Ps spiele 2022: Upcoming PS5 games: All the new PS5 games for 2023 and beyond

PlayStation Store: Das hier sind die beliebtesten Spiele des Jahres 2022

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Was waren die beliebtesten PlayStation-Spiele des Jahres 2022? Sony beantwortet euch diese Frage nun.

Zumindest gilt das für die beliebtesten PlayStation-Spiele im PlayStation Store, denn dafür hat das Unternehmen entsprechende Toplisten veröffentlicht.

Beliebte Games im Jahr 2022

Ganz vorne mit dabei sind unter anderem die üblichen Verdächtigen, etwa Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, God of War Ragnarök und Elden Ring.

Die Toplisten zeigen die beliebtesten PS-Store-Spiele für die USA und Kanada sowie für Europa, aufgeteilt auf PS5, PS4, PSVR und Free-to-play-Spiele.

Nachfolgend zeigen wir euch jeweils die Top 10 (von 20) in den jeweiligen Kategorien, die vollen Listen findet ihr im PlayStation Blog.

Die beliebtesten PS5-Spiele 2022

Europa USA/Kanada
1 FIFA 23 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
2 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 God of War Ragnarök
3 God of War Ragnarök NBA 2K23
4 Elden Ring Elden Ring
5 Grand Theft Auto 5 Madden NFL 23
6 Gran Turismo 7 Grand Theft Auto 5
7 Cyberpunk 2077 FIFA 23
8 Horizon Forbidden West Horizon Forbidden West
9 Lego Star Wars: Die Skywalker Saga Gran Turismo 7
10 Dying Light 2 Dying Light 2

Die beliebtesten PS4-Spiele 2022

Europa USA/Kanada
1 FIFA 23 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
2 Grand Theft Auto 5 Grand Theft Auto 5
3 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Minecraft
4 Minecraft Elden Ring
5 FIFA 22 NBA 2K23
6 Red Dead Redemption 2 Red Dead Redemption 2
7 Among Us NBA 2K22
8 The Last of Us Part 2 Madden NFL 23
9 Elden Ring God of War Ragnarök
10 The Forest FIFA 23

Die beliebtesten PSVR-Spiele 2022

Europa USA/Kanada
1 Beat Saber Beat Saber
2 Job Simulator Job Simulator
4 Creed: Rise to Glory Creed: Rise to Glory
5 Sniper Elite VR Swordsman VR
6 Swordsman VR Astro Bot Rescue Mission
7 Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality
8 Batman: Arkham VR GORN
9 Arizona Sunshine Batman: Arkham VR
10 Astro Bot Rescue Mission The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners

Die beliebtesten Free-to-play-Spiele 2022 (PS5/PS4)

Europa USA/Kanada
1 Fall Guys Fall Guys
2 Call of Duty: Warzone/Warzone 2. 0 Fortnite
3 Fortnite Call of Duty: Warzone/Warzone 2.0
4 MultiVersus MultiVersus
5 Overwatch 2 Overwatch 2
6 Rocket League Apex Legends
7 eFootball 2023 Rocket League
9 Rumbleverse Rec Room
10 Rec Room Rumbleverse

PlayStation 5: Beste PS5-Spiele 2022

Wer 2022 eine PlayStation 5 ergattern konnte, wurde für die Sony-Konsole mit zahlreichen Top-Titeln versorgt – das sind die besten PS5-Spiele des Jahres.

Für PS5-Besitzer war 2022 ein ziemlich gutes Jahr. Es gab zwar nur eine Handvoll großer Exklusivtitel, aber davon waren fast alle ein Volltreffer. Dazu kamen besonders aus der Indie-Sparte ein paar kleinere Titel auf den Markt, um das Aufgebot mit eindrucksvollen Einträgen zu ergänzen.

Falls Sie eines der Spiele auf dieser Liste verpasst haben und es Sie auch nur ansatzweise interessiert, ist das Nachholen definitiv empfohlen – das sind die besten PS5-Spiele des Jahres 2022.

Beste PS5-Spiele 2022: Gran Turismo 7

Das Kreischen des Motors ist bei diesem Bild förmlich zu hören, oder?

Seit «Gran Turismo 6», das für die PS3 erschien, sind neun Jahre vergangen. Daher waren die Verbesserungen in «Gran Turismo 7» den Fans äußerst willkommen. Es war eine rundum gelungene Rückkehr, bei der das Spiel die neuen Nuancen der PS5-Steuerung voll ausnutzte, und die exquisite Grafik bietet eines der realistischsten Rennerlebnisse, die es derzeit gibt. Die Freude am Rennsport kommt dabei nicht zu kurz, denn jede Bewegung fühlt sich geschmeidig und angenehm an.

Mehr zu Gran Turismo 7

  • Beste Autos für alle Renntypen

Beste PS5-Spiele 2022: Sifu

Wenn Sie Fighting Games mögen, aber etwas weniger traditionelles suchen, dann sollten Sie sich «Sifu» ansehen. Es ist ein sehr herausforderndes Spiel, das aber unendlich viel Spaß macht, da sich jeder Schlag, jeder Block und jedes Ausweichen wichtig anfühlt. Außerdem gibt es die einzigartige Todesmechanik, bei der jede Niederlage Ihren Charakter altern lässt. Dadurch verringert sich Ihre maximale Lebensenergie, aber Ihr Schadensausstoß erhöht sich, was ein interessantes Gleichgewicht schafft, bei dem Sie in Einzelkämpfen stärker sind, aber Gruppen Sie leichter überwältigen können.

Beste PS5-Spiele 2022: Salt and Sacrifice

Die Fortsetzung des Überraschungserfolgs «Salt and Sanctuary» von 2016 ist ein weiterer großer Schritt für die 2D-Souls-ähnliche Serie. Während es für neue Spielerinnen und Spieler vielleicht besser ist, zuerst das Original zu zocken, werden Fans des Vorgängers genießen, was dieses Sequel zu bieten hat. Es führt Sie in ein Abenteuer, das mehr von der gleichen großartigen Erkundung und den bestrafenden Kämpfen zu bieten hat.

Beste PS5-Spiele 2022: Elden Ring

«Elden Ring» schrieb sich 2022 in die Annalen der Gaming-Geschichte ein.

Es spielt keine Rolle, welche Plattform Sie besitzen, Sie sollten «Elden Ring» spielen. Lassen Sie sich nicht von der Gegenbewegung abschrecken, die um jeden Game-Award-Gewinner herum auftaucht – dieses Spiel hält, was es verspricht. Selbst wenn Sie kein Fan der «Dark Souls»-Spiele waren, dürften Sie «Elden Ring» als eine viel zugänglichere und fesselndere Erfahrung empfinden. Die offene Welt ist mit meisterhafter Handwerkskunst gestaltet und das Kampfsystem von From Software ist besser als je zuvor.

Mehr zu Elden Ring

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Beste PS5-Spiele 2022: Horizon Forbidden West

Aloy kehrte 2022 in Bestform zurück.

Falls Sie ein Fan von Open-World-Spielen sind, dann haben Sie wahrscheinlich schon «Horizon Zero Dawn» gespielt. Die Fortsetzung «Horizon Forbidden West» lässt keine Wünsche offen: Sie ist größer, besser und in fast jeder Hinsicht schöner. Wenn die PS5 die erste PlayStation-Konsole ist, die Sie in die Hand nehmen, dann zeigen Ihnen ein oder zwei Stunden mit diesem Spiel alles, was Sie wissen müssen, warum dies eines der besten Exklusivspiele von Sony ist.

Mehr zu Horizon Forbidden West

  • Tipps zum Einstieg
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Beste PS5-Spiele 2022: Stray

Der vierbeinige Protagonist von «Stray» stürmte im Sommer die Herzen der Gaming-Welt.

Die kleine Katze in der großen weiten Welt hat im Sommer 2022 alle Herzen erobert – und es ist leicht zu erkennen, warum. «Stray» ist ein großartiger kleiner Puzzle-Plattformer, der das Beste aus dem einzigartigen Konzept macht und Ihnen all die Bewegung und Interaktion bietet, die eine Katze in einer Welt wie dieser haben sollte. Es sind die kleinen Details, die dieses Spiel so gut machen. Die Art und Weise, wie man sich in den Füßen der Roboter verfangen kann oder wie man sich an Türen festkrallen muss, um Menschen dazu zu bringen, sie zu öffnen. Und sogar wie sich die Katze in der Welt umsieht: Das ist herzerwärmend.

Mehr zu Stray

  • Alle Tresore öffnen
  • Kassette finden und Kameras zerstören
  • Alle Erinnerungen finden

Beste PS5-Spiele 2022: Sonic Frontiers

Der Release jedes neuen 3D-Spiels mit Sonic gleicht einem Münzwurf: Die Chance einer Katastrophe liegt auf dem gleichen Niveau wie die Chance auf einen guten Titel – «Sonic Frontiers» ist in den Augen der Fans letzteres. Die offene Welt ist ein neuer Schritt für den blauen Igel, der recht gut gelang. Die endlosen Rampen und Plattformen, die überall verstreut sind, fügen sich vielleicht nicht so sehr in die Welt ein, aber durch ihre Einbeziehung macht das Durchqueren des Areals viel mehr Spaß. All die kleinen Herausforderungen entlang des Weges werden Sie für Ewigkeiten beschäftigen.

Beste PS5-Spiele 2022: Marvel’s Midnight Suns

Dieses Strategiespiel ist mit Sicherheit das beste Marvel-Spiel, das jemals gemacht wurde. Es schafft es, tiefgründig und herausfordernd zu sein und gleichzeitig die unglaubliche Macht vieler dieser Helden zu betonen. «Midnight Suns» holt das Beste aus seinen Charakteren heraus, sowohl auf dem Schlachtfeld als auch abseits davon. Sie dürfen nach Herzenslust Superhelden-Truppen zusammenstellen und nach dem Kampf mit ihnen entspannen.

Beste PS5-Spiele 2022: The Last of Us Part 1

Ob Sie nun Neuauflagen befürworten oder nicht, «The Last of Us Part 1» ist immer noch eines der besten Spiele der Geschichte. Wenn Sie es noch nicht gespielt haben, sollten Sie es unbedingt ausprobieren. Und falls Sie es bereits gespielt haben, dann tun Sie sich den Gefallen, es noch einmal in dieser schöneren Form zu erleben, denn im Vergleich zur vorherigen Version hat man einige atemberaubende Verbesserungen vorgenommen.

Beste PS5-Spiele 2022: God of War Ragnarök

Das Finale des skandinavischen Abenteuers von Kratos ist fulminant.

«God of War Ragnarök» ist der beste PS5-Exklusivtitel, den es aktuell gibt. Das Spiel von 2018 war ein unangefochtenes Meisterwerk und «Ragnarök» hat es in jeder Hinsicht noch verbessert. Die Story ist komplexer und interessanter, die Kämpfe sind vielschichtiger, die Erkundung ist flüssiger und die Nebenmissionen sind umfangreicher. Es ist die Art von Spiel, für die man sich Zeit nehmen sollte, um alles zu sehen, was es zu bieten hat.

Mehr zu God of War Ragnarök

  • Interview mit Game Director Eric Williams
  • Alle Raben von Odin finden
  • Alle Nornir-Truhen finden

Vielen Dank an Ryan Woodrow (GLHF) für seine Aufstellung!

Guardian Spire or Cowboy Hat? — Destiny on DTF

Well, have you had your fill of Italian deli meats this Friday? I — yes. It’s good that the next day the sausage shop stopped its activities and the new dungeon was finally passed without unnecessary nerves. What Bungie did this time, I want to tell you, of course, with spoilers in general.


To clarify a bit about the sausage — start dungeon 19The season didn’t go smoothly. It was such a powerful failure! Having flown into activity from the evening update, almost an hour later every Guardian on the planet observed this picture:

calabrese is a variety of broccoli, but so is Italian salami

At first, they threw me out of the dungeon, but then fucking stories began to appear that even the road to the character issuing the quest in the dungeon is a quest in itself! You are simply thrown either into orbit or immediately out of the game.

Having spit on this balalaika, having had enough sleep, the next day another entry into the so expected content was organized.

Activity greets players with a hint of High Noon and scattered wires, straight out of a sysadmin nightmare. Meet, by the way, this is the main mechanics of the dungeon.

According to tradition, at the beginning level of each dungeon there is nothing but a basic puzzle that will accompany you through all the stages. This time, her role is played by the “circle of a young electrician”: obtaining an electrical safety clearance from a special creature in the arena and connecting nodes by wire from one point to another. Cool and fun mechanics, I must say. The first search for connection nodes (then you just memorize them) — nicely done! Very trust nice! Toward the end, some complication will be added, but nothing radically new — the wires are now your best friends.

Petrovich, we have a short circuit here

Having dealt with the first problems and jumping a little along the basement of the spire, the players will have the first full stage — climbing the tower. Absolutely nothing interesting. Literally another jump puzzle, only at the end the chest falls out. pokerface.jpg

Once at the top, the nimble guards see a truly chic picture — another ruse.

oh, and who is it here we got out of the «Kindergarten»

Destiny 2 doesn’t have the strength to joke about five times overcooked content. The guys just stuffed the first raid boss three years ago into the dungeon. Only now, instead of the conflux gambit, we have the everyday life of an electrician. And thanks for that. But in general

Having defeated the big-eyed flyer, there is nothing left but to … descend from the spire back down.

very bad joke

Having passed the next jump segment and a slight complication of wired mechanics, we get to the arena with the final boss. According to the good old tradition, the final bosses in the dungeons turn out to be miraculously good! Persis was no exception — dynamic, daring, health bar, like a hippopotamus. The only pity is that they didn’t come up with a new model for him, but simply inflated the Wyvern to the size of a serious opponent. Very believe trouble!

A bit of witchcraft with wires, a door and a reactor — congratulations! The Guardian’s Spire has been cleared!

That’s it, the loot is leaving the chest

What about loot? Otherwise, what for in general to go to these dungeons.

It’s unfortunate, but this time in general everything is past me: the set of armor, and weapons, and exotic. I do not like. It is none!

The network is already hyping a gun with the “daredevil” perk and a legendary copy of “Dead Man’s Tale”, but I have this question: who even thought of adding “cowboy” armor and weapons to a dungeon with the theme of military AI and interspace-time robots ?

We’ve got the most powerful technology of mankind here, but you’re wearing a guardian gun made of wood and fuck off. And take the weapons of the seraphim. You had it, and we took it away, but since we are very kind (and very lazy), we return it again. It’s all sad!

Despite the fact that the release of the new dungeon is a celebration and the very content that every guard deserves, I can’t say that I liked it. All the good things about this dungeon are the basic mechanics that do not infuriate and the total duration when you can fly on the chill to farm super-powerful engrams.

The rest is so-so!

The very course of events in activity, in which you first have to climb the tower in order to get off it later, seems to me somehow absurd. Reuse bosses. Reuse loot. New wooden sticks.

Pass once (who am I kidding), get high and forget — perfect!

Best of 2022 | Board games in Latvia

The New Year is just around the corner, so I’ll summarize briefly, before anything else has happened.

Due to events around the table, it is probably the “best” thing this year that we are all still alive. Oh, and I kept thinking that 2021 was bad. Coronavirus now seems like some kind of nonsense compared to what is happening now. Yes, and health somehow let us down this year, stupidly lay for several months. After all this, some kind of statistics, visits, number of games… all this is perceived as absolutely unimportant nonsense.

But on New Year’s Eve you don’t want to talk about sad things. Health is gradually getting better, and I want to believe that everything else will improve soon. And we will play games not to get distracted from what is happening, but simply because this is our favorite hobby.

I hope that my writing helped someone to switch to something positive and abstract, at least for a few minutes. Although I already understand that lately I’ve been writing more for myself, friends, acquaintances and fellow text bloggers, because 99% of the audience went to YouTube. But this is not particularly frustrating, because I blog not from under pressure, but purely for my own pleasure. And now, by the way, writing articles is also a kind of therapy.

There will be no tables with statistics this year. The number of articles, views, everything specifically sank. As for the played, everything is fine here — under 500 games. I repeat, games are a way to get distracted, plus we often play with small ones. Yes, and while active sports are closed to me, so only my favorite tabletops remain.

As far as good games are concerned, everything seems to be in balance in our world, because how else can one explain such an abundance of great titles this year. If in 2021 I hardly scraped together a top five, then this year I had to cut the list. Moreover, a couple of games broke into the personal Top 10.


Ark Nova . Definitely the best game for me this year. There are 25 games behind me, but interest does not fade at all, you still discover something new for yourself. I even slowed down on purpose to play other euros. An exact match for personal preferences in terms of mechanics, although the design could be a little better. I really look forward to the addition, which, unfortunately, has shifted to summer-autumn 2023.

ISS Vanguard . Cool space adventure. There was skepticism after Etherfields, but the authors nevertheless took the path of the Grail and made a coherent and intelligible story, flavoring it with fascinating ship management, various missions and cool voice acting. Yes, there were some minor rough edges, but then it wouldn’t be Awaken Realms. The campaign is almost over (the final mission remains, but we decided to fly through unknown systems), we are waiting for the second wave.

Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 . Yes, legacy mechanics won’t surprise anyone, but Pandemic Zero came out really great. For me, this is an improved first one, only without such a wow effect from stickers and other things. The story, the goals for the months, the customization of the characters — everything is thought out and woven very well. Seasons 1 and 0 are great, the second can be skipped.

Tainted Grail: Last Knight . It was nice to be back in Avalon. And even more pleasant is that Awaken Realms took into account the wishes of the players and slightly tweaked subsequent campaigns, reducing the ungodly grind. The plot, in my opinion, is inferior to the first part, but, in general, it is still the same Grail with wandering around locations, completing quests and card chains. I didn’t invest in a sequel to stand alone, I think that after the remaining two campaigns, I’m unlikely to want more.

Detective: City of Angels . This year we have thoroughly taken up the City of Angels. And as a result, the toy became a discovery in the detective genre. Here, the atmosphere is very well conveyed through dialogues and tie-ins to the scripts, plus the characters themselves are well developed. There are also various unique chips in the cases.

Lost Ruins of Arnak + Leaders . Arnak also tried it, but only with the leaders. The addition gave what the base lacked: interesting characters with characteristic properties, as well as complicated temple tracks. Now you can explore and beat monsters more, squeezing the maximum benefit from the features of the hero. A beautiful and positive euro, such a thing is very useful now.

Cascadia . Great family seeds. There are already about 40 games, but still sometimes they get it. The simplest rules, an interesting choice every turn, various combinations of tasks — what else is needed to lighten up half an hour effortlessly.

Grand Austria Hotel . Got this classic and have no regrets. For two, an excellent short euro. Moderately crisis, somewhere even gambling. I like the influence of cubes, and mini-combs on staff and guests — this makes each game interesting in its own way.

Woodcraft . I also appreciated the fresh novelty from Vladimir Sukha. I like the crisis due to the small number of moves and the tricky action wheel. Feels more fancy Marco Polo. Also, in fact, we fulfill contracts, and we don’t really have time for anything. But there are also a lot of accompanying amusing and atmospheric moments: free actions for cutting/gluing cubes, hiring assistants, various tracks, etc. There are questions on some nuances (something could be simplified), but the pros outweigh so far.

Scout . And I will close the top ten with the coolest filler for bribes, where the main highlight is that the cards in the hand cannot be interchanged.

I would also like to mention Search for Planet X , Tyrants of the Underdark and The Taverns of Tiefenthal with a kind word. I played them a little, but the impressions are only positive. There were many good things among the purchases, but more on that later.


If only 5 boxes were purchased in 2021, then this one sold out and bought as many as 14 pieces (although there are many small ones among them). I already wrote about Cascadia, Grand Austria Hotel, Lost Ruins of Arnak: Leaders and Woodcraft, so briefly about what was not included in the top.

Dice Realms. Expensive box full of small pieces for crafting cubes. At first it was interesting, but after about 5 games, I realized that the unique layouts of property tiles do not really change the pattern of the game: you download cubes, you go into 1-2 most beneficial effects, and then how lucky. Well, too much fuss with the constant change of faces. As a filler with unusual cube customization, not bad, but no more. As a result, DR left the collection after a dozen batches.

The Adventures of Robin Hood . A family adventure from Menzel with an interactive board (tiles on a two-layer board are picked out and turned over), interesting movement mechanics (using ruler chips) and a story book. I took it to play with my son, but before that I want to drive in an adult company, to find out if it’s too early. Hands have not yet reached, so the impressions will be next year.

Red Cathedral. Good mini euro for draft cubes with mancala elements. It stops that the setup is long enough, and for two, the competition in the towers does not work so well. Let’s see if it stands the test of time, this year there have been a lot of similar compact games.

Nova Luna. Recently left the collection after 4 batches. There is not enough intrigue, you complete tasks and complete them. The fresh Framework seemed a bit more interesting due to the variety of goals, but not enough to have with you. From Uwe, still in the Patchwork top.

Carnegie. I wanted to add the best to the top, but so far few games have been played and only for two. An original thing with interesting interaction and planning, we will continue to master in the new year.

Beer & Bread . An amusing short Euro duel with multifunctional cards. Satisfied with the purchase, while we leave. If at first it seemed a little chaotic, then with the experience of the impression everything is more pleasant.

Village Rails . Took after a review of Shut Up & Sit Down and feedback from friends. Again a game a la “big euro in a small box” (well, definitely the trend of the year). In fact, a nice puzzle for the effective placement of path cards and goals. Didn’t quite make it to the top.

Tiletum . I took a chance in the hope of something original in the T-series, but in the end I got a fairly passable “salad”. An interesting idea of ​​balancing between the resources received and the action points, but, in general, no revelations. I liked the same Woodcraft much more.

Akropolis . And again the influence of Shut Up & Sit Down. Well, a really good filler for laying out tiles “in breadth and height”, where through the simplest economy you need to skillfully combine hexes with conditions on VP with the terrain necessary for these conditions. Quick preparation, rules for a couple of pages.

Splendor: Duel . I can’t stand the usual Splendor, but Bruno Catala had a hand in this, making excellent dueling Miracles. After a couple of games, I can say that Bruno did a great job: he added an interesting draft, some interaction, three options for ending the game, and other tricks.