Otp lol: What Does OTP Mean in League of Legends?

What Does OTP Mean in League of Legends?

As part of our explanation article series, we will explain one of the more popular terms around the League community. This is, as the title implies, OTP. 

Before I begin, I must quickly note that there will be a lot more to this article than just a blunt explanation of an acronym. But you’ll have to keep on reading to see what it’s all about. 

So, let’s start by explaining what the hell OTP means. OTP stands for “One-trick-pony”, and is a popular acronym used by many League players. It represents a player that plays strictly one Champion – i.e., he one-tricks that Champion. 

One-tricking Champions is common since people tend to find the Champion that suits them best and keep to them. The wide variety in League’s roster tends to narrow down options for people that are looking for one distinct playstyle. Thus, they stick to the Champion(s) they find most suitable without exploring other options. 

This can have both beneficial effects as well as detrimental ones.  

Let’s review them, shall we?

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The Benefits

There are inherent benefits to playing as an OTP. You will thoroughly learn a Champion and everything about them, giving you a huge edge over the opponent who might not be as skilled on their Champion. This, in turn, will lead to your achieving dominance and likely winning the game. One-tricking certain Champions in meta moments can have massive positive feedback on your Division and Rank. 

Of course, learning a Champion that fits into a particular playstyle will indirectly give you knowledge on similar Champions. This means that you will passively learn an entire gameplay aspect while playing your one-trick Champion. Having two or three one-tricks is a great thing, but do seek to branch out into more than one style. 

The Detriments

The detriments of playing only one Champion or playstyle is that you forsake others. As a result, you will find yourself in situations where you just don’t know what to do. To beat an opposing Champion, it is best that you too know how to play them. If you deny yourself that and only keep to a narrow choice, it will lead to some tricky moments where you are bound to lose. 

There are also moments when you will not have the option of playing your OTP Champions. In high-level play, such as high Elo or Tournaments, you must cooperate with allies for the best team composition. Your OTP might not fit into every team comp, and you will be forced to play something else. If you happen not to know any other Champions, you are just setting up your team for a defeat before the game even starts. 

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In conclusion, we can safely say that OTP-ing Champions can have both good and bad effects. In some situations, one outweighs the other, but I think the latter carries much more weight. Therefore, I think you should be mixing things up a bit. 

Focus on certain Champions that you love the most and enjoy playing, but always have a backup plan. Occasionally pick up a new Champion, change it up, force yourself into learning more than one aspect of the game. 

The more you know, the easier things will be. Remember, knowledge in League of Legends is a key thing, and you should never deny yourself the opportunity to expand on it. That’s why this site is here, anyway. 

I hope you’ve found this article informative and fun to read, and I wish you all the best on the Summoner’s Rift. 

¿Qué significa OTP y a quién se aplica?

La abreviatura OTP se escucha a menudo en las transmisiones de League of Legends (LoL) y también se puede leer en el chat del juego. Pero, ¿qué significa eso realmente? Te mostramos la explicación de lo que hay detrás del “One Trick Pony” en LoL.

Esto es lo que significa el término: Cuando escuche el término «OTP» en relación con LoL o juegos similares, generalmente significa un «One Trick Pony». Entonces, un jugador que en realidad siempre juega el mismo personaje y no prueba con ningún otro campeón.

Tales jugadores provocan repetidamente discusiones acaloradas en la comunidad. Descubra aquí por qué es bueno ser un One Trick Pony y las desventajas que conlleva.

Los beneficios de los One Trick Ponies en League of Legends

Lo hacen bien: Como OTP, te especializas en un campeón y, con raras excepciones, solo juegas con este campeón. La ventaja de esto es que conoces y dominas muy bien a tu campeón, lo dominas. Si juegas con Yasuo una y otra vez, tienes que jugar contra una amplia variedad de oponentes y puedes probar estos enfrentamientos y aprender de ellos.

Si juegas tu One Trick Pony después de muchos cientos de partidos, es muy probable que seas superior en un duelo directo con un jugador contrario.

Si tu campeón de One Trick también es fuerte en el estado actual del parche, estás haciendo una contribución importante para ganar la partida. Idealmente, conoces todos los trucos y mecánicas de tu héroe y sabes cómo jugar contra los diversos contraataques y posiblemente también ganar contra ellos. Aunque los contraataques son superiores a ti en el papel.

Puede ver cómo se ve cuando los jugadores ganan mucho como «OTP» en el siguiente video de Synotik. Se muestran muertes locas con Zed, Riven, Yasuo, Katarina, Jhin y Shaco.

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Los contras de los ponis de un truco

Lo hacen mal: Los jugadores suelen apostar todo en una sola carta. Si tu campeón está baneado en una partida, debes cambiar a otro campeón o salir del lobby. Esto tiene la desventaja de que otros jugadores luego tienen que esperar a un nuevo lobby nuevamente.

Si las OTP cambian a otro personaje, esto a menudo significa que ni siquiera lo dominan. Todo depende del ELO en el que estén jugando las OTP. En la parte inferior de la tabla de clasificación, realmente no te preocupas por los héroes alternativos y «toma lo que hay».

En caso de duda, las OTP no tienen experiencia con otros campeones y, por lo tanto, están mucho peor que sus oponentes en un duelo directo en la línea.

Más acerca de LoL

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¿Qué opinas de One Trick Ponies en LoL? ¿Crees que es bueno cuando los jugadores simplemente se concentran en un campeón y luego pueden hacerlo realmente bien, o las desventajas son demasiado grandes porque no se ocupan lo suficiente de jugar con otros campeones?

Escríbanos su opinión aquí sobre DLPrivateServer en los comentarios e intercambie ideas con otros jugadores.

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Toxic Tyler

Don’t try to make contact with him.

© Riot Games

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The best way to deal with it is to ignore it. Block all his messages and imagine that he is simply not in the game. Jokes aside, but such people have a strong negative impact on the morale of the entire team, and contacting them is more expensive for yourself.


You or the Scary Crab — you know what the result will be.

© Riot Games

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OTP Riven is one of the oldest memes in the League of Legends community.

© Riot Games

The acronym “OTP” has long been a household name in all competitive gaming communities. She went from the English “One-Trick Pony” and began to refer to players who spend all their time on only one hero.

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He understands that you won dishonestly!

© Riot Games

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A couple in love

They are always together.

© Riot Games

When Riot Games released Shaya and Rakan in 2017, they didn’t know how quickly this couple would turn into a meme. The love duo of two champions with unique romantic interactions quickly found their fans and became one of the most popular duos among lovers playing together in League of Legends.

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Shall we just give up?

© Riot Games

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Such players are a problem in all competitive projects, but in a game as complex as League of Legends, they stand out especially brightly. When there are many factors involved in winning, and games are turned upside down by teamwork, the Cynics continue to stick to their line. They are often the ones who cause defeat because they gave up before the game even started.

Mr. Friendliness

He is ready to discuss anything!

© Riot Games

When even during the selection of heroes you see that the chat is quickly starting to fill up with messages, it immediately becomes clear that something is wrong. And if this is not a discussion of your strategy, then most likely you got Mister Friendly on the team.

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In the first minutes of the game, they still respond to him, trying to show respect and smooth over awkwardness, but during important game situations, his flow of thoughts can interfere with teamwork. And if such a person plays for Yumi, then there are no problems, but what to do when he is your midlaner?


He will fight to the end.

© Riot Games

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Thruhaird can usually be spotted as early as 10 seconds into the game when he pings the bush from the enemy bottom lane and really wants to catch the gaping shooter. He likes to make unexpected and aggressive ambushes, which, unfortunately, do not always go according to plan.

At the same time, tryhards are not always bad players. Often their advice has a certain value, and ideas can lead to victory. However, after the twentieth message with moralizing, you start to wonder if you really want to win so much?

Calm warrior

Calm and unshakable.

© Riot Games

The unflappable warrior is the heart and soul of League of Legends. Such a player rarely uses chat or pings, except when it is really necessary. He does not participate in teammates’ quarrels, does not react to their mistakes and always gives his best. Sometimes it seems that he just turned off the chat, but then, amid the flow of swearing, you notice an unexpected message “topper without a jump” and you understand that he sees everything, knows everything, but is just focused on the game.

And even when your jungler says he won’t come to your lane anymore because you’re a terrible shooter, the Unflappable Warrior will continue to go all out to help you with his Nami.

What is OTP in lol? – Wiki Reviews

A one trick pony is a person or thing with only one feature, talent or area of ​​expertise. In League of Legends, this means that someone knows a particular champion better. This could be through a few games or extensive research.

What does sending OTP mean? OTP: short for one real pair . » The term OTP is usually reserved for the pair you really, really send, the one you believe in the most.

Should I OTP LOL?

You never decide who to OTP. You cannot decide who should use the OTP. The champion you want to reach OTP should never be a decision but without choosing another option . If you are an OTP, you don’t doubt for a second who to pick, just set your OTP champion.

What is one trick?

One trick a trick for a player who picks one champion 100% of the time . Some tricks will play other champions if banned, some will dodge if banned, but otherwise they will ALWAYS pick one champion.

What does opt mean in Snapchat?

The word «opt» simply means » make a choice . » Thus, subscription means that the recipient is willing to subscribe to your text messages. In other words, they consent to receiving your text messages. The subscription itself does not have to be initiated in a text message from your customer.

What does OTR urban dictionary mean?

In any case, the acronym was first defined in the Urban Dictionary in September 2003 — a definition that unfortunately is riddled with misspellings, but describes quite clearly what the term means and how to use it: «OTP: One True couple .

What does OTP mean in TikTok?

Short Description: The abbreviation «OTP» stands for on on TikTok.

How can I find my OTP code?

3. How to get an OTP code

  1. You can get an OTP code using the Quickteller app. After launching the application, press the “Generate Safetoken” button. …
  2. You can send a USSD code by dialing “* 322 * 0 #” in your phone. …
  3. You can get all your one-time passwords to your e-mail.

Should I be one trick?

one trick is very good if you want to climb because once you’ve played over a hundred games with a champion you’ll have a better idea of ​​what matches and how to behave as a champion.

Is it bad to make a champion one trick?

Simply put, one trick is to make your play style single preferred champion absolutely flawless in every way . As practice shows, this means that you will play most games in your league as this champion, with one or two reserve selections in case he is banned. So, that’s it? Not really!

When a person is good at one area, what is the only trick?

someone or something that can only do one thing or can only work in one area: the president turns into a pony with one trick; By tax cuts his answer to every problem.

What is a one trick pony?

English learners One-trick pony definition

: someone or something who is experienced in only one area . : someone or something that only succeeds once.

What is the opposite of a one-trick pony?

The opposite of a one trick pony (unfortunately common) station wagon . «Having more than one string on a bow» is more picturesque. The opposite of a one-trick miracle is the evergreen. Probably, one could find examples of the use of a perennial plant in a similar noun (metaphorical) sense.

What is wholesale? Practical Extra Training (OPT) School Transportation Office (NY, NY)

How do you use the word opt?

choose whether or not to take certain actions:

  1. After graduation, she chose a career in music.
  2. After much deliberation, I decided not to buy a motorcycle.

What does ops mean in slang?

The abbreviation «Ops» means opinions or opinions about me on social networks . This is commonly used in Instagram Stories (e.g. «doing things»). The abbreviation «Ops» is commonly used by teenagers in Instagram Stories. … This means that a person either expresses or accepts the opinions of others (depending on the context provided).

What does ope mean in Snapchat?

Ope is a tiny exclamation of surprise, the word you would use if, say, you ran into someone by chance. As in: « Oops, I’m sorry!

What does ATP mean in Snapchat?

Estimated GTS ATP value on Snapchat: “ Answer call . » This slang is commonly used in SC to tell a person to answer a Snap voice or video call and join them in the conversation. It is also a means of telling people that you are going to call them and that you need to talk to them immediately.

What does OTB mean?


How many OTP numbers?

One Time Password (OTP) is an optional second factor of authentication for financial and confidential transactions performed in db OnlineBanking. OTP is six digit numeric code sent in real time as SMS to your registered mobile phone number when making a transaction.

How do I get my first one-time OTP code?

Please contact us at 0700 FIRST CONTACT (0700-34778-2668228) , 01-4485500, 0708-062-5000, SMS Short Code 30012 or email firstcontact@FirstBanknigeria.