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wie haben leute bei shakes and fidget soviele pilze und gold ich mein 4000 pilze das is doch viel (Computer, Games)

Letzte Aktivität: 11.01.2023, 19:26
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  • wie haben leute bei shakes and fidget soviele pilze und gold ich mein 4000 pilze das is doch viel


    29.05.2018, 12:07

    Hallo HeinrichvonButz,

    die meisten Shakes and Fidget Spieler, die so viele Pilze haben, haben die sich meistens beim Pilzdealer für Echtgeld gekauft. Man kann sie sich zwar ansparen, jedoch würde das eine Ewigkeit dauern, da man jeden Tag einen Pilz findet (bei der ersten Quest) und dann einfach Glück haben muss damit man einen 2, 3 usw. Pilz finden kann. So müsste man für deine Angegebenen Pilze ungefähr 3400-4000 tage immer spielen, damit man so eine Menge Pilze ohne Echtgeld bekommt.


    09.10.2011, 16:42

    ich denke, dass ist relativ, es gibt halt leute, die mal 100 Euro in ein spiel investieren….jeder legt seine finanziellen Prioritäten anders….



    Gibt es bei shakes and fidget einen pilze oder gold hack? (Freizeit)

    Letzte Aktivität: 28.02.2023, 11:36
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  • Gibt es bei shakes and fidget einen pilze oder gold hack?

    3 Antworten

    Vom Fragesteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet


    03. 10.2011, 12:03

    kannst es mal per cheat engine versuchen

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    Teste Dein Wissen mit unserem täglichen Kreuzworträtsel!

    Zum Rätsel


    09.10.2011, 16:46

    Nein, bei Browsergames ist das so gut wie unmöglich, du müsstest dafür ja den spielserver hacken…alles was dir im internet in dieser Form angeboten wird ist nen Fake, schlimstenfalls ziehst du dir damit noch irgend nen Virus auf den Rechner…..
    Cheat Engine kannst du gut für offline-Spiele nutzen…..


    03.03.2012, 09:53

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    Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) — Together

    What is Restless Leg Syndrome?

    Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a neurological sleep disorder characterized by movement of the legs during sleep or rest. Patients experience an overwhelming need to move their legs due to discomfort or discomfort in the legs. Symptoms occur during periods of low activity, usually in the evening or at night. This syndrome is also known as Willis-Ekbom disease.

    RLS may interfere with or disturb sleep. Treatment involves lifestyle changes to relieve symptoms and improve sleep quality. Some patients may also need medication.

    Restless legs syndrome symptoms

    Restless legs syndrome (RLS) symptoms are as follows:

    • Irresistible urge to move the legs at rest
    • Unpleasant sensations in the legs (itching, crawling, aching or sharp pain)
      • Symptoms worse at night, relieve or disappear with movement or pressure, usually bilateral, but may be unilateral or migrate from one side to the other, may vary in intensity and frequency , and can also appear and disappear

    Sometimes it is difficult for a patient, especially a child, to describe the symptoms of restless leg syndrome. As a rule, sensations are localized inside the leg, and not on the surface of the skin. The child may describe sensations as follows:

    • Need to move legs, kick or stretch
    • Feeling of crawling or bugs inside or on the surface of the legs
    • «Tingling», «twitching», «crawling» or «restless» sensation in the legs

    Causes of restless legs syndrome

    Several factors increase the risk of RLS. These include:

    • Low ferritin (iron storage)
    • Medicines, including certain antidepressants and antiemetics
    • Family history of RLS
    • ADHD
    • Alarm
    • Depression
    • Diseases of the kidneys
    • Sickle cell disease
    • Peripheral neuropathy

    Restless Leg Syndrome Diagnosis

    Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) Diagnosis Includes:

    • Medical History and Physical Examination
    • Talking to the patient and family or completing a symptom checklist
    • Examining prescribed medications to see if sleep disturbance is a side effect of any of them
    • Laboratory tests to determine the level of iron in the blood

    When diagnosing RLS, doctors look for 5 criteria:

    1. An overwhelming urge to move the legs, usually caused by discomfort or discomfort.
    2. Symptoms appear or worsen during reduced activity or rest.
    3. Symptoms are relieved by movement.
    4. Symptoms are most pronounced in the evening or at night.
    5. Symptoms are not caused by another condition.

    Treatment of restless leg syndrome

    Restless legs syndrome (RLS) treatment depends on the cause, severity of the condition, and age of the patient. There is no universal method of treatment for all patients, and over time, a change in treatment tactics may be required.

    Changes in lifestyle or behavior — Mild to moderate symptoms of RLS can be relieved initially by adjusting daily habits. Follow these guidelines:

    • Sleep hygiene
    • Moderate exercise or stretching
    • Avoid caffeine and nicotine
    • Massage, hot baths, heating pads, or ice packs to relax leg muscles (consult physician first, especially if patient is undergoing treatment)
    • Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and meditation

    High Iron Dietary Supplements — Your doctor may recommend iron supplements if you have low blood ferritin levels (low serum ferritin). Dietary supplements are available without a prescription, but the patient’s family should consult a doctor or pharmacist regarding the dose and type of high iron supplement. Side effects such as indigestion and constipation may occur. Taking excessive doses of iron can be dangerous, especially for young children.

    Other drugs — Several types of drugs have been shown to work for more severe symptoms of RLS in adults. However, most of these drugs are not yet approved for the treatment of RLS in children. Many drugs used to treat RLS also have other indications.

    1. Seizure drugs may be used in RLS. Gabapentin (taken at bedtime) is a popular first-line treatment for RLS in children and adults.

    2. Benzodiazepines are often used to reduce anxiety, control seizures, and relieve nausea. They can be used as a sleep aid and to relieve muscle spasms. Low-dose benzodiazepines at bedtime may be given to relieve symptoms of RLS.

    3. RLS may be treated with drugs that increase levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine. Many of these drugs are traditionally used in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. These drugs are less commonly used to treat RLS in children.

    It is important to follow dosage instructions carefully. In the treatment of sleep disorders or the relief of symptoms of RLS, the dose and regimen of the drug may differ from those in the appointment for other reasons. These drugs may not be safe if taken more often or at higher doses than prescribed. Members of the patient’s family should ensure that medicinal products are safely stored out of the reach of children.

    Supplementary Resources for Restless Legs Syndrome

    • Restless Leg Syndrome — American National Sleep Foundation

    • Restless Leg Syndrome — American Academy of Sleep Medicine

    • Understanding RLS — Restless Leg Syndrome Association

    • Restless Leg Syndrome Fact Sheet — NINRI (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke)

    Modified June 2019

    90,000 child sleeps poorly at night, -schoolgirl

    An article for parents whose children wake up at night and «walk», confuse day and night, want to play, not sleep.

    Child’s crisis calendar

    Child does not sleep well at night, wakes up frequently

    “My 7-month-old baby walks at night. What should I do?”, “No matter what I do, he still does not sleep for 1. 5– 2 hours at night”, “Can a child at 1 year old confuse day and night? Why is he awake so long almost every night?”

    These are the questions parents ask BabySleep’s sleep consultants — at consultations, in comments, at lectures. The article talks about the wakefulness of children at night, when the child wakes up for no apparent reason and does not sleep for a long time. Often he looks cheerful and completely slept, plays, communicates. Or lies for a long time and seems to be trying to sleep, but cannot.

    Find out what causes you to stay awake at night, as well as find recommendations for improving the situation by adjusting the regime and a favorable sleep environment. In the second part of the article, the psychological reasons for «festivities at night» are considered.

    Walking at night: research and observations of specialists

    As numerous studies in the field of sleep disorders show, wakefulness of young children at night is indeed one of the most common problems under the age of 3 years. According to scientists, about 20% of children from 1 to 2 years old wake up and stay awake at night 5 or more times a week, among three-year-olds 26% wake up at least 3 times a week.

    According to many pediatric specialists (pediatricians, neurologists, osteopaths, psychologists), this is a very common reason for parents to contact us. As a rule, if the doctor has not found any neurological disorders in the child and the baby is generally healthy, the diagnosis of insomnia is made and drug treatment is offered, sometimes massage and “herbs”. But the doctors themselves admit that this does not always lead to a solution to the problem.

    Is it normal for a child to wake up at night?

    Night feedings

    Waking up at night can be not only normal, but even necessary. For example, awakening for night feedings in infants. A baby under 3 months old should be fed on demand at any time of the day, including at night.

    Up to 8-10 months, and sometimes longer, 1-2 night feedings can be maintained. By the age of one, a child can already do without feeding at all at night — but many children sleep longer and calmer if there is feeding in the morning. For more information on nighttime feedings and ways to gently reduce them, check out this article. This is the right time to gently teach your baby how to fall asleep on his own!

    Other causes

    Other common causes are baby’s physical discomfort due to a full diaper, acute teething phase (if it’s been going on for several weeks, it’s probably not the teeth), sickness, hunger, heat or cold, etc. .d.

    Night awakenings (not every day) can normally persist for up to 3-5 years. They may be associated with physical discomfort, fears or nightmares.

    What does it mean «the child «walks» at night»?

    Unlike normal, natural nocturnal awakenings, it is very difficult for a child to go to sleep after being «out» in the middle of the night. Children «walk» at night in different ways at different ages. So, at 1–3 months, a baby can completely confuse day and night, at 6 months – a year for 2–3 hours to practice new skills (sit down, crawl, stand up), at 1.5 years old start playing.

    In their practice, child sleep consultants deal daily with parental concerns about their child not sleeping well at night. For you, we have combined the international experience of authorities in the field of sleep disorders in children and our own observations and divided the causes of night awakenings and wakefulness into 2 groups. The first group includes factors related to the organization and conditions of sleep, the second — psychological problems, which we will discuss in the second part of the article.

    1. Mistakes in the organization of sleep:

    1. The most common reason is too long sleep during the day. If the daily rate of sleep is not balanced and the child sleeps too much during the day, then when he wakes up at night, the baby feels already enough sleep, it is more difficult for him to fall asleep again. To prevent long bedtimes, check the table of age norms of sleep.
    2. Interference lighting — parents turn on the light, take the awakened child to a lighted room, leave the night light on, displays of household appliances are on, etc. The child’s brain reacts to light as a signal to wake up.
    3. Late bed . The child’s nervous system is still immature, and fatigue from being awake for too long quickly leads to overexcitation and poor sleep quality.
    4. Lack of ability to fall asleep independently . If a child is constantly helped to fall asleep in some particular way (sickness, or given a breast or a bottle to fall asleep, or a mother lies nearby), the child gets used to falling asleep only in such conditions and every time he wakes up (for example, when changing sleep cycles), he needs to again and recreate these conditions. For example, a child fell asleep in his mother’s arms and suddenly woke up alone in the crib — he is frightened or indignant, crying and calling his mother. He wants to sleep very much, but he can’t just go back to sleep right away, and then quickly becomes overexcited. He can fall asleep only when the usual conditions for falling asleep are restored and he calms down.
    5. Absence of mode by age, inconsistent bedtime. The biological clock of the child is tuned to the circadian rhythm, which normally commands «rise!» in the morning and «sleep!» in the evening at the same time. When a child’s routine is in conflict with the circadian rhythm (and, accordingly, with the body’s production of «sleep» and «wake» hormones), it is more difficult for a child to fall asleep. He is overtired, and at night he may become awake.
    6. Overexcitation when lying down : it happens that parents involuntarily entertain the child, trying to put him to bed in all ways (they pump, then sing, then emotionally tell a fairy tale). Often parents give the baby to play and let him run out of the bedroom, thinking that he just does not want to sleep yet. After one year, babies tend to hide signs of fatigue and often don’t look sleepy at all in the evenings. But since the child is still tired during the day, the body helps him cope with fatigue and drowsiness by producing the “stress hormone” cortisol. Cortisol triggers activating processes in the body, including in the brain, which is why it is so difficult for a child who has overdone to calm down and fall asleep. As a result, the child does not sleep well due to “undigested” excitation by the body.

    Other causes of nocturnal awakenings are often natural needs (thirst, hunger) or discomfort (cold-hot-stuffy, itching or pain when teeth grow, snoring or difficulty breathing). The baby begins to wake up at night if there are several of these reasons, for example: he wants to go to the toilet, feels discomfort, and while the parents were sorting out, the dream “weathered”. If you want to learn more about these reasons, download the BabySleep brochure Why Does My Baby Sleep Badly? or read the article about comfortable sleeping conditions.

    How can I help my child fall asleep again?

    In the long term, analyze and identify the listed causes of poor sleep. «Urgent» help is to immediately put the «loosy» child back to sleep.

    Do not open curtains or turn on lights. Talking and generally communicating with the baby while you are changing a diaper or feeding, you need to be as quiet, short and unemotional as possible: do not give signals to communicate. Night is not a time for talking, but for sleeping.

    The second part of the article tells what to do if the family follows all healthy sleep habits, but the baby still continues to walk at night; how emotions in the family, the impressions received during the day, and the psychological comfort of the baby affect sleep.

    All sleep-deprived parents are reminded that if you are trying hard but the problem persists, seek professional help. A baby sleep consultant will understand your situation in detail and help you solve the problem.