Metal gear solid v the phantom pain test: Test Chamber – Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

The Phantom Pain Alpha Build Which Turned Out To Be A Ruse

Someone Found A Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Alpha Build Which Turned Out To Be A Ruse

The entire community was bamboozled.

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bySyazwan Bahri  

 Posted May 18, 2022, 12:23 p.m.

A user on Reddit reportedly found an Alpha build for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. The now-deleted post shared a few screenshots of the alleged Alpha release of the game. The finding of this build may unveil a few development secrets. However, unfortunately, that may not happen.

According to the now-deleted post, the user was in possession of an alleged copy of Metal Gear Solid V Alpha on the hard disk drive of a failing PS3 test kit. The user had cloned the encrypted hard disk drive, sold the PS3 test kit, and attempted to recover the data from the encrypted hard drive.

However, the hard disc can only be accessed using a test kit with the same serial number as the original package the drive came in, leaving the supposed Alpha build virtually inaccessible.

So this guy just posted that he has an Alpha build of Metal Gear V: The Phantom Pain sitting on a PS3 HDD of a test kit PS3. No one seems to know how to help him and the PS3 is dying. SOMEONE HELP THIS GUY! #metalgear #MetalgearV

— Miles (@HikikomoriMedia) May 16, 2022

Not long after the post was released, the leaker admitted that his post was a ruse intended to trick the community.

The MGSV Alpha was all a ruse by DYKG top contributer/writer/big boy Hung Horse. They did not expect their «leak» to blow up like it did. See image below. He owned up to it. The whole ordeal was pretty funny imo. #metalgearv #metalgear #metalgearvalpha

— Miles (@HikikomoriMedia) May 17, 2022

This supposedly Alpha build caught the attention of fans because it could have contained the elusive third chapter of the game which was removed prior to release. The Konami-Kojima conflict was one of the reasons that the game saw many omissions. Even so, the title did well, scoring 93 on Metacritic.

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In This Article

Developer: Konami Los Angeles Studios

Publisher: Konami

Release Date: Dec. 31, 2015

Pc, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One

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Test de Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain


Ce test a été écrit lors de la sortie du jeu dans sa version de base, cette republication n’est qu’une mise à jour de la mise en page de l’article.

Déjà six années nous séparent de Metal Gear Solid 4 : Guns of the Patriots et l’attente des joueurs semblait insoutenable quant à l’arrivée d’un nouvel opus. L’année dernière, Konami et Hideo Kojima nous ont proposé, pour patienter, Ground Zeroes, le court prequel du fameux Metal Gear Solid V : The Phantom Pain, qui lui, arrivera chez nous le 1er septembre prochain sur PC, PS4, Xbox One, PS3 et Xbox 360, ce qui devrait satisfaire tout le monde. Nous avons pu tester le jeu et ainsi vous donner notre avis sur l’aboutissement de la carrière professionnelle d’Hideo Kojima. Le playtest a duré 40 heures et honnêtement, nous n’avons pas eu le temps de tout parcourir et de tout découvrir.

  • Genre : Infiltration, Gestion, Monde ouvert
  • Développeur : Konami/Kojima Production
  • Prix : 40 à 60 euros selon le support pour la version de base
  • Supports : PC, PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Xbox 360
  • PEGI : 18+

L’Open World, un inédit dans Metal Gear Solid

Ce qui saute en premier aux yeux pour tout fan de la licence Metal Gear est l’utilisation d’un Open World. En effet, le joueur est projeté dans d’immenses zones comprenant des lieux variés (avant-postes, villages, usines , grottes, etc.) qui sont tous accessibles sans temps de chargement. La taille des cartes est réellement satisfaisante et offre par conséquent de nombreux atouts. Tout d’abord, ce monde ouvert est bien agencé de manière à ce qu’au fil la progression, nous n’ayons pas la sensation désagréable de redondance dans les endroits, nous sommes toujours là, à découvrir un nouvel endroit et à se demander comment l’aborder. Bien évidemment, qui dit monde ouvert dit d’énormes possibilités pour le joueur en terme de gameplay. Vous pourrez comparer avec vos amis votre méthode pour telle mission et vous dire «ah oui, je n’y avais point pensé !» tant les options qui s’offrent à vous sont nombreuses. Que vous soyez un forcené prêt à utiliser un tank pour venir à bout des adversaires ou bien un fin tacticien qui n’entend pas ses propres pas, il y en a vraiment pour tous les goûts et cette liberté offre un confort de jeu incomparable. À une échelle moindre que la mission entière, l’Open World permettra plus facilement d’écarter un garde, de l’attirer vers vous pour le neutraliser. Évidemment, cette immensité est un terrain de jeu idéal pour différentes missions annexes et pour le farming.

Mother Base / Collecte de ressources

À côté du large éventail d’activités qu’offre le jeu en missions et dans le mode libre, il y a une partie gestion et farming importante dans ce MGS V. En effet, la Mother Base déjà présentée en vidéo est l’endroit d’où Big Boss gérera les Diamond Dogs (petite référence à David Bowie ?). En effet, durant vos péripéties il vous faudra recruter des ennemis que vous évacuerez en hélicoptère ou grâce au système fulton pour les enrôler dans votre mouvement non étatique. Chaque ennemi ou prisonnier peut être capturé et dispose d’une note allant de E à S++ qui reflète ses capacités. Plus vous recrutez de main d’œuvre et plus vous pourrez améliorer les différentes équipes de votre base que vous débloquerez au fur et à mesure : équipe R&D, équipe de renseignement, de soutien et j’en passe. Chaque équipe vous sera utile à un moment ou à un autre et son aide se fera ressentir sur le champ de bataille. Une équipe sera dédiée à la recherche d’améliorations pour vos équipements, une autre s’occupera de vous transmettre des informations sur les avant-postes ennemis et ainsi de suite. À côté de ça, la capacité d’accueil de chaque équipe est limitée et peut être augmentée en améliorant respectivement les différentes plateformes. C’est là que la gestion prend du sens puisqu’il vous faudra une quantité assez importante de ressources (trouvées au combat et par l’une de vos équipes capable de raffiner les ressources) pour améliorer votre Mother Base. En plus d’avoir une utilité, ces améliorations sont visuelles et au final, le complexe pourrait dissuader plus d’un ennemi tant il s’étend à perte de vue. Vous verrez que les véhicules à disposition ne seront pas de trop pour vous déplacer dedans.

Le joueur ne devra pas négliger l’amélioration de sa base s’il compte pouvoir améliorer tout son équipement et débloquer de nouvelles choses pour le champ de bataille. En plus de cela, il vous faudra régulièrement vous rendre dans votre chez vous pour remonter le moral de vos soldats afin d’éviter les conflits internes ou encore prendre des douches pour rétablir votre santé mentale et physique. D’autres petites activités s’offriront à vous sur la base comme l’entraînement au tir.

Metal Gear Solid, une histoire avant tout

L’attrait principal de la licence Metal Gear Solid repose en grande partie dans son univers, son scénario complexe et poussé qui anime la passion des fans. Pour commencer, les néophytes sont en droit de se demander s’ils peuvent faire ce MGS V sans avoir touché aux précédents opus. Sans aucune honte j’avoue que c’est mon cas et qu’il est parfaitement possible de commencer par cet épisode. Bien évidemment, de nombreux détails et allusions vous échapperont, mais vous comprendrez parfaitement l’histoire qui est surtout liée au prequel Ground Zeroes. Chronologiquement, nous nous situons dans les débuts du personnage Big Boss. En effet, MGS V se situe après le troisième, mais bien avant le premier, le second et le quatrième. De plus, rien ne vous empêche de vous renseigner sur les événements passés et futurs de la série. Maintenant, les fans de la licence peuvent se demander ce qu’il en est du, très certainement, dernier MGS cosigné Konami et Kojima. À vrai dire, le scénario est à deux vitesses, il y a des moments de pur génie qui hypnotisent et laissent un filet de bave s’écouler de notre bouche, mais, également, des missions principales sans grand intérêt qui peuvent nous laisser sur notre faim. Globalement, ces missions servent à créer un contexte pour les moments forts. Également, Big Boss est bien moins loquace qu’à l’accoutumée et les longues cinématiques qui narraient les précédents opus sont bien moins présentes. Il faut tout de même noter la pluralité dans les choix du joueur tout au long des missions : tuer votre cible par soif de vengeance ou l’extraire pour profiter de ses capacités ? Ce genre de choix peut aller du simple garde aux personnages principaux. La bande-son est un peu en retrait et c’est dommage, rares sont les thèmes mémorables et outre les cinématiques, il n’y a presque pas de musique.

Puisque nous parlons du scénario, évoquons la durée de vie du soft. Un Metal Gear qui se respecte se termine en approximativement quinze ou vingt heures de jeu. Ce n’est pas, mais absolument pas le cas de Metal Gear Solid V : The Phantom Pain qui lui, pourrait vous prendre des centaines d’heures. En plus d’une histoire principale extrêmement longue (nous ne l’avons pas terminée en quarante heures de playtest, mais connaissons quand même la fin), le jeu offre un panel dithyrambique de missions secondaires pour notre plus grande satisfaction. Le moins qu’on puisse dire, c’est que toutes ces missions sont bien garnies. Il n’est pas rare qu’une mission principale dure plus d’une heure. Mais attention, MGS V n’est pas un jeu destiné à tout type de joueur puisqu’il présente une difficulté rapidement croissante et c’est un pur bonheur de devoir peiner à refaire une mission pour la passer dans une époque où nos jeux vidéo sont bien trop simples. Le seul petit bémol que je souligne sur les missions, ce sont peut-être des checkpoints assez maladroits, voire totalement inexistants. Dans le même esprit, en devant échapper à un ennemi j’ai quitté la zone de mission et par conséquent, j’ai dû refaire l’intégralité de la mission sans pouvoir retourner au dernier checkpoint.

Une réalisation extraordinaire

Graphiquement, il n’y a rien à dire, le Fox Engine offre un rendu sublime. Le jeu tourne parfaitement bien sur PS4 et il n’y a aucune perte de framerate à signaler. Les décors, de jour notamment, sont tout bonnement somptueux. Ce qui m’a le plus bluffé, ce sont sans conteste les animations, tellement poussées. En mettant une munition soporifique dans le bras de l’un de mes soldats, il s’est gratté le bras en question pour étouffer la sensation. Pareillement, un garde ne bougera pas de sa position tant qu’il n’aura pas écrasé la cigarette qu’il vient de jeter au sol. Le chara design est parfait, les personnages dégagent des émotions dans des cinématiques, certes moins présentes qu’auparavant, mais tellement bien réalisées et proche de ce que peut offrir une production cinématographique. Outre le chara design, Yoji Shinkawa qui travaillait sur le mecha design dans les Zone of the Enders s’occupe aussi de celui de MGS V et le rendu est incroyable en ce qui concerne l’ensemble des mécha du jeu.

Tant que nous évoquons Zone of the Enders, on se rend compte tout au long du jeu des diverses inspirations d’Hideo Kojima. Outre «l’opportunité» de vous retrouver dans des ambiances aussi lugubres que celles d’un Silent Hill, il y a également les mecha qui ont ce quelque chose que l’on retrouve dans des animés comme Gundam et ça se ressent jusqu’à dans la modélisation. Bien sûr, Big Boss ne détruira pas un hélicoptère avec une simple flèche, mais on voit des convergences avec Rambo. Cela fait partie de la culture de Kojima. Des notions philosophiques tournent bien évidemment autour de ce MGS V, mais vous découvrirez ça par vous-même.

Un gameplay aux petits oignons

Le gameplay de ce MGS est assez traditionnel lorsque l’on pense à un jeu d’espionnage, mais même si le jeu arbore l’inscription «Tactical Espionage Operations», il y a bien évidemment la possibilité de foncer avec son tank, son lance-roquette et sa mitrailleuse pour éradiquer toute trace de vie. À côté de ça rien ne vous empêche de prendre votre temps pour endormir ou assommer vos ennemis voire même les ignorer. Le gameplay est très fluide et s’adapte parfaitement à toutes les situations, qu’importe notre moyen d’action, il est tellement plaisant de profiter de tous les éléments mis à notre disposition. Vous êtes entourés d’ennemis et ne pensez pas pouvoir vous en sortir ? Pas de problème, appelez un hélico pour qu’il mitraille la zone. Plus de munitions ? Faites vous livrer. Marre d’être discret ? Acheminez un blindé à votre position. Ce que je vous énumère n’est qu’une infime partie des multiples possibilités, à vous de les découvrir et de vous en servir à bon escient.

Puisque nous évoquions les compagnons, revenons sur ce sujet très intéressant. En effet, dans MGS V, le joueur sera toujours accompagné d’un acolyte qu’il choisira au début de sa mission. Nous ne vous spoilons pas la liste des compagnons et, agents compagnons. Ce ne sont pas quelques armes qui s’offrent à vous, mais bien une armurerie impressionnante et variée comprenant tous types d’armes. Mitraillettes, fusils d’assaut, pistolets, snipers, il y en a une grande variété disposant de leurs atouts et leurs défauts. Bien sûr, si vous voulez les meilleures armes, il vous faudra améliorer vos équipes sur la Mother Base. Cela fonctionne de la même manière pour tous les équipements qui sont également très nombreux : claymore, cigare fantôme, mines, C4, cages de capture pour animaux et j’en passe. Pour certaines armes de haut niveau, vous devrez débloquer des plans dans les niveaux pour ensuite pouvoir les crafter. Au début les améliorations se font instantanément, mais plus nous progressons et plus elles prennent du temps. Ce dernier n’est pas réglé sur l’horloge interne du jeu, mais bien sur le temps de jeu en lui-même. Il est d’ailleurs possible de passer outre ces temps d’attentes en payant avec de l’argent réel. Étrange, ce n’est pas dans les coutumes d’Ideo Kojima.

Qui plus est, nous n’avons pas eu le temps de tous les avoir, mais leurs utilisations sont variées : moyen de transport, distraction, support de tir, repérage ou même support à distance. Encore une fois, le choix du compagnon dépendra de la mission, mais également de votre façon de jouer.

Au final, on peut dire que la dernière création d’Hideo Kojima aka Metal Gear Solid V : The Phantom Pain est un chef-d’œuvre. Un jeu tellement riche en contenu, intégrant un scénario certes à deux vitesses, mais qui vous marquera. La réalisation touche la perfection et on se croirait presque dans un film. Outre le solo qui vous occupera des dizaines d’heures, un panel énorme de missions secondaires ainsi que l’amélioration de la Mother Base, de Big Boss et des compagnons vous prendra un temps fou. Il ne faut surtout pas oublier le mode Online du soft qui débarquera début octobre et qui devrait bénéficier de toutes les bonnes idées du jeu. Que vous soyez un fan de la série ou un néophyte, foncez, vous ne serez pas déçu par ce qui semble être l’une des meilleures pioches de cette année 2015.

Un monde ouvert grand et sublime

Un scénario avec des pics tellement haletants. ..

L’amélioration de la Mother Base, de Big Boss et des compagnons….

Une réalisation proche de la perfection

Une durée de vie dithyrambique pour un MGS

Un contenu global gargantuesque

Les checkpoints, assez agaçants

…mais quelques lenteurs qui cassent le rythme

…que l’on peut payer en argent réel ? Sérieusement ?

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Voir la suite

The incomprehensible immersiveness of MGS V, or how I stopped worrying and fell in love with phantom pain — Maxim Dokuchaev on DTF


The Metal Gear Solid series is usually divided into two categories by the gaming community: the exemplary first three parts and the controversial last two. These include the non-numbered Peace Walker. This is explained by various reasons: the departure of Tomokazu Fukushima from the post of screenwriter during the development of MGS4 (after that, the quality of the story development decreased and the number of codec conversations decreased), the increase in the number and duration of cutscenes, the creation of an empty and boring open world. Some players are disappointed in Kojima, the father of the series. I will try to figure out what is the main subtlety of the ambiguous MGS V: The Phantom Pain (V instead of 5 hints that everything is not so simple here).


I first heard about Metal Gear Solid from my classmate in 2015, when The Phantom Pain was released: “The game was recently released, in the beginning you crawl around the hospital with your bare ass for half an hour, and then in Afghanistan in a box you run from soldiers.” I thought it was some kind of game and forgot about it.

At that time I spent hundreds of hours in Skyrim, GTA and Battlefield. My interests were not diverse; played what was popular. When I graduated from school, I became more interested in games, I learned about the existence of gaming YouTube channels and gaming publics on VKontakte. Words often flashed in them: Metal Gear, Big Boss, Solid Snake and, of course, Kojima. The series began to attract my attention. Remembering the impressions of my classmate, I launched the same game about a bare-assed snake.

Close contact

The Phantom Pain turned my idea of ​​games upside down. The cinematography was breathtaking, the editing of cutscenes and gameplay without gluing immersed in events. Responsive controls involved in the gameplay. I was impressed by the amazing level of graphics and optimization that allowed the game to run on my potato computer. The game seemed like a miracle, I wanted to share this. Finding people to talk about GTA and Skyrim isn’t hard, but a specific game like this is an impossible task. There was not a single person in my environment who would play Metal Gear. That same classmate was the only one, only we no longer communicate with him.

Cursed Legacy

On the Internet, the opinion of the players about The Phantom Pain is ambiguous. Fans of the series scold her, remembering the old days and pointing to the classic MGS 1, 2 and 3. I wondered why this wonderful game could not be liked. Are the previous parts superior to the fifth, that it really deserves criticism? This thought haunted me. But it was impossible to verify this on your own experience. Not only were they not in Russian, but they still did not come out on the PC, remaining tied to the consoles of the previous generation. I couldn’t run it on the emulator. Then I decided to get a PS3, on which you can officially run all parts of MGS.

Why don’t Konami release their old games? For us to suffer? At night… I feel MGS3 and Silent Hill… even MGS4. The games I lost by never having them — this pain will never subside. You feel it too, don’t you?

This was before Konami decided to release the first two parts of MGS on GOG. I received this news with great enthusiasm. My path led to these games on PS3, which had to be found. I had to learn about the different versions of the console, about their differences, to study how Avito works, on which I never bought anything, to take into account possible risks. The result was worth it.

I took the PS3 Super Slim, as this is the latest model and should last longer. The Metal Gear Solid HD Collection edition, which includes MGS2, MGS3 and Peace Walker, managed to snatch a new one, and MGS4 on the same Avito. MGS1 purchased from the Playstation Store.

Blood Ties

First Metal Gear Solid

In 2020, it’s hard for me to go back to 1998 when Metal Gear Solid came out because of the outdated graphics and controls. My gaming experience prevented me from objectively evaluating the game, I had to make allowances for age. The first hours were difficult — I often died and did not understand what exactly I needed to do to progress through the story. As I got used to the gameplay and low poly characters, I started to enjoy the process.

MGS1 takes place on Shadow Moses Island, which Solid Snake infiltrates completely unarmed. You have to look for equipment by running through corridor locations connected to each other. The game even has a non-obvious mechanics of fast travel between them. You can pass both aggressively, killing everyone in a row, and covertly.

Can the game surprise to this day? Yes. The dynamism and staging of cutscenes create the feeling of watching a spy thriller. Dialogues are voiced by professional actors, and character movements are recorded using Motion Capture technology. The plot is replete with unexpected twists and memorable moments, both comical and dramatic. The characters are charismatic, their deep dialogues cut into memory.

We only live to pass on our genes. We chose this path, so we are mired in war. But you are different. You are one of us. We have no past or future. We live for today. This is the meaning of our life. People are not meant to bring happiness to others. From the moment we entered this world, we are doomed to bring each other only pain and suffering.

Psycho Mantis, One of the bosses of

Sons of Liberty

The second part, released in 2001, has evolved significantly in terms of graphics and gameplay. Thanks to the power of the Playstation 2, the characters and locations began to look detailed. The gameplay has been expanded and supplemented with new features. Play became more difficult and more interesting. The story of Metal Gear Solid 2 keeps you in suspense and intrigue until the plot denouement, which is still called the deepest moment in the history of video games. The second part struck me and prompted me to write my first article.

In the gameplay, the game has made a big bias towards stealth. A tranquilizer pistol has appeared that puts opponents to sleep. The structure of the locations is taken from the first part, you can also freely move around them until the plot begins to develop rapidly.

Operation Snake Eater

Once Hideo Kojima was asked: «You don’t worry that you haven’t made anything better than Metal Gear Solid 3?». “What, did someone else do it?” — answered the game designer.

The third game in the series deserves a separate article. This is the most spy Metal Gear ever. There are plenty of «cranberries», but it is interesting to watch what is happening on the screen, no matter what kind of surrealism would be happening: the jungle with crocodiles in the south of Siberia or a GRU major in boots with cowboy spurs, juggling revolvers. The characters are memorable (with the exception of some bosses), and it’s entertaining to watch their tensions. Even in the first locations, I was amazed. It was practically The Phantom Pain eleven years before its release: the ability to change camouflage, interrogate soldiers, surprise CQC attacks. And in some moments, the third was superior with a deep survival system, diverse flora and fauna that affect the gameplay. The world looks alive. The grass moves as Snake walks across it. Interactivity with the environment has become more. Locations have expanded, but lost backtracking. It is not often necessary to return to the former territories. It was after this game that I began to understand what was wrong with The Phantom Pain.

Unusual phenomenon

Metal Gear of my generation — The Phantom Pain. The game met my usual gaming standards and was the first part in the series that I played. The passage of the previous parts revealed many problems with V: this is a completely different Ocelot, who does not look like either his young or old version (against the background of the previous parts, he looks very faded), these are changes in the main character. Now this is not Naked Snake from the third part, but a silent and detached phantom. It is difficult for him to compete with the witty Solid Snake, teasing the still green Raiden, or the ardent Naked, competing in coolness with the young Ocelot. The plot is served in portions, interspersed with meaningless missions, where it is necessary to neutralize a faceless commander or save a hostage that does not affect anything. A reasonable question arises, what are they for? Missions of the level of the first three games are catastrophically few.

A helicopter is like a hub location where Big Boss can stare at his sniper partner, manage the base, order the development of new weapons, and plan a new operation.

In addition to these ambiguous decisions, the overall impression of the plot and its narrative was affected by the long-suffering unfinished game. How many scandals it gave rise to. It’s funny that its incompleteness echoes the main motive of the game — loss. Together with the characters who lost their limbs, memory, their native language, the player lost a part of the story that they did not have time to complete. Phantom pain is felt by the player. You can feel that sense of loss as you stroll through desert Afghanistan to Midge Ure’s melancholy cover of Bowie’s «The Man Who Sold the World. »

I searched for form and land
For years and years I roamed
I gazed a gazeless stare
We walked a million hills
I must have died alone
A long, long time ago


MGS V an Immersive Sim?

Deeply developed «sandbox» gives freedom and all powers to the player, charging him not only with the execution of operations, but also with the creation of his own PMC: he needs to take care of the development of the base, the construction of platforms, the recruitment of new soldiers, the extraction of minerals, the search for finance, weapons his army. The mercenary leader simulator woven into the plot especially presses on emotions during the key events of the game.

PMC soldiers greet Big Boss after he returns from a mission.

The MGS series, although it was focused on stealth, always offered a choice — to attack or hide, actively encouraging the latter option. In the fifth part, this delicate balance was upset. The gameplay of MGS V is revealed by coming up with new gameplay rules and conditions (for example, complete a task without the player being noticed, or without killing). To do this, at the end of each episode, detailed statistics are shown with an analysis of the player’s actions, an assessment is given and a callsign is assigned depending on the style of its passage. However, not everyone will do this. Just like economics as a science that studies how to get the most benefit at the least cost, the player achieves the goals in the game with the minimum amount of effort and finding effective tools for this. You need to save a hostage, but a bunch of soldiers block the way? So you need to take a powerful gun and kill them all. MGS V provides a huge number of different weapons, gadgets and other gameplay features. The player who is just going through the story and doesn’t want to entertain himself will have Rambo-style quests geared towards stealth. He will take with him a noisy machine gun, a grenade launcher, an armored suit, and will call a helicopter for fire support. And then the game will seem casual to him, because he is an invincible killing machine.

The Phantom Pain is a game in which the player generates content for himself. You can go on a mission in at least some pants, taking with you only a cardboard box and a water pistol from the equipment. The gameplay depends solely on the player and his imagination.

The Phantom Pain encourages player ingenuity.

This also influenced the pace of the story. Now Snake is practically not interrupted from the gameplay by a codec call and not given a ton of plot and other information. A significant part of the story is now served in cassette recordings that you need to listen to yourself. And you may not listen. By skipping them, you can lose a fairly large piece of history. This gap will also be felt as a significant shortcoming of the game in addition to its incompleteness. The element of «sandbox» got to the plot. The player himself has to decide what to do with it, to what extent and where to study it. Sitting in ambush waiting for the changing of the guard, hiding in a box, or completing additional missions along the way.

These instruments affected me more deeply than the first parts. The Phantom Pain left behind feelings and experiences that could not be given not only by other games in this series, but by the entire industry as a whole. After him, I first thought about the fact that games can be art.

In The Phantom Pain gameplay I found something both exciting and meditative at the same time. Sitting in a helicopter to prepare for the operation. Pick up equipment, camouflage, choose a partner, decide on a deployment point. Land, turn on the music on the player and go on a combat mission. Under Take on Me, take an advantageous position, study the routes of soldiers, develop a plan, under The Final Countdown, remove guards with a sniper shot, quietly get behind enemy lines and complete the task, and under Quiet Life, run away from the enemy base back to the helicopter, hearing the enemy: “KP , KP, fire was fired at us, opened fire in response, but lost the enemy. Should we look for him?»

My passage of the first three parts of the series allowed me to objectively look at MGS V. Its flaws and weaknesses were revealed, but they do not outweigh the positive emotions that the game leaves behind. The key mechanic — complete player freedom — was misunderstood by the community. I hope that a different look at The Phantom Pain will allow many to open it from the other side. I won’t say that the fifth part is the best, but I won’t say that there is a better one either. It’s still a real Metal Gear with its signature features and recognizable elements, and it is worthy of attention. For anyone who missed it, I highly recommend it.

I leave in the end the puppy DD

Again about MGS 5: «Fan phantom pain» | igrasan

Quietly looking through the comments on reviews of Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain, I came to the conclusion that most fans of the past parts of the series reacted strictly negatively to the metamorphoses that occurred with the last game.

This is one of those egregious cases when an author tries to get off the beaten path, tries to develop his ideas and not to stagnate, but all his efforts are cast in mud. And it would be nice if there were really serious reasons. But they are not. Everything that Hideo Kojima promised was done, and done well. But the fans are such a people that one has only to try to change something in the formula familiar to these fans, as here, they stop recognizing their favorite. And it would be nice to quietly complain about: “it’s not the same anymore”, “it used to be better”, etc., but NO! As one, they shout on the forums, they say: the game is a complete failure, everything is bad, a disgusting game …

You know, in my review on the site, I made a very correct remark: “Many players have drawn in their heads the image of a “perfect game” that will be so good that there will be nothing to complain about. And very in vain. There has never been a game like this before, and this one won’t be. I, unfortunately, also drew something, but after the release I sharply settled down, pulled myself together and began to play the game, and not my dreams.

It seems to me that this thing should have been understood long ago. How many times the advertising company and the dreams of the players broke off on the reinforced concrete slab of reality. Recall at least the case with Watch Dogs. But with Metal Gear it’s even more difficult. He has them… and they won’t forgive him for such a relationship with the shrine. It’s even funny to write. Objectively, one of the best games of the year, offering unique gameplay, a unique scenario, and, in general, a lot of original ideas, falls under the hand for not being able to embody all the far-fetched dreams of the fans.

Few people know about the process of creating games, the pitfalls in development, how difficult it is sometimes for developers to make everything balanced. It takes years of experience, hundreds of brainstorming sessions, thousands of man-hours. And Metal Gear Solid is not Fifa or Call of Duty, in which only the level of graphics and a couple of nuances change from year to year. Kojima, experimenting every time, gave the players something new. Let it not be perfect, let it not be without flaws, but its author’s. And this time he tried to do something that distinguishes the game from all others and even from his own predecessors. But why are fans so negative about it, not trying to look at things objectively?

I can’t help but agree that the game has problems. As a detached person, I understand them, I admit them, but it seems to me that it is impossible to scold the whole game because of some not the most significant things. This can be done with any game, because all of them have jambs and, sometimes, more significant and in much larger numbers.

Good games don’t come out that often, like Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain, about once every five years. Do not muddy the waters, comrades, «sucky» games in bulk.