E3 confenrencias cd project: Summer Game Fest — Live in June 2023

Cyberpunk 2077 is developed with «crunch», after saying that they would not

NewsVideo Games

Benjamin Rosa Send an email 17 January 2020

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We put it at the top of the list worst video game stories of 2019. The crunch even in the soup. The idea before delaying the game is better to have employees working overtime and days that should be non-working and unpaid. Something that may be unavoidable in development but is not about minimizing. Cyberpunk 2077 is developing with that mindset.

Shortly after announcing the delay of Cyberpunk 2077 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Google Stadia and PC at September 17, CD Projekt started a press conference. Among the questions came how it will affect workers and their response was that they will ask them to work beyond their working hours but that they have a plan so that it is not something lasting.


Cyberpunk 2077 — Day One Edition

  • Case with game discs.
  • Reversible cover.
  • World Anthology detailing the setting and history of the game-
  • Night City postcards.
  • Night City map.

Cyberpunk 2077 with crunch, despite a commitment that it will not happen

Months ago they insisted that Cyberpunk 2077 would not resort to crunch, but now they do not hide it and try to hide it. And it does not seem that it is something that has just happened but that it is common in the company itself. At least that’s what developer Tom Grochowiak, who worked on the first The Witcher, says.

The really creepy thing about CD Projekt RED is how it isolates its employees. It is one of the biggest game companies in Poland if not the biggest. But you never see their developers at national industry conventions or meetings. They organize semi-compulsory company attendance parties during those days so that the employees do not go. If someone knows a current worker at CD Pojekt RED it is because they knew him before he was hired or because he had been working alongside him there. And you don’t expect to see that person much outside of the company. They have as an internal philosophy the idea that they are the only company that is doing a true AAA in the country and all the critics are jealous or they are not talented. The CEO, when asked about the firing of almost the entire original The Witcher team, said it was because they had to get rid of the divas. I was lucky and resigned a month before the layoffs. The other divas went ahead and started their companies. They joined other studios and did AAA. This is why you see so many Polish games with “from the creators of The Witcher”. At CD Projekt RED they have been in crunch for several months [before announcing the delay of Cyberpunk 2077]. Some workers probably have more than a year.

Tom Grocchowiak ex-developer of CD Projekt Red

Labor problems at CD Projekt RED

After all this, it seems that the situation for workers who are giving up their time and life to make Cyberpunk 2077 is worse than imagined. But it says more about the company that, after having had the game eight years in development since its announcement, after a long pre-production and with demonstrable experience in the AAA, they have to resort to crunch constantly along with labor abuses.

And we imagine that this will not affect the sales of the game. Cyberpunk 2077 will sell millions of copies, has to Keanu Reeves and many will forget these stories in order to play this game quietly. Ironically, based on the narrative aspect whose main points are the fight against the abuse of large companies on workers and society.

Source: Gamespot

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CD Projekt Red will attend E3 2020, but not the fact that Cyberpunk 2077 will show

There are plans to look at the exhibition, but the game may not be brought.

There are plans to visit the exhibition, but the game may not be delivered.

CD Projekt Red’s head of public relations, Marcin Momot, in response to a question from a Twitter user, noted that the company’s employees visit the E3 exhibition every year, «even if they don’t show anything. » CD Projekt Red employees attend the event to address business and networking issues. nine0003

Cyberpunk 2077 will be released on September 17 this year.

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nine0000 CD Projekt Red Brings Cyberpunk 2077 to E3

CD Projekt Red announced on Twitter that it will be bringing Cyberpunk 2077 to E3 2019.

CD Projekt Red announced on Twitter that it will be bringing Cyberpunk 2077 RPG to E3 2019.

«For those who asked, yes, we will be at E3 this year.» nine0060

The game was officially presented at last year’s E3 during the Microsoft conference, and after a while showed a long gameplay. It is possible that at E3 2019 news on Cyberpunk 2077 will be told during the Xbox event, where, according to rumors, next-generation consoles can be announced. We hope that the Poles will announce the release date of their next major project.

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Results of 2022


Jan 09 21:42


The game industry, supplying us with new products, has been extremely active this year. Constant scandals, the departure of publishers from Russia, the antitrust cases of Microsoft and Activision Blizzard — there were enough events. The iXBT.Games editors got together and remembered the iconic and soulful moments of the gaming year 2022. nine0003

Code red! Worst Games of 2022


January 06 19:53


The previous year was disappointing in many ways, and video games are no exception. The editors of iXBT.games have come together and compiled the worst games of 2022.

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The gaming year may have been poor for a large number of high-profile releases, but even in such a difficult time for the industry, masterpieces and simply strong products are born.