Strategiespiele pc krieg: Top 10: Die besten Militärspiele: Stell dir vor es ist Krieg, und alle hocken vorm PC

Strategiespiel aufgrund von Krieg in der Ukraine verschoben

In der Vergangenheit haben wir bereits über die Konsequenzen des russischen Angriffskrieges in der Ukraine für zahlreiche Entwicklerstudios gesprochen. Zu den vom Krieg beeinflussten Projekten zählt nun auch der Echtzeitstrategietitel Men of War 2, welcher ursprünglich 2022 hätte erscheinen sollen. Doch jetzt hat der Publisher Fulqrum hat bekannt gegeben, dass der Titel ins Jahr 2023 verschoben werden musste. Für die Fortsetzung des RTS-Titels, dessen Setting im Zweiten Weltkrieg angesiedelt ist, wurde im Statement kein genauer Releasetermin bekannt gegeben. Im Statement heißt es: «Die Entscheidung, den originalen Releasetermin im Jahr 2022 zu verschieben, wurde getroffen, um neue Features und Content ins Spiel zu bringen, welche unsere Fans vorgeschlagen hatten, sowie das Spiel zu verbessern, was ohne die Verschiebungen, welche durch den Krieg in der Ukraine ausgelöst wurden, nicht möglich wäre. «

Neuer Ort für das Studio

Das Entwicklerstudio Best Way ist für die Fortsetzung von Men of War verantwortlich. Ursprünglich hatte das Team den Titel in Severodonetsk entwickelt. Doch aufgrund des Angriffskriegs mussten die Mitarbeiter des Teams sowie deren Familien aus der Stadt fliehen. Seit den Ereignissen des 24. Februars war das Studio jedoch wieder in der Lage, Playtests durchzuführen und die Entwicklung des Titels fortzusetzen. Nun soll das Spiel, auch dank des Feedbacks der Community, größer und besser werden als zuvor.

Um eben dies zu gewährleisten, wurde der Titel letztlich verschoben. Mit dem Statement zur Verschiebung hat der Publisher zudem einen neuen Trailer auf Youtube veröffentlicht.

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Weitere Verschiebungen

Men of War 2 ist nicht der erste Titel, welcher aufgrund des Krieges verschoben oder auf Eis gelegt wurde. Im März hatten wir darüber berichtet, dass die Entwicklung von Stalker 2 zunächst gestoppt worden war. Nach der Wiederaufnahme der Entwicklung soll der Titel 2023 erscheinen. Auch der Sci-Fi-Plattformer Replaced wurde aufgrund des Krieges ins Jahr 2023 verschoben.

Quellen: Pcgamesn, Fulqrum, Youtube (Fulqrum)

Simon Hoffmann


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Die vermutlich besten Strategiespiele bis heute [Update für 2022]

Zusammen mit Rollenspielen handelt es sich um eines der ältesten Genre der Computerspielgeschichte überhaupt: Die Rede ist von Strategiespielen. Dementsprechend viele gute Titel konnte das Genre im Laufe der Jahre hervorbringen. Grundsätzlich teilt man das Genre in zwei verschiedenen Varianten ein, die sich in der Art und Weise, wann Spielhandlungen der einzelnen Mitspieler durchgeführt werden, unterscheiden. Zum einen gibt es die rundenbasierten Strategiespiele (TBS), zum anderen die Echtzeit-Strategiespiele (RTS). Unter diesen beiden wichtigen Einordnungen spaltet sich das Angebot in alle Himmelsrichtungen auf. Die Begründer der RTS-Games waren Anfang der Neunziger keine Geringeren als die Westwood Studios, die neben etlichen Command&Conquer-Teilen mit Dune II den Ausdruck RTS geprägt haben. Ein von Fans hochgeschätzter Vertreter der rundenbasierten Strategiespiele wäre Star Wars: Rebellion. Es gibt aber auch andere Ansätze wie zum Beispiel das famose Dungeon Keeper oder die Überraschung des Jahres 2009, Plants vs. Zombies. Einige Strategiespiele kombinieren die Subgenres, sodass die Karte mit rundenbasierter Strategie überwunden werden will, wohingegen im Kampf Echtzeitstrategie gefordert wird (z. B. in der Total-War-Serie).

Seit die Westwood Studios Anfang der 1990er-Jahre das Echtzeit-Strategie-Genre begründeten, werden die meisten Spiele in diesem Format produziert; hier findet sich auch die technisch interessantere Entwicklung. Von der 2D- wurde zur 3D-Darstellung gewechselt, die dann auch frei dreh-, schwenk- und zoombare Kameraeinstellungen erlaubte. Ein Novum war auch Homeworld, das erstmals den dreidimensionalen Weltraum einführte und so ganz neue Möglichkeiten bot, auch wenn man sich durchaus erst einmal an die neu gewonnene Freiheit gewöhnen musste.

Weiterhin unterscheiden sich die Strategiespiele im Ressourcenmanagement und im Aufbau. C&C bot den klassischen Sim-City-Effekt zum Beginn, in dem man seine volle Aufmerksamkeit dem Aufbau der Basis widmen konnte, während Company of Heroes auf dieses Feature verzichtete. Um hier eine der vorhandenen Ressourcen abbauen zu können, müssen bestimmte Positionen besetzt werden. Bei C&C wird das Mikromanagement (Befehlen einzelner Einheiten) verwendet, das die meisten Spiele ebenso erlauben. Makromanagement (das Befehlen ganzer Armeen/Verbände) findet man meist bei Titeln, die im Mittelalter zu Hause sind.

PC Games Hardware stellt die am besten bewerteten Strategiespiele bis heute vor

Bildergalerie (Ansicht vergrößern für Quellenangaben)

Wie auch bei den Action-Spielen ist das Feld der Top Games im Strategiegenre so dicht besetzt, dass schnell einige herausragende Spiele gar nicht erst auftauchen. In der aktualisierten Version präsentieren wir Ihnen zu Beginn der Galerie weitere grandios bewertete Strategiespiele der letzten Jahre.

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15 Billionaire Books That Will Help You Start a Profitable Business


Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, Michael Bloomberg and Donald Trump, Oprah Winfrey and Richard Branson — all these billionaires have in common that they share their business wisdom in books. Business Insider has compiled a list of memoirs of people on the Forbes list to read in the coming year

Building a profitable business from scratch requires certain skills. Business Insider has compiled a list of books from which you can learn how the largest companies in the world were created. Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Warren Buffett and other billionaires share success stories and many years of business experience in these literary works. Forbes has selected the most interesting books from the list, most of which have been translated into Russian.

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Richard Branson: My rules. Listen, learn, laugh and be a leader»

No. 478 in the Forbes-2019 rating, net worth — $4.4 billion

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Richard Branson admits that he has never read a single book on leadership in his life, but he has written dozens of them himself. Each is based on the personal, almost 50-year business experience of the founder of the Virgin Group.

In the book “My Rules. Listen, learn, laugh and be a leader.” Branson talks a lot about the importance of listening to outsiders and choosing the right people. The examples are not only success stories: Branson, for example, goes into great detail about how he failed to launch Virgin Cola at 1990s.

Howard Schultz: «Full speed ahead! How Howard Schultz brought the soul back to Starbucks

No. 617 in the Forbes-2019 rating, net worth $3.5 billion

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Howard Schultz stepped down as CEO of Starbucks in 2000 but returned to the top management in 2008, at a time when the company was going through a severe financial crisis. In his book, Schultz shares the secrets of how he managed to bring the coffee giant back to life. nine0005

To achieve success, the top manager had to take the drastic step of closing more than 7,000 Starbucks locations in the US. The unpopular measure was necessary to help the network grow without neglecting core values, the author explains.

The book is ideal for those who want to learn how not to panic and make strategically correct decisions in a critical situation.

Stephen Schwartzman: «What It Takes: Lessons in the Pursuit of Excellence»

No. 100 in the Forbes-2019 rating, net worth — $13.2 billion

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In his book, billionaire Steven Schwartzman tells the story of the creation of the investment company Blackstone, which as of January 2019 managed more than $500 billion in assets. At the same time, Schwartzman’s starting capital was only $400,000.

In his memoirs, the businessman recalls the most striking deals, shares the principles of investing, talks about leadership, the phenomenon of entrepreneurship and charity, in which he actively participates. nine0005

Read also: Billionaire Steven Schwartzman told how he made himself a tombstone because of a failed deal

Mark Cuban: «How to win the sport called business»

No. 478 in the Forbes 2019 rating, net worth $4.1 billion

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Owner of Texas Dallas Mavericks basketball club, Landmark Theatres, independent movie theater chain, HDNet and HDTV CEO, Mark Cuban compiled a book of the best business ideas he published on his personal blog. Along the way, he candidly shares tales about how in his 20s he had wild parties with friends, and describes the transformation from a difficult teenager to the owner of a successful company, and then a Forbes billionaire. According to Cuban, the secret to success is perseverance. nine0005

Read also: When I was 25: Billionaire Mark Cuban on important lessons from youth

Warren Buffett: «Essays on Investing, Corporate Finance and Company Management»

No. 3 in the Forbes-2019 rating, net worth — $82.5 billion

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86-year-old Chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway Holding Company Warren Buffett is one of the most influential and successful investors in history. An Essay on Investment, Corporate Finance and Company Management is a collection of excerpts from a businessman’s correspondence with Berkshire Hathaway shareholders. Each of the letters is an answer to an important business question that entrepreneurs inevitably face when building a global business. The billionaire has his own multi-component philosophy, which he describes in accessible language in the book, often resorting to the help of personal experience. nine0005

Read also: Buffett’s wisdom: how to turn $10,000 into $51 million and why cryptocurrencies end badly

Bill Gates: «Business at the speed of thought»

No. 2 in the Forbes-2019 rating, net worth — $96.5 billion

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The man who owns a capital of $100 billion does not talk about the secrets of working with people properly or developing leadership qualities in his book. Gates talks about the inextricable link between business and technology — it is this aspect of the development of modern society that seems to the billionaire the most important. nine0005

Drawing on examples from the history of Microsoft and General Motors, Gates notes how companies can use technology to improve their business. Even though the book was first published back in 1999, many of Gates’ ideas are still accurate and relevant today.

Read also: Decoded Bill Gates. Netflix showed a film about what’s in the head of a billionaire

Michael Bloomberg: «Bloomberg on Bloomberg»

No. 9 in the Forbes 2019 rating, worth $55.5 billion

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Michael Bloomberg’s autobiography was published in 1997, five years before he became mayor of New York. In the book, the billionaire talks about how he built his media empire and describes the key moments of his career. In particular, he talks about how he achieved success at Salomon Brothers investment bank, and then survived a painful dismissal and used part of the severance pay to create a company that is now known around the world under the «personal» brand Bloomberg LP. nine0005

See also: How Michael Bloomberg became 17 times richer than Donald Trump

Peter Thiel: “From zero to one. How to create a startup that will change the future

No. 916 in the Forbes 2019 rating, worth $2.5 billion

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Peter Thiel, the co-founder of PayPal and the Palantir analytics company, the famous investor and staunch libertarian Peter Thiel, is based on a controversial idea, which the author himself formulates as “competition for losers”. In his opinion, entrepreneurs should strive to create monopolies. nine0005

Thiel emphasizes that it is important for a real businessman to create something new and conquer the market, and not just join what already exists. Many do not agree with Thiel’s philosophy, but he does not claim to be absolute truth, but simply shares his own experience, which led him to create a billion-dollar fortune.

Read also: Stay in London: who convinced billionaire Peter Thiel to invest in artificial intelligence

Ted Turner, Bill Burke: «Call me Ted»

No. 1057 in the Forbes 2019 rating, net worth $2.2 billion

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Ted Turner ran many businesses, but it was CNN’s first 24-hour cable news channel that brought him fame.

In his autobiography, the businessman describes his journey from dropping out of Brown University to running his father’s advertising firm, and reveals the secrets of how he turned a small news station into a media empire. nine0005

The billionaire also talks about his relationship with his father and actress Jane Fonda. Thanks to this frankness, the reader better understands the character of the author, correlating his business success with personal characteristics.

Donald Trump: “Think like a champion. Revelations of a tycoon about life and business»

No. 715 in the Forbes 2019 rating, net worth $3.1 billion

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A collection of essays on personal and professional success by the current President of the United States combines personal experience and inspiring advice that can be applied in a variety of fields. nine0005

Without false modesty, Trump proclaims himself a «great man» and encourages readers to «sing your own praises if you feel you deserve it.»

Read also: Dear carelessness: Donald Trump’s mistakes could cost his children $1.3 billion after his death

George Soros: Soros on Soros. Ahead of change»

No. 178 in the Forbes-2019 rating, net worth — $8.3 billion

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George Soros has something to share: he survived the Holocaust and, despite ethnic discrimination, became one of the brightest investors in the world. He writes about his career in his autobiographical book «Soros on Soros», which is «collected» in the format of two detailed interviews.

In them, Soros shares stories from personal experience, and also talks about the structure of the global financial system and politics. The billionaire speaks honestly about successes and failures as chairman of the board of the Soros Foundation and does not hesitate to express controversial judgments that have brought him global recognition. nine0005

Michael Dell: “From Dell without intermediaries. Strategies that revolutionized the computer industry

No. 25 in the Forbes 2019 rating, worth $34.3 billion

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Billionaire Michael Dell dropped out of college at 19 and founded PC Limited, which eventually became the global Dell Computer Corporation. At 27, the businessman became the youngest top manager on the Fortune 500 list of the world’s largest companies. In the book, Dell shares the theory behind his tough but effective management style. nine0005

Read also: Michael Dell Business Rules

Oprah Winfrey: «What I know for sure»

No. 916 in the Forbes 2019 rating, worth $2.5 billion

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Few people understand what passion for what you love and dedication are better than Oprah Winfrey. She was born into a low-income family, but, despite stereotypes and social resistance, she began a public career, eventually becoming the richest TV presenter in the world and the owner of her own media empire. nine0005

What I Know for Sure is a collection of columns in Oprah magazine. Winfrey teaches readers to enjoy the little things, to be grateful and strong, often drawing on examples from their own lives.

Read also: Oprah Winfrey and her billions

Ralph Lauren: «Ralph Lauren»

No. 215 in the Forbes-2019 rating, net worth — $6.9 billion

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Fashion designer and entrepreneur Ralph Lauren was born and raised in the Bronx to Jewish immigrants. The idea of ​​the fashion house, which today has become the global Polo Ralph Lauren Corporation, came to the future entrepreneur in his youth when he attended a horse polo match. He was fascinated by the style of «high society», and he decided at all costs to join the ranks of those whom he watched from the bottom up. nine0005

The autobiographical memoirs of a billionaire can not only be read, but also viewed — the book is generously illustrated with photographs.

Charles Schwab: «The New Guide to Financial Independence: Simple Solutions for Busy People»

No. 178 in the Forbes 2019 rating, net worth $8.3 billion

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Charles Schwab Corporation, founder of the banking and brokerage company Charles Schwab Corporation, believes that anyone can become a wise investor. In his opinion, for this it is enough to study the basics of financial literacy and be able to apply them in an investment strategy. nine0005

The New Guide to Financial Independence is a revised edition of a book published in 2007. In it, Schwab talks popularly about what the investment business is, teaches readers to set the right goals, control results, and plan for retirement. The advice is applicable to almost everyone, but the book will be especially useful for novice investors: Schwab breaks complex concepts into simpler parts, which helps to quickly understand investment theories. nine0005

The main message is that when it comes to investing, the worst thing to do is to do nothing.

  • Natalia Peshkova

    Editorial Forbes

#Bill Gates
#Michael Bloomberg
#Richard Branson
#Ralph Lauren
#Oprah Winfrey
#Michael Dell
#George Soros
#Donald Trump
#Ted Turner
#Peter Thiel
#Warren Buffett
#Howard Schultz

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Blitzkrieg | it’s.

.. What is Blitzkrieg?

This term has other meanings, see Blitzkrieg (meanings).

Landing of German paratroopers on Crete, May, 1941.

Blitzkrieg (German Blitzkrieg , from Blitz — «lightning» and Krieg — «war») — the theory of fleet warfare, according to which victory is achieved in terms calculated in days, weeks or months before how the enemy will be able to mobilize and deploy its main military forces. Created at the beginning of the 20th century by Alfred von Schlieffen. nine0005


  • 1 Strategy
  • 2 Practical application
  • 3 See also
  • 4 Links
  • 5 Notes


Blitzkrieg is based on the close interaction of infantry and tank formations with air support. The blitzkrieg strategy is similar to the theory of deep offensive operation adopted in the USSR on the eve of World War II [1] (S. N. Ammosov, V. K. Triandafillov, K. B. Kalinovsky and others). According to the blitzkrieg strategy, tank units, supported by infantry, break through behind enemy lines, bypassing and surrounding heavily fortified positions. Encircled enemy formations experiencing difficulties with the supply of ammunition, equipment and food, are easily achieved by the advancing or surrendered. nine0005

Here is a description by brigade commander G. S. Isserson of the features of the defeat of Poland by the Wehrmacht [2] : “Of course, the failure of the entire state and military system of Poland and the incompetence of its army were the decisive reason that determined the entire outcome of the German-Polish war.

However, this outcome with the same end result could take other forms. After all, there were cruel defeats in past wars, when an army, which, however, retained a certain battle order, was simply defeated by its enemy on the battlefield. nine0005

The Polish army was defeated differently. In fact, it could not even accept a position in which it could be defeated as an organized force. After ten days, she was simply torn to shreds and seized from all sides in parts.

Practical application

One of the first attempts to conduct a blitzkrieg was made by German troops during the First World War on the Western Front. According to the Schlieffen plan, it was supposed to deliver a lightning strike on France, end the war with her in 1.5-2 months by signing a victorious peace, and then switch to the Eastern Front. However, the resistance of the French and Belgian troops thwarted these plans, the lack of tanks and the imperfection of aviation of that era played a role, as well as the more rapid than expected advance of the Russian army in East Prussia, which required the transfer of part of the forces to repel it. All this led to the fact that the German troops advanced too slowly, and the Allies managed to pull up their forces and win the Battle of the Marne in September 1914 years old. The war took on a protracted character.

For the first time, a blitzkrieg was successfully carried out in practice by German military strategists (Manstein, Kleist, Guderian, Rundstedt and others) at the beginning of World War II during the capture of Poland: by the end of September, Poland ceased to exist, although more than a million non-mobilized people of military age remained in it. In France, the manpower reserves were also not exhausted by the time the armistice was signed. The entire campaign in France took only 44 days: from 10 May to 22 June 1940, and in Poland — 36 days: from September 1 to October 5, 1939 (the date the resistance of the last regular units of the Polish army ceased). At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the blitzkrieg strategy allowed Nazi Germany to quickly destroy Soviet troops in a strip of 100-300 km east of the border between the USSR and Germany and its allies. Nevertheless, the loss of time by the German army to destroy the encircled Soviet troops, the wear and tear of equipment and the resistance of the defenders ultimately led to the failure of the blitzkrieg strategy on this front [3] .