Dragon ball super neue staffel: Dragon Ball Super-Anime könnte 2022 endlich neue Folgen bekommen

Dragon Ball Super: Macher verkünden traurige Nachricht zur Anime-Serie

30. März 2022 tobson Anime, News 0

© Akira Toriyama / Shueisha / Toei Animation

Vier Jahre ist es mittlerweile her, dass die letzte Episode des Dragon Ball Super-Animes erschien. Für Fans ist das Jubiläum aber überhaupt kein Grund zur Freude.

Mit Dragon Ball Z baute sich um Son Goku, Vegeta & Co. eine gewaltige Fangemeinde auf. Die Saiyajins waren berühmt und dementsprechend groß war die Euphorie, als viele Jahre später ihre neueste Serie Dragon Ball Super angekündigt wurde. In 131 Episoden erzählten die Macher weitere Abenteuer aus dem Anime-Universum, bis im März 2018 die vorerst letzte Folge erschien.

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Dragon Ball Super: Fans wünschen sich Anime-Comeback

Seit dem Finale hat es keine offiziellen Neuigkeiten zur Serie gegeben. Zwar kursieren im Netz immer wieder Gerüchte, allerdings ist die Faktenlage bisher recht dünn. Nun geben die Verantwortlichen zumindest einen Lichtblick, indem sie auf das vierjährige Jubiläum der Pause hinweisen.

Four years ago today, the final episode of Dragon Ball Super premiered. pic.twitter.com/Nks4fua99j

— Toei Animation (@ToeiAnimation) March 25, 2022

„Heute vor vier Jahren wurde die letzte Folge von Dragon Ball Super uraufgeführt“, schreibt das Zeichentrickstudio Toei Animation auf Twitter. Eine traurige Feierlichkeit. In den Kommentaren unter dem Post finden sich viele bedrückte Fans, die mit der Ankündigung neuer Episoden wohl glücklicher wären.

Dass der Anime weitergeht, dürfte so gut wie sicher sein. Immerhin begeistern Son Goku und seine Freunde weltweit noch immer Millionen von Fans. Nur der Starttermin der Fortsetzung bleibt ein Rätsel. Dafür wissen wir wenigstens, was uns erwartet. Im Manga* wird die Geschichte nämlich längst fortgesetzt und hat bereits zwei Handlungsstränge hinter sich.

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Der aktuelle Storybogen zieht sogar Verbindungen zu Bardock, dem Vater des Protagonisten, den wir unter anderem aus dem letzten Kinofilm Dragon Ball Super: Broly kennen. Darüber hinaus taucht eine neue Gruppe von Schurken auf, die unseren Helden erneut große Probleme bereitet.

Mehr zum Thema

  • Dragon Ball Super: Filmtrailer zeigt Piccolos neue Form und die Rückkehr von Broly
  • Dragon Ball Z: Darum ist Mr. Satan der wahre Held der Cell-Saga
  • DBZ-Anspielung in Kinderserie: Erkennt ihr Vegeta und Nappa?

Seit 2018 schreibe ich als Redakteur bei shonakid.de. Bei Fragen und Anregungen kontaktiert mich auf Twitter via @the_tobson


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Nach Super Hero: Neue Dragonball Super-Folgen & Filme!

++ Update vom 05. 07.2022: So langsam lichtet sich das Dunkel, was für die Zeit nach Dragon Ball Super — Super Hero in der Mache ist: Es geht gleich in mehreren Formaten voran, nämlich einer neuen Serie, welche an die «Universal Survival Saga»- anschließt, wie auch weiteren Filmen. 2023 sei das Anime-Comeback, die neuen Episoden seien schon in Produktion!

Und auch ein Sequel-Film zu Super Hero sei schon in der Pre-Produktion, und Toei plane weitere — alle 2 bis 3 Jahre ein neuer Film! Das verriet dieser Dragonball-Insider via Twitter:

I can confirm:

1. Weekly Dragon Ball episodes set after the «Universe Survival Arc» are in production. Anime will be back in 2023.

2. NEW DB Movie after SH is currently in pre-production. Toei is planning to release movies once in 2-3 years.

That’s all for now. pic.twitter.com/KJzol2P3Jw

— SUPER ????? ? (@DBSChronicles) July 5, 2022

Dragon Ball Super — Super Hero ist auch mit einem Panel bei der San Diego Comic-Con vertreten, dort folgen dann sicher auch die offiziellen Infos dazu — vielleicht schon mit einem First Look für die neue Serie?

++ News vom 23. 06.2022: Seit fast zehn Jahren bereits erfreut sich das Dragonball-Franchise eines sehr erfolgreichen Comebacks, wenn es denn je wirklich weg war. Zwar kamen eine Weile keine neuen Mangas oder Animes mehr raus, aber über Merchandise, Videospiele und auch den Einfluss in der Popkultur war die Marke nie wirklich weg. Und es scheint so, als würde dies auch erst einmal so bleiben.

Seit der Veröffentlichung von Dragonball Z — Kampf der Götter im Jahr 2013 erscheinen auch wieder regelmäßig neue Geschichten, sogar aus der Hand von Akira Toriyama selbst, dem Schöpfer von Dragonball. Auch wenn zur Serie Dragon Ball Super aktuell keine neuen Folgen erscheinen, werden immer noch regelmäßig neue Filme veröffentlicht, und dies mit großem Erfolg, wie zuletzt Dragonball Super — Broly bewies.

Im August erwartet uns der neueste Film Dragon Ball Super — Super Hero und es steht schon jetzt fest, dass dies noch nicht das Ende sein wird. Solange der Erfolg da sein wird, ist das ohnehin unwahrscheinlich. Akio Iyoku, Produzent des aktuellen Films und mitverantwortlich für das Franchise, hat in einem kürzlichen Q&A einen kleinen und wagen Ausblick auf die Zukunft gewährt, aber zumindest bestätigt, dass es eine geben wird.

Zunächst ging er auf Dragon Ball Super — Super Hero ein. So ist Dragonball eine Marke, auf die Japan sehr stolz sei. Der neue Film sei nicht nur für ein japanisches Publikum entwickelt worden, sondern für die ganze Welt, weswegen er auch bereits diesen Sommer in den USA veröffentlicht wird.

Dann kommt er darauf zu sprechen, was als Nächstes kommt. Dragon Ball Super — Super Hero benötigte fünf Jahre bis zur Fertigstellung, daher habe man natürlich längst mit den Arbeiten am nächsten Projekt begonnen. Toriyama selbst arbeite ständig an neuen Konzepten und Ideen für Dragonball. Was dieses nächste Projekt jedoch werden wird, ließ Iyoku offen.

Am wahrscheinlichsten scheint ein weiterer Film. Aber auch eine Fortsetzung der Serie ist immer wieder im Gespräch.

Was aktuell ein wenig erstaunlich ist: Dragonball gehört zu den bekanntesten Anime-Marken der Welt. Und in einer Zeit, wo Realverfilmungen immer stärker im Trend zu sein scheinen und auch viele Anime zuletzt oder demnächst verfilmt werden, One Piece als Beispiel, hört man zu Dragonball an dieser Front seit einigen Jahren nichts mehr.

Was würdet ihr euch als nächstes oder zukünftiges Projekt zu Dragonball wünschen?

in what order to watch, chronology of cartoons

Reading 18 min
updated The animated series was first released in 1986. A story about a boy with a monkey tail, Son Goku, and magic items called «Dragon Ball» ranked third among the best manga in Japan in the mid-2000s. In 26 years, Toei Animation has produced five series and twenty films. In what order to watch parts of the Dragon Ball anime from different years, the following list will tell you.


Dragon Ball (1986-1989)

  • Year: 1986
  • Rating: KinoPoisk — 7.9; IMDb-8.6

The first season tells how Son Goku went in search of the Dragon Ball. He lived in his native village and studied martial arts until he inherited the first magical item from the collection from his grandfather.

According to legend, the owner of all the pearls will gain the power to summon the great dragon Shenlong and fulfill a cherished wish. Then the objects again scatter to different parts of the galaxy and the search must be started anew.

The protagonist Son Goku is similar to the character of the Oriental epic Monkey King. He has a monkey tail, a magical staff, and a personal flying cloud.

Dragonball: The Curse of the Blood Rubies (1986)

  • Year: 1986
  • Rating: KinoPoisk — 5.7; IMDb-6.8

The first film does not follow the canon plot. It shows Son Goku’s acquaintance with the martial arts teacher Master Roshi and the pearl seeker Bulma, the main characters of the series. Friends save the country from the greedy Emperor Gurumes. The ruler fell into the power of bloody rubies and is obsessed with finding gems.

The plot of the film does not overlap with the following parts. In the series, the main villain of the emperor is called Pilaf. In the full-length cartoon, he was replaced by Gurumes, who does not appear in the following parts.

Dragonball 4: Empowerment (1996)

  • Year: 1986
  • Rating: KinoPoisk — 6.2; IMDb-7.2

The film was released in honor of the tenth anniversary of the anime, so it causes a slight deja vu. Once again, the creators turned to the beginning of the story, talked about the acquaintance and past of the main characters. The search for magical dragon pearls brought Bulma and Son Goku together, but each pursued his own goal. Bulma wanted to grant a wish, and Son Goku wanted to gain strength. The Seekers will face off against the Red Ribbon’s robotic army for the first time.

The anniversary part can be viewed as a stand-alone film or as a summary of the first season of the series.

Dragon Ball 2: The Sleeping Princess in the Devil’s Castle (1987)

  • Year: 1987
  • Rating: KinoPoisk — 5.7; IMDb-6.7

The film is about the first joint adventure of friends Son Goku and Kuririn. They wanted to learn martial arts from master Roshi, who had known him after the battle with Emperor Gurumes. Master Roshi was nicknamed the Turtle Hermit and he wanted to find himself a beautiful girlfriend.

In the far west, there is a castle where the sleeping Princess Lunch is imprisoned. Roshi gave Son Goku and Kuririn a task: whoever brings him a princess will become an apprentice. The heroes set off as competitors, but no beauty or old rogue can destroy a strong friendship.

Dragon Ball 3: Mystery Adventure (1988)

  • Year: 1988
  • Rating: KinoPoisk — 5.8; IMDb-6.9

Kuririn and Son Goku became participants in the martial arts tournament. Among the masters was Tao Pai Pai, a mercenary with a brilliant mind and arrogance. He survived after the grenade explosion, but some parts of his body were replaced with artificial parts by the best robotics on the planet. Tao Pai Pai decided to overthrow Emperor Chaozu and plotted with the Crane Lord.

The movie develops in an alternative way to the series and manga, and Son and Kuririn gain new abilities.

«Dragonball Z: Come back my Gohan!» (1989)

  • Year: 1989
  • Rating: KinoPoisk — 6.2; IMDb-6.8

The plot of the film is based on Son Goku Gohan’s son. Son inherited magical abilities and a monkey tail from his father Bardock, a member of the alien humanoid Saiyan race. Gohan’s mother is Chichi’s regular girlfriend, so he’s only half Saiyan.

At first, the cowardly guy quarreled with the green-skinned Namekian teacher Piccolo and was captured by his older brother Goku Raditz and his partner, a warrior from the elite Saiyan Nappe, who came to Earth for dragon balls. But in the battle, Gohan changed his mind, helped his father Son and gained greater strength than his.

Dragon Ball Z. Season 1 (Episodes 1-35)

  • Year: 1989-1990
  • Rating: KinoPoisk — 8.2; IMDb-8.8

The episodes are united under the name «Saga of the Saiyans» and tell about the relationship between Sona Goku and Piccolo. In the first Dragon Ball series, the Namekian’s father, King Piccolo, died at the hands of Son. Piccolo Jr. is born as the reincarnation of a king and an avenger.

Faced with a new threat in the form of the Saiyan King Vegeta and his henchmen Raditz and Nappa, the Namekian teamed up with Son Goku and became a mentor to his eldest son Gohan. Gradually, Piccolo overcame the hatred towards Saiyan Goku, which he inherited from his father.

Dragon Ball Z 2: The Strongest Guy in the World (1990)

  • Year: 1990
  • Rating: KinoPoisk — 5.9; IMDb-6.7

Dr. Wyro is a brilliant scientist who has found a way to avoid death. He ordered to move his brain into the body of a robot. The doctor then planned to transplant his brain into a suitable human body.

Uiro has been looking for the perfect candidate for a long time. His choice fell on Master Roshi after he won a martial arts tournament. The doctor was sure that a stronger person could not be found and kidnapped the master. But Son Goku came to Roshi’s aid and Uiro realized that he was mistaken.

Dragonball Z 3: Tree of Power (1990)

  • Year: 1990
  • Rating: KinoPoisk — 6.2; IMDb-6.8

Space pirates have planted the Tree of Power on Earth. The sapling grew and began to suck the life juices out of the planet. If it is not destroyed, the Earth will turn into a desert, and living beings will die. Son Goku and his friends were powerless against the tree.

Anticipating the victory, the pirates came to the planet again. The leader of the villains Turules caught Gohan, ate the fruit of the Tree of Power and became even more powerful. The situation has become more difficult, because he is like two drops of water similar to the father of Gohan Son.

Dragon Ball Z 4: Lord Slug (1991)

  • Year: 1991
  • Rating: KinoPoisk — 6.6; IMDb-6.6

The fourth part is rarely mentioned because of the banal plot compared to other films. The main villain Lord Slug is also a space pirate who wants to destroy the Earth. The events of the anime unfold according to the same scenario as in the previous part about the Tree of Power.

Spectacular battles for which the Z saga became famous can be called a feature of the fourth part about Lord Slug. The film will please fans with the opportunity to see their favorite heroes in the fight against evil again, but its plot does not affect the subsequent parts.

Dragon Ball Z. Season 2-3 (Episodes 36-107)

  • Year: 1990-1991
  • Rating: KinoPoisk — 8.2; IMDb-8.8

The next seventy and one episodes tell the saga of Freeze, the blue-tailed galactic emperor of an unknown alien race. He leads a criminal organization of planetary invaders.

The series will feature the home planet of the green-skinned Piccolo Namek, as well as the technique of fusion of bodies and souls Fusion with the formation of a new personality and the union of superpowers. Thanks to the merger, a super saiyan modification appeared.

Manga author Akira Toriyama combines all the monsters that he was afraid of as a child in the image of the villain-emperor Frieza.

Dragonball Z: Bardock Father Goku (1990)

  • Year: 1990
  • Rating: KinoPoisk — 8.2; IMDb-8.8

The special issue tells about the origins of the enmity between the Saiyans and Frieza. The hero of the story is a low-class Saiyan warrior, Bardock. In a battle with the Kanassanian Tooro, he gained the ability to see the future. Bardock foresaw the fate of his sons Raditz and Kakarotto, known on Earth as Son Goku, as well as the destruction of the Saiyans by Freeza, and took on a mission to protect his planet.

Bardock’s character is unique in that he was originally revealed by the anime writers, and after success with the audience, he was introduced into the manga by Akira Toriyama.

Dragon Ball Z. Season 4 (Episodes 108-139)

  • Year: 1991-1992
  • Rating: KinoPoisk — 8.2; IMDb-8.8

In thirty and one episodes, the plot develops around Gohan, Piccolo and Kuririn. Friends confront the villain Garlick Jr. In the manga, Garlick Jr. does not have a personal storyline. Connoisseurs of the series believe that this part can be skipped without risking the understanding of subsequent episodes.

The series about Garlick Jr. is notable for the fact that secondary characters get a chance to prove themselves as heroes. Also here appears Kami — a patron creature that every planet has.

Dragon Ball Z. Season 4 (Episodes 118-139)

  • Year: 1991-1992
  • Rating: KinoPoisk — 8.2; IMDb-8.8

Bulma, the magical pearl seeker, married Prince Vegeta and had a son, Trunks. He inherited his mother’s genius mind and found a way to travel through time. In the Z series, an alternate Trunks arrives from the future to save Son Goku. He also influenced further events when he created androids. Cybernetic creations have become a new threat to already familiar heroes.

Dragonball Z 5: Cooler’s Revenge (1991)

  • Year: 1991
  • Rating: KinoPoisk — 6.3; IMDb-7.1

Son Goku defeats Emperor Frizu and returns to Earth. Frieza’s brother, the powerful Cooler, decided to take revenge on the hero and sent three henchmen after him. In the battle with Son Goku, the villain transformed and increased his strength. But the Saiyan used the Fusion technique.

The fifth film does not have an original plot, but better reveals one of the main villains and pleases with spectacular fights. The anime is made with humor, so it’s worth watching the next part for the ironic dialogues of the characters.

Dragon Ball Z 6: Cooler Returns (1992)

  • Year: 1992
  • Rating: KinoPoisk — 6.3; IMDb-7.0

A giant living planet is moving towards Namek. Son Goku and his friends rushed to help, but it would be difficult to win. The Namekians are threatened by an army of Red Ribbon robots, and an old friend Cooler rules the living planet.

The sixth film is close to the science fiction genre. The Saiyan prince Vegeta joins the heroes. At first he was in Frieza’s predatory organization, but went over to Son Goku’s side and wished to remain on Earth. Fans parse Vegeta’s statements into quotes.

Dragon Ball Z 7: Super Android 13 (1992)

  • Year: 1992
  • Rating: KinoPoisk — 6.3; IMDb-7.0

Powerful explosions disturbed peace on Earth. Unknown villains descended to the surface. Their aura is not available to the perception of Son Goku, which means the invaders are of artificial origin. The creator of the Red Ribbon, Dr. Gero, has been defeated by that time and there is no one to design androids. Therefore, Son Goku will have to find the author of the cyber creatures. Along the way, the main character realizes that their goal is not the Earth. The androids are sent to kill Son.

The film differs in that it immediately starts with fight scenes, and also shows Goku, Vegeta and Trunks from the future together for the first time.

Dragon Ball Z. Special 2: Gohan and Trunks (1993)

  • Year: 1993
  • Rating: KinoPoisk — 6.3; IMDb-7.8

Special issue dedicated to the son of Vegeta and Bulma. Prior to traveling back in time, Trunks witnessed the villain Android 20 or Dr. Gero create the Red Ribbon Army and take over the world.

The peculiarity of the film lies in a more dramatic atmosphere compared to the previous parts, made in a humorous and adventure way. The audience liked the creators’ attempt to bring novelty to the anime. The plot takes place in an alternate future, so it does not affect the past and future events in the series.

Dragon Ball Z. Season 5 (Episodes 140-165)

  • Year: 1991-1992
  • Rating: KinoPoisk — 8.2; IMDb-8.8

The next twenty-five episodes are combined under the name «Saga Sella». A new anime character, Cell, is a robotic villain. He was created by Dr. Gero and endowed with the ability to adopt the skills of other warriors. Cell recognizes the techniques of opponents and turns into an invincible fighter. But along with combat techniques, the superrobot also absorbs character traits, such as Vegeta’s pride or the complacency that killed Frieza.

The relationship between Vegeta and Trunks is strengthened in the episodes of the fifth season, which is important for the plot of subsequent parts.

Dragon Ball Z 8: Legendary Broly (1993)

  • Year: 1993
  • Rating: KinoPoisk — 6.7; IMDb-7.4

On Earth, Vegeta was tracked down by the Saiyan warrior Paragas and told that the Super Saiyan Broly wants to take over the galaxy. Vegeta agreed to help. Son Goku also did not stand aside. Super Saiyans are known for their extreme physical abilities, willpower, rage, and are fifty times stronger than a regular Saiyan.

Broly’s movie is considered the best in the anime saga, but fans have noted that the Super Saiyan villain’s origin story is poorly presented.

Broly’s name comes from the word «broccoli» and is played up in a funny episode when a drunk master Roshi called broccoli a super saiyan.

Dragonball Z: Saiyan Extermination Plan (1993)

  • Year: 1993
  • Rating: «KinoPoisk» — no; IMDb — no

Once upon a time, the Saiyans destroyed a high-tech alien race of tuffles in a war. Several of its representatives survived, among them Dr. Wright. He decided to take revenge on the Saiyans from planet Earth.

Dr. Wright installed generators with poisonous destrone gas. The population of the Earth was expected to die within two days after the spraying of the substance. But Son Goku with his son Gohan, friends Piccolo, Trunks and Prince Vegeta uncovered the avenger’s insidious plan and rushed to look for deadly machines.

Dragon Ball Z. Season 6 (Episodes 166-194)

  • Year: 1992-1993
  • Rating: KinoPoisk — 8.2; IMDb-8. 8

Twenty-eight episodes are dedicated to the martial arts tournament. Known from previous films, cell the robot has mastered the art of martial arts to perfection and has gathered the best fighters to test his strength.

Son Goku and Gohan gain the ability to transform into Super Saiyans. After a year of training, they are ready for a new task — to move in time and save the world, unleashing the most epic battle in the history of the series along the way.

Dragon Ball Z 9: Galaxy in Peril (1993)

  • Year: 1993
  • Rating: KinoPoisk — 6.6; IMDb-7.1

Budokai Grand Battle Tournament is about to start. Among the participants are Gohan, Trunks and Kuririn, as well as four unknown masters. At first, the fights went on as usual, but it turned out that the «aliens» had deliberately gathered the best warriors in order to capture the galaxy.

The ninth full-length part returns viewers to the theme of martial arts. Son Goku ceded the lead in the film to Gohan. Manga author Akira Toriyama contributed to the script and visual design.

Dragonball Z. Season 7 (Episodes 195-209)

  • Year: 1993
  • Rating: KinoPoisk — 8.2; IMDb-8.8

For seven years, Goku and the other heroes of the saga lived in peace, but it’s time to face off in a martial arts tournament. Gohan and Trunks will fight again. The Saiyans will have new opponents.

Mage Babidi has telekinesis, the ability to read minds and control other people’s minds. He created the demonic being Majina Buu to conquer the universe. But the monster got out of control of the creator, obeying only the instinct to kill and destroy.

Dragon Ball Z 10: Broly’s Second Coming (1994)

  • Year: 1994
  • Rating: KinoPoisk — 5.9; IMDb-6.5

Broly’s Super Saiyan didn’t die, but was forced to fall asleep to regain his strength. For seven years he slept in a shelter on Earth. Broly woke up to the voices of Trunks and Goten, Gohan’s younger brother. A new martial arts tournament is a good opportunity to declare yourself and take revenge on your enemies.

Gohan sensed danger and arrived at Broly’s hideout early. He is ready to fight the legendary super saiyan one on one. But Son Goku’s friends and father won’t let him have fun alone.

The tenth film shows the Kamehameha martial technique invented by master Roshi and named by Akira Toriyama after the Hawaiian king.

Dragon Ball Z 11: Bio-Broli (1994)

  • Year: 1994
  • Rating: KinoPoisk — 5.6; IMDb-5.9

In previous films, the legendary Saiyan Broly was an invincible warrior and could only be called «broccoli» after drinking too much sake. In the new part of the anime, the creators mocked a strong character and turned him into something worse than a green vegetable.

Formless Bio Broly looks like the Swamp Thing from DC comics. After being killed by a Kamehameha strike, the Super Saiyan was cloned and combined with a bio-warrior in Lord Jaguar’s laboratory. The clone does not speak and lacks the sharp mind of his progenitor, but his killer instinct kicked in as soon as he saw Goten.

Dragonball Z. Season 7-9 (Episodes 210-287)

  • Year: 1993-1995
  • Rating: KinoPoisk — 8.2; IMDb-8.8

The penultimate episodes of the Z saga tell about the magician Babidi and his assistant, the demon Darbra. They prepared a plan to take over the universe and created the great warrior Majin Buu. The monster looks harmless, but its thirst for destruction has no limits. Majin Buu goes through three transformations that lead to an unexpected result for his creators.

The final seasons bring the Z saga to a close with action scenes, dramatic moments and signature humor.

Dragon Ball Z 12: Fusion Reborn (1995)

  • Year: 1995
  • Rating: KinoPoisk — 6.1; IMDb-7.6

There has been a catastrophe in Hell. Soul laundry attendant Psycho-They listened to music during work hours and didn’t change the evil collection container. The black from the souls poured over the edge. Having swallowed sewage, the attendant turned into the demon Janembu. The unpurified souls returned to their bodies on Earth, and chaos began. Warriors Son Goku and Vegeta went to Hell’s Laundromat to restore order and restore Psycho-It to its original form.

In the twelfth part, Son Goku and Vegeta united into one entity for the first time using the Fusion technique.

Dragon Ball Z 13: Wrath of the Dragon (1995)

  • Year: 1995
  • Rating: KinoPoisk — 6.4; IMDb-7.5

Gohan and his girlfriend Videl saved the mysterious old man. He showed them the box in which the great warrior Tapion was imprisoned.

The heroes decided it was time to summon the dragon Shenlong and open the box. But together with Tapion, they released the monster Hirudegarna, into which the great warrior turns. Therefore, he himself closed himself in a box in order to defeat his dark essence.

In the thirteenth part, Son Goku shows a new combat move «Dragon Fist».

Dragonball Z. Season 9 (Episodes 288-291)

  • Year: 1996
  • Rating: KinoPoisk — 8.2; IMDb-8.8

In the last episodes of the saga, the journey of Son Goku, his sons and friends, which lasted seven years, ends. The series was created during the period when Akira Toriyama was just inventing the plot of the manga. The script was written by Toei Animation, so the on-screen events were not included in the book, but were approved by the author.

The creators of the series introduced many storylines to explain some points and just to extend the story. The search for magical pearls noticeably fades into the background by the end, giving way to cosmic threats and combat tournaments.

«Dragon Ball: Son Goku and friends return!» (2008)

  • Year: 2008
  • Rating: KinoPoisk — 8.2; IMDb-8.8

The events of the film begin two years after the victory of the pearl seekers over the demon Majin Buu. In honor of the significant event, the enterprising man Mr. Satan, Father Videl undertook to build a hotel.

The work has been completed and the establishment is ready to receive guests. Son Goku and his friends are invited to the opening. Mr. Satan arranged a rich feast, in the midst of which uninvited guests with problems came. Vegeta’s brother asked for help to save his planet, and then the space villains Abo and Kado arrived.

«Dragon Ball GT»

  • Year: 1996
  • Rating: KinoPoisk — 6.7; IMDb-6.8

The series is about the transformation of the old Son Goku into a teenage boy. Emperor Pilaf collected a collection of pearls and wished that his enemy would return to childhood. The wish came true, and the pearls, according to the rule, scattered to different parts of the world.

Little Goku must collect pearls again to become an adult. Accompanying him on his journey are his granddaughter Pan and friend Trunks. The series has fewer fight scenes and horrific monsters, and Vegeta goes through a special transformation — growing a mustache and then shaving it off because his daughter Bra didn’t like it.

Dragonball BP: Legacy of a Hero (1997)

  • Year: 1997
  • Rating: «KinoPoisk» — no; IMDb-6.4

The special episode takes viewers several generations of the Goku family forward. The protagonist is Goku Jr., great-great-grandson of Pan, granddaughter of the seeker of magical pearls Son Goku. He is not such a brave fighter, unlike a distant ancestor who fought the most inveterate and powerful villains in the galaxy. But remembering the legend of the dragon ball, Goku Jr. mustered up the courage to set off.

Super Dragon Ball. (Episodes 1-14) / Dragon Ball: Battle of the Gods (2013)

  • Year: 2015/2013
  • Rating: KinoPoisk – 7.1/6.9; IMDb-8.4/7.1

Akira Toriyama contributed to the first story since the early 2010s. Its events continue the Z saga and are presented in two forms — the film and the first fourteen episodes of the series.

After defeating Majin Buu, the warriors led by Son Goku used the dragon balls to erase the memories of people on Earth and live normal lives. But the awakening of the God of Destruction Beerus forces Son to return to the comprehension of the highest form of the Saiyan.

Dragon Ball Super. Episodes 15-27 / Dragon Ball Rebirth (2015)

  • Year: 2015-2016/2015
  • Rating: KinoPoisk – 7.1/7.0; IMDb-8.4/7.2

The creators of the anime used the same technique — they repeated the events of the feature film in the series. Faithful servants of Emperor Frieza have collected a collection of pearls and returned their blue-skinned leader. Frieza has become stronger and is preparing revenge on the Saiyans on Earth. The scriptwriters resurrected the villain to please the fans, and also to rehabilitate for the simple plot of the finale of the Z saga.

Super Dragon Ball. Episodes 28-131

  • Year: 2016-2018
  • Rating: KinoPoisk — 7.1; IMDb-8.4

Son Goku and Vegeta weren’t counting on a quiet life in oblivion. They erased the memory of the inhabitants of the Earth, but space villains remember them. The creators of the series made the appearance of negative characters in the plot logical. Fight scenes don’t start out of the blue like they did in previous series. Heroes fight stronger opponents and improve their skills.

Super Dragon Ball: Broly (2018)

  • Year: 2018
  • Rating: KinoPoisk — 7.3; IMDb-7.8

«Mr. Broccoli» returned to service after Friza. The Super Saiyan joined the Galactic Emperor. Broly’s origin story is presented in a new way. He appears as a deeper and more dramatic character.

After the return of Frieza, Son Goku and Vegeta no longer hoped for a peaceful life and trained hard in case another evil woke up. Intuition did not disappoint the heroes. Super Saiyan Broly appeared on the horizon again.

Super Dragon Ball Heroes (2018-…)

  • Year: 2018
  • Rating: «KinoPoisk» — no; IMDb-6.8

The continuation of the series is based on the computer game of the same name and launched as an advertising project. Akira Toriyama was not involved in its creation. There are many alternative lines in the plot. Heroes fall into different versions of the universe. Of the familiar villains in the series, Frieza’s brother Cooler and Super Saiyan Broly appear, and Son Goku and Vegeta again use the Fusion technique.







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