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Pennergame Tipps & Tricks

Das Pennergame hört sich zwar simpel an, hält aber einige Herausforderungen für dich bereit. Wir geben dir ein paar Tipps & Tricks zum Pennergame, die dir vor allem den Start erleichtern sollen.

Öfter mal kurze Zeit sammeln gehen
Sogar in den FAQ des Spiels steht geschrieben, dass man öfter für kurze Zeit sammeln gehen soll, anstatt immer nur zwölf Stunden am Stück. Vergleicht man einmal den durchschnittlichen Ertrag, so kommt man mit kleinen Touren von 10 Minuten unterm Strich besser weg. Versuche die Sammelzeit also so gering wie möglich zu halten und die vollen zwölf Stunden nur dann, wenn du gerade nicht am PC sein kannst.

Achtung beim Flaschen verkaufen!
Nachdem du vom Pfandflaschen sammeln zurückgekehrt bist, musst du deinen Einkaufswagen ausleeren. Im entsprechenden Untermenü kannst du dann deine Pfandflaschen verkaufen, aber Vorsicht, denn du hast eine Obergrenze für dein Kapital. Dieses wird durch deinen Becher bzw. Geldbörse bestimmt. Solltest du mehr Gewinn machen als du tragen kannst, geht dir das überschüssige Geld verloren. Von deinen 10 Euro Startgeld kannst du dir bspw. eine Tüte kaufen, die dein Limit von 20 auf 100 Euro hochsetzt.

Bilde dich stets weiter
Es mag zwar komisch klingen, aber je stärker, geschickter und intelligenter dein Penner ist, desto mehr Kämpfe gewinnt er und seine Chancen auf Erfolg bei Verbrechen steigen. Investiere dein Geld nicht nur in neue Ausrüstung und nutze deine Spielzeit, um auch deinen Penner besser werden zu lassen. Das bringt dir zudem Punkte ein und schaltet neue Spielelemente frei.

Eine Bande ist wichtig
In anderen Browsergames bieten Clans meist keine dauerhaften Vorteile, doch im Pennergame kann eine starke Bande starke Verbesserungen bringen. Ist die Bande entsprechend wohlhabend und hat Eigentümer erworben, verbessert dies deine Eigenschaften, ohne dass du dafür etwas getan haben musst. Sich an dem Bandenkapital zu beteiligen, steht natürlich außer Frage.

Pennergame Cheats

Ein Penner hat es nicht einfach. Umso schöner wäre es doch, wenn er sich mit Hilfe eines Cheats das Leben erleichtern könnte. Doch dem ist nicht so, Pennergame bietet keine Cheats. Allerdings haben sich die Entwickler etwas einfallen lassen, womit man zumindest optisch, aber nicht in der Realität, seinen Spielstand verbessern kann. Dazu gibt es einen Beitrag im Forum.

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  • Pennergame Test
  • Secret Relict Tipps, Tricks und Cheats
  • Bonga Online Tipps, Tricks und Cheats
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Geschrieben von Marvin am Mittwoch, Juli 11, 2012 at 4:14 pm 
Abgespeichert in der Kategorie: Tipps/Tricks

Pennergame-Tipps und Tricks — Verbrechen


Haltet euch zu Beginn mit den Verbrechen zurück, warscheinlich ist euer GSK(=Geschicklichkeit) Wert noch zu niedrig, und so passiert es leicht, dass ihr erwischt werdet und Strafe zahlen müsst. Begeht ein Verbrechen nur, wenn ihr euch sicher seit dass ihr genug GSK hat.



Max. Ausbeute

Max. Chancen


Kaugummiautomat aufbrechen

20 min



In allen

Geld vom Klohäuschen klauen

40 min



In allen

Waschsalon ausrauben

60 min



In allen

Currybude überfallen

90 min



In allen

Bäckerei überfallen




Ab 100€ ST

Im Kiosk klauen




Ab 100€ ST

Tankstelle überfallen




Ab 1000€ ST

McBurger überfallen




Ab 1000€ ST

Im Supermarkt klauen




Ab 3000€ ST

Elektrohandel überfallen




Ab 5000€ ST

Landesbank überfallen




Ab 9000€ ST

  Heute waren schon 1 Besucher (1 Hits) hier!  

How to defeat Russia. Marshal Mannerheim’s advice

12 statements of the Finnish marshal, which seem to be addressed to Ukraine. The actions of Putin’s Russia in relation to Ukraine are surprisingly similar to the actions of the USSR in relation to Finland. No wonder Marshal Mannerheim in his memoirs basically called the Soviet Union Russia. Therefore, the lines from his memoirs are ideal for our time.

Related video

Carl Gustav Mannerheim is not just a Finnish national hero. He is a symbol of resistance against the insatiable Soviet Russia. Three times she tried to absorb his little homeland — at 1918, in 1939 and in 1944. And three times Mannerheim managed to defend it, inflicting crushing defeats on the Soviet troops.

Under his leadership, a country of four million people managed to successfully fight a superpower whose population then exceeded 170 million.

Monument to Marshal Mannerheim in Helsinki

Photo: Getty Images

Marshal Mannerheim on the war

«Official sources have worked hard to turn the war of liberation into a simple civil war. Behind such fabrications is the desire to accuse the legitimate government and the army of starting the war, but this will not hide the fact that in 1918 we defended the inviolability and independence of our state.If we had not risen to the fight, Finland would at best have turned into an autonomous region of the Soviet Union — without any national freedoms, without real statehood, and we would not have found a place among the free nations. We paid a very high price for independence, but the sacrifices and hardships of the war of liberation will not be forgotten.»

About the Finnish army

«New time — new responsibilities. And yet, as before, all major issues are resolved with iron and blood. To protect our freedom, the army must be in full combat readiness. Forts, cannons and foreign aid will not help if every man does not realize that it is he who stands guard over the country. Let the men of Finland remember that without unanimity it is impossible to create a strong army and that only a strong people can safely create their future. »

About communists

«In the spring of 1920, the government allowed the communists to hold an organizational meeting of the Socialist Workers’ Party of Finland. Although the secret central police, relying on irrefutable evidence, demanded that this party be banned and its leaders prosecuted for treasonous activities, the government did not react. The communists got the opportunity quite openly continue their organizational activities, conduct propaganda and participate in parliamentary elections 1922 years old. As a result, the Communists received 22 seats and were able to defend their interests in parliament, as well as the interests of Moscow.»

On military assistance from the West in the fight against Russia

conflicts may arise if the Bolsheviks invade Europe, frankly they did not understand me. The military leaders had a somewhat more correct idea of ​​the state of affairs, but on the whole the problem of relations with Russia was regarded in London as secondary. Therefore, it is quite natural that our liberation struggle, which did not allow Bolshevism to spread to the North, was not appreciated.”

About the League of Nations (precursor organization of the UN)

«It is not clear how effectively the League of Nations can provide a small state in the event that it is attacked by a great power; the attacking side may, for example, claim that it has itself become the object of attack

On the communist demonstrations sponsored by Russia in Finland

“In early August, the Baltic countries were finally annexed to the Soviet Union. In these eventful weeks, nickel concession negotiations were going on in Moscow, in which Finnish participants were under strong pressure. Simultaneously, communist demonstrations were staged in Helsinki, following a well-known pattern, with the aim of provoking a crisis. When a group of brawlers was detained during street riots, the Soviet ambassador protested to Prime Minister Ryti.»

About the civilian plane with foreign citizens shot down by Russia

«Public opinion was most disturbed by the attack on the Finnish passenger plane «Kaleva», which was shot down on June 14, 1939 during a regular flight from Tallinn to Helsinki. It was proved that the «Kaleva» shot down two Russian fighters and that a Russian submarine cruising in the area took possession of all the cargo that was on the plane.In addition to the Finnish pilot and crew of the liner, the passengers were also killed; they were foreign citizens, and among them flew a French diplomatic courier, whose bag of mail became also a trophy. This was confirmed a couple of years later by one of the officers of the submarine, who was taken prisoner; according to him, a bag with diplomatic mail on the high seas was transferred on board the ship, which was immediately sent from Kronstadt.

Marshal Mannerheim about Russia’s treachery

«On November 27, 1939, Molotov informed our ambassador that the Soviet government no longer considered itself bound by a non-aggression pact. No attention was paid to the Finnish proposal to jointly study the incident with shots of unknown origin in the village of Mainila, and , distorting the facts, they began to assert that the Finnish government had asked to withdraw Russian troops 25 kilometers from the border. In a note dated November 29, Molotov threw out the accusation that the Finnish armed forces, «as you know,» continue to conduct military operations not only on the Karelian Isthmus but also in other areas. Our excuses were answered with fire.»

Soviet tanks enter Vyborg. A frame from a documentary about the «Mannerheim Line»

Soldiers of the Red Army on the Mannerheim Line. Episode of the Soviet-Finnish war

Photo: Getty Images

Finnish armored car captured by the Red Army. A frame from a documentary about the «Mannerheim Line»

Soviet tank. A frame from a documentary about the «Mannerheim Line»

Episode of the Soviet-Finnish war

Marshal Mannerheim about «FNR»

«On December 1, on the second day of the war, the Information Bureau reported that the «People’s Government of the Democratic Republic of Finland» had been formed in the «city» of Terijoki, and in fact in a holiday village located near the border. A Finnish communist, a member of the secretariat of the Comintern O. V. Kuusinen…

The next day, in an information message, the Soviet government announced that the request for assistance made on behalf of the people’s government was approved and that Finland and the Soviet Union had concluded such an agreement.At the same time, they reported that the people of Soviet Karelia now reuniting with his Finnish tribal brethren to create a single nation-state…

Naturally, no one took the statements of the «people’s government» seriously, and those leaflets that, together with bombs, were scattered over the capital and promised «bread to the hungry people of Finland» could not cause anything but laughter. In fact, this propaganda only strengthened our internal front.»

About the Soviet spies

«The Soviet press and radio carried on harsh anti-Finnish propaganda, which was especially aimed at the unrest allegedly prevailing in our country. At the same time, references were made to the excellent conditions in Estonia. The «Finnish-Soviet Society for Peace and Friendship» did everything possible to cultivate the soil in Finland and was effectively supported by the Soviet embassy in Helsinki. The number of employees of the embassy and consulate increased greatly, many of them spoke Finnish and actively traveled around the country, showing a special interest in the restricted areas. «

About the Russian army

«The fact that the encircled Soviet units did not surrender, despite the cold and hunger, is also mainly the result of the work of political officers, who hammered into the soldiers’ heads that revenge awaits their relatives, and they themselves will die from torture, if they fell into enemy hands.In many cases, both officers and men decided it would be better to shoot themselves rather than surrender.The political commissars intervened in the development of all tactical orders given on the basis of initial failures, which led to an astonishing mixture of tactics and propaganda.

* * *

The commanding staff of the Russian army was represented by brave people with strong nerves, they were not very worried about losses. The upper «floors» of command were characterized by sluggishness and helplessness. This was reflected in the stereotyped and limited operational thinking of the leadership. The command did not encourage independent maneuvering of military units, it stubbornly, even crack, held on to the original plans. The Russians built their military art on the use of technology, and command and control was inflexible, unceremonious and wasteful. Lack of imagination was especially evident in those cases when a change in the situation required the adoption of quick decisions. «

On defense spending

«After the hard lessons of the war, the parliament now also realized that military spending should not be weighed on the «drug scale», and the sums needed to bring the defense department in order were not allocated grumbling. How much the country could save if only such an understanding, only now reached, had existed among the members of Parliament before!

Carl Gustav von Mannerheim, «Memoirs». Moscow, Vagrius Publishing House, 1999.

Marshal completed his Memoirs in 1951, a few months before his death.


How wars start. 7 major military conflicts of our time

How to defeat Russia. Mannerheim’s advice — Invaders

16 statements of the Finnish marshal, which seem to be addressed to Ukraine.

Carl Gustav Mannerheim is not just a Finnish national hero. He is a symbol of resistance against the insatiable Soviet Russia. Three times she tried to absorb his little homeland — at 1918, in 1939 and in 1944. And three times Mannerheim managed to defend it, inflicting crushing defeats on the Soviet troops.

Under his leadership, a country of four million people managed to successfully fight a superpower whose population then exceeded 170 million. The actions of Putin’s Russia in relation to Ukraine are surprisingly similar to the actions of the USSR in relation to Finland. No wonder the marshal in his memoirs basically called the Soviet Union Russia. Therefore, the lines from his memoirs are ideal for our time.

About the war

“Official sources have worked hard to turn the liberation war into a simple civil war. Behind such fabrications is the desire to accuse the legitimate government and the army of unleashing the war, but this will not hide the fact that in 1918 we defended the inviolability and independence of our state. If we had not risen to the struggle, Finland would at best have turned into an autonomous region of the Soviet Union — without any national freedoms, without real statehood, and there would have been no place for us among the free nations. We paid a very high price for independence, but the sacrifices and hardships of the war of liberation will not be forgotten.”

About the Finnish army

“New times – new responsibilities. And yet, as before, all major issues are resolved with iron and blood. To protect our freedom, the army must be in full combat readiness. Fortresses, guns and foreign aid will not help if every man does not realize that he is the one who stands guard over the country. Let the men of Finland remember that without unanimity it is impossible to create a strong army and that only a strong people can securely create their future.0003

About Finnish «dill»

«The Finnish army, which even in their own country was hated and slandered by many, saved the country from destruction and created a powerful foundation for the future of Finland as an independent state»

O bureaucracy during the war

“Even now, the problems of allocating funds for the most important needs of defense are considered at such a pace, as if we were living in normal times. Weeks and months are spent on discussions in committees and commissions, and when funds are finally allocated, then at best prices manage to rise, but more often it happens that the purchase opportunities have already been lost”

About the communists

“In the spring of 1920, the government allowed the communists to hold an organizational meeting of the Socialist Workers’ Party of Finland. Although the secret central police, relying on irrefutable evidence, demanded that the party be banned and that its leaders be held criminally liable for treasonous activities, the government did not react in any way. The Communists got the opportunity to continue their organizational activities quite openly, conduct propaganda and participate in parliamentary elections 1922 years old. As a result, the communists received 22 seats and were able to defend their interests in parliament, as well as the interests of Moscow. The electoral system adopted in the previous parliamentary elections did not change at all, therefore — this should be specially noted — the party that brought the country to the brink of destruction just two years ago had the same constitutional rights as the parties that fought for the preservation of public order »

About Western military assistance in the fight against Russia

“When during the negotiations at the British Foreign Office I tried to prove what conflicts could arise if the Bolsheviks invaded Europe, I frankly was not understood. The military leaders had a somewhat more correct idea of ​​the state of affairs, but on the whole the problem of relations with Russia was regarded in London as secondary. Therefore, it is quite natural that our liberation struggle, which did not allow Bolshevism to spread to the North, was not appreciated.0003

About the League of Nations (predecessor of the UN)

“It is not clear how effectively the League of Nations can provide a small state in the event that it is attacked by a great power; the attacking side may, for example, claim that it has itself become the object of attack, and then, instead of providing effective assistance, an endless “study of the issue” will begin”


“During an audience, King Edward VIII of Great Britain told me that he considers communism a danger to the whole world, and in this regard he said: “The day before yesterday, Litvinov was at my reception and said that Trotsky propagandized the world revolution, and modern circles, those in power in Russia do not approve of these ideas. They only want to create the most perfect, in their opinion, form of the state within the borders of their country, using the best ideas regarding social organization, and external propaganda is not included in their program. This is what he sought to tell me in confidence, a man who has a very clear idea of ​​their subversive activities in England, France and South America.0003

About the communist demonstrations sponsored by Russia in Finland

“In early August, the Baltic countries were finally annexed to the Soviet Union. In these eventful weeks, nickel concession negotiations were going on in Moscow, in which Finnish participants were under strong pressure. Simultaneously, communist demonstrations were staged in Helsinki, following a well-known pattern, with the aim of provoking a crisis. When a group of brawlers was detained during street riots, the USSR ambassador protested to Prime Minister Ryti”

About the civilian plane with foreign citizens shot down by Russia

“Most of all, public opinion was disturbed by the attack on the Finnish passenger plane Kaleva, which was shot down on June 14, 1939 during a regular flight from Tallinn to Helsinki. It was proven that the Kalev was shot down by two Russian fighters and that a Russian submarine cruising in the area took possession of all the cargo that was on the plane. In addition to the Finnish pilot and the crew of the liner, passengers also died; they were foreign citizens, and among them flew a French diplomatic courier, whose bag of mail also became a trophy. This was confirmed a couple of years later by one of the officers of the submarine who was captured; according to him, the bag with diplomatic mail on the high seas was handed over to the ship, which was immediately expelled from Kronstadt.0003

About Russia’s perfidy

“On November 27, 1939, Molotov informed our ambassador that the Soviet government no longer considers itself bound by a non-aggression pact. No attention was paid to the Finnish proposal to jointly study the incident with shots of unknown origin in the village of Mainila, and, distorting the facts, they began to claim that the Finnish government had asked to withdraw Russian troops 25 kilometers from the border. In note dated 29November Molotov threw the accusation that the Finnish armed forces, «as you know,» continue to conduct military operations not only on the Karelian Isthmus, but also in other areas. Our excuses were answered with fire”


«People’s Government of the Democratic Republic of Finland». O. V. Kuusinen, a Finnish communist, a member of the secretariat of the Comintern, was elected chairman of the government…

The next day, in an information message, the Soviet government announced that the appeal for assistance made on behalf of the people’s government was approved and that Finland and the Soviet Union had concluded such an agreement. At the same time, it was reported that the people of Soviet Karelia are now reuniting with their Finnish brothers in the tribe to create a single national state… bread to the hungry people of Finland,” could not cause anything but laughter. In fact, this propaganda only strengthened our internal front”

About Soviet spies

“The Soviet press and radio carried out harsh anti-Finnish propaganda, which was especially aimed at the unrest allegedly prevailing in our country. At the same time, references were made to the excellent conditions in Estonia. The «Finnish-Soviet Society for Peace and Friendship» did everything possible to cultivate the soil in Finland and was effectively supported by the Soviet embassy in Helsinki. The number of employees of the embassy and consulate greatly increased, many of them spoke Finnish and actively traveled around the country, showing a special interest in the restricted areas”

About the Russian army

they will die of torture if they fall into the hands of the enemy. In many cases, both officers and privates decided it was better to shoot themselves than to surrender. The political commissars intervened in the development of all tactical orders issued on the basis of initial failures, resulting in an astonishing mixture of tactics and propaganda.

The commanding staff of the Russian army was represented by brave people with strong nerves, they were not very worried about losses. The upper «floors» of command were characterized by sluggishness and helplessness. This was reflected in the stereotyped and limited operational thinking of the leadership. The command did not encourage independent maneuvering of military units, it stubbornly, even crack, held on to the original plans. The Russians built their military art on the use of technology, and command and control was inflexible, unceremonious and wasteful. Lack of imagination was especially manifested in cases where a change in the situation required the adoption of quick decisions.0003

On defense spending

“After the hard lessons of the war, Parliament now also realized that military spending should not be weighed on a “drug scale”, and the amounts needed to bring the defense department in order were allocated without grumbling. How much the country could save if such an understanding, only now reached, existed among members of parliament before!

Carl Gustav von Mannerheim, «Memoirs».