Dayz nettng beta: Small boat — DayZ Wiki

DayZ – NekoJonez’s Gaming Blog

Manga: Btooom!
Publisher: Yen Press
Mangaka: Junya Inoue
Genre: Action, Science fiction, Romance, Psychological

Concept Game: Btooom!
Genre: Third person action

This articles is being posted here for all my fellow cats, 14 hours before it appears anywhere else. I hope it is an enjoyable read. 
Many of us have played call of duty in the past and those that have not have certainly seen gameplay or heard something about this massive success in the FPS genre; it’s like Final Fantasy to the RPG genre and Btooom! to the TPA genre….. oh wait, there is no Btooom! Game, but what if there was?

What if the manga was adapted into a third person shooter style game for modern PC and consoles. Could you imagine the awesome fun it would be to play such a game? By this point if you have no idea of what I am talking about then don’t worry I will explain briefly before I delve into the meat of this article.

OK so btooom! Is a manga based on a fictional game that can easily be a game in real life. The story is about this boy that is considered a Net (basically a hardcore online gamer). He is despised by his mother who has taken a husband that the boy does not seem to be too keen on. The mother then gets information about a game, ironically a real game based on the exact game her son plays. This game is played by real people with stakes that involve life and death. The company claims to be taking trouble makers out of regular society and so the wench sends her only son with this company (yes I called her a wench, what kind of mother does what she does). He is taken without his knowledge or consent to a remote island populated by giant lizards and other individuals of a similar faith as him.

They were all chosen by a person close to them that despised them enough to submit their name to be sent to the island. The main theme of the manga is kill or be killed. To leave the island one has to collect 7 gems, 6 if you don’t count the one embedded in the individual’s hand. The hard part of this arrangement is that the only way to acquire these gems is to kill people and take it from their corpse. The main way in which they battle is via the use of various bombs, hence the name btooom! The bombs are of different types and each type has a different ability. There is the standard one that just explodes, then the ones that spread a deadly acid cloud, the ones that home in on their target and numerous others.

The Island you go to to die.

Now that we are all caught up on the plot we can discuss what it would be like if this manga was made into a video game. Now as the game is already a third person shooter style affair in the manga then I say it should stay close to the source material in that aspect. The style I have in mind is similar to that of an uncharted 3 multiplayer style of game play. I think it would benefit from no HUD to add to the immersion.

The only way the player would be able to tell what Bim (the Bombs) they have active. They would be to look at their character whose stance will change depending on the one he/ she has active. For example the homing Bim in the manga is activated by holding it in front of the user’s eye and locking it on to a target. So for one like that the character stance would switch to one that is holds the Bim up in front of them. This I think will add a certain depth to the game that will allow vets to show their class by memorizing the different stances as well as being able to switch effortlessly between them even while in motion. In btooom the characters soon notice that they have to ability to detect moving targets by using the gems in their hands and putting out a sort of sonar style of pulse.

This is a great feature for such a game as without a HUD it will not have a map. The player will have to use their wits while using this system as by using it will give out that player’s location even if they are not moving. It will also add that trill of the stalk where some players can stay hidden not moving with a homing Bim only to pounce on passers-by. The Uncharted style gameplay would allow for a very limited almost accidental from of movement and verticality. This is very important to keeping the authenticity to the manga. Why I say this is because remember these are regular folks that are placed into a situation that they themselves are not familiar with, as such the character should handle in a sort of floaty as the match starts but as they kill more of their fellow men the controls will become tighter, deliberate.

The better players will use this system to their advantage, but this does not mean that by proper planning and execution that a new player can’t take them down. The system should be fair enough to reward all players but still punish weaknesses. As manga has access to an entire island I think the map should be just that. It can be split up into sections for some modes and open for the purist. The island in the manga has creatures on it most notable are the giant poisonous lizards. These creatures will be perfect for a multiplayer environment. They will add a certain degree of uncertainty and in some ways prevent the average camper from being just that, a camper.

Btooom has is a bit of like a survival story and because of that the characters have to use their surroundings to help them survive the hash island life they have been forced to live. In a game of the same nature it would be interest to add mechanics like a simple crafting system that can allow players to set traps as well as protect themselves. The system should be simple like that of minecraft or Dayz. In a multiplayer game the gamer does not have time to use a deep system when around the corner could be a homing or acid Bim.

which Bim would you choose ?

The games objective should be the same as the manga’s. What this means for the player is that if they can collect 7 gems they can call in a chopper to get them off the island scoring them one point towards an upgrade or character customization items. IF they work as a team and acquire 14 or more they would reap better rewards. A player can also solo play it and kill everyone if he can and take all the bim for himself earning him more rewards along a certain tree. I think all the rewards should be on trees that reward players depending on play style. So a team oriented player would get different rewards from the solo act and so on.

I already described a few of the games mechanics I have in mind above so I’ll focus on just a few others I think would help make a proper adaptation of the manga. Swimming is one I think the game should have. It will allow the player to use the water to stalk other players or use it as a way to escape an attack like an acid Bim attack. In the manga the company does these drop offs of supplies via parachute but the quantity is always limited.

This forces the inhabitants of the island to fight for these supplies if they want to survive. In the game it can be similar to call of duty drops but they will be random and dropped in unoccupied locations on the map near players. This I believe will result in the players playing in a similar way as the characters in the manga do. Some may get to the drop first and leave it in the open as a trap to kill other players, while others may take out anyone that they meet as they approach it then take it for themselves. The outcomes are numerous and I’ll be interested in seeing how the players play the game (if it were really made).

So far I have described an online multiplayer style game and ignored a solo experience due to the fact that a game like this would benefit more from multiplayer and less from a solo experience. As someone that prefers a solo experience I more so than most would enjoy an experience I can enjoy by myself without the competitiveness of other players spoiling my story experience. If the game I have in mind were to have what my kind prefer then it would have to be a fully customizable character dropped into the world of the manga.

He/ She would have a plot line chosen by the player e.g. (A thirteen year old bully from a broken home that beats up and robs his fellow students). With a fully fleshed out back story the character is put into the plot of the manga along with the past and current characters. The player is now allowed to explore the island and choose how he wishes to tackle his/ her survival. They can choose to partner with other characters from the manga or kill them. The game play I invasion as a Dayz meets Farcry 3 type of game play or even one like fallout 3.

This is my proposal for a Btooom! The Game. What is yours?

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Posted on by that messy hair blokePosted in Articles, ButtonSmashersTagged action, Bim, bombs, Btooom, Btooom Video game, DayZ, death, Fallout 3, Farcry 3, FPS, gamers, Himiko, island, Junya Inoue, lpgardian, manga, multiplayer game, neko, neko gaming blog, neko jonez, Nets, Psychological, real btooom video game, romance, Ryota Sakamoto, Science Fiction, survival, The Game, third person action, third person shooter, video game, Yen Press. 8 Comments

Dayz v1.81 news — Mod DB

Dayz has come a long way since it’s initial roots in Arma 2, having influenced many in development survival zombie games, and even spawned a copy cat. This update is probably one of the most important ones to date. Adding a nutritional system, delayed infection (Sepsis), ability to administer antibiotics on your friend (gives 20 humanity), craftable medical items, craftable weapons (and arrows), sea fishing, more userfriendly UI (ongoing), a new weapon (SVD) and more.

This is the rolling Development changelog for 1.8.1

This is the rolling Development changelog for 1.8.1
* [NEW] - Mechanic -Nutrition system for all food types.
* [NEW] - Mechanic -Hunger and Thirst is now based on the new nutrition system.
* [NEW] - Mechanic - Salvage Parts from Vehicles (Players with a toolbox can now remove undamaged parts from vehicles in world)
* [NEW] - Storage - Dome Tent has now been added.
* [NEW] - Loot bias is now controlled by the server admin.
* [NEW] - Private SQL - Cleanup updated to move dead bodies(character_dead) to a new table before removal from main table(character_data).
* [NEW] - 1 new model (feather).
* [NEW] - Woodern arrows can now be created.  (Wood,FeatherX2)
* [NEW] - Feathers added to Hens as you gut.
* [NEW] - Action menu update to destroy tents. (all items pile up outside)
* [FIXED] - Infected Camps no longer repeatedly spawn infected.
* [FIXED] - Infected Camps Loot updated to be more in line with crash sites.
* [FIXED] - LOOT - Building locks have been moved to after the building has spawned loot. (hopefully this should allow the bias to sometimes fail but allow other pass's if no loot has spawned.
* [UPDATED] - Thirst and hunger updated to no longer be a instant fill on eating/drinking.
* [UPDATED] - Melee weapons updated Range and shot count.
* [UPDATED] - Full moon nights is now select-able by the server admins.
Remember this is a development change log.
To be done.
Bloodbags removed from hospitals and replaced with self bloodbag parts.
Cardbox box's for medical systems to be updated to a new model.
Self bloodbag system to be added. (blood must be drawn from player before hand see 1).
New crafting recipes to be added. 
New plant systems to be added.
Nutrition systems needs calories updating for every food item.
Melee weapon fire to be updated from a single shot to a small burst. (see how it plays and looks).
Make loot bias changeable option within the mission file for private server admins. (Done)
Load journal with all config options for easy player view of server settings. (Spawnselection,Lootbias).

Hotfix: Changelog:
* [FIXED] — Loot Spawning underground.
* [UPDATED] — Character selection screen is now forced until a character is selectedc(Does not effect reality Servers, on new character).
* [UPDATED] — Spawn selection screen is now forced until a spawn location is selected (if enabled).

Dev Vlog — September 2013

The ideal place to post bugs is:

Please make sure they are listed to the DayZ project. Feature requests can also be made through this system.

Patch Download:
DayZ Files: Cdn. or
Hive Files: or

Full Download: Client Files: or
Server Files: or

* [Prerequisites] — Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 x86 Redistributable (Microsoft…ls.aspx?id=8328)
* [Prerequisites] — New Mission File Downloaded from (Silentspy…sion-generator)
* [Prerequisites] — Battleye Filters must be updated manually by server admins. (

Build Notes:

Affected addons:
* dayz
* dayz_anim
* dayz_code
* dayz_communityassets
* dayz_sfx
* st_bunnyhop
* st_collision
* st_evasive

Serverside affected addons:
* dayz_server (server admins only)
* Mission (server admins only) (Prerequisites) Downloaded from Silentspy…sion-generator
* SQL Files (server admins only) — For running your own, local, official type, hive
* BattlEye-Filters (server admins only) Github. com

Fishing — The fishing rod is the wrong way around, we are aware of this issue.
Reality private hive — Is also updated to work with 1.8. Thanks TheVisad.


    * [NEW] - New Player UI (Eat, Drink, Blood Icons, Sound/Sight icons).
        * [NEW] - Combat Mode System. (Disconnect in x secounds has been removed. Combat icon has been removed. Countdown is now on the abort button itself)
        * [NEW] - Completely reworked inventory design.
        * [NEW] - Spawn selection. (Balota, Berenzino, Cherno, Elektro, Kamenka, Solnichniy and Random) Server admins can choose to enable/disable. (Default: disabled)
        * [NEW] - You may now access another player's gear if they are unconscious.
        * [NEW] - Medbox1 and foodbox1 found at infected camps.
        * [NEW] - Medbox1 added to hospital.
        * [NEW] - Compass is now twice as big.
        * [NEW] - Now possible to siphon the fuel from vehicles.
        * [NEW] - Weapon - SVD (MilitarySpecial)
        * [NEW] - Backpacks have a new sound on opening. 
        * [NEW] - Bear trap has been re-added to loot tables. (More information down in the Changelog)
        * [NEW] - Object orientation system for better placement (will allow more control on object placement tents, stash, camo nets, tanktraps, sandbags, wirefence)
        * [NEW] - Added item Camo net. (Helicrash, Military)
        * [NEW] - Camo nets will be removed within 24 hours of owners death.
        * [NEW] - New Loot locations (Land_a_stationhouse, Land_HouseV2_04_interier, Land_Mil_Barracks_i, Land_SS_hangar)
        * [NEW] - Logs Suspicious weapons, kills with local vehicles and one shoot kills.
        * [NEW] - Hold/carry functionality to gear.
        * [NEW] - Weapon switch 1, 2, 3 keys function as hotkey. (1 => rifle, 2 => pistol, 3 => melee)
        * [NEW] - Added plants model antihack.
        * [NEW] - Death screen function. (Player will be moved to lobby after a 5 second timeout.)
        * [NEW] - ShackTac Movement addons - This addon causes your weapon collision with the environment to be significantly toned down, meaning that you can now move sideways through doorways and generally find CQB to be enjoyable, versus feeling like a rusty robot trying to navigate a terrifying alien world called 'indoors'.  Try it out and see, it's simple and very noticeable.
        * [NEW] - Crafting system implemented (All recipes must be discovered by crafting).
        * [NEW] - Sea Fishing has now been added. (Fishing only possible in the sea).
        * [NEW] - Simpler Server Settings for Server admins.
        * [NEW] - Ingame Map is now Clear (Unnecessary Arma Menu has been removed)
        * [NEW] - 1 new food item (cake), 1 New melee weapon, 6 New fish models, Many new crafting models.
        * [NEW] - Crafted Traps. (Tripwire (Flare), Tripwire (Smoke), Tripwire (Grenade), Bear Trap (Flare), Bear Trap (Smoke))
        * [NEW] - Crafted Medical items. (Makeshift Bandage)
        * [NEW] - Crafted Weapons. (Nailed Bat, Barbed Wire Bat)
        * [NEW] - New delayed infection called Sepsis is now active, based on blood percentage & damage done on all Zed attacks.
        Stage 1:
             The first 15 minutes
             You cannot pass the infection to others
             You do not take blood damage
             You have a warning blood icon to show infection
        Stage 2:
             15 minutes - 22. 5 minutes
             You cannot pass the infection on
             You lose 1 blood per second
             You have the normal blood loss icon
        Stage 3:
             22.5 minutes to 30 minutes
             You cannot pass the infection to others
             You lose 2 blood per second
             Normal blood loss icon
        After 30 minutes you become fully infected, you can transmit the infection to others, you lose 3 blood per second and your screen will shake. On disconnect you will become infected.
        * [FIXED] - Bear Trap is now synced with the Server and won't disappear after server restart.
        * [FIXED] - Zed direction issue when under chase condition. (should stop them continually turning)
        * [FIXED] - Issue where you would get stuck after the tackle animation.
        * [FIXED] - Updated all zed movement systems to fall in line with the re-added LOS and Angle of attack checks. (This should improve zeds reaction times & make sure target is in hitting range)
        * [FIXED] - Small update to overall damage output. 
        * [FIXED] - Major dupe, reconnect dupe and body dupe.
        * [FIXED] - DayZ Loading screen if people have ACR.
        * [FIXED] - Eating and drinking in vehicles.
        * [FIXED] - Infection will now be properly removed at tents after logout
        * [FIXED] - Dead body doesn't disappear any more if the player disconnected too fast.
        * [FIXED] - BattleFieldClearance antihack.
        * [FIXED] - Hospital wallhack.
        * [FIXED] - Antihack.
        * [FIXED] - Removed benches in the middle of the NWAF barracks entrance.
        * [FIXED] - Loot will now be more random within the weaponholders. (We wont allow two items of the same type in each pile)
        * [FIXED] - Medical actions performed in vehicles now work properly.
        * [FIXED] - BIS_Effects AirDestruction bug that sets the world on fire.
        * [FIXED] - Some 'No entry' Error's has been fixed.
        * [FIXED] - Refueling while swimming.
        * [FIXED] - Not being able to administer antibiotics to infected players. 
        * [UPDATED] - DMR and SVD have been balanced. (lower fire rate)
        * [UPDATED] - Quick switch now has action menu swapping.
        * [UPDATED] - PV optimization. (should remove some unwanted traffic)
        * [UPDATED] - Czech, German, Spanish, French and Russian stringtable.
        * [UPDATED] - Missionfile is now much smaller.
        * [UPDATED] - Replaced combat roll with Shacktac Bunny Hop.
        * [UPDATED] - Removed attack call from FSM due to latency. Player who spawned the zed may not be the player the zed is attacking.
        * [UPDATED] - Security updates.
        * [UPDATED] - Updated hospital loot.
        * [UPDATED] - Increased angle of attack.
        * [UPDATED] - Removed all trash items from building loot tables and replaced with a generic table (better organisation)
        * [UPDATED] - Viral Workers have now been assigned home locations. (MilitarySpecial, Military,Industrial) (harder to spot)
        * [UPDATED] - Viral Villagers have now been assigned home locations.  (Supermarket,Farm,Residential) (easy to spot)
        * [UPDATED] - Max smoke target range to 50.
        * [UPDATED] - Loot spawning radius increase from 120 to 125. (takes into account run speed from start to finish)
        * [UPDATED] - Humanity gain over time for bandits.
        * [UPDATED] - Auto continue when mission loads for first time.
        * [UPDATED] - Antiwallhack.
        * [UPDATED] - Land_Mil_Guardhouse Now spawn's a max of 3 zeds down from the default of 6
        * [UPDATED] - Players may now administer antibiotics to other players
        * [UPDATED] - Players may now switch seats while in a helicopter (back seat, gunner, pilot).
        * [UPDATED] - Removed some non SD mags from SD weapons, Removed some SD mags from non SD weapons.
        * [UPDATED] - Melee weapon damage updates (Machete > 15, Hatchet > 12,Crowbar > 10,Bat > 9,BatBarbed > 12, BatNailed > 12)
        * [UPDATED] - You must now press the gear button (Default "G") to open gear while in a vehicle
        * [REMOVED] - Vehicle damage spam log. 
        * [REMOVED] - Collision system from tents, stash's, camo nets (Should allow storage system to be placed in better locations)
        * [REMOVED] - Difficulty system due to issues with official hive. (Official hive cant hold multiple difficulty levels)
        * [REMOVED] - Removed ArmA 2 squad command menu (0-9 or F1-F12)
        * [REMOVED] - Map markers for other players and empty vehicles (blue/orange/green dots & vehicles)

—————Original Author—————
* Dean ‘Rocket’ Hall Community

Dev Project Managers
* [R4Z0R49] (
* [AlbyBDPK] (

————————-Long-term Contributions————————-
These contributors have made many changes, over a fairly long time span, orfor many different parts of the code.
* [ziellos2k] (
* [Skaronator] (
* [JoeysLucky22] (
* [facoptere] (Github. com)
* [AlexAFlorov] (
* [thevisad] (
* [Sharkiller]( (Spanish Tranlations)
* [Markolie]( (Dutch Translations)
* [LordGoF]( (French Translations)
* [Defwen]( (Czech Translations)
* [[VB]AWOL](
* [Paul Tomany](

————————Short-term Contributions————————
These contributors have made specific changes for a particular bug fix orfeature.
* [M1lkM8n](
* [JST](
* [NonovUrbizniz](
* [MattzFiber](
* [Elvaron](
* [Silentspy](
* [EHDSeven](
* [Tansien](
* [wriley](
* [fred41](
* [Killzone_kid](
* [Alex Grosse (Inch)](
* [Sumrak](Nightstal…en_index_nc.php)
* [f0rt](
* [Ayan4m1](
* [Rajko](
* [Venthos](Github. com)
* [VRShiva](
* [DasAttorney](
* [ddesmond](
* [dayz10k (Harlan)](
* [Ingasmeeg](
* [caleywoods](
* [Markolie]( (Dutch Translations)
* [LordGoF](
* [soapmak3r]( (Background Music)
* [Hangender](
* Aj (Leadz) * Ander * Shaueh

————————Art Work————————
* Alexander (G17 in-combat Icon)
* Des (Gender images & Gui icon’s revamp)
* [JoeysLucky22](
* [Elvaron](

————————Special thanks.————————
* Special thanks to TOPMO3 and GenesisCrys for the outstanding work with retexturing the Viral infected.
* Special thanks to David Foltyn for the support during the community build with his constent moaning and presure to do everything different :-).
* Special thanks to Matt Lightfoot for his incredible logic we all love to hate :-).
* Special thanks to shinkicker who has listened to all of the ideas and who has always been there to bounce ideas back and forth Thanks.
* Special thanks to Shacktac for his incredable work within the Arma 2 community.
* Special thanks to AWOL and Paul Tomany for sharing awesome features from DayZ Epoch.
* Special thanks to BMRF, TMW, MUSTY for providing test machines before release.

Want to contribute? Or have we missed your name? Please contact R4Z0R49 on

Like us on Facebook to spread the word of the impending Alpha release.

Quick Install Info: Full

  • Download Full Client Files and beta files from links above.
  • Navigate to your arma 2 operation arrowhead directory
  • Extract the @Dayz-1. 8-Full.rar into your arma 2 operation arrowhead directory and install the newest beta.
    To start DayZ use a command line string like the below

Expansion\beta\ARMA2OA.exe -mod=@Dayz;CA;Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -noFilePatching -skipIntro -nosplash -noPause -world=Chernarus


  • Download Patch Client Files and beta files from links above.
  • Navigate to your arma 2 operation arrowhead directory
  • Extract the @Dayz-1.8-Patch.rar into your arma 2 operation arrowhead directory and install the newest beta.
  • To start DayZ use a command line string like the below

Expansion\beta\ARMA2OA.exe -mod=@Dayz;CA;Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -noFilePatching -skipIntro -nosplash -noPause -world=Chernarus


  • Right click Arma2: DayZ Mod, select properties.
  • When the window pops up go to the «BETAS» tab
  • Now Select 1.8 in the drop down box.
  • The files should now should now update
    Launch as normal

To be done. Bloodbags removed from hospitals and replaced with self bloodbag parts. Cardbox box’s for medical systems to be updated to a new model. Self bloodbag system to be added. (blood must be drawn from player before hand see 1). New crafting recipes to be added.New plant systems to be added.Nutrition systems needs calories updating for every food item. Melee weapon fire to be updated from a single shot to a small burst. (see how it plays and looks). Make loot bias changeable option within the mission file for private server admins. (Done) Load journal with all config options for easy player view of server settings. (Spawnselection,Lootbias).

In case you haven’t been following:

If you wish to join regular gameplay events, keep upto date here.

Life Apartments Alberto Lista, Old town in Spain

When do you want to stop?

Please select a date before choosing a room

Cleaning services

  • Laundry

  • daily maid service



reception services

  • Invoices


  • Internet services

  • free WiFi

Sustainability initiatives

  • Bicycle rental


Offering modern apartments with free Wi-Fi, Life Apartments Alberto Lista is located in Seville’s old town, just 10 minutes’ walk from the cathedral. It is set in an attractive Sevillan building, designed by Aníbal González.
Each spacious apartment at Life Apartments Alberto Lista has a living area with a flat-screen TV and a sofa bed. The kitchen comes with a microwave, fridge and dishwasher. There is also a dining area and free WiFi.
Alameda Square is just 100 meters from the property. Shops, bars and restaurants can be found in the streets surrounding the apartments.
Seville Bull Ring and Torre de Oro Tower are within 20 minutes’ walk of the apartments. Santa Justa Railway Station is 1.2 km away.


Check-in time starts at 16.00


Registration time ends at 12.00


Guests are required to show a photo identification and credit card upon check-in. Please note that all Special Requests are subject to availability and additional charges may apply.
This property will not accommodate hen, stag or similar parties.
A damage deposit of EUR 150 is required on arrival. This will be collected as a cash payment. You should be reimbursed on check-out. Your deposit will be refunded in full in cash, subject to an inspection of the property.
Please note that cleaning and change of bed sheets will take place every 4 nights.
Check-in after 00:00 carries a surcharge of EUR 12 per hour. nine0003


WiFi is available in all areas and is free of charge.


Public parking is possible at a location nearby (reservation is not possible) and costs EUR 30 per day.

Pet Policy

Pets are allowed on request. Charges may be applicable.

Children and Extra Beds Policy

Children of any age are allowed.
Children up to and including 2 years old stay for free when using an existing bed.
No cats are available.
No extra beds are available. nine0003

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h2Z1 — the latest news for today and December 2022

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The latest news and rumors about h2Z1 for today and 2022. Here you will find all the h2Z1 update news, find out the release date for PC, when the game will be released on other platforms and other announcements. We will also be the first to write about the system requirements of h2Z1 for PC, about pirate hacks and the appearance of the game on torrents, from where anyone can download it for free.

Guides, Tips & TutorialsTechnical Problem SolvingOptimization for Low PCs

Deathmatch, new battle pass and more will appear in the h2Z1 battle royale

The authors of h2Z1 have announced that the Beyond Royale free add-on for the PS4 version will be released in a week and a half.
