Neues warzone update: Warzone Season 5: Reloaded Patch Notes: Alle Neuerungen…

Warzone Season 5: Reloaded Patch Notes: Alle Neuerungen…

Warzone bekommt regelmäßig neue Updates, die neuen Content aber auch jede Menge Bug Fixes einführen. Alle aktuellen Warzone Patch Notes findet ihr wie immer in diesem Artikel.

Warzone Season 5: Reloaded ist da: Die Patch Notes zeigen euch, was sich durch das Update im Spiel ändert. | © Activision

Eine neue Woche bedeutet ein neues Update für Warzone. Was wird generfed und was wird gebuffed? Werden Spieler panisch ihre Loadouts ändern oder ist die aktuelle Warzone Meta für eine weitere Woche sicher? Finden wir es heraus in den aktuellen Patch Notes.

Warzone verändert sich konstant. Das Spiel ist voll mit Bugs, die behoben werden müssen, Mikrotransaktionen, die hinzugefügt werden, neuen Modi, die eingeführt werden und Spielerfeedback, das ignoriert werden muss. Abgesehen von Warzones wöchentlichem Playlist-Update kommen diese Änderungen in relativ regelmäßigen Abständen, mit größeren Einbrüchen, wenn Raven Software neue Season- und Mid-Season-Updates einführt.

  • Warzone 2 | Alles, was ihr wissen müsst

Was steckt im Warzone Update 1.65 vom 7. Oktober?

Mit dem neuesten Update 1.65 vom 7. Oktober werden einige Bug Fixes und Nerfs eingeführt. Wenn ihr mehr über die neuen Inhalte und die neuen Playlists wissen wollt, schaut euch diese Artikel an:

  • Warzone & Vanguard Playlist Update
  • Warzone Season 5: Reloaded | Release Date, neue Waffen & mehr

Warzone Update 1.65 | Patch Notes 7. Oktober

Bug Fixes

  • Ein Problem wurde behoben, das dazu führte, dass die BP50 (VG) Completionist Camo Challenges nicht erschienen
  • Ein Problem wurde behoben, das dazu führte, dass die Registerkarte «Zombies Camo» für die BP50 (VG) nicht angezeigt wurde
  • Ein Problem wurde behoben, das dazu führte, dass Loadouts in die Luft geschossen wurden, wenn sie mit einem Raketenwerfer abgeschossen wurden
  • Ein Problem wurde behoben, das dazu führte, dass einige Waffenraritäten nicht korrekt waren


  • UGM-8 (VG)
    • Minimaler Schaden von 22 auf 21 verringert
  • Lienna 57 (VG)
    • Oberer Torso Schadensmultiplikator von 1,05 auf 1,0 verringert
    • Minimaler Schaden von 27 auf 24 verringert
  • Gorenko Anti-Tank Rifle (VG)
    • Kugelschnelligkeit von 980 auf 900 reduziert
  • Armaguerra 43 (VG)
    • Minimaler Schaden von 23 auf 21 verringert

Warzone Season 5: Reloaded Update 1.

64 | Patch Notes 28. September



  • Boden-Loot und Gulag Loadouts erneuert
    • In Anlehnung an die Geschichte von Warzone findet ihr im Boden-Loot einige der größten Hits aus Modern Warfare, Black Ops und Vanguard. Wir haben die Varianz des Angebots im Vergleich zu früher deutlich erhöht, um das Early Game mit jedem Drop dynamischer zu gestalten.

Neue Waffen

  • BP50: Sturmgewehr (VG)
    • Dieses vollautomatische Bullpup-Sturmgewehr zeichnet sich durch eine hohe Feuerrate aus und ist auch auf große Entfernung tödlich und präzise.
  • Lienna 57: LMG (VG)
    • Dieses kompakte LMG ist in der Lage, bei Dauerfeuer auf kurze bis mittlere Entfernungen eine hohe Genauigkeit zu erzielen.

Waffen Anpassungen


  • Max Damage Range increased to 28.62 meters up from 24.1 meters
  • Upper Torso Damage Multiplier increased to 1. 1, up from 1.0

Roboter (VG)

  • Neck Damage Multiplier decreased to 1.3, down from 1.5
  • Lower Torso Damage multiplier decreased to 1.0, down from 1.1

M4A1 (MW)

  • Neck Damage Multiplier increased to 1.1, up from 1.01


  • Headshot Damage Multiplier increased to 1.6, up from 1.5
  • Neck Damage Multiplier increased to 1.25, up from 1.2

Oden (MW)

  • Muzzle Velocity increased by 3.5%
  • Upper Arm Damage Multiplier increased to 1.2, up from 1.0

EX1 (VG)

  • Min Damage increased to 11, up from 10
  • ADS Spread decreased to 0.01, down from 0.2
  • PWN Beam Condenser
    • Min Damage increased to 30, up from 28
  • Burst AC1-4
    • Damage increased to 24, up from 20
  • Low Temp Laser
    • Recoil Control now increased by 1%
    • Hip Fire Accuracy now increased by 1%
  • Charge Amp PV
    • Movement Speed Penalty now decreased by -1%
    • ADS Movement Speed Penalty now decreased by -5%

ITRA Burst (VG)

  • Auto Burst-Fire Now Enabled
  • Rate of Fire Time decreased to 0. 068, up from 0.065
  • Perfetto 140mm Rapida
    • Rate of Fire Bonus decreased to 14%, down from 20%
    • Vertical Recoil now increased by 18%
    • Horizontal Recoil Control Penalty increased to -50%, down from -40%
  • .303 British 36 Round Mags
    • Burst Fire Cooldown Bonus decreased to 6%, down from 10%
  • Hardscope
    • Initial Recoil Control decreased when using Hardscope on the Itra Burst


  • Headshot Multiplier increased to 1.5, up from 1.3
  • Min Damage increased to 36, up from 35


  • Muzzle Velocity increased by 4.25%
  • ADS Movement Speed Scale increased to 1.4, up from 1.25
  • ADS Transition In Time decreased to 300ms, down from 310ms
  • 17.9” Ultralight
    • ADS Movement Speed while firing now increased by 3.5%

Volkssturmgewehr (VG)

  • ADS Movement Speed Scalar decreased to 1. 42, down from 1.55

.410 Ironhide (BOCW)

  • Mid 1 Pellet Damage increased to 35, up from 30
  • Mid 2 Pellet Damage increased to 24, up from 23
  • Min Pellet Damage increased to 20, up from 18
  • Buck and Slug Rounds
    • Headshot Damage has been increased

Kampfschrotflinte (VG)

  • Rechamber Time decreased by 10%
  • Slug Rounds
    • Max Damage increased to 120, up from 100
    • Mid Damage increased to 80, up from 75
    • Min Damage increased to 70, up from 60
    • Lower Extremity Damage Multiplier increased to 0.8, up from 0.7

Gallo SA12 (BOCW)

  • Mid 1 Pellet Damage increased to 20, up from 18
  • Mid 2 Pellet Damage increased to 18, up from 14
  • Min Pellet Damage increased to 15, up from 12
  • ADS Transition In Time decreased to 305ms, down from 320ms
  • ADS Transition Out Time decreased to 295ms, down from 320ms
  • Movement Speed Scaler increased to 0. 89, up from 0.87
  • 21.4” Reinforced Heavy Barrel
    • Damage Range increased to 18%, up from 11%

Streetsweeper (BOCW)

  • Mid 2 Pellet Damage increased to 14, up from 12
  • Min Pellet Damage increased to 13, up from 10

Armaguerra 43 (VG)

  • Headshot Damage Multiplier decreased to 1.5 down from 1.58
  • Neck Damage Multiplier decreased to 1.30, down from 1.3
  • ADS Movement Speed Scalar decreased to 1.29, down from 1.32
  • Imerito TA Skeletal
    • ADS Movement Speed Bonus decreased to 28%, down from 35%
  • 9mm 60 Round Mags
    • Magazine Capacity decreased to 55, down from 60
  • 8mm 72 Round Mags
    • Magazine Capacity decreased to 64, down from 60

Bullfrog (BOCW)

  • Lower Arm Damage Multiplier increased to 1.0, up from 0.9
  • Hand Damage Multiplier increased to 1. 0, up from 0.9

RA 225 (VG)

  • Neck Damage Multiplier decreased to 1.1, down from 1.7
  • Urban Rapid 11”
    • Rate of Fire Bonus decreased to 10%, down from 15%
    • Vertical Recoil Control Penalty increased to -10%
    • Horizontal Recoil Control Penalty increased to -45%, down from -40%
  • 7.62 Gorenko 38 Round Mags
    • Magazine Capacity increased to 42, up from 38
  • .45 ACP 38 Round Mags
    • Magazine Capacity increased to 42, up from 38

h5 Blixen (VG)

  • Lower Torso Damage multiplier decreased to 1.01, down from 1.1


  • Neck Damage Multiplier increased to 1.15, up from 1.01
  • Sprint to Fire Speed increased by 5%

CX-9 (MW)

  • Headshot Damage Multiplier increased to 1.5, up from 1.45
  • Neck Damage Multiplier increased to 1.2, up from 1.01
  • Sprint to Fire Speed increased by 5%


  • Auto Burst-Fire Now Enabled
  • Lower Extremities Damage Multiplier decreased to 0. 9, down from 1.0

MP40 (VG)

  • 7.62 Gorenko 45 Round Mags
    • Muzzle Velocity Penalty decreased to -10%, up from -20%
    • Damage Range Penalty decreased to -15%, up from -20%

PPSh-41 (VG)

  • Min Damage decreased to 18, down from 19
  • Upper Leg Damage Multiplier decreased to 0.9, down from 1.0
  • Kovalevskaya 230mm B03P
    • Hipfire accuracy decreased to 45%, down from 50%
  • 8mm Nambu 71 Round Mags
    • Magazine Capacity decreased to 64, down from 71
    • Damage Range Penalty decreased to -20%, up from -25%
    • Rate of Fire Bonus decreased to 5.5%, down from 6.6%
    • Vertical Recoil Control decreased to 10%, down from 15%
    • Horizontal Recoil Control decreased to 20%, down from 25%
    • Hipfire accuracy decreased to 3%, down from 4%
  • Empress 140mm Rapid
    • Rate of Fire Bonus decreased to 8.5%, down from 10%
    • Vertical Recoil Control now decreased by 10%
  • Tight Grip
    • The benefit that Tight Grip provides has been decreased

UGM-8 (VG)

  • Min Damage decreased to 22, down from 23
  • Headshot Damage multiplier decreased to 1. 5, down from 1.6
  • Neck Damage multiplier decreased to 1.1, down from 1.3
  • Recoil Intensity increased
  • Bernard XL214 736mm
    • Muzzle Velocity bonus decreased to 30%, down from 35%
  • Romuald 560mm
    • Muzzle Velocity bonus increased to 15%, up from 10%
  • 6.5mm Sakura 125 Round Box
    • Box Capacity decreased to 100, down from 125
    • Recoil Control decreased to 12.5% down from 15%

Crossbow (MW)

  • Upper Extremities Damage Multiplier increased to 1.8, up from 1.5
  • Lower Torso Damage Multiplier increased to 1.9, up from 1.5

M1 Garand (VG)

  • Min Damage decreased to 47, down from 48
  • Hardscope
    • Initial Recoil Control decreased

AX-50 (MW)

  • Bullet Dropoff decreased
  • Muzzle Velocity increased by 2.7%

Dragunov (MW)

  • Max Damage Range increased to 57. 2 meters, up from 54.9 meters
  • Max Damage increased to 90up from 80
  • Min Damage increased to 75, up from 60
  • Upper Torso Damage Multiplier decreased to 1.9, down from 1.95

Rytec AMR (MW)

  • Can now one-shot down to the head at all ranges.
  • Min Damage increased to 112, up from 96
  • Headshot Damage Multiplier increased to 2.7, up from 2.4
  • 25x59mm Explosive 5-R Mag
    • Direct Hit Damage increased to 206, up from 176

Pellington 703 (BOCW)

  • ADS Transition In Time decreased to 399ms , down from 421ms
  • ADS Transition Out Time decreased to 410ms, down from 433ms
  • Neck Damage Multiplier increased to 1.2, up from 1.1
  • Upper Torso Damage Multiplier increased to 1.2, up from 1.1
  • Lower Torso Damage Multiplier increased to 1.1, up from 1.0

Gorenko Anti-Tank Rifle (VG)

  • Bullet Dropoff increased
  • Fire Rate decreased to 111 RPM, down from 120 RPM
  • 420mm Empress
    • Muzzle Velocity decreased to 43%, down from 50%
    • Visual Recoil increased
  • 400mm Kovalevskaya Wrap
    • ADS Time Penalty decreased to -2%, up from -5%
  • 440mm Anastasia Custom
    • Muzzle Velocity increased to 25%, up from 20%
    • Rate of Fire Penalty decreased to -50%, up from -100%
    • Crouch Recoil Control decreased to 25%, down from 40%
    • Prone Recoil Control decreased to 35%, down from 67%
  • 13mm AM 7 Round Mags
    • ADS Time Penalty increased to -5%, down from -4%
  • 13mm AM 10 Round Mags
    • ADS Time Penalty increased to -6%, down from -4. 5%

Klauser (VG)

  • Wyvern 170mm 29L
    • Damage Range increased to 40%, up from 20%
    • Horizontal Recoil Control Penalty decreased to -15%, up from -25%
    • Vertical Recoil Control Penalty decreased to -5%, up from -10%
    • Movement Speed Penalty decreased to -2.5, up from -4%
  • Fitzherbert 200mm BL
    • Muzzle Velocity increased to 50%, up from 40%
    • ADS Time Penalty decreased to- 6%, up from -12
    • Movement Speed penalty decreased to -1%, down from -1.5%
    • ADS Movement Speed penalty decreased to -1%, down from -2%
  • .45 ACP 12 Round Mags
    • Magazine Capacity increased to 16, up from 12
    • Rate of Fire Penalty decreased to -4%, down from -10%


  • Mid Damage increased to 200, up from 175

Launcher Alpha (BOCW)

  • Mid Damage increased to 170, up from 155
  • Mid Damage Radius increased to 4. 4 meters, up from 4 meters


Bipod (VG)

  • ADS Time now decreased by -4.5%

SVT-40 PU Scope 3-6x

  • Scope Magnification Transition Time increased to 250ms, up from 120ms
  • Visual Recoil increased by 15%

1913 Variable 4-8x

  • Scope Magnification Transition Time increased to 250ms, up from 200ms
  • Visual Recoil increased by 15%


  • Vehicle Damage Bonus increased to 200%, up from 150%


  • Vertical Recoil Control Penalty increased to -5.5%, down from -5%
  • Horizontal Recoil Control Penalty increased to -5%, down from -4.5%


  • ADS Movement Speed while Firing increased to 4%, up from 3.5%

Recoil Booster

  • Hip Fire Accuracy now decreased by 3%

Bug Fixes

  • Ein Problem wurde behoben, das dazu führte, dass verschiedene Elemente des Gulag-Audios nicht vorhanden waren.
  • Ein Problem wurde behoben, das dazu führte, dass einige Spieler ihren Operation: Last Call Tier Skip nicht bekommen haben.
    • Fehlende Tier-Skips werden kurz nach der Aktualisierung gewährt.
  • Es wurden zusätzliche Kollisionsprobleme mit verschiedenen Elementen in Caldera/Fortune’s Keep behoben, die es den Spielern ermöglichten, diese auszunutzen/zu peeken/durchzuschießen.
  • Ein Problem mit der UGM-8 (VG) wurde behoben, durch das das MK 3. Reflektor-Visier nach Erreichen der Stufenanforderung gesperrt blieb.
  • Ein Problem mit dem UGM-8 (VG) Zweibeinaufsatz wurde behoben, das dazu führte, dass Geschosseffekte und Leuchtspuren nicht angezeigt wurden.
  • Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem bestimmte Grav (BOCW) Blaupausenstatistiken nicht mit der Basiswaffe übereinstimmten.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem die Verwendung des Whitley (VG) mit «Fingerfertigkeit» zu einer unbeabsichtigten Verzögerung beim Auffüllen der Munition führte.
  • Es wurde ein Problem mit dem EX1 (VG) behoben, das dazu führte, dass die Registerkarte «Zombies Camos» nicht angezeigt wurde.
  • Es wurde ein Problem mit dem Push Dagger (VG) behoben, das dazu führte, dass die Registerkarte «Zombies Camos» nicht angezeigt wurde.
  • Ein Problem wurde behoben, das dazu führte, dass Tarnherausforderungen bei einigen Waffen nicht verfolgt werden konnten.

Was ist die aktuelle Warzone Meta?

Natürlich wird die Meta sich mit den ganzen Vanguard Waffen schon bald grundlegend ändern, bis dahin müssen wir uns aber noch auf die alte Meta verlassen. Die Meta besteht in der Regel immer aus einem Long-Range-Sturmgewehr, einer guten MP und einer Sniper.

Aktuelle Warzone Sturmgewehr Meta: KG M40

Die KG M40 ist die M4 von Vanguard. Sie ist sehr einfach zu spielen, hat kaum Rückstoß, eine ordentliche Reichweite, eine ordentliche TTK und ist im Grunde ein großartiger Allrounder. Klar im nahkampf solltet ihr auf eine MP setzen, aber auf längere Distanzen ist die KG M40 zurzeit einfach richtig nice. Hier ist unsere Sturmgewehr Tier List und unser bestes KG M40 Setup.

Einfach easy auf lange Distanzen alles weglasern. | © Activision

Aktuelle Warzone MP Meta: Typ 100

Die Typ 100 hat eine abartig hohe Feuerrate und rasiert im Nahkampf alles, was sie zur aktuellen MP-Meta macht. In Kombination mit einer guten Long-Range-Waffe ist die Typ 100 einfach der Hammer. Hier ist unsere MP Tier List und unser bestes Typ 100 Setup.

Die beste MP in Warzone. | © Activision

Aktuelle Warzone Sniper Meta: ZRG 20mm

Es besteht kein Zweifel daran, dass die ZRG 20mm die aktuelle Warzone Sniper Meta ist. Seit die schnelleren Sniper wie die Kar98k oder Swiss K31 generft wurden, sind die langsameren Sniper wieder im rennen. Hier ist unsere Sniper Tier List und unser bestes ZRG Setup.

Die dickste und beste Sniper in Warzone. | © Activision

Damit endet unsere Übersicht über das neueste Warzone Update. Wir hoffen, dass die Patch Notes sowie unsere umfassende Aufschlüsselung dazu beigetragen haben, die neuesten Änderungen in Warzone für euch zu verständlich zu machen. Vergesst nicht, euch die offiziellen Patch Notes von Warzone auf der Website von Raven Software anzusehen. Sobald das nächste Update live geht, werden wir diesen Artikel natürlich für euch aktualisieren.

Next Comms: Call of Duty®: Warzone™ 2.0 — A new era for Call of Duty® Continues November 16 with the Release of an All-New Call of Duty: Warzone

As shown at Call of Duty: Next, Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0, the sequel to the seminal Battle Royale experience over 125 million players dropped in to play, is set to arrive this November 16, as part of Modern Warfare® II’s Season One.

This massive, free-to-play offering leverages new technology shared with Modern Warfare II, introduces a host of new innovations, and continues the new era of Call of Duty coming this Fall, starting with Modern Warfare II’s launch on October 28.

NOTE: For full reveal details on Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0, make sure you read the Announcement Blog before continuing.


New DZ Identified — Get Ready to Drop in!

As part of this announcement, we are excited to introduce Al Mazrah, a brand-new map for Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0.

This massive metropolitan area plays an equally gigantic role within the Modern Warfare II universe, featured within the Campaign and a pivotal part of the events following it.

Just like in Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® (2019), consider Al Mazrah and its major points of interest as your new home for a variety of missions: four-player special operations, 6v6 squad battles, Ground War operations, up-to-150-player Battle Royales, and more.

Additionally, if you’ve been playing Call of Duty for a while, this new home might be more familiar than you think.

Here is your initial intel on Al Mazrah:

Located in Western Asia, the Republic of Adal defines just a small part of the original cradle of civilization, an unfortunate result of modern state lines being drawn to control the gifts it gives to the world.

No other place in the world has an abundance of natural resources right on a coast that sees an incredible amount of international trade. And that is what makes it a battleground for foreign powers at the cost of the local population.

The capital of the Republic of Adal is Al Mazrah, a fountain of strategic and luxury resources that fostered life thousands of years before the Common Era. Its history stretches through some of the greatest empires in history, as reflected in the ancient architecture across the capital.

Your missions will take place at the southernmost tip of Adal, rather than in the deserts controlled by masses of enemy troops to the north.

Starting from that northern boundary, these are Al Mazrah’s major points of interest:



Several pools of fresh water and palm trees offer respite from the desert beyond it. Note the ancient ruins — this small area was once a means of life in a bygone age.


Taraq Village

A United Offensive reduced this once peaceful village to mere Rust and rubble. The tight confines of these areas make it conducive to small squad combat, especially duels.


Rohan Oil

One of the largest employers in the region, the Rohan Oil refinery is positioned strategically near some of Adal’s oldest petroleum derricks. Note the living quarters to the north and south of this otherwise sprawling factory.


Quarry (Al Safwa Quarry)

Massive deposits of limestone make the Quarry one of the three largest industrial areas in Al Mazrah, with nearly a dozen warehouses and hundreds of individually chiseled stone blocks.


Al Mazrah City

The past 100 years of Adal history encapsulated: High rises and modern buildings are at the core of the largest point of interest in Al Mazrah. It was planned to be the ideal city — it soon welcomed nearly a million people, who were pushed out to the slums on the outskirts.


Hydroelectric (Zarqwa Hydroelectric)

The cradle of civilization now comes full circle to the modern era with the advent of renewable energy. A mix of historical landmarks, midcentury living arrangements, and modern industrial buildings are scattered around the rivers that create electricity for this small town, as well as for the entire region.


Marshlands (Mawizeh Marshlands)

The Marshlands was once the home of the ambitious River Diamond Luxury Resort in the 20th century. Now, due to rising river levels, it and the town around it are completely flooded, both with water from the rivers and trash flowing from the city to the north.


Caves (Sattiq Caves)

A deep network of underground hideouts lies in plain sight of a small village — where a plane once crashed — built on the mountainside. Elsewhere, a tall communications tower and small collection of homes span back toward the Quarry.


Observatory (Zaya Observatory)

Atop the tallest mountain in Al Mazrah, several Domed structures, including a destroyed one, help the region chart out the stars. Note the research facilities between each of the observation buildings.


Al Sharim Pass

This old monastery and mausoleum overlook a modern village and zoo. The tallest hill contains several modernized buildings over the rest of the area, partially destroyed due to the elements and the war.


Ahkdar Village

“An Old Town Fit for a Showdown,” as one writer covering an old coup once wrote. The world heritage site consists of a central courtyard, and market areas define the western half, while more modern apartments make up the east.


Sa’id City

An extensive modern mall is juxtaposed by old apartments that housed generations of port workers. The area also contains a medieval-themed carnival and a minor league football stadium.


Port (Hafid Port)

The Port is the economic gemstone of Al Mazrah, ending the Rohan Oil pipeline out to the greater seas. Several large warehouse structures can be found inland, while the Port itself has little containers due to the international economic restrictions for the region.


Sawah Village

Rising sea levels caused this once-bustling coastal village to be submerged underwater, with a crashed freight ship being a symptom rather than the cause of the evacuated population.


Cemetery (El Samman Cemetery)

A monument to the fallen, a significant graveyard is now mostly derelict and unkempt, especially with a collapsed water tower flooding dozens of graves. The area is completely open to the elements, with a broken stone wall defining its boundaries.


Sariff Bay

Home to the country’s valuable fisheries, this Bay maintains the history of Al Mazrah, as well as Adal. It contains a vibrant downtown section with suburbs, a modern resort, and a few small islands.


Al Bagra Fortress

The definition of the region’s medieval history, this walled island city was a museum dedicated to displaying its cultural significance up until occupation. Note the large crab factory on the east end, a spillover from the adjacent Sariff Bay.


Airport (Al Malik Airport)

Terminal to the south tip of Al Mazrah, this modern airport mixes traditional and modern architecture to host both business and leisure activities. The observation tower near the sea is extremely approachable.

We will have more details on each of these major points of interest, as well as the suburbs that surround it, closer to the launch of Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0.  In addition, the original Call of Duty: Warzone is continuing on, and we’ll have more information to share in the weeks ahead.


Stay frosty.

© 2019-2022 Activision Publishing, Inc. ACTIVISION, CALL OF DUTY, MODERN WARFARE, CALL OF DUTY WARZONE, and WARZONE are trademarks of Activision Publishing, Inc. All other trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective owners.

For more information, please visit and, and follow @Activision and @CallofDuty on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Warzone and Modern Warfare update scheduled for March 24th

Every Tuesday, Call of Duty: Warzone and Modern Warfare players expect a new update from Infinity Ward. In fact, Infinity Ward even announced a new Call of Duty: Warzone and Modern Warfare update for Tuesday, March 24th, which was supposed to add new weapons, a new multiplayer map, and more. Unfortunately, March 24 has come and gone without a new update Call of Duty , as Infinity Ward pushed it back for unknown reasons.

Taking to social media, Infinity Ward has confirmed that the scheduled Call of Duty: Warzone and Modern Warfare update for March 24th has been postponed. Infinity Ward offered no explanation as to why the update was delayed, nor did it give fans a new date. However, it did say that the new update Warzone and Modern Warfare will be released «in the coming days» so fans can still expect it at some point later in the week.

Keep scrolling to continue reading. Click the button below to start a quick view of this article.

Fans were understandably excited about Call of Duty: Warzone ‘s update on March 24th, as it was supposed to add four new weapons to the battle royale. This included the controversial 725 shotgun, and it would be interesting to see how fans of the game reacted to this, as Infinity Ward has been struggling to balance the weapons since launch. nine0015

The header update scheduled for today is delayed and should be released in the coming days. This update includes our new operator, Talon, new free modes, and our next free multiplayer map, Khandor Hideout. Please stay tuned for more details and updates on release dates!

— Infinity Ward (@InfinityWard) March 24, 2020

Call of Duty: players have Modern Warfare had even more hopes, than fans of Warzone . The Khandor Hideout multiplayer map was to be added in the March 24 update, on top of new playlists and a new playable character, Talon.

As for the multiplayer operators Modern Warfare , Talon sounds a bit more interesting than most. When Modern Warfare players add Talon to their roster, they will also get their canine companion Sasquatch. The Sasquatch won’t give Talon an unfair advantage over the competition or anything like that, but the dog will be featured in Talon’s Finish Move, which has yet to be revealed at the time of this writing. nine0015

In the meantime, it remains to be seen what new playlists will arrive with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s new update , but fans will no doubt be hoping for the return of small map playlists. Since the introduction of Shoot House 24/7 months ago, small map playlists have been hugely popular in Modern Warfare , with many fans looking forward to their return. We’ll have more details once the new Modern Warfare update goes live at some point in the coming days. nine0015

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone are now available for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

Striking means: how the Russian army will be updated | Articles

The Russian Ministry of Defense begins a qualitative renewal of the armed forces, said the head of the department, Sergei Shoigu, on January 10. In particular, is planned to expand the arsenal of modern strike weapons, improve UAVs, communications equipment, equipment for military personnel and the operation of aircraft in the coverage area of ​​modern air defense systems. nine0078 Experts note that any military operation reveals the shortcomings of the armed forces and encourages work on the mistakes. In the NVO zone on January 10, the Russian Armed Forces continued their offensive in the Donetsk direction and shot down three Ukrainian attack aircraft.

Expanding the arsenal

The Russian Ministry of Defense will have to take «exhaustive measures for the qualitative renewal of the armed forces» and increase their combat capabilities, the head of the department, Sergei Shoigu, said on January 10 at the first thematic conference call this year. The minister said that the RF Armed Forces would soon expand their arsenal of strike weapons. nine0015

The Ministry of Defense, he said, will also pay attention to improving the combat capabilities of the Russian Aerospace Forces — both in terms of the operation of fighters and bombers in the area of ​​​​operation of modern air defense systems, and in terms of improving unmanned aerial vehicles.

Percussion means

Tu-95MS strategic bomber-missile carrier

Photo: RIA Novosti/Nina Padalko

— We need to constantly analyze and systematize the experience of our groups in Ukraine and Syria, on its basis to draw up training programs for personnel and plans for the supply of military equipment , he said.

The practice acquired by our troops should become the basis for improving combat training, he also stressed.

The Ministry of Defense will have to finalize the equipment and tactical equipment of personnel to the highest level in the shortest possible time.

“Everything a fighter needs must be modern, convenient and reliable,” Sergei Shoigu emphasized.

Also the minister announced the need to improve the management and communication system, , the update of which will actively use artificial intelligence technologies.

Percussion means

Signalman of the RF Armed Forces deploys communication equipment

Photo: RIA Novosti/Evgeny Biyatov

It is planned to digitize databases in the military commissariats. In addition, they will have to establish interaction with local and regional authorities, as well as industry, and update the system of organization of civil and territorial defense. The mechanism for responding to civil initiatives will also be improved. nine0015

In addition, Shoigu said that Russia would continue to develop the nuclear triad.

— The nuclear shield has been and remains the main guarantor of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our state, — explained the head of the military department.

More «Tornado»

Any military operation reveals the shortcomings of the armed forces , military expert Alexei Leonkov believes.

Percussion means

Photo: RIA Novosti/Sergey Pivovarov

— Even small flaws immediately become visible, and they must be corrected. This is inevitable,” he told Izvestia. — It is no coincidence that they say that the army is always preparing for the last war. During hostilities, the enemy uses new approaches, we adapt, we respond to these challenges: we change tactics, we use new weapons.

The expert noted that SVO helped to identify many shortcomings related to mobilization, equipment, supply and issuance of new weapons. nine0078

— By default, it was assumed that everything should be fine with mobilizations and equipment, but it turned out that we were empty somewhere, and thick somewhere. Now this mechanism will have to be debugged, everything will have to be brought to a common denominator,” he believes.

The reserves, which are now being prepared, must be equipped with modern weapons, including strike weapons, military expert Vasily Dandykin told Izvestia.

Percussion means

T-90M tanks

Photo: RIA Novosti/Ramil Sitdikov

— More modern multiple launch rocket systems will come to the troops, — he believes. — There will be more MLRS of the Tornado family. They are already in use. These are, of course, drones. And not only reconnaissance, but, perhaps, shock. There have been significant advances in this direction over the past year. Of course, these are tanks, including the T-90M, which perform well on the battlefield.

According to the expert, the troops also need to be provided with modern means of protection and small arms. nine0015

— A very important point is modern means of communication. They need to equip everyone — from a specific fighter to connection , — he noted. — Guided munitions are needed, which allow not to spend a dozen shells where one can solve the problem. And so on all types of weapons. In any case, all our systems have a great potential for modernization. This also applies to heavy flamethrower systems, and unmanned aerial vehicles of various properties.

The expert does not rule out that heavier unmanned vehicles of the Okhotnik type, which is being tested, will also be involved. nine0015

«Rooks» did not fly

On January 10, the Ministry of Defense told the details of the battles with Ukrainian formations in the zone of the special operation.

— In the Kupyansk direction, Russian troops launched artillery strikes on the accumulations of manpower of the 14th mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the areas of the settlements of Timkovka and Ivanovka, Kharkov region. Up to 20 Ukrainian servicemen, an armored combat vehicle and four vehicles were destroyed, — said the official representative of the Russian Defense Ministry, Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov. nine0015

Units of the 95th Air Assault Brigade of the VFU and the 103rd Terodefense Brigade were defeated in the Krasnolimansky direction. Losses of Ukrainian formations per day amounted to more than 40 servicemen killed and wounded, an armored personnel carrier and three pickup trucks.

In the Donetsk direction , during successful offensive operations, units of the 57th and 59th motorized infantry brigades of the VFU were defeated, up to 50 military personnel, one tank, two armored combat vehicles and four vehicles were destroyed. nine0078

Percussion means

Photo: RIA Novosti/Evgeny Biyatov

More than 20 Ukrainian servicemen and three pickup trucks were killed in the south-Donetsk direction in a day.

Operational-tactical, army aviation, rocket troops and artillery of Russia hit two depots of missile and artillery weapons of the 53rd mechanized brigade of the VFU and the 108th brigade of the territorial defense, as well as 62 artillery units of the VFU in firing positions and 105 areas of concentration of troops. nine0015

In the course of counter-battery combat, two US-made M777 artillery systems were destroyed in firing positions, four Polish-made Krab self-propelled artillery mounts, three D-20 towed howitzers, two Grad multiple rocket launchers, and combat vehicle MLRS «Hurricane».

In addition, two US-made counter-battery radars AN/TPQ-50 and AN/TPQ-36 were destroyed.

Percussion means

Photo: RIA Novosti / Valentin Kapustin

Fighter aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces shot down three Su-25 Grach attack aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force in the areas of the settlements of Yasenevoye, Pushkino and Maksimilyanovka in the DPR. Russian air defense shot down 10 Ukrainian drones in a day.

In total, since the start of the special military operation, 370 aircraft, 200 helicopters, 2866 unmanned aerial vehicles, 400 anti-aircraft missile systems, 7465 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 975 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 3,802 field artillery pieces and mortars, as well as 7,992 units of special military vehicles, Igor Konashenkov listed.

Unexpected attack

The Russian Ministry of Defense spoke about servicemen who showed courage and dedication in battle.

Percussion means

Photo: RIA Novosti / Konstantin Mikhalchevsky

Sergeant Ivan Anisimov’s battalion-tactical group was defending the area when the enemy attacked the platoon strong point. Reflecting the attack, Ivan, as part of the calculation of an infantry fighting vehicle, destroyed the vehicle, as well as a large number of militants, with aimed fire. nine0078 The enemy, having received a decisive rebuff and suffered losses, retreated.

Private Rinat Basharov’s group guarded a column of special and military equipment. Rinat found an armed group of Ukrainian saboteurs in a forest belt and, using the effect of surprise, attacked the militants.

During the clash with aimed fire, he killed two militants. As a result, the VFU unit left its positions and retreated.