Cod alternatives: The 5 Best Substitutes For Cod Fish

The 5 Best Substitutes For Cod Fish

Do you know how to cook cod? This delicious fish is a popular choice for seafood lovers, but it can be tricky to prepare.

There are a few different methods of cooking cod, and each one produces a different result.

For example, pan-fried cod is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, while baked cod is flaky and moist.

So, how do you choose the right cooking method for your cod dish? And what are the best substitutes for cod if you can’t find it at your local grocery store? Here are the answers to all of your questions.

What is Cod Fish?

Codfish belongs to the Gadidae family, which contains nearly 200 species of fish, including haddock, pollock, and whiting.

The Gadidae family is known for its lean white flesh and mild flavor.

The main difference between cod and other members of the Gadidae family is that cod is a saltwater fish, while most other members are freshwater fish.

Codfish are found in both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

In the Atlantic, they are found along the coast of North America, Europe, and Africa.

In the Pacific, they are found along the coasts of Asia and Australia.

Codfish populations have declined in recent years due to overfishing.

As a result, codfish are now considered to be a sustainable seafood choice by many organizations, including the Marine Conservation Society and the World Wildlife Fund.

Cod fish is a popular choice for fish and chips, as well as being used in soups, stews, and casseroles.

The main reason for its popularity is that it is very versatile and can be cooked in many different ways.

Another advantage of cod fish is that it is relatively inexpensive, making it a good option for budget-conscious cooks.

Compared to other fish, cod is a good source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids.

Once cooked, cod fish has a light, flaky texture with a mild, slightly sweet flavor.

It can be cooked in a variety of ways, including baking, frying, grilling, and steaming.

When buying cod fish, look for fillets that are pale in color with few brown spots.

The fillets should also be free of any strong odor. Codfish can be bought fresh, frozen, or canned.

The 5 Best Substitutes for Cod Fish

If you’re in the mood for seafood but cod is not your thing, don’t worry—there are plenty of other options.

Here are five of the best substitutes for cod fish.

1 – Haddock

Haddock is a fairly popular fish that is found in the North Atlantic.

It has a mild taste and a delicate texture, making it a good choice for those who do not like strong-tasting fish.

It is often used as a substitute for cod, as it has a similar appearance and flavor.

In addition, haddock is a good source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, making it a healthy option for people looking to add more seafood to their diet.

While haddock is not as widely available as cod, it can be found at most grocery stores and fish markets.

So, if you’re looking for a tasty and healthy alternative to cod, give haddock a try.

2 – Pollock

Pollock is a type of whitefish that is often used as a cheaper substitute for cod.

It has a mild flavor and a firm, flaky texture.

While it is not as popular as cod, it can be just as delicious when cooked properly.

One of the reasons for its lower popularity is that it can be quite bland if not seasoned properly.

However, when used in dishes such as fish and chips or fishcakes, it can be just as tasty as cod.

In addition, pollock is a more sustainable choice than cod, so it is worth considering as a replacement in your favorite recipes.

3 – Catfish

Catfish is a delicious, versatile fish that can be used as a substitute for cod or haddock in many recipes.

It has a mild flavor and a firm, flaky texture that makes it ideal for frying, baking, or grilling.

Additionally, catfish is a good source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids.

While it is not as widely available as cod or haddock, it can usually be found fresh or frozen at most seafood markets.

So next time you’re in the mood for fish and chips or fish tacos, give catfish a try.

4 – Tilapia

What if we told you there was a delicious alternative to cod that has a similar taste and texture? That alternative is tilapia.

Tilapia is a type of freshwater fish that is native to Africa.

It’s becoming increasingly popular as a substitute for cod, haddock, and other whitefish in dishes like fish and chips, fish tacos, and fish sandwiches.

One reason for its popularity is that it has a mild flavor that pairs well with a variety of sauces and spices.

Another reason is that it’s an easy fish to cook, and it doesn’t have the same “fishy” taste that some people dislike.

If you’re looking for a delicious and versatile fish to add to your repertoire, give tilapia a try the next time you’re in the mood for seafood.

5 – Bass

Bass is a type of fish that is known for its distinct flavor and texture.

Some people compare the taste of bass to that of chicken, while others say it has a more fishy flavor.

Bass also has a firm, meaty texture that makes it a popular choice for those who do not like fish with a lot of bones.

There are many reasons why bass is often used as a substitute for cod fish.

For one, the bass is less expensive than cod.

Additionally, the bass is more readily available in many parts of the world.

Finally, the bass has a similar taste and texture to cod, making it an ideal substitution in many recipes.


In conclusion, there are many delicious and healthy alternatives to cod that can be used in a variety of recipes.

If you’re looking for a fish with a mild flavor and a firm texture, try haddock, pollock, catfish, tilapia, or bass.

Each of these options has its own unique taste and benefits that make it a great choice for those looking to add more seafood to their diet.

So next time you’re in the mood for fish, give one of these alternatives a try.

Prep Time
5 minutes

Cook Time
5 minutes

Total Time
10 minutes


  • Haddock
  • Pollock
  • Catfish
  • Tilapia
  • Bass


  1. Pick your favorite substitute from the list above.
  2. Follow cooking directions for your selected substitute with the proper ratio of ingredients.

10 Best Substitutes For Cod (Seafoods To Replace Cod)

substitutes for cod

Many of us have found that the most unpredictable counter at the grocery store is often the seafood counter. Seafood is one type of protein that has to be the freshest at all costs.

Finding the freshest fish is always the prime concern when shopping for seafood. Cod is an amazing low-fat fish.

However, there are times when you simply can’t find fresh cod, or even any cod when it’s sold out in stores. This is exactly why you need to keep a range of alternatives for cod in mind.

In this article, we’ll be walking you through a list of some of the best substitutes for cod available. Read on to learn more so that you always know which fresh fish to pick.

What Exactly Is Cod?

Before we introduce the list of cod alternatives, let’s take a look at what cod is and its nutritional benefits.  

Cod is the colloquial term of reference for a type of demersal fish from the Gadus genus, making up a part of the Gadidae family.

Most of the cod found sold in markets around the world are Atlantic cod and Pacific cod, although Greenland cod is at times available.

There’s a fourth species called Alaska pollock but this has even lower availability.

What Does Cod Taste Like?

Cod has white firm flesh and a firm, flaky texture. The flavor is subtle instead of intensely fishy, making cod one of the most versatile types of fish around.

When cooked properly, cod comes out soft and decadent, taking little more than a few basic ingredients to bring out a satisfying zesty taste.

Finding the best substitute for cod can be quite challenging when faced with the sheer number of options to choose from. 

Before finding yourself perplexed, think that the substitute you just picked will go well with your recipe, there are many factors to consider when replacing cod.   Cod is a low-calorie fish with very white flesh.

The size of each fillet, mild flavor, and general shape all make a difference to the recipe you’re preparing, leading to indecision. Keep these factors in mind, and pick from our upcoming substitutes.

1.    Black Cod – The Easiest Substitute For Cod

The sablefish is a species commonly farm-raised that is most often referred to as black cod even though it’s not actually part of the cod family. Black cod is part of the Anoplopomatidae family.

Its white flesh and high oil content make it the best substitute for cod when you can get your hands on it.

The buttery flavor is more moist than cod, but the inherent oils rich in Omega-3 fatty acids make black god great for barbecuing and smoking.

Even after extensive cooking, sablefish whole fish and fillets remain moist. In terms of fillet size, you can expect large to massive cuts on average, with all flesh granting large flakes.

Most find black cod to be the most convenient substitute for cod, compared to everything except the calorie count which is just a touch higher.

2.    Haddock – The Nearest Alternative for Cod

Haddock is a smaller relative belonging to the same class as cod, Gadidae. Haddocks are salt-water ray fishes that are equally nutritious as cod.

They are low on fat with a mild flavor, making haddock one of the closest substitutes for cod. The flavor is similarly mild with a slightly sweeter taste.

Expect far smaller flakes and a denser texture as cod is fatter and bigger than haddock. Fillets will, of course, also be smaller and not as thick.

While haddock is versatile enough to be grilled, barbecued, fried, or otherwise cooked, keep in mind that it has a lower oil content than cod which means it’ll need less cooking time.

The taste and texture are slightly different with haddock packing more flavor than cod, but it still makes a close alternative nonetheless.

3.    Pollack – A Healthy Substitute For Cod

Pollack is a go-to alternative for cod. You may easily swap them in most cases. Pollack, or pollock depending where you’re from, is a large strong-flavored whitefish that’s more affordable than cod and haddock.

While fresh and frozen fish can typically work if you’re pressed for availability, pollock is a variety that you don’t want to eat frozen if you’re averse to a strong fishy taste.

The already prominent fishiness becomes even stronger. This being said, the distinctive taste is welcomed by seafood fans and is often used as a key ingredient in mock crab meat and commercially produced fish fingers.

The flesh isn’t white like cod but instead an off-grey color, and pollack is versatile enough to be served in just about any form from barbecuing to broths.

You’ll find pollack served in many restaurants because of its true white fish flavor and the immense complexity of taste.

4.    Hake – A Compatible Alternative For Cod

Hake has a high nutritional value and is low in saturated fats while carrying supremely versatile flaky fish which makes it one of the most comparable substitutes for cod.

As a member of the cod family, the flavor and texture of the flesh are very similar. Expect firm, flakey, pale white flesh with a mild fishy flavor.

It’s among the most decadent flesh you’ll find, with just enough moisture when cooked right.

Hake varies in size but you’ll typically find fillets that are noticeably smaller than cod with smaller, more delicate flakes. The medium-sized fillets are still, however, substantial.

Most find the mildness of flavor is comparable to the texture is softer, with a slight coarseness to its grain. Just like cod, there are endless ways to serve hake and it holds up well when being barbecued or smoked.

As soon as the flesh turns opaque, your hake is perfectly cooked so pay attention and don’t let this tasty fish dry out.  

5.    Grouper – Another Good Substitute For Cod

Many different types of fish classify as groupers. This part of the Sea Bass family is one of the most widely available, affordable types of fish.

There are certain varieties like the Black Grouper which are more difficult to source and limited in quantity but red grouper is an easy-to-find alternative to cod in most areas of the world.

Both Red and Black Grouper have lean, bright white flesh. This should be your number one cod substitute if you like the taste of lobster, as the flavor profile is similar.

Grouper is a much smaller fish with fillets that are roughly a quarter the size of the largest Atlantic cod. Expect a mild but distinctive taste with a slight sweetness.

The level of intensity, or strong fishy flavor, is most similar to a midway point between Sea Bass and Halibut. The flesh remains firm, providing large, heavy flakes that retain their moisture well while cooking.

6. Striped Bass –  Massive Fillets, Readily Available

Atlantic striped bass is one of the most sustainably managed alternatives to cod available. These fish found typically in saltwater are anadromous and adapt to freshwater as well.

Striped bass has white meat and a great overall yield, contributing towards excellent value and affordability. It’s a milder fish than cod that’s slightly more fragile breaking apart easily if overcooked.

This also means that striped bass cooks very quickly. Go for striped bass as your cod substitute if you prefer a light seafood taste with absolutely no risk of it being over-fishy.

Expect firm, flavorful flesh and large flakes similar to cod. Although Atlantic cod do grow a little bigger, striped bass is close in size and weight.

The fillets are therefore comparable in size and thickness, with a moderate degree of fattiness that’s on par with cod but not as fatty as black cod or pollock.

7. Tilapia – Pick The Right Tilapia For A Wonderful Cod Substitute

With a yield, color, mild flavor, and supremely greater affordability, tilapia is a popular substitute for cod. 

The small size means that you won’t be able to use it in every meal but if you don’t mind the tiny fillets or serving a whole fish, make tilapia a definite consideration.

While fresh fish is always recommended over frozen, processed alternatives, those who are looking for larger fillets should be on the lookout for deboned processed tilapia fillets that reconstitute ground meat.

It is very important to ensure that you source tilapia that’s been sustainably farmed so that no off-flavors ruin your taste experience.

Certain species bred by breeders with poor aquaculture result in an off-putting taste that can only be described as ‘muddy.’

With the right tilapia, you’re rewarded with lean flesh with a mild flavor and sweetness similar to hake. The flaky texture compares to cod, while a medium-firmness makes it just as versatile.

8. Gurnard – Some Of The Tastiest Flesh But Small Fillets

Gurnard is more readily available in Great Britain, South Africa, and other coastal regions of the world than in the USA, but you do still find it fresh. Gurnards are officially termed Triglidae.

These bottom-feeders are also known as sea robins and are loved for their firm white flesh that retains its form well. The flavor is mild but unique.

Despite the boniness and moderate to slim yield, the texture comes very close to cod, and some prefer the flavor.

Compared to cod, gurnards are tiny fish. You won’t be able to use this cod substitute in all places but when you do find gurnard fresh don’t let the opportunity to taste this succulent seafood pass you by.

Just like cod, bake, barbecue, grill, poach, steam, or fry, the gurnard’s firm flesh holds up well.

9. Halibut – A Reliable Substitute For Cod And Whitefish

All three varieties of Halibut are flatfish that you can use in the place of cod while keeping the texture and flavor profile relatively similar. These massive fish have large fillets.

To give you an idea of just how big Halibut gets, whole cod and pollock have been found inside their stomachs. If you are in the mood for a massive fillet, there’s no better cod substitute available.

The best way to prepare halibut is grilling, deep-frying, and boiling. Smoke and barbecuing don’t work as well because, unlike cod, halibut is lean with ultra-low levels of fat.

While the taste of fish is a little stronger than cod, halibut is still mild and clean enough for those who aren’t overly fond of seafood.

10. Mahi Mahi – A High-End Alternative To Cod

Mahi-mahi is a popular, pricy type of fish with lean, flavorful, firm white flesh. Otherwise known as the common dolphinfish or dorado, mahi-mahi are ray-finned surface-dwellers that are extremely lean.

While the fat content doesn’t match up to cod, the flesh does. Expect similar-sized flakes. The large flakes have a taste of their own which is stronger than cod but milder than swordfish.

Most mahi-mahi grows to just over half the size of cod, giving you a good idea of what size fillets to expect.

Unlike cod, mahi-mahi’s flesh ranges from pink to beige, and the cooked flesh will not be pure white. Compared to our other options, mahi-mahi is a more fishy-tasting fish.

Keep this in mind when substituting for those who don’t eat seafood regularly.

Final Thoughts

Cod is a fantastic species of fish with a mild but satisfying flavor that just about anyone can fall in love with. Each of these fillets will come close, but fresh cod is a delicacy you shouldn’t pass over.

Similarly, every one of the varieties of fish listed here has distinct tastes and flavor profiles that will suit certain methods of preparation better.

Who knows? You may even discover a new favorite fillet to use in one of your family meals.

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How to replace cod in a calorie diet, analogue

How to replace cod Description
Hekom Among the breeds of Cod hake, it is rightfully called the most delicious and healthy fish. Its meat contains vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats that are vital for humans.

Hake is considered a lean fish, but it contains useful omega-3 acids. The largest amount of this component is found in caviar. Regular consumption of caviar has a beneficial effect on the state of the human thyroid gland.

Saida This fish belongs to the cod family and is practically not inferior to the desired product in terms of taste.

In the diet, you can safely use saithe, because its calorie content per 100 g is only 80 kcal. This fish contains a small amount of fat, and in terms of its chemical composition, useful properties is practically not inferior to salmon.

Haddock This is another representative of Cod, whose microelement composition, although scarce, fully covers the daily requirement of the human body. Haddock contains Omega-3, Omega-6 acids, and carbohydrates are almost completely absent.
Pollack Cod fish containing a huge amount of vitamins. Pollock contains iodine, a protein that is quickly absorbed by the body. This fish is useful for young children and people who are watching their weight.

Cod is a white sea fish rich in useful vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to buy high-quality cod fillet in the store or its price is unacceptably high. In such cases, you should know how to replace cod.


When choosing which fish to replace cod, pay attention to hake. It is very useful for the body, has a low calorie content. It should not be used only by people with individual intolerance to the product. When choosing a hake, pay attention to compliance with the rules for its storage.

There are practically no bones in this fish. It can be bought for cooking a variety of dishes, and also used as a very high-quality and affordable analogue of cod.


Saithe meat contains a large amount of macro- and microelements, vitamins. The high content of vitamin A helps the body fight viruses, bacteria, improves metabolic processes, skin and hair condition. The side contains a huge amount of potassium, which is necessary to strengthen the heart muscle, normalize the heart rate.


Haddock has a large amount of protein and low fat content, which is very beneficial for humans. Omega-3 polyunsaturated acid has a beneficial effect on the heart, blood vessels, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Haddock is a worthy replacement for cod.


Pollock has an affordable price, and its nutritional properties are not inferior to cod. This is a dietary product that is recommended for all people, and in particular for those who live in areas with severe iodine deficiency.

How to choose the right fish — 4fresh blog

The American Heart Association recommends eating fish 1-2 times a week to reduce the risk of heart disease. But the question is: where to get really high-quality and tasty fish products? Especially in the central region, where it is almost impossible to get fresh fish.

Unfortunately, industrial processing and dishonesty of sellers lead to the loss of useful properties of the product. And in the case of buying frozen fish, we often overpay for ice. In addition, there is a lot of debate about which fish is better — wild or farm-raised, chilled or frozen.

Alas, simply adding fish to your diet is not always about health. It is important to get real benefit from it, and for this it is worth diving deeper into the study of the product. In this article, we will analyze all the intricacies of choosing high-quality fish so that a really healthy dish ends up on your table.

Place of fish in the diet

To begin with, nutritionists recommend including fish in the diet for several reasons:

  • Fish protein is digested 2 times faster than red meat — in just 2-3 hours. It is a necessary material for the maintenance and growth of muscles, healthy bones, teeth, hair, endocrine system and immunity. Due to the rapid absorption of proteins, fish helps to recover faster after training.
  • Fish is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, B vitamins, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, and potassium. Therefore, it is so useful for children in a period of active growth, pregnant women and those who are recovering from seasonal illnesses and emotional overload.
  • Eating fish has a beneficial effect on the health of the cardiovascular system. In studies conducted in 9 countries, scientists from the University of Cambridge found that saturated fats from fish reduce the risk of heart disease and do not increase the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

After all, fish is an incredibly tasty food that goes with literally everything: cereals, legumes, fresh and cooked vegetables, a variety of sauces, and even fruits. If you already have an appetite and an irresistible desire to eat a piece of fish, let’s move on to an important issue — choosing the most delicious and healthy option.

River fish or sea fish?

Most of the river species have more bones, and they are even more likely to find parasites, since fresh water is a very suitable environment for their reproduction. This problem is solved by careful processing during cooking.

river fish has less iodine and vitamin D, but it is rich in B vitamins and magnesium. And yet, the iron contained in it is absorbed better than in the sea.

Marine fish is often more fatty, rich in omega-3, 6 fatty acids and antioxidants. It contains a lot of iodine, useful for the thyroid gland.

Sea fish is considered more useful, as it lives in cleaner water. Today, many freshwater bodies are on the verge of an ecological disaster due to the influence of industry, which also affects their inhabitants.

If you choose fish caught in ecologically clean places, the benefits of river and sea fish for the body as a whole are the same.

Wild fish or aquaculture?

It is believed that wild fish is more useful than grown fish, as it contains more vitamins, fatty acids, micro and macro elements. But the main difference, of course, is in taste. Wild fish are always significantly drier and less oily. This is due to her diet, carbohydrates and physical activity.

99% of Atlantic salmon (salmon and rainbow trout) belong to aquaculture species. They retain their nutritional properties, the amount of Omega-3, not inferior to their truly wild brothers and sisters, but are more expensive.

The truly wild salmon is the Pacific salmon. It includes pink salmon, chum salmon, sockeye salmon, chinook and sometimes coho salmon (although it is also often grown now, and most often in Chile).

The disadvantages of wild fish, in addition to the price, include the risk of becoming infected with parasites. But after freezing and heat treatment, it becomes safe. In aquaculture, parasites in fish are extremely rare.

In general, both wild and aquacultured fish can be chosen in your diet and considered healthy, each has its pros and cons, but this affects the taste more.

When choosing fish on the store counter, many look at chilled carcasses, considering them more attractive. But the risk of getting a low-quality product is quite high.

Chilled fish is the one that immediately after being caught was placed in ice without freezing.

The problem is that unscrupulous sellers add preservatives to ice to prolong the presentation of fish for the sake of marketing and logistics. Real chilled fish is able to lie in the window for 8-12 days. And this is only on condition that it was caught and promptly delivered to the supermarket.

Therefore, the chance to find properly chilled cod in Moscow, for example, is very small. When we meet pollock, mackerel, navaga on the ice, knowing that the sea splashes several thousand kilometers from Moscow, we must pass, no, RUN past!

There are only 2-3% of real chilled milk on the shelves of the capital. If you already buy it, then you should choose Turkish trout, and better from local farms, you can take from Murmansk and Karelia; salmon also from Murmansk; sea bass and dorado from Turkey; sturgeon and carp from nearby aquaculture farms. You can also choose river fish — pike perch, grass carp, crucian carp.

Under the guise of chilled fish, «defrost» is often sold.

«Defrost» is a former frozen fish that was thawed in a refrigerator before being sold (well, if only once) and put in ice in a display case. So the fish becomes as if chilled, but in fact the technology is broken, and with it the quality.

99% of such fish include all products from the Far East and Murmansk: sea bass, cod, herring, chum salmon, pink salmon and ice. Imagine how many days a chilled fillet, for example, pink salmon, will get to Moscow from Kamchatka. And what should it look like after such a journey?

By the way, if you come across frozen Chilean salmon, you should know that it is often defrosted and sold as Faroese chilled.

Let’s deal with freezing

Fish and seafood are frozen in two ways — wet (wet) and dry (shock).

The wet method involves immersing the fish in a brine bath at -12°-18°C. So an ice crust is formed on the carcasses, the so-called glaze. It prevents loss of moisture, bacteria and damage during transport.

The disadvantage of method is that the ice layer is often very thick and affects the weight. The case when you literally buy water, because when thawed, the fish loses up to 50% of its weight. Ideally, the seller should indicate the weight of the product without glaze on the label. Unfortunately, this rule of good form is rarely practiced by anyone.

Dry method is the most technologically advanced and in demand. Fish are frozen after being caught0093 directly on the vessel or in the nearest coastal zone in freezers with strong airflow with temperatures down to -30 ° C. The process takes only a couple of hours, and the glaze on the fish is no more than 5-7%.

Shock freezing allows you to preserve the structure of tissues, useful properties and taste. And, of course, contains a minimum of excess water. Therefore, for the 4fresh assortment, we decided to choose fish of just this kind of freezing.

Which fish is healthier, red or white?

There is no single answer. Red fish is more nutritious, fatty, so those who follow a low-calorie diet should choose white fish. But that certainly doesn’t make one worse than the other. By choosing the right side dish for any fish, you can successfully close all the needs of the body.

Meet the scales: what does a quality fish look like?

We have sorted out some external markers that will help you choose a decent fish.


In fresh fish, it is always slightly moist, never dry. She starts to dry from the tail. And the larger this dry area, the longer the fish lies on the counter.


Namely, we are interested in their color. They should be dark, ideally deep red. If the color has faded noticeably, the fish in front of you is stale. And in no case do not take fish with mucus on the gills.


They are considered to be the mirror of the soul. Fresh fish are always convex and transparent.


The body of fresh fish is elastic, and the tail should not sag if you put the carcass in the palm of your hand.


If you haven’t found them, that’s great! Spots appear on stale and even spoiled fish.


An extremely important marker, to which we devoted a separate chapter in the article below.

Why fish smell bad

Most often, chilled fish sins with this, which is beautifully laid out on ice and is presented as a worthy alternative to frozen fish, in which, as is commonly believed, there is only ice. And it exudes an unpleasant smell because it is actually “defrost”.

But sellers do not always talk about this. And if they do, for some reason they often do not specify that they are defrosting it incorrectly: they do not observe the temperature regime during defrosting and storage and keep it on the display case for so long that dangerous bacteria multiply with might and main. And the unfortunate little fish continues to wink at the naive buyer from its ice showcase and exude a strange aroma.

A sign of a product that has begun to deteriorate is a sharp smell of ammonia. We can feel it during cooking or even before it. At the beginning of heat treatment, this smell is easy to catch, but it is practically absent from the finished dish.

The smell is the result of the vital activity of microorganisms that manifest themselves after defrosting. The higher the temperature, the longer the fish lies and the more actively we feel hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, trimethylamines and more.

What is added to fish and why

Additives in fish and seafood serve different roles, but their goal is usually the same — to make the product better than it is by masking problems. Supplements are harmless, but most of them are the opposite — they can be dangerous to health.


Dyes for fish use natural and synthetic.

The meat of most fish is light, almost white. The protein myoglobin, which is present in animal meat, is almost absent in fish. But how, for example, red fish «blushed»?

All thanks to a special diet rich in small crustaceans that feed on algae that produce the pink-orange carotenoid astaxanthin. These crustaceans, in turn, are food for salmonids.

Astaxanthin is a natural color along with paprika, lycopene and carmine. They should not be afraid. Much more artificial dyes. These include E-shki of various shades: E102, E110, E160a, E122, E124. Some are banned in European countries or allowed for partial use under certain conditions. The key point is that they all have a risk of unpleasant side effects for the body. From allergic rhinitis to problems with the nervous system.

There are even dyes for fish that, in combination, can affect the attention and activity of children — we are talking about E124 and E110. The Customs Union has required manufacturers using the complex to indicate this on the packaging, but unscrupulous traders can simply hide this fact.

Why tint the product at all? There are several reasons:

  1. Hide imperfections and poor quality.
  2. Distrust of buyers who demand a bright color.
  3. For the sake of beauty and high sales.


Another E-shka at number 542. This designation hides a linear polymer of phosphoric acid. Fish are pumped with it to retain moisture after defrosting, thereby slowing down the process of oxidation and rancidity.

There is a regulation that determines the amount of phosphates and a list of products where it can be used. In acceptable amounts, polyphosphates are not harmful, but when they are exceeded, the mineral balance in the body is disturbed, the risk of developing cancer increases, and the functioning of the cardiovascular system worsens.

After defrosting, fish pumped up with polymers is distinguished by a glossy sheen, friability and a large release of water during heat treatment. Too bad you can’t find it in the store.

Antibiotics and preservatives in fish

Antibiotics hide in ice under chilled fish. Namely, biomycin, which is used for the effect of preservation. It seems not scary, but we are for the use of antibiotics in extreme cases, when it concerns your health and is controlled by a doctor.

Other popular preservatives are chlorine ice (if you come across fish with a subtle taste of bleach, that’s all) and ice with the Varex-7 complex preservative. The last preservative “helps” the chilled fish keep its fresh marketable appearance, lying on the counter for up to 30-40 days. Just imagine!

5 fish myths

Choosing a useful fish, the main thing is not to succumb to marketing tricks and manipulations, because in order to draw attention to a particular species or alternative product, myths are born. Let’s analyze the most popular of them.

Myth 1: Seafood is high in saturated fat, which is bad for the heart.

It is commonly believed that saturated fat in excess raises cholesterol levels, which increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. But, as we wrote at the beginning of the article (and attached a link to research), in fact, the harm of saturated fats is not in quantity, but in their quality.

Studies have found that people who get more saturated fat from red meat and butter are more likely to develop heart disease. The opposite was true for those who received saturated fats from cheese, yogurt and fish — the risk of developing cardiovascular disease remained low.

The takeaway here is that the link between heart disease and saturated fat depends on the food sources it comes from.

Myth 2: Fish contains a lot of mercury.

Mercury is a dangerous toxic metal found in low concentrations in our environment. It participates in the cycle of air and water, affecting the flora and fauna. But is there so much of it in fish and seafood?

Yes, almost all of these products contain traces of mercury, but most of them are safe for humans. The risks are related to the amount of fish consumed and its species. The Food and Environmental Protection Agency recommend that pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers refrain from eating large fish such as sharks, king mackerel and blue burbot, which have the highest levels of mercury.

However, the vast majority of seafood is indicated for the health of mothers and babies, as it contains many beneficial nutrients and omega-3s.

In a study of the amount of mercury in different types of fish, organized by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), experts made recommendations:

  • Avoid bluefin tuna, king mackerel, shark and swordfish in your diet. They contain record and dangerous amounts of mercury.
  • A couple servings a month is a recommendation for yellowfin tuna, marlin and wild sturgeon.
  • Up to 4 times a month — sea bass, halibut, if they are caught in the Atlantic Ocean. Russian fish can be eaten more often.
  • Without restrictions — cod, haddock, pollock, saffron cod, pollack, hake, hoki, whitefish, muksun, omul, whitefish, flounder, all salmon, herring, sprat, anchovy, sardines, shrimp, squid (except giant) and other seafood.
  • All aquaculture fish are safe.

Myth 3: All marine fish are contaminated with heavy metals.

There is some truth in this myth. Today, the oceans are filled with pollutants, and the reason for this is the disregard for the ecology of manufacturing and industrial companies that pour hazardous waste into the water. One way or another, underwater inhabitants come into contact with heavy metals and absorb them.

In continuation to the previous paragraph about mercury, it is important to note that over the past 40 years, the degree of mercury pollution in the oceans has decreased significantly. In the North Atlantic Ocean, the level of pollution fell by almost 5 times, and in the Mediterranean Sea — by almost 2 times.

It turns out that if 30 years ago doctors recommended sea fish for the prevention of diseases, and patients did not experience the negative consequences of heavy metal poisoning, now the situation is even more rosy.

If you are still worried, try to choose fish and seafood of small sizes — they contain many times less metals.

Myth 4: Red fish is the best source of omega-3s.

This myth is, in fact, a half-myth. And that’s why.

Yes, salmon, salmon, chum salmon and pink salmon really have a lot of useful omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. But this concerns, first of all, wild fish.

Fish grown on an aqua farm and fed with mixed feed simply cannot synthesize as much omega-3 as its wild brothers. The fact is that in the natural environment, the latter feed on algae and plankton, which synthesize useful acids. And the fish only assimilates it. On farms where the balance of the diet is not important, the fish have nowhere to get omega-3.

Aqua farms, for whom it is important to grow healthy fish with a high level of omega-3, do not save on its diet and compose it in such a way that it completely catches up with wild fish in terms of useful acid.

Myth 5: Raw marine fish is a home for parasites.

The myth became popular with the spread of Japanese and Mediterranean restaurants, which often feature raw fish dishes on the menu.

Yes, there is a risk of infection with parasites, but there are several important points to consider:

  • Restaurants in the central region get frozen fish, and parasites die from temperatures below 20 ℃.
  • Most marine parasites are not as dangerous to humans as is commonly thought. We are much more at risk of contracting them from other foodstuffs and even ordinary dust.

Where does the fish go to Russia

From different parts of the world. And it’s okay if it’s blast-frozen and transported under strict regulations. But there are individual examples of traveler fish that are important to talk about.

It happens that after the catch, fresh fish does not go to the nearest production, but goes to China. For example, cod from Norway is cheaper to cut in a foreign country than in your own country. At first glance, this may seem strange and illogical. There are several factors why this happens:

  1. Labor is cheap in China. And every 5-10 times. This is enough to cover all logistics costs and stay in the black.
  2. The popularity of processed fish among buyers — fillets and semi-finished products. And in China, we recall, they are ready to butcher carcasses for a penny.
  3. Difficulties with waste disposal in Europe and the USA. Recycling of production waste is needed, which implies unnecessary expenses.
  4. An excellent base for reducing the cost of fish in China is weighting with glaze, pumping with phosphates and other delights.

Unfortunately, most of the cut fish in Russia is brought from China. Reason to think about what you pay for and why. We do not work with such fish — ours is butchered in the Moscow region. By the way, without first defrosting, that is, a single shock freezing remains!

What about aquaculture fish from Asian countries?

We do not recommend buying tilapia and pangasius. This fish is very popular in South Asian aqua farms in Vietnam and China. The problem is that it is unpretentious, so it is kept in, to put it mildly, bad conditions: they do not monitor the cleanliness of the bottom and water, they feed it with anything, they are kept with other species in the same reservoir (for example, ducks). For additional reduction in cost, injection with polyphosphates and generous glazing are used.

What to do? What kind of fish to buy if you live thousands of kilometers from the ocean?

Do not be lazy and spend more time looking for a decent option. Do not be shy to communicate with the seller — ask questions and even demand documents. And, of course, come to terms with the price. High-quality and healthy fish will be more expensive than its cheaper sisters.

The healthiest and healthiest option would be blast frozen fish. As we have already found out, this method helps to preserve all useful vitamins and microelements, tissue structure with a minimum of excess water.

Our 4fresh MARKET offers dry-frozen fish caught and frozen immediately in the coastal zone. It meets the highest quality standards and is packed in vacuum bags to avoid freezing and oxidation from contact with air. Simply put, we have done everything to ensure that the fish comes to your table almost in its original form.

On some types of our fish and seafood, a glaze coating is used during freezing, but not more than 7%. The glaze contains only water and no preservatives, which is confirmed by declarations of conformity and test reports.

Where do we get fish for 4fresh

Item 1 of 3

The process of selecting a fish and seafood supplier for the Deli was a long and very thorough one. We have compiled an internal quality regulation for suppliers and, of course, checked them for full compliance with the requirements.

It was important for us that wild sea fish was frozen once, and when delivered to the regions, it no longer went through defrosting-freezing cycles, accumulating water and losing useful properties. And we were looking for aquaculture fish with a clear food base and 100% absence of antibiotics and hormonal supplements.

Our choice was the Rif manufacturing company, a family business whose journey began back in 1954. Views on what healthy fish should be on our and your tables agreed.

Today, the company receives fish from all over the world, and, most importantly, here they track its full history — from caviar to the table. In 2008, the company opened its own fish farms far from civilization, in Valdai, where trout and whitefish are grown in ecologically clean reservoirs.

The fish was chosen. How now to defrost and cook it properly?

Improper defrosting can ruin the best quality product. So the first step is to break the vacuum. If the fish is tender, then the vacuum will squeeze out all the juices from it, consider that a children’s bicycle drove over it. It will lose texture, juice and integrity of the fibers. This applies to fillets, with a whole carcass, of course, nothing will happen. But this is exactly the case when it is better to overdo it. At the same time, fishburgers can be fried immediately. But we recommend defrosting, at least partially.

Defrost the fish in the refrigerator. It is not necessary to leave it in the kitchen for the night, heat it in the microwave, on the battery or in warm water. Just put it in the fridge and that’s it! Remember this simple rule.

Seafood does not require defrosting, they can simply be poured with cold water.

IMPORTANT: after defrosting, you have 24 hours to cook the fish. Seafood — 12 hours. Then you will have time to enjoy the magical taste and get a lot of benefits!

What is the result?

Let’s summarize the main theses of our article.

  1. Fish is a source of nutritional and health-promoting substances.
  2. If you live far from the ocean, choose shock-frozen or chilled fish caught in aqua farms in your or neighboring regions.
  3. Any fish is useful — both red and white. But provided that it was kept in good conditions, properly processed and stored.
  4. Aquaculture fish from conscientious farmers is not inferior in usefulness to wild fish.
  5. We work with a responsible and experienced supplier and select the highest quality and healthiest fish and seafood for the Gastronome.