Resident evil revelations 2 komplettlösung: Resident Evil: Revelations 2 — Komplettlösung, Tipps und Tricks

Resident Evil: Revelations 2 — Komplettlösung, Tipps und Tricks

Resident Evil: Revelations geht in die zweite Runde. Auch wenn der neue, im Episodenformat veröffentlichte (und ab 20. März auch als Box im Handel erhältliche) Ableger nicht so gruselig ist wie die Reihe zu ihren besten Zeiten, heißt das nicht, wir hätten es hier mit einer kunterbunten Geburtstagsparty zu tun. OK, Party vielleicht, wenn man nur vernarbte, missgestaltete Freaks auf die Gästeliste setzt, die jedem grunzend an den Hals springen. Auch Revelations 2 hat seine ganz eigenen Schocker auf Lager, kleine Rätsel, eine Koop-Ausrichtung und so manch knackigen Kampf, den man auf Anhieb nicht durchschaut.

Bei all dem und den Problemen, die dabei auftreten können, hilft unsere Komplettlösung, in der wir alle Episoden des Abenteuers durchgehen und euch zeigen, wie Claire, Moira, Barry und Natalia aus ihrem Albtraum entkommen können. Nachfolgend die Kapitelnavigation, darunter als Fließtext allgemeine Hinweise, die beim Spielen von Revelations 2 sicher keine schlechten Überlegungen sind. Viel Glück beim Überleben.

Episode 1

Resident Evil Revelations 2: Episode 1 — Claire: Erste Schritte, Experimentierblock-Schlüssel, Brecheisen für Moira

Resident Evil Revelations 2: Episode 1 — Claire: Zahnrad finden, Aus der Anlage fliehen, Zum Funkturm

Resident Evil Revelations 2: Episode 1 — Barry: Durchs Gebäude gehen, Schaltzentrale-Schlüssel, Feuer abstellen

Resident Evil Revelations 2: Episode 1 — Barry: Wald durchqueren, Kransteuerung, Funkturm erreichen

Episode 2

Resident Evil Revelations 2: Episode 2 — Claire: Batterie und Treibstoff finden, Sirene ausschalten, Aus Dorf fliehen

Resident Evil Revelations 2: Episode 2 — Claire: Natalia finden, Gittertorrätsel, Zum Turm

Resident Evil Revelations 2: Episode 2 — Barry: Hintertorschlüssel, Fischerdorf, Unsichtbare Gegner

Resident Evil Revelations 2: Episode 2 — Barry: Pedro töten, Bohrer bekommen, Zum Turm

Episode 3

Resident Evil Revelations 2: Episode 3 — Claire: Neil finden, Verarbeitungsanlage-Schlüssel, Prometheus-Leber-Rätsel

Resident Evil Revelations 2: Episode 3 — Claire: Kanalisation, Richtige Tür in der Gießerei, Grabstein-Rätsel, Boss: Neil töten

Resident Evil Revelations 2: Episode 3 — Barry: Kanalisation, Abwasseraufbereitungsanlage

Resident Evil Revelations 2: Episode 3 — Barry: Steinbruch, Ersatzgenerator, Förderband und Fahrstuhl anschalten

Episode 4

Resident Evil Revelations 2: Episode 4 — Claire: Die Aufseherin, Aus dem Turm entkommen

Resident Evil Revelations 2: Episode 4 — Barry: Mine, Zum Turm, Lift-Aktivierungskarte

Resident Evil Revelations 2: Episode 4 — Barry: Gift ablassen, Wappenschlüssel, Endboss


Wie gesagt, kein klassisches Resident Evil, aber eins, das die Ideen aus dem Vorgänger mehr oder weniger weiterdenkt. Hier grundlegende Dinge, die zu wissen nicht schaden kann, wenn man es von der Insel schaffen möchte.


Es mag ein wenig müßig klingen, es bei jedem Resident Evil erneut zu erwähnen, aber „Zielt auf den Kopf» sagt man nicht bloß so. Er ist bei vielen Gegnern die Körperregion, die ihr bevorzugt ins Visier nehmen wollt, einfach weil es am wirksamsten ist. Mit einem kritischen Treffer reicht mitunter schon eine Kugel, doch auch sonst werden die Feinde eher klein beigeben, wenn ihr ihre Schädel mit Blei spickt. Wenn ihr seht, dass ihnen eine leuchtende Ausbeulung wächst, dann schießt auf diese; nach einem Treffer sind sie meist Geschichte. So kann man prima Munition sparen.

Was uns gleich zum nächsten Thema bringt: Munition sparen. Das ist in der Praxis nicht immer so einfach, wie es dahergesagt ist. Versucht einfach zu sparen, wo es nur geht. Ein Beispiel: Schießt einem Gegner einmal in den Kopf oder Oberkörper und er gerät aus der körperlichen Balance, was man anhand seiner etwas linkisch wirkenden Animation sehr gut erkennen kann. Rennt dann fix zu ihm hin und drückt die Taste fürs Messer, so versetzt ihr ihm einen schweren Treffer. Oft war es das bereits für ihn.

Schafft ihr es, Gegner mit einer Schrotladung zu Boden zu werfen, eilt zu ihnen und benutzt das Messer, solange sie noch liegen. Schwingt es in einer Tour und ihr macht so ständig Schaden — auch das erspart euch die eine oder andere Kugel, besonders wenn ihr das Monster gleich zu Tode messert. Kurzum: Habt ruhig etwas Mut und sucht die Konfrontation mit einzelnen Feinden. Solange sie von den anderen isoliert sind, könnt ihr euch gut auf sie konzentrieren, ohne unangenehme Überraschungen fürchten zu müssen.


Und wenn es doch mal eng wird? Revelations 2 hat Szenen, in denen ein halbes Dutzend mutierte Fleischklumpen in Reihe und Glied auf euch zumarschieren. Manchmal ist Flucht die beste Option. Mit der B- bzw. Kreistaste könnt ihr gegnerischen Attacken ausweichen. Hierfür müsst ihr den angreifenden Widersacher genau beobachten und die Taste erst drücken, wenn sich Claire/Barry wirklich unter einer Axt wegducken sollen oder ähnliches. Seid ihr mit dem Timing zu früh oder zu spät dran, werdet ihr dennoch getroffen, was das Ausweichen zu einer recht anspruchsvollen Sache machen kann.

Auch das gute alte Wegrennen ist durchaus eine Option. So verschafft man sich in engeren Abschnitten Platz für einen Angriff aus sicherer Entfernung oder weil man einfach etwas Luft braucht. Seid nicht verlegen darum, auch mal zu solchen Mitteln zu greifen, sollte es sich als nötig erweisen.

Koop/Spezielle Fähigkeiten der Charaktere

Revelations 2 wurde voll und ganz um den Koop-Gedanken herum entworfen, der heutzutage so hip ist und fast nirgendwo fehlen darf. Dass Claire Moira und Barry Natalia ständig an der Seite hat, zeigt bereits, in welche Richtung Capcom mit dem neuen Ableger gehen möchte. Wer jetzt daran denkt, die Kampagne online mit einem Kumpel zu spielen — das wird leider nichts. Revelations 2 unterstützt nur Offline-Koop, also müsst ihr damit vorliebnehmen.

Mit der Y- bzw. Dreiecktaste wechselt ihr zwischen den Figuren, wenn euch etwa als Claire der Sinn danach steht, Moira zu steuern. Und das hat durchaus einen Sinn, denn sowohl Moira als auch Natalia haben spezielle Fähigkeiten. Moira kann mit ihrer Taschenlampe Items anleuchten (erkennbar an den funkelnden Stellen, an denen nicht die Aktionstaste eingeblendet wird) und sie so nutzbar machen. Anschließend reicht ein Klick, damit sie in der Tasche verschwinden.

Hinzu kommt ihr Brecheisen, das sie befähigt, Holzbretter oder andere Blockaden zum Beispiel vor Türen zu entfernen. Ohne das Stemmeisen wärt ihr also ganz schön aufgeschmissen. Zudem taugt das Teil, wenn es sein muss, auch zur Verteidigung. Moira ist im Nahkampf zwar nicht ansatzweise so effektiv wie die anderen Figuren mit ihren Schusswaffen, doch um einen Zombie abzuwehren, reicht es allemal.

Natalia dagegen kann die Anwesenheit von Feinden spüren, was sich darin widerspiegelt, dass sie ihre farbigen Silhouetten durch Wände erkennt. So könnt ihr euch schon früh ihrer Anwesenheit versichern und einen Plan austüfteln, wie man sie mit Barry anschließend vielleicht lautlos überrumpelt. Zu guter Letzt kann das kleine Mädel durch Öffnungen kriechen, die einem Erwachsenen verwehrt blieben. Auf diese Weise erreicht sie wichtige Schalter oder andere Orte, kann Türen von der Gegenseite entriegeln und so einiges mehr. Muss sie sich einmal zur Wehr setzen, kann sie dafür Ziegelsteine aufheben und sie den Zombies über den Schädel ziehen.


Auch wenn Resident Evil nicht mehr so viel mit Erkundung zu tun hat, kann man doch ein bisschen was entdecken. Nicht nur versteckte Items, die man mit der Taschenlampe aufdeckt, sondern auch Fässer und Kisten. Zerschlagt diese mit dem Messer und ihr bekommt meist Munition oder sogar mal ein Kraut. Diese hölzernen Behältnisse stehen regelmäßig herum, in Außen- wie Innenräumen.

Schubladen von Schreibtischen lassen sich ebenso öffnen, wie es verschlossene Schatztruhen für geschickte Finger gibt. Die sehen wirklich so aus und sind nur von Natalia zu öffnen, während Moira sich mittels Brecheisens an anderen Kisten zu schaffen machen kann. Nach einem bestandenen Schlösserknacken-Minispiel gibt’s meist Upgrades für die Schusswaffen.

Und worum geht es bei dem Minispiel? Schiebt den Cursor im Kreis umher und achtet auf die Stellen, an denen er sich orange einfärbt. Haltet an diesen Stellen die Schultertaste gedrückt und achtet auf das Vibrieren des Pads. Hört es auf, bevor der Balken rechts sich zur Gänze gefüllt hat, seid ihr nicht an der korrekten Stelle. Ihr müsst dann im orangenen Bereich einige Zentimeter herumprobieren. Es geht hierbei darum, zu sehen, an welcher Stelle das Vibrieren so lange anhält, bis das Schloss geknackt ist. Nach einigen Versuchen hat man das aber ganz gut raus.


Ein netter Zusatz für jeden und bereits ab dem Kauf der ersten Episode verfügbar. Im Raid-Modus (oder zu Deutsch: Raubzugmodus) schlagt ihr euch durch kleine, sehr gut auswendig lernbare Level und müsst schlichtweg alle Feinde erledigen. Oder zumindest so viele, dass ihr Zugang zu einer Medaille erhaltet (in der Regel sind das alle bis auf eine Handvoll). Sobald ihr diese zertretet, habt ihr den Level geschafft. Anschließend gibt es Abzeichen, je nachdem, wie gut ihr wart. Fürs Töten aller Feinde gibt es ebenso einen Bonus wie für Spieler, die keine Heilung benutzen.

Nach und nach schaltet ihr so weitere Raid-Reihen frei oder höhere Schwierigkeitsgrade. Was der Reiz daran sein soll? Nun, ihr findet regelmäßig neue Waffen, stärkere Waffen als eure bisherigen, Upgrade-Teile, Geld und verdient permanent Erfahrung, um Stufen aufzusteigen. Es ist die alte Spirale aus Besserwerden und Nicht-mehr-aufhören-Wollen. Zwischen den Leveln könnt ihr Waffen aufwerten, eure Figur wechseln, ihre Skills ausbauen und vieles mehr.

Lasst euch auf keinen Fall die sogenannten „Täglichen Missionen» entgehen. Jeden Tag könnt ihr hier eine davon bestreiten und werdet wahrlich reich belohnt. Die Erfahrung, die ihr dafür einsackt, liegt nicht selten über 60.000 Punkten. Auch 50.000 Goldmünzen sind nicht zu verachten — dafür kann man diese Mission nur einmal pro Tag erledigen.

Resident Evil Revelations 2 — Episode 2 walkthrough

The second episode of Resident Evil Revelations 2 kicks off with a bar-room brawl, and then doesn’t really let up until you finish the final showdown with a drill-wielding boss. Following on from last week’s complete walkthrough for Episode 1, here’s our guide to making it to the halfway point of this episodic series without coming unstuck.

Resident Evil Revelations 2 PS4 vs PC Comparison

On this page

Resident Evil Revelations 2 — Ep 2: Explore the village, fix the chopper, then find the Battery and Fuel
Our walkthrough for the second episode begins with a quick item-hunt.

Other pages:

Resident Evil Revelations 2 — Ep 2: Survive the bar siege, escape the village, then use the tunnels to reach town
Our guide to surviving the bar siege, getting out of dodge, and then using the tunnels to get to town safely.

Resident Evil Revelations 2 — Ep 2: Get a more powerful shotgun and open the security gate
Where to get a slightly more powerful shotgun, and get the security gate open.

Resident Evil Revelations 2 — Ep 2: Head deeper into the town, defeat the barrel boss and find the tower
How to survive the encounter with the deadly barrel boss, and start making your way towards the tower.

Resident Evil Revelations 2 — Ep 2: Sneak through the abandoned village and locate the Back Gate Key
Our walkthrough continues with a guide to sneaking through the village and tracking down the Back Gate Key.

Resident Evil Revelations 2 — Ep 2: Explore the fishing village, fight invisible enemies, then return to town
Everthing you need to know about picking off invisible enemies — yes, really — and getting back to town.

Resident Evil Revelations 2 — Ep 2: Fight Parasite-tossing mutants and explore the apartments
How to kill this bothersome beast and grab what you need from the apartment complex.

Resident Evil Revelations 2 — Ep 2: How to kill Pedro and reach the Overseer’s tower
Our guide to finishing the fight with Pedro, and making it to the conclusion of this week’s episode in one piece.

Other episodes:

Resident Evil Revelations 2 Episode 1 walkthrough

Resident Evil Revelations 2 Episode 2 walkthrough

Resident Evil Revelations 2 Episode 3 walkthrough

Resident Evil Revelations 2 Episode 4 walkthrough

Following a brief recap of the previous episode’s events, it’s time to rejoin Claire and Moira as they venture deeper into their island surroundings. The action begins in a rundown bar located in the centre of a secluded fishing village. Our plucky duo have a few moments of peace in which to catch their breath and become reacquainted with some old friends.

Before long, however, you’ll be given some distressing news and your adventure takes a much more frantic turn. Shortly after, Gabe — one of your new companions — will open the door and beckon you outside. You can follow him in a moment but, first, it’s worth exploring the bar.

There’s a Cloth and an Odorous Chemical on the shelves towards the back of the bar, an Empty Bottle, two Decoy Bottles and a barrel containing a Firebomb Bottle in the adjacent room, plus a Fishing Village Map and a barrel containing some Handgun Ammo at the top of the stairs. Finally, there’s a workbench on the ground floor, should you need to switch weapons or perform any upgrades.

Once you’re suitably equipped, follow Gabe out of the front door, take a right and and help him open the main gate in the distance. There’s a downed helicopter on the other side, so head on over and get ready to begin your search for a Battery and some Fuel.

Where to find the Fuel

Head back through the main gates and take a right just before you reach the bar, passing between the two buildings nearby. Note that there’s a small chest located up the metal steps to the left, but you require Natalia’s small hands to open it later on in the episode.

You’ll be attacked by another mutant as you continue forwards between the buildings, so take him out with a head-shot, then duck into the small building on the right. Inside, you’ll find an Exploding Bottle on the ground and a small crate containing Handgun Ammo.

Leave the building and continue right until you reach the wall. On the right, you’ll find the entrance to the Fuel Depository but the passage through is blocked right now. Make a note of its location and begin your search for a drill so you can get inside.

Finding Pedro

Turn around and head forwards with the rock wall on your right, then follow the alleyway as it bends around. Once you approach the doorway on your left, you’ll hear the sounds of a drill rattling to life. Looks like it’s your lucky day!

Pass through the doorway and leave the building via the opposite entrance. When you’re back outside, follow the small path dead ahead as it winds between the rocks. There’s a locked chest at the end, so switch to Moira and complete the unlocking mini-game to retrieve a Parts Box.

Take control of Claire once again, follow the small path back into the village, then take a right. Move toward the large blue building in the distance and turn left as you reach it. Pedro is up ahead, so talk to him and prepare for a demonstration of his drill.

Make your way through the freshly-opened doorway and explore the interior to locate the ‘Traveler’s Diary’ document on a shelf, plus an MP-AB50 on the floor next to the corpse. There’s also some hidden Shotgun Ammo in a corner and some hidden Handgun Ammo beneath the stove — but you’ll need Moira’s torch to retrieve them.

Leave the building then talk to Pedro again. Once you do, he’ll follow obediently along behind you. If you’re craving Machine Pistol Ammo, check the crate around the corner of the building you just explored and look behind the blue building nearby.

How to kill the hammer-wielding mutants

There are two large, hammer-wielding mutants hiding behind the blue building — one directly in your path and another meandering further along the beach. Just as you did back in Episode 1 and concentrate your shots at their gaping flesh to bring them down quickly. Note that destroying the small crate behind the blue building will reveal a Natalia-shaped hole which comes into play later.

With your ammo reserves bolstered, make sure Pedro is still with you, then backtrack toward the Fuel Depository. Once there, let him get busy with his drill and prepare to be ambushed by a number of mutants who’ll be drawn to your position by the noise. Most of them are easy enough to deal with, but don’t let the large, hammer-wielding creature catch you off-guard. If you’re hit with its weapon and start to bleed, you can fashion a makeshift Tourniquet from a Cloth and a Green Herb.

Once Pedro’s task is finished, enter the Fuel Depository and grab the Handgun Ammo from the barrel ahead. Explore the small alcove just to the right of the doorway and break the barrels to liberate two Green Herbs, an Exploding Bottle and a Firebomb Bottle.

Turn around and approach the opposite wall with the big yellow sign, then glance to the left to uncover some hidden Handgun Ammo in the corner. To the right, there’s some Shotgun Ammo perched on another barrel — grab it then follow the passageway around to the left.

Head cautiously through the doorway and immediately deal with the mutant hiding to the left. When he’s dead, grab the Fuel from the far end of the room. That just leaves the Battery to find.

How to locate the Battery

Leave the Fuel Depository and take a left, following the path back to the bar. From here, turn right and immediately take a left when you reach the end of the building. Use the platform ahead and climb onto the grassy ledge, swiping the Topaz (100BP) from the barrel nearby. Continue moving around the blue building until you spot the broken step ladder leading up to the roof.

Interact with it to switch over to Moira. From the roof, drop down into the room below via the large hole ahead of you. Take the Gunpowder from the shelf on the left, then make your way through the blue door. Try your hand at the unlocking mini-game to open the crate on the ground — it contains an Expansion Bag, which will allow Moira to carry more items at once.

Be warned: as soon as you move further into the room, a hammer-wielding mutant will drop down into the corridor outside. You’ve little means of defending yourself while playing as Moira, so grab the Empty Bottle from the ground and the Battery from the nearby shelf as fast as you can.

Next, dash back out into the corridor and follow it around to the left, leaving the building via the red door up ahead. As soon as you get outside, switch control to Claire and take down the creature with a couple of shotgun rounds to the chest. With peace restored, grab the Red Herb tucked away around the corner of the building, then make your way back to the helicopter site. Finally, hand over the Fuel and the Battery in order to proceed.

— Read on for our guide to surviving the bar siege.

Resident Evil: Revelations 2 / Resident Evil: Revelations 2 — Backgames

Download the game Resident Evil Revelations 2 via torrent for free and published by the Japanese company Capcom. Made in the episodic system (Each episode comes out once a week).

An interesting fact: many of the notes in the game and the names of the main and additional episodes are related to the works of Franz Kafka. In the game and trailers, you can see that all female characters (of any age) are called a woman. This is also a reference to Franz Kafka. nine0003


The events of the game take place between the fifth and sixth parts. The main characters of the game are first Claire Redfield and Moira Burton, and then Barry Burton and Korda Natalia. It all started with the fact that Claire and Moira were at a party at the headquarters of the company against terrorism, called TerraSave (Terra Save). Suddenly, unknown armed men (probably mercenaries) burst into the building and injected Claire and Moira with an injection, from which both lost consciousness. After regaining consciousness in some abandoned prison, Claire discovered that the cell in which she was somehow opened, and on her hand was a strange bracelet (we will soon learn that the color of the bracelet depends on how afraid the character is). After Claire finds Moira, they start to get out of the prison. In prison, a certain overseer contacts them. After leaving prison, she says that we must go to Vossek, where, in her words, «life begins.» Download the game Resident Evil Revelations 2 to your computer via torrent. Further, the girls go to the TV tower, in which Moira tries to call for help. Claire understands that they ended up on some unknown island. In the story, Barry arrives on the island by boat and starts looking for his daughter Moira. On the island, he meets a girl named Natalya, who has no memory of her past. After overcoming some difficulties, Barry and Natalia go to the same tower as Claire. Going inside, we learn that Moira’s message was recorded 6 months ago, and Natalya once met girls and knows for sure that Moira is dead. nine0003

Then we return to the girls again in the second episode, where they come to Vossek, standing in a village and reminiscent of an old Russian village, and meet colleagues at work: Pedro Fernandez and Gabriel Chavez. They say that they ran away from the monsters along with two others: Fisher Neil and Thompson Edward. Neil disappeared somewhere, and Edward died. Gabriel shows the helicopter near the village and says that he needs a battery and fuel, which the girls bring him. Pedro said that the signal coming from the overseer comes from the top. There was only one such place — the tower. While Gabriel was working on the helicopter, the siren went off and the monsters began to crawl out of all the cracks. Returning to Vossek and turning off the siren, Pedro mutated into a monster with a drill from a strong fright. The girls have to run away from him and fight off other monsters. This is where Neil comes to the rescue. The girls run away with him, Claire tells Moira that Neal is their boss. Then, in one alleyway, Neil helps the girls up to the balcony, monsters immediately run out. Neil tells the girls to move on and that they will meet at the tower. nine0003

On the way, the girls meet a little girl in a white shabby dress who also had a bracelet (this is Natalya, but the girls don’t recognize her name). Later, when there was a small fight, someone kidnapped the girl. This concludes the chapter for Claire and Moira. We fast forward six months again. Barry and Natalia follow on the heels of the girls through Natalia’s vague memories. They enter the tower and see a painting of Albert and Alex Wesker. Natalia says she hates Alex. And then they are interrupted by a strange creature, either a man or a mutant. She tosses Barry aside. And points a finger at Natalia. This is the end of the episode. Download the game Resident Evil Revelations 2 in Russian without registration. nine0003

In Claire and Moira’s third episode, the girls look for the girl, but instead find a note that says «Go to the factory.» There, the heroines find only the icon of the Nile and the passage closed by a statue. The overseer tells them to go through the statue. To pass they need to find two parts of the liver. After finding the parts, going through a bunch of puzzles and monsters, they enter and after a couple of rooms they get into the engine room of the factory, which is all on fire and will soon explode. After jumping out of the balcony, they go further through the sewers and fall into the basement of the tower with graves. When they got up, they found themselves in a large room. There were several doors. One of them turned out to be Neal’s office. There was a folder in which the names of those who received positronium at that very party were written. Claire realizes that Neal has betrayed Terra Save. At the same table, the girls saw what the camera was recording at the moment. In it, a certain woman poisoned Neal with some kind of virus and called him a fool. When the girls returned to the huge room, the elevator went down to them and Neal came out. He mutated into a huge monster, and began to say that he wanted to rejoice the FKB. When the monster fell, the girls entered the elevator and began to climb up to the overseer. But the elevator stopped and Neil got into it, grabbing Moira. Claire stabbed him in the chest, and all three fell down. Claire gets up and limps over to Moira. She says: «Behind!». Claire turns around and the monster falls on her, while the girl drops her gun. Here comes a choice. Or grab a gun for Claire and she will kill the monster. Or switch to Moira so that she crawls to the gun, seeing the memories of the incident with her mother, and killed Neal. This depends on the ending. Download game Resident Evil Revelations 2 on PC via torrent full version. nine0003

In the fourth episode, Claire and Moira finally get to Alex Wesker. They take the elevator to Alex’s room, and see that besides her, Natalia is also there, but unconscious. There is a small dialogue. In which we learn that Alex wants to transfer his mind to Natalia, as she is sick. And Wesker with the words: «Death is the only way to be saved» shoots himself in the head. Sounds like an alarm. The girls must leave. Having descended, they find an exit full of dangers: sharp cliffs, high altitude, mutants. And now, at the end of the road, a slab falls on Moira. The girl can’t get out and asks Claire not to come back for her. Claire thinks for a long time and jumps off the ledge into the water… End of the chapter. Barry has a dream. He sees Claire being taken to the hospital. Barry is interested in what happened to Moira, Claire does not have time to say … But this is only a dream, and in the meantime, Barry and Natalya, having almost finished following the trail of the girls, more and more realize that Moira is dead. (It becomes clear to the players that Alex somehow survived. Later, the players also learn that she missed a vital part of the brain when she was shot in the head) And so they also reach Alex. She wants to destroy the «false» Natalya (i.e. the essence of Natalya’s soul). Barry has to fight her…

After the battle, the hero is waiting for the final:

Bad ending (Claire kills Neil):

Barry does not have time to kill Alex, she, in turn, moves into Natalia. Natalia kills Alex’s «old» body. Barry sees this, gets up from his knees and says: “Natalia. What are you? ..” “Natalia” says that Barry can now call her Alex. Barry wants to shoot Alex in Natalya’s body, but can’t, thinking it’s still her. And Alex walks and grins. She won.

Good ending (Moira kills Neil):

Barry can’t finish Alex. But then Moira appears (who survived, and overcame her fear of weapons) and shoots Alex. Barry, Natalia and Moira flee from the scene of the battle. But the path leads them to a cliff. Alex is ready for battle again, and overtakes the main characters. But then Claire appears in a helicopter (who also escaped). He takes Natalya and Moira on board, and Barry decides to continue the battle (under the cover of Claire). After a protracted battle, Barry wins.

Barry gets into the helicopter and everyone flies away. In the helicopter, Barry says he has to catch up and promises to adopt Natalya. A cutscene follows at Barry and Moira’s house. Moira shouts: «Natalya, get ready soon, we’re leaving!» Later, we are shown Natalya herself. She says the phrase: “People thought that they would keep a bird in a cage, but not the mind of a bird, no. The mind is free, and the bird flew away with it… hmm… Stupid people.» Thus, it becomes clear that Alex managed to transplant his mind to Natalia…

Features of the game

Gameplay in the game is focused on active interaction between characters. In order to overcome most of the obstacles, you will have to use the abilities of both protagonists in a competent way. For example, playing as Moira, you can blind enemies with the light of a flashlight, and then switch to Claire and finish them off. Moira can also pick locks, break planks, and finish off enemies when they are already on the ground. In Barry’s episodes, we can also play as Natalia. The girl has an unusual ability, she can smell enemies and hidden objects. With her instincts, she will save Barry’s life more than once, especially when fighting invisible enemies. Also, Natalia can crawl into hard-to-reach places. Download game Resident Evil Revelations 2 via torrent on pc. nine0003

Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Episode One: Cheap Horror

Hatred. Burning hatred towards Capcom covers during the passage of the first episode of Resident Evil: Revelations 2.

Hatred. Burning hatred towards Capcom covers during the passage of the first episode of Resident Evil: Revelations 2, but this is not the fault of the developers. On the contrary, they pleasantly surprised us with an intriguing beginning of the story, combined horror with an action movie and realized a great co-op. However, the publisher put a promising project in the grip of a small budget, which caused all its shortcomings, whether it was only local co-op, useless graphics or creepy animation. nine0040

The party of the anti-terrorist organization Terra Save ended not in the best way. Fighters with machine guns burst into the hall and took people away in an unknown direction. Among the abductees was Claire Redfield, the sister of a former S.T.A.R.S. Chris Redfield, who survived a nightmare in Raccoon City in 1998; as well as Moira Burton, the daughter of Barry Burton, who fought zombies in a mansion back in the first Resident Evil. The girls wake up in an abandoned prison located on the island and try to break free. nine0003

On the same island, fate also brings the well-preserved Barry Burton. A girl Natalya with supernatural abilities is imposed on him as a partner.

The story of the first episode copes with its simple task — to interest and leave in the agonizing expectation of future revelations. Further, the action is transferred from the past to the future, and the characters are in no hurry to reveal their secrets. All this develops against the backdrop of a mysterious experiment and its consequences.

Revelations 2 captivates not so much with its narrative, but with the embodiment of cooperative interaction. Barry and Claire are classic action heroes who are great with firearms. Their companions, Moira and Natalya, either don’t like to use pistols or they can’t. But Moira has a flashlight at her disposal, with which she blinds monsters, highlights secrets. With a crowbar, the girl opens chests and boarded up doors, and also beats up zombies. Natalya also finds hiding places, sees opponents through walls and finds weak spots on the bodies of monsters. nine0003

The idea of ​​making strong and weak heroes survive together works flawlessly. Claire can’t do without Moira, and Barry has next to no chance of dealing with individual monsters without Natalya. You have to interact with a friend both in the process of research and during battles. Due to the competent division of opportunities in the game, there is no feeling of superiority over opponents. You always feel uncomfortable, sometimes you are afraid of the slightest rustle. The amazing atmosphere covers almost from the first frames and does not let go until the finale. nine0003

Silicon partner behaves adequately and does not get in the way, but it is best to play Revelations 2 with a friend. Alas, only local co-op is provided here, together on a split screen. The lack of online creates certain inconveniences, lubricates the effect of some scenes.

For the joint passage of the campaign, PC users need to download and install an amateur modification that has not yet been brought to mind. Officially, the PC edition is designed for one player. nine0003

Claire and Natalia face fast-moving zombies that run, jump, swing cleavers and dodge gunfire. Direct confrontation with such adversaries is unavoidable. It’s good that the heroes have learned not only to shoot on the move, but also to dodge shots.

Barry and Natalia follow in the footsteps of the girls six months later and meet completely different zombies: slow, withered, mutated into monsters.

The introduction of new heroes with unique skills and masterfully realized moments for their use, eerie walks through the locations shrouded in mist, do not get tired of pleasing for two hours of the passage of the episode. The basis with the study of all nooks and crannies in the hope of finding a plant first-aid kit, ammunition, weapon modules or a key is devoid of flaws. For complete happiness, there are not enough battles with titan bosses, but they may appear in future episodes. nine0003

After completing the episode, the heroes are given points for merit, for which bonuses are purchased. In particular, you can strengthen your partner, unlock new skills, increase the effectiveness of first-aid kits, or improve your knife skills. As part of the debut episode, there is little sense in such a development system, but since all achievements are saved, you can prepare yourself for the next tests.

Graphics transparently hints at the fact that we have an inexpensive project. It’s not even a technically obsolete picture, jerky animation and unstable frame rate. Heroes almost always stomp along the monotonous gray corridors, where you can admire only muddy textures. Moreover, the plot requires you to walk through the same level twice. Given the empty design, this decision spoils the pleasant impression of the game. nine0003

After the campaign is completed, modes open with the passage of the episode for a while and the ability to make monsters invisible. Also, the authors did not forget about the «Raid» mode. This is a race through locations alone or accompanied by a friend (only available in the console versions) with the destruction of everyone in its path.

Before the start of the massacre, you must choose one of the protagonists. Each of them has its own starting set of skills. Gradually, he pumps, buys new abilities, finds more powerful weapons and modules in chests. The enemies are not far behind. Familiar zombies become faster, explode, shock and freeze. In general, this mode is very close in spirit to the traditional diabloids and captivates with the excitement of gradually creating your superhero. Fortunately, the authors have prepared a lot of test levels, borrowing locations from previous parts of the series. nine0003

The co-op in Raid is also only local, but the authors promise to add an online one with a free update.

The store that comes with the game has costumes for the heroes of the Raid, powerful weapons, magic stones to resurrect the protagonist during the clearing of arenas, and a lot of virtual goods. All this is at your service for real money.


A wonderful implementation of cooperative passage with different heroes in different circumstances serves as an excellent foundation for Resident Evil: Revelations 2.