Gamestar anno 2070: Anno 2070 (PC) — Release, News, Systemanforderungen

Anno 2070 (PC) — Release, News, Systemanforderungen

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Anno 2070 — Ankündigungs-Trailer: Insel-Erkundung in der Zukunft




»Eine der höchsten GameStar-Wertungen« — GameStar-Heft 12/2011 im Rückblick

Jeden Monat blicken die Redakteure der GameStar in dieser Videoreihe zurück auf die Top-Spiele von vor 10 Jahren. Also die Spiele, die das Team vor genau zehn Jahren getestet hat. In diesem Video geht es um die GameStar-Ausgabe 12/2011. Vor der Kamera sind mit dabei: Heiko Klinge, Petra Schmitz, Michael Graf und Peter Bathge.
Im Video-Rückblick erwarten euch Hintergrundinfos zu den Spielen, Einordnungen aus einer neuen Perspektive (zehn Jahre später) aber auch viele persönliche Anekdoten. In diesem GameStar-Rückblick sind dabei:
Battlefield 3
Might & Magic: Heroes 6
Anno 2070
Ihr wollt mehr solcher Videos? Dann unterstützt die Redaktion mit GameStar Plus mit 25 Prozent Rabatt aufs Jahresabo oder holt euch das neue Plus-Print-Kombipaket inklusive Heft und seht jeden Monat eine neue Folge unseres Rückblicks — zusätzlich zu exklusiven Previews, Reports, und Podcasts. Natürlich gibt’s die Rückblicke auch auf der DVD des GameStar-Magazins.
Schreibt uns in den Kommentaren, was ihr für Erinnerungen an die Spiele (oder das damalige GameStar-Heft!) aus dieser Ausgabe des Rückblicks habt. Habt ihr ähnliche Erfahrungen gemacht wie die Redakteure oder seht ihr alles ganz anders?

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AKTUELLESzu Anno 2070



Anno 2070 bald nicht mehr online spielbar? Fans dürfen aufatmen, Ubisoft lenkt bei Server-Abschaltung ein

Ubisoft verschiebt nicht nur sein Online-Aus für 14 Spiele, sondern bringt auch gute Nachrichten für Anno-Fans: Der Zukunftsableger darf weiterhin all seine Online-Features behalten.



»Eine der höchsten GameStar-Wertungen« — GameStar-Heft 12/2011 im Rückblick

Jeden Monat blicken die Redakteure der GameStar in dieser Videoreihe zurück auf die Top-Spiele von vor 10 Jahren. Also die Spiele, die das Team vor genau zehn Jahren getestet hat. In diesem Video geht es um die GameStar-Ausgabe 12/2011. Vor der Kamera sind mit dabei: Heiko Klinge, Petra Schmitz, Michael Graf und Peter Bathge.
Im Video-Rückblick erwarten euch Hintergrundinfos zu den Spielen, Einordnungen aus einer neuen Perspektive (zehn Jahre später) aber auch viele persönliche Anekdoten. In diesem GameStar-Rückblick sind dabei:
Battlefield 3
Might & Magic: Heroes 6
Anno 2070
Ihr wollt mehr solcher Videos? Dann unterstützt die Redaktion mit GameStar Plus mit 25 Prozent Rabatt aufs Jahresabo oder holt euch das neue Plus-Print-Kombipaket inklusive Heft und seht jeden Monat eine neue Folge unseres Rückblicks — zusätzlich zu exklusiven Previews, Reports, und Podcasts. Natürlich gibt’s die Rückblicke auch auf der DVD des GameStar-Magazins.
Schreibt uns in den Kommentaren, was ihr für Erinnerungen an die Spiele (oder das damalige GameStar-Heft!) aus dieser Ausgabe des Rückblicks habt. Habt ihr ähnliche Erfahrungen gemacht wie die Redakteure oder seht ihr alles ganz anders?


18. 07.2021

Anno 1800: Der Schlüssel für die Zukunft der Aufbau-Serie liegt in der Vergangenheit

Damit die Aufbauserie erfolgreich bleibt, lohnt sich ein Blick in die Vergangenheit. Denn dort schlummert manches, was wir uns im Nachfolger wünschen.


Das beste Anno aller Zeiten



Das beste Anno aller Zeiten — Der neue König besteigt seinen Thron

Welches Anno ist das beste? Wir haben in der Redaktion schon vor Jahren einen Sieger ausgemacht. Doch selbst der ruhmreichste König kann nicht ewig herrschen.



Community-Umfrage — Welche Epoche wünscht ihr euch für das nächste Anno?

In welcher Epoche könnte das nächste Anno spielen? Vielleicht bei den Wikingern? Oder im spätmittelalterlichen 1305? Stimmt für euren Favoriten!


17. 04.2019

Die Evolution von Anno — Alle Teile von Anno 1602 (1998) bis Anno 1800 (2019) im Historien-Video

Mittlerweile gibt es die Anno-Serie seit über 20 Jahren, mit Anno 1800 ist nun der siebte Hauptteil erschienen. Im Video werfen wir einen Blick zurück auf die Vorgänger und auf kuriose Ausflüge in die Konsolenwelt.
Das Video gibt es in 4K UHD bei Candyland auf YouTube.
Anno-Titel im Video:
Anno 1602 (1998)
Anno 1503 (2002)
Anno 1701 (2006)
Anno 1701 NDS (2007)
Anno: Create A New World (2009)
Anno 1404 (2009)
Anno 2070 (2011)
Anno Online (2013, 2018 eingestellt)
Anno 2205 (2015)
Anno 1800 (2019)
Ausgelassen haben wir Anno: erschaffe ein Königreich (Android, iOS) und Anno 2205 Asteroid Miner (Android, iOS).
Das Candyland-Test-System:
ONE Gaming PC High End Ultra Customized
AMD Ryzen 2700X 8×3.70 GHz
32 GB DDR4 3200 RAM
Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Palit GamingPro OC
ASUS TUF X470-PLUS Gaming Mainboard
1 TB Samsung 970 Evo M.2 PCI SSD
Hier geht es zu Candyland auf YouTube, Facebook und Twitter.



Was war Anno 1305? — Video: Vergangenheit statt Zukunft

Im Rahmen der Anno-Themenwoche zum 20. Geburtstag der Serie erklärt uns Dirk Riegert, Creative Director von Anno 1800, was es mit Anno 1305 auf sich hatte.



Anno — Die schönsten Inseln der GameStar-Leser aus allen Anno-Teilen

Zum Start unserer Anno-Themenwoche wollten wir die schönsten Anno-Screenshots und ihr habt geliefert. Hier sind eure prächtigsten Inseln, sortiert nach Anno-Teil.



GameStar-Podcast — Folge 30: Von Anno 1701 bis Anno 1800 — der Chefentwickler über die Geschichte der besten Aufbauserie

Dirk Riegert übernahm Anno nach 1503 und führte es mit 1404 an die Spitze der Aufbauspiel-Perfektion. Im Gespräch mit Martin und Maurice plaudert er aus dem Nähkästchen — und die Zukunft in Form von Anno 1800.

wird geladen …

Anno 2070 — release date, videos, screenshots, reviews on RAWG

This is the fifth game in a series of Anno games.

The game genre remains unchanged — this is a real-time strategy with a variety of elements from other genres included in it: from the city construction and management simulator to submarine battles.

Time, situation, character

The game takes place in 2070, when the ecological situation in the world has become so serious that it cannot be completely ignored and the attitude to the environment becomes a key point in the development of corporations, on whose activity the well-being of humanity is based.

The game has implemented some of the gloomiest predictions about global warming: the world ocean level has risen so much that the continents have gone under water, and people have only to swim between the remaining islets on huge floating ark cities.

You control the captain of such an ark — and this means that you will have to explore, discover and colonize islands, build trade routes, build cities, meet the needs of the population, mine and mine food, build all kinds of enterprises, mines and fleets.


The entire Anno series is characterized by a general scheme — the player has to develop unpopulated but resource-rich territories, adjusting their economies, and then move on in search of new undeveloped territories.

In the Anno 2070 there is the same scheme, but its concrete implementation this time focuses on maintaining the ecological balance during colonization.

Various approaches to this problem embody the main actors in the game:
— the classic industrial tycoons from the Global Trust Corporation — rely on coal and nuclear power plants
— the environmentally-minded governing bodies of the Eden Initiative Corporation — these people rely more on renewable energy sources, wind energy or falling water.

The magnates, if you go their way, provide a more rapid development, but the population is dissatisfied with the deterioration of living conditions.

Environmentalists are developing more slowly, but the situation becomes softer.

But not everything is so primitive — both the magnates and the environmentalists have no ready answers to all the questions. Environmentalists also have to deal with environmental pollution, and the magnates, if they wish, can build waste treatment plants and make their strategies more acceptable.

In addition, the game has a third force — scientists who can significantly change the balance of forces with their technologies.

It is technologies, a powerful factor that can change a lot, became the second significant difference in the game setting after the need to preserve the ecological balance during colonization.

In addition to these three main factions, there are many other actors in the game: pirates, free traders, mercenaries, an oil baron named Sukhov, a Japanese oceanographer and others. You can interact with all of them — trade, negotiate, ask for help, carry out their tasks, receiving scarce licenses for the purchase of technologies as a reward.


Multiplayer mode allows you to bring into the game a lot of interaction in social networks. Players can form alliances, choose each other in the Senate, and then vote in the Senate for certain laws.

Anno 2205 Review — Playing Together

Global economic strategy is a genre that is difficult to understand and perceive. But it is quite deep and meticulous: it can take months, or even years, for the full development of new items. And by this time, the developers will roll out the same long-playing sequel.

Good luck

But today’s big-budget (so-called AAA) games can’t afford to be a club for the elite. Developers are chasing the maximum audience by reducing the age rating, and sometimes the complexity of the mechanics.

But significantly simplifying the mechanics, reducing the number of gameplay options is not an option for global economic strategies. However, the creators of Anno 2205 (c Italian year 2205) managed to eat a cherry and not choke on a bone.

The Arctic is incredibly beautiful, but there is no time left for contemplation. Need to build!

The game meets us with 3 difficulty levels: the first one is for beginners (tolerantly called «Standard»), and the other two will appeal to veterans of the series. The main difference of the lowest level of complexity is available loans in case of financial problems of the company. The most terrible outcome — complete and unconditional bankruptcy on it is almost impossible. However, unlike many modern games, the lowest difficulty does not mean that the gameplay is automated. Also, no strategy element was dropped. But more on that later.

Also at the beginning of the journey (in addition to the conceited name of the corporation and the choice of logo) you need to choose natural conditions. The starting point is the coastal locations of the tropical belt. Here, the user also faces a choice — in what conditions to start. You can take the first, most «easy» option. However, then you deprive yourself of more interesting places due to the challenge from more severe, problematic conditions.

In general, the game allows you to consciously, thoughtfully choose the difficulty. The latter can be configured in more detail without selecting any of the three options. It will turn out almost a «custom» game: there are about 10 different options sliders! But, the main thing in the strategy is that the choice here is implemented comprehensively and competently already at the stage of setting up the campaign.

You work in an office

By customizing the difficulty, you create your own virtual legal entity in the world of the future. And with it is connected the main claim-nitpicking. The future shown in Anno is not too different from our present. Given the pace of society, by the year 2205 we will either have achieved much more than the people in the game, or we will be erased by nuclear strikes.

The main thing that distinguishes the future of the game is that humanity has not just colonized the Moon. The inhabitants of the Earth’s satellite have declared independence and are trying to protect corporations from further expansion into space with terror.

Naval battles are good for everyone, only the ships pass through each other

Therefore, the stages of resource management are interrupted by military sorties at sea. Initially, you control 3 ships: a battleship and two smaller ones for support. Ships can be improved, bought. It is also useful to use tactical tricks, including a nuclear strike and an emi projectile.

Anno 2070 — Test / Review von GameStar (Gameplay)

But the battles are worth it — the moon is important as a haven for an increased population and as a reserve of resources. In the latter, a shortage began to be felt on the planet.

Therefore, several corporations are preparing for extensive colonization at once. And this process is not fast: you have to build an orbital elevator that connects to the Soyuz station. It is interesting that a similar lift project exists in reality. But due to the difficulties in the calculations (the structure moves along with the Earth), they did not dare to implement it.

It is created in the mentioned tropical zone. This is the very beginning of the game, when you feel like not a manager, but a landscape designer. You admire the rich, bright picture: topaz-blue, quiet, endless sea, rich dense vegetation. In general, you are in bliss and harmony, arranging the buildings more beautifully. By the way, the game is mandatory for people who complain about the clumsy arrangement of their hometown. It is Anno that makes it clear how difficult it is to equip the city competently and thoughtfully.

It’s hard to imagine, but once they were ordinary one-story barracks

But the good mood quickly ends: the main thing in Anno 2205 begins — resource management based on the needs of residents and businesses. You are trying to maintain a sufficient number of labor force (whose qualifications will then have to be increased), energy and credit balance. The latter is, in fact, the most important indicator. In addition, the game has a sea of ​​other resources involved: logistics, minerals, and so on.

The essence of the game can be compared to an accounting report, where everything needs to be reduced to a balance of all indicators. With a well-thought-out, multi-vector policy of an experienced user, everything will be in order. But the newcomer will move from one crisis to another. Built more residential buildings to solve the labor problem? Be prepared for a power shortage, a crisis in the transport system, or other problems. Fortunately, there is a system of modules that significantly increase the productivity of enterprises, which allows you to better keep the «balance».

In addition to personal calculation in the game, there are goals that the developers set for us. In industrial terms, this is a milestone system. These are the stages into which the production process is divided, with the ultimate goal — the creation of a camp on the moon (with a «stop» in the Arctic). Those. you constantly know what is required of you, and you are not just rebuilding, building up the economy, but with specific goals.

At the same time, as it was said, the game is mega complex, it does not take on any user responsibilities. The novelty is meticulous even in relation to beginners. But it’s nice to sit in it, sort it out, feeling like a real top manager.

Ubisoft canceled Anno 2205 Closed Beta

3DNews Software News Ubisoft strategy refused to hold a closed…

The most interesting in the reviews

08/04/2015 [14:09],

Julia Pozdnyakova

Ubisoft will not conduct closed beta testing of the city-building simulator Anno 2205, which is being developed by the German studio Blue Byte. This was announced by the public relations manager of the publishing house on its official German forum.

The reasons for refusing to conduct testing are not reported. Participation in the closed trial was guaranteed to all users who pre-ordered the game. Instead, on the day of the release of the strategy, early buyers will receive exclusive in-game content, including a ship and an emblem. More details about the new pre-order bonuses Ubisoft promises to reveal in the coming weeks. For those players who have questions related to the changes, the developers are advised to contact the company’s technical support service.

A Ubisoft spokesperson also confirmed that the game is still set to release on November 3, 2015. As part of this week’s Gamescom 2015 in Cologne, the company will host the first major presentation of Anno 2205 and allow attendees to try out a demo of it.

Anno 2205 was unveiled during the Ubisoft press conference at E3 2015. The developers accompanied the announcement with two trailers — cinematic and gameplay. As in Anno 2070, the sixth installment of the series will see players build futuristic metropolises, but now the most important task will be the construction of a spaceport and the creation of a colony on the moon. Only this will make it possible to extract in unlimited quantities the helium-3 isotope and other rare resources necessary for a breakthrough in fusion research. The construction of lunar cities will be associated with new difficulties: protection from asteroids will require protective screens, and special greenhouses for food production.

The new session mode will allow you to simultaneously manage earthly and lunar cities and distribute resources between them. According to the promise of the developers, the cities in Anno 2205 will be five times larger than in previous games in the series. Such phenomena as environmental pollution, as well as the ability to build cities under water, which were present in Anno 2070, will not be presented in the new game.

Anno 2205 is based on a new graphics engine, which will significantly increase not only the size of maps, but also the detail of objects. All information in the game will be presented in a visual form, and not in text, as in the previous parts (for example, users will learn about the needs of citizens by icons).