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Die 10 besten PC-Spiele 2021

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“I Was Thinking It Would Be Better to Die”: Stories from Adolescents with Mental Disabilities

Approximately one in five adolescents aged 12 to 18 suffer from at least one mental disorder, and 70% of them are not properly diagnosed and treated. We talked to teenagers with various mental illnesses and the mother of a 10-year-old girl with depression about the struggle for health, plans for the future, and self-acceptance.

Oksana, mother of 10-year-old Yulia


Yulia started the fifth grade this year. Before the depression, the daughter was very active, participated in everything, organized events, went to the theater studio, studied perfectly without much effort. But at the beginning of this year, for no reason at all, she got deuces and triples, the teachers clutched their heads. Yulia explained such assessments by the fact that she “didn’t succeed”. The daughter also began to close herself in her room more often, we thought that she was starting adolescence and hormonal changes, and attributed her behavior to a desire to retire. nine0003

The trouble happened at the end of winter. Yulia was going to school, and suddenly she had an uncontrollable tantrum. For an hour the daughter thrashed about in sobs, and she could not explain what was happening to her. I asked: “What happened? Are you afraid of something? Not prepared for the test? You tell us, we will solve the issue.» The child understands that we will not perceive unfinished homework as something terrible, well, we would skip school, and that’s it. But there was only one answer: «I don’t know.»

We canceled school and took Yulia to a psychologist, it turned out that her daughter had a nervous breakdown. First, she was treated for an acute condition, further diagnostics and testing showed that the child developed depression due to systematic, insignificant, but significant bullying for Yulia at school. It turned out that some guys constantly called her names. nine0003

We took a break from studies, visited a neurologist, the doctor diagnosed my daughter with depression in the initial stage and prescribed drugs and psychotherapy, but, unfortunately, due to the coronavirus, the latter had to be stopped. I immediately accepted the diagnosis, although I could not even imagine that the disease could develop so early. I had postpartum depression, and I saw that Yulia’s condition was not foolish or lazy. My husband also accepted everything as it is.

I explained to my daughter what depression is: the brain does not see the good, it only concentrates on the bad, but such thoughts are not a real picture of the world. nine0017

Yulia slept for twenty hours, lay in bed for days. If I got up, it was only to eat and take pills. She said everything was sad and grey. It came to complete indifference to appearance: the daughter did not wash her hair, did not brush her teeth. She even admitted that she had a wild desire to stand on the windowsill. And despite the fact that we talked a lot and I was almost constantly at home (sitting with my youngest child), just in case, I removed the handles from the windows.

Yulia is still taking medicine, now her condition is much better. Periodically there are mood swings and apathy, but the child has become more active: he meets friends, draws, communicates with people. nine0022 Julia is faced with the fact that the world is not at all wonderful and fair . I think that even if she returns to a depressed state, she will become more emotionally stable and cautious.

My husband and I tried to minimize the negative impact on the child of those people who can devalue her condition, so some relatives were not told about depression. My daughter’s friends know about the illness and said that they would support her much more.

Depression is romanticized: as if the disease consists in sitting on the windowsill with a blanket and watching the rain. In fact, this is pain that tears you apart and does not allow you to live. But depression is not a stigma, there is no need to be afraid of it. I advise parents to build a trusting relationship with their child: no judgment or depreciation. nine0022 Children’s problems are also problems . And always be on the side of your son or daughter, no matter what happens.

Polina, 17 years old

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Since childhood, I had problems with counting, because I was constantly obsessed with some numbers. I also need to do something a certain number of times: three, five, ten, but not four, but five, I call it round numbers.

At the age of thirteen I was visited by a terrible thought about my relative, it was quite intrusive, and since then obsessive-compulsive disorder began to develop slowly. I couldn’t look at improperly arranged dishes, an unmade bed, absolutely any little thing that wasn’t laid out like that annoyed me very much. I became squeamish, I developed a phobia of infectious diseases and germs, which progressed into anxiety, panic attacks, severe tantrums, and nervous breakdowns. Due to the fact that I washed for two hours, the skin on my hands turned into cracked crackers. There were problems in relations with my mother and friends, self-esteem decreased, self-doubt arose. I didn’t want to study, it was psychologically difficult for me to go to school — because there are a lot of microbes, because of this I missed. But I wanted normal grades in the certificate, so I forced myself to attend classes. nine0003

A year later, I Googled “frequent handwashing” and an article about OCD popped up. The symptoms were similar to mine, and I realized that I needed help.

She told her mother about her guesses, but she did not believe. She said that I just read all sorts of nonsense on the Internet, and it has a bad effect on me.

She thought my words were nonsense and told me to get down to business. Not every parent will want to accept that their child at fourteen has a mental disorder.

I made scandals to my mother because it was hard for me and I did not understand what was happening to me. She gave up and took me to a psychologist who didn’t know how to work with OCD and offered me a technique that didn’t work. After that, we went to a neurologist who prescribed mild tranquilizers for me, they had little effect. Only at the beginning of 2020, when OCD was already progressing, did my mother register me with a psychiatrist. I didn’t really like the doctor, when I talked about my feelings, she said: “Oh, how many problems, and only sixteen years old!” But she still prescribed antidepressants and antipsychotics. nine0003

Antipsychotics had a terrible effect on me and brought me to neuroleptic depression. I lost the desire to live, I began to care about my appearance, I was too lazy to even get up and wash, and in my soul there was absolute hopelessness and fear that I would not recover. I didn’t notice much effect from antidepressants, but all my phobias and fears have aggravated, anxiety is going through the roof. I wake up in the morning with anxiety, I don’t know how to find a place for myself. Mom is on the side of the doctor, she believes that the psychiatrist prescribed everything correctly and you need to be patient. But five months have already passed, and it has become a little easier for me. nine0003

I have a college friend who supports me. And now former friends constantly put pressure on the patient, called him a psychopath, in any quarrel I heard: «Here you have a certificate, go take some pills.» Even in the ninth grade, I had a lot of goals: to move to Moscow, earn money for a car, learn to drive. And now I think that I will not have enough strength, so it is difficult for me to enter the adult world. Next year I will become an adult, but I don’t know how to behave at all. nine0003

Many times I heard from people: “Oh, you don’t show that you have a mental disorder!” But if I look absolutely adequate, this does not mean that everything is in order with me. OCD is not just perfectionism, but a vicious circle of hell thoughts that kill and eat your brain. I do not like superficial statements about mental disorders, and it is very unpleasant for me when people who are sick are despised, considered abnormal. I think that sometimes physical pain can’t be compared to psychological pain. nine0003

Anton, 17 years old

Bipolar affective disorder

It is not possible to say exactly when bipolar disorder appeared, but perhaps at the age of fourteen, due to a trigger, an active process of the disease started in me. Then my parents sent me and my brother to a military camp for two weeks without any conveniences or communication with the outside world. Our phones were taken away, we could not call anyone to complain. It was quite tough in terms of discipline. I went to the hospital three times for food poisoning and blackouts, and my brother’s jaw was knocked out by the older guys. nine0003

I did not notice the first signs of disorder, because my behavior seemed to me quite normal and normal. During the period of mania, I had an elevated mood, some kind of unrealistic self-confidence, I made huge plans for life, thought about moving, began to learn Czech and Danish. Became very empathetic towards drugs and alcohol. All my actions seemed logical and adequate to me, although from the outside I looked strange : restless, impulsive, hyperactive guy with a shifty look. I thought that I had so much energy because I drink a lot of coffee or get enough sleep. nine0003

The property of this state is that it is quickly forgotten and is not as long as a depressive period, about two weeks, a maximum of a month. And mania very sharply turns into depression. You realize what you were doing, and what a fool you are, in fact, and you start to get driven. Suicidal thoughts arise. I had such a period of depression when I just lay in bed and looked at the ceiling for a week. I didn’t have the strength to get up, go out to eat, even sit on the phone. During mania, your thoughts run and seem cool, and you don’t know what to grab onto, during a period of depression, they pile up in a crowd, and you don’t understand how to deal with them. nine0003

My BAD was also combined with panic disorder, I experienced panic attacks up to five times a day, they lasted 10-20 minutes, I thought I would die. Then, secretly from my parents, I began to go to a psychologist in my lyceum, we talked with her, and at one point she said: «Anton, this is not my zone, you need a psychiatrist.» At that moment, I came to my mother and told her everything, and she signed me up for a psychiatrist.

For a year and three months I have been seeing a doctor and taking medication. I used to take seven tablets a day, now I take three. Thanks to the medicines, I have a stable mood. Adequate reactions to stress, emotions correlate with events in life — joy, sadness, aggression. Previously, during the period of mania, there was an overreaction: any insult or remark in my direction caused wild aggression. Now you need to try to hurt me. nine0003

Now my disorder hardly bothers me. Some friends drink alcohol, but I can only afford a bottle of cider, because mixing alcohol with pills is not very good. Eternal teetotaler on holidays. I’m also offended that my friends are studying to be drivers, and in order to do this, I need to prove to doctors that drugs do not affect the ability to drive a car. Some save up for cars, some already have cars, and you just sit on the sidelines and think, «Damn, I want one too.» nine0003

It seems to me that it is very stupid to attribute mental disorders to yourself, because, having such diseases, you must take responsibility for yourself and your actions.

Having a mental disorder doesn’t make you cool and unique. Some people think that this is a fashionable clutch that you can carry with you and say to everyone: «Look, I have a bipolar.»

Olya, 14 years old

Post-traumatic stress disorder

Everything was very bad in my family for as long as I can remember. When I was twelve or thirteen years old, my mother brought home some homeless person and said that this was her business partner. As a result, everything turned into six months of domestic violence. He beat and insulted me and my younger brother. We were deprived of everything, down to clothes and food. As a result, my brother and I (I was thirteen then, and my brother was twelve) ended up in an orphanage, our grandmother took us, now we live with her. After the orphanage, everything was more or less good. I made many new interests, friends, and during self-isolation, my condition began to deteriorate sharply. nine0003

Memory impairment, insomnia, mood swings, paranoia, even hallucinations, hatred and fear of people. I felt very bad, scared, every day I drove myself to such a state that I just lay and cried. I had panic attacks, and until recently I didn’t know what it was called, I thought it was just tantrums. I did self-harm, thought about how best to die, imagined it, but there were no suicide attempts.

In addition, I have a violent reaction to sharp stimuli, for example, when someone suddenly sits down on me or I hear a loud sound. This can scare anyone, but I have a violent tantrum. It was like someone burst the balloon next to me, and I started to cry because of this, without understanding why. Recently, it has become difficult for me to write and speak, I can stutter, talk, burr, confuse letters in writing. I perceive space poorly: I see it, but many objects seem flat to me, some objects are farther or closer to me than they really are, I very often crash somewhere or simply don’t notice something. nine0003

I asked my grandmother for a very long time to take me to a psychiatrist, but she delayed. She said: «Oh, yes, you have everything because we are sitting at home, your mood swings are adolescence, drink valerian.» But in the end, we went to PND, where I was called post-traumatic stress disorder and depression into question.

For PTSD, in principle, only psychotherapy can be done, but drug treatment will relieve symptoms that interfere with learning and communication. Therefore, I asked for it in the PND, because without it they would not be able to prescribe effective drugs for me. While I go to a psychotherapist, I talk to him and it seems to become easier. Grandmother does not really follow my condition, when I say that I feel bad, she advises me to see something or eat something. nine0003

I am very forgetful, before I could easily learn any rule, poem, themes, etc., but now I don’t remember whether I was in a lesson or wrote a test. During the lesson, I can fall into some kind of trance and just do not delve into the topic of the lesson. My teachers do not know about the disorder, for them it looks like disorder. So my grades dropped a lot.

Before our mother brought a roommate, my condition was the least of my worries — my mother was always rather irresponsible, my brother and I were just trying to survive. Speaking of flashbacks that everyone mentions when asking about PTSD, I have them as nightmares almost every night when I manage to fall asleep. During the day, I also have flashbacks, but rarely. nine0022 These are some very traumatic pictures of the past — like beatings, mother’s overdoses .

I would like people to know that I am not aggressive and do not hate people. Several people who have experienced my mood swings think that I am very angry. And I’m not stupid, although I forget everything. It hurts me a lot when a person tells me something, and then says: “Oh, I already told you all this, don’t you remember?”, But I really don’t remember.

Diana, 13 years old

Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Depression

I just started treatment this summer and am still figuring out when it all started. But, most likely, a quarrel with my former friend served as a trigger. When I was twelve, he went to the hospital and ignored me, and it hit me very hard. Literally anything could serve as a trigger for anxiety, every day, almost all the time I was worried. If, for example, I went shopping with my mother and she left me literally for ten minutes, I thought that she would leave me. I hurriedly began to analyze how I could get home, whether I had money, a phone to call. I reassured myself that if my mother left things next to me, she would definitely return for them. nine0003

I went to school and had panic attacks once or twice a day. I became very scared, and I could not explain what I was afraid of, several times I felt that my head was about to explode and I would die. The shaking rolled on, the voices of my friends, classmates, teachers were heard as if through water, I did not understand anything and sat with sweaty hands and wadded feet, I wanted to run away. After that, I asked for time off from the lesson, went to the toilet and either banged my fists against the wall or cut myself, so it became easier for me. Every day I wanted to cry, but I couldn’t because I felt that my eyes were dry. There were also thoughts of suicide. At that time, I was about to turn twelve. nine0003

My parents knew about my condition, but until the moment we went to the psychiatrist, they did not assume that it was something serious. They attributed everything to a transitional age and thought that I was dramatizing. At first, I succeeded in being taken to a psychologist. The first psychologist turned out to be not very good, he devalued my problems, said that I just need to smile and everything will be fine. I was signed up for another, I visited her every week, and six months later she said that I needed a psychiatrist, my mother agreed. nine0003

I read a lot of articles about anxiety disorder and was not at all surprised when I was finally diagnosed and told that I would have to take pills. At that moment, I felt relieved, because I was afraid of the unknown, I continued to engage in self-harm only because I could not stop devaluing myself. I thought I wasn’t suffering enough and I had to suffer more to get help. Making cuts as proof that my emotions are real. Before the appointment with the psychiatrist, I was very close to a suicide attempt, and I was recommended to go to the hospital, but my parents refused this. It is more expensive to be treated in the state, but we have no money for private. nine0003

I take medicine every day. It became easier for me to live, although at school I felt that a little more, and I would fall and cry, I was so tired of worrying and being afraid. Now it seems that the news has gotten better and that everything is not so bad. I despised sports in any form, I couldn’t brush my teeth, now I take care of myself, clean my house, leave the room more often, eat more, my sleep pattern has improved. I still feel anxiety, but it is less, although I don’t think that it will ever go away completely, anxiety is already a part of me. I often think about the future, I hope the treatment will somehow help me, I will become healthier, I will go to another city. nine0003

I really don’t like that people think teenagers don’t have problems . I have several times entered into a discussion with such people, but it is quite difficult to convince them, they say that they see in me a little girl that attracts attention to themselves.

If a person does not cry and can smile, this does not mean that he is healthy. Being sick is not cool at all.

Gleb, 18 years old

Schizotypal disorder

It seems to me that it all started in the fourth grade, with a move to another city. nine0017 This, of course, is the loss of friends plus communication problems in the new class, because all the companies were already formed there. And despite the fact that a little later I made friends, isolation increased, the feeling became stronger that they did not need me and, in principle, my existence was aimless. At the beginning of the tenth grade, more serious problems appeared — seizures that manifested as disorientation and breathing problems. Almost anything could cause them, but mostly crowds and even the temperature of the room. nine0003

About a month later, my parents and I went to a psychiatrist, and he said it was depression. I was on pills, it seemed like I was getting better, and at some point I forgot that I was sick in general. But the attacks began to recur more and more often, and in the eleventh grade, during a gym class, an obsessive depressive thought came to my mind, which fettered me so much that I could not move.

Then I went to the psychiatrist again. I was admitted to a psychiatric clinic for three weeks, underwent a full examination and was diagnosed with schizotypal disorder. I got a good doctor, a woman with a sense of humor. At that moment, I already understood that there was some kind of trouble with me, and when the diagnosis was announced, I was even under the impression: “Wow, it turns out that I am like this!” nine0022 True, I have a fear that is always with me — the fear of going completely crazy .

Basically, the disease manifests itself in the form of problems with emotional reactions. That is, I react to events in a way that is not accepted in society — for example, I do not always understand humor, I perceive any remark painfully and get upset by criticism. The obsessions are still with me. I also have hallucinations — auditory and sensory. During hearing sessions, I hear a woman’s whisper calling my name. And during sensual ones, I feel some kind of entity that is trying to replace me in order to make everything better. Also, I am often in a depressed state, it happens that I almost cannot get out of bed and do something: it is not clear why, who needs it and how much I need it, because I will die anyway. nine0003

My parents always accepted my condition, well, except for the case when I left cuts on myself at the age of sixteen. I don’t know what I was trying to feel then, I only remember that after that my depressive episode stopped for a while, but that was only enough for a week. Mom was worried, and dad decided that I was attracting attention.

When new people appear in my life, they are sometimes frightened if they find out about my diagnosis, but it so happened with my social circle that both classmates and friends from outside the school are good people who did not turn away from me. Joy in life is given to me by my family, my girlfriend and creativity — I write music on a computer. nine0003

Due to health problems, I did not finish school, this year I will take the eleventh grade program as an external student. I have not yet decided what I would like to do in life, but I took career guidance tests that revealed an inclination towards advertising and public relations.

It is wrong to romanticize mental disorders. Because people who are really sick may think that they are so cool and they don’t need a doctor, and the disease will eat from the inside and lead to unknown consequences. On the other hand, romanticization partly helps society to accept such people, because the taboo is removed from this topic and people are no longer afraid to talk about mental problems. nine0003

How to recognize signs of suicide? | GAUZ TO «City Polyclinic No. 3»

Attention should be paid to those friends and acquaintances who suddenly begin to behave strangely, unusually. Most suicidal people seem to put up “warning signs” in front of them. These signs are their cry for help.

Threat to commit suicide. As a rule, suicidal teenagers directly or indirectly let their friends and relatives know that they are going to die. You can’t rethink a direct threat; it doesn’t lend itself to various interpretations. “I’m going to commit suicide”, “I won’t be alive next Monday”… Direct threats, even if they feel strained, should be taken extremely seriously. Sharing with you thoughts about suicide for the sake of a “red word” or for the purpose of a joke is unlikely to come to anyone’s mind. nine0003

Indirect threats, meaningful hints are harder to catch. «Life won’t get worse without me» or «Sometimes you want to end it all once and for all» or «God, how tired of living!» Indirect threats are not easy to isolate from conversation, sometimes they can be mistaken for the most ordinary «complaints about life» that are common to all of us when we are irritated, tired or depressed.

Direct and indirect threats should be treated very carefully, although indirect threats can be quite difficult to recognize. Fortunately, the «warning signs» are not limited to threats. nine0003

Verbal warnings.

— «I decided to kill myself.»

— «Tired». How can! Fed up with!»

— «Better to die!»

— «Live — and that’s enough!»

— «I hate my life.»

— «I hate everyone and everything!»

— «The only way out is to die!»

— «I can’t take it anymore!»

— «You won’t see me again!»

— «Do you believe in the transmigration of souls? Someday, maybe I will return to this world!” nine0003

— «If we don’t see each other again, thank you for everything.»

— «I’m leaving the game. Tired!”

Abrupt changes in behavior. When people suddenly start behaving unusually, this is a sure sign that something is wrong with them. Remember: we behave depending on what we feel at the moment. Potential suicides are usually sad, pensive, or agitated, embittered, often self-hating. in the behavior and appearance of those who hatch plans for suicide, their negative emotions are manifested. Pay attention to the change in the behavior of your relatives and acquaintances in the following ways. nine0003

  • Power supply . Adolescents with a good appetite become picky, while those who have always had a poor or unimportant appetite eat «three throats». Accordingly, thin teenagers get fat, and well-fed, on the contrary, lose weight. Anorexia and bulimia are latent suicide.
  • Sleep. Most suicidal adolescents sleep all day; some, on the contrary, lose sleep and turn into “owls”: they walk up and down their room until late, some go to bed only in the morning, awake for no apparent reason. nine0195
  • School . Many students who used to get «good» and «excellent» grades begin to play truant, their academic performance drops sharply. Those who used to be lagging behind are now often expelled from school.
  • Appearance. There are cases when suicidal teenagers stop watching their appearance. They do not comb their hair, dress sloppily, and even stop taking showers in the morning. Teenagers in crisis are untidy, they walk around in rumpled and dirty clothes, and they seem to be completely indifferent to what impression they make. nine0195
  • Activity. Adolescents who are going through a crisis lose interest in everything they used to love. Athletes leave their teams, musicians stop playing their musical instruments, those who jogged every morning cool off for this activity. Many stop seeing friends, avoid old companies, keep apart.
  • Desire for solitude . Suicidal teenagers often withdraw into themselves, avoid others, become isolated, and do not leave their rooms for a long time. They turn on the music and turn off from life. Sometimes they try to leave unnoticed so that none of those present will pay attention to their absence. Sometimes they behave as if life is sick of them, and with all their appearance they make it clear that they are tired of everything and everything. nine0195
  • Distribution of valuables . People about to die often give away things that mean a lot to them. You need to be on the lookout if a person says phrases like these: “I won’t need this thing anymore” or “I want you to have something left of me as a keepsake.”
  • Putting affairs in order . Some suicidal teenagers will give away their favorite things, others will find it necessary to “put their affairs in order” before they die. Some will rush to clean the house, others will rush to pay off their debts, sit down to write a letter that they should have answered a long time ago, or they will want to return an item taken from a friend, wash the floor in a room, dismantle a bureau or a desk. There is nothing suspicious in all these actions; on the contrary, in itself each of them is perfectly normal and natural. However, in combination with other «warning signs», this behavior may indicate the implementation of a suicidal plan. nine0195

Bereavement. Death of relatives: parents or brothers and sisters can push adolescents to thoughts of suicide. After such a loss, the life of a teenager changes in the most decisive way, now he has to not only come to terms with the loss of a loved one, but also close the gap that this loss has made in his life. Some teenagers cannot even imagine how they will live without a father or mother, brother or sister. nine0003

The losses suffered by adolescents are not limited to the death of loved ones. Some teenagers start contemplating suicide after a fight with a girlfriend or after their parents divorced.

Sometimes young people do not want to live anymore if they have suffered a serious illness or if they have an accident that disfigures them.

Everyone bears the loss in their own way. A loss that may seem insignificant to one may become (or seem) irreparable to another. Changing his whole subsequent life, such a loss can push him to suicide. nine0003

Aggression, rebellion and defiance . Adolescents who want to end their lives are often hurt and embittered: they are angry with parents, teachers or friends who did not please them in some way, offended them, did not live up to their expectations. Sometimes they are angry with themselves, and their anger manifests itself in aggression, rebellion and defiance. Like any change in mood, such «explosions» should be alarming. People around, as a rule, do not want to deal with an irritated, quick-tempered, unpredictable person. As a result, just those people who could, if necessary, provide real help to him, turn away from the problem teenager. A person who is in social isolation is in danger of falling into the zone of suicidal risk. nine0003

Self-destructive and risky behavior. Some suicidal adolescents constantly seek to harm themselves, behave «on the verge of risk.» They are carried headlong by cars, bicycles and motorcycles. No matter where they are — at busy intersections, on a winding mountain road, on a narrow bridge or on railway tracks — they drive everywhere at the limit of speed and risk. Some even carry firearms and, pretending to be dashing gangsters, carelessly brandish a pistol, point the muzzle at their foreheads, declare that they are “joking” — and demonstrate feigned composure. nine0003

Some young people who are at risk of suicide stop taking care of their health. They may begin to smoke and drink heavily or use drugs, or combine drugs with alcohol.

Loss of self-esteem . There are days when any teenager feels like the ugliest, clumsiest, and stupidest creature in the world. However, such «self-flagellation» usually does not last long. Some pleasant surprise happens, and self-flagellation is replaced by self-praise, everything falls into place. As a rule, young people have enough self-esteem and self-confidence, which allows them to survive the hard times and mood swings that they are so prone to. nine0003

Teenagers who have lost their self-respect are quite another matter. Young people with low self-esteem or who treat themselves without any respect at all consider themselves worthless, unnecessary and unloved. They feel like they’re outsiders and losers, that they’re failing, and that no one likes them. In this case, they may have the idea that it would be better if they died.

Risk groups.

Depression and the desire to commit suicide are not the same thing. You can suffer from depression, but do not even think about suicide. At the same time, the majority of suicidal adolescents are united by a tendency to depression. Depression is usually preceded by a feeling of sadness, often unconscious, and hopelessness. nine0003

Almost all young people experience depression and melancholy from time to time. Mood swings are characteristic of young people, but these swings continue for a day or two, no more. The so-called situational depression is directly related to what happened or is happening in the life of a teenager: young men and women react vividly to bad grades, to quarrels with friends and girlfriends, to family troubles, to loss of work. Adolescents who face not one, but several problems at the same time, fall into depression, triple the ability to find a way out of the situation. nine0003

Depression can lead young people to commit suicide because depressed teenagers often think that their misery will never end. It seems to them that they have fallen into a streak of bad luck, that “it will only get worse” and that there is no way out of this situation and cannot be. They imagine that the life they lead now will continue forever. The way out of this state of hopelessness can be suicide.

Depressed teenagers lose interest in life, in the people who surround them. They stop communicating with friends, stop doing what they used to do with interest. They look sad, depressed, they sleep a lot, they usually talk in a quiet, tired voice. The impression is that they live through force. They are involved in a vicious circle: depression leads to alienation, alienation breeds melancholy, melancholy — a new round of depression. And the longer this cycle lasts, the greater the risk that a teenager, trying to end melancholy and loneliness, will end his life. nine0003

Alcoholism and drug addiction . There are three ways in which alcohol and drugs affect a “depressed” teenager:

1. If a teenager does not drink or use drugs in principle, but is depressed and contemplating suicide, drinking and drugs can cloud his mind and push him to suicide .

2. If a teenager is a drinker and drug addict, drinking and drug use can cause depression and suicidal thoughts.

3. If the parents of a teenager are alcoholics and drug addicts, then family scandals and troubles caused by this circumstance can significantly affect the psyche of a teenager, bring him close to the suicidal line. nine0003

Approximately one third of teens who commit suicide are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Most often, a teenager does not use drugs, but drinks — usually beer: it is cheaper and more accessible.

Most young people who commit suicide under the influence of alcohol or drugs are not really drug addicts or alcoholics, they are just very ill. Alcohol and drugs cloud the mind, deprive teenagers of the opportunity to think “with a cool head”. nine0003

They are already depressed — under the influence of alcohol and drugs, suicide may seem to them the only way to stop the mental pain. As a result, they develop courage and are more risk-averse than when sober.

Drugs and alcohol have a detrimental effect on the lives of those teenagers whose parents are alcoholics and drug addicts. By themselves, young people may not be addicted to drugs and alcohol, but their lives are full of suffering due to the fact that the family breaks up. nine0003

Gifted teenagers . It’s hard to believe that your smart, talented friends can run into problems that will make them attempt to die. The thing is that gifted teenagers are faced with the need to demonstrate their superiority in all areas of life, which, naturally, imposes considerable obligations on them. It begins to seem to many of them that they do not love them, but the awards, prizes and honors that they receive, the abilities that they are endowed with by nature. Therefore, as soon as they get just one bad mark, take not first, but second place in a sports competition, or somehow “prove” that their talents are exaggerated, they become depressed, they begin to feel that they have let everyone down, including themselves. Feelings of shame and guilt over the “failure” that has befallen may push them to think about suicide. nine0003

Adolescents gifted in one area or another are often overly meticulous, petty; each step they carefully verify, think over; it seems to them that any decision they make should be the only possible one, that there is no other way but the one chosen by them. It is difficult for them — and even impossible — to imagine that they were mistaken in their calculations and that they should choose a different path.

Adolescents with poor school performance. Adolescents who find it difficult to learn and therefore perform poorly often suffer from low self-esteem and, as a result, become depressed. Both of these can lead to suicide. nine0003

Such students may be among your friends. Maybe they even complained to you about their lack of ability. In fact, this is not a defect, but a discrepancy: for the education of such students, other methods are needed that would enable them to finish school and get a profession.

Because these students face particular challenges in the classroom, they are under increased stress. Their self-esteem constantly suffers from stinging, snarky remarks from their classmates and teachers, which can make them feel like they are stupid and will never achieve anything. nine0003

Everyone wants to be loved by teachers and classmates – the lack of such love can become a heavy burden, which a teenager can get rid of only by resorting to desperate measures.

Pregnancy. Teenagers are becoming more and more sexually active every year, and these sexually active teenagers are not using contraceptives. which is why there is nothing surprising in the fact that girls in our time become pregnant at an earlier and earlier age. Many of them — if they suspect or be convinced that they are pregnant — are horrified and panicked. nine0003

Most of them are afraid of parental anger. Some people care what they say to teachers and friends. Including the boys who looked after them. Now they are likely to leave them, yes or no? How will pregnancy affect their plans?

The decisions they have to make in connection with pregnancy (To keep or not to keep the child? And if so, who will take care of it?) are also very ambiguous. It may turn out that the girl does not know what to do. She will be afraid that her parents or her friend will force her to make a choice that seems to her undesirable. nine0003

Pregnancy is an unsolvable problem for many girls. They understand that pregnancy is not something you can hide, and they believe that their relationship with their parents and friends will be ruined forever. It seems to them that life has not worked out, which means that death is the only thing left for them.

Adolescent victims of violence . Until your boyfriend or girlfriend admits to you that they have been physically, emotionally or sexually hurt at school, at home, or elsewhere, you are likely to be completely unaware of what happened. However, some evidence will give you reason to suspect that your friend or girlfriend has been the victim of abuse. nine0003

Low self-esteem, as well as rough verbal altercations between your friend and his parents, will serve as clear evidence of emotional trauma. However, young people who have been emotionally traumatized usually act timidly, shyly, as if afraid to draw attention to themselves. They have been taught to think that they are incapable of anything, stupid and ignorant. Often, therefore, they lack self-confidence, every word in their defense is given to them with incredible difficulty. nine0003

Sexual trauma is especially difficult to track down, as the herb is usually kept in deep secrecy.