Item tft lol: TFT Items Cheat sheet — TeamFight Tactics

TFT Set 8 Item Tier List

Understanding when and why to build items in Teamfight Tactics can be key to winning more consistently.

Just like our LoL tier list, our TFT items tier list is created in collaboration with high-level TFT players, such as Ace of Spades.

Set 8 is finally here, and we have a new tier list for the new set. We won’t be covering changes from previous tier lists as the new set is still fresh. For now, here are our item rankings.

Looking for info on Set 8? Check out our all-in-one Teamfight Tactics Set 8 reveal article that covers all champions, synergies, and more!

TFT Items Tier List for Patch 12.23

If you’re looking for the best champions in the Teamfight Tactics, check out our TFT tier list.

For the most updated information, check out our constantly updated TFT Item Tier list feature.

Basic Items Tier List
  1. Optimal (S-tier): B.F. Sword, Giant’s Belt, Needlessly Large Rod, Recurve Bow, Spatula,
  2. Great (A-tier): Chain Vest, Negatron Cloak, Tear of the Goddess
  3. Good (B-tier): Sparring Gloves

Combined Items Tier List

  1. Optimal (S-tier): A. D.M.I.N. Emblem, Anima Squad Emblem, Blue Buff, Bramble Vest, Deathblade, Dragon’s Claw, Edge of Night, Giant Slayer, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Heart Emblem, Hand of Justice, Jeweled Gauntlet, Last Whisper, Mascot Emblem, Morellonomicon, Shroud of Stillness, Spear of Shojin, Sunfire Cape, Tactician’s Crown, Warmog’s Armor
  2. Great (A-tier): Archangel’s Staff, Bloodthirster, Chalice of Power, Duelist Emblem, Gargoyle Stoneplate, Ionic Spark, Locket of the Iron Solari, Ox Force Emblem, Protector’s Vow, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Redemption, Renegade Emblem, Runaan’s Hurricane, Statikk Shiv, Thief’s Gloves, Titan’s Resolve, Zeke’s Herald, Zz’Rot Portal
  3. Good (B-tier): Guardbreaker, Hextech Gunblade, Infinity Edge, Laser Corps Emblem, Quicksilver, Rapid Firecannon, Zephyr

Recent Changes Commentary

Since we have a fresh tier list for Set 8 Monsters Attack, we won’t be doing a recent change memo this week. Come back next patch to see what changes.

TFT Item Combinations

In the following sections, you’ll find commentary on the best basic items and the TFT item recipes to create the best TFT item combinations. To get a quick and easy reference, check out our TFT Items tool.

Basic Items

These basic items make the best TFT item recipes in the game. Unless you already picked up a lot of these, these are the items you should aim for at the carousel.

B.F. Sword

B.F Sword is a great offensive item pick as it builds into the best Attack Damage items and also healing items for both AD and AP users.

Chain Vest

Armor always brings great utility and defense to a team, and the balance of the game brings defensive items into a good spot.

Giant’s Belt

Giant’s Belt also builds into a good amount of S tier items. Zeke’s Herald is a strong item on many team comps, while something like Sunfire Cape can be used to try and win streak early game.

Needlessly Large Rod

Needlessly Large Rod is similar to B.F Sword in that it builds into a lot of powerful items. It can be used in attack and magic damage items, making it highly sought after.

Negatron Cloak

Negatron is similar to Chain Vest in that it mostly builds into good utility items. It usually isn’t a high priority, but it still builds into a lot of strong items you want on many teams.

Recurve Bow

Recurve bow builds into a lot of strong attack damage carry items, but not so much magic damage. It can be sought after as many of the items have powerful effects, but it’s not as flexible as some other item components.

Sparring Gloves

Sparring Gloves has become a premium item in the game. It builds into some of the best offensive items in the game as well as some of the best utility items.


Spatula is an amazing item purely because it brings so much variance. In the hands of a good player, it can become that extra push for your team. However, it can become a dead item in some situations if you get one late in the game.

Tear of the Goddess

Tear is an extremely powerful item simply because it gives mana. To build on that, it builds into some of the strongest items as well. Overall, Tear is a solid item which is also core for some team comps that want to cast their abilities a lot.

Combined Items

Bloodthirster (B.F. Sword + Negatron Cloak)

This item provides good lifesteal for units that basic attack. Units with very high damage like Draven thrive with this item as their ability hits scales their basic attack damage.

Blue Buff (Tear of the Goddess x2)

This item is mainly used on carries that have low mana pools to allow them to continuously cast their ability.

Bramble Vest (2x Chain Vest)

This item is great for tanks as it allows them to negate any critical damage whether it’s attack damage or magic damage. The small damage it applies can also be nice for early game fights.

Chalice of Power (Negatron Cloak + Tear of the Goddess)

Chalice of Power now has an effect very much like Zeke’s Herald, only that it gives ability power instead of attack speed. For comps that stack magic damage, this item can add a lot of damage to your main carries, assuming you are able to position them close together without sacrificing your positioning.

Deathblade (B.F. Sword x2)

Deathblade is a good combined with or as an alternative to Infinity Edge. It gives a lot of attack damage to any carry that basic attacks.

Dragon’s Claw (Negatron Cloak x2)

If you are facing a magic damage comp this is ideal! This is a great item to put on a frontliner to make them take much less damage from abilities.

Edge of Night (B.F. Sword + Chain Vest)

If you have a character that is being targeted by Assassins or is maybe a frontline carry, this item can be great to take aggro off them during the fight.

Tactician’s Crown (Spatula x2)

This item allows you to place an extra unit on the field. Yeah…that’s pretty good!

Protector’s Vow (Chain Vest + Tear of the Goddess)

This item introduced in set 7.5 allows the holder to provide a lot of shield value to the rest of the team. A strong option to fit on many teams.

Giant Slayer (B.F. Sword + Recurve Bow)

Giant Slayer is one of the few items that give multiplicative scaling. This is very powerful and becomes even stronger against enemies with high health.

Guinsoo’s Rageblade (Needlessly Large Rod + Recurve Bow)

This item is in a league of its own. Infinitely stacking AS with hyper carries is a recipe for broken team comps.

Hand of Justice (Sparring Gloves + Tear of the Goddess)

Hand of Justice has a very powerful effect as it gives multiple bonuses in attack damage, ability power, and healing. This can be a good flexible item on a lot of carries.

Hextech Gunblade (B.F. Sword + Needlessly Large Rod)

Spell reliant units can benefit heavily from the omnivamp here but it can work on most damage dealers.

Ionic Spark (Needlessly Large Rod + Negatron Cloak)

Ionic Spark is a great utility item to put on front line units. Reducing magic resist is useful for all team comps and the mana debuff can also be clutch in many fights.

Infinity Edge (B.F. Sword + Sparring Gloves)

Infinity Edge is one of the best attack damage items in the game. It gives 100% crit chance to the holder and scales extremely well on a lot of champions.

Jeweled Gauntlet (Sparring Gloves + Needlessly Large Rod)

Jeweled Gauntlet is very powerful on magic damage carries as it provides crit damage to spells. This provides multiplicative scaling instead of simply increasing Ability Power.

Last Whisper (Brawler’s Gloves + Recurve Bow)

Last Whisper pairs extremely nicely with Infinity Edge against teams that have a lot of armor.

Locket of the Iron Solari (Chain Vest + Needlessly Large Rod)

A defensive option that works well against AoE comps, try it out early game for a small edge, but expect it to fall off late game.

Archangel’s Staff (Tear of the Goddess + Needlessly Large Rod)

Archangel’s Staff is a great way to provide AP scaling for magic damage champs the longer the fight goes on.

Morellonomicon (Giant’s Belt + Needlessly Large Rod)

The burn and anti-healing are good vs almost every comp. This item also fits into a lot of comps assuming you have an AoE caster.

Quicksilver (Sparring Gloves + Negtron Cloak)

Quicksilver is currently the only effective game mechanic that counters CC and will surely see some play in countering late-game enemy comps.

Rabadon’s Deathcap (Needlessly Large Rod x2)

This is a great oomph to a spell caster, but remember to pair it with items that allow the caster to cast more frequently. Otherwise, it loses its value and you are better off going for something else.

Rapid Firecannon (Recurve Bow x2)

RFC allows champions to have a bit more range, which can be useful for melee carries or for giving your ranged carry just a bit more safety. It also lets units spend less time walking around the board, resulting in more damage dealing instead.

Sunfire Cape (Chain Vest + Giant’s Belt)

Sunfire is a great early game item to add some damage to the slow fights at the start of the game. It is also a good way to utilize defensive items offensively early in the game.

Redemption (Giant’s Belt + Tear of the Goddess)

Redemption is a solid early game item that can be difficult to deal with. It provides a lot of value that might be difficult to tell, but it’s a solid pick for any comp.

Runaan’s Hurricane (Negatron Cloak + Recurve Bow)

Hurricane is core on champions who’s auto attacks are their main source of damage. This will provide multiplicative scaling for a champion, so keep this item in mind.

Shroud of Stillness (Brawlers Gloves + Chain Vest)

An item with that can be game changing due to its ability-denial but is susceptible to positioning counterplay if your opponent is ready for it. Be ready to adapt.

Spear of Shojin (B.F. Sword + Tear of the Goddess)

Spear of Shojin is for champions that have high mana pools or have high attack speed. It’s similar to Blue Buff, but will be more effective on certain champions.

Statikk Shiv (Recurve Bow + Tear of the Goddess)

Shiv is an item that is mainly used to gain an advantage early game. This item will often fall off late game, but in some comps, it can be a carry item when combined with extremely high attack speed.

Gargoyle Stoneplate (Negatron Cloak + Chain Vest)

This item is great on solo frontline units. If you want to make an unkillable tank, this is the item for you.

Thief’s Gloves (2x Sparring Gloves)

There are many champions in the game that make good use out of any item, namely the 5-cost units. For a small investment of two items, copying two items can be quite RNG based, but will on average result in decent outcomes.

Titan’s Resolve (Recurve Bow + Chain Vest)

Phantom Dancer has been replaced by Titan’s Resolve which has a very interesting stacking mechanic for a defensive item. Note that it resets every round and doesn’t stack throughout a match.

Guardbreaker (Sparring Gloves + Giant’s Belt)

Guardbreaker is a very specialized item, and focuses on countering shielded units. While the effect isn’t applicable every game, it can be good in certain metas.

Warmog’s Armor (Giant’s Belt + Giant’s Belt)

Solid item to give any unit more survivability, whether its a tank or an important unit you need to keep alive.

Zeke’s Herald (B.F. Sword + Giant’s Belt)

This gives the 2 units next to the wearer attack speed. In a game where attack speed benefits nearly everyone, this is a big deal.

Zephyr (Giant’s Belt + Negatron Cloak)

Zephyr is one of the best counter play items in the game. With good positioning, you can Zephyr a specific target and completely change the outcome of a fight.

Zz’Rot Portal (Recurve Bow + Giant’s Belt)

Zz’Rot is a good item for teams that lack frontline. It comes at the cost of a bow, but on the right teams, this item can be a solid addition.

TFT Tier List Methodology

Our goal is to deliver the most correct tier list we can to help you win. As more data becomes available, we will add that to our decision making as well.

We justify our decision making in the notes, so be sure to read that and weigh in. We welcome feedback to figure out what we missed!

Items within a tier are not in a specific order of priority. Items are valued based on opportunity cost as well. Building a worse item with critical components devalues the overall power level of the item in question.

Items are valued in the following way:

  • S-tier = Most powerful items in the game that are always valued.
  • A-tier = Strong items that have a good use case complimenting S-tier items.
  • B-tier = Items that are situational but still can work on specific champs.
  • Not on the list = Items that are rarely useful and probably made because you have basic components you don’t need sitting around.

To learn about the latest new TFT Set, head to our all-in-one Teamfight Tactics Set 8 reveal page that covers all champions, synergies, and more!

How TFT Set 7.5 items work: Full list and updates

A large number of Teamfight Tactics items were adjusted for Set 7.5 Dragonlands Uncharted Realms, from standard to Radiant and Ornn. 

Items within TFT play an integral role in building the most optimal comp and each set contains balance changes, along with new and unique items that support the mechanics of the set. Within TFT Set Seven and 7.5, there are a total of nine items players can get via the Shimmerscale trait. And with the addition of Chaos and Order Treasuer Dragons, players have even more access to Radiant and Ornn items.

Here’s every TFT item, from Spatula emblems to adjusted Ornn items within Set 7.5 Dragonlands Uncharted Realms

Spatula Set 7.5

TFT items

A Spatula and an item combined create a total of eight trait emblems for the Dragonlands set.

Image via Riot Games

  • Cavalier: Vest plus Spatula
  • Dragonmancer: Rod plus Spatula
  • Guardian: Belt plus Spatula
  • Lagoon: Glove plus Spatula
  • Mage: Tear plus Spatula
  • Mirage: Cloak plus Spatula
  • Swiftshot: Bow plus Spatula
  • Shimmerscale: Sword plus Spatula
  • Tacticians Crown: Spatula plus Spatula (add an extra unit one over your level).

Shimmerscale Set 7.5

TFT items

The Shimmerscale trait offers items at each breakpoint of 3/5/7/9.

Image via Riot Games

  • Draven’s Axe: Gain one attack damage per gold in your bank, up to 80 gold. Every attack, this item gains one stack. At 100 stacks, gain five gold and one item. Holder gains an initial five attack damage and attack speed.
  • Goldmancer’s Staff: Gain one ability power per gold in your bank, up to 80 gold—and a 40 percent chance to drop two gold on an enemy kill. Holder gains an initial 20 ability power and 20 mana.
  • Determined Investor: After the holder dies a total of eight times, this item returns to your item tray and transforms into Diamond Hands. Then gain one Champion Duplicator (formerly known as Neeko’s Help) and 15 gold. Holder gains 150 health.
  • Diamond Hands: Once per combat at 66 and 33 percent health, gain one gold and immunity for one second. Holder gains 200 initial health and 20 ability power.
  • Gambler’s Blade: Gain one percent bonus attack speed per gold in your bank, up to 80 gold. Each attack has a seven percent chance to drop one gold that is obtained via the Shimmerscale trait. Holder gains an initial 10 ability power and attack speed.
  • Mogul’s Mail: Gain one armor, one magic resistance, and eight health stacks when taking damage. After stacking 40 times, gain two gold, obtained via the Shimmerscale trait. Holder gains 350 initial health.
  • Needlessly Big Gem (Heart of Gold): If the holder is alive after 15 seconds of combat, your units deal one percent more damage (maximum one gold) per gold you have. For every two units alive when this happens, gain one gold. Item must be equipped to a unit and a timer was added during Set Seven PBE testing so players can see when Needlessly Big Gem procs.
  • Crown of Champions: Every five seconds, the next attack deals 9,001 times the amount of gold in your bank in True damage.


TFT Set 7.5 standard items

Image via Riot Games

Frozen Heart was removed for Set 7.5, and replaced with Protector’s Vow. Runaan’s Hurricane was reworked so that it will still scale with attack damage but is unaffected by multipliers like critical damage and damage amplification. And Spear of Shojin had its mana per attack reduced while its ability power buffed.

  • Archangel’s Staff: Starting ability power is 30. In combat, gain 20 ability power every five seconds. The display above Archangel’s Staff shows the ability power bonus instead of the stack count.
  • Banshee’s Claw (Aura): At the start of combat, grant a shield to the holder and two adjacent allies in the same row. It blocks the first enemy ability, up to 600 damage. 
  • Bloodthirster: Lifesteal changed to omnivamp. Damage heals the holder for 25 percent of the damage dealt. Once per combat at 40 percent health, gain a 25 percent maximum health shield that lasts up to five seconds.
  • Blue Buff (Unique): Grant 50 bonus starting mana. Gain 20 mana after casting an ability.
  • Bramble Vest: Grants 45 bonus armor (including components). Negates 75 percent bonus damage from incoming critical hits. When the holder is hit with an attack, deal 75/100/150 magic damage to all nearby enemies once every 2.5 seconds. 
  • Chalice of Power (Aura): Grant 30 ability power to the holder and two adjacent allies within the same row.
  • Deathblade: Grant 25/45/65 bonus attack damage, including components.
  • Dragon’s Claw: Grant 120 bonus magic resistance (including components). Regenerate 1.2 percent maximum health for each enemy targeting the holder every two seconds. If the holder is a Dragon, increase all bonuses and effects by 20 percent (144 magic resistance and 1.8 percent health regeneration).
  • Edge of Night (Unique): Once per combat at 50 percent health, the holder becomes untargetable and sheds negative effects for a short period of time. Then the holder gains 40 percent attack speed. 
  • Gargoyle Stoneplate: Gain 16 armor and magic resistance for each enemy targeting the holder. 
  • Giant Slayer: Abilities and attacks deal 20 percent more damage. If the target has more than 1,900 health, deal 45 percent more damage. 
  • Guinsoo’s Rageblade: Attacks grant plus-six percent bonus attack speed. This effect stacks.
  • Hand of Justice: Gain +15 attack damage and 15 percent ability power. Attacks and abilities heal for 15 percent of damage dealt. Each round randomly increases one of these effects by 30 percent. 
  • Hextech Gunblade: Healing on spells changed to omnivamp. Damage heals the holder, and the lowest Health ally, for 25 percent of the damage dealt.
  • Infinity Edge (Unique): Grant 75 percent critical strike chance and 10 critical strike damage. Each point of critical strike chance above 100 percent becomes plus-one critical strike damage.  
  • Ionic Spark: Enemies within three Hexes take 50 percent reduced magic resistance. When that enemy casts an ability, they are hit with magic damage equal to 250 percent of their maximum mana.
  • Jeweled Gauntlet (Unique): Grant 10 percent bonus critical strike damage and 40 bonus ability power. Magic and true damage from an ability can critically strike. 
  • Last Whisper (Unique): Dealing physical damage reduces the target’s armor by 50 percent for five seconds. Last Whisper also grants 10 percent bonus attack speed. This effect does not stack. 
  • Locket of the Iron Solari (Aura): At the start of combat, shield the holder and allies within two Hexes in the same row for 300/350/400 over 15 seconds. 
  • Morellonomicon (Unique): Grant 30 total bonus ability power. Magic or true damage from an ability burns the holder’s target, dealing 25 percent of the target’s maximum health as true damage over 10 seconds and reducing healing by 50 percent during the duration of the burn.  
  • Quicksilver (Unique): Grant 20 percent bonus attack speed. At combat start, the holder is immune to crowd control effects for 15 seconds. 
  • Protector’s Vow (Aura): Grants 15 bonus mana. Once per combat—Allies at 50 percent health that are within three Hexes of Protector’s Vow gain a 10 percent shield that lasts two seconds. Shielded allies gain 15 armor and magic resistance for the rest of combat.
  • Rabadon’s Deathcap: Grant 80 total bonus ability power, including components. 
  • Rapid Firecannon: Grants 50 percent bonus attack speed, including components, and one attack range.  Attacks can’t miss. 
  • Redemption (Aura): Heal adjacent allies for 12 percent of their missing health every five seconds. The allies also take five less multi-target damage for five seconds. Damage reduction doesn’t stack. 
  • Runaan’s Hurricane: Grant 20 bonus attack damage. Attacks fire a bolt at a nearby enemy, dealing 70 percent of the holder’s attack damage as physical damage. Damage from Runaan’s Hurricane’s bolts are now considered item damage. This means the damage can no longer critically strike, be dodged, or interact with omnivamp.
  • Shroud of Stillness (Unique): At the start of combat, shoot a beam that delays the first cast of affected enemies by 35 percent. 
  • Spear of Shojin: Grants 20 bonus ability power. Attacks restore five additional mana. 
  • Statikk Shiv: Grant 15 percent bonus attack speed. Every third attack shocks four enemies for 70 magic damage and reduces their magic resistance by 50 percent for five seconds. 
  • Sunfire Cape (Unique): Grant holder 300 health. Every two seconds, an enemy within two Hexes is burned for one percent of their maximum health as true damage over 10 seconds. Any healing they receive is reduced by 50 percent. Refreshes burn if no new targets are in range.  
  • Thief’s Gloves: Consumes all three slots, equipping two random items at the start of each round. Odds for better item combos at level six and higher were added in Patch 12.14.
  • Titan’s Resolve: Gain two attack damage and ability power when attacking or taking damage. After stacking 25 times, gain 25 armor and magic resistance. 
  • Warmog’s Armor: Grant 1,000 health, including components.
  • Zeke’s Herald (Aura): At the start of combat, grant 30 percent attack speed to the holder and two adjacent allies in the same row. 
  • Zephyr (Unique): At the start of combat, summon a whirlwind on the opposite side of the arena that removes the closest enemy from combat for five seconds.
  • Zz’Rot Portal: At the start of combat, taunt enemies within four Hexes. When the holder dies, Voidspawn arrises, taunting nearby enemies. Voidspawns that arise from summoned units are 25 percent effective.  Health by stage adjusted from 1500/1800/2100/2500 to 1350/1600/1900/2250 (Stages 1-2, three, four, and five-plus) during 12.14 B-patch. A maximum taunt was removed in Patch 12.20, having the item holder taunt all units that are in range to attack.
  • Zz’Rot Portal Hyper Roll: Health by stage is 1350/1900/2250. A maximum taunt was removed in Patch 12.20, having the item holder taunt all units that are in range to attack.


TFT Set 7.5 items

Image via Riot Games

  • Champion Duplicator: Use on a champion that you own to create a one-star copy on your bench. 
  • Magnetic Remover: Use on a champion to unequip all items.
  • Reforger: Use on a champion to unequip and randomly transform the component or item into a different one.
  • Loaded Dice: Use on a champion to reroll a special shop that contains only champions sharing a trait with the source champion.  

Radiant and Ornn Set 7.5 item changes

Image via Riot Games

  • Radiant Urf-Angels Staff: Starting ability power is 30.  In combat, gain 30 ability power every four seconds. 
  • Radiant blessed Bloodthirster:  Damage heals the holder for 35 percent of the damage dealt. Once per combat at 40 percent health, gain a 35 percent maximum health shield that lasts up to five seconds. Bonus 20 attack damage.
  • Radiant Blue Blessing: Grant 20 bonus starting mana. After casting their Ability, the holder gains 30 Mana. Radiant bonus is plus-10 ability power
  • Radiant Rosethorn Vest (Bramble Vest): Grants 120 bonus armor (including components). Negates 75 percent bonus damage from incoming critical hits. When the holder is hit with an attack, deal 125/175/225 magic damage to all nearby enemies once every 1.5 seconds. 
  • Radiant Bulwark’s Oath: Grant 30 bonus starting mana. Once per combat, at 50 percent health, allies within three Hexes gain a 20 percent maximum health shield lasting for three seconds. Shielded allies gain 35 armor and 35 magic resistance for the remainder of combat.
  • Radiant Chalice of Charity (Chalice of Power): At the start of combat, the holder and all allies within one Hex in the same row gain 45 percent attack speed and 10 percent Ominivamp for the rest of combat.
  • Radiant Luminous Deathblade: Grant 50/75/100 bonus attack damage, including components.
  • Radiant Jeweled Gauntlet: The holder’s magic and true damage from their ability can critically strike. The holder gains 40 percent bonus critical strike damage.
  • Radiant Deathcap: Grants 120 bonus ability.
  • Radiant Dragon’s Will (Claw): Grant 180 bonus magic resistance (including components). Regenerate 2.5 percent maximum health for each enemy targeting the holder every 1. 5 seconds. If the holder is a Dragon, increase all bonuses and effects by 20 percent (216 magic resistance and three percent health regeneration).
  • Radiant Brink of Dawn (Edge of Night): Upon the holder dropping below 50 percent health, the unit enters stealth, becoming untargetable and shedding all negative effects. After coming out of stealth, the holder gains 40 percent attack speed. this triggers again at 30 percent health.
  • Radiant Dvarapala Stoneplate: The holder gains 35 bonus armor and magic resistance for each enemy targeting them and has a maximum health regeneration of two percent. 
  • Radiant Demon Slayer: Abilities and attacks deal 35 percent more damage. If the target has more than 1,900 health, deal 70 percent more damage. 
  • Radiant Gunsoo’s Reckoning: Attacks grant plus-10 percent bonus attack speed for the rest of combat. The Radiant bonus of plus-30 attack speed.
  • Radiant Hextech Lifeblade: Healing on spells is now omnivamp. Healing on spells changed to omnivamp. Damage heals the holder, and the lowest Health ally, for 35 percent of the damage dealt. The Radiant bonus is plus-30 ability power.
  • Radiant Covalent Spark (Ionic Spark): Enemies within three Hexes take 50 percent reduced magic resistance. When that enemy casts an ability, they are hit with magic damage equal to 250 percent of their maximum mana. Radiant bonus is regenerate one percent maximum health per second.
  • Radiant More More-ellonomicon: Starting ability power is 50. Magic or true damage from an ability burns the holder’s target, dealing two percent of the target’s maximum health as true damage per second and reducing healing by 50 percent during the duration of the burn. Bonus ability power is 35.
  • Radiant Eternal Whisper: Physical damage reduces the target’s armor by 50 percent for the rest of the combat. This effect doesn’t stack. The Radiant bonus is 25 percent attack speed.
  • Radiant Runaan’s Tempest (Runaan’s Hurricane): The unit holder’s attacks fire a bolt at another nearby enemy, dealing 120 percent of the holder’s attack damage and applying on-hit effects. Bolts can critically strike. The bonus is 20 attack damage.
  • Radiant Quicketsilver: The unit holder gains immunity to crowd control for 30 seconds. The Radiant bonus is 50 percent attack speed. 
  • Radiant Rapid Lightcannon: The unit holder’s attack range increases by two Hexes and is granted a 75 percent bonus attack speed (including components). Attacks can no longer miss.
  • Radiant Protector’s Vow: Once per combat at 50 percent health, allies within eight Hexes gain a 20 percent maximum health shield that lasts up to three seconds. Shielded allies gain 40 armor and magic resistance for the rest of combat.
  • Radiant Absolution (Redemption): Grant 300 health. Heal adjacent allies for 18 percent of their missing health every five seconds. The Radiant item ignores crowd control immunity and the bonus is 10 percent attack speed for all allies at the start of combat.
  • Radiant Zeke’s Harmony: Lifesteal is now omnivamp.
  • Radiant Zz’Rot: At the start of combat, the holder taunts enemies within four Hexes. Upon the holder dying, a Radiant Voidmother with bonus stats arises in its place, taunting nearby enemies. Radiant Voidspawns that arise from summoned units are 25 percent effective. A maximum taunt was removed in Patch 12.20, having the item holder taunt all units that are in range to attack.
  • Ornn Anima Viasage: Maximum health percent heal is five percent and health is now 150.
  • Ornn Death’s Defiance: Damage reduction is 10 percent, omnivamp is 25 percent, and a bleed duration lasts for a total of four seconds.
  • Ornn Infinity Force: Gain plus-25 attack damage, attack speed, health, magic resistance, and ability power.
  • Ornn Obsidian Cleaver: Shred duration is five seconds and health is now 150 while attack damage is 20. 
  • Ornn Eternal Winter: Health is now 150 and the freeze cooldown is 15 seconds with 20 percent attack speed slow.
  • Ornn Gold Collector: Gold chance is 40 percent.
  • Ornn Manazane: After the item holder casts their first spell for the first time each combat, they restore mana. Mana that is granted after each cast is 150 over five seconds.
  • Ornn Obsidian Cleaver: Health is now 150. The item holder has spells and basic attacks that shred a target enemy’s armor and magic resistance by 60 percent for three seconds.
  • Ornn Randuin’s Sanctum: Always grants 40 armor and magic resistance buff to the holder. Health is now 150.
  • Ornn Rocket Propelled Fist: At the start of combat, the holder pulls the farthest enemy into melee range while also stunning them for 1. 5 seconds. Health is now 150. Mana is 15.
  • Ornn Zhonya’s Paradox: The first instance of reducing the holder’s health below 40 percent is prevented and the holder gains Invulnerable for three seconds. Armor and magic resistance is now 40. Ability power is 40.

Update July 12 1pm CT: Adjustments from TFT Patch 12.13 were applied.

Update July 26 11:30am CT: All adjustments from TFT Patch 12.14 were applied.

Update Aug. 2 10:20am CT: Changes made to Morellonomicon and Zz’Rot Portal in TFT 12.14 B-patch were applied.

Update Aug. 9 1pm CT: All adjustments from TFT Patch 12.15 were applied.

Update Aug. 25 8am CT: All TFT Set 7.5 item changes getting tested in PBE were added

Update Aug. 26 2:20pm CT: All TFT Set 7.5 PBE updates applied.

Update Aug. 30 11:45am CT: All TFT Set 7. 5 PBE updates applied.

Update Sept. 7 8pm CT: All items and stats were updated for the release of TFT Set 7.5.

Update Sept. 20 2pm CT: All Patch 12.18 balance changes were applied.

Update Oct. 4 3:45pm CT: All Patch 12.19 balance changes were applied.

Update Oct. 18 1:50pm CT: All changes from Patch 12.20 were applied.

TFT: some tips for tacticians

This article will not contain step-by-step instructions on what to do at one time or another in a match in Teamfight Tactics and what combinations of heroes to collect in order to always take only first places. Players who have already reached the Gold rank and above are unlikely to find anything new in this text and will not receive a recipe for a 100% win rate. The main concepts and tips will be described below. They will help newcomers to the game or those who are stuck in the hardware and can’t get out of there. nine0003

Let’s start with the most important piece of advice. It applies not only to TFT, but to almost any game, especially if there is a significant amount of randomness in it: accept that you will not always win. It would seem that such a simple and understandable truth, but it can save a lot of nerves and, no less important, such precious rating points.

Another important detail is adaptability. It’s not uncommon to see comments and reviews about TFT with messages like «I always collect mages/assassins/tanks/etc but can’t win» or «I don’t get the right items on my favorite hero, so I’m eighth again.» Undoubtedly, there are not the best patches when one composition or a single hero simply destroys all rivals in any situation, but such moments are usually quickly corrected. In the long run (and the path to high ranks is usually not instantaneous), the winner is the one who chooses tactics for each individual match based on the current situation in the match. nine0003

The theater starts with a hanger, and casino TFT starts with a roulette wheel. Depending on the conditions of a particular set, the tactics of behavior on the very first hand of the heroes may differ. In the fourth set approaching its finale, there is practically no difference for which item or which hero your little legend should fight for. Seriously. On the first roulette, only item components fall (in very rare situations, 9 spades or 9 forces of nature can fall out) and gray (I will call the heroes by their colors) champions. nine0003

At the very beginning of the game, you still have no idea what you will have to collect (and if you are 100% sure, re-read the previous paragraph), what items will drop for you, what heroes will appear in the store, what combinations other players collect, so the difference between one or another choice on the first roulette table is minimal. At the moment, there is no absolutely useless component and vice versa, overly strong, and any of the gray heroes will be able to cope with two creeps of round 1-2, especially since you will most likely sell this first gray hero before the second roulette. nine0003

PvE rounds start next. In the first, you are opposed by 2 creeps, from which one or in very rare cases two orbs with loot can fall. Most often, from the very first sphere you will fall:

  • component;
  • 3 gold;
  • one or more heroes worth up to three gold.

Less commonly, a spatula or Niko’s help with two coins may fall. The blue heroes are the best option out of these three, since they cannot be obtained before level 4, and they can give a good winning start in the very early stages and become the basis of the composition for this match. Three gold is also a good start, since it will allow you to buy all the champions in the store at stage 1-3 (unless a Tier 2 champion drops), which will be very useful for implementing different options for building an early composition. nine0003

If in round 1-2 you were less lucky and only a component fell, round 1-3 you will meet with basic 2 gold on your personal account. In the fourth set, there are 2 options for the development of events in the store.

  1. There is a T2 champion in the store. In this case, if this champion and his buffed origin or class are fundamental to a good combination (for example: Nidalee or Vayne with any of the buffs, Warlord Garen, duelist Yasuo, one of the lunar heroes or brawlers — it all depends on the current meta ), you will have to sell the champion from the roulette and buy T2. nine0022
  2. There is no T2 champion in the store (or there is, but with not the most useful buff). In this case, it is best to buy two different champions. A good choice would be those heroes who will immediately synergize with the existing ones — 2 duelists, brawlers, sharp (sharpshooter — an eagle eye in Russian localization), avant-garde, etc. Also, if you are lucky, you can upgrade the hero from roulette to T2 by buying two copies of it

Spending gold, which often in PvE rounds may not fall from spheres, on rerolls (updating the store) is absolutely pointless. nine0003

In the last round of the first stage, you will get the third level, which means the third place on the playing field for the hero and, more importantly, the chance of a green hero dropping in the store. T2 heroes on sale for now will only be gray, but if you get them and are worth buying, feel free to spend 3 gold, a very good investment at the start. The components that have fallen over all rounds of the first stage should not yet be collected into full-fledged items, unless you have already found a chosen hero for whom the collected item will be vital. nine0003

The second stage (like everything after) consists of 7 rounds: 3 rounds against players, roulette, 2 more rounds against players, PvE round. The only difference between the second stage and all the others is its goal is not to win as many rounds as possible, but to lose the least HP (lives). It is impossible to reset your health in the first stage — you only take 2 damage from each enemy hero that is still alive on the battlefield. Most often, at this stage, opponents will have level 4, in the extreme case of quickly gaining levels, in rounds 2-1 and 2-2 you will receive a maximum of 8 damage, and in rounds 2-3, 2-5 and 2-6 each 10 , that is, on the leggings (round 2-7) you will have at least 54 hp, which is not very pleasant, but not fatal. nine0003

Before the 2-1 round, if you have 4 gold to spare and especially if you haven’t got your favorite champion yet, it’s a good idea to get level 4 — it’s notable for two things:

  1. Blue heroes appear in the shop.
  2. There is a chance of a T2 green hero.

Another important stage 2 breakpoint regarding levels: in stages 2-7 you should get level 5. If you have never leveled up before the Krug, then before the start of the final round of the second stage, you will need 4 gold to get a new level, which also has two features:

  1. Purple heroes appear in the store
  2. A T2 blue hero drop rate appears

The Krug round itself has one little trick to pass confidently — group all your heroes on the right side of the field, where there is a lone Krug. In this case, the damage of the entire team will be directed to one target, and the other two Krugs will receive almost no damage, which is leveled by a full heal, after the death of the first Krug. Although, if your composition is already quite strong, the heroes will be able to easily deal with all the krags without changing the usual formation. nine0003

The fourth round of each stage (except the very first) is roulette. Unlike the very first carousel, everyone else needs to be taken more seriously. Ideally, form a small “shopping list” of 2-3 necessary components or heroes that will complement and enhance your composition. When champions spawn in the center field, find the items on your list and prioritize them based on how far away you’ll be from the right hero by the time you’re allowed into the circle. There is a little trick that can sometimes be done in the third round (before roulette) if you have enough HP — sometimes you can remove especially strong champions from the board and deliberately lose the round in order to go lower in the leaderboard, but get earlier access to the carousel. nine0003

From stage to stage, the value of champions and items appearing on the roulette wheel varies:

  • Second stage — blue and lower champions, item components;
  • Third stage — purple and below champions, item components;
  • Fourth stage — 2 gold champions (5 gold), components;
  • Fifth stage — 2 gold champions, full items ;
  • Sixth and subsequent stages — 2 gold champions, components and full items in a ratio of approximately 50% to 50%. nine0022

The shoulder blade can fall in stages two through four, either one (15% chance) or three (5% chance), and from stage six with a random probability.

Rerolls are evil (though not absolute)! I will not argue, there are situations when you almost constantly need to press the «refresh» button, trying to find the necessary champion, but in most matches they happen no earlier than level 8. Each update takes 2 gold, and if it leads to the purchase of the majority of the assortment, then in one trip to the store you can lose a dozen or one and a half coins so hard earned in battle. A lot of gold is a variability: you can enter the late level earlier (level 7 is especially important here — in the store there is a chance to meet a golden hero or a chosen purple one, as well as level 8 — most compositions show their full potential with 8 heroes on the table), and you can also drastically change the entire composition, if it will be useful. nine0003

If the hand reaches for the coveted button with a round arrow, follow a couple of simple tips:

  1. Maximum number of rerolls = amount of gold / 10 . This will allow you to update the assortment of the shop in a timely manner, and save a solid amount of gold on your personal account
  2. You bought something — stop ! Yes, there is a temptation “well, I’ll spin it one more time — maybe something else will fall.” As practice shows — most often, this is 2 gold wasted
  3. Don’t lose chests . Every 10 gold up to 50 gives you +1 to the “salary” at the end of the round, therefore, when you see a conditional 20 or 21 gold in the money line, the “refresh” button goes to rest until the next trip to the store.
  4. Calculate, whether it will be profitable to buy something after the store update . Let’s say you have 23 gold. Is it worth updating the store in this situation? After the update, there will be 21 coins left, and if you buy a hero of green quality or better, you will lose +1 gold after the battle. But if you lack one gray hero before upgrading to Tier 2 or Tier 3, you can also upgrade the store — after the purchase, the coveted 20 gold will remain. nine0022

The most desirable situation is more than 50 gold in the account. The fact is that 60, 70, and even 80 coins will give only +5 gold after the battle — exactly the same as 50, so under such conditions you can press the refresh button until a bargain is made or the threshold is reached at 50 gold. As it was written above, after the purchase, it is better to stop the upgrade, and invest the remaining gold up to the 50 mark in leveling up — so you will always have the current number of heroes on the table, as well as good purchases from the store. nine0003

The next important thing is which heroes to buy. It is desirable to collect all the heroes of the composition at least in T2. With T3 heroes, the situation is more complicated — when most of your heroes have already received the second level, you need to take into account several factors:

  • At later levels (7-8), the chance of gray heroes dropping becomes very small, so you should stop at the collected Tier 2 hero and stop buying copies of it in the store.
  • The bench is not infinite. You have only 9 slots at your disposal — this is ideally enough for a single assembly of no more than three T3 champions. Once you have tier 2 stacks of three champions, it’s best to sell the rest of the tier 1 stacks of tier 2 heroes and focus on the top 3 champions most likely to make tier 3 (and, of course, the missing heroes and tier 1 short stacks)
  • Not enough champions for all players. nine0035 The pool of heroes available for sale is limited, so run through your opponents — if a couple of them have already collected the same T3 champion, then the chance of collecting a third one is extremely small.

If the tips described in the previous paragraphs are often applicable for several sets, then the composition meta changes every patch, or even more often. As I wrote in the very first paragraphs — do not get hung up on one build, always have an arsenal of at least 3-4 different hero builds that are relevant in the current patch. How to create such a shortlist? Here you can let your imagination run wild — turn to many sites that collect statistics on TFT matches (such as lolchess), watch famous high-ranking players from different regions, and even tritely — see what those who took high places in your last matches collect. In this article, I will deliberately not advise and offer any specific compositions — it all depends on you: someone likes magicians, someone likes to collect shooters, Yasuo runs to someone on all roulettes to meet. The choice is yours. «Penguins, go! We’re storming the escalator!» nine0003

Picked up bad and not very good advice

Pasha Caeffarro Nikiforov

Description of Update 9.15B for Teamfight Tactics (TFT)

In our note to update 9.15 B for

Teamfight Tactics (TFT), which is already available and can be downloaded through League of Legends launcher has all the information you need to know.

The patch brings nerfs to champions Karthus, Cale and Pyke. Eliza, Twisted Fate, and Veigar will receive small buffs. Point wise, it looks like Guardian Angel and Morellonomicon are getting a nerf. While Guinsoo’s Furious Blade, Runaan’s Hurricane and Divine’s Sword see the buff. Check out the full notes below! nine0003

Updated : It looks like the Twisted Fate buff was not included in this patch, but was left in the notes for some reason and outlier items. We want to see the meta change naturally over the course of two weeks with minimal input from us. We are very happy with the state of the meta at the moment as we see different compositions competing at all levels of the game. Some of the highlights: Karthus and Kayle lose some power as they are just too strong. We’re also increasing the damage of Runaan’s Hurricane and a few other items to give you more choice in this department. nine0003

Now let’s get to it.

Blake «Riot Beernana» Edwards

  • Fixed an issue that caused other allies to correctly prioritize the target of Blitzcrank’s ability… again.