Mein mmo d2: Destiny 2 — Alle Infos zum MMO-Shooter in 2023

Destiny 2 — Alle Infos zum MMO-Shooter in 2023

Xur hat sich auf den Weg gemacht, um den Spielern in Destiny 2 seine Exotic-Angebote zu überbringen. MeinMMO zeugt euch, was er dabei hat.

Britta ♤ BeAngel

In Destiny 2 hat Bungie mit seinem neuen TWaB viele Änderungen ausgesprochen, die noch vor Lightfall stattfinden sollen.

Christos Tsogos

Destiny 2 bringt bald ein neues Loadout-System, das Spieler von lästigen Restriktionen befreit und den am meisten gehassten Modifikator entfernt.

Britta ♤ BeAngel

Ein MG aus Season 19 schießt nicht nur megaschnell und hat viele Vorteile. Es könnte auch bald die beste High-End-DPS-Option im Spiel werden.

Britta ♤ BeAngel

Destiny 2 hatte heute eine Downtime. MeinMMO begleitete den Serverdown und informiert zu den Patch Notes.

Britta ♤ BeAngel

«Revision Null» ist die am besten anpassbare Exo-Waffe in Destiny 2 und nun macht sie ein craftbarer Waffen-Vorteil sogar noch stärker.

Britta ♤ BeAngel

Diesen neuen Shader aus Destiny 2 soltet ihr euch unbedingt gönnen. Er sieht nicht nur gut aus, sondern hat auch stürmische Effekte.

Christos Tsogos

Die Erweiterung „Lightfall» für Destiny 2 kommt immer näher. Ein neuer Trailer zeigt nun den nächsten Schauplatz «Neomuna» genauer.

Max Handwerk

Erneut eine neue Woche in Destiny 2 und mit ihr kommen auch die Spitzenreiter-Dämmerungen. Alles dazu erfahrt ihr hier.

Britta ♤ BeAngel

In Destiny 2 werdet ihr euch bald wie Spider-Man durch die Lüfte schwingen können, doch das Feature hat einen Haken.

Christos Tsogos

Alle Meisterwerk-Katalysatoren in Destiny 2 und wie man sie bekommt

Bei Destiny 2 können zahlreiche exotische Waffen mit Katalysatoren zum Meisterwerk gemacht und somit verbessert werden. Wir zeigen euch, was alle bisher bekannten Meisterwerk-Katalysatoren bewirken und wie ihr sie 2023 bekommt.

Dieser Artikel wurde das letzte Mal im Rahmen der Season 19 am 10. Dezember 2022 aktualisiert. Zuletzt ist ein Update für das Exotic für den Dungeon-exklusiven Exo-Bogen “Hierarchie der Ansprüche” dazugekommen.

So könnt ihr Waffen-Exotics verbessern: Bereits seit der Kriegsgeist-Erweiterung für Destiny 2 gibt es bei einer Vielzahl exotischer Waffen die Möglichkeit, sie zu einem Meisterwerk zu formen. Eine Meisterwerk-Version verkörpert dabei ein Upgrade der jeweiligen Waffe, wodurch bestimmte Stats des Schießeisens verbessert werden oder die Waffe sogar zusätzliche Perks erhält.

Der Schlüssel dazu sind entsprechende Meisterwerk-Katalysatoren, die gefunden oder gezielt erspielt und gelevelt werden müssen, um am Ende die begehrte Meisterwerk-Variante der jeweiligen Waffe freizuschalten.

Alle Meisterwerk-Katalysatoren in 2023 – So findet ihr sie, das können sie

Noch können nicht alle 98 exotischen Waffen in Destiny 2 zum Meisterwerk aufgewertet werden.

Wir haben jedoch alle bis dato verfügbaren und bekannten Katalysatoren samt Ihrer Quellen nachfolgend für euch zusammengefasst. Beachtet, dass manche davon zufällig droppen, während andere an Quests oder Events gebunden sind. Zudem bekommt man einige mittlerweile aus anderen Quellen.

Übrigens, falls ihr euch fragt, wie ihr an einige der älteren Waffen-Exotics kommt, deren Original-Quellen gar nicht mehr verfügbar sind – da hat sich seit der Erweiterung “Jenseits des Lichts” einiges verändert: In Destiny 2: Beyond Light kauft ihr die besten Waffen einfach am Kiosk

Meisterwerk-Katalysatoren durch beliebige PvE-Kills

Diese Katalysatoren bekommt ihr zufällig von allen Feinden der Menschheit in beliebigem PvE-Content. Hier braucht ihr also vor allem Zeit und Glück.

Verfallenes Abbild (Spurgewehr)

  • Upgrade-Voraussetzung: 5.000 Kills mit dem Exotic. Die 50 Augen von Savathûn (3 % Fortschritt pro Auge) sind leider nicht mehr im Spiel
  • Upgrade-Effekt: Diese Waffe verursacht erhöhten Schaden an Zielen, die von Transmutationssphären geschädigt wurden

Borealis (Scharfschützengewehr)

  • Upgrade-Voraussetzung: Jeweils 150 Leere-, Solar- und Arkus-Kills
  • Upgrade-Effekt: Nachladetempo +20

Scharlach (Handfeuerwaffe)

  • Upgrade-Voraussetzung: 300 Präzisions-Kills
  • Upgrade-Effekt: Reichweite +20

D. A.R.C.I. mit Ornament

D.A.R.C.I. (Scharfschützengewehr)

  • Upgrade-Voraussetzung: 300 Präzisions-Kills
  • Upgrade-Effekt: Stabilität +20

Traktorkanone (Schrotflinte)

  • Upgrade-Voraussetzung: 300 Kills
  • Upgrade-Effekt: Vergrößert das Magazin von 4 auf 7 Schuss, „Deeper Pockets“-Perk – Erhöhte Munitionsreserven

Weltlinie Null (Schwert)

Beachtet hier, dass der Kat zwar von beliebigen Feinden droppen kann, ihr die Gegner aber mit der Weltlinie Null erledigen müsst, damit überhaupt eine Chance auf einen Drop besteht.

  • Upgrade-Voraussetzung: 300 Feindkills mit dem exotischen Schwert
  • Upgrade-Effekt: „Another Dimension“-Perk – Reduziert die Aktivierungszeit für den Tesserakt-Sprint-Angriff

Sturm (Handfeuerwaffe)

Beachtet bei der Sturm, dass der Katalysator zwar von beliebigen Feinden, jedoch nur auf Nessus droppen kann.

  • Upgrade-Voraussetzung: 500 Kills mit Sturm und 500 Kills mit Drang. Beachtet, dass für alle 1.000 Kills beide Waffen ausgerüstet sein müssen
  • Upgrade-Effekt: Reichweite +20, Handhabung +40

Zerberus+1 (Automatikgewehr)

  • Upgrade-Voraussetzung: 500 Kills
  • Upgrade-Effekt: Nachlade-Taste gedrückt halten, um zu einer engeren Streuung auf kurzer Distanz zu wechseln

Löwengebrüll (Granatenwerfer)

  • Upgrade-Voraussetzung: Beutezüge und Kills
  • Upgrade-Effekt: Nachladetempo + 30, „Chimera“-Perk – Nachdem man diese Waffe abfeuert, erhöhen sich für eine kurze Zeit die Handhabung und der Präzisionsschaden der ausgerüsteten Kinetik- und Power-Waffe

Auf der folgenden Seite findet Ihr die Meisterwerk-Katalysatoren aus Strikes und Events.

Verwandte Spiele

Plattform: PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S
Release: 06.09.2017
Abo-Service: Xbox Game PassGenre: MMO-Shooter, ShooterModell: Free-to-play

Destiny 2 ist ein Multiplayer-Online-Shooter mit MMO-Elementen aus dem Hause Bungie. Er erschien am 6. September 2017 für PlayStation 4 und Xbox One und am 24. …


Ø User-wertung

a team from India announced the Hegemony project

08/18/2019 10:14

India-based Envision Studios has announced a sandbox MMORPG called Hegemony. This game was originally developed as a small modification for Minecraft, which later grew into a full-fledged separate project with support for about 1500 players on the map.

The developers themselves describe Hegemony as a «classic MMORPG», which takes place in an alternative world of the XIV-XVII centuries. According to them, they are moving away from the trends of modern games in this genre and returning to the principles of game design that «made the MMORPG of our childhood so unforgettable.» nine0003

Hegemony will be released on PC and will be distributed free of charge, but the release date is still unknown. You can find the original modification on the official website.



Release 03/28/2020

MMORPG | Sandbox



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MMO Theory / Perfect Sandbox / MMOscientist

I have long wanted to talk about the confusion in understanding the term «sandbox». Some time ago, most were not even familiar with such a concept. The division into two camps crystallized gradually. That is why no one has ever called Lineage 2, let alone the first Everquest, sandboxes. Although if someone were to make them today exactly in the form in which we know them, any SEO specialist would envy the inclusion of this term in a standard press release. And then, when it became not only customary, but also fashionable to talk about sandboxes, it suddenly became clear that different people mean completely different things by the term. nine0173
The first call came when John Smedley, who deliberately brought the second Everquest straight into the category of amusement parks, suddenly spoke loudly and clearly that sandboxes would save the industry, actively citing EVE Online as an example.

Everything seems to be cool — EVE is a good example to start with. If someone, starting from her and taking into account the inherent flaws that Eve still could not lose, starts creating a «next generation sandbox», it will be a grand event. Akin to ArenaNet’s rather successful push into the concept of parks. And, it seems, Smidley, with his usual modesty, announces that SOE will create «the most ambitious sandbox in the industry.» And then presents, in fact, a clone of Minecraft. nine0003

Yes, I understand that there is a mythical EQ Next, but I’m afraid we still witnessed confusion in the head of the head of SOE. And not only in his head. Minecraft really is most like a sandbox in the truest sense of the word. Because it seems that every cube in it is exactly that grain of sand. But «sandbox», as a term, has always been a metaphor. Otherwise, how then did EVE become a sandbox in the example of Smedley, if there is practically nothing there that would make it related to Minecraft? nine0003

We can say that there is freedom here and there. But this is too little to declare the games related. Let’s try to get away from this abstraction. Because even in a fresh interview with the developers of Life is Feudal, the idea is that Minecraft is an ideal sandbox. With which I strongly disagree, although I consider Minecraft a brilliant creation.

I consider the beauty of the implementation of the concept of one specific mechanic — the destruction and insertion of blocks — to be ingenious in it. This is done so clearly, intuitively, the process itself is so meditative and effectively visualized, the options are endless, and the possible scales are so impressive that the success of the idea was guaranteed. But guys, let’s face it — it’s exactly one mechanic. Yes, there is a lot of sandiness inside, in the sense that you can create anything by adding and subtracting cubes. But Minecraft moved from the constructor to the game, opening the Survival Mode in addition to the Creative Mode. nine0003

At this moment, the night appeared, zombies, creepers, a generated landscape, gravity, finally. Even in single player mode, minecraft itself began to interact with you. He boasted of the cliffs and caves of his own making, of the setting square sun that made one rush to cover. He hid rare materials from you and put guards near them.

The multiplayer mode made it possible for several people, firstly, to share all the challenges that the game now clearly gave, and secondly, to surprise each other with ideas and their own creations. On more settled servers, where people might not know each other, what I call Indirect Impact Beauty flourished. You see someone else’s excellent work, you see that it’s real, you get charged, you want to do even better, or at least not worse. In general, in all respects, Minecraft has turned from a constructor into a virtual world, into a series of virtual worlds, into an endless parade of virtual worlds. nine0003

And now about the unpleasant — he was still very far from the ideal sandbox. Much further than the same EVE. Beyond the most powerful potential of the basic constructor lay a rather unpretentious game with, frankly, not the longest lifespan within a single session. Survival mode had the standard «burnout» issues as the character matured, which happened fairly quickly. The functional part of the first «mud house», by and large, did not differ much from a luxurious stone palace with an obsidian staircase. The buildings of other players could inspire or be just an obstacle on the way, but it all ended there. In general, I can’t help but bring here one of my favorite Minecraft-themed comics as a visual demonstration. nine0003

Yes, the game has had various mods and even much more complex rules over time, but if we are talking about the basic idea, then my task is to show, even at the risk of falling out of favor with minecraft fans, that this cult project can hardly be called an ideal sandbox.

And since I’ve said so much about not being the perfect sandbox, it’s time to move on to explaining how to become one. In my opinion, of course. Well, in the context of MMOs.

Single space

It is obvious that the basic condition of a real sandbox is a single space for all players. This is not an end in itself. Such a world provides the main opportunity in MMOs — the interaction of players. That is, the ideal sand world is a space in which you can intersect with any player at any point.

Miscellaneous mechanics

Not only is diversity a good thing, but MMOs need variety if we want to reach a more or less wide audience. Choice is the most important element of the game. The freedom to choose from a wide range of possibilities is an important element in making the sandbox more attractive. No matter how much we praise the same Lineage 2, its obvious disadvantage is the lack of alternatives to the basic mechanics that take up the lion’s share of the game time. nine0003

On the other hand, what cannot be taken away from Lineage 2 is the general context of all available mechanics. Success in each of them is an objective value for all participants in the gameplay. Yes, it is obvious that play money takes over the function of the common measure. But, by and large, getting game currency does not have much effect on the in-game intersection of players. Ideally, when the use of each mechanic in a single world, “circles on the water” diverge, touching other mechanics and influencing them, in need of them. nine0003

In an ideal sandbox, there are no major and minor mechanics. All of them, if possible, should be of equal importance and approximately equal complexity, so that minor mechanics are not left to the mercy of the alts. This does not mean that there will not be people in your game who will confidently say that their favorite mechanics are the main thing. It is important that supporters of other mechanics also have arguments. EVE is a sandbox far from ideal because the number of warships in it quite eloquently indicates the current imbalance in the balance. nine0003

Various goals

The goal in the game is very important. For the same reason we need multiple mechanics in a game, we need different goals. Naturally, we are talking about the presence of both short-term and long-term goals. One short-term should be replaced by another. So in Minecraft, by and large, there was no other obvious goal after the question “Survive” was removed from the agenda. Of course, the player can and should complete the goals laid down by the game design with his own, but this will no longer be the merit of the game itself. nine0003

Long-term goals determine the lifetime of the game. Their relationship with each other is also important here. If we created a single world, it would be strange to have players in it, each of whom is on his own wave and is not interested in the affairs of the other. In this sense, the safe Empire in EVE allows the community to be divided into two parts and to be each on its own wave. Players living in a safe space are interested in the history of zero wars solely as a plot of a television series. Zero alliances, with all their real power and influence on the “main plot”, are forced to remind the imperial inhabitants who have abandoned their cares by setting Zhita on fire and chalcogedon. At the same time, although Lineage 2 does not boast such free territories as EVE, the castle lords have a much greater impact on the lives of every inhabitant of Aden, without exception. nine0003


A hard-to-translate term that means the ability to get new experiences from the same game, due to a new combination of circumstances, mechanics and choice of goals. It seems like an odd requirement for an MMO, but as someone who has logged into different Lineage 2 servers four times and returned to EVE three times, I can safely say that this is an important criterion for a good MMO. And even more so for an ideal sandbox.

Ability to build your own game

Finally, I got to the most important point of the perfect sandbox — the ability to build your own game. Do not follow one of the ten or even a thousand laid paths — whether it be the path of the commander, the path of the trader or the path of the artisan — but create your own game from a set of various mechanics and possible goals.

Remember my homemade term for Minecraft: «Indirect Beauty Effects»? I want to see the same thing in a perfect sandbox. But since the «sandbox» is a metaphor, then the «cubes» should be gameplay elements, and not literally — cubes. I want to see someone else’s game, as I see someone else’s building in Minecraft, and sincerely admire it. Want to do even better. After all, we were fascinated by the achievements of the players no less than the possibilities in Minecraft. I want the developers of MMOs to make mechanics where they can’t say exactly what kind of game players will be able to make out of it. So that the gameplay that the players will build is the same amazing and inspiring surprise for developers as the creativity of Minecraft lovers was for its creators. nine0003

That’s what an ideal sandbox for me is an opportunity to create my own game, like a building of incredible beauty. And so that others can evaluate this game, as they can evaluate a building in Minecraft.