Gaming notebook bis 1000 euro: Bester 1000€ Gaming Laptop — 2023

Die 5 günstigsten Gaming Notebooks unter 1000 Euro

Mario Förster Gaming Zubehör

Wir zeigen Gaming Notebooks bis 1000 Euro und haben uns dazu beliebte Einsteiger Gaming Notebooks für Euch angesehen und Empfehlenswerte Gaming Notebooks ausgewählt. Dazu haben wir günstige und preisreduzierte Modelle, sowie aktuell 2023 neu erschienene Gaming Notebooks übersichtlich zusammengestellt. Unser Ratgeber ist eine Entscheidungshilfe, um die richtige Auswahl zu treffen. (Update 02/2023)

Unser TOP Gaming Notebook 2023

Unser Redaktionstipp zeigt das beliebte Gaming Notebook in diesem Jahr.

Empfohlene Gaming Notebooks unter 1000 €

Diese Auswahl an günstigen Gaming Notebooks empfiehlt unsere Redaktion, wir haben sie nach Beliebtheit und Aktualität sortiert. Die hier aufgeführten Produkte haben bei anderen Käufern eine hohe Kundenzufriedenheit hervorgerufen und sind durch Anzahl der Käufe und positive Bewertungen aufgefallen.

Weitere beliebte Gaming Notebooks

In dieser Übersicht der Gaming Notebooks zeigen wir euch Produkte sortiert nach Preis und Aktualität um euch bei der Kaufentscheidung zu unterstützen.

Preisreduzierung Gaming Notebook unter 1000 €

Mit unseren Spartipps für Preisbewußte Käufer, zeigen wir hier die aktuell preisreduzierten Gaming Notebook nach der Höhe des Preises und der Preissenkung. Unser Produktcrawler durchsucht Amazon fortlaufend nach allen Preisreduzierungen. (Letzte Aktualisierung fand 13.02.2023 um 19:40 Uhr).

Die günstigsten Gaming Notebooks

Die Liste der preisgünstigsten Gaming Notebooks zeigt Euch Produkte, die sich als echter Spartipp heraustellen. Beachtet bitte das ein niedriger Preis eventuell auch Einfluss auf die Qualität haben kann.

Kürzlich hinzugefügte Gaming Notebook (Neuheiten)

Diese Gaming Notebook sind neu erschienen und wurden neu bei uns gelistet. Neue Produkte verfügen meist über keine Bewertungen, können aber durchaus interessant sein.



Verbraucherhinweis: ist eine neutrale und unabhängige Kaufberatung. Wir zeigen Produktdetails und was man vor dem Kauf beachten muss und beantworten die wichtigsten Fragen. Dazu gibt unsere Redaktion Produkt- und Kaufempfehlungen, wie wir die empfohlenen Produkte auswählen zeigen wir hier. Unsere Links: Produktlinks, mit * oder markierte Verweise sind Affiliatelinks die zu unserem Partnershops weiterleiten. Bei einem Einkauf erhalten wir eine Provision die auf deinen Kaufpreis keine Auswirkung hat. Dadurch bleibt unsere Seite kostenfrei. Alle Produktpreise sind inkl. MwSt., ggf. zzgl. Versand, Änderung des Preis technisch möglich. Alle Angaben beruhen auf der Herstellerinformation. Bilder von Amazon API. Letzte Aktualisierung der Produkte durch unseren Crawler am 13.02.2023 um 19:40 Uhr


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Mario ist Blogger und Gründer des Onlinemagazin Netpapa. de. Er testet und recherchiert auf angesagte Produke, Gadgets und Tools. Er liebt spannende Spiele, smarte Technik und Bolonkas. Dieser Artikel ist aktuell: Update 02/2023, er entspricht unseren Qualitätsrichtlinien und wird in festen Intervallen überarbeitet. → Linkedin → alle Artikel

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4 gute Gaming-Laptops, die ihr am Prime Day für unter 1000 Euro kaufen könnt

Am Prime Day könnt ihr bei verschiedenen Produkten richtig Geld sparen. Mit unter den Angeboten sind auch einige Notebooks. MeinMMO stellt euch 4 davon vor, die ihr aktuell für unter 1000 Euro kaufen könnt.

Ihr überlegt euch am Prime Day neue Hardware zu kaufen und möglicherweise aufzurüsten? Am Prime Day könnt ihr auch auf Notebooks sparen, falls ihr lieber mobil zocken wollt und eure Hauptplattform doch eher die Xbox oder die PS5 ist.

MeinMMO stellt euch 4 Gaming-Notebooks vor, die ihr euch ansehen solltet. Keins davon kostet mehr als 1000 Euro. Die Angebote laufen noch bis heute Nacht um 0:00 Uhr.

Was sind das für Geräte? In allen 4 Geräten kommt entweder eine RTX 3050 oder ein RTX 3050 Ti zum Einsatz. Ihr solltet daher unter 1000 Euro nicht erwarten, dass ihr mit diesen Geräten sämtliche modernen Spiele unter maximalen Settings zocken könnt.

Alle Angebote und Empfehlungen zum Prime Day findet ihr in unserem Ticker:

Lenovo Legion 5 mit RTX 3050

Was bietet das Gerät?

  • AMD Ryzen 5 5600H Prozessor
  • Windows 11 Home
  • Nvidia GeForce RTX 3050 mit 4 GB GDDR6-Grafikspeicher
  • 17,3 Zoll FHD (1920×1080) mit 144 Hz, IPS-Display, entspiegelt und AMD Free-Sync
  • 16 GB Arbeitsspeicher
  • Dolby Vision

Wie gut ist das Gerät? Das Online-Magazin Ultrabookreview hat das gleiche Modell mit etwas besserer Ausstattung (RTX 3060) getestet. Die Tester loben das Gerät für die gute Verarbeitung und die griffige Tastatur. Das Display ist ebenfalls hell genug für Gaming und Arbeit.

Weniger gut sind die Lautsprecherboxen und die schwache Webacm.

Wie viel kostet das Gerät? Für das Lenovo Legion 5 zahlt ihr aktuell 999,00 Euro anstatt 1176,85 Euro.

Vorschau Produkt Bewertung Preis
Lenovo Legion 5 Gaming Laptop | 17,3″ Full HD WideView Display entspiegelt | AMD Ryzen 5 5600H |. ..

100 Bewertungen

1.179,00 EUR Zu Amazon

*Affiliate-Links. Wir erhalten bei einem Kauf eine kleine Provision von Amazon. Vielen Dank für Eure Unterstützung!

VICTUS by HP Gaming Laptop mit RTX 3050

Was bietet das Gerät?

  • AMD Ryzen 5 5600H Prozessor
  • Windows 11 Home
  • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 mit 4 GB GDDR6-Grafikspeicher
  • 16,1 Zoll FHD (1920 x 1080), mit 144 Hz, IPS-Display
  • 16 GB Arbeitsspeicher

Wie gut ist das Gerät? Die Kollegen von Notebookcheck konnten das Modell mit RTX 3050Ti testen, die restlichen Werte bleiben identisch. In ihrem Artikel bewerten die Tester das Gerät mit Gut (82 %). Das liegt vor allem an dem guten Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis und an der ausgewogenen Leistung und Ausstattung, die HP in seinem Notebook verbaut.

Weniger überzeugen können das Display, welches viel zu dunkel ist und die Lautstärke unter Last.

Wie viel kostet das Gerät? Für das VICTUS-Notebook zahlt ihr momentan 849 Euro anstatt 999 Euro:

Vorschau Produkt Bewertung Preis
VICTUS by HP Gaming Laptop 16,1 Zoll FHD IPS 144 Hz Display, AMD Ryzen 5 5600H, 16GB DDR4 RAM, 512GB. ..

23 Bewertungen

999,00 EUR Zu Amazon

*Affiliate-Links. Wir erhalten bei einem Kauf eine kleine Provision von Amazon. Vielen Dank für Eure Unterstützung!

ASUS TUF Gaming Dash 15 Laptop mit RTX 3050

Was bietet das Gerät?

  • Intel Core i5-11300H
  • Windows 10 Home
  • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 mit 4 GB GDDR6-Grafikspeicher
  • 15,6 Zoll FHD (1920 x 1080)mit 144 Hz, IPS-Display
  • 8 GB Arbeitsspeicher

Wie gut ist das Gerät? Notebookcheck hat das etwas besser ausgestattete Modell mit i7 und RTX 3070 getestet, das Modell ist aber in anderen Punkten identisch. Die Tester loben vor allem das leichte und kompakte Gehäuse und die umfangreichen Möglichkeiten über Software, das System weiter tunen zu können. Im Inneren habt ihr noch genügend Platz für eine zusätzliche M.2-SSD.

Eine Webcam ist im Gerät nicht verbaut und außerdem ist das Tastaturlayout sehr eng ausgefallen, was vor allem Vielschreiber ärgern dürfte.

Wie viel kostet das Gerät? Für das TUF Gaming Dash 15 zahlt ihr aktuell 649,00 Euro und nicht 799,00 Euro:

Vorschau Produkt Bewertung Preis
Asus TUF DASH 15 Gaming Laptop | 15,6″ Full-HD 144Hz matt IPS Display | Intel Core i5-11300H | 8 GB. ..

82 Bewertungen

899,00 EUR
829,22 EUR
Zu Amazon

*Affiliate-Links. Wir erhalten bei einem Kauf eine kleine Provision von Amazon. Vielen Dank für Eure Unterstützung!

ASUS TUF Gaming F17 mit RTX 3050 Ti

Was bietet das Gerät?

  • Intel Core i5-11400H
  • Windows 11 Home
  • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050Ti mit 4 GB GDDR6-Grafikspeicher
  • 17,3 Zoll FHD (1920 x 1080)mit 144 Hz, IPS-Display
  • 16 GB Arbeitsspeicher

Wie gut ist das Gerät? Die Kollegen von TomsHardware konnten das Gerät ausführlich testen. Die größte Stärke des Laptops ist sein Display. Denn die Farben sind laut Testern hervorragend und die Helligkeit ist ebenfalls richtig gut, wenn man etwa in dunklen Räumen zockt. Auch sonst wirkt es gesamte Modell sehr hochwertig.

Von Nachteil ist vor allem die kurze Akkulaufzeit des Geräts und die Performance. Denn mit der Kombination aus i5 und RTX 3050 Ti könnt ihr moderne Spiele nicht mit vollen Einstellungen zocken. Das Gerät richtet sich daher eher an User, die gerne unkomplizierte Spiele zocken und nichts dagegen haben, ein paar Settings herunterzustellen.

Wie viel kostet das Gerät? Für das ASUS TUF Gaming F17 zahlt ihr aktuell 799,00 Euro anstatt 1085,14 Euro:

Vorschau Produkt Bewertung Preis
Asus TUF F17 Gaming Laptop | 17,3″ Full-HD 144Hz matt IPS Display | Intel Core i5-11400H | 16 GB RAM. ..

111 Bewertungen

1.399,00 EUR Zu Amazon

*Affiliate-Links. Wir erhalten bei einem Kauf eine kleine Provision von Amazon. Vielen Dank für Eure Unterstützung!

Alle reduzierten Gaming-Notebooks noch einmal im Überblick:

  • Lenovo Legion 5 mit RTX 3050 für 999,00 Euro
  • VICTUS by HP Gaming Laptop mit RTX 3050 für 849,00 Euro
  • ASUS TUF Gaming Dash 15 Laptop mit RTX 3050 für 649,00 Euro
  • ASUS TUF Gaming F17 mit RTX 3050 Ti für 799 Euro

Weitere Tipps zum Prime Day: Ihr wollt mehr zu den exklusiven Angeboten wissen und zu allen Deals und Angeboten informiert werden? Dann schaut auf unserer Übersichtsseite hier auf MeinMMO. Hier halten wir euch tagesaktuell auf dem Laufenden, welche Deals sich aktuell für euch lohnen könnten:

Alle Infos zum Prime Day im Oktober 2022

Verwandte Spiele

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Der Prime Day im Juli ist vorbei, aber auch am 11. und 12. Oktober wird es wieder Prime-Angebote bei Amazon geben. Wir halten euch auf dem Laufenden über die be…


Ø User-wertung

Gaming laptop for less than 1000 euros, what are the best options?

Among gamers, there are those who prefer to play on consoles, otherwise there would not be such a hype when Sony or Microsoft launch one of their own, but there are many who prefer to play on PC.

When the platform has already been determined and the decision has been made to put the games on the computer, it’s time to decide which one. We can choose a tower, but those that can be easily transported are becoming more popular, and if they are cheap, the better, so in this article we will talk about gaming laptop less than 1000 euros .

Guide indicator

  • 1 Best gaming laptops less than 1000 euros
  • 2 The best brands of gaming laptops less than 1000 euros
    • 2.1 MSI
    • 2.2 ASUS
    • 2.3 HP OMEN
    • 3 for 1000 euros?

      • 3.1 Screen
      • 3.2 Processor
      • 3.3 Graphics
      • 3.4 RAM
      • 3.5 Hard disk
      • 3.6 RGB
    • 4 Is a €1000 gaming laptop recommended? My opinion

    The best gaming laptops under 1000 euros

    With discount

    Acer Nitro 5 AN515-58-…

    With discount

    ASUS TUF Gaming F15 …

    With discount

    HP Victus 16-e0085ns-.. .

    Lenovo IdeaPad Gaming 3…

    With discount

    ASUS TUF Gaming F15 …

    OMEN by HP 16-c0047ns-…

    Top gaming laptop brands under 1000 euros


    MSI, whose full name is Micro-Star International, Co., Ltd, is a Chinese company that manufactures all kinds of computers and peripherals for themselves. Their laptops are very popular, especially among the gaming community, who consider them to be among the best on the market.

    With discount

    MSI Katana GF66 …

    MSI Modern 15 …

    Many MSI computers are expensive because they include very advanced components in order to be able to play with the best guarantees. But they also make and sell other hardware at lower prices, and all have a few aggressive designs that gamers love.


    ASUS is is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of computers, ranking fourth in the last decade and remaining in the top ten since time immemorial. In addition to computers, they also manufacture and sell internal components and peripherals, so they can produce equipment whose components are almost entirely under the same brand name.

    With discount

    ASUS TUF Gaming F15 …

    With discount

    ASUS TUF Gaming F15 …

    With discount

    ASUS TUF Gaming F15 …

    Your gaming laptops too They are one of the best on the market And, as a brand with such a wide catalog, they can offer the most powerful hardware and other, somewhat more discreet, with which less demanding gamers or those who have fewer pockets can have fun with all the guarantees.


    Hewlett-Packard, after nearly 80 years of existence, split up to form a new company, simply called HP. Before that, in addition to computers and other devices, they were famous mainly for their printers. But now they are one of the largest computer manufacturers in the world.

    OMEN from HP 16-c0047ns-…

    Notebook Victus by HP…

    With discount

    HP Victus 16-e0084ns-…

    HP has a brand name they use for the of their gaming hardware called OMEN . OMEN computers are designed for users who love to play games and have devices with a slightly more attractive design, as well as components specially designed for games.


    Lenovo is a Chinese company that manufactures and sells so many things that it’s hard to list them all, but we can say that they offer mobile phones, tablets, TVs and other types of devices. electronic devices . It is one of the most important technology companies in the world, and if they have achieved this position, it is partly due to the fact that they offered a variety of products, many of which were at very low prices.

    With discount

    Lenovo IdeaPad Gaming 3…

    Lenovo IdeaPad Gaming 3…

    With discount

    Lenovo IdeaPad 3 Gen 6 -…

    As for their gaming laptops, they have some expensive ones, the best on the market, but as we mentioned Lenovo it is popular also for its low prices , so we also find gaming laptops under 1000 euros. And best of all, they tend to be better value for money than many of their competitors.

    What does a 1000 euro gaming laptop offer? Screen

    Screen0005 will not fit 17″ The most commonly used standard size is 15. 6″. In terms of quality, they are good and they can have 4K resolution.

    If we talk about computers for gaming, it is possible that there are smaller ones, but few will remain in the 13-inch . The reason is that even if the quality is the best in the world, the keyboard will be more compressed, making it difficult to play comfortably and accurately. So, if you see a laptop with a gaming label and a small screen, think twice.


    As we will repeat several times in this article, 1000 euros is no longer the most affordable price, and good components can be included in it, while the manufacturer does not lose money. The most common processor in gaming laptops (and in ordinary ones) is the Intel i7 or similar . I would dare to say that 9 out of 10 laptops at this price will use this processor, but this may not always be true.

    There are computers that are sold with the label «gaming» and they do it as part of their marketing, but in fact they are computers with a slightly more aggressive design, backlit keyboards and components that are slightly above average. In addition, also we can find a computer with the same label that is not the updated model , so it is possible that we will see one that includes an Intel i5 processor or similar. This will not be common and if we find one it will be because it is an older model or because other components have been cut out such as the screen, hard drive or RAM.

    If you are wondering if there are any Intel i9s, I must say no . This is an important jump, barrier, or area, after which the price makes a huge jump, which doubles the price of other patterns.


    Without quoting any models, I must say that this is an important point worth talking about. Some of the best graphics cards for gaming cost around $400-$500. or even more, so we can already get an idea of ​​the type of graphics card that will power a gaming laptop costing €1,000 or less.

    I dare say that in most cases Achilles’ heel one of the gaming laptops at this price will be your graphics card. They’re not the worst, but they’re far from the best either. If we find something with a somewhat prominent card, it’s likely that the team includes a more modest processor, a small SSD if it includes one, and 8GB of RAM, which we’ll mention later, which is unusual.


    1000 euros is a lot of money, and RAM is not the most expensive component that can be included in a laptop. Depending on other components, the RAM that includes such a computer may be as low as 8GB of RAM, but 16GB of RAM will be the most common.

    It’s not impossible, but it’s unlikely that we’ll find one with 32 GB of RAM, but we have to be careful if we find a component so powerful in a computer that it doesn’t cost twice as much or even more. This may mean that we are dealing with a brand with a bad reputation, or that it has cuts or scratches on the rest of the components, so 32 GB of RAM will be useless if everything else is bad or very limited. But, as we have already mentioned, this would be a very strange case, and what we find will be portable from 16GB RAM .

    Hard drive

    Hard drives were stuck for a long time until the advent of solid state drives, drives that offer faster read and write speeds, which also results in better performance. On a gaming laptop under 1000 Euro we won’t find huge SSD drives, but the drives are huge. How? Thanks to hybrids.

    There will be two options, the third option is less likely: the first option is a disk with an SSD part and a hard disk part, which can be 128/256 GB in SSD and about 1 TB in HDD. The SSD part will use the operating system and what we use most often, and the HDD part will use general data. The second option is that all SSDs, and the price that we have is trying to enable 512 GB in SSD . What seems less likely to me is that at this price point and currently, we’ll find a gaming laptop that only includes a single hard drive, but if we do, the drive would have to be huge to justify the expense.


    RGB stands for red, green and blue, i. e. the composition of the color (red, green and yellow) in terms of the intensity of the primary colors of light. RGB in computers is related to the light they emit, and this light in laptops usually comes from backlit keyboard .

    The best RGB keyboards have color patterns that can be changed, and the highest of the range allows us to customize several keys with one color and others with others. The latter will not be easy to find in a gaming laptop for less than 1000 euros, the most common are backlit keyboards and colors already defined . Sometimes what we find will just be a keyboard emitting colored light, but always the same and not customizable.

    Is a €1000 gaming laptop recommended? My opinion

    It is not at all easy for me to answer this question. It’s not because the best laptops designed for gaming break that barrier, so it’s the gamer in question who has to ask himself certain questions: Do I need the best to play all games smoothly? Will I need to stream my games? I want the best keyboard and the biggest screen? If the answer to the above questions is yes, they are probably not meant for you.

    Now, if you are a random player who goes to play at home and settles for an average keyboard and layout, it might be worth it. For less than 1000 euros you will find a laptop that will allow you to play most of the existing games, but be aware that some of them may appear in the short term, which does not work well on your new laptop, especially if you want to play with the graphics in ultra.

    It also seems important to mention something that has nothing to do with gaming: a gaming laptop usually has good components inside and out of the hardware, so one for less than 1000 euros is not a bad option. is a good choice for both work and leisure for its value for money. In fact, for these purposes, we will most likely have enough, but not if we want the latest and most powerful games and the most accurate and colorful keyboards.


    Telecommunications engineer is closely associated with the world of computing. I complement my daily work with a laptop that suits my needs and help you achieve the same, tailored to your needs.

    Gaming laptop for less than 1000 euros, what are the best options?

    Among gamers, there are those who prefer to play on consoles, otherwise there would not be such a hype when Sony or Microsoft launch one of their own, but there are many who prefer to play on PC.

    When the platform has already been determined and the decision has been made to put the games on the computer, it’s time to decide which one. We can choose a tower, but those that can be easily transported are becoming more popular, and if they are cheap, the better, so in this article we will talk about gaming laptop less than 1000 euros .

    Guide indicator

    • 1 Best gaming laptops less than 1000 euros
    • 2 The best brands of gaming laptops less than 1000 euros
      • 2.1 MSI
      • 2.2 ASUS
      • 2.3 HP OMEN
      • 3 for 1000 euros?

        • 3.1 Screen
        • 3. 2 Processor
        • 3.3 Graphics
        • 3.4 RAM
        • 3.5 Hard disk
        • 3.6 RGB
      • 4 Is a €1000 gaming laptop recommended? My opinion

      The best gaming laptops under 1000 euros

      With discount

      Acer Nitro 5 AN515-58-…

      With discount

      ASUS TUF Gaming F15 …

      With discount

      HP Victus 16-e0085ns-…

      Lenovo IdeaPad Gaming 3…

      With discount

      ASUS TUF Gaming F15 …

      OMEN by HP 16-c0047ns-…

      Top gaming laptop brands under 1000 euros


      MSI, whose full name is Micro-Star International, Co. , Ltd, is a Chinese company that manufactures all kinds of computers and peripherals for themselves. Their laptops are very popular, especially among the gaming community, who consider them to be among the best on the market.

      With discount

      MSI Katana GF66 …

      MSI Modern 15 …

      Many MSI computers are expensive because they include very advanced components in order to be able to play with the best guarantees. But they also make and sell other hardware at lower prices, and all have a few aggressive designs that gamers love.


      ASUS is is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of computers, ranking fourth in the last decade and remaining in the top ten since time immemorial. In addition to computers, they also manufacture and sell internal components and peripherals, so they can produce equipment whose components are almost entirely under the same brand name.

      With discount

      ASUS TUF Gaming F15 …

      With discount

      ASUS TUF Gaming F15 …

      With discount

      ASUS TUF Gaming F15 …

      Your gaming laptops too They are one of the best on the market And, as a brand with such a wide catalog, they can offer the most powerful hardware and other, somewhat more discreet, with which less demanding gamers or those who have fewer pockets can have fun with all the guarantees.

      HP OMEN

      Hewlett-Packard, after nearly 80 years of existence, split up to form a new company, simply called HP. Before that, in addition to computers and other devices, they were famous mainly for their printers. But now they are one of the largest computer manufacturers in the world.

      OMEN from HP 16-c0047ns-…

      Notebook Victus by HP…

      With discount

      HP Victus 16-e0084ns-…

      HP has a brand name they use for the of their gaming hardware called OMEN . OMEN computers are designed for users who love to play games and have devices with a slightly more attractive design, as well as components specially designed for games.


      Lenovo is a Chinese company that manufactures and sells so many things that it’s hard to list them all, but we can say that they offer mobile phones, tablets, TVs and other types of devices. electronic devices . It is one of the most important technology companies in the world, and if they have achieved this position, it is partly due to the fact that they offered a variety of products, many of which were at very low prices.

      With discount

      Lenovo IdeaPad Gaming 3…

      Lenovo IdeaPad Gaming 3…

      With discount

      Lenovo IdeaPad 3 Gen 6 -…

      As for their gaming laptops, they have some expensive ones, the best on the market, but as we mentioned Lenovo it is popular also for its low prices , so we also find gaming laptops under 1000 euros. And best of all, they tend to be better value for money than many of their competitors.

      What does a 1000 euro gaming laptop offer? Screen

      Screen0005 will not fit 17″ The most commonly used standard size is 15.6″. In terms of quality, they are good and they can have 4K resolution.

      If we talk about computers for gaming, it is possible that there are smaller ones, but few will remain in the 13-inch . The reason is that even if the quality is the best in the world, the keyboard will be more compressed, making it difficult to play comfortably and accurately. So, if you see a laptop with a gaming label and a small screen, think twice.


      As we will repeat several times in this article, 1000 euros is no longer the most affordable price, and good components can be included in it, while the manufacturer does not lose money. The most common processor in gaming laptops (and in ordinary ones) is the Intel i7 or similar . I would dare to say that 9 out of 10 laptops at this price will use this processor, but this may not always be true.

      There are computers that are sold with the label «gaming» and they do it as part of their marketing, but in fact they are computers with a slightly more aggressive design, backlit keyboards and components that are slightly above average. In addition, also we can find a computer with the same label that is not the updated model , so it is possible that we will see one that includes an Intel i5 processor or similar. This will not be common and if we find one it will be because it is an older model or because other components have been cut out such as the screen, hard drive or RAM.

      If you are wondering if there are any Intel i9s, I must say no . This is an important jump, barrier, or area, after which the price makes a huge jump, which doubles the price of other patterns.


      Without quoting any models, I must say that this is an important point worth talking about. Some of the best graphics cards for gaming cost around $400-$500. or even more, so we can already get an idea of ​​the type of graphics card that will power a gaming laptop costing €1,000 or less.

      I dare say that in most cases Achilles’ heel one of the gaming laptops at this price will be your graphics card. They’re not the worst, but they’re far from the best either. If we find something with a somewhat prominent card, it’s likely that the team includes a more modest processor, a small SSD if it includes one, and 8GB of RAM, which we’ll mention later, which is unusual.


      1000 euros is a lot of money, and RAM is not the most expensive component that can be included in a laptop. Depending on other components, the RAM that includes such a computer may be as low as 8GB of RAM, but 16GB of RAM will be the most common.

      It’s not impossible, but it’s unlikely that we’ll find one with 32 GB of RAM, but we have to be careful if we find a component so powerful in a computer that it doesn’t cost twice as much or even more. This may mean that we are dealing with a brand with a bad reputation, or that it has cuts or scratches on the rest of the components, so 32 GB of RAM will be useless if everything else is bad or very limited. But, as we have already mentioned, this would be a very strange case, and what we find will be portable from 16GB RAM .

      Hard drive

      Hard drives were stuck for a long time until the advent of solid state drives, drives that offer faster read and write speeds, which also results in better performance. On a gaming laptop under 1000 Euro we won’t find huge SSD drives, but the drives are huge. How? Thanks to hybrids.

      There will be two options, the third option is less likely: the first option is a disk with an SSD part and a hard disk part, which can be 128/256 GB in SSD and about 1 TB in HDD. The SSD part will use the operating system and what we use most often, and the HDD part will use general data. The second option is that all SSDs, and the price that we have is trying to enable 512 GB in SSD . What seems less likely to me is that at this price point and currently, we’ll find a gaming laptop that only includes a single hard drive, but if we do, the drive would have to be huge to justify the expense.


      RGB stands for red, green and blue, i.e. the composition of the color (red, green and yellow) in terms of the intensity of the primary colors of light. RGB in computers is related to the light they emit, and this light in laptops usually comes from backlit keyboard .

      The best RGB keyboards have color patterns that can be changed, and the highest of the range allows us to customize several keys with one color and others with others. The latter will not be easy to find in a gaming laptop for less than 1000 euros, the most common are backlit keyboards and colors already defined . Sometimes what we find will just be a keyboard emitting colored light, but always the same and not customizable.

      Is a €1000 gaming laptop recommended? My opinion

      It is not at all easy for me to answer this question. It’s not because the best laptops designed for gaming break that barrier, so it’s the gamer in question who has to ask himself certain questions: Do I need the best to play all games smoothly? Will I need to stream my games? I want the best keyboard and the biggest screen? If the answer to the above questions is yes, they are probably not meant for you.

      Now, if you are a random player who goes to play at home and settles for an average keyboard and layout, it might be worth it.