Cs 1.6 maps pack: ALL MAP’s PACK [Counter-Strike 1.6] [Mods]

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Total entries:  61

CS 1.6 Map Pack #2 by CoCoNUT

CS Mappack #2

Some CS-maps put together by CoCoNUT.

The hw.dll and sw.dll are for transparent textures (CS 1.5). To adjust the light or sky in custommaps use Botmans Darkulator (included in this archive).


CS Map Pack: Those were the days

CS Map Pack: Those were the days

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CS Kaoztribe-mappack

This is the CS Kaoztribe Map Pack.


CS-Mappack by CoCoNUT

CS Mappack (1.5+1.6) Some CS-maps put together by CoCoNUT. The hw.dll and sw.dll are for transparent textures (CS 1.5) To adjust the light or sky in custommaps use Botmans Darkulator (included in this archive). ———— Maps CS:


Kaoztribe CS-Mappack

Maps CS: as_venedig_b2 cs_antonov cs_bigwong_dlx cs_blutwurst cs_fifthave_final cs_grim cs_hazad cs_hic cs_killcity_b2 cs_kindergarten cs_suburbs cs_suedtirol cs_tibet de_buechsenpfand de_intruders de_menace de_sectorc_b2 de_sprin

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Two large, open CS team elimination maps with sniper towers at either end.



Nearly a year after the original Surf Map Pack, it has risen again. This time with a whopping 78 Surf maps for the one-and-only original Counter-Strike. Compressed down to 36 megs from it’s original 130MB. This contains almost every current surf map




Here Is the Complete List of map that were released for Counter Strike 1.0 back in June of 1999. Now here for you to play on Counter Strike 1.6. Some maps have only minor difference for example cs_italy or de_train. Or they are a whole lot diff


Dv Pack (CS) by CSTuga.net

Dv Package with maps for Counter-Strike 1.6


De Pack (CS) by CSTuga.net

De Package with maps for Counter-Strike 1.6

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Total entries:  61

Duża paczka map CS 1.6

Zauważyłem, że dużym powodzeniem na moim blogu cieszą się specjalne map packi, które są przystosowane do danego trybu lub modyfikacji, a także okazji dla wszystkich serwerów. Postanowiłem jednak stworzyć coś lepszego. Duża paczka map CS 1.6 w której znajdą się wszystkie te paczki, tak by ułatwić życie wielu osobom, szukającym tychże paczek.

Wpis ma na celu zebrać do kupy każdą paczkę map do cs 1.6 dostępną na blogu i posegregować ją w danej kolejności. Ma to po prostu pomóc osobom, szukającym danych paczek map, nie jednej, a kilku.

Sam zamysł został przedstawiony, więc przejdźmy teraz do tego, co znajdziemy w tym spisie.

Każdy z Was zapewne szuka map na swój serwer lub do gry z botami, ale nie chce mu się pobierać każdej mapy po kolei i szuka gotowego, sprawdzonego sposobu by skrócić ten czas zabawy z mapami. Mój blog ułatwia życie takim cwaniakom i udostępnia do ich dyspozycji ponad 10 paczek map dla różnych trybów rozgrywki, a także mapy na specjalne okazje.

Jakie paczki map można tutaj znaleźć?

Duża paczka map CS 1.6 zawierać będzie mapy typu de, cs, aim, awp, bb, zm, jb, surf, itd, a także te na specjalną okazję jak na przykład mapy zimowe. Dodatkowo można znaleźć niestandardowe paczki map, nie dostosowane do żadnej z powyższych kategorii.

Gdzie mogę pobrać daną paczkę map do counter strike 1.6?

Paczki są dostępne poniżej w postaci linku:

Paczka de_ map cs 1.6 – Przystosowana dla trybu BombSite. Znajdziecie tutaj mapy, w których głównym zadaniem jest walka z bombą, gdzie Antyterroryści muszą rozbroić pakę, a Terroryści ją podłożyć.

Paczka aim map cs 1.6 – Zawiera wszystkie mapy dla trybu aim, czyli mapki treningowe, które służą do ćwiczenia skilla. Stworzone raczej dla małej ilości graczy. Spotykane na modach typu aim.

Paczka cs_ map cs 1.6 – Przystosowana jest do trybu Hostage. Rozgrywka opiera się na pilnowaniu i odbijaniu zakładników. Terroryści muszą pilnować hostów, a Antyterroryści odbić ich i przenieść w odpowiednie miejsce.

Paczka zimowych map cs 1.6 – Dla osób lubiących klimaty zimowe. Znajdziesz tutaj wiele mapek typowo zimowych, które wprowadzają świąteczny nastrój do gry.

Paczka surf map cs 1.6 – Jeżeli lubisz tematykę surfowania, to ten pack jest idealny dla Ciebie. Przystosowany pod serwery surfmod, zawiera wiele popularnych mapek.

Paczka zm map cs 1.6 – Zombie mod to znana modyfikacja dla serwerów publicznych gry counter strike. W tym map pack znajdziesz wiele znanych i dobrze dobranych map pod grę z zombie, czy to na botach czy na publicznym serwerze.

Mapy CS GO CS 1.6 – Mody Counter Strike Global Offensive są ostatnio bardzo popularne w Counter Strike 1.6, a więc powstało też sporo map związanych z nowszą wersją cs. W tej paczce znajdziesz wszysztkie mapy z CS:GO pod 1.6.

Paczka jb map cs 1.6 – JailBreak to modyfikacja wprowadzająca graczy w świat brutalnego lub zabawnego więzienia, gdzie możemy eksplorować różnego rodzaju place do zabaw lub dyskoteki, a także sądy. W tej paczusce znajdziesz tylko popularne i dobrze działające mapy typu Jail.

Paczka dr map cs 1.6 – DeathRun polega na surfowaniu po mapie, ale z pułapkami, które stawia nam zabójca.

Paczka bb map cs 1.6 – BaseBuilder to modyfikacja działająca na podobnej zasadzie co ZombieMod, lecz tutaj musimy budować swoje kryjówki, a nie korzystać z gotowych i walczyć z Zombie.

Paczka awp map cs 1.6 – Mapki przystowane do treningu z bronią AWP.

Ważnym jest by wgrać paczki tak jak jest to napisane, by nie napotkać żadnych problemów. Każdy z wpisów posiada swoją własną instrukcję oraz dokładny opis.

Jeżeli chodzi o CS:GO, to mapy związane z tą wersją gry będą znajdować się na innym blogu, który poświęcony jest w pełni tematyce serwerów do Counter-Strike Global Offensive.

Forgotten Cards — Games on DTF



Counter-Strike: Global Offensive currently uses seven tournament maps. They are played at majors and all more or less major tournaments. But this list has not always been like this. CS.MONEY talks about tournament maps that are in the past.


Tuscan and CPL_Mill

In the distant, distant times, namely in the early and mid-2000s, there was an organization Cyberathlete Professional League. It held a whole bunch of tournaments and successfully closed in 2008.

CPL’s biggest contribution to CS is still felt today. The company hired card makers and commissioned exclusive artwork from them that could only be played in CPL tournaments. One of their works is formally alive today. This is the Mirage map, which was originally called CPL_Strike.


But besides CPL_Strike, there was another very famous map among the olds — CPL_Mill. It was such a good card that its creator was hired by the CEVO organization to create a clone of this card. This is how Tuscan appeared — the best tournament map in CS 1.6 according to many pros.

The trump card of the card is a complex structure. The attack and defense bases are connected by five passages. Each of them also leads to one of the points. There are two jumpers in the middle of the card for quick redrawing. In addition, spacious passages alternate with shelters and obstacles. Because of this, the map is at the same time suitable for a tactical game, and for skill singles.

There is a problem. Valve is not very interested in adding new maps to the game. Inferno, Dust 2, Mirage, Train and Nuke played at the very first major and they are still used for tournaments today. A total of nine maps were played at all majors! The creator of Tuscan, brute, last updated his work in the workshop in May 2015.

It is unlikely that this card will ever appear in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.


Another card from the past. Season was very popular during the days of Counter-Strike: Source and was even played in the first tournaments after the release of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.


The first version of the map appeared in 2007. It was transferred to CS:GO in February 2013.

The card did not stay long in the tournament pool. In December of the same year, the first Major was held — DreamHack Winter 2013. The tournament established an «official» set of maps and Season did not make it into it.

In October 2014, an updated version of the map was added to the workshop. Valve added her to the list of maps for operations such as Vanguard and Bloodhound. After that, everyone forgot about Season and she never appeared in the game again.

Season has received mixed reception in the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive community. The size of the map, its complex structure and the presence of strong competitors in the workshop did not bring widespread love to Season in the community. Valve and FMPONE, who was responsible for the remake, showed no interest in refining and the map went on the back burner.


This is one of the oldest maps in the entire Counter-Strike series. It first appeared in Counter-Strike Beta 6.5. It was added to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive in 2013 and already at ESL One: Cologne 2014 it was included in the tournament map pool for the major.

The last major with this map was ELEAGUE Major: Boston 2018. Already at FACEIT Major: London 2018, an updated version of Dust 2 appeared in the map pool instead.


In addition to age, Cobblestone has two more achievements. First, the case of this card contains the legendary skin, AWP Dragon Lore. Now that the map seems to have left the Major map pool for good, there will be no new Dragonlors. They are limited by the number of unopened cases and skins from The Cobblestone Collection that can be used for crafting. Secondly, Cobblestone was the most spacious map among all that were played at the major. It was both a plus and a minus. On the one hand, such spaces forced teams to play differently. On the other hand, the defense had no chance of gaining control over their half of the map.

After leaving the map pool, Cobblestone was sent for revision. In October 2018, a special version of the map for Halloween was released, and after that, active work was curtailed. Instead, the development team threw their forces into Vertigo, adding it to the official map set.

Tuscan, Season and Cobblestone are forgotten tournament maps from CS 1.6, Counter-Strike: Source and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive respectively. For various reasons, they were left out of the tournament map pool and are unlikely to be able to get into it in the future.

Fortunately, they are all available in the workshop, so you can always get together with friends and play competitive Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, which will never be at the pro level.

[02/03/2018] Collection of cards with 40 slots

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