Frostpunk ps4: Frostpunk: Console Edition

Frostpunk: Console Edition

  • 1 Spieler

  • PS4-Version

    DUALSHOCK 4-Vibration

  • 1 Spieler

  • PS4-Version

    DUALSHOCK 4-Vibration


Frostpunk: Console Edition


Frostpunk: Complete Collection

  • Frostpunk: Console Edition
  • Frostpunk: Season Pass



Diese Version des preisgekrönten Spiels von 11 bit studios wurde speziell entwickelt, um Konsolenspielern das vollumfängliche Frostpunk-Spielerlebnis zu ermöglichen:
• Dank des spezialisierten Controller-Schemas befinden sich sämtliche wichtige Funktionen des Spiels bequem in Reichweite.
• Die Konsolenausgabe des Spiels enthält bereits sämtliche Updates, die seit der Premiere des Spiels auf PC veröffentlicht wurden.


Frostpunk stellt Spieler vor eine komplexe strategische Herausforderung und lässt sie in eine Erzählung eintauchen, die einen alternativen Blickwinkel auf die industrielle Revolution des 19. Jahrhunderts bietet. Das Spiel erzählt die Geschichte darüber, wie unser Planet auf mysteriöse Weise einfriert, die uns bekannte Zivilisation an ihr zeitliches Ende gelangt und die Menschen fortan dazu gezwungen werden, sich an die rauen Bedingungen anzupassen. Als Anführer der möglicherweise letzten zivilisierten Gesellschaft auf Erden musst du die Stadt aufbauen, in der deine Überlebenden hausen, neue Technologien entdecken, eisige Einöden erforschen und vor allem die Gemeinschaft führen und leiten, um sie auf das Leben in einer erbarmungslosen Welt vorzubereiten. Egal, ob du als aufgeklärter Herrscher oder schlichtweg als Tyrann mit eiserner Faust zu Werke gehst: Du wirst feststellen, dass Entscheidungen in dieser Welt nicht so einfach sind, wie sie scheinen. Die Macht über Menschen hat einen Preis, der genauso schwerwiegend sein kann, wie die Verantwortung, die du für sie empfindest.

Führe Gesetze ein, die das Treiben in deiner wachsenden Gemeinschaft regeln. Entscheide über die Arbeit, das Gesundheitswesen, die Nahrung und andere wichtige Aspekte des täglichen Lebens. Sorge dafür, dass deine Gemeinschaft Hoffnung hat und zufrieden ist, denn ihre Moral ist genauso wichtig wie die Abdeckung ihrer Grundbedürfnisse. Zögere an wichtigen Wendepunkten nicht, den weiteren Weg für dein Volk durch deine Entscheidungen zu bestimmen und zu prägen.

Solltest du mit eiserner Faust herrschen … oder einen Weg des Mitgefühls und der Loyalität beschreiten? Lebst du für die Extreme oder bevorzugst du Gerechtigkeit und Balance? Einige deiner Entscheidungen wirken vielleicht unbedeutend – wie die Entscheidung über das Schicksal eines besorgten Bürgers oder die Erfüllung der Bedürfnisse einer neuen Fraktion – aber vergiss nicht, dass sie in Summe zu unerwarteten Ergebnissen führen können. Deine Gemeinschaft glaubt an dich, aber ihre Hingabe hat auch ihre Grenzen.

Überleben erfordert Fortschritt. Reagiere auf aktuelle Ereignisse, aber lass dabei die Zukunft nicht außer Acht und investiere in den technologischen Fortschritt. Es ist zwar nicht einfach, eine fortgeschrittene Infrastruktur mit Automatonen, Luftschiffen und anderen technologischen Wundern zu errichten, es ist aber auch nicht unmöglich. Alles steht und fällt mit deinen Verwaltungs- und Führungskünsten.

Obwohl du deinen Fokus auf Neu-London legen solltest, hat die Welt hinter den Grenzen deiner Stadt viel zu bieten. Expeditionen sind zwar riskant, können dir aber wertvolle Informationen und Vorräte einbringen und dafür sorgen, dass sich deine Bevölkerung vergrößert. Da draußen leben möglicherweise noch andere Menschen und ihr Schicksal liegt allein in deinen Händen.

10. 10.2019
11 Bit Studios S.A.
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Frostpunk: Console Edition for PlayStation 4 Reviews

Great strategic and atmospheric survival city builder.

FrostPunk is all about surviving hellish winters around giant heat generators. WhileGreat strategic and atmospheric survival city builder.

FrostPunk is all about surviving hellish winters around giant heat generators. While limited in scope, it does an excellent job with what it has.

Unlike most city builders, the goal here is to keep your people alive rather than building an interesting city. And with common temperatures much lower than you’d expect people to be able to survive in, you can make that happen.. Sometimes.

The game’s story scenarios cover different settlements that have been created in the wake of people leaving New London for various reasons. New London being the last known large outpost of humanity. For each, you get a well-written and voice-acted opening explanation, which leads you to your goals for that scenario.

For example, in the first scenario, you’re simply trying to keep your people happy to prevent them from leaving. In another one, you must deal with a huge number of refugees. In another, there’s a lack of people, so you must build robots to maintain resource production facilities.

At the default difficulty level, they’re all challenging, even for someone who likes these kinds of games. You likely won’t ace a scenario your first time though. Instead, you’re probably scrape by with the bare minimum needed. An example here is that during one scenario, you find another outpost that is struggling and you can choose to send them resources. The easier way to complete the scenario would be to ignore the other outpost at the cost of having your people become more discontent from you allowing them to die. On my first time through, I was barely able to keep my outpost afloat, so had to sacrifice the other outpost.

The building types, policies, and tech trees are done well, but aren’t as complex as some other games. Arguably, they don’t need to be complex and fit the game perfectly. Though this does limit the game’s replayability.

Building types primarily consist of housing, services that reduce discontent (churches, guard posts, arenas, etc.), medical, and resource gathering (coal, food, wood, metal). There’s several other miscellaneous building types too. Your primary goal will be to keep everyone warm though heat production, meaning mining coal or wood to turn into coal. You’ll additionally need metal to create certain building and research new technology.

The primary challenge is to anticipate future resource usage and gather the resources needed to build and research things that will improve that resource usage. The game constantly throws you curve balls though. One example is severe temperature drops that could make the most technologically-advanced city fall if you’re not prepared with enough coal stockpiles and medical facilities that will be needed to treat severe frostbite (leading to amputations) that is sure to come.

Then there’s the three policy trees. The main one covers things like improving medical facilities, making food last longer by making it less satisfying, and allowing duels or prostitution to reduce discontent. For the other two trees, religion or order, you can pick only one. Both work well to keep people content, but in different ways. And both can be exploited to their fullest potentials to make sure you stay in power. For example, the top religious policy basically makes you the voice of god and those who disagree will be killed. It works, but is definitely not one to pick if you want the best ending in a scenario.

If you’re a city building strategy fan and want something easy to learn, but challenging, and with a good atmospheric story, then this is the game for you. … Expand

Frostpunk: Console Edition PS4 review

Frostpunk from 11 Bit Studios was released on PC in 2018 and became
one of the most, if not the most powerful, strategic projects
of the year. Moreover, this game can be called one of the most
exciting and interesting in the genre of «peace strategies». In that
cruel city planner, every choice had sad consequences,
no matter how good he seemed at the time of his
commission. In fact, the game is kind of spiritual
the legacy of the studio’s previous work, brutal and depressing This
War of Mine
. Only instead of a few inhabitants of a small
house, you control the whole city and decide the fate of hundreds of

We have a review of the original PC version on our website and I recommend
contact him before reading this text:

Here I will try not to repeat myself and will evaluate how
11 Bit Studios did a good job of bringing their brainchild to consoles, and
how it affected the gameplay. It should be noted that This War
of Mine has been ported very well. However, looking ahead,
I will say that, fortunately, Frostpunk: Console Edition survived
porting without complications and remained as excellent as
original on PC. The developers have done a great job of adapting
interface and control. Unlike some other games where
the creators or just scored on the optimization of controls,
having done everything according to the principle “and so it will do”, or, conversely, they generally decided
don’t change anything. In the latter case, for a comfortable game
would require a mouse and keyboard that work with modern
consoles, but poorly fit into their philosophy. Frostpunk: Console
Edition feels like taken apart and reassembled, given
game console features, original. nine0007

The action of the game takes us to an alternate Earth in times
industrial revolution. Due to dramatic climate change, the Earth
turned into a cold and lifeless desert, where the last
survivors are forced to gather around special heat engines —
coal steam generators. Small expedition from London
dares to go north to try his luck where
there is an abandoned generator in the crater. around it
monstrous structure of the traveler and decide to organize their own
settlement. And you become their leader, elder, mayor and
monarch in one person. nine0007

It is up to you to decide all issues related to development
new city: what resources to collect, what buildings and where is better
build first. But the main feature of Frostpunk lies in the fact that
that, in addition to solving these basic tasks, you will have to rack your brains
and over more «local». The main one is the temperature of your
cities. It must be precisely balanced so that there is enough coal for
keeping warm, and so that people do not die of cold and disease. FROM
on the other hand, with each gaming day, the ambient temperature
getting lower and lower. Food is scarce, resources are limited, and everyone
a day in such conditions is a battle for survival. nine0007

And so that life doesn’t seem like a raspberry to you, for the city
two indicators are provided: Discontent and Hope. The worse
the situation in the city and around it, the less satisfied
becomes your population, and the more likely you are to be in
boiler. You will constantly be faced with the need to take
difficult decisions that will not only change the way people treat you,
but also affect the appearance of the city. Will you make the kids work
in mines to compensate for losses from frostbite among
adults? Will you take care of the seriously ill, or will you introduce
extreme methods of medicine, the task of which is to put a person on
legs, regardless of the number of legs he has? Will you become
show respect for the dead, or put them on organs for salvation
still living citizens? nine0007

For all this, you have an ever-growing «Book of Laws» where
each rule will open access to others necessary for
survival. Laws and melted, in turn, will make life
not so terrible. But every action always has consequences.
Therefore, you will constantly need to maintain a balance in everything. For his
support will have to operate with various graphs, tables
and statisticians. But is it easy to understand them in the console version?
Is everything that was on the PC available here, or was something lost along the way
for the sake of simplifying the interface? In general, yes. nine0007

When developing the console version, the 11 Bit Studios team made
almost impossible — she managed to transfer the game as if she
originally designed for them. Changes become visible
immediately after launching and hitting the last city. Visually
the interface is not much different from what could be seen on
RS, but the scheme of working with it has changed dramatically and how
this way you get to different points. Instead of a mass of pictograms
to access various city tools are now used
controller triggers and two quick radial menus. Some items
menus have additional options that can be accessed by pressing
bumpers on the controller. Probably the only change
which is not intuitive. Nowhere in training
states that switching between bookmarks requires them
press. nine0007

There is also an express menu in the game that allows you to quickly get
access to any building options. We need to complete the building
workers? You can do it with one click. Enable Mode
building around the clock? The option is right at your fingertips. Of course, you
you can, as on the PC, first select the building, then open it
menu and start poking around there … but many actions are much more convenient and
faster to perform it through the express menu. Don’t forget
developers and time management. For this useful in all
relations, the option highlighted the entire cross: you can easily accelerate
and slow down time, pause the game and return it to normal
the course of events. For a strategy where a few seconds can
being critical is a great solution. nine0007

The only thing that suffered significantly during the adaptation of the game was its
graphics. No, the city remained as alive as on the PC. But at
a detailed examination shows that the developers worsened the textures,
shadows were severely cut, and anti-aliasing was almost completely removed.
However, most of the time you won’t notice it, because
that your eyes and brain will be busy solving a lot of pressing problems
cities. In turn, these changes allow the game to work perfectly.
work even on basic versions of consoles. Nice bonus
Frostpunk Console Edition are and all the DLC that came out for
original version on PC. Now they are all included in the base
set. Including endless mode, additional maps and
scenarios. It’s a pity, however, that the addition coming out in the fall will
sold separately. nine0007

Console Edition is a fantastic adaptation of the unusual and violent
strategies. The game lost almost nothing during the transfer and gained
user-friendly interface that will allow you to rejoice and grieve about fate
city, sitting on the couch. The project does not feel like a port at all —
it’s still the same brutal, uncompromising strategic frosty
hell, as if newly assembled, taking into account the features of game consoles.
A perfect gift for all strategy fans, and even for
some newcomers to the genre. If these newcomers are of those who,
on fire with a mountain hike, ready to immediately go to conquer
Everest. nine0007

The review is based on the digital version of the game for PlayStation 4,
edited by the publisher.


The last doubts were dispelled about the purchase of the game, I’m glad that
did a great adaptation on the console and thanks a lot for the review!

I agree, the quality of adaptation on the console is beyond praise.
In general, there are no difficulties and inconveniences when playing with Joy. The toy itself
controversial and not for everyone, so don’t be so sure you
will go despite the rating. But for fans of this, it’s obvious
a gift, since there are no analogues and the game is a masterpiece in its niche. And under
niche, I understand survivalism rather than strategy. nine0007

Vadim , survival strategy

zloiqwebeck , First social survival game,
this is how the developer positions it)

RamseyReem , I agree with the developer) But how does she press
morally. I could not play it with pleasure)

Wow, 95 points! Damn, Vadim, the truth in one of the digests scared
wildest hardcore, although he also said that the game is good. Will be needed
try anyway. Many thanks for the review, of course. nine0007

Provisorus , in such cases, listen to others less and
turn on YouTube — more than everything will become clear. I read it myself and I think
tin, looked — the rules are so, I bought it — the game is super.

Provisorus She is hardcore. But no one forbids to play
on easy. And here is the second difficulty on the verge until you get used to it
maximally good. Forget about platinum.

Well, at the expense of strategy, I would argue. There is no particular space.
One script must always be followed (which is somewhere
peep or reach it through trial and error). Step
left/right and gameover. nine0007

AAB-r86 yes and no. Really survival scenarios
several «faith-violence-automatrons» and so on, but deviations from them —
yes, it will be sad. Therefore, within the framework of scenarios — very even
it is possible and interesting to go, you want more and punishment is inevitable — this
minus the game on the one hand, and plus on the other — this forms it
specificity, making it unlike other projects.

This War of Mine is a great game, if this one is something like that, then
anyone should take.

nine0008 metafrax , no, not similar, even so quite different. Similar
«This War of Mine» is a fallout shelter. Frostpunk is tough
strategy with social overtones, just like that you will not reign
— people will rebel and throw out into the street.

warhammer82 , I understand that this is for comparison, but even in
in this vein, the mention of shelter near TWoM is offensive))

In the paragraph where the «Book of Laws» is mentioned, in the second sentence
fix «melted». nine0007

The game looks very interesting. Don’t forget to take your
New Year’s holidays and sit down for a day like in the good old and
immerse yourself in this atmosphere.

The game is excellent, the article describes a lot in detail
moments, thanks to the author for the work. I will emphasize two points for
trophy lovers — platinum is not fast and difficult. second moment,
this is the lack of a normal tutorial in the game, in general. If you want to
play with a full understanding of all moments — see the guides on YouTube,
there is a lot of useful information there. nine0007

Posted by warhammer82

The second point is the absence in the game
normal tutorial, in general.

No it is not true. On the console version, I don’t know about the PC version,
scenario New House is actually a training, basic aspects
you are told in the form of tasks. It is clear that you can score on everything
and immediately go to survival, there will be no training as such,
but it is within the framework of scenarios that there is training. At least until
the moment when you open the second branch of laws, then yes
get to everything yourself. nine0007

Stratege Yes. Not all aspects, but the game told me
enough to understand how it works. And here’s how it’s right
Alas, trial and error. In addition, there are constant sudden
developments. Automatons are vital, for example, at the final

Posted by Stratege

No, not true. Console version, I don’t know.
what about the PC version, the New Home scenario is actually
training, the basic aspects are told to you in the form of tasks.
It is clear that you can score on everything and immediately go to survival, yes there
there will be no training as such, but it is within the framework of scenarios
there is training. At least until you open
the second branch of laws, then come to everything yourself. nine0007

Personally, I can’t consider the new house script as a tutorial, it’s a script
games, yes, there are features, but there is no full-fledged tutorial.

Thanks for the review. I was pleasantly surprised when I first launched the game,
disappeared for a day, so only Tsiva draws me in. Necessarily
I will purchase as soon as all additional content for the game is released.

Oh, well, now I will definitely take it. And the developers are correct and
human port and for once play a strategy suitable for
you can console, especially not quite ordinary. nine0007

mrDimon , I would say quite unusual, this is her + and —

The rating is high, I think the game justifies it) This game on consoles
waited, because no game pc, now i can check it out on consoles
(49-55 inches), the image is not soapy at 4K?

Ziggrun , 55 is not soapy, everything is fine

Console Edition — The Last Autumn for PS4 — price history, screenshots, discounts • Russia

  1. Russia

  2. Frostpunk: Console Edition — The Last Autumn

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⤷ Frostpunk: Console Edition





list of all trophies →

1 219 ₽

Price change history for the game
(PlayStation Store)

Lowest price: 548 ₽
548 ₽

— Release date:
July 21, 2021



What tragic events led to the emergence of the dark world of Frostpunk? The add-on prequel «The Last Autumn» will tell about this. The addition will not only expand the Frostpunk universe with a new scenario, but also introduce new unique buildings into the game. The plot and history of the world will become deeper.


The Last Autumn describes a turning point in the world of Frostpunk. Area 113 is working tirelessly to build a steam generator, while a sheet of ice covers the Earth. The prequel opens up a new habitat, new codes of law and unique technologies. A line of new buildings will form the social system and the city itself. Building a generator, the pinnacle of engineering, will require you as the leader of a strategic thinking team in extraordinary circumstances. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. God save the queen! nine0007


• Prequel in a new setting: the world is not yet covered in snow, allowing you to build a generator from scratch to prepare for the coming winter.
• New Endless Mode variant: Builders. New introductory and decisions
• Two new sets of laws to shape society in a new way
• New dangers and challenges: toxic gases, strikes — and more
• New ways to influence society: from unions to intrigue and fraud
• New technology tree, new inventions and resources
• 25 new buildings: piers, telegraph station, labor union and many others
• New social classes, including prisoners: cheap and obedient labor force.