Gute mmo: 12 best MMO games to play in 2023: Paid, free-to-play MMORPGs & more

13 Best PvP MMORPGs To Test Your Skill In 2023

Joseph Bradford Updated: Posted:
Category: Columns The List 0

MMORPGs with PVP are nothing new, with many MMOs  in the early days of the genre making their bones on hardcore, full-loot player combat. Nowadays, PvP is just one aspect of what makes a good MMO, though some take it a bit more seriously than others. Here are 13 MMOs to test your skill against each other this year.

New World

Set on the mystical isle of Aeternum, New World’s setting is split between three warring factions. Ideological and fashion differences divide the player base as the world of Aeternum is constantly being fought over as factions can control the various regions and settlements of the isle. While the MMO is no longer a full-loot PvP game, it is full PvP outside of the sanctuary of settlement towns – so long as you’re flagged for PvP.

In addition to just brawling on the roads of Everfall or First Light, New World features wars that see player Companies (New World’s guilds) vie for control over a settlement. In addition, the smaller Outpost Rush mode can pit players against each other to earn some loot, money and glory.

EVE Online

EVE Online’s player battles and escapades over its nearly two-decade history have become something of legend in the MMORPG world. So much so that they have spawned two books on the history of the Empires of EVE. In the universe of New Eden, every action has risk, and could, in turn, result in loss. Like many other PvP titles on this list, EVE Online is a full loot, open-world PvP title – you die and chances are your enemy has hoovered up your belongings and wreckage before you could make it back there. Never undock with what you can’t afford to lose is an adage in EVE Online – one that perfectly describes the cut-throat – and thrilling environment that EVE Online’s PvP has on offer.

Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2’s largest PvP draw has to be its incredible World vs World vs World mode, seeing tons of players duke it out across huge maps. The mode itself combines traditional PvP with PvE elements, meaning players don’t just have to contend with other players but also the world itself. Players fight over resource camps, take objectives such as Keeps and much more. Many believe GW2’s large-scale PvP mode to be among the best in any MMORPG on the market.

It’s not the only PvP mode on offer as well if you fancy Guild Wars 2, as ArenaNet’s MMO also features structured PvP with modes that see players defeat each other in a team deathmatch, or work together to capture points in the Conquest mode. There is a lot on offer with Guild Wars 2, making the buy-to-play MMO a must to check out if you’re looking for incredible PvP.

OSRS/RuneScape 3

Like many out there, getting PK’ed in the Wilderness is a rite of passage in RuneScape, especially its Old School variant. Player versus player combat is one of the highlights for many who travel the world of Gielinor, with some players thriving in the chaotic, full-loot PvP mode that helped define the MMO’s early years. With PvP designated worlds that allow players to have at each other almost anywhere, RuneScape’s PvP is ruthless and can be devastating for those who lose a bout. However, you needn’t simply PK to enjoy the PvP in the end, with minigames in RuneScape designed to allow players to test their mettle against each other without fear of having to go gather new gear and seek revenge.

Gloria Victis

Gloria Victis’ PvP is centered on the massive three-faction conflict at the heart of the MMO. Players will fight and compete with the other factions for territory, with player versus player battles at its heart. Gloria Victis also uses a point-based system for its PvP looting, meaning that while the victor in a fight will come away with something, the losing player needn’t worry about losing all of their equipment when they die.

Additionally, fears that an open-world PvP game could turn into a gankfest are measured with a system that allows player factions to punish bad actors in the community. Gloria Victis has a system in place that rewards cooperating with other players and punishing those who don’t, hoping to keep the ganking to a minimum in-game.

Mortal Online 2

The successor to 2015’s Mortal OnlineMortal Online 2 keeps up the old-school MMORPG mentality of an open-world, full loot hardcore PvP focus. No one is safe, meaning the sense of danger is literally around every corner in the world of Nave. Character levels matter less than player skill, as the combat in the first-person MMORPG is entirely skill based – if you’re better, you’re going to win, barring a lucky strike. The danger comes from the realization you could lose everything with a single, well aimed strike as you drop everything you’re carrying upon death. This hearkens back to the old days of Ultima Online and more, where risk versus reward was something every player had to balance before walking out their door.

Elder Scrolls Online

While The Elder Scrolls Online isn’t necessarily known for its PvP, that doesn’t mean the battle for Cyrodiil doesn’t provide some of the most chaotic and organically fun moments to be had in the MMORPG. A faction-based MMO, the central province of Tamriel is torn apart by the three warring alliances, all vying for the Ruby Throne. Should you want a smaller, more intimate challenge than the standard Cyrodiil campaign, Battlegrounds can offer you a chance to take on enemies with your friends to prove your worth.

Conqueror’s Blade

Ever wanted to lay siege to a massive city one day and then take part in an epic open-field PvP battle the next? Conqueror’s Blade has you covered then. The Medieval-themed MMO has plenty of PvP features for players to try out, from massive siege warfare, fighting over territory to engaging your enemy in the open field, players can do it all once you hit the level cap of 60. The MMO isn’t a full loot PvP game either, meaning you’ll be able to participate without fear of losing hard-earned gear in this free-to-play MMO.

Albion Online

Albion Online is another PvP game with an old-school PvP mentality, as you have a chance to lose everything or gain everything – depending on what side of the fight you fall on when it’s over. While not every region in Albion Online will see players lose their gear – this is only reserved for Red or Black zones, players will still need to be on the lookout while traveling and harvesting in the Green zones as a death could mean a loss of some item durability and resources. PvP isn’t just relegated to individuals as well, as guilds can go to war against each other to conquer territory in Albion. Hellgates also offer a unique PvP experience in Albion, giving both a mix of PvE and PvP to enjoy. With two types – lethal which involves full loot and non-lethal, which doesn’t – you’re able to tailor your experience how you want to enjoy.

PlanetSide 2

PlanetSide 2 has one of the largest faction-based PvP experiences out there, launching first back in 2012 and steadily updating the experience ever since. The MMO sees players in one of three factions attempt to control territories across Auraxis, featuring large-scale first-person battles. Whether attacking from the ground in an armored tank, assaulting a point on foot with a squad of players, or launching an aerial assault to cover an offensive, PlanetSide 2 offers some of the biggest and most hectic PvP battles in an MMO. Players can also build their own bases, call down fleet carriers to attack a position, and much more. The MMO currently holds the world record for the most players online in a single FPS battle with over 1200 players participating.

Black Desert Online

Black Desert Online’s open-world PvP is a draw for many MMORPG fans, but it’s the guild sieges and warfare that get the most attention in the Pearl Abyss MMORPG. While players who aren’t flagged for PvP can be killed by others who are once they hit a certain level, the MMO has a Karma system in place to try to discourage this practice. Guild battles, however, allow PvP players to work towards a goal with their group, going to war with other guilds for control over their castles and territory in Siege battles.

The flashy combat of Black Desert Online also comes into its own in the large Node Wars, where guilds will fight for control over various nodes in the world, allowing them to collect taxes while they are in charge.

Blade & Soul

Free-to-play MMO Blade & Soul’s PvP is split into two main categories: arena and World PvP. World PvP allows players to flag themselves to participate, giving players faction costumes to wear the clearly indicate they are ready to get their hands dirty. Kills in PvP reward players with Prestige Points which can be put towards helping your overall faction – and since there are no penalties on taking out opposing faction players who are flagged, it should be noted that if you decide to participate, bring some friends to protect each other.

Arena PvP allows matchups against players where it’s team versus team, allowing players to take each other on in timed matches of skill. Stats are equalized, meaning it’s simply a matter of who the better team is and not necessarily who is better at grinding for loot.


eve online

guild wars 2

new world

albion online




gloria victis

black desert online

conqueror’s blade

mortal online 2

blade and soul

Best MMO Games on Xbox

Best MMO Games on Xbox

This is a full list of the best MMO games available on Xbox.
We define MMO games using the genre definition: Massively Multiplayer Online games, or MMOs, are those that support large numbers of players in online worlds simultaneously. Depending on the game, players can compete against each other or band together in raids or parties to explore the game world and defeat enemies cooperatively.

Game Score Ratio Gamers Comp % Comp Time Rating
Final Fantasy XI 2,874 (1,250) 2.30 3,126 3.7 1000+ hours


Elite: Dangerous 27,738 (3,810) 7.28 81,336 0.0


The Elder Scrolls Online 29,411 (5,920) 4.97 240,900 0.0 1000+ hours


Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis 4,096 (1,500) 2.73 40,775 1.7 40-50 hours


Warframe 16,705 (3,725) 4. 48 260,291 0.2 80-100 hours


Sea of Thieves 40,412 (4,300) 9.40 492,021 0.0 1000+ hours


Neverwinter 22,596 (2,945) 7.67 178,196 0.0 1000+ hours


Star Trek Online 4,846 (1,090) 4.45 36,880 0.5 200-300 hours


Defiance 5,238 (1,625) 3.22 72,593 0.4 80-100 hours


Order & Chaos Online (WP) 587 (200) 2.94 3,966 3.6 60-80 hours


Black Desert 3,844 (1,000) 3.84 88,431 0.8 500-750 hours

3. 3

Phantasy Star Universe 1,787 (1,250) 1.43 19,784 6.7 25-30 hours


Onigiri 11,698 (1,000) 11.70 33,508 0.3 300-500 hours


TERA 4,425 (1,000) 4.43 49,290 2.0 40-50 hours


Marvel Heroes Omega 6,432 (1,030) 6.24 52,652 0.2 80-100 hours


Skyforge 12,796 (1,070) 11.96 68,642 0.0


Bless Unleashed 5,758 (1,000) 5.76 31,209 0.3 300-500 hours


DC Universe Online 2,948 (1,000) 2. 95 49,861 2.8 60-80 hours


Order & Chaos Online (Windows) 594 (200) 2.97 4,472 3.6 60-80 hours


Trove 16,634 (1,700) 9.78 124,159 0.1 1000+ hours


War Planet Online: Global Conquest (Windows) 2,295 (1,350) 1.70 3,275 11.7 80-100 hours


Battle Ages 2,668 (1,100) 2.43 23,540 2.5 150-200 hours


Defiance 2050 7,604 (1,000) 7.60 48,148 0


Fishing Planet 33,956 (1,000) 33.96 48,400 0.0

2. 5

ROBLOX 1,805 (1,000) 1.80 372,753 6.8 2-3 hours


Instant War: Ultimate Warfare (Windows) 4,609 (1,800) 2.56 928 2.9 1000+ hours


DayZ 3,341 (1,000) 3.34 170,891 2.9 1-2 hours


Rec Room 4,349 (1,000) 4.35 119,567 0.3 200-300 hours


Last Oasis 14,112 (1,125) 12.54 5,127 0

Temtem 4,574 (1,000) 4.57 3,498 0.7 150-200 hours

Atlas Unreleased 0 0
Path of Titans Unreleased 0 0
Fringe Wars Unreleased 0 0
Memories of Mars 3,776 (1,000) 3. 78 2,029 1.5

Growtopia 13,838 (1,000) 13.84 1,488 0.1

Citadel: Forged With Fire 3,518 (1,000) 3.52 4,492 0.6 12-15 hours

TERA (Asian) 1,873 (1,000) 1.87 896 24.9 40-50 hours

APB Reloaded 4,866 (1,000) 4.87 2,399 0.3

Neverwinter (HK) 3,988 (1,110) 3.59 326 0

Neverwinter (CN) 4,411 (1,110) 3. 97 184 0.5

Monster Hunter Frontier G 12,124 (4,550) 2.66 1,367 2.0

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Videos in MMO. The development of a genre or an art form?

My name is Dmitry Astapkovich, I am the head of the Allods Team cut-scenes. We are currently creating videos for the Skyforge project. I have worked on a lot of different projects in my time: American Chopper 2, Biker Mice from Mars, Coded Arms: Contagion, Hot Brain, Insecticide and Prime World. In this article, I will talk about the different types of cutscenes and the difficulties that developers face in the process of creating cut scenes.

Time passes, games evolve, and we see more and more beautiful pictures, hear more vivid sounds and immerse ourselves in more and more realistic game universes. Our generation still remembers Mario and similar games, but show a modern child such graphics — he most likely will not play. Users are spoiled, and they can no longer be lured by the standard story about saving the world or colorful landscapes. The war for consumer attention is on a more subtle level, and the one who manages to involve the player in the gameplay as deeply as possible wins it.

Thanks to this race of games, gaming devices are also forced to evolve. As a result, we get more and more complex mechanisms and powerful processors. Modern PCs and new generation consoles are able to provide a picture of an almost photorealistic level. However, numerous examples prove that a player cannot be lured into the virtual world with high-quality graphics alone. The game is like a mosaic of a large number of elements, and if even one piece is removed, the canvas will be imperfect. Great graphics are important, but without a compelling storyline, even the most indulgent consumer won’t be able to enjoy the game.

This trend comes from the movie business, with its billions of dollars of turnover and accessibility to the most mass consumer. It was the development of movies and TV shows that led to the emergence of more and more complex plots and characters in games, allowing the player to be more immersed in the atmosphere. Many processes in the gaming industry and in the cinema have become very close, which deserves to be the topic of a separate article.

And then they come into play…

Modern games are hard to imagine without colorful in-game videos. Cut scenes first appeared back in 1985 in the game Portopia Renzoku Satsujin Jiken by Enix and have come a long way in their development since then. Initially, such videos were the prerogative of single-player games, but as time went on, and today you cannot find a quality MMO game without such videos.

Cut-scenes allow you to immerse the player in the atmosphere of the game, allowing you to feel the heroic moment of defeating the next «boss». It is in such fascinating and emotional videos that we most often observe plot twists. Rollers are an integral part of the gameplay. No one will ask, why even spend so much time and effort on skits? Today, the developer has another task — to determine which movie should be used in a particular place in the game. Considering the funds pledged for production, the question is far from being idle.

The right choice

It is impossible to say unequivocally which roller is better. To solve different work tasks, we can choose different types of rollers. In some cases, cutscenes work well for the plot, developing it to a greater extent “bypassing” the main game content. Or even completely take over its presentation — as in Angry Birds, for example.

In the conditions of almost no animation inside the game, as well as the minimal abilities of the characters, videos and comics in this project are the only tool for explaining the plot and motivating the actions of the hero. In other cases, with the help of rollers, a demonstration of the playing abilities of different heroes is made. At the same time, it is very important to maintain some balance that is satisfactory for the player, giving him the opportunity to use most of the abilities shown in the video within the game itself. In a word, the choice of the type of video depends entirely on the specific task in a particular project.

Conventionally, all videos can be divided into game and non-game videos. They differ both in the way they are produced and how they are served to the player.

Non-game cutscenes: expensive, long, cinematic the game works like a video player. Such videos are produced in programs for creating special effects in cinema (Maya, 3ds Max, Houdini, etc.). They are essentially mini-movies with a fully cinematic approach to the workflow and, as a result, a completely cinematic result. The main advantage of this production method is the quality of the resulting video content. The cost of the final product can be safely attributed to its obvious disadvantages — the cost of such videos amounts to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Perhaps the most striking example here is the video for the game Star Wars The Old Republic, an MMO in a very famous movie setting:

This video was created by the Blur studio, which has in its portfolio an extensive set of videos for all kinds of games.

Creating non-fiction videos is not only expensive, but also time consuming: painstaking work, consisting of many iterations, lasts up to 6-9 months. Such a long production cycle can provoke certain problems: since the game has been actively developed all this time, the source data for the video may become outdated. For example, for the sake of more interesting gameplay, the playing abilities of the characters or even the general plot of the game will change. After the fact, remaking something in a video is doubly expensive. As a result, and so not at all a budget video turns out to be somewhat far from what the developers actually did in the game itself.

Another problem with this type of video comes from misguided expectations: although modern computers are already very powerful, games still cannot compete with cinematic picture quality. The user sees absolutely mesmerizing shots in the video and expects something similar, but in the game he gets both a simpler picture and gaming opportunities with a lot of restrictions. Therefore, in recent years, players are increasingly guided by videos that show real gameplay before buying.


Nevertheless, non-fiction videos are always popular with developers: the time and financial costs of their production, although large, are quite predictable. In addition, it is often possible to find inexpensive and successful solutions that allow you to make a video relatively quickly and in acceptable quality. For example, a video for the game League of Legends, which was released in 2010:

A good way to reduce production costs is to make it in the style of comics. In addition to being cheaper to produce, comics can easily add player interaction. For example, clicking on the «Next» button or choosing options for the character’s actions on some screens. A bright representative of games of this kind is the first part of Max Payne, in which, with the help of very stylish, but inexpensive comics to produce, the difficult story of the protagonist was told. This technique is quite successfully used, there is also a tendency to a certain qualitative development. For example, in the third part of Max Payne, comic book stylization has already moved into game cut-scenes, which will be discussed below.

It’s worth mentioning that now non-fiction clips are made not only in special effects programs. The growing quality of graphics in games allows you to make a beautiful, almost cinematic picture. The only problem is that the price of this quality is the frame rendering time, which even on very powerful machines will not allow you to watch video in real time, i.e. at 30 frames per second. Therefore, sometimes developers use the game editor as a program to get the source data for the video. After that, the data is processed in editing programs and videos of excellent quality are obtained. An example of such a solution is a video for the Warface game:

Another important advantage of non-fiction commercials should be mentioned: most often they are a kind of finished piece that is perfect for solving marketing problems. Videos are easily uploaded to social networks and video services, attracting the attention of more and more new users, and also fit perfectly on the main pages of gaming sites.

The cutscene requires sacrifice

Now you can move on to the game cutscenes — the ones that the game renders in real time right on the player’s computer. These videos (they can also be called cut scenes: from the English. cutscene) look the same to the user as the game, are well connected with it in meaning, made in the same style. And this is definitely a plus. As usual, there is a downside: the maximum quality of such videos can only be assessed on the most “top-end” machines. If the player does not have a powerful enough computer, then the video may “slow down”, special effects or some kind of complex shading will not work in it. For example, if depth of field does not work on a “weak” computer, the frame looks much poorer and less collected. After all, initially, depth of field is a way to create a certain point of focus for the audience, corresponding to the director’s intention. It turns out that the developer cannot know in advance how the video will look like for the end user, and is forced to focus on some average configuration, for which not all the features of the game are available. True, such a problem is typical only for computers, on consoles in this regard, everything is quite stable and predictable.

There is another significant disadvantage of real-time videos — to create game cut-scenes, almost more complex technologies are required than to create the game itself. As an illustration, a short video about the technologies used to create the video about Warface from the example above:

Thus, we come to the third, perhaps the most important drawback of game videos: the need to separately modify the toolkit leads to a strong increase in the initial production budget.

There is a contact!

The indisputable advantage of game videos is that, unlike videos, they can be inserted into the game in different ways. For example, completely interrupt the game process, telling the story between game missions, as is done in StarCraft. Or insert videos directly into the gameplay, taking control from the player for a short time. This approach is typical of many games like Gears of War: the player runs out of some closed area into an open area, after which control is taken away and the camera flies to a new enemy that needs to be defeated. The enemy plays his own animation, perhaps some kind of special effect, after which the camera is returned to the player, as if saying: “Come on, act! Now you know who your opponent is and what he looks like up close. This technique is often used for various prompts: “you run here”, “press this thing” or “your enemies appeared here, something needs to be done with them”. Below is an example of a similar video from Gears of War 3 (the desired fragment starts at 13:50, but for some reason the link to a specific time does not work):

In parallel with the transmission of useful information at such moments, it is possible to show close-ups of all the details of monsters and the environment, which the player often simply does not notice during the game, in a relatively unobtrusive and appropriate way.

Another option: the player is completely taken control of the character, leaving him to control the camera. Suppose he is put into some kind of cart, wagon, plane, car, etc. The player moves along a fixed trajectory and cannot move independently at the current moment. On the way, NPCs sitting next to each other talk to each other, or some events occur nearby that reveal the plot. Recognizable? This is a very good and very common way to tell the player some kind of introductory story. For example, in Call of Duty 2, it is on such minimalistic scenes that almost the entire plot is served, and the uncomplicated shooting of the Nazis already looks much more meaningful.

There are also milder options — with partial loss of control. For example, the player presses some button — «pick up something» or «open the safe». And then the avatar starts playing some kind of complex animation, interacting with the environment: pulling some kind of lever, then something opens, someone runs out, etc. In principle, it cannot be said that this is a full-fledged cut-scene, but rather a completely scripted piece in which the player took part. In modern games, they try to integrate such pieces into the game as smoothly as possible so that there are no noticeable changes in the state of the game. This is very clearly seen in new shooters, for example in Battlefield:

Specificity of cut scenes in MMO games

There are many important nuances in creating videos for online games. The main problem is a huge number of assets. As a result, what gets into the frame may not look very attractive, because due to the abundance of objects in the world, it is impossible to detail everything either for production or for technical reasons.

For example, we make the whole game under the view «from behind» in order to fully see the character and what is happening in the world around. But in one of the frames we need a close-up of the face, and suddenly it turns out that no emotions are displayed on the face and pixels are visible at all. The player may think that the game is frankly cheap, although this is not at all the case.

Moments like this are the most brutal thing that MMOs have, because they can make some “let’s all characters make huge textures” decisions. Immediately, the cost of all assets skyrockets, and we need this for a five-minute video.

Another important nuance is the appearance of the game character. He can be of any height, gender, in any clothes. The director will build the frame for a long time so that everything looks harmonious, and then a short character will come and the composition will break: the camera should be at a different angle. Accordingly, for a tall character, the camera should be at the third angle. This is the complexity of the work: to parametrize such nuances and competently build a frame. For us, this moment was not a big problem. In Skyforge, for example, there are no gnomes for which you would need to adjust the camera. All the characters we have are about the same size and build, there is only an amendment to the floor. Accordingly, the composition is built for only one option.

In addition, external paraphernalia can destroy the entire epicness of the moment. For example, you are talking to an NPC about saving the world, but you are wearing a pink suit with lace. Or worse, there are characters riding purple ponies in the background. Therefore, when working on cut-scenes in Skyforge, we try to build on the action itself, and not on external paraphernalia. If the player wants to walk around in a fun suit, that’s his choice, and he’s unlikely to feel uncomfortable in it.

To prevent the player from losing their character and seeing the cutscene, some games turn off the display of other players. But here, too, there are nuances. You stand in a square full of people, you start a dialogue and, suddenly, everyone disappears. It gets a little weird. Moreover, players often do not even realize what exactly the problem is, they simply feel the wrongness of what is happening. They say that even a five-year-old child can notice bad animation: he will simply see that something is wrong. But only a cool animator will say what exactly is wrong. In our project, we abandoned cut-scenes in large cities and other crowded places. We moved the main videos to instances, in which only the player and his group are at the same time.

Some projects turn a blind eye to such problems, some focus on solutions from single-player games or find their own. Even at the pre-production stage for Skyfroge, we looked at dozens of cut-scenes from various MMO and single-player games in search of universal ways. As a result, having analyzed a lot of available material, we chose our own path for the development of cut-scenes, but this is already a topic for a separate article.

About the most important thing

But still, we should not forget that for all its diversity and functionality, it is not the rollers that are the main element of the game — it remains the game itself. You can lure a new player with great trailers, but if the gameplay is not interesting, the game will be deleted from the computer and forgotten, like dozens of others before it. And only when the quality of the virtual world is at its maximum, videos and cut-scenes will help you immerse yourself in the game even deeper.

A competent approach to game creation covers many different aspects, which can be listed for a very long time. We try to work out even those things that at first glance seem insignificant. The production of our game in the end takes a lot of time, but the result is worth it. I only talked about cut scenes, but we are planning many more interesting articles about the MMORPG development process using Skyforge as an example.

Lost Ark MBT starts in November

09/17/2018 06:14

Smilegate has officially announced the Lost Ark MBT. The game will release in Korea on November 7, 2018. Pre-registration began today, September 17, and will last until November 5. At the same time, an event was launched that allows 10,000 participants to receive a 10,000 won in-game certificate.

The game site, meanwhile, has been updated. You can find it at the link. At the moment, new tabs are blocked (with the exception of the history of the world in five parts). Looking forward to lots of GM notes in the coming weeks.

Of course, such an important announcement could not do without the coolest trailer that the game developers love so much. A spectacular five-minute cinematic dedicated to the announcement of the release date of Lost Ark is presented to your attention just below.

Lost Ark took over seven years to develop at a cost of $90 million to Smilegate. Details from the conference at the link.

SmilegateAction mmoMmorpgLost arkObt

Lost Ark

OBT (Open beta test)

MMORPG | Action




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