Last of us 2 4players: The Last of Us Part 2

The Last of Us Part 2

PlayerDeluxe schrieb am

Hab das Spiel mittlerweile ein zweites Mal durchgespielt — diesmal mit fluffigen 60 FPS, aktivierten Cheats und deaktivierter Filmkrnung auf der PS5. Hat mir erneut Spa gemacht — mit dem Abstand von mehr als zwei Jahren nach dem ersten Durchgang. Hab mir zudem noch die letzten fehlenden Artefakte und Sammelkarten geschnappt und somit seit gestern die Platin-Trophe geangelt. Einige von den Collectibles htte ich ohne die sehr hilfreichen YT-Videos zu dem Thema niemals alleine gefunden. Grafisch befindet sich das Spiel immer noch auf sehr hohem Niveau. Bei dem jngst aufpolierten Part I hat sich in Sachen Mienenspiel aber merklich nochmal was getan. Auf dem Level befindet sich Part II nicht komplett. Trotzdem wren einige aktuelle Spiele der Konkurrenz froh, wenn sie nur ansatzweise so aussehen wrden wie Part II. Spiele der PlayStation-Studios haben mich bisher selten enttuscht. Nchster Kracher von dieser oder hnlicher Qualitt drfte dann God of War Ragnark sein…


Ultimatix schrieb am

Das Game wurde schlechter bewertet als Death Stranding. Ja nee, ist klar


MrLove schrieb am

Josch hat geschrieben: ?12.06.2020 09:38
Jrg, ich habe mal viel gegeben auf deine Tests, gerade weil ich das Gefhl hatte, dass etwaige Hypes oder Shitstorms an dir abgeprallt sind und du einfach dein Ding durchgezogen hast. Mittlerweile muss ich aber davon ausgehen, dass du entweder den Spa am Gaming verloren hast oder einfach nur gekauft bist.
Die politische Agenda und berhaupt der politisch motivierte Bullshit, der einem seit Jahren von ND aufgetischt wird, frisst sich so tief in ihre Spiele, dass diese fr einen halbwegs klar denkenden Menschen kaum mehr ertrglich sind. Und die Leaks vor einigen Wochen haben dahingehend genug Einblick geliefert, als dass man TLoU2 als Kulmination dieser Bewegung betrachten darf. berhaupt stt mich dieses menschenverachtende Bild, dass Naughty Dog hier zeichnet, nur mehr ab. Wenn diese Art des Story-telling «differenziert» sein soll, dann wrde ich Dark Souls als Komdie bezeichnen, das ergibt ungefhr genauso viel Sinn.
Sorry fr diesen kleinen Rant, aber diese Entwicklung wider mich mittlerweile doch an.

Da investiert man so viel Zeit, so viel Analyse in einen Test und muss sich anhren, dass man gekauft ist. Wie respektlos kann man sein? Unsere Forenrichtlinien sind da recht klar. Du bist gesperrt. Jrg.

Ist im Gegensatz zu Nintendo low IQ Games fr Hirn und Fingermotorik fordernd. Nix fr Nintnedospieler


No Cars Go schrieb am

15 Monate nach Release und in Version 1.09 rollten nun auch bei mir die Credits, und ich brauchte erstmal ein gutes Stndchen, um zu verarbeiten, was da ber knapp 30 Spielstunden auf meinem Bildschirm passiert war. Selten hat mich eine Geschichte, ganz gleich ob erzhlt via Videospiel, Film oder Serie, so aufgewhlt wie Neil Druckmanns jngstes Werk, und ich bin froh, den ersten Teil zuvor bereits gespielt zu haben, um dramaturgisch die maximalmgliche Breitseite dieses Bretts vor den Latz gezimmert bekommen zu knnen. Zwar habe ich schon ein paar Kritikpunkte an manchen Aspekten der Erzhlweise, auf die ich auch noch zu sprechen kommen werde, aber grundstzlich kann ich dem Herrn Luibl nur zustimmen; The Last of Us Part II ist auch in meinen Augen nicht weniger als ein Meilenstein der Geschichte des Videospiels. Und nicht nur der des Videospiels: Auf Anhieb fllt mir kein filmisches Werk ein, das mir den Tropus der Rache reifer und im dramaturgisch-positiven Sinne unangenehmer nahgebracht htte.
Menschen, so will es ihre Natur, fhlen sich in der Regel und gerade in Belastungssituationen, ganz selbstverstndlich dem Lager verbunden, in das sie entweder zufllig hineingeboren wurden oder dessen Seite der Geschichte sie, ebenso zufllig, zuerst erfahren haben. Loyalitt, und wem sie zugestanden wird, ist, genau wie bspw. beim Clubfuballfantum, selten rational begrndbar und in erster Linie Werk der Gttin Tyche. Und wer Freund ist und wer Feind, das kann sich innerhalb kurzer Zeit ndern, wie uns im 20. Jahrhundert vor allem die Geschichte des Zweiten und des Kalten Krieges gelehrt hat. The Last of Us Part II zeigt auf herausragende Weise, was es bedeutet und wovon es abhngt, den Feind zu lieben und den Freund zu hassen, Identifikationsfiguren zu Endbossen aufzubauen und beim Gegner den Freund, die Gattin, die Familie eines anderen Menschen und einer anderen Biographie mitzudenken; «The Russians love their children, too . ..» trifft den Nagel gut auf den Kopf….


ChiefMayhemSoap schrieb am

Ich habe vor dem Spiel — wie wahrscheinlich viele andere auch — noch einmal den ersten Teil gespielt. Im Anschluss dann Teil 2 und dann Teil 2 einfach nach ca. 2 Wochen direkt noch einmal.
Dabei hat mich tatschlich der Personenwechsel im Spiel beim ersten Mal richtig gewurmt. Wenn man dann aber dabei bleibt, dann wchst das Spiel durch diesen Wechsel in meinen Augen noch einmal extrem. Die Nachvollziehbarkeit der Motivation beider Charaktere und auch diese Momente am Ende,… ich fand es groartig.


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The Last of Us Part II Review — A Perfect Circle (PS4 review)

There are many things about human nature we struggle against. We see what we want to see. We acquire our beliefs and perspectives from the people and the world around us. And sometimes, in order to see, we must be shown.

The Last of Us Part II illuminates many complicated and difficult facets of humanity – a journey that tackles empathy, anger, and how we are defined by those around us. These philosophical considerations can be uncomfortable to wrestle with, but Naughty Dog conveys them with careful nuance and unflinching emotion, creating a narrative masterpiece with a unique power few games have ever achieved.

The story opens with a conversation about how the first game ended – about what Joel did at the Firefly hospital, and the lie he told Ellie about it. That exchange lays the foundation for the current state of their complicated relationship, which players come to understand even more deeply as the story continues. Holed up in an encampment in Jackson, Wyoming, Ellie and Joel are trying to come to terms with the consequences of their previous actions, and the world continues to suffer from the chaos of the infection that has transformed mankind and ravaged civilization.

The Last of Us Part II is defined by its story at every turn, and Naughty Dog masterfully weaves its themes in at every level. It depicts the raw violence that Ellie uses to navigate this harsh world, and that violence feeds into pivotal plot points during her quest for revenge. Yes, you kill many humans and Infected along the way, but the accumulated effect of Ellie’s fury weighs on you over time. Even as you clear an area of hostile guards, you question your own role in the brutality. The people you assassinate have names, and you can overhear them talking about their loved ones as you sneak up on them. Though it’s difficult to say that this is “fun,” the way The Last of Us Part II forges this level of investment and immersion is one of its greatest strengths.

The chaotic, post-apocalyptic overlay creates the perfect opportunity for different factions to vie for power. In addition to the zombie-like Infected, you also fight the militarized WLF and the technology-averse Seraphites. You deal with all these groups in intense encounters that blend sneaking and shooting in varied and unpredictable ways. Ellie’s increased agility lets you jump, crawl, and vault through areas and take advantage of verticality, but the biggest improvement to combat is the way the world pushes you to play. Stealth is always rewarded, and you can control the battlefield with clever use of your resources, especially in the larger environments. I knew I made a mistake when I died, and I felt satisfaction when I skillfully handled a situation.

Even with its many combat scenarios, The Last of Us Part II offers tranquil and lonely moments. Some areas are devoid of encounters completely, but they don’t feel barren. Instead, they focus on world-building, or cause you as a player to reflect on your actions. The people you meet along the way also play an important part in your journey; when traveling alone, you feel their absence.


Environments tell their own stories of those who became infected. People waiting for their families to return, soldiers hunting deserters, and patients seeking treatment – you piece together these tragic and fascinating tales by reading notes and interpreting clues in the world. From a more practical standpoint, exploring every area is important for gathering resources used to craft items and upgrade talents like faster crawling and improved awareness. Almost every corner has something to find, and I felt rewarded for digging through drawers and searching every room. Going into an empty store, it was easy to feel for the characters in this world who had their lives upended. And as much as gaming can be an escape, the state of the real world right now provides a lens that is difficult to ignore; I never thought seeing the remains of a bookstore or a restaurant would hit harder due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but they did.

The production values that Naughty Dog brings to this experience are second to none. The characters don’t only look good – they look real, complete with quirks that make them more believable as humans. The world and its inhabitants are visually stunning, with artwork and animations you will see just once, quips and conversations that make the world feel alive, and a soundtrack and sound effects that brought chills to my spine. Low hums and water dripping on empty bottles add to the tension as you navigate the perils of the world.

I can rave about the attention to detail, the world, and the combat, but the story is where The Last of Us Part II sets a new bar. It is more about challenging your heart than your reflexes, and I simply cannot recommend it enough. There is much to be said about this game that can’t be said here due to spoilers, but you should play it as soon as you can with as little info as possible. But you don’t need to know specifics to appreciate how the gameplay and environmental cues all play into a single purpose: They make you feel the choices, helplessness, and the violence at the heart of this world and its characters. I can safely say this is the best narrative game I have played. I felt the loss. I felt the confusion. It is a game that turned me inside out with each twist of the screw.


Release of The Last of Us Part II: continuation of the cult game

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Journalist Online correspondent — about the success of The Last of Us Part II


Navbakhor Esanova in 3rd place in the ranking of the highest rated video games on the Playstation 4.

The Last of Us Part II (“The Last of Us Part 2”) is one of the best projects by Naughty Dog, published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. The cinematography of the game is highly appreciated, and the visual component is aesthetically pleasing to the eye, because of which you are immersed in its atmosphere from the first seconds. In TLOU 2, the world around is boundless, its immensity opens up more possibilities in movements / actions. And in the background, beautiful natural locations, reaching a sufficient degree of realism to take your breath away. Convincing realism grabs attention and holds it.


A special feature of the game is the wealth of visual and audio aspects. The soundtracks were composed by Argentinean composer Gustavo Santaolalla, who cited his constant inspiration for the work due to the creative freedom afforded by Neil Druckmann (Naughty Dog’s creative director and game writer).

The storyline of the second part of TLOU 2 is not subject to any patterns, you cannot predict something in advance or be ready for something, because of which anxiety can accompany you throughout the game, regardless of whether you are a player viewer. The creators also stated that there are no safe places in the game where you can sit quietly. Enemies have become smarter, more real and, of course, more dangerous.

The creators clearly indicated the importance of the characters’ reactions to what is happening to them, proclaiming this as the main principle that changes the course of the plot, relationships, opinions. The complex characters of the characters are conceived by the scriptwriters in a certain way so that they can empathize with and understand their decisions and actions.

The plot of TLOU 2 takes place 5 years after the events of the first part. The main characters of the game — Joel and Ellie — move to a settlement in Jackson, where they remain to live. Joel aged nobly, and Ellie is no longer a child, but a real adult.

I was struck by how much emotion this game has, how it makes players feel for the characters.

Gustavo Santaolalla, composers of the soundtracks for the game

If the first part of the game became cult thanks to its characters and the development of their relationships, then the second part offers to plunge into something already unknown: into a different plot, different presentation and atmosphere.

The creators decided to turn the plot around and start not from the atmosphere of the first part of the game, but to create something fundamentally new. It was a bold move for TLOU 2 writers and fans alike. The game has retained its soulfulness, to some extent nobility, when you are inspired by the idea of ​​​​plunging into this emotional experiment.

The second part of the game is more serious and realistic. It is built on the principle of establishing contact between the player and the character he controls. In The Last of Us II, there are many critical situations that provide an emotional shake for gamers. It’s safe to say that the game is designed for feedback, it wants to see the feelings, emotions, reactions of the gaming community — and it gets them.

Kapitolina Nabiruhina, fan of the game since 2016

«It’s hard not to catch spoilers on the Internet when you haven’t finished the game yet. But personally in my case it doesn’t spoil the impression of the game or make me want to finish it. I liked the variety of situations. In my opinion, let The Last of Us 2 eschews the concept of the road adventure that the first game was about, but it doesn’t make the game any more boring.The creators are constantly changing locations and situations to keep the tension high.You will visit abandoned high-rise buildings, and creepy forests in the dark, and more cute places like museums and aquariums.Gameplay all these locations are also different.

However, the length of the game was disappointing. Since the process of completely passing the game is more than 30 hours, this is not very convenient for me. There are super long and drawn-out locations. I would like more «live moments» so that the saturation of the game does not fall. Disappointed also uniformity.

But I’m still satisfied with the game, because I purposefully spend so much time on it and expect special sensations. Despite the sad ending and some shocking moments, the game remains my favorite. »

Nikita Pak, who managed to complete the game and is an ardent fan of the first part. there were moments that I was dissatisfied with, for example, the too long passage of the game for Abby, about which little was known at that time. »

Ivan Zabirov, gamer

« I completed the game in 3 days, which I can’t call something good, because such a game needs to be stretched out in order to feel everything better and not rush. The impressions were heavy, mixed. After that «When I finished, I immediately went online to see how others reacted. To put it mildly, everyone was shocked, and I just didn’t know how I felt, perhaps because everything went too quickly.»

Movie fans who appreciate quality and want to see something new have the opportunity to watch a game movie — «game movie». This is a standalone work with all the in-game scenes, worthy of attention due to its revolutionary graphics, iconic characters, visual and musical components.


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The plot of The Last of Us 2 — what are the grades, why are they criticizing the game?

And why the criticism is mostly unfounded.

The Last of Us 2, as expected, caused furious controversy among players, critics, bloggers, and in general everyone involved in the gaming industry. At the time of writing, the game has an average score of 9 on Metacritic.5 out of 100, but the user rating is kept at a terrifying mark of 3.4 points out of 10 . 7.5 thousand users have rated (in most cases, categorical «0» or «10») almost 30-hour game, released a day ago in New Zealand and even later in Europe and Russia . This is a classic case of review bombing — a flash mob, when users massively drown the average rating of a game due to dissatisfaction with some event or fact related to it.

Specifically, TLOU 2 is smashed for separate plot points: someone saw something on the streams, others saw the April leaked shots of the early build of the game, others were simply impressed by the text retellings, often distorted to the point of absurdity.

So what’s really going on with the game and does it deserve all the hate? We will analyze the common claims point by point and without direct spoilers of — except that we will touch on the ending of the original The Last of Us.

The sequel was originally superfluous

The first «The Last of Us» ended with a strong scene. Joel refuses to sacrifice Ellie for a chance to create a vaccine for Cordyceps (a sinister fungus that turns people into zombies) and takes her straight out of the operating room, killing the head surgeon. When Ellie regains consciousness, Joel lies to her that she is not the only one with immunity and Ellie will not be able to create a cure thanks to Ellie.

Although the ending was open (did Ellie recognize Joel’s lie?), the story felt complete. Neil Druckmann exhaustively showed the gray morality of a person and made the player empathize with the hero, who in the end objectively turned out to be a rare reptile who put his feelings above the fate of all mankind. There was nothing to add here.

Therefore, the very existence of «Part II» is difficult to perceive. On the one hand, this is rather an independent story, primarily about the cyclical nature of violence and the fact that there are no heroes and villains in life — a message similar to the first game, revealed in a completely different way. On the other hand, this is exactly the sequel, in which Ellie and Joel are still at the center of the story, which originates from the events of the original.

Ambiguous positioning was the spark that ignited the discontent of thousands of people. In terms of storyline, TLOU 2 is a completely different work that does not fit well with any expectations in the context of the first game, but still uses favorite characters. And from here grows the second, main claim.

Neil Druckmann doesn’t care about the feelings of the fans

I would like to compare The Last of Us Part II with the movie Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the fan expectations in it are mostly at odds with what is happening on the screen. But «Jedi» was directed by a director who had nothing to do with the series before, so the film seems to be kicking the sacred cow for fun. But Neil Druckmann had every moral right to do with The Last of Us whatever he wanted , since he came up with this world and characters. When creating the original, his partner was Bruce Straley, who left Naughty Dog after the release of Uncharted 4, but it was Druckmann who nurtured the prototype of The Last of Us since his student years. This is his personal dream project and no one else’s.

So Neil Druckmann doesn’t owe anyone anything, just like George Lucas didn’t have to make the Star Wars prequels look like the original trilogy. If games were made to the needs of the players, the industry would stagnate. It seems that no one likes it when games turn out «toothless» — so what’s the matter?

Druckmann mocks the characters

Yes, in The Last of Us Part II, both Ellie and Joel have a hard time, to put it mildly — they suffer just like ordinary people, their torments are not decorated with heroism or pathos, they are not legendary . But that’s what is the essence of the dilogy: it’s about ordinary people who, with varying degrees of success, go through all sorts of shit , because there’s no other way. It is not clear how their fates in the sequel can diverge from anyone’s expectations, since even the first game focuses on the mortality, vulnerability, imperfection of each central character. There, Ellie was still a relatively naive and innocent teenager, which softened the tone of the story a little. In the sequel, she is already an adult, she has her own injuries and cockroaches in her head.

One could understand such a complaint if Naughty Dog suddenly released Uncharted 5, in which Nathan Drake suddenly got drunk and now barely climbs over the fence of a closed supermarket to steal a case of beer from a warehouse. Now that would be a mockery of the character — although look me in the eye and tell me that such a twist did not arouse even the slightest interest in you.

This hero did this and that illogically. Where is the motivation?

People are generally very irrational creatures, sometimes impulsively doing the strangest things. The nit-picking about the specific actions of specific characters in The Last of Us 2 sounds like «he acted illogically» when in fact they mean «he did not do what I wanted him to do.» Again, a cruel joke of deceived fan expectations, idealizing the characters and depriving them of their human, imperfect nature.

When you find holes in the logic, try, on the contrary, to find an explanation for what happened — in TLOU 2 this is always possible. Criticism of script consistency only makes sense when the character’s words or actions feel alien in the context of everything else. Such discussions are interesting, but you still need to play the game to participate in them, and not read the nano-retelling of plot passages in someone’s comment or tweet.

I am forced to do things that I don’t like

Yes — and it’s justified. «The Last of Us: Part 2» does not pretend to be an RPG — this is a completely linear action game in which you play not yourself, but the heroine you control . It is perfectly normal to feel rejected from her at some point — it would be strange to fully share the position of the broken and deeply traumatized characters. In most difficult scenes, you are forced not only to watch what is happening, but to perform these most vile actions — this is also part of the author’s idea, even (especially) when you do something against your will.

Here you are deprived of power over what is happening (a suitable English term is agency) and are not allowed to be «the best in the world.» Few games do this, because gamers really don’t like to feel like shit while having fun. We want to be heroes, to be touched, to laugh, and not to suffer. In The Last of Us Part II, it’s the other way around.

Such games are really not for everyone, they can even be called niche. To be fair, TLOU 2 makes its repulsive nature known with every trailer, screenshot, developer interview. Even from the cover of the game, it is extremely obvious that it will be anything, but definitely not «pleasant and inspiring.»

Ellie was made a lesbian, an LGBT story — all for the sake of the story!

No matter how you feel about LGBTQ people, in The Last of Us Part II this topic is far from central. Yes, Ellie is a lesbian (which was shown in the Left Behind add-on for the first game) in a relationship with a bisexual Dina. There is at least one other notable queer character in the game, but he has a cameo appearance and isn’t the one you might think of from the game’s memes and twisted plot retellings. Ellie’s sexual identity is even less emphasized than Nathan’s feelings for Elena in Uncharted 4. In a post-apocalyptic world, no one cares who sleeps with whom (surprisingly, right?) — and even this message is not highlighted in any way.

And there is no feminism as such in the game. Among the key characters, there are approximately equal numbers of men and women; there is no emphasis on gender in their words, actions or status. Some of the dissatisfied players were outraged that one of the heroines is very pumped up, and the other does not shave her armpits. In the first case, you are even given the context of why and how the girl achieved such a physique. The second claim is simply amazing — well, yes, probably, women born in a ruined world and mustaches especially often do not bleach. And, most likely, they do not even know about such a procedure.

Feminism? No, logic.

The plot of the game is boring/uninventive/primitive

The retelling of the story of the first «One of Us» (by the way, read and watch our retelling if you haven’t already!) also looks like an inexpressive set of clichés from post-apocalyptic films and the zombie genre in general, but The game has been loved by millions. Because in the case of her, as with the sequel, everything is decided by the presentation and direction — «Part II» kept them at about the same level. Even on paper, interesting topics are raised and revealed here: the nature of violence, tribalism, obsession, psychological trauma, self-sabotage and more. It’s definitely not empty.

Well, the game can’t be objectively called boring either – otherwise there wouldn’t be such furious disputes, there wouldn’t be review bombing, and there wouldn’t be this article.

* * *

We have a lot of different materials about The Last of Us 2:

• The Last of Us 2 review. 2: so good you forget about the story

12 tips before playing The Last of Us 2: how to get the most out of the game

The Last of Us 2 has a full-fledged guitar playing simulator: Pink Floyd, Bob Marley, Radiohead and more have performed

• The Last of Us 2 is the most beautiful game of the generation.