to destroy the barrier.

Burning Library

After finding all the numbers, go to the protective wall. Of all the symbols, you must leave only four, each of which must be clicked with the mouse in the correct order: up, down, left and right.

Old Walls of the Grave of Blades

During this long mission, you will encounter a rather difficult puzzle that requires perseverance and patience. To resurrect the creature in the center of the hall, you will have to find four keystones that are hidden throughout the Old Walls location.

The old walls of the Grave of Blades 1

By the way, some of the locks that lead to treasure rooms or other places not related to the main quest, you will not be able to open immediately.

The keys to them can be located in completely different locations, do not forget about it. However, you can find the necessary keys to release the monster in the Old Walls.

You will find the first key-stone at the body of the defeated warrior, which is marked with the number 1 in the picture. The second one can be found in the closet, in the room lying in the south of the initial location (number 3). To open the door and get inside, you need to click on a special device marked with a deuce (2).

Old Walls of the Grave of Blades 2

Key number three can be found on the top floor of this location (marked with number 4). However, getting there is not so easy — you will have to find three light keys and use them to open the corresponding locks (5).

You already have one, the second lies on the second level (6), the third is in the middle of the room, next to which there are castles (location called «West. Number 7).

Old Walls of the Grave of Blades 3

Finally, you will find the last key in the room located in the western part of the map, namely in the chest near the stairs. You can activate the passage with the mechanism marked with the number 8.

Old Walls of the Grave of Blades 4

When all the keystones are collected, return to the starting room. Before inserting the keys, prepare for a tough boss fight.

Ocean Spire

To start this mechanism, you will have to do everything you did with the rest of the spires. There is a standard silhouette on the floor that needs to be turned into a full symbol in order to open the portal.

However, you can’t get rid of some abracadabra — you need a specific drawing, parts of which you can find during the passage of Tyranny.

You will find the first piece in the runic hall (marked on the screenshot with the number 1). In the hall with this symbol, immediately go to the right wall of the circle and interact with the picture to rewrite it on parchment.

Ocean Spire 1

You will find the second one in the West — not the cardinal direction, but the location that has such a name. In this network of tunnels, go to the left side of the map and copy the symbol from the wall (number 2).

Ocean Spire 2

The last part can be found in the central hall, not far from the stairs above (number 3).

Ocean Spire 3

When you get all the pieces, the spire can be activated. It remains only to combine all three parts into a single drawing, and then return to the hall with recesses for the symbol.

Finish the resulting picture (two figures in the form of lungs, coming from the triangle standing in the center), connecting all the runes, then step into the center of the room.