Of orcs and men test: Of Orcs and Men system requirements

Of Orcs and Men (PC) review: Of Orcs and Men (PC)

Often relegated to the background as evil fodder for the blades of do-gooder humans, orcs don’t usually get a chance to shine on center stage. Of Orcs and Men changes that, instead painting greenskins in a very different light while tackling heady topics of genocide and oppression through the eyes of its dual protagonists: a brutish orc, Arkail, and his reluctant goblin sidekick, Styx. Their dynamic relationship is the central pillar holding aloft a fun-but-flawed adventure that packs impressive depth in some areas, yet struggles with shallow design in others.

These green dudes make a great duo.

Turning traditional fantasy tropes on their head, humans are the villains in this tale. War ignites across the continent when the power-hungry human empire shows its monstrous tendencies by imprisoning, torturing, and slaughtering the green-skinned inhabitants of the land. Brought together by a common foe, Arkail and Styx begrudgingly team up to push deep into the empire’s territory and assassinate the emperor. Their quest sends the duo on a lot of wild tangents—one minute they’re burning a church filled with inquisitor scum, the next they’re rescuing an imprisoned wizardess to aid in their quest. Lines between good and evil are blurred constantly, often by the protagonists themselves. Despite their questionable methods, these fellows are oddly likeable, thanks to their strong personalities and enjoyable camaraderie.

The colorful interactions between the burly anger-prone orc and his witty comrade also provide some comic relief that helps counterbalance the somber tone of their bloody mission. Unfortunately, the humor seems forced and at times it misses the mark. Dialogue waffles between witty remarks and excessive F-bombs to the point where it feels juvenile and distracting. It’s a shame, because their backstory and ongoing development throughout the adventure is genuinely interesting. They’re compelling characters that hold up even as the pace of the story shifts gears—and it does so frequently. The ham-fisted attempt at extra edginess wasn’t needed.

With an orc and a goblin walking around amidst a bunch of greenskin-hating humans, the vast majority of the encounters devolve into combat with ease, whether you intend them to or not. Of Orcs and Men’s battle system blends action-heavy encounters and more thoughtful RPG strategy by letting you instantly dial down the excitement to a slow-motion crawl at the touch of a button. This gives you time to queue up different attack moves, change between offensive and defensive stances, and trigger abilities for both characters before letting loose again.

These green dudes make a great duo.

Since you can only directly control one character at a time, and the friendly A.I. isn’t the most competent, a lot of micromanagement juggling comes into play. But instead of being tedious, it’s actually fun to continually swap characters, switch up your strategy, and adapt to the flow of battle as it unfolds. It keeps encounters fluid and gives you a big strategic toolbox to pull from.

Both warriors’ distinct personalities also play into their vastly different fighting styles, and it’s these differences that make each one enjoyable to play when the need to swap them out arises. Arkail is a powerful but unpredictable melee fighter who wields giant blades and bludgeoning weapons. Every hefty blow he delivers or receives pushes him closer to flying into a berserk rage. When he does fly off the handle, all hell breaks loose. He’s uncontrollable for a brief time, his damage is ramped up significantly, and he attacks anyone within range—friend and foe alike. Afterwards, Arkail is momentarily stunned, opening him up to attack, which is why managing his anger level so it peaks at just the right time is an important challenge.

In contrast, Styx is weak in toe-to-toe melee against bigger foes, but his long-range throwing daggers and status-afflicting attacks make him perfect for weakening foes for Arkail to finish off. Equally useful outside of battle, Styx can also turn invisible and sneak up on foes for stealth kills to reduce the crowd of enemies you’ll face off against when they notice you. Figuring out the best way to use both characters effectively for each combat situation you’re thrown into is satisfying.

http://image.cbsi.com/gamespot/images/2012/180/628662_20120629_embed005.jpgTwo greenskins against a human army? Those poor men don’t stand a chance.

You’re given a lot of leeway to tinker with both warriors beyond their inherent strengths and weaknesses, as they level up and earn skill points to spend on stat boosts and new abilities. Tactical variety gets further expanded by the great assortment of attacks and custom abilities unique to each character. But what’s puzzling, given the game’s strong RPG trappings, is that weapons and items are terribly downplayed. New gear pops up at disappointingly infrequent intervals, and half of the time the items you find aren’t much of an improvement over your current gear. Sure, there’s a rudimentary crafting system to upgrade the stuff you’ve grabbed so far, but it’s minimal and doesn’t do much to compensate for the weak supply of killing accoutrements.

Other areas aspects of the game suffer from similar design hiccups. Despite some branching areas to explore and side missions to tackle, much of the game feels painfully linear. You slog from one area to the next killing most of the troops you encounter. The beautifully-detailed battlefields pair well with plot twists and maintain a steady momentum, but the map layouts aren’t nearly as complex or interesting. Visual glitches crop up too. During a large stretch of the game, Arkail might carry around and wield a blunt stick on his back instead of the barbed axe he has equipped in the inventory menu. It also could appear to be hovering behind him rather than being attached to the big guy.

http://image.cbsi.com/gamespot/images/2012/180/628662_20120629_embed004.jpgAnger management is an important part of Arkail’s play style, so use it well.

Minor issues such as that, coupled with the jarring foul language at times, detract from the game’s potent atmosphere. The overall visual design is very sharp and nuanced—except when it comes to the human characters, who are sometimes awkwardly animated (not to mention, poorly voiced). None of this kills the mood entirely, but it makes the experience feel half-baked during times when you should be awash in the thrill of the conflict.

Of Orcs and Men hits a lot of sweet spots. The dynamic dual protagonists, flip-flopped bad-guys-are-the-good-guys story, and deep strategic combat system all do a stellar job of grabbing and maintaining interest throughout the lengthy campaign. It’s not hard to get caught up in the violent quest to topple the empire, but there are still quite a few little blips along the way that break up the game’s momentum. Though Of Orcs and Men struggles at times, its absorbing moments are enough to keep you in the fight for the long haul.

Test de Of Orcs and Men sur PS3 par jeuxvideo.com

Les elfes, les humains… et si pour une fois, les héros de l’histoire n’avaient pas la peau douce et l’haleine fraîche, mais plutôt la peau verte et rugueuse, et la voix rocailleuse ? C’est le parti pris de Cyanide qui nous propose de diriger un orc et un gobelin dans Of Orcs and Men. ..

Voici le décor dans lequel vous évoluerez : dans ce monde torturé proposé en partenariat par Cyanide et Spiders, les humains ont pris de l’ampleur grâce à un chef tyrannique et mènent depuis dix ans une guerre sans merci aux peuples du sud, les orcs et les gobelins. Mais la résistance ne perd pas espoir, et une escouade de peaux vertes, les Bloodjaws, fomentent un plan pour assassiner l’empereur. Vous incarnez Arkaïl, l’un de ces soldats d’élite, qui va risquer sa peau pour traverser le mur (construction humaine censée cantonner la guerre au côté du sud du continent, sur les terres des Orcs) et mener cette improbable mission à bien. Mais pour passer le mur, il faut… un passeur, qui ne se fera pas remarquer et saura vous guider dans les bidonvilles l’entourant. Et quoi de mieux qu’un Gobelin astucieux nommé Styx pour remplir cette tâche ingrate ? Voilà donc notre duo formé, duo que le joueur aura la chance de contrôler librement, et qui fait d’ailleurs tout le sel de Of Orcs and Men. Attention, ne vous méprenez pas, vous ne trouverez point de mode coopération au sein du jeu, puisque le gameplay est axé sur le solo et la possibilité qu’a le joueur de coordonner lui-même toutes les actions du bourrin Arkaïl et de Styx, spécialiste de l’infiltration et des attaques à distance. Il faudra donc rapidement adopter ce système de combats particulier, basé sur un menu composé de roues d’action, ralentissant le temps pour vous permettre de bien sélectionner les attaques à mener. Car le titre, que l’on pourrait facilement qualifier de jeu de rôle, prend surtout la forme d’un action-RPG vous demandant de batailler à intervalles très réguliers.

Le premier combat de l’aventure. Une formalité.
Of Orcs and Men vous confronte en effet à une série hélas bien trop répétitive de groupes d’ennemis, placés dans des environnements qui ont tout de couloirs restreignant fortement les possibilités des joueurs. En clair, pour chaque quête, vous foulerez un nouveau décor (visible sur une carte dans les menus) et donc de nouveaux couloirs, peuplé d’autres ennemis. On aurait apprécié que le soft nous offre davantage de liberté, tout en conservant quand même cet aspect «action». En l’état, pour n’importe quelle quête effectuée, le déroulement de l’action est exactement le même : on traverse une carte en affrontant quelques groupes d’ennemis et en récupérant de rares artefacts venant grossir notre équipement, avant de se trouver face à l’objectif de la mission. Qui se termine encore une fois généralement par une bataille un peu plus costaud que les précédentes. D’autre part, l’intelligence artificielle ennemie n’est vraiment pas au mieux de sa forme, puisque les gardes ne tiquent même pas lorsqu’ils tombent sur le cadavre de l’un de leur collègue, et continuent de patrouiller tranquillement. Pour explorer les décors sans risque, on pourra utiliser le gobelin Styx (on change de personnage à volonté, d’une simple touche), qui peut passer inaperçu auprès d’un certain type d’ennemis. Pratique pour se faufiler par derrière et trancher leur gorge. Mais face à des chiens ou d’autres gobelins, Styx ne peut plus vraiment se dissimuler, il faudra donc y aller franco. En mode normal, le joueur aura vraiment l’impression que la stratégie adoptée influe directement sur l’issue du combat, selon les postures adoptées par chaque personnage.

Styx possède une compétence de furtivité qui lui permet d’attaquer sans être vu.
En effet, la pause (qui permet pratiquement de geler le temps) vous donne accès à des menus distincts en fonction du personnage sélectionné. Dans tous les cas, on trouve trois roues différentes : les actions offensives, défensives, et les actions spéciales, certaines d’entre elles requérant des points de concentration (jauge remontant automatiquement). On se doute que la stratégie à adopter sera différente selon l’ennemi visé. Avec Arkaïl, on balancera plutôt des attaques fortes contre des ennemis de grande stature ou des humains armés de bouclier, alors qu’il sera plus malin de choisir des attaques rapides et légères pour des chiens ou des gobelins. De son côté, Styx dispose d’attaques offensives dévastatrices, comme la fameuse et efficace «dague volante» , mais il excelle également dans les attaques à distance. On trouvera par exemple beaucoup de plaisir à lui faire balancer une bombe assommante sur un ennemi, puis d’enchaîner avec quelques coups puissants portés par le gros Orc. En vrac, on pourra aussi utiliser une action spéciale donnant la possibilité à Arkaïl de lancer Styx sur les ennemis, ou encore intimer l’ordre au gobelin d’insuffler quelques points de vie à son collègue. Enfin, lorsque l’un de nos compagnons meurt au combat, on pourra ordonner au soldat restant de le réanimer, grâce à une autre action spéciale. Au fil des affrontements, vos personnages gagnent des points de compétence, permettant de débloquer des actions ou d’améliorer l’efficacité de certaines attaques, et des points de caractéristique à répartir (force, agilité, endurance et esprit). Ces caractéristiques ont évidemment des répercussions sur le terrain, en augmentant les dégâts, les points de vie, la capacité d’esquiver, de dévier les coups ou encore de s’évader… Si ce système de points semble au prime abord simpliste, il est finalement assez riche, et permet d’influer de manière efficace sur les caractéristiques de nos deux personnages.

Lorsqu’il entre en mode Rage, Arkaïl devient plus puissant mais peut tuer son acolyte.
En combat, l’orc «bénéficie» également d’une caractéristique très particulière. En effet, une jauge de rage se remplit lorsqu’il accumule les coups (donc lorsqu’il ne se défend pas, en mode Offensif), et Arkail passe en mode Berserker lorsqu’elle est pleine. Il ne se contrôle alors plus, et attaque tout ce qui bouge, que ce soit des ennemis ou son allié. Cette spécificité n’est pas forcément une faiblesse puisqu’elle est même très utile pour terminer un combat efficacement. Mais il faudra quand même veiller à ce qu’il n’entre pas dans ce mode Rage temporaire trop tôt, sous peine de se prendre des coups quand il en sortira, sonné. Bref, le système de combats de Of Orcs and Men est riche, et la stratégie est bel et bien au rendez-vous ! On aurait donc apprécié que les quêtes, principales ou secondaires, soient plus intéressantes, et que le level design ne soit pas si rébarbatif. Car malgré tout, le jeu possède un sacré charme, grâce à son ambiance sonore et à son duo de personnages que tout oppose, et qui se chamaille à tout va. Le scénario n’est pas non plus en reste, la durée de vie se compte en dizaine d’heures, et le système de combats est très satisfaisant. Bref, Cyanide et Spiders nous proposent un titre perclus de défauts, mais qui possède pourtant un petit quelque chose qui passionnera le joueur et captera son attention jusqu’au dénouement de l’histoire.

Les notes

  • Graphismes

    Techniquement plutôt corrects, les décors manquent pourtant vraiment de personnalité, et les couloirs s’enchaînent, se ressemblant malheureusement un peu trop. Ceci dit, les personnages ont des «gueules» plus charismatiques, et nos deux héros sont sympathiques à regarder.

  • Jouabilité

    Le système de combats est très agréable et permet de jouer de manière stratégique, malgré une intelligence artificielle ennemie souvent à la ramasse et des problèmes de caméra récurrents. Le système d’évolution des deux personnages et de leurs attaques est lui aussi très satisfaisant. Mais le level design et la construction de chaque quête sont répétitifs au possible, ce qui aura du mal à passionner le joueur… On notera également la présence de quelques bugs aléatoires un peu gênants. (Cinématique qui ne s’enclenche pas, personnage coincé dans les décors…)

  • Durée de vie

    Of Orcs and Men nous embarque pour plus de vingt heures de jeu dans une aventure hélas bien trop répétitive, mais portée par un scénario et un duo de personnages qui sauront maintenir notre intérêt.

  • Bande son

    Les voix françaises sont vraiment très convaincantes et donnent vie à notre charismatique duo de héros. Côté musique, la qualité est aussi présente, grâce à de nombreux thèmes aux accents épiques.

  • Scénario

    Si on s’en tient à l’histoire principale qui nous est contée, la qualité est vraiment au rendez-vous. Arkaïl parviendra-t-il, aidé de Styx, à assassiner l’empereur humain pour mettre fin à la guerre qui opprime son peuple depuis 10 ans ? Le joueur a envie de connaître la réponse, malgré la construction des quêtes et des niveaux, lassante.

Of Orcs and Men nous entraîne dans un univers Dark Fantasy très réussi, et nous donne la possibilité d’incarner un orc et un gobelin, deux races rarement mises en valeur. Le titre parvient, malgré quelques défauts dont on se serait passé, à capter l’attention du joueur de fort belle manière, notamment grâce à un duo de personnages particulièrement charismatique.

Note de la rédaction



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Orcs and humans against world evil

Komsomolskaya Pravda



November 7, 2015 23:27

The first trailer for the long-awaited film about the WarCraft universe has been released. It immediately became a hit — 8 million views per day. This film has been waiting for many years for players and fans of the most popular game. After all, we have been promised it since 2006. During the day, the video was watched by about eight million people. No wonder, because WOW has been played and played by about 10 million people around the world.

And it’s not for nothing that it is called not just a game, but the World of Warcraft universe. Appeared in 2004 in the USA, and in 2008 in Russia, the game not only acquired history, but developed rapidly, as it should be for the young Universe after the big bang. Fans of the game remember the details of the birth and death of each main character. They know everything about the confrontation between the Horde and the Alliance — two factions that are always at war with each other. But in the face of a terrible danger that threatens to destroy their world, they invariably unite. And the evil hero always appears in every new patch (update), which is consistently released every 1. 5-2 years.

World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria cinematic from Blizzard

And the upcoming film, which is due out on the big screens in June 2016, is also about how the Horde in the form of orcs and the Alliance, which has always been based on people, unite. Unite to crush the chiefs and save their peoples.

And now, in fact, a little about the emotions that this video caused. 1. Blizzard would have done better? Each of them causes a real shiver of delight. Everything is thought out from and to — music, plans, emotions.

The trailer did not give such emotions. It is possible that it is far from the best moments from the future film. But after all, we are used to only the coolest scenes, otherwise the trailer was not a trailer. In general, the visual range is not impressive.

2. Wolves are cool!

But the mounts — griffins of the Alliance and wolves of the Horde — very, very much. Almost like in the game and even better. In the trailer, they are not just animals, but helpers who fight side by side with the heroes. This is what WOW players have been dreaming of for a long time.

3. Has Tral become Moses? For example, the future head of the Horde, the orc Thrall, was found by the Alliance officers among the corpses of his parents, who were killed by the henchmen of the villain Guldan. Orchik was taken with him and for the time being made a slave of the Alliance.

In the trailer, the mother launches the boat with the baby Thrall on the river. It is simply impossible not to notice the reference to the biblical story with Moses. It’s funny, but according to the history of the game, Thrall will lead the orcs out from under the yoke of people and start building his empire in a deserted place, like the same Moses.

But after all, there were the same complaints about The Lord of the Rings at one time — they say, it was a little different in the book. And yet, for many years now, «The Lord» has been a classic of cinema.

In general, we will play, we will live and see. What if everything will be so cool that the game will fade?..

With interest and anticipation, shaman Tea, lvl 100.

World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Intro Video


+ Blizzard Entertainment’s game firmly holds its place in the Guinness Book of Records as the most popular multiplayer game in the world.

+ During its existence, more than 100 million accounts (accounts) have been created.

+ The game has collected the biggest jackpot during its existence — more than 10 billion dollars (as of 2014).

+ There are 13 races in WOW (humans, gnomes, dwarves, night elves, worgen, draenei — in the Alliance; orcs, undead, tauren, trolls, blood elves, goblins — in the Horde; pandaren (pandas) — common for the Alliance and the Horde ). And 11 classes — hunters, death knights, mages, warlocks, shamans, paladins, druids, monks, warriors, robbers, priests. Classes have specializations, from which the player can choose two he likes.

+ Nikita Dzhigurda gave his voice to several Russian WOW heroes.

Who plays WOW:

Chuck Norris.

Ben Affleck.

Elijah Wood.

Hugh Laurie.

Vin Diesel.

Nick Perumov.

Gosha Kutsenko.

Basketball player Andrey Kirilenko.

Heroes of the most popular series «The Big Bang Theory».

And many, many others.

Warcraft — Russian Trailer (2016)

Official Russian trailer for the Warcraft film (2016)

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The best orc games on PC. Top 10

1 987

Big , muscular, green and ugly — this is exactly what can be said about the key characters that this article is dedicated to, or rather, the orcs, or more precisely, the games in which they are present, and in some gaming products, the player will even be given the opportunity to play as these ferocious warriors, who were once magnificent elves, as everyone knows. This is a compilation of the best orc games on PC.

of Orcs and Men

  • 2012
  • Action, RPG

Love fantasy? Then Of Orcs and Men is for you! Thanks to the alliance of a giant orc who prefers to go ahead and a small goblin who takes advantage of stealth (who, by the way, is somewhat similar to the goblin Styx from the game Styx, or maybe he is . ..), you can immerse yourself in a world in which there is a war orcs and goblins against humans who have invaded their lands.

The game allows you to switch between orc and goblin, as well as select actions step by step, that is, attack, stealth, steal, bypass, and the like, which means that your tactical skills and ability to combine skills are certainly important in the game and the skills of two completely different characters, but their differences will only play into your hands.


  • 2006
  • Arkane Studios, Kuju Entertainment
  • Action

Crazy action role-playing game in which you have to go a long way, playing as an apprentice sorcerer, endowed with freaky skills in both melee combat and magical power, oddly enough. Here, unlike the previous game, you do not have to play as an orc, but destroy them in every possible way in order to save the world from these gloomy invaders.

The world is endowed not only with orcs, but also with various other creatures, from spiders ready to grab the player in the caves, bloodsuckers ready to suck the player to the drop and to powerful magicians, whose strength will exceed the strength of the hero at times, which makes it even more interesting.

A large selection of weapons, both melee and ranged, and magical talents makes a great variety in the gameplay, that is, you won’t get bored here, and not only because of the extensive combat arsenal, but also because of the detail well-developed plot, which the game is so famous for all over the world.


  • 2014
  • Monolith Productions
  • Action RPG

    0002 A game from the universe of The Lord of the Rings, in which the player will be given the opportunity to experience the brunt of the loss and journey of a pathfinder named Talion, who has experienced more than anyone else in all of Mordor. But he will not be alone, he will always have the ghost of Celebrimbor with him, to whom you can switch at will, at any time in the game.

    Talion has a blade for stealth kills and a sharpened sword for direct attack, while Celebrimbor has phantasmal powers to influence orcs and a long-range bow to shoot down fleeing targets.

    The game provides a large open world and the same great opportunities. Here you can create both your small detachment of orcs and your own army to capture Middle-earth and destroy the armies of the mighty Sauron and his minions.

    ORCS MUST DIE! Robot Entertainment With each level you have to defend yourself from the next crowds of orcs and the like. Of course, traps for every taste will help with this, from floor spikes to your own combat units ready to die for the protection of the portal. Oh yes, the portal… It is the very thing that you will need to protect from the orcs, because they will break through to it with all their might in order to get into the world of people and do bad things with them.

    In addition to traps and units, the game also has personal weapons, such as a rapid-fire crossbow or a mage’s battle spear, as well as various magical abilities, such as controlling the elements or draining life from orcs, like a vampire, and other talents that are not in the game few.

    Fighting off new hordes of orcs, along the way you will move along the plot, which is not very interesting, but as a kind of addition to the game, it is quite suitable. Also, as one of the pluses of the game, I can name Russian voice acting, pumping of each type of trap, units and personal weapons, and even the ability to fight off hordes of orcs together with a friend over the network (local, if through a pirate).

    The game perfectly conveys the whole atmosphere of this fantasy world, in which there is a fierce war between several races, ready to tear each other to shreds. But the main enemy in the game is the undead, which has neither allies (after all, the dead do not need them), nor mercy for their enemies.

    In short, if you, for some mysterious reason, have not yet played this magnificence, then I strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself, because you cannot find such a universe and its thoughtfulness in any other strategy game.


    • 2017
    • Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, Monolith Productions
    • Action, RPG

    A sequel to the story of Taleon the Ranger and the ghost of Celebrimbor, but with more detailed elaboration of many parts of the gameplay. For example, the capture of castles has now become much more epic, and the ability to interact with characters has been significantly expanded. Unless, I noticed, the graphics are slightly different from Shadow of Mordor , but this minor change pays off with the fact that now almost every choice of the player entails consequences that will no longer be reversed.

    The combat system, as for me, has not changed much, tweaked some animations and made other minor changes (although they might seem minor only to me). As far as I know, in Shadow of Mordor there were no dragons, but in Shadow of War it will be possible not only to see or kill a dragon, but also to ride it, although this will require pumping a certain skill.

    In this game you have to participate in epic battles, getting the opportunity to play as archers, mages, knights and rangers. Each class, as you probably already understood, has its own special skills and abilities. Moreover, at some levels it is easier to fight for a certain class, and not for just anyone. For example, in missions where an orc-crossbowman hides behind every tree, it is worth taking an archer, and in a brutal siege to your castle, the typical knight is the best option, able to cut down the horde, not giving it the opportunity to penetrate the walls.

    The plot, some kind, but it is here, the main emphasis of the game is on the battles between orcs, humans, elves and other races. The gameplay can quickly get boring, therefore, I recommend not to sit up for this game for several hours, but to go through gradually.

    I even saw a resemblance to Star Wars: Battlefront , so fans of that game should play Conquest .


    • 2012
    • Robot Entertainment
    • Action, Tower Defense

    Unlike the first part, here we will be accompanied not by a magician teacher, but, which is more pleasant for many players, by a magical girl. Although she will not be our direct assistant, we will hear her gentle voice as often as the grumbling teacher from the beginning of this story.

    Now there are new types of enemies, more dangerous, but accordingly, there are new ways to destroy them, both in the form of traps, and in the personal arsenal and pumping.

    In fact, you will have to do everything the same as when playing for other races — go through the story, kill, rob, help, fight, develop, etc., you can list at least the entire article, but also, my personal opinion, the orc character has a better detailed body, because the lighting is better tracked on it, and the muscles are more detailed.