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God of War: Ragnarök: Tipps, Lösungen und News

Kratos und Atreus drehen richtig auf! Mehr Story, mehr Action und mehr Umfang machen God of War Ragnarök zum Spiele-Highlight des Winters.

Action Adventure
Letzter Release: 
09.11.2022 (PS5)
09.11.2022 (PS5, PS4)


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Lösungen & Tipps


  • Alle Blumen finden (Neun Welten in voller Blüte)

    Wir zeigen euch die Fundorte aller 9 Blumen für den Gefallen «Neun Welten in voller Blüte» in God of War Ragnarök, um «Der Florist» freizuschalten.

  • Alle Chaosflammen finden & Chaosklingen maximal verbessern

    Wir zeigen euch die Fundorte aller acht Chaosflammen in God of War Ragnarök, um eure Chaosklingen auf die maximale Stufe zu verbessern.

  • Alle Frostflammen finden & Axt maximal verbessern

    Wir zeigen euch die Fundorte aller acht Frostflammen in God of War Ragnarök, um eure Leviathanaxt auf die maximale Stufe zu verbessern.

  • Alle Hel-Risse finden & schließen (Bedrohung aus Hel)

    Wir zeigen euch die Fundorte aller 6 Hel-Risse in God of War Ragnarök, um die Nebenmission «Bedrohung aus Hel» abzuschließen.

  • Alle Hirsche finden (Ein Hirsch für alle Jahreszeiten)

    Wir zeigen euch, wo ihr alle vier Hirsche finden könnt, um die Nebenmission «Ein Hirsch für alle Jahreszeiten» in God of War Ragnarök abzuschließen.

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Tipps und Tricks

  • Alle Rüstungen und wie ihr sie bekommt

    Wir zeigen euch alle Rüstungen in God of War Ragnarök mit Fundorten, Bildern und Werten sowie welche die beste Rüstung für Kratos ist.

  • Alle Schilde und Schildzusätze finden

    Wir zeigen euch die Fundorte aller Schilde und Schildzusätze in God of War Ragnarök. Zudem listen wir euch die Werte und Bilder für jeden Schild auf.

  • Draupnir-Speer freischalten

    Wir zeigen euch, wie ihr in God of War Ragnarök den Draupnir-Speer freischalten könnt, um die neue Waffe von Kratos im Kampf benutzen zu können.

  • Gibt es ein New Game Plus?

    Wir beantworten euch die Frage, ob ihr in God of War Ragnarök ein New Game Plus starten könnt und ob ihr nach der Story weiterspielen könnt.

  • Leistung oder Auflösung bevorzugen?

    In God of War Ragnarök könnt ihr den Grafikmodus einstellen und bestimmen, ob ihr Leistung oder Auflösung bevorzugen wollt. Wir geben Empfehlungen.

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Wir haben 7 Tipps für euch zusammengefasst, die euch den Einstieg ins Spiel erleichtern werden.

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Tricks of Masters Useful tips LIFE HACK idea at home Ideas for home and garden

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Rating: 4.0; Votes: 1

Tricks of the Masters Useful tips
artdizz: For clamps, I’ll suggest another option. Heat the same cork edges (hairdryer, lighter, burner) and press it with gloved hands and you will have a non-removable plastic overlay. Electrical tape on drills is the last century:) better use a felt-tip pen in the grooves for chips, it does not wrinkle and will not move out when drilling, which is exactly what happens with Vertical tape. Two bars is hard. It’s easier to make a template. Just like you did with a square, only it should be a bar, then you will also get a vertical component. A nail as a drill, hmm I don’t have such nails, and I didn’t come across any. Oh no pee. When I made a house out of pallets, there were such nails, but they were already rusty and crooked. I do this with thin drills, I insert them into the chuck as deep as possible, and when it breaks (and this happens inevitably), I sharpen it and I get an unkillable drill that will not break because it is short. I just lost these, I couldn’t break them. With the bank did not understand the principle. How does she suddenly get depressurized?
Date: 2020-03-29

← 100% No one Interesting homemade clamp, useful tips everything is simple

Husqvarna Chainsaw, A Brief Overview how to choose? useful tips →

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Comments and reviews: 9

My friend, all the clues are normal. I even took something for myself, for example, a method with two bars, a right angle, or clean parallel lines. But with a can of cucumbers at 5.08, let me disapprove of the advice, it’s very dangerous. One of my comrades opened the case of chance in this way. Not so hit the bottom. Bank burst, thank God passed without injury. If you need to open a jar, then this is done as follows: we take the jar in our left hand, lay it sideways, with a lid on the edge of the table and roll it, with our right hand press it onto the lid from above. You should hear the same click. Voila and the lid is open, no injury or loss. After using the jar, the lid is like new. And the bank is intact and the people are full.

Cucumbers can be opened in another way: turn the jar on its side, rest the edge of the lid on the edge of the table, press it against the table and roll from left to right 1/4 — 1/2 turn, hear that the jar is opened, eat. With a drill and bars, it’s also possible differently: using your method with bars, make a vertical hole in the trimming of 32 boards and then use the board as a template, lifted the aim on the drill, lowered the template and there is already a vertical. Not suitable for small diameters, because the length is also not very long, you can try from 6 mm. Sincerely, Waldemar.

Looking for pickles in a jar: can you repeat this chip on the front door? The fact is that when I come home drunk, I do not always get the key into the keyhole, and my wife herself, voluntarily, does not open it either. I start knocking on the door, scratching (like I’m a cat), but the results are zero. Is it possible to open the door if you come up from the back of the house and knock on the window (which I have right in front of the front door?

It’s cool, if you can also not a big piece of advice, when drilling the ceiling, dirt and dust flies in your face, on your hands and on a tool, whether it’s a drill or a puncher, in such cases I cut a plastic half-liter bottle in half and make a small one in the bottom hole, insert a drill and put a workpiece on it, no dust, no dirt. Good luck to all

I hit the center of the jar lid with two bones of my fist. there is a small dent and the lid opens. even if there is a strong knife or opener, then pick up the edge of the lid with the tip, the air will go down and then it opens. in general, conservation is practically useless for the body, only as a flavor enhancer works.

is it not comme il faut to put a piece of wood or board under the clamp? It is necessary to look for a cork from cola) But to spoil the tool-gon, why? Make a template from blocks and devils, otherwise you can also make holes in the level and saw off the pliers into wire cutters. and roulette, why trifle? Cut it to the right size and mark)

I saw a drilled square and I immediately wanted to write) You take a small piece of the board from the bottom as much as you need to back off, screw another one in the right place, drill a hole for the pencil and also make markings Only the pencil sits in the hole and the second hand is free And the sheep are safe and the wolves are full)

Don’t be smart with cucumbers. Sold (penny case) lid openers. In one tool there are 5-7 sizes of caps, starting from PET bottles. In the absence of it, they boiled the kettle, put it on the lid of the jar for 5-10 seconds — and. easily and effortlessly open. And injured hands are not for us. Good luck

All the tips are in the topic, but I would not advise doing this with cucumbers. In our youth, we used this method to knock out corks from bottles of wine. And, imagine, the bottles sometimes scattered in the hands, leaving numerous cuts on the hands. However, take risks.

60 life hacks for home and kitchen: useful tricks for everyday life

The article contains the most useful tricks for everyday life: 60 life hacks for home and kitchen will help with cleaning and cooking. Well forgotten and new ideas will save you time, effort and money.


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Kitchen Hacks

How to prepare delicious soups for future use and make cutlets the same? How about enhancing the aroma of spices in one minute, keeping the fried meat juicy and doing without store-bought muffin tins? Answers in the article. Plus 28 more tricks on how to cook easily and bring comfort to the kitchen with the help of inexpensive means.

22 ingenious ideas to cook tasty, beautiful and simple

Frozen soup or broth. Prepare a large pot in your spare time, leave for 2 days and freeze the rest. You can diversify the menu on any day due to the delicious first.

Over time, you can store 2-3 dishes. In the freezer, the soup is stored for up to 3 months, and the broth — up to 6. But it’s better to eat everything earlier.

Be sure to leave room in the container or jar of soup: the frozen liquid expands. And do not forget to sign the name of the dish and the date of preparation.

Use the slot in the cutting board. It is convenient to pour chopped vegetables, fruits and herbs through it. Nothing falls past.

To prevent the cutting board from slipping on the table. Place a damp towel or cloth under it. That’s what the pros do. Very comfortably.

Enhance the taste and aroma of spices. Cook for 1-2 minutes in a preheated skillet before adding to a dish.

Keep greens fresh. Line the container with paper towels to absorb excess moisture. So the greens will last longer.

Freeze greens in ice cube trays. Cut the spices and put into the molds. Fill with water. Use to prepare soups and other dishes. Very convenient: fresh herbs are always at hand.

Z Freeze leftover wine in ice cube trays . Easy to add to dishes, sauces. And you don’t have to open a new bottle.

Dry the rest of the greens. Microwaved in 2 minutes. Put in a jar and add to dishes. Economical, tasty, healthy.

Preparation of meat for chops. So that the meat does not stain everything around, before beating, put portioned pieces in a bag. Or cover with cling film.

How to make meat juicy, flavorful and with a dark crust. Soak in brine with spices for 4-12 hours before cooking. Depending on the type of meat.

How to keep the juice in fried meat. Let the steak sit for 5-7 minutes after cooking before cutting. That way the juice won’t leak out.

Cook meat with a crispy crust. Dry it with paper towels before frying.

Do you want to get perfectly even and identical cutlets ? Use a glass goblet for shaping.

We sharpen knives at the meat grinder . It is necessary to sharpen the knife and mesh on one side. We put it with the sharpened side always towards the knife. Sharpening is carried out on a flat surface with circular movements on sandpaper.

Chef’s glossy sauce. At the end of cooking, add a piece of cold butter. Don’t let it boil. Remove from heat as soon as it melts.

Soften frozen butter quickly. A small piece can be easily thawed in a few minutes under a hot glass: heat the mug under running hot water or in the microwave and cover with butter.

If you need to defrost a large piece or pack, then grate the product, or warm it in a steam bath. A great option when you need to add to the dough or prepare a cream.

How to replace butter with vegetable oil for cakes. Any without a sharp taste and smell will do: refined sunflower, olive, corn. Approximate proportions: 150 g of butter is replaced with ½ cup (100 ml) of vegetable, and 200 g with ¾ cup (150 ml).

Foil molds. Want cupcakes, but no molds? Make from food foil. Fold in 4 layers and wrap a glass or other suitable dish: you get a mold. By the same principle, you can make forms for Easter cakes and even cocotte makers for julienne.

We bake in a gas oven without burnt bottom and raw top . The bottom burns, but the top does not bake? Just turn on and preheat the oven 5-15 minutes before baking.

To prevent pastries from sticking to the pan. Grease a mold with vegetable oil and flour before laying out the dough. Baking does not burn and is easily removed. Washing will also be easier.

Cut the cake into neat pieces . To prevent the knife from sticking to the dessert, run it under hot water and wipe it dry before cutting.

Cutting soft cake and cheese with thread . Suitable tooth, silk or any other. The main thing is durable.

Order in the kitchen for a penny: 11 tricks for housewives

Containers for sorting and storage. Jars for spices, confectionery powders, trays for freezers and refrigerators greatly simplify the life of the hostess. Products are folded compactly and beautifully. And everything is at hand.

See also : How to organize convenient storage in the kitchen — the best ideas

Stationery clips. They are convenient to close the started packages with cereals, sugar, spices. Plus, the clips will help fix the bag on the bin so that it does not slip.

We cover the trash can with several bags at once . Any convenient amount. And you do not need to lay a new one every time. Plus, if one pact leaks, then the bucket will remain clean, because there is another one below.

Ground clove against food moth . It is enough to spread out in paper or fabric bags in the middle of the cereals. Really helps. Enough for 3-6 months.

Acetic solution against grease and dirt. Cleans the stove with handles, tiles, faucet. At the same time disinfects.

Prepare the solution: mix 1-2 cups of 9% table vinegar with 1 liter of water. Pour into a spray bottle and treat the surface, wait a few minutes, rinse off.

Lemon juice — natural and pure. Cleans stove, tile and, with salt, cutting board. You can rub directly with half a citrus.

We clean stoves and tiles as follows: rub with lemon or pour in juice and leave for 10 minutes. After rinsing.

Food wrap won’t tear or stick to your hands. Just store it in the refrigerator.

How not to wash dishes. When there is no time, laziness or no water. The method is suitable for warm and cold dishes. Before serving food, we put a food bag on the plate. Throw it away, and the plate remains clean.

Wash the faucet with toothpaste. We rub the faucet, leave for a while, rinse off. The faucet sparkles.

Baking powder for anti-fat dough on the oven door. Wet the door with hot water, pour in the powder, moisten with water from the sprayer. Wash off after an hour.

Convenient smartphone stand for the kitchen. Get yourself one. You can cook under the video with recipes. And even watch serials in between times.

A home trick for those who sew: if the kitchen has a large worktop, use it for cutting.

It couldn’t be easier: 12 tips to make cleaning, washing, ironing easier

Be sure to check out these life hacks for order and comfort in the house. Surely you will find something useful that will simplify your life.

Windows without streaks. The method is old but works great. Wash glass with detergent. Then rub with dry newspaper.

Stain of any origin on the fabric. Cleans with laundry soap: wash in cold water.

How to get rid of ironing. Wring items delicately to avoid creases. Or just hang it on a coat hanger to keep the water glass. If wrung out, then shake the thing strongly several times: the fibers will straighten out, there will be no creases.

Hang blouses, shirts on hangers and immediately fasten buttons, straighten collars, give the desired shape. The item will dry as needed and without ironing.

Read also: Life hacks for the house from unnecessary things — 52 cool ideas with photos

Hairdryer instead of iron. Use as a steamer. Not suitable for thick fabrics. For everything else it works great. Advantages of the method:

  • helps out in 2 minutes when you are in a hurry, but there are creases on things;
  • does not damage delicate silk and wool fabrics;
  • laundry and clothes can be dried quickly;
  • Simply steam clothes with intricate drapes and pleats.

If there is absolutely no time or laziness. You can hang a thing while taking a bath or shower. Under steam, she will straighten out.

Mini dustbin close at hand. Get yourself. You no longer have to run to the bucket in the kitchen for every little thing. Papers, napkins, tubes of cosmetics — everything is there.

We clean small hard-to-reach places. There are enough of them in the house. What do the maids do? Use a cotton swab.

Baking soda and vinegar against dirt and yellowness in the bathroom. Apply the mixture for a few minutes, brush, rinse.

The seams between the tiles are well cleaned with a toothbrush and soda.

Hydrogen peroxide in the fight for purity. A solution of 3% peroxide and water in equal parts will renew your bathroom screen. We soak, clean and rinse: we get a curtain without dirt and yellowness.

Peroxide helps with limescale. Spray on the bath, wait 30 minutes and rinse.

We save the washing machine from scale. Pour 60 g of citric acid into the powder compartment. Set to hot water mode.

To keep the mirror from sweating. We rub it with a dry piece of soap and rub it with a cloth. Ready.

Removing stains from furniture made of microfiber . We spray alcohol from a spray bottle on pollution. We rub with a sponge.

«Scented Bombs» for WC . We do it ourselves. Mix 3 tbsp. l. soda with 1 tbsp. l. a spoonful of citric acid. We connect 1 tbsp. l. 3% peroxide with 1/2 tbsp. l. vinegar. Slightly add the solution to the mixture. Add 10-20 drops of any essential oil.

Roll into small balls 2-3 cm in diameter and dry. If you throw 1 into the toilet, it hisses nicely, smells good and cleans everything.

15 storage tips: everything in its place

Containers, organizers of different sizes for storing things in a closet or dressing room. Boxes will do. It is enough to decompose everything once. But then you don’t have to look for a second sock or the right belt.

Vacuum bags. It is convenient to store pillows, blankets, winter jackets in them. Things take more than 2 times less space. Plus protected from dust, odors, dampness.

Hanging shoe case. Shoes do not get dusty and do not wrinkle in it. Hangs on a bar or on a door. There are different sizes.

Fine velvet and rubber hangers . They save cabinet space by 1.5–2 times. Plus, things do not slip off the hangers.

Scarves in a box. Scarves do not need to be hung somewhere or thrown on the top shelf, from where they always fall. You can simply roll up the rollers and put in a beautiful box.

Additional hooks. They will be useful on the closet in the hallway for bags, umbrellas, hats. Or inside the belt and tie cabinet.

Toy containers. Easy to clean and store. Plus you can play and carry around the apartment.

Storage boxes . Also baskets and trays. It is convenient to put everything on them and not lose them. And it’s easier to wipe the dust: you don’t need to pick up every little thing.

Office organizers. The thing is known, but for some reason not always available. But in vain: with her, order and free space on the table are guaranteed.

Document folder. You will not regret it: nothing else will be lost, you will not rush about in search of the right paper at a crucial moment. The main thing is not to forget where you put the folder.

Something similar is useful for storing utility bills.

Desk drawer dividers. Things do not mix when opening and closing the drawer.

Cosmetic storage. There are boxes, organizers, drawers for storage in the table. You can choose according to your needs.

Jewelry stand . Every day, ladies take off their jewelry and there is not always where to put it. So that they don’t clean up far, but they don’t get lost or scratched. There are no such problems with the stand. Plus it looks nice.

Sofa organizer with pockets. Also a great solution for the bedroom if there is no bedside table. A similar thing will not hurt in the bathroom.

How to move heavy furniture.