Koop survival games: 33 Best Multiplayer Survival Games To Play In 2023

Die 25 besten Survival-Games 2023 für PS5, PS4, PC & Xbox

11. Minecraft

Entwickler/Publisher: Mojang | Release: 17. Mai 2009 | Modell: Buy-2-Play | Plattformen: PC (Windows, Linux), Mac, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, iOS, Android | Shop: Minecraft

Was ist Minecraft? Minecraft ist ein kreatives Bau- und Crafting-Spiel mit Voxel-Grafik. Es bietet fast unbegrenzt kreative Möglichkeiten, sich seine eigene Welt zu gestalten und mit Mods ganz eigene Spielerfahrungen zu schaffen.

Minecraft hat dabei aber auch einen Survival-Modus, bei dem ihr zusätzlich zum Bauen auch um euer Überleben kämpft. Es gilt für viele Spieler als einer der Gründungsväter des modernen Survival-Genres.

Das macht Minecraft gut:

  • Einzigartiges Terraforming durch Blöcke, die ihr abbauen und andernorts wieder aufstellen könnt
  • Eine freundliche, helle Welt, die im Gegensatz zu den meist düsteren und kargen Umgebungen anderer Survival-Games steht
  • Ein besonderes Crafting-System, bei dem es darauf ankommt, welche Materialien ihr auf welche Art anordnet, um bestimmte Gegenstände herzustellen
  • Eine liebevolle, riesige Welt, die viele Stunden der Erkundung bietet
  • Einfache Grafik und ein einfaches Spielprinzip, die den Einstieg spielend leicht machen

Die Grafik von Minecraft spricht nicht jeden Gamer an.

Für wen eignet sich Minecraft? Minecraft richtet sich mit seinem freundlichen Look an Spieler aller Altersklassen mit einem Interesse an Kreativität und Erkundung. Auch und besonders Kinder und Jugendliche können sich hier austoben.

Mit Minecraft werden insbesondere kreative Köpfe und Baumeister glücklich, egal ob alleine oder in der Gruppe. Minecraft bietet ein Bau- und Crafting-Erlebnis mit wenigen Einschränkungen. Wer gerne völlig ohne vorgegebene Strukturen sein eigenes Heim bauen will, der sollte sich Minecraft ansehen.


  • Absolute Freiheit – Baut und tut, was ihr wollt
  • Kreativ- und Survival-Modus für unterschiedliche Spielstile
  • Hardcore- und Adventure-Mode für mehr Herausforderungen
  • Erschafft eigene Welten, baut Häuser oder ganze Städte
  • Solo und Koop möglich – Auch für Kinder und Familien


  • Fehlt euch Kreativität, werdet ihr nur wenig zu tun haben
  • Voxel-Grafik wirkt “pixelig” und spricht nicht jeden an



Entwickler/Publisher: Unknown Worlds | Release: 23. Januar 2018 | Modell: Buy-2-Play | Plattformen: PC, Mac, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S; ab Anfang 2021 Nintendo Switch | Shop: Steam | Subnautica PS4 [*  | Subnautica*  – Affiliate-Links (Wir bekommen eine kleine Provision)

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Was ist Subnautica? Subnautica ist ein Survival-Game, das primär Unterwasser spielt. Ihr seid mit einem Raumschiff auf einem Ozean-Planeten gestrandet und versucht nun, das Schiff zu reparieren.

Euer Ziel ist es, wieder vom Planeten entkommen zu können. Dazu müsst ihr aber erst einmal überleben und ordentlich craften, was euch immer wieder in die Unterwasser-Gegenden des Planeten verschlägt, um dort nach neuen Materialien zu suchen.

Wie ihr dabei vorgeht, ist weitgehend euch überlassen. Durch die einzigartige Unterwasser-Welt verliert man sich auch gerne einfach in der Umgebung und vergisst dabei das Ziel oder findet neue Ressourcen, die völlig neue Wege eröffnen.

Was macht Subnautica so gut?

  • Ein einzigartiges Unterwasser-Setting mit malerischer Umgebung
  • Entsprechend einzigartige Mechaniken wie Unterwasser-Behausungen, die kein anderes Survival-Game in diesem Umfang bietet
  • Ein simpler Einstieg und eine Sandbox-Erfahrung, in der jeder in seiner Geschwindigkeit und nach seinem Belieben spielen kann
  • Verschiedene Modi (Überleben, Hardcore, Freies Spiel und Kreativ), um die Schwierigkeit zu steuern

Die Unterwasser-Welt bietet auch skurrile Kreaturen, denen ihr begegnen könnt.

Für wen eignet sich Subnautica? Spieler, die sich gerne in schönen Umgebungen verlieren und lieber erforschen statt zu kämpfen, finden in Subnautica eine einzigartige Möglichkeit dazu. Wer sich an bunten Farben, fremdartigen Geschöpfen und maritimem Leben ergötzen kann, der hat in Subnautica seine Freude.


  • Unterwasser-Welten und Kreaturen, wie ihr sie nirgendwo sonst erlebt
  • Wunderschöne Umgebung, für die das Spiel immer wieder gelobt wird
  • Story mit verschiedenen Abschnitten und DLCs
  • Weitgehend friedliches Erkunden; Subnautica verzichtet größtenteils auf Gewalt


  • Kein Koop möglich, reiner Singleplayer
  • Möglichkeiten lenken von der Story ab
  • Sauerstoff-Knappheit stört beim Erkunden

13. V Rising

Entwickler/Publisher: Stunlock Studios | Release: 17. Mai 2022 (Early Access) | Modell: Buy-2-Play | Plattformen: PC | Shop: Steam

Worum geht es in V Rising? Vampire waren einst die Herrscher über die Welt in V Rising. Ihr seid einer von ihnen – wurdet jedoch gestürzt und eurer Macht beraubt. Nun versucht ihr, eure Kraft zurückzuerlangen. Dazu müsst euer eigenes Schloss aufbauen, euch Diener beschaffen und Bosse besiegen.

Und das wichtigste natürlich: ihr braucht Blut. Statt auf bekannte Überlebens-Mechaniken zu setzen, braucht ihr lediglich Blut, um eure Lebensenergie und eure Produktion zu befeuern. Ein interessantes System, vorwiegend deswegen, weil verschiedene Blutgruppen und Qualität euch stärken können.

Stunlock Studios sind bereits bekannt für Action-Spiele wie Bloodline Champions und Battlerite. Dementsprechend ausgeprägt ist das Kampfsystem in V Rising. In isometrischer Perspektive metzelt ihr euch mit Waffen und Zaubern zu Fuß oder zu Pferde durch haufenweise Gegner.

Was macht V Rising so gut?

  • Ein einzigartiges System mit 6 Blutgruppen, um eure eigene Spielweise zu stärken
  • Private Spiele für Einzelspieler und Freunde, Server für bis zu 60 Spieler im Multiplayer
  • Das actionreiche Kampfsystem, bei dem sogar Tanken richtig viel Spaß macht
  • Unkomplizierter Einstieg, egal ob im privaten Spiel solo, mit Freunden oder auf großen Servern mit dutzenden anderen Spielern

Im Podcast erklären wir: V Rising weckt sogar in den nettesten Menschen den geheimen Sadisten

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Für wen eignet sich V Rising? Da ihr euch aussuchen könnt, ob ihr solo oder öffentlich, PvE oder PvP spielt, spricht V Rising so ziemlich jede Spielergruppe an. Einzige Voraussetzung: ihr müsst auf Vampire stehen und zumindest ein gewisses Faible für Gothic-Look haben. Denn darauf baut die gesamte Optik und Welt von V Rising auf. Durch den leichten Einstieg ist V Rising sogar für Survival-Anfänger hervorragend geeignet.


  • Leichter, sehr eingängiger Einstieg -Ihr versteht sofort, was ihr tun müsst
  • Vielfältige Fähigkeiten, Zauber und Kampfstile
  • PvP ist keine Pflicht, es gibt PvE-Server und Solo-Möglichkeiten


  • Early Access ist noch nicht vollständig übersetzt
  • PvP kann schnell anstrengend werden


Don’t Starve

Entwickler/Publisher: Klei Entertainment | Release: 23. April 2013 | Modell: Buy-2-Play | Plattformen: PC, Mac, PS3, PS4, PS5, PlayStation Vita, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Wii U, iOS, Android, Nintendo Switch | Shop: Steam | PS Store | Microsoft Store | Nintendo Store | Apple App Store | Google Play Store

Worum geht es in Don’t Starve? In Don’t Starve landet ihr in der handgezeichneten Welt des Antagonisten Maxwell und habt erst einmal nur eine Aufgabe: Nicht verhungern. Das ist jedoch zu Beginn gar nicht so leicht.

Die bizarre Umgebung stellt euch aber vor einige Herausforderungen und erfordert, dass ihr euch eine kleine Behausung baut und immer mehr erkundet, um schließlich irgendwie einen Weg herauszufinden oder doch ins Gras zu beißen.

Don’t Starve spielt dabei mit einer „rogue-like“-Entwicklung, bei der euch längeres Überleben in der Welt dabei hilft, immer neue Charaktere zum Spielen freizuschalten, die einzigartige Fähigkeiten und Eigenschaften mit sich bringen.


  • Eine handgezeichnete, zeitlose Grafik
  • Sämtliche Charaktere werden von Blasinstrumenten „gesprochen“, was einen ganz eigenen Charme hat
  • Leichter Einstieg und hoher Wiederspielwert
  • Multiplayer-Option mit „Don’t Starve Together“ (zusätzlich zu kaufen)
  • Abwechslungsreiche Gefahren, Gegner und spielbare Charaktere

Für wen eignet sich Don’t Starve? Besonders Fans von Point-and-Click-Adventures, die sich gerne im Survival-Genre ausprobieren möchten, haben mit Don’t Starve einen idealen Einstieg. Wer auf rogue-like, Survial, Indie-Games oder Casual steht, der macht mit Don’t Starve nichts falsch.

Da Don’t Starve auch als mobile Version verfügbar ist, eignet es sich auch für Spieler, die unterwegs zocken wollen.


  • Charmante, handgezeichnete Grafik
  • Point-and-Click-Charme besonders für Retro-Gamer spannend
  • “Roguelite” für hohen Wiederspielwert
  • Durch Plattform-Portierungen überall spielbar, selbst Mobile


  • Abhängig vom Zufall: Ist der “Seed” der Welt schlecht, wird Überleben richtig schwer
  • Tode sind immer permanent; Spiel ist per Definition “hardcore”


This War of Mine

Entwickler: 11 bit studios | Publisher: Deep Silver | Release: 14. November 2014 | Modell: Buy-2-Play | Plattformen: PC, Mac, PS4/PS5 (The Little Ones), Xbox One/Xbox Series X|S (The Little Ones), iOS, Android, Nintendo Switch | Shop: Steam | PS Store | Microsoft Store | Nintendo Store | Apple App Store | Google Play Store

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Worum geht es in This War of Mine? This War of Mine spielt in der fiktiven Stadt Pogoren, die von einem Krieg verwüstet und durch eine Belagerung verarmt ist. Inspiriert wurde die Geschichte von der Belagerung von Sarajevo im bosnischen Krieg zwischen 1992 und 1996.

Anders als in den meisten Spielen erlebt ihr den Krieg jedoch nicht aus Sicht eines Soldaten, sondern aus Sicht der zivilen Bevölkerung, die darunter leidet. Ihr spielt selbst eine Gruppe von Menschen, die gemeinsam versucht, in den Trümmern der Stadt über die Runden zu kommen.

This War of Mine ist aufgebaut aus verschiedenen Phasen, die ihr meistern müsst. In eurem eigenen, zerstörten „Heim“ verwaltet ihr Nahrung, Schlafplätze und Medizin, trefft schwere Entscheidungen wem ihr helft und wem nicht oder schickt einige der Bewohner hinaus, um in der anderen Phase nach Nahrung und Ressourcen zu suchen – was nicht selten tödlich enden kann.

War of Mine

so gut?

  • Eine unglaublich bedrückende Stimmung, die das Leid des Krieges glaubhaft näher bringt
  • Spannende Stealth-Action beim Plündern der Trümmer, um nicht erwischt zu werden
  • Schwere Entscheidungen, die häufig ein fatales Ende und mitreißende Folgen haben können
  • Hoher Wiederspielwert durch immer andere Herausforderungen und Voraussetzungen
  • Zeitlose Grafik und Gameplay

Für wen eignet sich This War of Mine? Wer sich für den Krieg aus gesellschaftlicher Sicht interessiert und Kriegs-Dramen wie „Der Soldat James Ryan“ oder Ähnliches wegen ihrer emotionalen Komponente liebt, der sollte sich This War of Mine ansehen.

Da This War of Mine auch als mobile Version verfügbar ist, eignet es sich auch für Spieler, die unterwegs zocken wollen.


  • Zerstörte Stadt fängt die Grauen des Krieges in der Zivilbevölkerung atmosphärisch auf
  • Einzigartiges Gameplay: Ihr müsst ständig entscheiden, wer leben darf und wer sterben muss
  • Entscheidungen können immer andere Ausgänge haben, daher hoher Wiederspielwert


  • Harte Entscheidungen eignen sich nicht für sensible Gemüter
  • Story ist nicht sehr tief, aber äußerst brutal

28 Best Cross-Platform Survival Games

Discover the top 28 best cross-platform Survival games. Awesome crossplay titles that you can enjoy with friends no matter which platform you are on. We currently list 32 Survival titles, with 28 of them supporting crossplay at this time.

In survival games, the player is focused on surviving against all odds. Players usually have to scavenge for food, water, and other supplies while fending off enemies such as zombies, dinosaurs, or aliens. The genre has become increasingly popular in recent years with the release of hit titles such as “The Last of Us” and “Fallout 4.”

View cross-platform Survival games below:



Are you ready to take on the test of your mettle? Enter Monster Hunter Rise, a groundbreaking instalment in the renowned and…

Nintendo SwitchPS4PS5Steam (PC)Windows PCXbox OneXBox Series S/X



Dying Light is a tumultuous, first-person survival horror experience amidst an expansive and perilous open world. During the day, players traverse through a sprawling urban milieu, scavenging for vital resources…

LinuxMacPS3PS4Steam (PC)Windows PCXbox 360Xbox One



Embark on an extraordinary journey of intrigue and deception as you experience First Class Trouble, the party game that will have players engaging in a thrilling battle between cooperation and…

PS4PS5Steam (PC)Windows PC



Bethesda Game Studios bids you a hearty welcome to Fallout 76! As one of the nation’s most promising inhabitants, on Reclamation Day 2102, twenty-five years after atomic bombs obliterated America…

PS4Steam (PC)Windows PCXbox One



DayZ is an unforgiving open-world survival game with a solitary dictate: remain alive, without fail. How far can you persist in a post-apocalyptic world? A land submerged by an infested…

PS4Steam (PC)Windows PCXbox One



Stranded Deep, the acclaimed survival video game created by the talented developers of Beam Team Games, is now available on an array of platforms. Plunge into a treacherous oceanic environment…

LinuxMacPS4Steam (PC)Windows PCXbox One




Ark: Survival Evolved is a unique survival game that blends multiplayer cooperation and competition. Players awake naked and starving on the beach…

AndroidGoogle StadiaiOSLinuxMacNintendo SwitchPS4Steam (PC)Windows PCXbox One



As the sole survivor of a harrowing passenger aircraft mishap, you find yourself cast adrift in a befuddling woodlands, tasked with struggling to persist against an assemblage of cannibalistic aberrations.

PS4Steam (PC)Windows PC



For the inaugural time, you will have the prerogative to play as Jason Voorhees, the most renowned executioner in horror. Track your quarry and ambush them at every available opportunity…

Nintendo Switch



In a world fraught with peril and contagion, the last bastion of humanity stands defiant. Blessed with preternatural dexterity and martial prowess, you are an invaluable asset; a harbinger of…

PS4PS5Steam (PC)Windows PCXbox OneXBox Series S/X



Transform your beloved Survivor into a fashionista with the latest flamboyant hairstyles and glamorous accessories! Let them experiment with an array of ostentatious looks featuring chic tresses, bejeweled headbands, and…

Steam (PC)Windows PCXbox One



No Man’s Sky is a game about exploration and adventure in an infinite, procedurally generated universe. Players can fly seamlessly from deep space to planetary surfaces with no loading screens.…

PlayStation VRPlayStation VR2PS4PS5Steam (PC)Windows PCXbox OneXBox Series S/X



Minecraft is a game that focuses on allowing the player to explore, interact with, and modify their environment. The map is made up of one-cubic-meter blocks that the player can…

LinuxMacWindows PC



Back 4 Blood is a cooperative first-person shooter from the creators of Left 4 Dead. The game takes place in a world overrun by Ridden, creatures bent on devouring humanity.…

PS4PS5Steam (PC)Windows PCXbox OneXBox Series S/X



Fortnite is a free online game where players can battle it out to be the last one standing in Battle Royale or join forces with friends to create their own…

AndroidiOSMacNintendo SwitchPS4PS5Windows PCXbox OneXBox Series S/X



Minecraft is a game with an open-ended model which allows players to explore and interact with a dynamically-generated map made of one-cubic-meter blocks. The environment features plants, mobs, and items,…

AndroidiOSMacNintendo SwitchPS4Windows PCXbox One



Rust is a game about survival. The goal is to overcome hunger, thirst, and cold by building a fire and shelter. Players must also kill animals for food and protect…

PS4PS5Xbox OneXBox Series S/X



Hunt: Showdown is a PvPvE first-person shooter in which players take down nightmarish monsters for glory, gear, and gold. The game is unforgiving and unforgettable, with intense combat that will…

PS4Steam (PC)Windows PCXbox One



Surviv.io is a 2D battle royale game that offers an intense 3-5 minute experience with no lobbies or lengthy drop sequences. Players are always in the fight and can play…

AndroidiOSLinuxMacSteam (PC)Windows PC



Evil Dead: The Game is a 4 vs 1 asymmetrical horror/survival game based on the Evil Dead franchise and characters created by Sam Raimi, Robert Tapert, and Bruce Campbell. The…

Nintendo SwitchPS4PS5Windows PCXbox OneXBox Series S/X


List of cooperative survival games

Resident evil 4

Released: 2005

Platforms: iOS, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Wii, PC, Xbox 360

System Requirements: Low

Genre: horror, shooter, action, adventure, survival

Resident Evil 4 is a multi-platform survival horror action game, the fourth episode of the Resident Evil saga. In the story, six years have passed since the destruction of Raccoon City. Government agent Leon Kennedy is sent to Europe, where the president’s daughter, Ashley Graham, is held hostage by the Los Illuminados cult, who needs to be rescued…

87 /100

Friday the 13th: Killer Puzzle

Released: 2018

Platforms: Android, iOS, PC

System Requirements: Medium

Genre: Horror, Action, Indie, Puzzle, Strategy, Survival

An unusual horror puzzle game where the player becomes a real bloody assistant to Jason Voorhees. Plan and orchestrate a myriad of insidious traps and bloodthirsty killing sprees across over 100 challenging levels…

85 /100

Resident Evil 2

Released: 2019

Platforms: PlayStation 4, PC, Xbox One

System Requirements: High

Genre: horror, shooter, action, adventure, puzzle, survival

RESIDENT EVIL 2 is an addictive survival horror game. The main characters: rookie police officer Leon and student Claire are trying in every possible way to escape from the American town of Raccoon City, which was engulfed in a terrible epidemic due to the leakage of biological weapons…

85 /100

Left 4 Dead 2

Released: 2009

Platforms: PC, Xbox 360

System Requirements: Low

Genre: action, shooter, action, survival

In the second part of the famous game, the plot is built on the basis of the actions of the four remaining people who lived during the zombie apocalypse. The game plot will be conditionally divided into 5 companies that are tightly connected by an exciting storyline. ..

84 /100

Dead Space 2

Released: 2011

Platforms: PlayStation 3, PC, Xbox 360

System Requirements: Low

Genre: horror, shooter, action, survival

Dead Space 2 is the continuation of the Dead Space series. Events unfold in 2511 3 years after the events of the first part. Everything takes place on the space station — the city of Sprawl. Isaac Clarke is the main character…

84 /100

Dead Space

Released: 2008

Platforms: PlayStation 3, PC, Xbox 360

System Requirements: Low

Genre: horror, shooter, action, survival

According to the story of the sci-fi game Dead Space, the corporation that operates the galactic drilling rigs received an SOS signal from the Ishimura space station. Assuming an ordinary malfunction, the company sends repairmen to the platform, led by engineer Isaac Clark …

83 /100

Alien Shooter 2

Released: 2006

Platforms: on PC

System requirements: low

Genre: open world, shooter, survival

Alien Shooter 2 is an arcade action game with RPG elements. In the new segment, there is a well-reworked scenario with several endings, a lot of side quests for character development…

82 /100

Don’t Starve

Released: 2013

Platforms: iOS, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, PC, Xbox One

System Requirements: Low

Genre: Roguelike, Sandbox, Building, Horror, Adventure, Indie, Survival

Evil forces imprisoned scientist Wilson in the wild world. Playing Dont Starve, you will need to help the hero get out of prison, using all the resources of a mysterious and wild land…

81 /100


Released: 2009

Platforms: Android, iOS, Java, Linux, MacOS, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, on PC, Windows Phone, Xbox 360, Xbox One

System Requirements: Low

Genre: sandbox, open world, building, life, educational, simulator, adventure, indie, life simulator, for kids, survival

Minecraft is a popular sandbox game with a huge, auto-generated open world and survival elements. In its style, the entire game world consists of specific blocks (objects, landscape, the player himself and mobs), for the creation of which low-resolution textures were used…

79 /100

The Wild Eight

Released: 2017

Platforms: PlayStation 4, PC, Xbox One

System Requirements: High

Genre: roguelike, sandbox, open world, action, simulation, RPG, adventure, indie, rpg, survival

The Wild Eight is a project in the survival genre, where the success of survival depends on the correct cooperation of people. The plane crashed in Alaska, eight people miraculously escaped, and you are one of them, now the survivors must fight for life in the most difficult conditions…

78 /100

Resident Evil 7 biohazard

Released: 2017

Platforms: PlayStation 4, PC, Xbox One, VR

System Requirements: High

Genre: horror, action, shooter, action, adventure, rpg, survival

Resident Evil VII is a continuation of the well-known horror series that has returned to its roots and is very similar in style and atmosphere to its classic releases. In this part, we are offered less action and focus more on horror elements…

78 /100

Dead Nation

Released: 2010

Platforms: PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita

System requirements: unknown

Genre: horror, thriller, shooter, action, rpg, survival

In the game Dead Nation, you will have to confront a myriad armada of the living dead who roam the streets of the city in search of living organisms. You have a unique immunity to a terrible virus that spreads across the globe and turns all people into terrible and impersonal zombies…

77 /100

Alien Shooter: Revisited

Released: 2009

Platforms: on PC

System requirements: low

Genre: open world, action, shooter, action, survival

If you feel déjà vu while playing Revisited, trust yourself, because you see a free interpretation of the first part of the arcade shooter Alien Shooter. The version is based on the platform of the second part, which directly affects the quality of graphics and video. ..

77 /100

Resident Evil: Revelations

Released: 2012

Platforms: PC

System Requirements: Medium

Genre: horror, shooter, adventure, survival

The video game genre Resident Evil: Revelations is defined as survival horror. Lead characters Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield investigate aboard a cruise ship…

77 /100

Minecraft: Story Mode — Season 2

Released: 2017

Platforms: Android, iOS, MacOS, PlayStation 4, PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One

System Requirements: Medium

Genre: sandbox, open world, building, life, educational, simulator, adventure, rpg, life simulator, for kids, survival

Minecraft: Story Mode — Season 2 — continuation of the adventure sandbox, which includes five episodes. Among the innovations is Crowd Play, a management feature that allows friends to contribute to the passage of the game through mobile devices…

77 /100

World of Tanks


Release year: 2011

Platforms: PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One

World of Tanks is a team tactical MMO game, the main combat tool and vehicle of which is a tank. More than 150 armored crumbs from American, German and Soviet tank factories are available for selection…

86 /100

Pages: 1 &nbsp2 3 4 … 10&nbsp

The best co-op survival games on PC which you will have to endure hardships and survive in harsh conditions? No, we do not offer you a ticket to Chelyabinsk. These are the top best co-op survival games and in them you will experience this experience without unnecessary risk to your life.


The best cooperative survival games on PC

Strictly speaking, this is not quite the top, because any distribution of places between these projects will turn out to be subjective, and dissenting people who wanted to see other games in our top ten will immediately appear in the comments. So let’s agree this way: we give you our selection, and you write yours in the comments.

The Forest

The game begins as if it were made based on the Lost series: a passenger plane crashes on a desert island, and the few survivors soon realize that they have no connection with the outside world, and if they want to live before the arrival of rescuers, they will have to get their own food and build a shelter. And soon it turns out that the island is not as uninhabited as it seemed to them at first glance…

Still, there are no Lost series among the sources of inspiration for the creators of the game, but there are cult horror films Cannibal Hell and The Descent. You will have to fight not only with wildlife, but also with cannibal natives and something worse, but we, of course, will not spoil all the secrets of The Forest. We note the artificial intelligence of computer opponents: they do not look like thoughtless bobbleheads and are able to surprise unlucky preppers. However, if you are looking for a cooperative survival game, then you plan to play with friends, which means there will be someone to cover your back. If you missed The Forest for some reason, play this game for sure: this game will give you an unforgettable experience

7 Days to Die

The next project in our selection of the best survivors to play with friends has been in Early Access since 2013, and it looks like it will stay there forever. However, contrary to rumors, the developers from The Fun Pimps have not abandoned their brainchild, and work on the project continues.

What is the recipe for 7 Days to Die? We take a first-person shooter as a basis, mix it with survival horror, season it with appropriate RPG elements on top and place it all in an open world. And, of course, without crafting and building anywhere! Get ready to assign responsibilities to your team so you can sortie out during the day and fight off hordes of mindless zombies and sometimes hostile players.

The game, despite the years of development, is still raw, periodically crashes, and some gameplay elements leave much to be desired. However, there are solutions for which the developers can be praised: what is the physics of structures that can collapse under their own weight due to the fact that Edward-hands-out-of-the-ass built them. During this time, the game has formed a community that constantly scolds it, but prevents others from doing it. Playing 7 Days to Die with friends is fun and inexpensive.

And now it’s difficult to buy all the games from the list on Steam, in the Russian Federation. However, there is an alternative — stores with Steam keys, which we talked about in this article.


Perhaps the most beginner-friendly game in our selection, and if you are not familiar with the survival genre, but want to try something similar with friends, Raft is the best choice. According to the plot, the world drowned, most of humanity died in the abyss, only rafters survived — captains and sailors of makeshift vessels drifting across the endless ocean in search of supplies and other survivors.

The land in the world of Raft exists in the form of separate islands, on which you will land for resources and provisions until the story sends you on the road again. Yes, Raft has a story with its own villain, secondary characters and side quest chains, but the story is always about you and your team of friends trying to figure out why the planet is flooding.

With all the pluses of the game, it is devoid of those aspects that scare off casual players: in Raft, you don’t have to worry about some pumped-up PvP players attacking you or a troll with experience will come to your cozy server to mock newcomers . If you appreciate Raft, you might want to try something a little more hardcore. God forbid you Sea Devil confuse it with Rust!

Green Hell

No top survival game is complete without this wonderful game. Two years ago we already did a small review on it.

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Green Hell is a harsh survival simulator in the Amazon jungle, as close to reality as possible. Plunge into the world of heavy rains, subcutaneous parasites, poisonous snakes, dangerous predators and, of course, aggressive natives who do not know the word «anthropologist» and do not want to see a stranger on their lands.

Intense plot bordering on thriller and adventure, high cost of error and, of course, cooperative mode. Surviving with friends in Green Hell is much easier, but you will have to get more food, and the chance to attract unwanted attention increases. We recommend the game to self-confident fans of the genre.


The most famous survivor from Bohemia Interactive continues our list, and for your company it will become the very ticket to Chelyabinsk! And this is no joke: the setting of DayZ is a non-existent post-apocalyptic country in which it is difficult not to recognize native landscapes. And you, along with other survivors, will once again have to fight back against hungry and bloodthirsty zombies. But, as you know, zombies are not the most terrible enemy in such games.

To survive in the world of DayZ, you need a team that you can trust, even though the game tells you not to trust anyone from the very beginning. Unlike Raft and Green Hell, here you are not immune from hostile players. Perhaps the built-in voice chat will help you negotiate with them, but you shouldn’t really hope for this. It is better to stock up on food, weapons and ammunition for yourself.

An interesting fact: RP servers are quite common in DayZ, which differ from the standard game in terms of behavior and even setting. On one of them, for example, players successfully cosplay S.T.A.L.K.E.R. So if you don’t like the normal game mode, there are alternative options.


Young viewers of our channel are unlikely to remember the film «Honey, I Shrunk the Children», which will not prevent them from being in the place of its heroes. According to the plot of Grounded, you have to survive in the most dangerous place on the planet — literally in your own backyard! True, there is one caveat: the heroes are reduced to the size of insects, and now even the most ordinary home spider is a mortal danger for them.

Let’s praise the developers for a great idea to show the familiar world from an unusual angle: you have not seen such dangers in other survival games. But, alas, the game has problems with balance, and in some places it rests on a rather monotonous grind, which makes it boring for a single passage. Multiplayer is another matter — even the most dull routine becomes a hundred times more fun if you do it in a good company. Ready for a spider raid? Then install the game about insects — Grounded!

Don’t Starve Together

Even if you’ve never played Don’t Starve, you’ve probably seen snippets of the game: Tim Burton’s cartoon-inspired style is hard to confuse. The game has collected many awards, received several successful additions and has gained a loyal audience. It lacked only multiplayer, which the developers screwed up three years after the release, and called this version of the game Don’t Starve Together.

A group of players each time find themselves in a new world in which they have to survive in conditions of a constant shortage of resources and food, and at the same time fight off various terrible creatures, some of which may well turn out to be a product of an inflamed imagination. Keeping your sanity in Don’t Starve is just as important as not dying from hunger or cold. And the cooperative regime is testing in practice the idea of ​​Uncle Fyodor’s father.

Your adventure can end either with the death of the whole group or with salvation, but most likely you will stop at the option of moving to another world and starting a new adventure. Seriously addictive Don’t Starve Together!


This place could have been the notorious Rust, but, firstly, we already remembered it today, and secondly, we remembered the tradition of adding some good, but not very famous game in early access to our collections . So Rust this time will do without a place in the top of the best survival games, you all already know it. And we will tell you about Satisfactory.

In most survival games, you are used to being content with little: if you have a canvas tent, edible mushrooms and a fire burning, you can say that life is good. In Satisfactory you have much more resources, but the task is more serious: to put into circulation the whole planet for the benefit of your mighty corporation. Unless, of course, this planet does not let you yourself go to waste!

Here you will find out what difficulties a well-funded high-tech alien expedition can face, how difficult it is to build a plant hundreds of light-years from Earth, and what fantastic creatures live here. But don’t think that you will be playing the usual factory and production chain strategy: first-person view game! But don’t worry, you won’t have to do everything yourself, because you will take reliable friends with you.


This game with seemingly inconspicuous 2D pixel graphics has long been a classic. It is unlikely that among fans of survival games there are those who have not heard about Terraria. This sandbox in a procedurally generated world runs even on the weakest computers, and in order to raise your own server to play with friends, you do not need to be a bearded sysadmin with twenty years of experience.

The game features deep environment customization that allows you to optimize the world to the smallest detail for the desired difficulty and style of survival. However, it is not necessary to understand this, beginners may well trust the computer: not a single adventure in Terraria will be like the previous one. Play with friends on the same side or face each other — the choice is yours, but the default multiplayer in the game is cooperative.


And our “sort of” top game will finish, which would be in the first place if we set ourselves the goal of putting all the projects in their places. And no one could dispute this status: Minecraft is the most popular game in the genre in its entire history, not to mention the fact that almost all developers of survival games use Minecraft finds in their projects.

What can you say about Minecraft? This is no longer a game, but a real cultural phenomenon that has no boundaries. The possibilities of playing with your company here are simply endless: hardcore survival, the construction of gigantic architectural masterpieces, or just mutual trolling: time in this world flies unnoticed.