Gothic 3 götterdämmerung: Götterdämmerung ist selbst heute noch der Wahnsinn

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Gothic 3: Götterdämmerung im Test: Der Anfang vom Ende



29 Mai 2022

Enrico Marx

Nach Gothic 3 (im Test: Wertung 7.5), welches zur Veröffentlichung von Bugs geplagt wurde, trennen sich das Entwicklerstudio Piranha Bytes und der Publisher JoWooD. Die im Jahr 2008 veröffentlichte Erweiterung »Götterdämmerung« wurde daher von Trine Games programmiert – ein Entwicklerstudio, von dem mit Sicherheit nicht nur ich noch nie etwas gehört hatte. Das Ergebnis ist enttäuschend.

Vom Schurken zum strahlenden Retter

Einige Jahre nach dem Ende von Gothic 3 hat sich der erhoffte Frieden nicht eingestellt. Vier Herrscher haben Myrtana unter sich aufgeteilt und können sich gegenseitig nicht ausstehen. Unser namenloser Helden findet das überhaupt nicht cool und so begibt er sich erneut nach Myrtana, um das Land zu vereinen und dauerhaften Frieden zu bringen. Das klingt ja erst einmal ganz nett. Die Erzählung hat allerdings einige Probleme, zum Beispiel wird die Entscheidungsfreiheit von Gothic 3 nicht berücksichtigt. Götterdämmerung erzählt mir immer wieder von bestimmten Ereignissen, allerdings sind diese für mich nie wirklich passiert, da ich mich anders entschieden habe. Doch nicht nur das ist sehr verwirrend, auch die Charakterzeichnung meines Helden hat mich überrascht.

Im Intro duellieren sich das namenlose Held und Xardas. Das wird in sehr, sehr hässlichen Standbildern erzählt.

Dazu müsst ihr wissen, dass mein Protagonist in Gothic 3 ein ziemlich egoistischer Drecksack war, der alle übers Ohr gehauen hat. Das schien mir im Kontext der Spielwelt auch die sinnvollste Verhaltensweise zu sein. In Götterdämmerung wiederum präsentiert sich der Protagonist als Helfer der kleinen Leute, dem nur an Frieden und Einheit gelegen ist und jegliche Verbrechen verabscheut. Woher kommt auf einmal diese Tugendhaftigkeit? Die Dialogzeilen meines Helden sind so voller Pathos, dass es stellenweise schwer auszuhalten ist. Vor allem, weil der Synchronsprecher des Helden seine Zeilen auch noch ohne jegliche Motivation vorträgt.

Gebt mir die Piranha-Bytes-Dialoge zurück!

Generell müssen wir über die Dialoge reden. Die Gespräche in Gothic 3 waren noch nie wirklich gut, aber sie haben ihren Zweck erfüllt. Was die Erweiterung abliefert, ist deutlich schlechter. Generell wurde der Informationsgehalt der Aussagen deutlich verringert, stattdessen verbringt man nun viel mehr Zeit mit absolut nutzlosen Dialogen, die zu nichts führen. Und wie lieblos manche Zeilen aufgenommen wurden! Teilweise merkt man, wie einzelne Wörter in offenbar schon existierende Audioaufnahmen eingefügt wurden, was absolut furchtbar klingt.

Die Suche nach dem Schwarzmagier ist eine der frustrierendsten Abschnitte der Erweiterung.

Die Probleme der Dialoge wirken sich auch auf das Questsystem aus. Am Hauptspiel habe ich noch gelobt, dass die Weg- und Aufgabenbeschreibungen der NPCs so akkurat sind, dass man keine Zusammenfassung der Quest im Questlog mehr braucht. Das ist nun nicht mehr der Fall. Die Beschreibungen der Auftraggeber sind nicht nur oft unzureichend, sondern teils auch schlichtweg falsch. Mehrmals musste ich eine Komplettlösung konsultieren, weil sich das Spiel in Teilen selbst widerspricht. Beispiel: Wir sollen einen Schwarzmagier der Orks ausfindig machen. Laut unserem Informanten hockt dieser auf einem Hügel, er befindet sich aber tatsächlich in einer Höhle. Götterdämmerung bricht auch mit einigen anderen Tugenden aus Gothic 3, zum Beispiel werden manche NPCs und Items jetzt erst gespawnt, wenn man eine gewisse Quest angenommen hat. Das nimmt der Welt aber ihre Glaubwürdigkeit.

Von einem, der Eskorten hasste

Unter all den großen Problemen dieses Spiels sind die Quests für mich wohl das größte. Der Fokus von Götterdämmerung liegt auf seiner Hauptgeschichte, mit Nebenaufgaben wird nur sehr sparsam umgegangen. Das hat mich zu Anfang der Erweiterung irritiert, weil fast niemand etwas zu sagen hat, wenn man nicht in der Hauptgeschichte voranschreitet. Da lobe ich mir Gothic 3, das in jeder Ecke der Welt irgendeine Aufgabe angeboten hat. Dementsprechend halten sich der der Spielfluss und der Entdeckerdrang in der Erweiterung stark in Grenzen. Das alles wäre nur halb so schlimm, wenn wenigstens die Hauptquest gut gelungen wäre. Leider ist das nicht der Fall. Sie ist dermaßen vollgestopft mit Aufgaben, die so offensichtlich nur dazu gedacht sind, die Spielzeit zu strecken und generell zu nerven, dass ich mich oft zwingen musste, Götterdämmerung weiterzuspielen.

Eskortmissionen stellen dabei den mit weitem Abstand schlimmsten Questtyp dar. An mehreren Stellen in der Handlung müssen wir eine Gruppe von NPCs von Punkt A zu Punkt B bringen. Dummerweise sind die Strecken echt lang und die Gruppen groß. Wer auch nur einen NPC auf der Strecke verliert – und das kommt oft vor, weil die Wegfindung furchtbar ist –, kann die Quest nicht beenden. Es ist zum Haare raufen.

Halbwegs positive Aspekte

Niemand soll mir nachsagen können, ich würde Gothic 3: Götterdämmerung nicht differenziert betrachten! Es gibt nämlich auch einige neue Waffen, Rüstungen und Gegnertypen. Das war es aber dann auch schon wieder mit positiven Neuerungen. Ja, der Soundtrack und die Landschaften sind so fantastisch wie eh und je – das ist aber Piranha Bytes anzurechnen, nicht Trine Games. Kampf- und Skillsystem bleiben ebenfalls beim Alten. Letzteres ist in diesem Fall aber problematisch, da es in Götterdämmerung nicht genügend Möglichkeiten zum Sammeln von Erfahrungspunkten gibt, um viele der Fähigkeiten überhaupt erlernen zu können.

Wir können erneut Arenakämpfe bestreiten, allerdings laufen diese immer exakt gleich ab und die Arenameister geben uns immer die gleichen Belohnungen. Viel weniger Aufwand kann man als Entwickler eigentlich gar nicht mehr betreiben.

Wir verbringen übrigens das ganze Spiel in Myrtana. Die Wege nach Varant und Nordmar werden von riesigen Felsbrocken versperrt – was ein Zufall! Deshalb besitzt das Spiel auch nur ein Drittel des Umfangs von Gothic 3, eigentlich aber sogar noch weniger, da die Dichte an Monstern und Schätzen zurückgefahren wurde. Für die Erweiterung habe ich insgesamt elf Stunden gebraucht, für das Hauptspiel hingegen das Fünffache. Gravierende Bugs wie im Grundspiel bleiben aus, ich muss also keine Abwertung vornehmen. Überzeugende Kaufargumente sind das allerdings nicht.


Nicht alles an Götterdämmerung ist schlecht, beispielsweise finde ich die Landschaften und die Musik nach wie vor erstklassig – aber die stammen ja auch aus dem Hauptspiel. Alles, was die Erweiterung neu macht, wirkt schlecht durchdacht, unfertig und recht lieblos dahingeklatscht. Selbst die an Entbehrungen gewöhnten Fans von Gothic 3 werden hiermit nicht glücklich.

Gespiele Version: Enhanced Edition 2. 01.08 – Plattform: Steam

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Nordmar | this… What is Nordmar?

Gothic , in Russian editions « Gothic » is a CRPG series.

The first part was created in 2001 by developers from Germany Piranha Bytes. After the success of the first part, the second (Gothic II) and the add-on to the second part «Die Nacht Des Raben» (literally «Night of the Raven») were released. The third part (Gothic III) was released in autumn 2006. Almost immediately after the release of the third Gothic, due to disagreements with the publisher (), Piranha Bytes lost the rights to the subsequent parts of the series. instructed two studios at once to develop new games in the series. Indian Trine Games took up the add-on for Gothic 3 (released (November 21, 2008), which was called «Gotterdammerung» (literally «Forsaken Gods»). And Gothic 4 (aka Arcania: A Gothic Tale) was given to the Spellbound Entertainment team, who promise release it in 2009year.

A fantasy game set in the human kingdom of Myrtana at war with the orcs.

In the first two parts, the hero will have to explore the island of Khorinis (German: Khorinis ), and in the third part, travel around the mainland. The games in the series are distinguished by a «live» game world.

The game engine has a sophisticated scripting system that allows you to create flexible modifications and significantly change the game.


  • 1 Games series
  • 2 Role system
    • 2.1 Features
    • 2.2 Skills and abilities
  • 3 Missions
  • 4 World Gothic
    • 4.1 Geography
      • 4.1.1 Myrtana
        • Mainland
        • Khorinis
      • 4.1.2 Nordmar
      • 4. 1.3 Option
    • 4.2 Population
      • 4.2.1 People
      • 4.2.2 Orcs
      • 4.2.3 Dragons
    • 4.3 Gods
    • 4.4 Flora
    • 4.5 Fauna
      • 4.5.1 Features of the fauna of the game Gothic
  • 5 Characters
  • 6 Comic
  • 7 Links

Games series

  • Gothic (March 15, 2001, October 25, 2002 in Russia)
  • Gothic II (November 29, 2002, December 20, 2004 in Russia)
    • Gothic II: Night of the Raven (August 22, 2003, April 4, 2005 in Russia) — addition to Gothic 2
  • Gothic 3 (October 13, 2006 in Europe, November 20, 2006 in North America, November 23, 2006 in Russia)
    • Gothic 3: Forsaken Gods (November 21, 2008, December 8, 2008 in Russia) — addition to Gothic 3
  • Arcania: A Gothic Tale (estimated release date 2009-2010)

Role system

Each character has a number of characteristics that describe him quite fully. Some of the characteristics can be changed during the game, some cannot, and the purpose and use of some are generally questionable.

A character can join any faction , for example, become an acolyte, a Ghost, a mage, a Paladin, a mercenary or someone else (available fractions in each part are different).

Level is assigned as you gain experience points and usually serves as a limit to promotion in the guild. Also, for each level, the character receives ten training points , which can be spent on improving their skills and characteristics. «Learning» something, while spending learning points, can only be from the appropriate teachers. Also, each new level increases the «maximum life» indicator in the first two games of the series.

experience grows from defeating enemies and completing tasks. After earning a certain amount of experience points, the character gets an increase in level.

Reputation (parameter appeared in the third part of the game). Completing quests for factions: a tribe (Nordmarians, orcs, nomads, etc.), a guild or a settlement, the protagonist receives reputation points.


  • Strength determines the ability to fight with one-handed and two-handed weapons, the higher this parameter, the more powerful weapons the Main Hero can use. The damage dealt to the enemy also depends on the value of this characteristic.
  • Dexterity determines the ability to use bows and crossbows. Affects the damage dealt by ranged weapons (bows and crossbows), as well as the opening of locks and the level of pickpocketing. In the third part of the game, this characteristic is absent.
  • Mana determines the use of spells. It is consumed when casting spells and using teleportation runes. In the third part of the game, when using teleportation runes, this characteristic is not consumed.
  • Life characterizes the character’s health. When life is low, the character loses consciousness, and when it is zero, the character dies. In the first two parts of the game, this characteristic increases along with an increase in the level of development, in the third part, to increase this characteristic, you need to spend training points.
  • Protection from weapons/arrows/fire/magic determines how much damage the character can take without harm to health.
  • Endurance is a characteristic that appeared in the third part of the game. When using this characteristic, the movement speed of the Main Hero is noticeably increased. Temporarily decreases when running or in battle, while sleeping or resting it is restored.
  • Ancient Knowledge is a stat introduced in the third part of the game. The presence of this characteristic is necessary for obtaining some skills related to magic.
  • Hunting skill is a stat introduced in the third part of the game. The presence of this characteristic is necessary for obtaining some skills related to the possession of a bow, shield and butchering animals.

Skills and abilities

Combat skills (proficiency with one-handed weapons, two-handed weapons, bow and crossbow) determines the damage on a critical hit. That is, the damage of a critical hit is equal to the product of the character’s strength and his level of weapon proficiency and the damage of the weapon used. A critical hit pierces any armor. In the third part of the game, the possibility of owning two one-handed swords appeared. Each combat skill has three levels: beginner (beginner), intermediate, and advanced (master).

Thief skills (lockpicking and pickpocketing) determines the chance of a successful attempt to pickpocket someone or retain a lockpick if the wrong move is made while picking a lock. In the third part of the game, there are three levels of castle difficulty and, accordingly, three levels of thieves’ skills. New skills have also appeared, such as excuse (sometimes allows you to avoid punishment for theft) and trade (allows you to make better deals).

An indicator of magic will determine the rune spells available to the character (scrolls can be used without being trained in magic).

In addition, there are a number of special additional skills. The character may or may not have this skill.

  • Sneaking is the ability to move around without making too much noise.
  • Acrobatics — the ability to fall from great heights without harm to health, as well as to jump far. In the second «Gothic» without an addon, the parameter is not used.
  • «Butchering animals» — this includes the removal of skins, claws, teeth and similar trophies from certain types of animals. Everything needs to be learned separately.
  • Ore mining — appears in the third part, allows you to extract more ore.
  • Blacksmithing — the hero can forge swords, in the second Gothic — even ore weapons. In the third part, this skill is supplemented by the ability to sharpen swords and arrows.
  • Alchemy — appears in the second part, this includes the preparation of healing potions, mana, special potions, mixing tobacco, even the ability to roll marsh grass joints or expel moonshine. In the third part, this skill is supplemented by the ability to produce poisons and fire arrows.
  • Shield Mastery is a skill introduced in the third part of the game. Allows you to use your shield more effectively.
  • Fortitude (poison/cold/heat/fatigue) — these skills appeared in the third part of the game.
  • Special skills — these skills appeared in the third part of the game. Such skills can only be learned from special characters. Example skills: Orc Killer (deals additional damage to orcs), Paladin (deals additional damage to all servants of Beliar).

In addition to the above, each NPC has:

  • by name (not everyone has their own, most of those who do not give quests and are not involved in their execution are called by social status: «Miner», «Citizen», etc.),
  • daily routine,
  • place and interval of respawn on death,
  • senses (e.g. hearing),
  • attitude to the character and some other characteristics that are not yet used.


The main plot of each game is divided into chapter (except for the third part, where there is no division due to the peculiarities of the plot). Chapters include various tasks , often different for each chapter (although they can be completed throughout the game). Story quests are usually issued in the guild that the character has joined.

There are also various optional quests given by specific NPCs or obtained in some other form (for example, by reading a book). They are not mandatory, but can make it easier to progress through the story.

Some tasks provide for several options for execution, sometimes contradicting other tasks. For example, joining one guild usually results in failure of the other guild quests.

World Gothic

All three games in the Gothic series to date take place in the same world. It is characterized by its own geography, biology and social structure, partly fictional and partly borrowed from the real world.


The kingdom of Myrtana is at the center of the game. During the events of the games in the series, it is ruled by Rhobar II. The mainland of Myrtana and the island of Khorinis are known. On the island of Khorinis, there is a city of the same name, several settlements, the Mine Valley (Minental), as well as an unexplored part of the island — Yarkendar, which is the ruins of an ancient civilization.

There are also several neighboring states such as Varant and Nordmar.

The games mention the Southern Isles and the Orclands.


Myrtana is the state in which all games of the Gothic series take place.


The mainland of Myrtana borders Nordmar in the north and Varant in the south. Most of the country is occupied by agricultural land. After the invasion of the orcs, many farms were destroyed, the main centers of agriculture are controlled by the orcs.

There are a lot of cities in Myrtana, the capital is the city of Vengard, located on the coast. By the events of the third game of the series, he is almost completely captured by the orcs. Other cities of Myrtana — Ardea, Cap Dun, Silden, Geldern, Montera, Faring, Trelis and Gotha (captured by orcs for the events of the third «Gothic»). Some of the people of the captured kingdom, who later became known as mercenaries, joined the orcs, those who continued to fight called themselves rebels and hid in the caves of Okara, Nemora and Reddock.


An island belonging to Myrtana, on which the city of the same name is located, the Mine Valley (Minertal) and the region lost in the mountains — Yarkendar. The events of the first two games of the series take place on Khorinis. The city of Khorinis is the only port of the island. In addition to it, there are several farms on the island, as well as the monastery of Innos. There is a castle in the Mine Valley, which was originally the administrative center of the colony, then, after the installation of the Barrier and the rebellion of the prisoners, it was the fortification of the Old Camp, by the time of the events of the second game of the series, the outpost of the paladins. In addition, there are several magical ore mines in Minenthal. Yarkendar was inhabited many thousands of years ago by an ancient civilization, the existence of which is evidenced by the surviving caste palaces and the Temple of Adanos. After the fall of the barrier, prisoners who fled from the colony moved here, and pirates set up their camp on the coast.

Settlements in Minenthal:

  • Old Camp is the oldest and most powerful camp. Camp residents: Miners, Ghosts, Guards, Barons and Fire Mages.
  • The Swamp Camp is located in the swamps of Minental, the people who inhabit it worship the Sleeper. Campers: Swamp Gatherers, Acolytes, Gurus, Guardians.
  • The New Camp is inhabited by Scrapers, Thieves, Mercenaries and Water Mages.

Nordmar — a country located north of Myrtana; inhabited by the people of the Nordmarians. Nordmar is characterized by a harsh climate. Nordmar is famous for deposits of magic and iron ore. On the territory of the country there are settlements of three clans of Nordmar, these are the Clan of the Wolf, the Clan of the Hammer and the Clan of Fire.

Members of the Wolf Clan, mostly hunters; the Hammer clan is known for its blacksmiths, members of the Fire Clan traditionally serve Innos (one of the shrines of this god is located right on the clan territory) and maintain contact with the Circle of Fire Monastery located nearby.

The sights of Nordmar include the Graves of the Ancients — several burial places of ancient Nordmar heroes. Like Myrtana, Nordmar is partly controlled by orcs by the time the events of the third game of the series take place.


Varant — part of the mainland south of Myrtana. Varant is inhabited by assassins living in cities, as well as by nomads and alien orcs.

Varant has a very warm climate, most of the territory is a desert. There are two major cities in Varant: Mora Sul and Bakaresh. The city of Ishtar is also significant for the Assassins. There are also temples in the country: the Temple of Bakaresh — dedicated to Beliar, and the temples of Innos: Mora Sul, Al-Shedim and Ben Sala.

Jackals, sandstoners, dark rippers, lizards, fire golems live in Varant.


In the world of Gothic, there are two intelligent races — humans and orcs, whose cultures are opposed to each other. During the events of all games in the series, there is a permanent war between the two races after the invasion of orcs on the lands of people. Whether or not dragons are a race cannot be said for sure, but all dragons are sentient.


The human population is represented by several nationalities with different cultures: the inhabitants of Myrtana (an analogue of European culture), the Assassins (Varant), the Nordmarians (Nordmar), and also the inhabitants of the southern islands, about whom almost nothing is known. There are also small nations, such as nomads and rangers, and a lost civilization — in the game they are called Architects.


Orcs in the Gothic series are a parallel civilization with their own hierarchy. So, in the first part of the game, we learn about the orcs, trying to get into their lands. And, of course, part of the plot is connected with the orcs — in the first part it is the underground temple of the Sleeper, the place of the final battle of the hero. So, a little about the hierarchy of the orcs:
• the lowest link is the orc hunter, the orc scout
• the next is the orc warrior
• further — the elite fighters of the orcs (serious opponents for the hero in the second part and additions)
• the highest link is orc shamans with knowledge of magic (mainly fire)
• the highest link is undead orcs (a number of powerful shamans in the first part of Gothic) According to the plot of the game from the authors, we know that orcs are stupid and undeveloped creatures (this is the opinion of most NPCs), but, in the process of passing, communicating with prominent representatives of the orc civilization, such as Urshak, your knowledge is supplemented and a significant underestimation of the strength of the forgotten orc civilization looms.


Creatures of Ancient Power, symbolizing elemental primary elements. These are very powerful creatures, personally subordinate to Beliar. Each of the dragons is a representative of one of the four elements — the elements of the universe. All of them have a mind and can even communicate with a person, if, of course, they want to. Like any fantasy dragons, they attack mainly with fiery breath, against which no armor can save, moreover, its pressure can knock a person down or throw him to the side. Like other creatures of Beliar, they harbor hatred and contempt for people. Each dragon is guarded by a group of aggressively minded lizard people, in some ways similar to orcs. By the time the Nameless One arrived in the Valley of Mines, the situation there was not easy: the castle of the barons was besieged by orcs and the paladins, who did not know how to destroy the dragons, were doomed to failure…

Finkreg — ice dragon, lord of ice and snow, the strongest of the four. Symbolizes the element of ice. Settled in the former New Camp;

Feomatar is a fiery dragon that lives on the highest mountain where the old fortress used to be. Symbolizes the element of fire;

Pedrakan is a stone dragon that lives in an old fort on a hill. Symbolizes the element of stone;

Pandrodor — swamp dragon, the weakest of the four. Symbolizes the element of earth. Lives next to the old Cavalorn hut, in the swamp.

However, upon the arrival of the Nameless on Irdorath, 2 more individuals are found:

Theodaron — fiery dragon, brother of Feomatar. Feeds an increased hatred for the Nameless One for the destruction of his brother.

Undead Dragon — Commander of Beliar, creature of pure darkness. At the same time, he is the head of all other creatures of darkness. Outwardly, it looks like the skeleton of an ordinary dragon, surrounded by an ominous dark aura. Apparently, it symbolizes the element of Darkness or Chaos. The strongest of all dragons. As he says, he himself has no name, being chosen by Beliar, just as the Nameless One has no name, being chosen by Innos. You can take a stone soul from his body, however, why it is in the game remains a mystery.

Among other things, all dragons can breed, as evidenced by the many dragon eggs hidden throughout Khorinis and guarded by the same lizard people.

In the third game, dragons lose their power and intelligence and become part of the fauna of Myrtana. They are deprived of the ability to speak (although this is probably due to the loss of the Eye of Innos by the Nameless One) and now do not represent any elements. Although, they are quite rare and very strong. They live mainly in Varant, although you can find a few in the caves of Myrtana…


The games of the Gothic series have their own pantheon of gods, each of which manifests its presence in the world directly:

  • Innos — Supreme Demiurge of the Gothic universe. He is the god of fire, light, order and creation, only people worship him. Innos is served by the Mages of Fire — priests and wizards at the same time. There are many road altars of Innos on Khorinis, where you can get the blessing of God for sacrificial money. There is an ancient legend about the Chosen One of Innos, the man who slew the Beast — the apologist of Beliar, and a prophecy about his new appearance. Perhaps it is the Nameless Hero.
  • Adanos is the god of water, balance and natural harmony. Adanos is served by Water Mages and druids, priests, wizards and healers at the same time. Judging by the legend told by the priest of Adanos Vatras, this god is more powerful than Innos and Beliar.
  • Beliar (translated from Snowball — Beljar ) — the god of darkness, chaos, destruction and everything unnatural. He is worshiped by orcs and assassins, as well as some people of Myrtana (necromancers), possibly dragons.
  • Sleeper , or Krushak — the deity of the orcs and one sect of people, who later turned out to be a powerful archdemon, that is, the slander of Beliar.


The flora of Khorinis is represented mainly by plants of the middle belt, as well as fictional ones. There are coniferous and deciduous trees, shrubs, various herbs, among which there are many types of berries, several types of mushrooms. With a fairly large difference between the official translations of all the Gothic games, it is difficult to generalize the flora of this setting, here are options from Snowball. However, it can be argued that the flora of the Minienthal is not completely analogous to the flora of the rest of Khorinis.

It is interesting that some plants, for example, blueberry, moonberry, sunflower, are distinctly different from real ones with the same names; and others — rice, grapes — practically correspond to those of our world. There are also completely fictional plants, like seraphis, orc herbs, firethorn and others.

In terms of gameplay, flora is divided into static objects and those that can be «collected». The latter are used as food or as an ingredient in the preparation of various potions.


The «Gothic» fauna is mostly fictional. As with flora, some game animals are similar to those of our world, for example, a wolf, some have the name of a real animal, but differ significantly from it — a hornet, a lizard, and almost all the rest are completely fictional, like a glorch (in another translation — snapper ), mrakoris, biter, shnyg (in another translation — lurker). All animals except deer, sheep and meat bugs are aggressive towards humans, some towards other animals. There is a separate group of animals that are not aggressive towards orcs, these are biters and orc hounds.

When killing any animal, the character gains experience points.

Features of the fauna of the game Gothic

The Gothic Bestiary served as the basis for the set of animals in subsequent games in the series, however, some animals did not appear in the next game or were changed. So, only in the first game there are large bipedal predatory biting reptiles, the animal «hound» is most likely also a reptile. The bipedal predatory reptile oster was in the first game, but was omitted in the original Gothic 2, which was fixed in the «Night of the Raven» addon.


Main article : Gothic characters

In all three games of the series there are several main characters: the protagonist (Nameless Hero), the necromancer Xardas, and four friends (Diego, Milten, Lester, Gorn), as well as the disgraced General Lee and the former guard of the Old Camp Thorus. Each game in the series also has its own key characters, some of which are involved in the plot of several games.

Most named characters usually have little effect on the plot of the game: they train the protagonist, give side quests or participate in them, provide information.

Characters without a name do not play any role in the story.


There is an official Gothic — Der Comic comic for the game «Gothic», it was published only in Germany, its Russian version: Comic «Gothic»


Official sites :

  • Official website of the third Gothic (German) (English)
  • Gothic 3 official North American site
  • Official Russian website of the game Gothic
  • Official Russian site for the game Gothic 2

Fan sites :

  • Gothic Game (Russian) — the largest Russian fan site about the
  • series

  • World of Gothic (German) (English) — the largest fan site for the
  • series

  • Series database (German) (English) — lists of weapons, NPCs, maps, quest solutions and more
  • Project Gothic (Russian)
  • Information and news portal about the Gothic game series: World Of
  • Message board about Gothic series

In game projects :

  • Gothic AG — on AG. ru
  • Review of the game on the website of Igromania
  • Gothic 3 on Description 1, 2 and 3 Gothic

Accessories :

  • Map of the mainland of Myrtana, Nordmar and Varant
Game series Gothic
Gothic | Gothic II | Gothic 3 | Gothic 3: Forsaken Gods | Arcania

Gothic 3: Forsaken Gods for Windows (2008)

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Gothic 3: Forsaken Gods is a stand-alone addon for Gothic 3 and continues the story of the main game based on the ending where both Xardas and the nameless hero go through the portal. With the gods Innos and Beliar finally destroyed, Xardas predicted a thousand years of peace. They envisioned an era of rebuilding and understanding between the races of men and orcs. But instead out of the ashes of the Orcwar a new empire began to rise.

Gorn, ruler of Gotha in the north, assembled an army and started to rage war against Thorus. Thorus, the new ruler of the Orcs, of course couldn’t just sit on his throne in Trelis and let Gorn slaughter the Orcs. So he began himself to attack the caravans and outposts around Geldern. Meanwhile Lee, the ruler of the kingdom in the east, decided to stay out of the skirmish and wait it out. Inog and Anog, the rulers of the lands surrounding Silden in the west, on the other hand are not in any position to stand up against Thorus or Gorn.

Watching all this from a different plane of existence, the nameless hero decided to go back to Myrtana. Xardas tries to stop him and a battle ensues from which neither comes out as the victor. In the end Xardas vanishes and the nameless hero wakes up in a bed in Silden, under the distrustful eyes of Anog — and without his former strength. So the player once again takes over the control of the nameless hero in order to enforce the peace and he needs to decide which side he will be on.

The gameplay remains the same as in the original game although the world is much smaller now and some changes are noticeable in it. Looking over the hero’s shoulders, the player still takes on quests, kills monsters and ultimately gains experience to advance to the next level. This in return grants access to talent points to invest into different abilities like forging or learning how to fight with two weapons against the countless, but already known, enemies. To fight against them, the player again has access to countless melee and ranged weapons, armor and useful potions which he either finds or makes himself during the course of the adventure.

The only real change can be found in the combat system which features an overhauled parry system and now heavily depends on the available stamina because if none is available, the hero can’t swing his sword anymore and is totally defenseless. He can also perform a new, shooter-like strife move which allows him to get quickly out of harm’s way.


Promo Images

Alternate Titles

  • 0514
  • «Gothic 3: Forsaken Gods» — Russian title
  • «Gothic 3: Zmierzch Bogów» — Polish title
  • «Gothic 3: Götterdämmerung (Enhanced Edition)» — German patch title
  • «Gothic 3: Götterdämmerung» — German title
  • «Gothic 3: Forsaken Gods (Enhanced Edition)» — Patched re-release title

Part of the Following Groups

  • Gameplay feature: Blacksmithing
  • Gameplay feature: Character development — Training
  • Gameplay feature: Day/Night cycle
  • Gameplay feature: Goldsmithing
  • Gameplay feature: Hunting
  • Gameplay feature: Survival cooking
  • Gothic series
  • Middleware: EMotion FX
  • Middleware: SpeedTree
  • Physics Engine: PhysX
  • Software Pyramide releases

User Reviews

There are no reviews for this game.

Critic Reviews

PC Action (Germany) Dec, 2008 65 out of 100 65
PC Games (Germany) Nov 21, 2008 64 out of 100 64
Spazio Games Feb 05, 2009 6.3 out of 10 63
Christ Centered Gamer / Christ Centered Game Reviews Mar 06, 2009 61 out of 100 61
Game Captain Dec 08, 2008 58 out of 100 58
Krawall Gaming Network Dec 30, 2008 45 out of 100 45
IGN Dec 08, 2008 3.