Resident evil neues spiel: Seht euch den neuen Resident Evil 4 Trailer an! – Der deutschsprachige PlayStation Blog

Seht euch den neuen Resident Evil 4 Trailer an! – Der deutschsprachige PlayStation Blog

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Hallo PlayStation Nutzer! Mein Name ist Tsuyoshi Kanda, Producer von Capcom. Beim heutigen Resident Evil Showcase haben wir die neuesten Informationen zur Resident Evil Village Gold Edition und zu Resident Evil 4. Heute würde ich gerne zusätzliche Details mit euch zur Ankündigung heute mit euch teilen.

Lasst uns mit der Resident Evil Village Gold Edition starten.

Das erste, was wir mit euch zur Resident Evil Village Gold Edition teilen wollen, ist die Demoversion, die ab heute verfügbar ist. Die Testversion ermöglicht euch, 60 Minuten Gameplay im neuen Third-Person-Modus zu testen! (Ihr könnt die Demo auch im First-Person-Modus spielen!)

Wir hoffen, dass diejenigen von euch, die neu bei Village sind und auch diejenigen, die das Spiel schon gespielt haben, diese neue Erfahrung ausprobieren werden. Das Spiel kann auch hin und herspringen zwischen der Erfahrung in der dritten oder ersten Person – wir empfehlen euch also, beide Blickwinkel zu vergleichen.

Wir haben ein paar neue Screenshots für den Third-Person-Modus

Nachdem ihr mit der Demo fertig seid, hoffen wir, dass ihr den Rest des Spiels in der vollen Version genießen werdet!

Als nächstes kommt Shadows of Rose, ein neues Szenario, das 16 Jahre nach der Hauptstory von Resident Evil Village spielt. Darin geht es um Rose, die Tochter, für die Ethan im Hauptspiel alles riskiert hat. Dieser Epilog der Familiensaga der Winters zeigt Roses Überlebenskampf im Realm of Consciousness. Diese Welt ist scheinbar komplett losgelöst von der Realität.

Ihr könnt Roses persönliches Wachstum und das finale Kapitel der Geschichte der Familie Winter bezeugen, die mit den Ereignissen von Resident Evil 7 Biohazard begann.

Für Fans, die eine Erfahrung mit mehr Tiefe suchen, ist der Resident Evil Village VR Modus das Richtige: Hier erlebt ihr die Hauptkampagne von Village in VR für PlayStation VR2. Für mehr Informationen, seht euch bitte die Nachricht von Mr Akiyama von Sony Interactive Entertainment Japan Asia im Resident Evil Showcase an.

Dann kommt Resident Evil RE: Verse, das offiziell am 28. Oktober starten wird.

Wir haben auch den neusten Trailer als Teil des heutigen Showcases veröffentlicht.

Dieses Spiel, das auch als kostenloser Bonus bei Resident Evil Village dabei ist, wird im Early Access vom 24. bis zum 26. Oktober verfügbar sein und euch ermöglichen, das ganze Spiel vor dem Launch zu erleben. Um es online zu spielen, müsst ihr eine Capcom ID registrieren und sie mit eurer PlayStation verbinden – also macht das direkt hier.

Post-Launch-Updates für RE: Verse sind auch schon in Arbeit. Mitglieder von Chris Redfields Eliteeinheit Hound Wolf und die angsteinflößende Lycan werden in zukünftigen Updates dabei sein.

Insgesamt bietet die Resident Evil Village Gold Edition und die Winters Expansion drei große Inhalte: Shadows of Rose, Third Person Mode und The Mercenaries Additional Orders. Sowohl die Gold Edition als auch die Winters Expansion werden am 28. Oktober 2022 erscheinen.

Und schließlich: Resident Evil 4 wird am 24. März 2023 rauskommen!

Überleben ist nur der Anfang.

Resident Evil 4 erhält die Essenz des Originalspiels und stellt gleichzeitig modernisiertes Gameplay und eine tiefere, erweiterte Geschichte. Der Resitend Evil Showcase zeigte euch 5 Minuten Gameplay, zusätzliche Kommentare und einen brandneuen Trailer.

Was haltet ihr vom letzten Gameplay-Video? Aktuellste Grafiken sorgen dafür, dass das Spiel sich realistisch und passend zu einer modernen Erfahrung anfühlt, während die Essenz des Originalspiels erhalten bleibt.

Was die Gameplayaction betrifft, haben wir Parieren und eine Vielzahl weiterer Aktionen eingefügt, die Leon mit einem Messer durchführen kann, um eine intensivere Kampferfahrung zu ermöglichen.

Ja, jedermanns Lieblings-Merchant ist auch im Spiel!

Und heute freuen wir uns, euch ankündigen zu können, dass Pre-orders für Resident Evil 4 jetzt verfügbar sind!

Das Lineup enthält eine Standard Edition, eine Deluxe Edition und eine Collector’s Edition.

Zur Deluxe Edition gehören zusätzlich „Casual“ und „Romantic“ Kostümsets für Leon und Ashley, sowie „Hero“ und „Villain“ Kostüme für Leon, inklusive zusätzlichen visuellen Filtern. Ihr bekommt auch den „Original Ver.“-Soundtrack-Swap, “Sentinel Nine” und “Skull Shaker” Deluxe Waffen, “Sunglasses (Sporty)” Accessoires für Leon, und die in-game Karte “Treasure Map: Expansion“.

Die Collector’s Edition ist ein Luxuspaket, zu dem neben dem Hauptspiel Deluxe Edition Inhalte gehören, eine Figur von Leon, ein Art Book, eine besondere physische Karte und ein digitaler Soundtrack – alles in einer dekorativen Box, die einem Diplomatenkoffer ähnelt.

Vorbestellungen der Standard-Edition erhalten außerdem den exklusiven „Diplomatenkoffer: Gold“ und den „Anhänger: Handgun Ammo“ als Bonus. Ihr könnt den Diplomatenkoffer anpassen und Anhänger dranhängen, wenn ihr Schreibmaschinen im Spiel findet.

Wer die Deluxe Edition oder die Collector’s Edition vorbestellt, erhält außerdem den “Diplomatenkoffer: Classic” und den “Anhänger: grünes Kraut“ als Bonus.

Wer die digitale Version aus dem PlayStation Store vorbestellt erhält auch einen Minisoundtrack.

Wenn ihr noch keine Gelegenheit hattet, den Resident Evil Showcase anzusehen, werft einen Blick darauf!

Wir freuen uns darauf, euch nächste Woche am 28. Oktober beim Release der Resident Evil Village Gold Edition zu sehen und dem von Resident Evil 4 am 24. März 2023.

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GAME PLAY — Resident Evil Re:Verse

Ein Kampf bis zum Tod, den alle Resident Evil-Fans genießen können!

Resident Evil Re:Verse ist ein Survival-Kampfspiel mit Rache-Feature, in dem vier bis sechs Spieler bis zur tödlichen Entscheidung kämpfen.
Bekannte Charaktere treten gegeneinander und gegen furchterregende Kreaturen aus der Resident Evil-Serie an.

Sorge für ein tödliches Comeback!
Ein Deathmatch für alle:
Survival-Kampf mit Rache-Feature

Beliebte Charaktere aus der Resident Evil-Reihe treffen sich zu einem 5-minütigen Deathmatch, bei dem der Spieler mit den meisten Punkten gewinnt.
Es stehen verschiedene Charaktere zur Auswahl, von ausgewogenen Spieltypen für Anfänger bis hin zu solchen, die technisch anspruchsvoller sind und sich an Veteranen richten.
Finde einen Charakter, der zu deinem Spielstil und deinem Fähigkeiten passt!
Und selbst wenn du besiegt wirst, kannst du die Comeback-Spielmechanik „Rache als Biowaffe“ nutzen!

Sorge für ein tödliches Comeback und räche dich als Biowaffe!
Sammle Viruskapseln
und verwandle dich in
eine mächtige Monstrosität!

Wenn du im Spiel besiegt wirst, magst du zwar am Boden sein, aber verloren ist noch lange nichts!
Besiegte Spieler können als mächtige Kreaturen zurückkehren und den Kampf zu ihren Gunsten wenden.
Sie können nicht nur ihre Kraft nutzen, um ihre Umgebung zu zerstören, sondern sie können auch Extrapunkte sammeln, indem sie den Spieler, der sie getötet hat, aus Rache töten!

Viruskapseln sind überall im Level verstreut.”。
Je mehr Kapseln du hast, desto mächtiger wird die Kreatur, zu der du wirst.
Lass keine davon in die Hände deiner Gegner geraten!

Verbessere deine Fähigkeiten nach Herzenslust!

Viele Spielmöglichkeiten

  • Ranglisten-Match


    Der Hauptmodus des Spiels. Die Spieler treten gegeneinander an und versuchen, sich gegenseitig in der Rangliste zu übertreffen.
    Wenn du in den Matches gut abschneidest, erhältst du genug Punkte, um deinen Rang zu verbessern.
    Anfänger können das in ihrem eigenen Tempo tun, also keine Angst, wenn du neu bist!

  • Passcode-Match


    Spiele nur gegen deine Freunde oder mit denen, denen du Passcodes schickst.
    Du bekommst keine RP, um deinen Rang zu erhöhen oder deine Charaktere aufzurüsten, aber du kannst mit Spielern spielen, die du kennst und denen du vertraust.

  • Trainingsgebiet


    Ein Offline-Übungsmodus mit einer eigenen exklusiven Karte. Hier kannst du dich mit allen Charakteren vertraut machen.
    Du findest überall auf der Karte spezielle Waffen und Gegner, so kannst du Strategien mit neuen und angepassten Charakteren ausprobieren.

  • Battle Pass

    Battle Pass

    Schließe verschiedene Herausforderungen ab, wie „Erziele 5 Kills mit Leon“ und „Erziele 3 Kills mit einer Handfeuerwaffe“.
    Je nach deinen Ergebnissen schaltest du Belohnungen frei und steigst in deinem Rang auf.

Passen Sie Ihren Spielercharakter an!

  • Erhalte RP!

    Erhalte RP!

    Wenn du in Matches gut abschneidest, erhältst du Resultatspunkte (RP).
    Diese brauchst du, um Fähigkeiten-Embleme freizuschalten, die dir beim Ausrüsten bestimmte Effekte verleihen, sowie Waffen, Skins, Hintergrundbilder und mehr.
    Sammle jede Menge RP, um deine Charaktere aufzurüsten und ihr Aussehen zu verändern!

  • Herunterladbare Inhalte

    Herunterladbare Inhalte

    Kaufe herunterladbare Inhalte, um den Spaßfaktor zu erhöhen! Es gibt den RP-Booster, der dir doppelte RP einbringt, den Premium-Pass, mit dem du besondere Belohnungen für den Battle Pass erhältst, spielbare Charakterkostüme und vieles mehr!


where to find and how to complete quests

Aranars in Genshin Impact are Archon Dendro’s familiars that live in the forests of the region. Throughout Sumeru, small creatures can be found that need to be rescued from monsters, offer to play, exchange local plants for useful resources, or simply wait for someone to interrupt their meditation and remind them that it is time to return to Wanaran.

We invite you to travel throughout the tropical region with this guide, which will tell you where to find all Aranar in Genshin Impact and how to complete their errands.


  • Why look for all Aranar
  • Conditions for searching for aranar in pounder
  • Where to find all Aranar in Genshin Impact
    • Aranar No. 1
    • Aranar
    • Aranar No. 3
    • Aranar
    • Aranar
    • Aranar
    • Aranar
    • Aranar
    • Aranar
    • Aranar
    • Aranar
    • #5
    • Aranar #6
    • Aranar #7
    • Aranar #8
    • Aranar #9
    • Aranar #10
    • Aranar #11
    • Aranar No. 12
    • Aranar No. 13
    • Aranar No. 14
    • Aranar No. 15
    • Aranar No. 16
    • Aranar No. 17
    • Aranar

    • ARARA No. 2000 No. 20r
    • Aranar No. 22
    • Aranar No. 23
    • Aranar No. 24
    • Aranar No. 21
    • Aranar №32
    • Аранар №33
    • Аранар №34
    • Аранар №35
    • Аранар №36
    • Аранар №37
    • Аранар №38
    • Аранар №39
    • Аранар №40
    • Аранар №41
    • Аранар №42
    • Aranar No. 43
    • Aranar No. 44
    • Aranar No. 45
    • Aranar No. 46
    • Aranar No. 47
    • Aranar No. 48
    • 9001

    • Aranar №53
    • Аранар №54
    • Аранар №55
    • Аранар №56
    • Аранар №57
    • Аранар №58
    • Аранар №59
    • Аранар №60
    • Аранар №61
    • Аранар №62
    • Аранар №63
    • Аранар №64
    • Аранар №65
    • Аранар №66
    • Аранар №67
    • Аранар №68
    • Аранар №69
    • Аранар №70
    • Аранар №71
    • Аранар №72
    • Аранар №73
    • Aranar №74
    • Aranar #75
    • Aranar #76
  • Achievements Be careful! and Great reward in Genshin Impact

Why look for everyone Aranar

In the Static Landscapes quest, the Traveler will find a hidden place with many chests, but you won’t be able to open them right away. Araminali will tell you about the conditions for obtaining treasures and ask you to find other anarar who need help.

Total in Sumeru 76 aranar . Find them and return to the cave, then talk to Araminal and open the chests.

Conditions for finding Aranar in Sumeru

It will take quite a long time to find all Aranar. In addition, you will often have to climb into hard-to-reach places and give Sumeru curiosities to the animals. Therefore, before you go on a trip, we recommend that you prepare in order to complete your search easier and faster.

List of recommendations for passing:

  • Complete the quest The world of aranar and get the book of Aranyaka. Close all chapters by getting ticks.
  • Collect a lot of Sumeru curiosities, especially often the animals ask for Viparyas.
  • Learn in advance the Song that opens the Animal Path, the Song of Rebirth, the sheet music for which the traveler will receive in the quest Chapter of the Starry Night, and the Song that Leads the Dark Path. You will need them to interact with items using the Ancient Lyre.
  • Also complete the Legends of the Stone Castle quest and complete the training with all 4 aranars with additional chests.
  • Cook stamina food and take any Dendro hero.

Where to find all aranar in Genshin Impact

If you need a solution for a specific Aranar, use the search on the page by pressing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F and enter the number of the creature of interest in the line that appears. Also, at the beginning of the article, you can use the transition by content.

If your last 3 chests do not open, then in the comments they suggested the answer from those supporters: “We recommend that you first clear the game cache and check the integrity of the files at startup. How to clear the cache: exit the game and account to an empty login and password input window, and wait about 15 minutes. (c)

Thanks to Bigby for the hint in the comments with the answer from the TP.

Ashavan Land

Clear Monument, Pardis Dhyay, Dahri Ruins and Apam Thicket hides in the locations 30 Aranar . The map above shows the location of each, then we will consider them separately and solve puzzles.

Aranar №1

Meditates in the house. Use the Dendro element on the Confused Aranaru and talk to him.

Aranar №2

Aranara-gatherer flies near the road. He will ask for dried star mushroom and viparias.

To get a dried star mushroom, apply a Pyro element to an unharvested mushroom (only works with mushrooms from Sumeru). You can find a resource in almost the entire region, for example, in the west of Vanarana.

Aranar #3

Sits on one of the highest branches of a huge tree in the Dahri Ruins. Apply the Dendro element to the creature.

Aranar #4

Aracanda stands at the entrance to the house and offers a contest. Break 3 piles of rocks first, then break 3 crates. After the victory, a regular chest will appear.

Aranar №5

Under an umbrella opposite the previous aranar. Give 1 viparias and 1 harra fruit.

Aranar #6

The map shows two routes, the first from the previous point and the second from the nearest teleportation. Choose the most convenient option.

House by the path. Play Ancient Lyre Song of the Great Dream: F, E, G, F, up to on the top line. Will give 2 pcs as a reward. doctrine of «honesty».

Aranar №7

Just below the teleporter. Ask for viparyas and rukkhashava mushroom.

Aranar #8

Go down to the roots of the tree and save the Reckless Aranar from 2 Hydro Mages of the Abyss.

Aranar #9

Under the waterfall with 2 Abyssal Cryo Mages, defeat them.

Aranar #10

West of the teleport, on a rock. Offer to play a game. Break the boxes circled on the screen. A chest will appear as a reward.

Aranar №11

Sits on a stump closer to the river, behind the hermit camp. Save the creature from the enemies.

Aranar #12

When you reach the place, defeat the molders. Set fire to the spikes to the left of the house that block the passage to the Dendroganum, take it and attack the stone door. A passage will open inside the house. There is a ladder right next to the wall, climb to the roof with it and activate the lens with an Electro element.

To find Aranaru, activate the mirror. Lower the lens down to show the leaves of the roof and move to the left until the cart appears in the sight (focus on the screen).

Please note that the search time is limited, if the corresponding inscription appears, re-apply Electro and only then continue the search.

After a successful search, approach the Mischievous Aranar, who has climbed up to the character and is standing on the right.

Aranar #13

From the southern mountain (on which the teleport is located) fly to the roof of the same house as in the previous point. Activate the mirror with an Electro element, then look down through the lens so that the leaves of the roof show slightly in the scope, and turn left to the orange plant (guided by the screen).

The found Aranar will also be behind the character, don’t forget to talk to him.

Aranar №14

From the previous point, fly to the second, northwestern anchorage. Aranara stands behind a large log surrounded by hilichurls. Defeat the enemies.

Aranar #15

The next house can be found under a fallen tree to the north of the previous location. Apply Dendro’s element and talk to Aranara.

Aranar №16

A springy mushroom will help you to climb the roof of the house of the sixteenth Aranar. In order for the character to jump to the roof, use the Electro element on the creation of Trilakshana. When the color of the lines turns to a brighter green, jump up and glide onto the roof.

Once on the roof, activate the mirror with the same element and use the lens to look directly under your feet.

Aranar №17

The seventeenth is located near the house with beds. The collector will ask for three viparyas. In return, he will give 2 teachings about «Instructions».

Aranar #18

To the west of the Statue of the Archons is Arapratap, who will offer to play a memory game. The correct answer is 3 , for which the Traveler will receive a chest.

Aranar №19

In the south near the roots of a tree with springy mushrooms Meloman. Play the Old Lyre by pressing the pop-up notes of the Song of the Great Dream: F, E, G, F, up to on the top line. Reward 2 teachings about «Instructions».

Aranar №20

Walk around the roots without descending. To the east is the house of the gatherer, who will ask for viparyas and kalpalata lotus.

Aranar #21

Run northeast from the last house to the lawn with two tents. Aranara stands between them. If you couldn’t find it the first time, focus on the house, which should be below the water.

Fairy animal will offer to play a simple game where it is enough to touch a pile of stones . A chest will appear as a reward.

Breaking a pile of stones will fail the test.

Aranar #22

From the Statue of the Archons, go slightly to the east and play the Song of the Great Dream next to the creature on the Ancient Lyre: fa, mi, sol, fa, up to on the top line. As a reward, he will give 2pcs. teachings about «Wit»

Aranar №23

Immediately behind the house of the previous point there is a small pond with moulds. Defeat them and approach the animal sitting on the water lily. Then apply the Dendro element on it.

Aranar #24

To the east of the waypoint is a path, follow it south until you see a house. Stand next to Aranara and play the Song of the Great Dream on the Ancient Lyre: F, E, G, F, up to on the top line. As a reward, the Traveler will receive 2 pcs. doctrine of «honesty».

Aranar #25

Go to the northeast towards the dungeon Fragment of childhood dreams. Near the tree Reckless animal. Save him from the Hilichurls rummaging around the rocks on the left.

Aranar #26

To the south of the teleportation point there is a house, near which there are 4 Dendro monuments. Activate them to destroy the barrier blocking the way to the Seed Mirror tower.

After that, go up to the roof and activate the mirror with Electro. Look through the lens down at the stones with plants. After the sight turns bright green, talk to the animal that will appear behind the character.

Aranar №27

The next animal is under an umbrella, right behind the house of the 26th location. The collector will ask for one viparias, and in return he will give 2 pcs. the doctrine of «wit».

Aranar #28

The music lover’s house is located east of the teleport. Play the Old Lyre Song of the Great Dream: « F, Mi, Sol, F, Do» on the top line to send it to Vanarana and get 2 pcs. teachings about «Instructions».

Aranar #29

South under an umbrella with 27 animals, you can find 29aranar surrounded by treasure thieves. Save him by defeating the enemies.

Aranar №30

Turn east from the previous point: you can see the house ahead, plan to it. A fabulous creature is sitting on a stump, play with him the melody Song of the Great Dream: “ fa, mi, sol, fa, do” on the top line.

Aranar #31

Turn south and go to the house with the hilichurls. Defeat them, and in the place where the mitachurl was sitting, summon Dendrogranum.

Attack the stone door with a charged attack, then go up to the roof of the building. Activate the mirror with Electro and look down and to the left through the lens. The found animal will appear on the roof.

Vishuddhi and Vanaran Meadows

Aranar #32

Aracanda stands in a clearing south of the Feathered Mold. He will suggest a game where at the beginning you need to break 3 high pots, and then 3 low ones. Complete this task and get a chest.

Aranar #33

Turn east near the previous animal and go down to the cave. Follow it until you reach the Wither Zone.

Clear it (a precious chest will appear as a reward) and go to the flower, which is located by the stone wall on the left. Play the Song of the Animal Path on the lyre (notes: « do, sol, la, mi, do» in the bottom row or ZBNCZ on the keyboard) to destroy the barrier and go inside.

There will be a child in the cave, and to the right of him there will be a house in which the animal is meditating. Apply the element Dendro to it.

The girl communicates with the hero on the quest Give flowers.

Aranar #34

Rescue Aranar from the enemies, which is located on the southeast bank of the river, surrounded by Pyro Mages of the Void. If the water has not yet been drained to activate the flooded teleport, go from the point indicated on the screen.

Aranar #35

Located in the cave, the entrance to which is indicated on the map (if the teleport is not unlocked). Without going deeper into the cave, move from the waypoint to the northwest (on the left side of the platform) into the tunnel with Hydro molds. Immediately behind them is a house in which an aranar meditates. Apply the Dendro element to it.

Aranar #36

Right at the waypoint. Give the Gatherer the Viparias and the Star Mushroom. In return, the traveler will receive 2 pcs. doctrine of «honesty».

Aranar #37

Move south from the teleport, turn right near the hermits. A fabulous creature hid in the bushes near the waterfall. Use Dendro on him.

Aranar #38

Climb up the rock and head south. Arapratap in the meadow. He will offer to play a game where you need to name the number of crystals. Correct answer 3 , for him the animal will give a chest.

Do not get too close to the crystals, otherwise they will disappear and the answer will change.

Aranar #39

Play Song of the Great Dream (notes: « F, E, G, F, C» in the top row, or RETRQ on the keyboard) with the Music Fan singing along the path south of the Statue of the Archons.

Aranar #40

Before you start looking for the next animal, flush the cave below this location.

This can only be done by completing the Legends of the Stone Castle quest. Go to the arena where the battle with the Infinite Mechanical Array took place and the quest mentioned earlier was completed.

It is more convenient to get to the desired point from the Childish Dream Fragment dungeon, but if it has not been unlocked yet, follow the route indicated on the map.

After reaching the place, go up into the tunnel behind Arasata. When you run into a hollow, play the song of the gloomy path on the lyre (notes: « mi, re, mi, re, la» in the top row or EWEWY on the keyboard) and go inside.

If the hero falls into the water, teleport out of the cave and re-enter the game through the Paimon menu.

The character will be transferred to a cave, in the center of which there is a large stone with a four-leafed symbol.

Directly behind it is the second hollow. Again, play the melody near him and go inside.

The hero will be in front of the house of the aranara, with whom you need to play the melody Song of the Great Dream: « fa, mi, sol, fa, do» on the top line. As a reward, the Traveler will receive 2 «Wit» teachings.

How to get to the place with aranara read also in the guide to the cave near Pardis Dhyai.

Aranar #41

Gatherer’s house is located east of the teleport, near the wildlife kennel. Exchange 2 Viparyas for 2 «Instructions» teachings.

Aranar #42

Go to the southern clearing. On the stone near the fence is Aragita. Talk to him to start the memory game, and then break the boxes marked on the screen. The reward for successful completion will be a chest.

Aranar #43

Move towards the anchorage to the islets. Stand next to a music lover and play aranar music on the lyre. Again you will need the Song of the Great Dream: fa, mi, sol, fa, up to on the top line.

Aranar #44

From the Chinvat Gorge, approach the motu and jump down. At the waterfall, the Gatherer, to whom you need to give Viparyas and Lotus nilotpala. In exchange, the traveler will receive 2 Instructions teachings.

Aranar #45

The next animal is on an island south of the city. Save him from the hermits.

Aranar #46

Run south to the waterfall and wake up the aranar from Dendro element meditation.

Aranar №47

There is a hollow under the bridge, go up to it and play a song on the lyre that leads along the gloomy path (notes: mi, re, mi, re, la in the top row or enter EWEWY on the keyboard). After that, the character will be in front of the aranara’s house. Interrupt his Dendro meditation with skills.

Aranar №48

The forty-eighth animal near the tree was surrounded by hilichurls, save him.

Lokapal Jungle

Aranar #49

The next creature’s house is at the edge of the map. Save him from the monsters.

Aranar №50

To get to the house with the mirror, you have to climb for a long time. We recommend going around the mountain, as shown in the screenshot. Having reached the place, defeat the opponents and restore the monument with the help of the Ancient Lyre. The revival song sounds like: “ re, do” on the middle row and “ si, salt, do” on the bottom. Then activate it and climb onto the roof using the ladder. Use any Electro attack on the mirror, then look left through the lens at the barrel.

Aranar №51

Sits on a mushroom cap with slimes. Aradanish will ask you to play a game and find a small box. It will appear behind the character, don’t break it, come up and press «touch».

Aranar #52

A confused aranar sits on a mountain near the Electro Fern under the Dendroculus. Attack him with a Dendro attack.

Aranar #53

A music lover sings under an umbrella south of Electro Fern. Play the Song of the Great Dream with him on the lyre: « fa, mi, sol, fa, do» on the top line — and get 2 teachings on «Honesty».

Aranar #54

From the previous location, plan south to the house shown on the screenshot. Defeat Pyro Agent Fatui and talk to the creature.

Aranar #55

Further south you can meet the adventurer Aberdeen, turn right near him and start the game with Arapratap. The correct answer for which they will give a chest is 2.

Avidya Forest

Aranar #56

The next three animals are in the cave. To open a passage to it and drain the water, you must complete the task Chapter of the Starry Night. The map above shows the entrance to the cave. Once inside, head north towards the Spire of Lonely Enlightenment dungeon.

Gatherer will ask for a star mushroom (can be collected in the cave under the Feathered Mold boss):

  • Normal — collect any star mushroom without applying elements;
  • Scorched — apply Pyro;
  • Vivacious — Use Electro.

In exchange, he will give teachings about «Honesty».

Aranar №57

Fifty-seventh animal in the center of the cave (the entrance is indicated on the map to point 56) on the rock. Interrupt his Dendro meditation with an attack.

Aranar #58

Drop down to the west from the previous location and awaken the Dendro critter with an element.

Aranar #59

Gatherer near the river, north of Vimara village. Exchange Viparias and Zaytun Peach for 10,000 Morata.

Aranar №60

Near the wildlife nursery, on the rock near the first house, there is a music lover. Play the Song of the Great Dream with him on the Ancient Lyre: F, E, G, F, up to on the top line.

Aranar #61

From the last location, run east to the house. The passage inside was closed with spikes: to clear it, blow up the barrel. Climb to the roof and activate the mirror with the Electro skill.

Turn the lens down and slightly to the left. After the animal is in the scope, close the mirror window and talk to the Mischievous Aranara, who was behind the character.

Aranar #62

Jump down at the teleporter. The music lover is on the ledge by the waterfall, play the Song of the Great Dream with him on the lyre: fa, mi, sol, fa, up to on the top line and get 2 teachings on «Instructions».

Aranar #63

Sixty-third on the mountain behind the teleport near the tree. Save him from the hermits.

Aranar #64

Turn east at the last location, you can see Aranar in the distance. Save him from the Hermits.

Aranar #65

From the Statue of the Archons, run north to the house. Before continuing your search, clear the Wither zone, otherwise the mirror will not work. Then set fire to the spikes at the entrance to Pyro’s house with the element and go up the stairs.

Activate the lens with an Electro attack and aim it down and to the left.

Aranar №66

From the rooftop of area 65, turn west and glide to the wooden platform. Under the umbrella is a collector who will ask for Viparias and the Twilight Rose. In exchange, the traveler will receive 10,000 Morata.

Ardravi Valley

Aranar #67

Go west from the Statue of the Archons. Aragita is sitting in a boat on the opposite side of the river. He will offer a game where you need to break the boxes, under which lies a bunch of leaves. The correct boxes are marked on the screen. As a reward, you can get a chest.

Aranar #68

Further West Confused aranar to use Dendro on.

Aranar #69

Climb north to the cliff. Aracanda near the fence. Talk to him to start the game. Destroy the Melon Dendro first, then the Pyro. A chest will appear as a reward.

Aranar #70

Gatherer stands on the river bank south of the Archon Statue. Exchange Viparyas and the Spiritual Star Mushroom for 2 Wit Teachings. To get a Spiritual Mushroom, use a regular Electro Skill.

Aranar #71

Aradanish is located in the southwest of the huge broken robot, behind the palm trees. He will ask you to select the bundled hay, if you select the one indicated on the screen, a chest will appear.

Aranar #72

After playing with Aradanish, go to the southern house and play the melody Song of the Great Dream: « fa, mi, sol, fa, do» on the top line. The animal will like it very much and he will give 2 teachings about «Wit».

Aranar №73

To the south, the third Aranar in this location, which was attacked by monsters. Destroy them to free the hostage.

Aranar #74

The next house can be found in the northeast, in a clearing near the beds. Play the lyre and collect 2 «Honesty» teachings.

Aranar #75

Distract Aranar from Dendro’s meditation with an attack. You can find it on the branches of a huge tree around which Port Ormos is built. It is most convenient to climb from the roots at the pier or from the western side.

Aranar №76

It is inconvenient to get from the nearest teleport, so we recommend using the one indicated on the map. The collector is located on a small hill. Exchange Viparyas and Padisara with him for 2 «Honesty» teachings

Achievements Be careful! and Great Reward in Genshin Impact

As you complete tasks, you can get two achievements:

  • Be careful! — play mini-games with 12 aranars;
  • Beautiful reward — after finding all the aranar, return to the cave with the chests, talk to Araminal and open all the chests.

We hope this guide with the location of Aranar in Sumeru helped them complete their assignments, get the achievement and access to the chests from the Static Landscapes quest. If you have any questions or difficulties during the search, write about it in the comments so that the author or other players can help with the solution. Follow other Genshin Impact guides on our website.

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