Lego harry potter troll besiegen: Blocked IP Address — GameFAQs

Lego Potter Switch, Troll besiegen? (Spiele und Gaming, Harry Potter, Nintendo Switch)

Letzte Aktivität: 14.11.2022, 16:50
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  • Harry Potter
  • Spiele und Gaming
  • Nintendo Switch
  • Hi

    Ich spiele auf der Switch gerade Harry Potter (Lego) und scheitere bereits am Troll. Er wirft Klötze und hab schon nachgeschaut, ich muss die ihm irgendwie zurückwerfen aber ich kapier trotz Youtube nicht was ich da drücken muss 😅

    2 Antworten


    06. 03.2021, 17:41

    Also ich habe das Spiel auch und bin schon fertig du sollst oben wingardium liviosa einstellen und dann wenn außen drum ein lila Schleier zusehen ist (um den Stein) dieser fliegt zurück.

    04.03.2021, 23:38

    9ich glaube a oder y (hab das game selber aber grad kp XD)

    Woher ich das weiß:Eigene Erfahrung – Ich liebe Harry Potter

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    Out Of The Dungeon — LEGO Harry Potter Walkthrough

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    Out of the Dungeon Guide

    Recap time!

    Malfoy is a jerkface, as always, and proves it by throwing some kind of food or mudpie in Hermione’s face as the gang enters the dining hall, sending her running into the girls’ bathroom. Of course, we all know what’s coming now.

    Quirrell comes running into the room and has to try to explain that there’s a troll on the grounds without actually being able to speak.

    Guess that renders his stutter moot, doesn’t it?

    Of course all the kids freak out and start throwing things and running out of the room–I’m surprised they didn’t trample anyone (like Neville Longbottom, bless him)–but you’re not like them. You gotta grab Hermione and save her from the girls’ room!

    So get to it already.


    Change over to Scabbers and progress forward for a cutscene of the troll slamming his club into the wall and exposing the plumbing for all to see. Use Scabbers to traverse the pipes safely, pushing both the buttons on the left and on the right to close the lids to the gas.

    $35. 00

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    If you enjoy that fat rat Scabbers–despite maybe knowing who exactly he is–here’s a figurine of him in all his squeaky glory. Aside from the fact that it doesn’t squeak, of course. But at least he looks adorable as he clutches his tail.

    Progress forward and the troll will strike a statue, knocking a globe of the world down and in your way.

    Wand the shelves just past the tubing to knock down some LEGO blocks. WL the LEGO blocks so they stack on top of each other. Hop on them and make your way to the right. WL the torch in order to burn the statue, which will drop something on the ground. WL that as well, then do the same to give the trident to the merman.

    I don’t think that’s how a trident should be used, but what do I know?

    Maybe they golf in The Little Mermaid, behind the scenes.

    WL the debris under the painting in order to give the wizard some light, then wand him and he’ll make you into a girl. (That’s right, Final Fantasy VII isn’t the only one that did this to a guy.)

    There’s a timer so get to the bathroom before it runs out!

    Wave at the woman in the painting and go through.

    Troll Fight

    $35. 00

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    Want this ugly brute as a collector’s piece for all the monsters and creatures that litter the world of Harry Potter? Well, here’s the mountain troll for you. complete with the doors to the bathroom stall.

    The only difference is Hermione isn’t hiding behind it. Though that can be remedied with a Hermione figurine, of course.

    Poor Hermione, trying to be upset and there’s a troll in a stall getting cleaned up and ready to wreck her day even more. Unfortunately for her, she runs into the same stall he was in and…ew.

    Get close enough to the troll to have him rampage to the front side of the bathroom, then approach again for him to rampage back, smashing the stalls as he goes. Except for the last one, of course.

    (Does that remind anyone else of the toilet scene in Jurassic Park?)

    Once he starts smashing the club on the floor, debris will fall that you can WL over to him. He’ll beat the floor again and pick up a chunk to throw at you–WL the object back at him to stun the troll. WL his club and tap him on the head with it to end the battle.

    Oh how the mighty fall.

    How do you get the different characters?

    Ron (girl disguise) is found at the very start of the level. You’ll need to take control of Hermione and stand in front of the puzzle cabinet and follow the patterns in the order they glow. After that, his icon will come out.

    How do you get the Gryffindor Crest?

    There are empty vases throughout the hall. Attack them with a magic spell and they’ll grow flowers. Do this for however many there are and the Gryffindor Crest will pop up.

    How do you get the Slytherin Crest?

    In front of the fountain, there are three goldfish on the ground. WL them back into the fountain and the Slytherin Crest will appear.



    Tags: LEGO Harry Potter Year 1

    Years 1-4. Chapter 2. Out of the Dungeon


    On Halloween, someone let a cave troll roam Hogwarts. Ron and Harry rush to warn Hermione of a monster she might run into inadvertently.

    School corridor:

    We run to the right after the troll. When a pipe with green gas gets in the way, select Ron, switch to the rat Scabber and launch its pipe. Inside the pipe, click on the two round buttons at the top left and right.

    We pass to the right and come across a large stone globe. We beat the cabinet with large blocks to the left of the fountain. We collect the fallen blocks into a ladder so that you can climb to the upper tier. At the top, we climb onto a high column and jump over the fountain to the right. On the right, use Vengardium Leviosa on the torch and set fire to the ass of the golden armor. He, on the way to the fountain, throws down the chandelier. We jump down and collect a large trident from the parts. With the help of Wingardium Leviosa, we pass it to the statue of a mermaid, which throws a stone globe with a strong blow.

    We run to the right to the end of the corridor and stand on the illuminated circle. The lady in the portrait opens the door only to girls. We go back a little and cast a spell at the portrait of a magician in pink robes. He will turn the active character into a girl in retaliation. We go to the right, stand in a circle and wave to the portrait. When the door opens, we go into the toilet.

    Girls’ Toilet:

    Ron and Harry have to fight a troll in the girls’ bathroom. We run around the toilet, dodge the blows of the troll and collect coins. We are waiting for large pieces to fall from the ceiling from the blows of the troll. Use Wingardium Leviosa on the large piece and aim it at the troll’s head. The next to fall from the ceiling is a purple piece, which the troll will launch at the heroes. With the help of Wingardium Levios, we intercept it in the air and send it to the head of the troll. When the club falls out of the troll’s hands, we come closer, raise it with the help of Wingardium Leviosa and beat the troll on the head.


    House emblems

    Hit 9 vases with a spell, from which flowers will appear:

    • At the beginning, to the left of the rune cabinet
    • At the beginning, to the right of the rune cabinet
    • To the left of the fountain, below, next to the color block cabinet
    • To the left of the fountain, on the upper tier
    • To the right of the fountain, bottom left
    • To the right of the fountain, lower right
    • At the end of the location in the foreground
    • At the end of the location, in the near right corner, behind the red chair
    • At the end of the location, to the right of the door to the girls’ toilet

    Ravenclaw. We use Wingardium Leviosa on 7 round lamps on the walls:

    • In the first location, to the left of the transparent pipe
    • In the first location, to the right of the transparent pipe
    • In the first location, to the right of the portrait of the wizard in pink
    • In the first location, to the left of the entrance to the girls’ toilet
    • In the second location, on the left above the cabinets
    • In the second location, above the sinks closer to the heroes
    • In the second location, above the shells, closer to the troll

    Slytherin. Use Wingardium Leviosa on the three fish next to the fountain. A piece of the coat of arms will appear in front of the fountain.

    Hufflepuff. We approach the fountain and with the help of Reducto we blow up the metal cover on the valve. With the help of Wingardium Leviosa, we turn the valve itself. When water flows from the fountain, a piece of the coat of arms will appear above it.

    Student in need

    Toilet for girls:

    When the troll breaks all the toilet stalls, we approach the student who has remained standing still.

    Character icons

    School corridor:

    1. Select Hermione, activate the rune cabinet at the beginning of the location. Correctly clicking on the drawings, open the cabinet and pick up the character icon ( Ron. Girl’s costume ).

    2. At the end of the location near the right wall we find a table with a metal lock. We blow up the castle with the help of Reducto, hit the table top and take the character’s badge ( Harry. Hogwarts ).

    Toilet for girls:

    3. In the toilet we go to the left to the lockers and use the Reducto to blow up the metal lock. We hit the central locker, from which a chair will jump out. Use it to jump on the locker and take the character icon ( Madam Malkin ).


    House emblems

    Troll fights:

    Slytherin Choose a dark magician and destroy 3 black and red chests:

    • Climb up the striped wall with suction cups. The chest is on the roof to the right.
    • After descending the stairs, we approach the wall with the troll. The chest is in the left corner.
    • During the second battle with the troll, we go through the story to the far left corner to the Weasley box. The chest is on the far wall behind the box.

    Gryffindor. When we open the first gate according to the plot and a troll runs out of them, choose a dark magician and use magic on the chain. The gate will fall and a piece of shield will appear on the ground.

    Boat shed:

    Ravenclaw. We go to the left of Professor Snape, select Arthur Weasley and repair the broken boat. When the boat reaches the water on its feet, we follow it and pick up a piece of the shield hanging above the water.

    Hufflepuff. We go to the right of Professor Snape, select a strong character, pull the orange handle on the cabinet until we break it, and take a piece of the shield.

    Apprentice in Distress

    Fights with trolls:

    Having reached the place of the second battle with the troll, we go to the near right corner and beat the Death Eaters to free the apprentice.

    Character badges

    Troll fights:

    0037 Fenrir Gray ).