Neu fortnite season: Wann startet die neue Season?

Kapitel 4, Season 2 – Start der neuen Saison

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Fortnite: Kommt ein Season 3 Live Event?

Es sind nur noch ein paar Tage zum Ende von Fortnite Kapitel 3 Season 2 und viele Spieler fragen sich: Gibt es ein Fortnite Season 3 Live Event vor dem Start der neuen Fortnite Season 4 und wenn ja, was passiert bei dem Event und wenn nein, wie geht es mit der Fortnite Story weiter? Viele Fragen, auf die wir nachfolgend eingehen wollen. Auf dieser Seite sagen wir euch (ohne Spoiler), was wir über ein mögliches Fortnite Season 3 Live Event wissen und fassen die wichtigsten Geschehnisse der Staffel zusammen. Auf der nächsten Seite befassen wir uns dann mit dem Thema, was als Nächstes in Fortnite passieren könnte.

Fortnite Live Event Season 3 Inhalt:

  • Wann ist das Fortnite Season 3 Live Event? – Datum und Uhrzeit
  • Fortnite Lore – Das ist in Season 3 passiert
  • Fortnite: Was passiert beim Season 3 Live Event / Season 4?

Mehr zu Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4:

  • Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4: Wann die neue Saison 22 kommt und was ihr darüber wissen müsst
  • Fortnite x Lady Gaga, Transformers, Juice WRLD – Welche Crossover und Kooperationen gibt es in Season 4?
  • Fortnite: Spider-Gwen, Goth Meowscles, Geno, Bloomwatcher – welche Inhalte stecken im Season 4 Battle Pass?
  • Was bringt Fortnite Season 4? — Neue Funktionen, Spielmechaniken, Fahrzeuge und Waffen
  • Fortnite: Epic Game teasert neue Season 4 «Paradies» offiziell an

Wann ist das Fortnite Season 3 Live Event? – Datum und Uhrzeit

Derzeit ist die Frage nicht «wann», sondern «ob» es ein Fortnite Season 3 Live Event gibt, denn entgegen aller Erwartungen hat das letzte erwartete Patch für Season 3 (Fortnite Update 21. 51) laut diversen Data Minern keinerlei neue Daten hinzugefügt, die auf ein bevorstehendes Live Event oder zukünftige Ereignisse hinweisen würden.

Auch ein entsprechender Countdown im Spiel fehlt bislang. Einige Data Miner wie MidaRado gehen auch davon aus, dass der Übergang zu Season 4 ohne ein Live Event vonstattengehen wird. Eventuell gibt es in diesem Fall wieder ein spielbares Intro-Event, dass in die Handlung der neuen Staffel einführt, wie es schon ein paar Mal der Fall war.

At first glance I’m pretty sure this update includes pretty much nothing

— Shiina (@ShiinaBR) September 7, 2022

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Noch ist aber nicht aller Tage Abend, denn es gibt noch eine kleine Chance, dass Epic Games in der letzten Season 3-Woche (Dienstag / Donnerstag) ein kleines Update nachschiebt, um die Daten für ein Season 3 Live Event auf die Server zu wuppen – natürlich nur, wenn Epic Games auch ein Live Event fürs Staffelfinale angedacht hat.

Die Antwort auf die Frage, ob es ein Fortnite Season 3 Live Event gibt, lautet im Moment also: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Wenn wir an dieser Stelle aber einmal davon ausgehen, dass es ein Season 3 Live Event geben wird, würde es mit ziemlicher Sicherheit am Samstag, dem 17. September 2022 um 22:00 Uhr stattfinden. Falls / sobald es weitere Infos dazu gibt, aktualisieren wir die Seite entsprechend.

Unabhängig davon, ob es ein Live Event gibt oder nicht, solltet ihr schleunigst alle Fortnite Season 3 Aufgaben, Aufträge und Bonusziele abschließen, ehe sie mitsamt ihrer zugehörigen Belohnungen endgültig verschwinden. Das schließt auch die Indiana Jones Aufgaben, die Resti Marken für den Schnips Skin und die Level-Up Marken des Phantasma Level-Up Auftragspakts mit ein.

Fortnite Lore – Das ist in Season 3 passiert

Bevor wir uns auf der nächsten Seite mit den möglichen zukünftigen Ereignissen eines Live Events oder Season 4-Intro-Events befassen, hier noch einmal ein kleiner Recap der Gute Vibes Aufträge von Season 3, die einige Hinweise darauf liefern, wie es weitergehen könnte:

Zu Beginn der Gute Vibes Aufträge stellen wir fest, dass der Nullpunkt freigelegt ist und es wird schnell klar, dass die Wurzeln des Realitätsbaums bedrohlich pulsieren, weil sie voller Nullpunkt-Energie stecken. Außerdem bemerkt der Wissenschaftler, dass der Nullpunkt nach und nach mehrere mächtige Artefakte auf die Insel bringt – was unter anderem dazu führt, dass andere Lebensformen wie Darth Vader und Co auf die Fortnite Insel kommen und nach den Relikten suchen.

Während sich die Wurzeln allmählich auf der Insel ausbreiten und durch ihre Nullpunkte-Energie schrittweise Orte aus der Vergangenheit zurückbringen, müssen Spieler die vom Nullpunkt angezogenen Relikte einzusammeln, was jedes Mal eine immer stärker werdende Schockwelle auslöst. Die letzte Schockwelle beim dritten Relikt hat die Stärke 8,5 und ist «sogar noch Lichtjahre entfernt spürbar»! Unterdessen verschwinden nach und nach immer mehr Mitglieder der Sieben (Das Fundament, Der Besucher, Die Imaginierte, Der Wissenschaftler etc.) unter mysteriösen Umständen.

Die Relikte, die durch den Realitätsbaum auf der Fortnite landen, sind der Dreh- und Angelpunkt der Story im Hinblick auf das Season 3 Ende / den Season 4 start.

In Teil 8 erfahren wir von «Das Paradigma», dass einige Vermisste der Sieben (Der Wissenschaftler, Der Besucher und Der Ursprung) in einem geheimen Untergrund-Bio-Labor die rätselhafte Flüssigkeit (wohl das Chrom) genauer untersuchen, die sich über die Insel verteilt hat. Wie es weitergeht, erfahren wir erst in Teil 9 der Gute Vibes Aufträge, die am 13. September 2022 um 15:00 freigeschaltet werden.

Dank Data Minern wissen wir bereits, was passiert und wie sie mit den bereits bekannten Leaks und Teasern in Verbindung stehen. Da es sich dabei aber viele Inhalte gespoilert werden, gehen wir auf die ganzen Details auf der nächsten Seite ein.

Weiter mit: Fortnite: Was passiert beim Season 3 Live Event / Season 4?

Fortnite Seasons — Fortnite

Fortnite Battle Royale gameplay is divided into seasons. Starting from the second, each season has its own theme, plot and unique battle pass. In this section you can find all the relevant information, both on the old and current seasons, and on the new ones that will begin soon. You can also find out which skins were issued in a particular season.


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4 Season Fortnight: Combat Pass, Map, Skins


  1. Dates 4 seasons Fortnite
  2. beginning
  3. Ending
  4. plot and characters 4 season of fort Netnight
  5. Interesting novelties of the season
  6. Changes in gaming
  7. 11 Character Control
  8. Replay Function
  9. Animation and Graphics
  10. Sound Effects
  11. Mechanics and Missions
  12. All skins of 4 seasons Fortnite
  13. Weapons and items
  14. Combat Sap 4 Season FORNEIT
  15. Changes on the map 4 of season by weeks
  16. Week 1
  17. Week 2
  18. Week 7,
  19. week 9
  20. Week 10
  21. Final week

Season 4 of Fortnite started in May 2018. The game has new skins, weapons, locations, interesting quests. The developers have updated the console and improved navigation through the world of Fortnite.

Fortnite season 4 timeline

The plot of the new Battle Royale episode is a continuation of the events of the previous season. It is completely dedicated to superheroes and the fight against space aliens.


The fourth part of the Battle Royal began on May 1, 2018. The whole season was held under the slogan Brace for Impact.

Every week, the developers added new updates, thanks to which the game became even more interesting.


The episode ended on July 11, 2018. The season lasted 72 days, after which the release of the next chapter of the game was announced.

The plot and characters of the 4th season of Fortnite

At the end of the 3rd season, the inhabitants of the Fortnite universe saw a bright spot in the sky. It turned out to be a meteorite. A large stone that fell from the sky caused damage to all locations. Dusty Depo set up a research station because an unidentified object was found inside the meteor.

A meteor destroyed a film set where a superhero movie was filmed. A wing of the prison was also damaged, as a result of which dangerous criminals and insidious villains got free. Carbide calls on all his friends to protect locations from thieves and bandits.

Meanwhile, the work of the research institute ends. An empty space capsule is discovered inside the meteor.

The alien managed to escape from the scientists and began to create rifts. His goal is to push the Fortnite universe with his world.

Interesting novelties of the 4th season of the game

New interesting features were introduced for gamers:

  1. Gravity stones became the most popular novelty. These glowing crystals can be found near comet craters. If you swallow such a stone, then gravity will change, and the character will be able to move faster and jump much higher.
  2. Another innovation is sprayers. With their help, users can draw any graffiti on the walls that all players will see.
  3. Small rewards appear at the place of killing an enemy, incl. construction materials, ammunition, raw materials, blueprints. They need to be collected to enhance their own capabilities. To get more bonuses, you should fight with bosses and villains.

Changes in the gameplay

The developers have not only created a new story and scenery. The character control system has been updated, and various bugs have been fixed.

Character Control

The following improvements have been made to gameplay:

  1. A bug that occurred while using radial menus has been fixed.
  2. The ammo counter was corrected (before that it showed the wrong number of bullets).
  3. Emote wheel UI has been improved to make it easier and faster to activate.
  4. Markers (points of hitting the target) appeared in the scope window.
  5. The Accessibility tab has a new button called Ignore Gamepad Commands. This option has become useful for players who change the layout of the control buttons using third-party programs.
  6. All tabs now have special icons, making it easier to navigate the control system.
  7. All settings have been divided into categories (eg editing, combat, building), so finding and using them has become much easier.
  8. When observing a character, you can see the amount of damage dealt.

Repeat function

The repeat system introduced earlier remains. But the developers have added some interesting updates. Gamers can keep replaying even if they log out of the browser and then log back into the game. When replaying, players can see the entire list of allies and enemies participating in the battle.

Animation and graphics

Textures have been improved with the start of the fourth season. Loading while using an optical sight has accelerated. All low resolution objects have been fixed and replaced. The display range of buildings and other heroes of the game has increased by almost 3 times.

The cloud of dust that appears when characters land is visible to all players after the update.

Sound effects

Sound effects have also been changed:

  1. The cocking sound after modifications began to appear just before the weapon is ready to use.
  2. There is a difference between sounds that occur during soft and hard landings.
  3. Added special effects when colliding with plant stems and bushes.

Mechanics and missions

Developers continue to offer gamers daily simple tasks. Battle Pass holders receive additional weekly quests.

Interesting missions have appeared in the Storm Fight mode. A series of quests «Killer Movie» was especially popular. Luchik has gone missing and none of her friends know where she can be found. Players, along with Vulcan and Lok, can explore the fallen comet and complete tasks to find the girl in trouble.

All Fortnite Season 4 skins

This chapter of the Fortnite story has some interesting skins.

Outfit Description How to get
Alien Strict leather suit with bulletproof armor and red helmet with built-in monitoring system Awarded for completing Blockbuster quest
Omega Black tight outfit with red luminous inserts Earned by reaching level 100 in Battle Pass
Carbide Dark blue suit with luminous neon inserts and metal mask Bonus when buying a Battle Pass
Fighting hawk Military uniform with chunky boots and eye patch Issued as a gift to all gamers who bought pass
Die Hard Menacing Swamp Leather Sleeveless Suit Obtainable after reaching level 87
Amazon The image of an attractive girl in a red and blue suit, high boots and with burning red hair Awarded for reaching level 71 to all owners of Battle Pass
Miss Banksy Attire consists of a tracksuit smeared with paint, a green cap, gloves and a pink respirator Reward for all those who reach level 23 Battle Pass.
Marzipanka Cute airy girl costume, consisting of a pink dress, the same color cap and tight leggings Issued after reaching level 47

Weapons and items

Many types of weapons have been improved. For example, shotgun sight systems have been improved. In addition, there is a new Stark Industries energy rifle. Stylish design, red body and bright neon flashes instead of bullets appealed to fans of the game.

In terms of items, the following items were added during season 4:

  • food basket;
  • Silver Surfer board;
  • Groot’s Thorn Shield;
  • Doctor Doom gloves.

At the same time, the crossbow as a weapon was completely removed from the game and the store.

Fortnite Season 4 Battle Pass

On the first day of the start of the episode, a battle pass appeared in the game store. As in previous seasons, the cost of the pass was 950 V-bucks. Additional daily tasks were opened for BP owners. Also, every week, gamers could complete special quests, receiving experience points, cash, special emotions and items.

Weekly Season 4 map changes

The Fortnite world map has changed. Every week, the developers added new locations, buildings and caches.

Week 1

After the start of Season 4, the following changes took place:

  1. Dusty Depot, which, according to the plot, was partially destroyed by a meteor, received a new name — Dusty Divot. A research center appeared in this part of the map, surrounded by the mysterious Hop rocks.
  2. In the southeast of Lonely Lodge, a two-story mansion has emerged. The building had a secret basement with a computer control system and a meeting room.
  3. To the east of Shores, there is a lair of villains with a ship.
  4. Under the blue mansion in Salty Springs, a secret basement has appeared with computers, caches and a gym.
  5. Large craters and abandoned filming locations have become visible in different parts of the map.
  6. A cabin in Shifty Shaft has been converted into a small log home.

Week 2

During the second week, gamers also noticed some changes:

  1. The central building has a new roof.
  2. A secret bunker has been added to the Wailing Woods.

Week 3

The map upgrade continued in the following order:

  1. Due to progress in the excavation of the meteorite, a metal body could be seen.
  2. A dump truck began to appear in different areas, cleaning up the area.
  3. The crater at Titled Towers has been partially filled in.

Week 5

In the fifth week, the following changes occurred:

  1. Excavation at Dusty Divot is almost complete. Trees and bushes began to grow around the large crater.
  2. The theater board has been updated. It appeared advertising new films: The Hills Hunted, Dusty Impact, Wailing Woods.
  3. Trucks overturned into a crater southwest of Pleasant Park.
  4. Loot Lake warehouse now has a dancing platform and glowing disco balls.
  5. New posters appeared on the map, incl. Carbide, Omega.

Week 7

Updates occurred during this period:

  1. A large semi-circular stadium has appeared next to the Junk Junction Motel.
  2. Dusty Divot continued to grow with grass and trees. An empty space shuttle was visible in the rock.
  3. Wooden ramps have been built near the mountain at the southern end of Pleasant Park.
  4. Fragments of a cosmic meteorite have appeared in the Lair of Villains.
  5. Almost all craters on the map have been completely filled in.
  6. Trucks and special equipment appeared in the Tilted Tower, with the help of which they removed the remains of the destroyed building.

Week 9

The ninth week lasted from June 25 to July 1. During this period, the following updates took place:

  1. A detective agency appeared on the main square of Retail Row.
  2. Posters of new films were hung on the Risky Reel board: The Orange Crusher, White Lion, TV Dreams.
  3. Construction of a new building has begun near the closed Tilted Towers crater.
  4. Vehicles and other technical equipment have disappeared from the Dusty Divot area. But the bushes and grass continued to grow.
  5. All TV receivers have a countdown timer (for 72 hours).
  6. Rocket has been completely refurbished.

Week 10

During this period, changes in the game occurred almost every day:

  1. The rift in the sky continued to grow. New small cracks formed in the sky.
  2. Motel sign disappeared.
  3. The sign leading to the NOMS grocery is missing. A fifth dimensional rift has formed near the Burger Durr’s sign.
  4. Another rift in the sky has appeared near the Prison.
  5. A stagecoach has appeared on the map (where the rift once stood).