Fallout 3 cheats ps3 unendlich leben: Fallout 3 Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 3 (PS3)

geöffnet. Danach einfach den gewünschten Cheat eingeben und Enter drücken.

Es folgt eine Liste mit den wichtigsten Cheats:

addspecialpoints # Fügt Menge # an Spezialpunkten hinzu.
advlevel Level um 1 erhöhen.
tmm 1 Macht alle Kartenmarkierungen sichtbar.
SetPCCanUsePowerArmor 1 Charakter kann die Powerrüstung der Bruderschaft des Stahls tragen, ohne das ansonsten nötige Training absolviert zu haben.
kill Tötet das zuvor in der Konsole ausgewählte Ziel.
ShowNameMenu Namen ändern.
player.setlevel # Setzt das Level auf den Wert #. Hat aber ansonsten keine Auswirkungen.
modpca (special) # Ändert die Höhe des angegebenen SPECIALS (z.B. modpca strength 3 — erhöht die Stärke um 3)
GetQuestComplete/GetQC beendet Quests, erhält die Belohnungen
GetQuestCompleted beendet den aktuellen Quest, keine Belohnungen
CompleteAllObjectives/CompleteQuest beendet alle Questaufgaben
player. ForceAV # Fertigkeiten-Level festlegen
tcai Deaktiviert die feindliche KI, Gegner stehen still und feuern nicht zurück.
DisableAllMines Deaktiviert alle Minen.
setessential 6a772 1 Dogmeat wird als unverwundbar markiert.
SexChange Geschlecht ändern
tgm Gott-Modus, ausserdem unendlich Munition.
player.PlaceAtMe ObjID Objekt hinzufügen (z.B. 000000F = Geld)
KillAll Tötet alles im aktuellen Gebiet.
player.modav skill # Angegebene Fertigkeit ändern.
movetoquesttarget (movetoqt) Bewegt den Spieler zum aktuellen Quest-Ziel.
showracemenu Charakter-Erstellungs-Bildschirm öffnen.
player.modav actionpoints # Ändert die Höhe der Aktionspunkte.
player.modav carryweight # Ändert die Höhe des max. Tragegewichtes.
player.additem 0000000F ### Item hinzufügen (Anzahl ###), in diesem Fall Kronkorken.
rewardxp ### Erfahrungspunkte ### hinzufügen.
ResetQuest Setzt den aktuellen Quest zurück.
resurrect Belebt das zuvor in der Konsole markierte Ziel wieder zum Leben.
rewardKarma # Karma um Menge # erhöhen.
setspecialpoints # Legt die Anzahl der Spezial-Punkte fest.
player.setav skill # Fertigkeiten-Level einstellen (max. auf 100).
player.setav special # Setzt das angegebene Special auf den Wert # (1-10)
SetEssential NPC_ID 1 Macht den angegebenen NPC unverwundbar.
AddPerk Extra/Perk hinzufügen.
unlock Öffnet die ausgewählten Türen, Truhen, Terminal.
tcl Lässt den Char durch alles hindurchfliegen.

PS3 Fallout New Vegas cheaten? (Games, PlayStation 3, Software)

Letzte Aktivität: 08.03.2022, 02:26
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  • Games
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  • cheaten
  • PlayStation 3
  • Fallout new Vegas
  • Gibt es einen Weg, in Fallout New Vegas zu cheaten (un bitte nich so Verweise auf mogelpower, etc. ) ???? Thx im vorraus eineumel

    3 Antworten


    19.08.2011, 22:20

    ja gibt es aber nicht so wie viele denken eher auf eine andere art wie zb «schnell auf Level 30»

    bei FNV gibt es keine unendlich leben cheats

    hast du eine PS3 Tastatur ????


    06.08.2011, 23:53

    Bestimmte Cheat Codes gibt es nicht aber bestimmte tricks um sich z.B. Geld oder Exp zu ermogeln hier ist ein Video Link der einen unendlich Geld trick beschreibt, wofür man allerdings den Patch vorher löschen muss. Wie man das macht steht in der Beschreibung von dem Video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kkmOwYGeSI


    19.08.2011, 22:51

    schau mal da www.spieleradar.de/Playstation3/tipps-cheats/fallout-new-vegas

    hat nix mit mogelpower zu tun

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    Cheats for Fallout 3








    Cheat mods


    Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition «Trainer +9» [UPD: 10/20/2022] {STiNGERR / WeMod}


    Fallout 3: Save/SaveGame (Game Start, Level 21, Half Map Cleared)


    Fallout 3 «Save/SaveGame (Before exiting Vault 101)»

    [Afflicted Guy]


    Fallout 3 — Game of the Year Edition: Save/SaveGame (Step by step, full leveling)

    Fallout 3 — Game of the Year Edition: Save/SaveGame (Game start, full upgrade)


    Fallout 3: Tip (How to find the Base ID of any item (without using a container))


    Fallout 3 — GOTY: Save/SaveGame (Leon, 101 levels) [License]


    Fallout 3 — GOTY: Save/SaveGame (Full upgrade)


    Fallout 3: Save/SaveGame (Male, all maxed out, house in Megaton)

    Cheat mods

    Fallout 3: Code (Batch file for Weapons)


    Fallout 3: Save/SaveGame (Level 81 Character)


    Fallout 3: Save/SaveGame (Level 30, female character, staged saves)


    Fallout 3: Save/SaveGame (character level 30, almost 100% game completed)


    Fallout 3: Save/SaveGame (After leaving the hideout)


    Fallout 3: Save/SaveGame (All perks 100, skills the same)


    Fallout 3: Save/SaveGame (Completed storyline and adjacent line)

    Fallout 3: Save/SaveGame (Before exiting Vault 101) [1. 7.0.3]


    Fallout 3: Trainer/Trainer (+4) [Update: 01/11/2017] {MrAntiFun}


    Fallout 3: Save/SaveGame (Upgraded character, power armor, many caps)

    Fallout 3: Save/SaveGame (Ashley, 21 Lvl)


    Fallout 3: Save/SaveGame (Ashley, lvl 16)


    Fallout 3: Save/SaveGame (Before running cleaner) []


    Fallout 3: Save/SaveGame (Before exiting Vault 101) [1. 7.0.3]


    Fallout 3: Code (All perks in one command)


    Fallout 3: Perfect Save [PC/RU] {TurbO.}


    Fallout 3 Save (Perfect Start)


    Fallout 3: Trainer (+7) []


    Fallout 3: Opening all Games For Windows Live achievements in 5 minutes


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    90,000 Fallout 3: CHIT CODs for weapons, armor, skills and items



    185 774


    FALLOUT 3: CHIT codes for weapons, armor, skulls and objects

    1-02-2016, 11:25

    Cheat codes


    185 774



    I. Facilitate passage

    II. Cheat codes for abilities

    III. Cheat codes for items

    1. Auxiliary items

    2. Medicines

    3. Drinks

    4. Meat

    5. Finished products

    6. Fruits and vegetables

    IV. Weapon cheat codes

    1. Firearms

    2. Ammunition

    3. Melee weapons

    4. Mines and grenades

    V. Clothing

    1. Hats

    2. Masks and goggles

    3. Armor

    4. Outerwear

    Not only is the game open to mods from the very beginning, which many fans have taken advantage of, but many teams allow you to change the gameplay to your liking. The panel is opened using the tilde key — this is the button in the top row of the keyboard, the leftmost one. With the Cyrillic layout, you can use it to write the letter «ё».

    Everything else is elementary. It is enough to copy the commands into notepad and use, if necessary, using the «copy-paste» function. A rather extensive arsenal of teams allows you to acquire the necessary weapons, ammunition, armor, character traits and skills.

    Passing aid

    tgm — immortality and endless ammo

    modpca — increase points to stats

    modpcs — an increase in points to skills

    addspecialpoints — an increase in special points.

    removefromallfactions — you no longer belong to any faction

    rewardKarma — addition or deduction of karma

    tmm1 — fully open card

    tcl — walking through obstacles and walls

    player. setlevel — player level

    GetQuestCompleted — the assigned quest is considered completed

    getXPfornextlevel — get the next level

    player.additem 000000F — get caps

    Ability cheat codes

    To get skills, enter Player.addperk [ID number]. For example: Player.addperk [00094EC4] — this will give us the Diamond Skeleton skill. To remove, use the Player.removeperk [ID number] command.

    List of skill IDs

    00094EC4 — Diamond skeleton

    00031DBA — Zhivchik

    00031DB5 Animal friend

    00031DBB — Critical Damage

    00094EB8 — Black Widow (Women only)

    00094EBA — Bloodbath

    00094EBC — Cannibal

    0009982D Chemist

    00099827 — Chemical resistance

    00003142 — Eternal Child

    00099828 — Commando

    00031DE1 — Understanding

    00031DC4 — Hacker

    00044CAF Massed Fire

    00044CA8 — Assassin

    00044CAB Cyborg

    00044948 — Daddy’s son

    00031DAB — Expert Minesweeper

    00031DD8 — Educated

    00031DE5 Explorer

    00031DD9 Entomologist

    00094EBF — Fast Metabolism

    00094EC1 — Precision

    00031DE3 — Treasure hunter

    00099834 — Death on takeoff

    0004494E — Weapon fanatic

    00094EBB — Duelist

    00031DAC — Here and Now

    00044CAD Arbitrator

    00044CB0 — Burglar

    00044CB1 — Intensive training

    00031DDB — Steel fist

    00044CAC Lawyer

    00094EB9 — Woman Killer

    00044CA9 — Lead belly

    00031DB7 — Light step

    00031DB1 — Fountain of Life

    00014B97 Baseball player

    00031DB8 — Master Trader

    00031DAD Sandman

    00031DBC — Mysterious Stranger

    00044CA7 — Botanist Rabies

    00094EBD — Night Creature

    00031DCC — Ninja

    00044CAA Paralyzing hand

    00031DB2 — Pyromaniac

    00031DA9 — Rad resistance

    0003066B — Rad-regeneration

    00044CA6 — Scoundrel

    00031DAA — Khalyavshik

    00031DB3 — Quiet running

    0009982E Size matters

    00031DB4 — Sniper

    00031DC5 — Solar battery

    00031DDE — Strong spine

    00031DD3 — Diligent student

    00031DBD — Prize

    00031DD6 — Thief

    00031DE0 — Durability

    00061822 — Energy charge

    00024D5C Super Reflexes

    Item cheat codes

    For example, player. additem [0000000a] [50] will give us 50 hairpins.


    0000000a — Studs

    0000000f — Bottle caps

    0000433a — Bottle cap deposits


    Antiradin 00015167

    Buffout 00015163

    Screw 00015164

    Honey bag 00002210D

    Med-X 00050F8F

    Mentats 00015165

    Blood bag 00034051

    Psycho 00015166

    Rad-X 00015168

    Stealth Boy 00043E94

    Stimulator 00015169

    Ultra screw 000C9CF4


    Wine 0003404A

    Whiskey 00032C75

    Vodka 00032C74

    Dirty water 000151A4

    Quantum Nuka Cola 000284F9

    Ice Nuka Cola 00040DCB

    Fire Ant Nectar 00085ABB

    Purified water 000151A3

    Beer 00015197

    Nuka Cola 0001519E

    Scotch Whiskey 000151A1


    Iguana pieces 0001519A

    Ant meat 0003C345

    Swamp Meat 0003404E

    Soft shell bog bog meat 000552CE

    Swamp baby meat 00065175

    Blow meat 0007C10D

    Mole rat meat 0003404C

    Radroach meat 0009C957

    Kernel meat 00095F48

    Yao-gai meat 0003404B

    Dog meat 00034050

    Strange meat 0002E376

    Ant queen pheromones 00033068

    Human 0003404F

    Miracle Mole Rat Meat 000ABD17

    Finished products

    Squirrel croutons 00031948

    Vermicelli 0001519D

    Ready lunch 0008C552

    Squirrel roast 0003194A

    Chewing gum 0008C560

    Chewable lozenges 0008C564

    Potato chips 0008C562

    Cupcakes 0008C55A

    Swamp muffins 0003404D

    Macaroni and cheese 0008C556

    Mississippi Pie 00049076

    Peppered eggs 0008C55C

    Strange Meat Pie 0007E173

    Instant puree 0008C558

    Roll 00030A23

    Sugar bombs 0008C551

    Brahmin steak 00015198

    Pork with beans 0008C55E

    Salisbury steak 000293A9

    Chips 0003359C

    Squirrel barbecue 00031949

    iguana skewers 0001519B

    Fruits, vegetables and mushrooms

    Mutfruit 00034049

    Bulk apples 0008C554

    Cave mushroom 00038E0C

    Fresh pear 0001519F

    Fresh potato 000151A0

    Fresh carrots 00015199

    Fresh apple 00015196

    Crispy Mutfruit 0001519C

    Weapon cheat codes


    Helicopter gun 00089C51

    Helicopter bomb launcher 0003E5E2

    Protectron View 000C553F

    Victoria Rifle 000CB548

    Lincoln Rifle 0003C07A

    Reservist rifle 00092966

    Gatling Laser 0000432E

    Hypnotron 00004339

    Grenade launcher 00004340

    Smuggler’s Storm 0006B536

    Alien Blaster 00004322

    Combat shotgun 0003713D

    Railgun 00004348

    Acid Spit 000B8793

    Chinese automatic 0000080B

    Chinese pistol 00004325

    Bone Crusher 0006B53A

    Liberty Laser 00033FE2

    Laser rifle 00074795

    Colonel Autumn Laser Pistol 000ABBE4

    Minigun 0000433F

    Cutoff 0000434C

    Flamethrower [damage 62] 0000432D

    Hunting rifle 00004333

    Submachine gun . 10mm 00004321

    Submachine gun «Ultra» Sidney .10mm 0006E7CC

    A3-21 plasma rifle 0006B539

    Plasma gun 0007C10C

    Plasma pistol 00004343

    Radioactive Spit 00058717

    Blackhawk Revolver 000303A2

    Revolver caliber .32mm 0000080A

    Sniper rifle 00004353

    «Terrible» shotgun 0006B534

    Assault rifle 0001FFEC


    Hypnotron battery 0006A80D

    Battery 00020772

    Grenade shot 00078CC5

    Railway crutches 00029384

    Micronuclear battery 00004485

    Buckshot cartridges 00028EEA

    .10mm cartridges 00004241

    .308mm cartridges 0006B53C

    .32mm cartridges 000207F7

    Cartridges caliber 5. 56mm 00004240

    .5mm cartridges 0006B53D

    Projectile 000B8791

    Flamethrower fuel 00029371

    Electronic charge 000615AF

    Sound wave energy 00056634

    Alien Power Cell 00029364

    Nuclear shot 00020799

    Melee weapons

    Combat knife 00004326

    Liberty bomb 0005932F

    Occam’s Razor 000CB602

    «Plunkett’s Arguments» 000CAFA9

    Trucker’s friend 00078442

    Toothpick Bucha 00078440

    Chinese officer’s sword 0006415D

    Vampire Fang 00078441

    Tiny Killer Knife 0002869C

    Power brass knuckles 00004347

    Fox Super Sledgehammer 0007843F

    Cleaver clover 000C80B8

    Circular saw 0003BC6F

    Shocker 000BFF62

    Mines and grenades

    Decoy Grenade 00030664

    Impulse grenade 00004331

    Impulse mine 0000433E

    Mine cover 0000421C

    Molotov-Cola 00004342

    Frag grenade 00004330

    Plasma Grenade 00004332

    Plasma mine 0000433D

    Anti-personnel mine 0000433C



    Bandana 00073D57

    Baseball cap with goggles 00028FFA

    Ranger combat helmet 00034105

    Tridognight Headband 00073FEC

    Chinese commando headdress 00078646

    Scout headgear 00074952

    Murray mole baby hat 00078643

    Baby hat with glasses 0009B185

    Pre-war cap 00028FF9

    Pre-war hat 000340C8

    Pre-war hat 000340CD

    Beech hood 0008F775

    Oasis Treant Hood 0009B18A

    Oasis Exile Hood 000C942D

    Lilac Hood 0005A6CB

    Takoma Park Minor League Cap 000C72FB

    Space helmet 0007C109

    Metal helmet 00033080

    Motorcycle helmet 0009B186

    Folk hat 000CB604

    Button Wig 0008A6DD

    Piro helmet 000CB600

    Police cap 000AB491

    Stanley party hat 000B75E2

    Robo helmet 0004E6A0

    Homemade gas mask 000C111A

    Brotherhood Force Helmet 00075203

    Forsworn Power Helmet 00060C72

    T-51b power helmet 000A6F78

    Enclave officer’s cap 00078647

    Combat armor helmet 00020426

    Combat Armor Helmet of the Claws 000CB5F1

    Combat Armor Helmet of the Claws 000B0278

    Combat armor helmet shell-shocked 000CB5F0

    Takeoff Helmet 0007494C

    Raven Helmet 000B17A0

    Apocalypse Gladiator Helmet 000CB5F7

    Scout Composite Armor Helmet 000CB5FB

    McCready helmet 0002D11B

    Mechanist Helmet 00034120

    Nemyrmica helmet 0003411F

    Rivet City Security Helmet 000239CB

    Tempenny guard helmet 0005B6EB

    Asylum guard helmet 101 0003411C

    Psych Raider Helmet 00020432

    Recon Helmet 00028EAD

    Forsworn Recon Helmet 000645ED

    Raider Blast Helmet 0005B6E8

    Raider dog helmet 00078645

    Robo-Thor Helmet 000CB5F8

    Power Armor Helmet 00014C08

    Tesla Power Armor Helmet 0006B465

    Enclave Stormtrooper Helmet 000CB5F4

    Homeless hat 00074950

    Undertaker Jones Hat 00034126

    Hat with windshields 0009B189

    Mysterious Stranger Hat 0006B467

    Sheriff’s hat 0002DD80

    Lincoln cylinder 0004445B

    Masks and goggles

    Hospital mask 0007CFF0

    Ghoul mask 0001DC1C

    Tiny Killer Mask 000340FC

    Surgeon mask 0003E591

    Motorcycle goggles 0009B188

    Glasses 000340FD

    Tortoiseshell glasses 0005C9A1

    Doctor Lee glasses 0005C9A0

    Three Dog Goggles 000ACDA4

    Chameleon glasses 0001C295

    Sunglasses 0005C99F

    Lucky sunglasses 000CB54B

    Hockey mask 00033598

    Ledoux Hockey Mask 0007401C


    Army Power Armor 00061A72

    Combat armor 00020420

    Claw Combat Armor 000CB5F2

    Ranger Combat Armor 00023030

    Apocalypse Gladiator Armor 000CB5F6

    Protector Armor 000CB543

    Commando armor 000CB544

    Shelter guard armor 101 0001CBDD

    Sadistic raider armor 0003307C

    Explosive raider armor 0003307E

    Badlands Raider Armor 0003307D

    Enclave Stormtrooper Armor 000CB5F3

    Road armor 000CB5FF

    Traveler’s leather armor 000C7C54

    Highway bandit leather armor 000CB5F5

    Scout Composite Armor 000CB5FA

    Metal armor 0003307F

    Used raider armor 000CB5FE

    Medical Power Armor Prototype 0007836E

    Recon armor 0003064D

    Enclave Power Armor 0004443E

    Forsworn Power Armor 00060C70

    Maple Power Armor 00070877

    Lion’s Pride Power Armor 00061A73

    T-51b power armor 000A6F77

    Tesla Power Armor 0006B464

    Battia Power Armor 00075201

    Raider Spiked Armor 0002042F

    Anti-radiation suit 00033078

    Protective suit 000C09D4


    Linden Hoodie 0005A6CA

    Oasis Hoodie 000340E8

    Dirty pre-war casual clothes 000340CF

    Dirty pre-war outdoor clothing 0005BB70

    Dirty pre-war business suit 0005C682

    Dirty Chinese overalls 000CB603

    Cave Rat Child Costume 000340E4

    Pre-war children’s clothing 000340C3

    Pre-war casual wear 0001EA6D

    Chinese jumpsuit 000340D2

    Handyman overalls 000BF6FD

    Red Racer overall 0003411B

    «RobCo» overall 0003411A

    Red Jumpsuit 000340EA

    Refuge overall 112 000340EF

    Refuge coverall 92 000B73F3

    Mechanist Suit 0003411E

    Mysterious Stranger Suit 0006696D

    Enclave scientist suit 0001B5BD

    Lesko lab coat 000C24F9

    Shelter lab coat 0001CBDC

    Modified overalls 0007C17C

    Homeless outfit 000340F8

    Underwear 00089B52

    Wasteland Rogue Clothes 0001BA00
