Skyrim se 4k: Textures 4k Overhaul (Upscaled) at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus

4K Parallax Skyrim by Pfuscher now with ports from SE at Skyrim Nexus

4K Parallax Textures for Skyrim + Meshes to activate the parallax effect.

Permissions and credits

Ports from SE see download section

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You can quickly change this mod to 2k or 1k with Texture Optimizer

Something went purple? Install the according smim part afterwards.

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Description and installation
4K Parallax Textures for Skyrim + Meshes to activate the parallax effect.

Short version: Download everything and put it into 1 big data file. skyrim\data\ and overwrite.

Long Version:
A mesh is a 3d model and data file of an object and it determines what textures an object uses. Skyrim basic ground doesn’t have a mesh or 3d model and the engine does not allow parallax there. Some ground is a 3d model though.
That’s why there is not always a file in my pack for some stuff.
Therefore you need my meshes to activate the parallax effect for the respective places.
Those Meshes are compatible to every other Parallax mod, as they all have the same entries to activate Parallax.
Textures in Skyrim are like that    just the texture, often called diffuse texture(some with an alpha map) it’s normal map for depth(and a specular map in the alpha map)
xyz_p,dds the parallax map for even more depth
I create 4k textures, and if there are additional files in my data, those are the parallax maps the meshes use for improved graphics. Of course they need to be compatible to the diffuse texture.

Smim, if you don’t have it, some stuff might not get its texture correctly.

Always backup your files and sorry for the amount of files. 4k takes a lot of space and I do too much updates to upload 1gb twice week with a slow internet connection.

ENB: You need to have set FixParallaxBugs=true in enblocal.ini.
Compatible with PPR or True Parallax Project. Install my meshes AFTER PPR as they have a lot more Parallax activated
Should be compatible with Realistic Water two and it’s wet rocks.

Mods that use their own meshes with changed attributes, for example some lightning mods like ELFX should not be compatible with my meshes, as they use the same. Install those after my stuff, some things might still work. A lot of times I got elfx meshes integrated, though.

FAQ/ Problem Section
Got any missing texture? Reinstall the appropriate smim part.

Texture Optimizer: Tips
Some of you might want to use these textures, but your Pc is shit like mine.
So you use Texture Optimizer to reduce the Vram usage by changing the stuff to 2K.
Sadly most start it the wrong way, let me give some hints:
1.Don’t start by changing the 4K Diffuse ! texture to 2K   for example:
2. Start by changing the uncompressed normal ! map texture for example:
from 2K uncompressed to 2K compressed. ( to DXT5)
This will give you more performance than changing the diffuse ! texture from 4K to 2K and a better visual experience in my opinion.
If you still have Vram issues after this, THEN decrease the diffuse from 4K to 2K.

Credits to Josh Ezzel, who allowed me to create 4k Textures out of his photographs.

Behold the Skyrim mod you didn’t know you needed: 4K cages

(Image credit: JohnSkyrim)

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is 10 and a half years old, but it’s still so popular that it regularly dominates the most-downloaded mods on NexusMods, with the occasional interloper from Fallout 4 or Blade & Sorcery. Exactly how popular does that make Skyrim? Popular enough that 9,000 people were psyched this week to upgrade the cages scattered around its world with new 4K models.

«JS Common Cages SE» was the most downloaded mod on Nexus last week, made by longtime Skyrim modder JohnSkyrim. Common Cages does not have a complex pitch. The cages you’ll find animals, prisoners, and (probably most commonly) skeletons hanging out in? Well, they’ll look better now.

JohnSkyrim did make one critical improvement here, though, as listed in Common Cages’ bullet points: 

  • Updated with collisions that allow items & projectiles to pass through bar gaps

Finally—if you want to shoot some poor helpless prisoner in the face without bothering to let them out first, you can thread an arrow right through those bars.

How many mods would you need to install to replace every single item in Skyrim with a sharper, hand-polished 4K version? Probably too many, though JohnSkyrim does offer more than 100 himself, including 4K Dwemer ichor barrels, 4K dragon claws, and 4K drums, lutes, and flutes. I don’t know how to play the lute, but if I was going to learn, I’d definitely want to do it on a 4K lute.

You might be tempted to think something like «well, I don’t really look at the cages in Skyrim all that closely, so I don’t need to mod them.» That’s what I thought at first. Then I looked at what an absolute blast these prisoners are having in JohnSkyrim’s screenshots and changed my mind. For 92.5MB, you, too, can change a skeleton’s life.

(Image credit: JohnSkyrim)

(Image credit: JohnSkyrim)

(Image credit: JohnSkyrim)

If you’re looking for a boatload more Skyrim mod recommendations, check them out here: 

  • The best Skyrim mods
  • The best Skyrim: Special Edition mods

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Wes has been covering games and hardware for more than 10 years, first at tech sites like The Wirecutter and Tested before joining the PC Gamer team in 2014. Wes plays a little bit of everything, but he’ll always jump at the chance to cover emulation and Japanese games.

When he’s not obsessively optimizing and re-optimizing a tangle of conveyor belts in Satisfactory (it’s really becoming a problem), he’s probably playing a 20-year-old Final Fantasy or some opaque ASCII roguelike. With a focus on writing and editing features, he seeks out personal stories and in-depth histories from the corners of PC gaming and its niche communities. 50% pizza by volume (deep dish, to be specific).

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