Fable 2 tipps: 10 Things Beginners Should Do First

10 Things Beginners Should Do First

If you are eager for a fantastic, epic adventure, Fable II is a beautiful place to start. The series is certainly underrated and worth checking out. It is time to get lost in the magical, fantasy world of Albion. Set around 500 years after the first Fable, Fable II explores the life of an Orphan who is destined to save (or possibly hinder) the world.

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There is plenty to do in Fable II, from hunting down demon doors to romancing NPCs. Fable II reacts to your decisions, and the world can change from minor to drastic ways. With this in mind, here are ten things you should get up to first.

10/10 Give Warrants To Derek

You begin the story as a child. You and your older sister, Rose, are eager to purchase a magical music box. To do so, you start to complete tasks around Bowerstone’s old town to raise money. You’ll meet Derek, the sheriff, who’s misplaced his warrants. He’ll ask you to find them and return these items. It is one of the game’s first moral dilemmas, as you can also hand over the warrants to Arfur, a local crook.

Although it might be tempting to hand over the warrants to Arfur, it is a far better idea to stick with Derek for beginners. Doing so will ensure that the old town doesn’t become a crime-filled poverty-stricken landscape. Gameplaywise, this also has the added benefit of a 50 percent discount on all shops in that area. This is a huge benefit, especially when starting at the beginning of the game.

9/10 Decide On Your Alignment

Fable II, like many RPGs, is full of tough decisions. Fable II plays around with themes of good and evil, especially in terms of the moral choices you need to make throughout the game. Ideally, beginners should pick their alignment early on and stick with it.

Many quests influence your alignment. For example, you can become a Defender Of The Light or join the Temple Of Shadows. These quests counteract one another as a good or evil path. Additionally, actions out of quests influence your alignment. You can treat the NPCs poorly or with kindness. Everything you do will slowly alter your character. You might grow a halo or demonic horns! The choice is yours to make but stick to it right away.

8/10 Experiment With Combat

Fable II has three forms of combat. Melee attacks ranged attacks and magic attacks. Each form of combat is assigned to a specific button, making it quite simple to switch between them. All three combat styles have their benefits and disadvantages, and it is a good idea to experiment with them all near the beginning of the game.

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As you progress, you will earn experience points that will allow you to specialize in the different combat styles. You can learn new spells and be able to charge them up to become more powerful. You can become more dexterous to help avoid hits. Everyone has a different playstyle, and you’ll likely find yourself leaning more towards one of the three options than the others.

7/10 Train Your Dog

Even if you are not playing in coop mode throughout the game, you will never be alone. You will have a loveable dog companion by your side to help you out. Your dog isn’t just there for companionship, though. They have many uses. They will help out in combat, alert you to threats, and, most importantly, sniff out and locate hidden treasures.

It is a great idea to begin training your dog as soon as you can. Along your adventure, keep an eye out for training books. Having a read of these will allow you to upgrade their combat and treasure hunting skills. The treasure hunting skill is vital for locating some of the more valuable loot.

6/10 Listen Out For Gargoyles

The fable series has always been full of hidden collectibles and secrets, such as the demon doors. In Fable II, you’ll begin to notice a mocking voice every so often. These are gargoyles. There are 50 gargoyles in the game that start to speak once you gain the Aimed Ranged Attack Dexterous Skill. This unlocks a quest to destroy them all.

They can be tough to find, but listen out for them as the rewards are undoubtedly worth it. After each tenth gargoyle, you can travel to the Gargoyle Trove, under the bridge in Bowerstone Market. Inside, you’ll be able to collect rewards. These are great early on prizes, so make sure not to miss any.

5/10 Search Bower Lake

The world of Albion is full of mystery and wonders that you might miss if you are racing through the adventure. Fable II is designed for you to take your time. Make sure to stop to enjoy the sights and look out for the many mysteries and treasures that it holds. Right near the start of the adventure, you will be able to explore Bower Lake.

Bower Lake has quite a lot of treasures hidden around for you and your dog to find. These include books to train up your dog and early upgrades for your weapons. There are even dive spots in the lake to discover. It’s just good practice to search all areas to collect as much loot as possible.

4/10 Get A Job

There are several jobs that you can get throughout the game. Each one has a different mini-game you need to complete. For example, the blacksmith requires you to strike the metal at the right time. You can also be a bartender, woodcutter, or perhaps an assassin or a bounty hunter.

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These jobs are incredibly useful in the early game. You’ll need plenty of gold for your adventures to afford equipment and other expenses. It is a good idea to specialize in a specific job. The more you do it, the more skilled you will become, allowing you to earn even more. These jobs can be a little tedious but stick with it at least for a while at the start.

3/10 Purchase The Weapons Stall

Although this stall is unlikely to be selling you legendary weapons anytime soon, there is still a considerable benefit for purchasing the Weapon Stall in Bowerstone Old Town. You will receive a discounted price for buying weapons from this store so that you can get quite a few for a low price.

Your next action plan should be to take these discounted weapons and resell them to the blacksmith in Bowerstone Market. You will get quite a profit from this exchange, depending on how well the economy is doing in the area. It would help if you also kept an eye on the scarcity of goods, as you will get even more gold for selling these items. This is a lovely, early-game money-earner to help you out.

You might not know at first, but it isn’t just the stalls that you can purchase. Almost every building can be bought in the game, from taverns to homes. After working a few jobs and gaining a nice sum of gold, it is a fantastic idea to invest in real estate as much as possible.

The trailers in the camp near Bower Lake are an excellent place to start. But, as you begin to earn more money, you should look into buying elsewhere, too. Consider the Bar in Bowerstone Market, for instance, and you could start to earn gold every five minutes in real-time.

1/10 Complete All Side Quests Before Going To The Spire

Fable II is split up into sections, spanning over your character’s life. You begin the game during childhood for a short while before skipping to when you are an adult. It is helpful to know when starting the game that there is a point of no return for some quests.

Eventually, you will be asked to go to the Spire that will start the next arc of the adventure. While some quests will only be suspended, others such as Defender Of The Light and Westcliff Development will be abandoned if you do not finish them first. So, before progressing the main quest, make sure you have done everything you wanted to do first.

NEXT: Fable 3: The Best Weapons In The Game, Ranked

Fable II — Tips and Tricks for Getting Started

July 1, 2021

Before you play the Fable II game, you will definitely want to know these simple but useful tips and tricks. If you have any tips feel free to share with us!

  • Invest all the money you get into real estate. I’ve found it to be a lot easier to get money that way instead of doing the jobs.
  • The evil path will net you way more cash than the good path.
  • There’s a trick; you can buy a bunch of property and then save and quit. Change your 360’s internal clock up one year (it only works one year at a time) then start your game again. You’ll get a year’s worth of interest as soon as you log in. And when you eventually get to 2055 or whatever the max year is, there’s no penalty for going back to the first year and starting over.
  • Ranged attacks still beat everything else. Kiting still wins.
  • There are two Point of No Return moments in the game, once around half way through and once for the end of the game. The half way point is rather obvious, while for the end just be careful doing the quest for the third hero.
  • The best way to make money is to just start buying property. Basically, you want to just buy any and every piece of property you can.
  • An alternate method to make money is to wait for sales on weapons in the first big town, buy everything, and go to Fairfax Gardens and sell them to the merchants there. Easy for a quick buck if you got the cash to get the process started.
  • Once you reach the town with the arena, find the guy who wants to invest in the town immediately. If you don’t give the guy some money to invest you’ll miss out on a lot of properties to buy and you get more money back from it after the next story segment or two.
  • Also potions are the best way to get experience. As the game progresses the alchemy shop in the first big town gets better potions. Buy ’em, sleep a few days away/travel to other alchemy shops, buy more potions, repeat.
  • You can increase the rent of houses without adjusting the rent rates by buying better furniture and furnishing houses with them. It’ll improve its value of the property and since rent is based on the house value, your income!
  • If you don’t want to build up corruption/speed the whole process up, unplug the Internet, set your system clock a day in advance, go back in the game, make bundle of cash, buy more properties, save+quit, set day ahead, repeat. When done reset system clock to the present with no ill effects!
  • Be sure to visit the book store in Bowerstone often. You can get a lot of the expression books and dog training books pretty early on.
  • You probably won’t get it very early on, but I think the level 4 brutal styles unlocks a counter attack which you can insta kill a lot of people with if you learn how to do it.
  • It would be a good idea to copy your save save to a backup profile every once in a while. The saves can sometimes get corrupted, and since you have only one slot per hero if something game breaking happens you’ll be forced to start over if you don’t do this.

Making Money

There’s a very easy way to make a shitload of gold extremely early in the game.

During the childhood beginnings of the game, make sure you help rid the warehouse of roaches (allows you to purchase said warehouse later on in the game) and help the guard collect the wanted posters (which affects how Old Bowerstone will look/feel after your childhood).

The first time you reach Old Bowerstone as an adult, the townsfolk will remember the good deeds you performed as a child. Even better, the merchants will offer a 50% discount on all items in Old Bowerstone.

There is a weapon vendor near the steps leading down to the cemetery (where the alcoholic was when you were a child). Purchase his entire stock, go to Bowerstone Market (or, even better, check your Sales tab and look for weapon vendor shortages) and resell everything for 100% profit. Sleep 24 hours so the vendor restocks, and repeat. The 50% discount in Old Bowerstone persists until, I think, you proceed to the Crucible or Spire.

Sure beats banging out swords or pouring beers for hours at a time.

  • Fable 2

Reader’s diary «Casket» by Ivan Krylov

Author: Ivan Krylov

Title of the work: «Casket».

Number of pages: 2.

Genre of the work: fable.

Main characters: mechanic.

There are no minor characters.

Characteristics of the main characters:

Mechanic is clever but stupid.

I was smart and did not understand that everything is actually so simple.

Summary of the fable «Casket»

One day someone was brought a skillfully made Casket.

He was so beautiful that everyone who saw him could not stop looking at this beauty.

One mechanic decided to unravel the secret of the Casket.

He was sure that such a product was definitely made with some kind of secret and could not just be opened.

The mechanic began to twist the box in all directions and tried to open it with a nail, then with a piece of wood, or with some other device.

Even the passers-by began to suggest to him how to open the Casket, but nothing worked.

Then the mechanic left the Casket alone.

It turned out that there is no secret in it and it just opens.

Plan of the fable:

  1. Beautiful casket.
  2. The search for a secret.
  3. Tips from passers-by.
  4. There is no secret.

The main idea of ​​the fable «Cabin»

The moral of the fable is that the simplest solution is always the best.

The main idea of ​​the work is that sometimes it is not necessary to complicate the task and try to do something impossible.

The main idea of ​​the fable is that there is no need to look for the complex in the simple.

What the fable teaches

The fable teaches to be smart and clever.

Teaches you to start with the simplest and not look for difficult paths.

Teaches you neither to brag nor try to appear smarter than you are.

A brief review of the fable «Cabin» for the reader’s diary

After reading this fable, I thought that we ourselves often complicate our lives by inventing various obstacles and problems where they do not exist.

This is exactly what the hero of this work, the Mechanic, did.

He was looking for a disguised padlock with which he wanted to open the chest.

But the surprise for him was that there was no padlock at all.

This is a very correct, instructive fable.

The author managed to show in a form understandable to everyone how not to act when solving any problems.

He told us that we should not look for difficulties where there are none.

This is the moral of the fable.

I did not like the hero of this fable.

The mechanic was a self-confident, narcissistic type.

He did not even allow the thought that he might be wrong about something.

And in the end he became a laughingstock.

I advise everyone to read this fable, and think about the fact that many things that seem complicated are actually very simple.

And that the best solution is always on the surface.

Proverbs to the work:

  • What is cunning is also simple.
  • Intricate, but stupid; simple, yes.
  • Live simply — you will live to a hundred.
  • We need not only a scientist, but also a smart one.
  • One blinks, and the other is already smart.

Dictionary of unknown words:

  • Casket — precious box, box.
  • Pushche is stronger.

The passage that struck me the most:

“Not here, not like that, not there!” The mechanic is more torn.

Sweat, sweat; but finally tired,

Lagged behind the Casket

And how to open it, did not guess:

And the Casket just opened.

More readers’ diaries based on the works of Ivan Krylov:

  • «Donkey and Nightingale»
  • Dragonfly and Ant
  • Leaves and Roots
  • Monkey and Glasses
  • Crow and Fox
  • Quartet
  • «Mirror and Monkey»
  • «Elephant and Pug»
  • «Pig under the oak»

The library of the author’s works is being replenished.

Fable lesson Crossword answer

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