Dead by daylight meg: Meg thomas — Official Dead by Daylight Wiki

[Top 5] Dead By Daylight Best Meg Thomas Builds

[Top 5] Dead By Daylight Best Meg Thomas Builds

Meg Thomas is one of the original survivors that launched with the base game of Dead by Daylight. Being that she is one of the first survivors, her perks are fairly strong, in fact, you probably get the most value out of her 3 teachable perks than any other survivor. Let’s look into some builds you can use with them.

5. Advanced Meg

Meg Thomas (Dead By Daylight) 2020 Beginners’ Build #3

Starting, we have Advanced Meg which is a perfect introduction to these builds because it introduces all 3 of Meg’s teachable perks. This is a great beginner build since it doesn’t require you to have anyone else’s teachable perks unlocked either.

Adrenaline is a great end game perk that can become strong if you manage to get all 5 generators done, otherwise, it is useless, unfortunately. When it does kick in, however, it can save you from a hard time.

Kindred is a great solo queue perk to use, because it allows you to see every other survivor on the map while it is active, as well as the Killer’s aura within a certain distance to the hooked survivor. Also, when you are hooked, it lets all the other survivors see each other and the killer’s aura as well. This is invaluable information and your teammates will love you for it.

Sprint Burst is one of the stronger exhaustion perks in the game, it allows you to use it whenever you want, you do not need to vault a window or need to be injured to use it. You can even use it when you aren’t in a chase just to get to objectives faster.

Quick and Quiet allows you to vault windows and pallets or jump inside lockers without making a noise notification for the killer which in turn allows you to juke the killer and have them possibly lose you.

What Advanced Meg Excels In:

  • Uses all 3 of Meg’s teachable perks.
  • Opportunity to prolong chases when spotted by the killer.
  • Opportunity to mind game killer through vaults.
  • Strong end game potential.

Perks Used:

Adrenaline: When the Exit Gates are powered, instantly heal one Health State and sprint at 150% of your normal Running speed for 5 seconds.

  • Adrenaline is on hold if you are disabled at the moment it triggers and will instead activate upon being freed.
  • If playing against The Nightmare, Adrenaline will wake you from the Dream World upon activation.
  • Adrenaline ignores an existing Exhaustion timer, but causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.

Kindred: While you are hooked:

  • The Auras of all Survivors are revealed to one another.
  • Whenever the Killer is within 8/12/16 meters of your Hook, their Aura is revealed to all Survivors.
  • While another Survivor is hooked:
  • The Auras of all other Survivors are revealed to you.
  • Whenever the Killer is within 8/12/16 meters of the hooked Survivor, their Aura is revealed to you.

Sprint Burst: When starting to run, break into a sprint at 150% of your normal running speed for a maximum of 3 seconds.

  • Sprint Burst causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
  • Sprint Burst cannot be used when Exhausted.

Quick and Quiet: Loud Noise notifications for rushing to vault Windows, or to enter or exit Lockers are completely suppressed.

  • Quick & Quiet has a cool-down of 30/25/20 seconds.


4. I Run Killers

My Meg Thomas Build Is Unstoppable «I Run Killers For Eternity With This Build» Dead By Daylight

I Run Killers is used with the intent of being in a chase as long as possible while the rest of your team can do generators. The perks used here help you significantly in a chase, you just need a bit of skill in looping the killer around.

Iron Will makes it harder for the killer to figure out where you are since you will not be giving off grunts of pain. Even while you are being actively chased this is still strong because if you lose line of sight of the killer, they only have an idea of where you are and can’t pinpoint you based on your sounds.

Resilience and Spine Chill give you speed boosts to actions including vaulting. So if you are injured and being chased by the killer you can vault much faster than a default survivor which will allow you to loop multiple tiles much more.

And once again we have Sprint Burst which gives you free distance in a chase when you use it at the beginning when you get caught.

What I Run Killers Excels In:

  • Very strong loops while being chased by the killer.
  • Quick vaults.
  • Strong exhaustion perk.

Perks Used:

Iron Will: When injured, Grunts of Pain are reduced by 50/75/100%.
Resilience: When injured, your Action speeds in Repairing, Healing, Sabotaging, Unhooking, Vaulting, Cleansing, Opening, and Unlocking are increased by 3/6/9%.
Spine Chill: Whenever the Killer is looking in your direction when within 36 meters of you, Spine Chill activates:

  • Skill Check Trigger odds are increased by 10%.
  • Skill Check Success zones are reduced by 10%.
  • Your Action speeds in Repairing, Healing, Sabotaging, Unhooking, Vaulting, Cleansing, Opening, and Unlocking are increased by 2/4/6%.

Sprint Burst: When starting to run, break into a sprint at 150% of your normal running speed for a maximum of 3 seconds.

  • Sprint Burst causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
  • Sprint Burst cannot be used when Exhausted.


3. Meta Survivor

Abusing The Meta Survivor Build For 5 Gens — Dead by Daylight

The Meta Survivor uses, you guessed it, all meta perks. These perks are very strong and when used correctly / able to use them, and should give you a very high chance to escape the trial.

Adrenaline gives you an instant heal and speed boost once all 5 generators are done which can save you in some situations. If you are working on the last generator and are injured you don’t have to worry about healing since getting the generator done will do that for you, or if you are being chased by the killer, you will get an extra hit back, and the extra speed boost too.

Dead Hard is arguably the best exhaustion perk as it helps you extend loops. Occasionally you will be able to use Dead Hard’s invincibility frames to dash through an attack, but most of the time you will be using the extra distance it gives you to make it to a window or pallet when normally you wouldn’t make it.

Decisive Strike and Unbreakable are both rather situational, however still very strong. Decisive Strike allows you to stun the killer when being picked up after recently being unhooked, basically giving you a second chance at a chase. Unbreakable will allow you to recover faster on the ground and allows you to pick yourself up once. This is only going to be used if the killer is trying to slug you, or trying to wait out the timer for Decisive Strike.

What Meta Survivor Excels In:

  • Very strong perks.
  • Counters tunneling.
  • Counters slugging.
  • Great chase potential.

Perks Used:

Adrenaline: When the Exit Gates are powered, instantly heal one Health State and sprint at 150% of your normal Running speed for 5 seconds.

  • Adrenaline is on hold if you are disabled at the moment it triggers and will instead activate upon being freed.
  • If playing against The Nightmare, Adrenaline will wake you from the Dream World upon activation.
  • Adrenaline ignores an existing Exhaustion timer, but causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.

Dead Hard: When Injured, tap into your adrenaline bank and dash forward quickly to avoid damage.

  • Press the Active Ability button while running to dash forward.
  • Avoid any damage during the Dash.
  • Dead Hard causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
  • Dead Hard cannot be used when Exhausted.

Decisive Strike: After being unhooked or unhooking yourself, Decisive Strike activates for the next 40/50/60 seconds:

  • When being grabbed or picked up by the Killer, succeed a Skill Check to automatically escape their grasp, stunning them for 5 seconds.
  • Successfully stunning the Killer will disable Decisive Strike for the remainder of the Trial and result in you becoming the Obsession.
  • While Decisive Strike is active, the following interactions will deactivate it:
  • Repairing a Generator.
  • Healing yourself or other Survivors.
  • Cleansing a Totem.
  • Sabotaging a Hook.
  • Unhooking other Survivors.
  • Increases the odds of being the Obsession.
  • The Killer can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.

Unbreakable: Once per Trial, you can completely recover from the Dying State.

  • Your Recovery speed is permanently increased by 25/30/35%.


2. Toxic Meg

Playing As Meg Thomas BUT I’m SUPER TOXIC | Dead By Daylight

Toxic Meg is titled as such because its intent was to put things together that upset the killer the most. While this build was made a while ago, these perks are still very annoying to the killer today.

Adrenaline is annoying because the killer is worried about the generators being finished, and once that final generator pops and they see survivors all heal up, it just adds a lot more stress to them.

Decisive Strike is annoying because it gives survivors a second chance at a chase and stuns the killer, which is never fun and is bound to make them at least a little upset.

Sprint Burst can be annoying as well if used in a specific way. A way you can use it like this is to wait for the killer to get close to you so that they start to attack, but then you start sprinting, activating Sprint Burst, which then makes the killer miss their attack and have to catch back up to you again.

Self Care isn’t toxic to the killer at all. It is probably more annoying to your teammates since you aren’t spending your time working on generators or having a teammate heal you much faster.

What Toxic Meg Excels In:

  • Strong end game perks.
  • Counters tunneling.
  • Ability to heal yourself if needed.

Perks Used:

Adrenaline: When the Exit Gates are powered, instantly heal one Health State and sprint at 150% of your normal Running speed for 5 seconds.

  • Adrenaline is on hold if you are disabled at the moment it triggers and will instead activate upon being freed.
  • If playing against The Nightmare, Adrenaline will wake you from the Dream World upon activation.
  • Adrenaline ignores an existing Exhaustion timer, but causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.

Decisive Strike: After being unhooked or unhooking yourself, Decisive Strike activates for the next 40/50/60 seconds:

  • When being grabbed or picked up by the Killer, succeed a Skill Check to automatically escape their grasp, stunning them for 5 seconds.
  • Successfully stunning the Killer will disable Decisive Strike for the remainder of the Trial and result in you becoming the Obsession.
  • While Decisive Strike is active, the following interactions will deactivate it:
  • Repairing a Generator.
  • Healing yourself or other Survivors.
  • Cleansing a Totem.
  • Sabotaging a Hook.
  • Unhooking other Survivors.
  • Increases the odds of being the Obsession.
  • The Killer can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.

Self Care: Unlocks the ability to heal yourself without needing a Med-Kit at 50% of the normal Healing speed.

  • When using a Med-Kit, its Depletion rate is decreased by 10/15/20%.

Sprint Burst: When starting to run, break into a sprint at 150% of your normal running speed for a maximum of 3 seconds.

  • Sprint Burst causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
  • Sprint Burst cannot be used when Exhausted.


1. Ninja Meg


Finally, we have Ninja Meg. While all the other builds were generally focused on making your chase potential strong, Ninja Meg is focused on being sneaky and hiding from the killer.

Iron Will helps you suppress the noise you make while you are injured. Urban Evasion adds to this because you can crouch walk while moving at the same speed as normal walking, allowing you to shrink your model and making it easier to sneak around tires, trees, barrel fires, etc. If you were to do this without Iron Will and were injured, you would give away your position easily.

Quick and Quiet is used to quickly vault things or getting into lockers to quickly hide from the killer without them seeing you, or if they do see you and you are in a chase, for confusing them by making them think you are going to vault, but if they try to double back and don’t hear the noise notification, they may end up doubling back again and losing you.

Calm Spirit is mostly just used for the theme of the build, it allows you to run around Crows without setting them off, which can counter killers that use Spies from the Shadows. It does also however suppress your screams which can counter killers that have abilities that make you scream, mostly The Doctor, but also The Clown. This can also soft counter killers that are using perks like Infectious Fright or Dragons Grip.

What Ninja Meg Excels In:

  • Being sneaky and hard to spot.
  • Ability to mind game the killer.
  • Easy to hide from the killer.
  • Hard counter to Doctors.

Perks Used:

Iron Will: When injured, Grunts of Pain are reduced by 50/75/100%.
Urban Evasion: When crouching, your Movement speed is increased by 90/95/100%.
Quick and Quiet: Loud Noise notifications for rushing to vault Windows, or to enter or exit Lockers are completely suppressed.

  • Quick & Quiet has a cool-down of 30/25/20 seconds.

Calm Spirit: The chances of alerting nearby Crows are reduced by 80/90/100% and your urge to scream from pain is suppressed.


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Dead by daylight — frwiki.


For articles of the same name, see DBD.

Dead by Daylight ( DBD ) is a survival horror type multiplayer video game developed by Behavior Interactive and published by Starbreeze Studios, released in 2016 on Windows 4 and Xbox One. Originally announced for Nintendo Switch on October 31, 2019, the release date has been pushed back to September 24, 2019of the year. It will then release on iOS and Android on April 16, 2020, and finally on Stadia on September 1, 2020.


  • 1 Game system
  • 2 Contents

    • 2.1 Main game
    • 2.2 First year
    • 2.3 Second year
    • 2.4 Third year
    • 2.5 Fourth year
    • 2.6 Fifth year
    • 2.7 Sixth year
  • 3 House

    • 3.1 review
    • 3.2 Sales
  • 4 links

game system

Dead By Daylight is an asymmetrical competitive game for 5 players. One of the players takes on the role of an assassin who seeks to sacrifice other players, called «survivors», for the essence by hanging them on a hook or killing them using their skills or offerings. For their part, the survivors must leave the area by repairing five generators to provide two exit doors they can open. To escape the killer, they can also escape through the hatch if they have the key; by default, it only opens when there is only one survivor left on the map.

When Survivors repair a generator, they have a chance to activate a skill check. If the Survivor fails the test, the generator will slow down and the resulting explosion will reveal the location of the generator being repaired to the killer.

The killer has the ability to sabotage a repairable generator to slow down the progress of the survivors. He can also hurt other players to knock them down, leaving them little time to be rescued by teammates before they bleed to death.

Survivors can also open chests that allow them to find items they can use to repair generators faster (with toolboxes — they also allow you to temporarily destroy sacrificial hooks), heal themselves, or heal them. Other survivors are faster than without equipment (with first aid kits), blind the killer (with flashlights) and more.


Base in game

After release Dead by Daylight launched with 3 killers: Trapper, Ghost and The Mountain, plus 4 survivors: Dwight Fairfield, Meg Thomas, Claudette Morel and Jake Park. These survivors, unlike those released in the DLC, have basic skills that give them a role in the game: repair (Dwight), distraction (Meg), healing (Claudette), and sabotage (Jake).

First year

In 2016, the game’s character roster expanded with the addition of Nurse and Nea Karlsson, Silhouette (Michael Myers) and Laurie Strode from the movie Halloween, Harpies and Ace Visconti, William «Bill» Overbeck from Left 4 Dead, and finally the Doctor and Feng Ming. Thus, the game received the first two licenses.

Second year

In 2017 Huntsman and David King, Nightmare (Freddy Krueger) and Quentin Smith from Freddy: Nightclaws , Cannibal (Leatherface) from Texas Chainsaw Massacre and finally Pig (Amanda Young) and Inspector Tapp from saw saga joined Dead by Daylight . Thus, three licenses were added to the game.

Third year

From June 2018 to March 2019, only the original killers and survivors made it to the list of main characters: Clown and Kate Denson, Spirit and Adam Francis, Legion and Jeff Johansen, and finally Epidemic and Jane. Romero.

Fourth year

As of June 2019, licensed Ghostface characters from Scream, Ash J. Williams from Ash vs. Evil Dead, Demogorgon, Nancy Wheeler and Steve Harrington of Stranger Things. 2019 ended with an Oni, a demon associated with Spirit, the other assassin in the game, and Yui Kimura. Finally, in March 2020, the original characters Death Thrower and Zarina Kassir were implemented.

Fifth year

From June 2020 Silent Hill licensed characters, The Executioner (Pyramid Head) and Cheryl Mason. Two new original characters will be added in September: The Scourge, whose story, setting and characteristics are reminiscent of the previous two Halloween events, and Felix Richter as a survivor. December 1st, France is in the spotlight with new Malagasy survivor, Elodie Rakota and «The Twins», a French Siamese sibling at XVII — th century, who also have the distinction of being the first split assassin, although only one, can be played at a time. On March 30, 2021, the characters of Ji-Woon Hak aka Joker, a psychopathic K-pop singer, and Yoon-Jin Lee, his self-absorbed producer, are added to the game. The DLC uses an ultra-modern and colorful Korean aspect. — at the level of the main menu screen and music — slightly denoting the usual style of play. In parallel, skins on the theme of Seoul and for other characters were created.

sixth year

On June 15, 2021, the first chapter added under license from Resident Evil on the occasion of its 25th anniversary includes Leon S. Kennedy, Jill Valentine and Nemesis from Resident Evil 2 Remake and Resident Evil 3 Remake. It should be noted that additional (paid) skins can allow you to take on the appearance of Claire and Chris Redfield, each of which has its own sound palette in the game. The new map, although delayed at the release of the DLC, allows you to play in the Raccoon City Police Station. Another original feature and new game mechanic regarding Nemesis is the artificial intelligence installation: zombies appear on the map that can infect or damage the survivors.

Finally, a notorious nod to the Resident Evil license, Nemesis recognizes a member of the STARS (skin Jill or Chris) and therefore starts yelling « STARS!» » when he uses MORI or finds it in a locker.



  • GameSpot : 6/10


The game was a major commercial success. By February 2017, it had sold over 1.8 million copies.


  1. (in) DBD Team, « 5th Anniversary Broadcast and Resident Evil Chapter Reveal», cf. YouTube video » at https://deadbydaylight. com/ ,
  2. (in) Joab Gilroy, Dead by Daylight Review , July 3, 2016, GameSpot.
  3. (in) Madeleine Rikkiuto, Starbreeze Studios Boosts Sales Due to Dead By Daylight and Payday 2 , Feb. 17, 2017, Bleeding Cool.

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      Dead by daylight, BHVR, hunter, HD wallpaper

    • 2501x1563px

      Cillian Murphy, Peaky Blinders, Thomas Shelby, TV series, HD wallpaper

    • 1920x1080px

      Peaky Blinders, Cillian Murphy, Thomas Shelby, HD wallpaper

    • 1687x1000px

      Pokemon, Greninja (Pokemon), Mega Charizard X (Pokemon), Mega Sceptile (Pokemon), HD wallpaper

    • 4367x2720px

      Thomas Cole, painting, HD wallpaper

    • 1920x1080px

      Mega Man, Mega Man X, HD wallpaper

    • 2880x1773px

      Thomas Kinkade Classic Christmas Picture, Thomas Kinkade Village Christmas Wallpaper, Holidays, Christmas, City, Thomas Kinkade, HD wallpaper

    • 2916x1941px

      street painting, autumn, light, city, France, Paris, dusk, painting, Thomas Kinkade, boulevard, boulevard lights, HD wallpaper

    • 7680x4320px

      man, shark, jaws, meg, megalodon, HD wallpaper

    • 1600x1000px

      Pokemon Haunter wallpaper, pokemon, gengar, mega gengar, ishmam, HD wallpaper

    • 2880x1773px

      Jesus painting by Thomas Kinkade, white flowers, Artistic, Drawings, Jesus, Painting, Thomas, Kinkade, HD wallpaper

    • 1600x1000px

      pokemon dragon wallpaper, pokemon, charizard, ishmam, mega charizard Y, shiny mega charizard Y, HD wallpaper

    • 5142x3000px

      Pokemon, Charizard (Pokemon), Mega Charizard X (Pokemon), Mega Charizard Y (Pokemon), HD wallpaper

    • 1920x1080px

      rainbow, sky, cloud, clouds, fluffy clouds, sunlight, sunlight, daytime, sky, HD wallpaper

    • 1920x1080px

      Pokemon, Pokemon: Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, Mega Rayquaza (Pokemon), HD wallpaper

    • 1920x752px

      Pokémon, Pokémon: Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, Mai (Pokémon), Mega Evolution (Pokémon), Mega Rayquaza (Pokemon), Mega Salamens (Pokémon), Rayquaza (Pokémon), Salamance (Pokémon), Wismur (Pokémon)Pokémon ), HD wallpaper

    • 2500x1667px

      snow covered trees, photography, landscape, nature, winter, forest, snow, fog, daylight, path, trees, atmosphere, fairy tale, hungary, HD wallpaper

    • 4410x2750px

      Thomas Cole, painting, HD wallpaper

    • 1333x880px

      thomas and friends, three, HD wallpaper