Story based mmorpg: The 14 MMORPGs With The Best Storytelling, Ranked

The 14 MMORPGs With The Best Storytelling, Ranked

Given the expansive nature of an MMORPG, it’s not surprising that they contain some of the most intricate plots in gaming. The lengthy service-based nature of an MMO generally requires continuous updates, patches, and expansions that continue to pile in more content and narrative goodness, so it likely goes without saying that settling down with a quality game from this genre means you won’t need another for quite some time.

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The end result obviously runs the risk of turning out incredibly convoluted in terms of story, owing to the heaps of lore and worldbuilding necessitated. But on the other hand, it can also set the stage for some remarkably incredible and engaging storytelling if the writers are up to the task.

Updated on September 2nd, 2021 by Rhenn Taguiam: Given their multiplayer nature, MMORPGs often have a reputation of providing sprawling open worlds for players to do as they please. As a result, players often band together to take on dungeons or embark on quests alone to fight various monsters and bosses while wearing progressively aesthetic outfits. Due to this focus on player experience, it makes sense for a lot of players to assume that MMOs shouldn’t boast great stories.

Thankfully, storytellers amongst devs just couldn’t resist imparting unforgettable tales within the confines of their MMOs. Be it through sprawling campaigns or simple side quests, some games just take the time immersing their players with engaging stories that just make a playthrough unforgettable. Which MMOs boast the best storytelling?

14/14 Dungeons & Dragons Online

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Players sick of waiting for “the right timing” to play D&D with friends can finally indulge their itch to play a TTRPG in Dungeons & Dragons Online. Despite its MMO branding, DDO remains quite a faithful “adaptation” of the acclaimed TTRPG in a multiplayer game format. In true D&D fashion, players build a character based on a combination of Race, Class, Attributes, Skills, and Feats. And as with any D&D session, players rely on their combination of skillsets to tackle various challenges in roleplaying, combat, and exploration.

Unlike other MMOs, DDO boasts narrative-driven quest lines. Even the most “basic” quests feature memorable stories, with narration that can make players feel as though they’re in a session with a DM. While free players can only enjoy up to Level 20 content, the game’s Reincarnation System gives players an incentive to recreate their characters and replay content. Thanks to Multiclassing, each iteration of a player character can combine a multitude of Classes to get different experiences.

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Serving as the free version of The Secret World, Secret World Legends boasts some of the most comprehensive storylines for an MMO in the market. Unlike other heavy sci-fi or heavy fantasy MMOs, Secret World Legends taps into the modern supernatural genre. In its story, players get swept in a clandestine war between the world’s protectors and denizens of the “secret world” — creatures and factions hell-bent on bringing armageddon to civilization.

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While the game provides extensive freedom to customize characters, where Secret World Legends truly shines is its narrative. Quests in Secret World Legends almost always have standalone stories to share. And while a lot of the MMO’s quests rely on combat, an extensive amount of quests also revolve around immersive investigation and exploration. Players looking for an extremely immersive MMO will appreciate Secret World Legends and its heavy emphasis on how players affect the game’s setting.

12/14 EVE Online

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While others can argue about how “deep” EVE Online quests go, one can’t deny the MMO’s talent in immersing players. Players new to EVE Online can feel overwhelmed with the many things they could do at first. After all, they can decide to make business through trading, engage in combat as bounty hunters, or enjoy exploring the game’s vast cosmos.

However, where EVE Online shines is its ability to extend its stories to real-life drama. After all, various guilds and clans in EVE Online have achieved worldwide acclaim that even PVP wars can get international coverage. Aside from the game’s rather realistic take on the sandbox nature of space exploration, players will appreciate how immersive clan-based drama could get.

11/14 Black Desert Online

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MMO players who have heard of Black Desert Online will immediately remember its robust character customization system. After all, seeing extensively customized characters doing martial arts combat will always remain a sight to remember for players. However, Black Desert Online also contains a deep story revealed in quests and hidden throughout the background.

While players had a hard time digesting its initial story, Black Desert Online begins with the destruction of the powerful Elision Stone en route to the trading city of Goma Naru. The game then promptly begins with the player’s character apparently having lost their memory. For newcomers, the amnesia route can become a decent way to slowly digest both the game’s story and background details without feeling forced.

10/14 ArcheAge

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ArcheAge is a bit dated at this point, but people continue to play because they so are invested in the game’s fantastic lore. Initially released in Korea and a year later in North America and Europe, this acclaimed game’s story revolves around a classic power struggle between good and evil.

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And given that it’s adapted from a book entitled The ArcheAge Chronicles (by Jeon Min-hee), prospective players are most certainly in for a narrative treat. Just don’t let the game’s age throw you off!

9/14 Guild Wars 2

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Guild Wars 2 is a game with phenomenal storytelling, picking up 250 years after the events of the Eye of the North expansion for the original Guild Wars. Each Guild Wars 2 character plays through a «personal story» that eventually merges with those of other players in a confrontation with a terrifying Elder Dragon — but it doesn’t end there.

Through its «Living World» seasons, players can continue to pursue fresh narrative content. Needless to say, MMO players get a lot of value out of this, not to mention tons of wonderful storytelling to experience.

8/14 Skyforge

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Skyforge rides an interesting middle ground between science-fiction and fantasy, blending the best of both genres to fashion a unique and intriguing setting. In Skyforge, players are thrust into the role of an immortal hero defending their planet from hostile forces. The New Horizons update added a considerable amount of new story content, adding to the longevity of Skyforge.

While not the most celebrated massively multiplayer online role-playing game, it is free-to-play, so players can experience this narrative without spending a dime. There is some pay-to-play content, but the majority can be accessed without spending money.

7/14 Star Trek Online

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In the year 2049, the Federation and the Klingon Empire are in the midst of an ongoing battle. To provide some background, this is a game set approximately thirty years after Star Trek Nemesis’ events, the tenth film in the Star Trek movie series.

One doesn’t have to be a Trekkie to appreciate the story of Star Trek Online.This massively multiplayer online role-playing game has a story that deals with conflict and power struggles told through episodic missions. Not every mission ties into the overarching plot, but they are intriguing nonetheless.

6/14 Final Fantasy 14

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There are several major story arcs contained in Final Fantasy 14. This massively multiplayer online role-playing game proves relevant because of its intriguing storylines that never cease to surprise. The game takes place in a fictional land known as Eorzea, which exists in the fictional world Hydaelyn.

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Expansions like Stormblood, Heavensward, and Shadowbringers add depth to the story in many ways. Although the game was dubbed a failure at launch, a turnaround made this into a masterpiece.

5/14 Neverwinter

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This massively multiplayer online role-playing game is an independent, standalone title. It’s a game that delivers a story themed after previous Neverwinter Nights games. Neverwinter’s main antagonist is Valindra Shadowmantle — once a moon elf, and now a fearsome Lich queen leading an attack on Neverwinter itself.

Neverwinter differs from games from the same genre since it’s very story intensive. You won’t find zones with crowds of people, but you will be drawn in by its story-based gameplay.

4/14 The Lord Of The Rings Online

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How could any game set in the The Lord of the Rings universe not cater to players who love a good story? Featuring classic and familiar characters like Aragorn, Gandalf, and Frodo, the story of The Lord Of The Rings Online gets convoluted as you delve deeper into it, yet it’s part of an adventure that’s worth experiencing. The Epic Story (the main storyline) is formatted as a series of books made up of chapters. New books were added in later updates, further expanding what was already one of the longest and most well-developed stories in the genre’s history.

3/14 Star Wars: The Old Republic

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Star Wars: The Old Republic’s immersive storytelling is made up of chapters, and it’s arguably the game’s best feature. BioWare and the now-defunct LucasArts put together one of the most expansive massively multiplayer online role-playing games in history here. With a budget of over $200 million, no expense was spared. As a fun note, classic RPG fans will be thrilled to know that the game contains dialogue choices for each conversation. It was an ambitious project, but ultimately, the end result was worth it.

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    Microsoft Windows, macOS, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Stadia

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Many would indeed argue that The Elder Scrolls Online has the best storytelling seen in a massively multiplayer online role-playing game. The main questlines are epic enough, but even the side quests generally feature engrossing dialogue with well designed and fleshed-out characters, quite reminiscent of the franchise’s traditional mainline games. The Elder Scrolls had a smooth transition to online, to say the least of it.

1/14 World Of Warcraft

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Could it have been any other MMO? Some of the later expansions like Mists of Pandaria and Cataclysm may not have received the same acclaim as some previous expansions, but World of Warcraft undeniably features some of the most deep-reaching story and lore to be found in the gaming industry. It can’t be forgotten that The Lich King and Illidan are among the greatest video game villains of all time. Blizzard has invested literal decades building out Warcraft lore, and it shows.

Come to World of Warcraft for the grind but stay for the story — the fine balance between well-crafted gameplay and a stunningly detailed setting is why millions are still invested in this game, despite it having released way back in 2004.

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MMORPGs With The Best Storylines

While massively multiplayer online games are best-known for their unique blend of challenging gameplay and social interaction, many of these games remain true to their RPG roots. Some of the most successful games in the genre offer an immersive story complete with expansive lore and worldbuilding, proving that it takes more than class mechanics and gearing systems for an MMO to truly stand the test of time.

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While it’s easy to talk about MMOs in terms of gameplay, this list is focused on the great games that go beyond fetch quests and generic plotlines. If you’re looking for memorable characters, epic stories that pull on your heartstrings, choices that matter, or even a little bit of humor—these are the online games you should play.

Secret World Legends puts a modern twist on the classic “good vs. evil” story with its real-world setting that puts human-only player characters up against secret societies, zombies, mythological creatures, and modern day power struggles. Missions are full of fantastic voice-acting that’s on par with some single-player RPGs, and side quests are their own self-contained mini stories that may or may not require combat.

While this part sci-fi, part supernatural, part horror MMO includes traditional hallmarks like raids, dungeons, and PvP, its cohesive and well-written narrative is its biggest draw. The base game is completely free, and when combined with the three DLCs, this game from the studio that made Conan Exiles offers more than 100 hours of storyline.

7/8 Lost Ark

While Lost Ark has been available in South Korea since 2019, it’s relatively new to the North American market. The game is most notable for its unique mixture of top-down, isometric gameplay and MMO elements, but it also includes a long storyline with a memorable cast of characters.

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While the overarching plot can be boiled down to “humans and angels fighting demons” it’s presented in a compelling way that doesn’t get bogged down with fetch and gather objectives—although you won’t escape those entirely. You’ll get cinematic cutscenes with dramatic music and sound effects, instanced areas for most of the main story’s major plot points, and unique story quests on every continent.

6/8 EVE Online

While EVE Online is a far cry from a traditional MMO, it deserves a spot on this list for its unique player-driven narrative. You start the game in the year 21000 as the capsuleer (or pilot) of a ship who set out to colonize the unexplored parts of space after humanity used up all of earth’s resources. Your objective is survival—but you won’t survive alone.

EVE takes the focus off PvE mission arcs, and instead allows you to write your own story by joining a player alliance to fight in massive space battles, becoming a pirate, going on missions for established factions, or by renouncing combat entirely and using your ship to gather raw materials that you sell to warring factions.

The Elder Scrolls Online may have had a rough launch back in 2014, but things took a turn for the better once the game dropped its mandatory monthly subscription in favor of a free-to-play model. With its MMO elements tied almost entirely to endgame content, the leveling experience feels about as close as you can get to a single-player RPG (without actually being one).

In true Elder Scrolls fashion, player characters start as a prisoner, but soon find themselves in the midst of over 100 hours of expansive storylines and memorable quests. The voice-acting is superb, and franchise fans will appreciate familiar locations like Orsimer, Morrowind, Elsweyer, and others. If you’re looking for a game that goes beyond social obligations and grinding for experience points, ESO has you covered.

4/8 Lord Of The Rings Online

Lord of the Rings Online might be a 15-year-old MMO, but it still holds up as one of the best Tolkien adaptations to date. Sure, its graphics might look a little dated in 2022, but Turbine found a way to take a standard theme park MMO and make it feel like an interactive novel. The game stays true to the books—and you can find locations like The Shire, Rivendell, and Minas Tirith exactly where they should be.

You’ll also encounter famous faces and participate in battles based on actual book events as you progress through a main storyline (called the Epic Quest) that’s divided into a series of chapters. Whether you’re a diehard Tolkien fan or just looking for a tab-target MMO that has deep and expansive lore behind it, give LOTRO a try. The entire base game and most of its expansions are completely free.

3/8 Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 takes everything we know from mainstream MMOs and turns it on its head. Quests aren’t organized into hubs, instead you encounter them naturally as you travel across Tyria—along with jumping puzzles, exploration areas, festivals, and open world meta events—and every single one of them includes NPC dialogue that gives you insight into bits of the game’s lore.

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You’ll start with a personal story based on your race and a main story about saving the world from the Elder Dragons, but ArenaNet also releases new narrative content with every season of the Living World. This means that even if you never set foot inside a dungeon or raid, you’ll always have something to do related to the ever-evolving storylines and lore.

2/8 Star Wars: The Old Republic

With a budget of over 200 million dollars, Star Wars: The Old Republic is one of the most expensive games ever made—and it shows, especially when it comes to the story. Between the eight origin stories based on your character’s class and allegiance, and six major expansions, the game offers hours of RPG-like narrative through cutscenes, dialogue choices, friendship-building, and more.

In addition to the main plot, each planet has its own unique story arc with more cutscenes and dialogue choices, and even side quests include voice acting and insight into bits of galactic history. In SWTOR, your character is measured by their relationships, not by their experience points. So if you’re looking for an MMO that lets you decide whether you want to be good or evil, diplomatic or ruthless, loyal or a traitor, you should give SWTOR a try.

1/8 Final Fantasy 14

Final Fantasy 14 was widely considered a failure when it was released in 2010, but instead of letting the game die, Square Enix overhauled and re-released it a few years later. Since then, the game has steadily grown in popularity to become one of the best MMOs—with one of the best stories—of all time. Player characters start off as a lowly adventurer, but soon find themselves on an epic journey after befriending the Scions of the Seventh Dawn.

In typical Final Fantasy fashion, you’ll be immersed in a gorgeous and colorful world that’s full of memorable characters, heroic battles with dragons and other adversaries, silly side quests, and heartwarming stories that might even make you cry. A lot of FF14’s story might boil down to “good vs. evil”—but as the Warrior of Light, your character is always right in the middle of the action.

NEXT: Ranking The Best MMORPGs Of All Time


Sometimes you just want to plunge into the atmosphere of an MMORPG and play in PVE mode, alone or side by side with friends, taming the world around. Below you will see a list of interesting PvE games that offer fans of this mode exciting stories and many different gameplay options.

8. Final Fantasy XIV

Awarded for one of the best storylines in an MMORPG, FFXIV is a good choice for beginners looking to get into a quality PvE game. As you level up your character, you unlock chapters of the story, blast your way through dungeons, and fight alongside other players. By the way, FFXIV offers one of the most well-developed craft and management systems; in-game raids for players who want to cooperate and organize gangs and maximize profits are also a bonus of this game. FFXIV has quite a lot of plot development schemes for every taste: you can generally forget about leveling up and keep your casino.

Read also our review of Final Fantasy XIV.

7. The Secret World

If you want your journey through the game world to be accompanied by furious screams, then feel free to open Elder Scrolls Online . There are many good MMORPGs out there and now we have been introduced to the exciting world of ESO. The most attractive thing in this game is that in the development of your character, you are not limited by anything. The whole world is at your disposal. The developers have pleased us with a completely open world, which very few MMORPGs can boast of.

5. Star Wars: The Old Republic

If you are a Star Wars fan, then you really should pay attention to the game Star Wars: The Old Republic . There are many class-specific storylines in the game, each one unique, so it feels like you’re being forced to play them all. The indisputable advantage of the game, of course, is that you revisit already familiar places in the Star Wars universe. However, do not think that the developers have stopped there: they offer us an expanded galaxy. In a word, Star Wars: The Old Republic is ideal for fans of the famous franchise and for those who dream of traveling to universes far, far away.

4. WildStar

WildStar offers players perhaps the most difficult and interesting dungeon locations of any modern MMORPG. As usual, the storyline depends on the level of the character. A rich environment and cartoonish fantasy characters inhabiting the planet — this is what awaits the player who has discovered WildStar. Don’t let the numbers fool you: despite the fact that this game has not taken the leading positions in the ratings for a long time, it will be a real pleasure for PVE fans.

3. World of Warcraft

WOW gives players an exciting PvE story. In WOW is one of the largest and «filled» worlds, so even for those who start from level 1, there are feasible and interesting tasks. The developers have made sure that even at the maximum levels in WOW, you do not just run through the dungeons and fight. There are many different achievements and side quests, the completion of which will bring you fame and certainly give you pleasure. And if you really don’t like PvP, WOW always offers its players PvE servers where you can devote all your time to development without fear that other players will attack you.

2. Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 is another MMORPG with a personalized storyline. A feature of the game is the automatic grouping of players, which allows you to cope with tasks that arise in different zones of the map within the formed group. Without being too difficult and impenetrable, Gild Wars 2 is quite diverse and, in addition, ArenaNet periodically pleases fans of the game with new additions.

Read also our review of Guild Wars 2.

1. Neverwinter Online

We run along the corridors, merge everything in our path, sometimes we solve small riddles and, having picked up tactics, bend the bosses — this is, in general terms, the gameplay of the game at the initial levels. Then, of course, it becomes more interesting. Events, dungeons and PvP arenas will appear, where you have to capture and control several points in order to win. The assignments are, of course, classic, but I am glad that the essentially banal assignments are wrapped in a smartly chic, intricately woven plot with an unpredictable denouement. This Neverwinter is even closer to single-player role-playing.

Read more about the game in our review of Neverwinter Online.

All MMORPG DC Universe Online story episodes are now available for free until the next update

05/05/2021 15:34

MMORPG DC Universe Online has been around for quite some time and is free to play. Paid content includes an in-game store with microtransactions and story arcs, which needed to be purchased separately.

However, with the release of Episode 40: World of Flashpoint, MMORPG fans can now experience all story episodes for free, senior producer Landon «Panderus» Falls announced on the official website. This feature will be available until the release of the next major update this summer.

It is also worth mentioning that a roadmap has been released, according to which the project is waiting for a release on the PlayStation 5 in 2022, as well as an abundance of content and events in 2021.

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DC Universe Online

Released 12/30/2010

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