Characters i eat in batman arkham 2022: A tier list of how the Arkham characters would eat cereal : BatmanArkham

Arkham Characters Compared To Their The Batman (2022) Counterparts

The Batman was a smash success despite a development that hit more than its fair share of snags. Director Matt Reeves was already developing a project originally titled Gotham PD, however, that has since been put on hold in favor of developing an «Arkham Haunted House» series.

DC comics originally introduced Arkham Asylum in 1974, so there is a wealth of Arkham Asylum history around which Reeves can build his new series. It remains to be seen how his unique vision shown in The Batman combines with elements fans have come to love about Arkham.


In the Rocksteady Arkham games, Batman is voiced by the supremely talented Kevin Conroy, and Batman’s presentation is everything fans have come to expect from the acclaimed voice actor : a brilliant detective, an intimidating interrogator, and a fiercely loyal, if overprotective, friend and ally.

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Batman as played by Robert Pattinson is not as seasoned, but his intellect and relentlessness are still present. Pattinson plays the best detective of all live-action Batmen. His first appearance coming from the shadows and declaring himself «Vengeance» was masterful. He is, however, still clearly haunted by the memory of his parents, and he has not yet realized he can use Bruce Wayne as a weapon and mask of Batman.

James Gordon

Regardless of his rank as an officer, James Gordon is an important side character and ally of Batman that does not know the Caped Crusader’s actual identity. In Arkham Origins, Gordon first witnesses Batman firsthand. By the end of Arkham Knight, he is a trusted friend that is honored to have stood by Batman.

In The Batman, Gordon has to constantly defend his trust in the vigilante. Strangely, the GCPD does not seem to be as corrupt as is usually portrayed, and Gordon seems to be the one that goes off the book. Jeffrey Wright’s depiction makes Gordon seem so curious about what Batman can do that he is almost compelled to let Batman continue.

The Riddler

The interactions between Batman and The Riddler throughout the Arkham games provide a fascinating view of the descent into madness obsession can bring. In Origins, The Riddler is calm and collected, seeing Batman as a worthy intellectual opponent. As the games progress, The Riddler becomes increasingly maniacal and desperate, even being rendered speechless because of the unfathomability that Batman can outsmart him.

RELATED: 10 Subtle Details About The Riddler’s Costume In The Batman (2022)

Paul Dano took a more sinister approach to The Riddler. Appearance-wise, Matt Reeves borrowed from the real-life Zodiac Killer. The Riddler’s murders show both his brutality and his intellect. He is especially good at manipulating other people as seen in the climax of the movie where there are copycats carrying out his work. He does not insult anyone he considers less intelligent than himself; however, his worldview was shattered upon learning that he and The Batman were not working together.

The Penguin

In the Arkham games, Penguin puts on airs with a widely-believed-fake British accent. He also is obsessed with collecting rarities for his collection in the Iceberg Lounge. He constantly feels overlooked, and he responds to that with excessive amounts of force.

In The Batman, Penguin sounds like a typical New York City mobster, and his attempts at being simply a gentleman of leisure are betrayed by his sketchy demeanor. His ambition to take over Gotham seems to be dormant until he has a small, very easily overlooked exchange with Carmine Falcone. Perhaps this stokes the fires of his ambition, and the death of Falcone will provide the vacuum of power he can take advantage of to take his place at the top of Gotham.

The Batmobile

Batman always needs a Batmobile. In the Arkham games, the iconic vehicle begins as a car removing Bane from the equation on Arkham Island and evolves into a tank that really pushes the limits of believability on Batman’s «No Killing» rule.

Indeed, a return to the early years of the Caped Crusader in The Batman brings about a simpler design. A believably modified Dodge Charger, Batman does not need extra gadgets and bells and whistles on his ride as he roars through Gotham. His customized version of a popular car is a breath of fresh air as this new universe is explored.

Alfred Pennyworth

In the Arkham games, Alfred Pennyworth is a loyal butler, confidant, and moral compass. While there are hints that his background was more varied and exciting before being employed by the Waynes, nothing is ever explicitly explained. Even early on, Batman held Alfred in high esteem as his crusade began. Alfred, in turn, is fully supportive of Batman’s mission and helps in any way he can.

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In The Batman, Alfred explicitly mentions being «in the circus.» This is a subtle reference to John le Carré’s spy novels about an MI-6-like British secret service. This certainly explains why and how Alfred is so helpful. That being said, Alfred is also more tolerant than supportive of The Batman’s nightlife. Alfred, instead, is always trying to point Bruce in the right moral direction for what is best for everyone, even if that means diminishing the presence of The Batman.

The Bat-Computer

Batman is the world’s greatest detective. As such, he employs an array of modern mechanisms to help him organize the immense amount of data he collects. The Bat-computer has been a central mechanism of Batman piecing together various clues in order to understand his cases. In Arkham, it manages to help track trails of evidence, isolate biological markers, and synthesize antidotes.

The Batman features a computer in its early stages, and the creators of the film clearly the Arkham games since many of the Bat-computer sounds are remarkably similar. The database is also used to analyze Batman’s contacts, reviewing recorded footage, analyzing potentially missed clues, and aiding the vigilante in becoming the world’s greatest detective.


Players’ introduction to Catwoman in the Arkham games starts with Catwoman doing what she does best: sneaking around and stealing things. Her combat is appropriately acrobatic and quick with signature claw slashes to accompany. She also exudes sensuality, seemingly flirting with anyone that is near her, and uses that as both a defense mechanism and a weapon when necessary.

In The Batman, Catwoman cares for those she trusts and closes off those she doesn’t. She is still highly skilled in sneaking around, but she is less playful and more focused on her objectives. Interestingly, both representations of Catwoman steal the show in their respective roles. However, Zoe Kravitz’s Catwoman tones down the more cartoonish characteristics in favor of delivering a more nuanced approach.

Carmine Falcone

Carmine Falcone does not physically show up in the Arkham games. However, his impact is felt everywhere. He escalated the war between Black Mask and Penguin, he made Harvey Dent into Two-Face, and he is the alleged father of Catwoman. He continued to try to serve as «the last Don of Gotham» in a traditional way of organized crime, but could not keep up with the «costumed freaks» he derided so much.

The Batman portrays Carmine as a paranoid man. His war with the Maronis as well as his recognition of change in Gotham left him uneasy to approach the ever-evolving atmosphere that was developing. He clung desperately to what he felt he earned and built, and was a recluse as a result of it. Calm, level-headed, manipulative, and quietly charismatic, he kept trying to hide his chess pieces even as The Riddler moved him into checkmate.

The Joker

Every Batman needs his Joker. In the Arkham series, Mark Hamill returns as the Clown Prince of Crime, and he chews up every bit of scenery he can. Hilariously campy yet sadistically cruel, Hamill plays The Joker to perfection. The Joker starts the games by taking over the Asylum. He poisons Batman with his own blood in the next game. Finally, his DNA infects Batman’s psyche and tags along the entire time in Arkham Knight. All with a smile and a joke.

The Joker is only teased in The Batman with a conversation with The Riddler and a deleted scene with The Dark Knight. As such, not much is known about Reeves’s version. However, this Joker seems to be much more subtle and manipulative. He consoles Riddler when The Batman foils his plans, and even «befriends» The Riddler. In the deleted scene, he attempts to manipulate Batman.

NEXT: 10 Sequel Villains That Haven’t Been In A Batman Movie

Looking back at ‘Batman: Arkham’ series

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By Aidan Finn, Staff Writer
November 16, 2022

On Nov. 10, the beloved actor Kevin Conroy passed away at the age of 66. After giving his voice to various animated characters over his decades-long career, his most iconic performance will unquestionably go down as Batman in the “Batman: The Animated Series.”

The series remains relevant and beloved in pop culture, with its gripping character depictions and art deco atmosphere reminiscent of golden-age comic books of the ’40s. Conroy’s intimidating but human depiction of the caped crusader helped make the show, along with excellent supporting performances from the likes of Mark Hamill and Tara Strong. 

Conroy gave his voice to several other Batman projects over the years, like other DC animated series and various straight-to-video films directly adapting iconic comic storylines. One of his most successful, and the one where many were first exposed to Conroy, was the excellent “Batman: Arkham” series.

Conceived and developed by Rocksteady Studios, a fairly unfamiliar developer as of the late 2000s, they broke into the mainstream with their 2009 hit “Batman: Arkham Asylum.” The third-person Metroidvania boasted an incredibly stylish and fantastical depiction of the DC universe, with the seedy, gritty concrete confines of Arkham Asylum being the perfect setting for a “Die Hard” movie starring Batman. 

The combat was what many regarded as Asylum’s biggest impact, a combination of light attacks and counter moves that has been replicated relentlessly across the seventh and eighth generation of gaming — everything from “Mad Max” and “Lord of the Rings” to even Marvel comics copying DC’s moves with various Spider-Man games of the Xbox 360 days.  

The atmosphere, however, has remained the secret sauce no other comic game has been able to crack, not even later Batman games like the recent “Gotham Knights.” Especially in later interactions such as 2011’s “Batman: Arkham City,” the Gotham underworld handcrafted by Rocksteady was cold and ominous, a concrete world where the thugs and trash are all that populate the streets, with the ruins of society rusting underneath the orange hue of a street lamp and mild snowfall. 

Distant sirens and howling wind are the white noise of nighttime in “Arkham City,” broken by the occasional scream and explosion off in the distance, with the sweeping horns and chorus of the triumphant hero rising up as you take flight. 

“Arkham City” greatly increased the scale of the 2009 debut with a larger prison-city, new villains from the dark knight’s rogue gallery and a phenomenal plot that pitted Batman in a high-stakes investigation and conspiracy of genocidal proportions. Kevin Conroy gave his ’90s Batman the same weight as he did prior, with internal monologues acting as hints and sharp comebacks toward the colorful villains.

The side quests that littered “Arkham City” were another department where Rocksteady flourished, with compelling storylines that brought the obscure and weird villains of Gotham to life, like a murder mystery tracking down Deadshot and a disturbing caper hunting the mysterious Hush killer. Boss fights are even more reflected in the developers’ sheer creative ingenuity, like the infamous Mr. Freeze fight, where the player cannot use the same tactic of attack twice. 

While Rocksteady was working on the follow-up title, the extensive development time it would take led WB Games to push out a prequel in 2013 by newly-formed developer WB Games Montréal: “Batman: Arkham Origins.” No Rocksteady or Conroy, this was the black sheep of the series, giving the similar but off-feeling nature of the gameplay. 

Copy-pasting various aspects (and exact locations and environments) from “Arkham City,” the game was set just a few years into Batman’s career and involved a Christmas themed adventure with a million-dollar bounty and an onslaught of assassins from all over the DC universe that needed to be fended off. The game made for a great snack between mainline entries, and it created much atmosphere in a snowy city now fully open for Batman to explore. Seeing familiar faces like Commissioner Gordon and Killer Croc, along with debuts like the walking Edgelord Deathstroke, made it a fun time and fitting send-off to the seventh generation. 

2015 rolls around, and after various delays, “Batman: Arkham Knight” releases as the final entry in the storyline as a next-generation showcase. With incredible visuals that blew the already impressive “City” out of the water, it depicted Gotham City in a new massive scale, with a massive plot to go along with it, including Scarecrow and a new villain, the Arkham Knight, at the helm. Conroy returned and gave arguably his best performance yet with his co-star Mark Hamill, a performance that gave a true sense of finality that is rare in any comic story (most are destined to be rebooted and revived until the end of time). 

While issues with the game’s overreliance on the Batmobile for gameplay mechanics were sad (a mortal sin “The Wind Waker” learned in 2002), the incredible visuals and animation work made it a fun ride. Even in 2022, the game looks incredible, which is genuinely messed up, given it looks more detailed than “Gotham Knights,” which was released just weeks ago. 

With that, the studio remained silent for years and years as fans grew more relentless in their wait for another game, turning the Arkham subreddit into a toxic dumping ground for memes. The eventual reveal of a new Suicide Squad game in 2020 put quarantined fans at ease, but the game has been deep in the constant delay space that is modern AAA gaming.

With the passing of Conroy, it is a good time to go back and appreciate these truly incredible games that legitimized comic book games in the mainstream scene after years of rushed movie-licensed games from as far back as the ’80s. With them, Conroy’s excellent performance will live on and be remembered. 

You can play all the “Arkham” games on Xbox Series X with backwards compatibility as well as PC. 


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All that is known at the moment

Gotham Knights is almost ready. This will be the first game set in the Batman universe in seven years since Rocksteady’s Batman: Arkham Knight was released in 2015.

Gotham Knights was officially unveiled in 2020 when developer WB Games Montreal showcased co-op action, an expansive interpretation of Gotham City and four playable characters — Batgirl, Nightwing, Red Hood and Robin. After being delayed and cut back for later generations for the sake of quality, Gotham Knights will release on PS5, Xbox Series X and PC in October. To learn more about the gameplay, co-op, characters and villains coming to Gotham Knights, keep reading. Or just watch videos. nine0003

Developers Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights is developed by WB Games Montreal. The studio was founded by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment in 2010, and since then she has been actively involved in the Batman: Arkham series. The studio’s first project was helping Rocksteady Studios create a Wii U port of Batman: Arkham City in 2012, and the studio’s debut game was the criminally overlooked Batman: Arkham Origins in 2013. It has long been rumored that WB Games Montreal is working on two video games based on DC comics: the first is Gotham Knights, and the second is believed to be a new Superman game. nine0003

What the gameplay is like

The gameplay of Gotham Knights is broadly similar to the Batman: Arkham games as it is a third-person open-world action game. However, developer WB Games Montreal is making some notable changes. There are four playable characters in Gotham Knights, each with their own unique play style and abilities, the combat system and movement system will change depending on who you want to take on patrol around Gotham City. In addition, Gotham Knights will implement an RPG system that allows you to customize the appearance of each character with various items and weapons that are unlocked as you progress through the story campaign, gain experience and level up new Gotham City defenders. nine0003

Combat system

Each of the four characters plays differently from the others and has separate skill and development trees. The game lets you play as four characters: Batgirl, Red Hood, Nightwing and Robin. The entire game can be played alone or in co-op with one player. This is a first for a Batman game, and we can’t wait to see how the synergies of the different characters stack up during combat.

In addition to having different skill trees, styles and attachments, such as Nightwing, they move easily from one enemy to another, doing somersaults and pirouettes. Red Hood, on the other hand, uses his pistol to take out enemies from a distance. The different gameplay of each character makes Gotham Knights a bigger game than previous Batman games. But, judging by the first reviews, the combat of Gotham Knights is called extremely simple, which is very easy to adapt to, but because of this, it quickly gets boring. Some journalists during the game managed to find template elements of the combat system for all the characters; nine0003

Co-op mode

When Gotham Knights launches, co-op support will be implemented. You will be able to play Gotham Knights in multiplayer mode with a friend through two players in online mode. Warner Bros Games has also confirmed that Gotham Knights will also be solo playable, though seamless knockout co-op is available as an option, and that you and your friend will be able to play the same hero in the same multiplayer session. In addition, the publisher has confirmed that local co-op is not supported in Gotham Knights, and crossplay support in Gotham Knights is «not currently planned.» nine0003

Gotham Knights release date

The game was first officially announced during the DC FanDome on August 22, 2021, with a slated release in 2021. But the stars didn’t align for the release date of Gotham Knights, and the game was pushed back to October 25, 2022. At Gamescom 2022, the release date has changed again, but this time it has been pushed back four days.

It is hoped that the extra time given to the developers will make the game more perfect. Of course, this is a modern open-world game after all, so it’s bound to have some bugs. nine0003

What platforms will Gotham Knights be released on?

Gotham Knights was planned to be released on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One series of consoles. However, the developers decided that the older generation versions didn’t work well, and the PS4 and Xbox One versions had to be abandoned.

So Gotham Knights is coming to PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S and PC.

In the end, the developers know best, and if they think older consoles can handle Gotham, we have to believe them. They made the right decision to push back the release date of Gotham Knights. We’ve already seen how Cyberpunk struggled to launch on the base PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. nine0003

Setting and story

Gotham Knights takes place in the open world city of Gotham. As with previous Arkham games, you’ll be able to explore Gotham at your own pace. Unlike the Arkham games, Batman is dead. That’s right: Batman died along with Police Commissioner Jim Gordon. This means there is a power vacuum in Gotham and crime is on the rise.

Death of Batman

Luckily, Batman foresaw this coming and left a pre-recorded message for his geeks. The Knights of Gotham take the stage and continue Batman’s legacy as they defend their beloved city. The main plot follows four heroes from the Bat-family who solve the mystery of Batman’s death. There is also a secret criminal society called the Court of Owls that is somehow connected not only to Batman’s death, but also to Gotham’s elite. nine0003

The developers emphasize that Batman really is no more, and his family can only collect the pieces. The Batman family faced the death of Bruce Wayne, losing their father and mentor. They are now, in a sense, orphans, and in the case of some characters, twice.

They also said that their goal is to explore aspects of the Batman universe that are not often covered in video games. With the disappearance of Batman, these characters have a chance to really express their individuality and get into character throughout the game. nine0003

Gotham City

The developers have stated that Gotham City in their game is a living, breathing city. Residents will wander around it and go about their daily business. The game will also have criminal gangs and easter eggs for you to discover. You’ve spotted a few notable iconic locations taken directly from the Batman universe.

You have to explore five different parts of Gotham, each with its own unique personality. Will there be new areas to explore after the release of Gotham Knights? It remains to be hoped that yes. nine0003

According to journalists, the open world of Gotham Knights turned out to be large-scale and filled with events, but they did not have time to check their diversity due to limited time. Despite the huge city, for many it has become a faded copy of Gotham from Arkham Knight;

Gotham Knights Characters


Gotham Knights has four characters from the Batman family that you can play. Red Hood, Nightwing, Batgirl and Robin have different fighting styles and gear at their disposal. Some of their movements and locomotion are reminiscent of the Batman games, but mechanically they are both different from each other and from Batman. nine0003

Red Hood

Jason Todd will appear as the Red Hood. Unfortunately, this «all-new» story couldn’t rid Todd of his terrible past: Batman’s second Robin is still undergoing a violent resurrection by one of Batman’s most dangerous foes. The Red Hood from Gotham Knights carries a lot of trauma and pushes it all towards his goal of ridding Gotham of crime once and for all.

In the Gotham Knights Red Hood character trailer, WB Games Montreal showed a more aggressive combat variant. Jason Todd has trained to reach the peak of human strength, but he also wields several combat moves and non-lethal handguns. If you were worried that the combat in Gotham Knights was too similar to the Arkham games, it looks like Red Hood will make the biggest difference — after all, Todd is able to attack from a distance, quickly cut through swarms of enemies and juggle enemies in the air between his punches and firearms. nine0003


Tim Drake is the youngest member of the Batman family, but as Bruce Wayne’s latest protege, he has a clear vision of Batman’s larger mission. Driven by the conviction to become the hero Gotham deserves and become the kind of person Bruce could be proud of, Robin is an adaptable character that will provide a certain amount of versatility in Gotham Knights.

In the Gotham Knights Robin character trailer, WB Games Montreal showcased Tim Drake’s rather unique abilities. The young Robin is not only proficient with the folding staff, but is also able to use stealth in a rather unique manner compared to other characters. We also know that Robin can use the teleportation technology from the Justice League’s satellites to move quickly around the city. nine0003


Dick Grayson will take over the role of Nightwing. Grayson should not be unfamiliar to longtime readers of Batman comics — he was Bruce Wayne’s first protégé, the original Robin, and then became a hero in his own right. The rest consider Nightwing more agile and agile than Batman. Dick Grayson builds on his history as a circus performer, lending his fighting abilities the mastery of acrobatics.

Gotham Knights Nightwing wields two escrima sticks and can use them to his advantage, taking down dozens of enemies quickly and effectively. In the Gotham Knights Nightwing character trailer, WB Games Montreal showed that Dick Grayson will appeal to those who like to stay in the background and quietly deal with enemies. nine0003


Barbara Gordon, aka the Oracle, is a Batgirl in Gotham Knights. Despite a spinal injury, she returned after years of pain and rehabilitation. Her tenure as the Oracle has made her an even better crime-fighting avenger. She is unshakable, determined and has unshakable willpower.

Barbara is an expert in various fighting styles including kickboxing, jiu-jitsu and capoeira. She will also go to fights with her iconic tonfa. nine0003


Batman appears at the beginning of the game, but the developers claim that he is already dead. Alfred is, of course, present in the game, and we can hear him talking over the link to the Batman family. René Montoya is a detective with the Gotham City Police Department and probably your main contact at the GCPD. Commissioner Gordon is also dead, so she will be your law enforcement contact.

Known Villains


Villains in Gotham City play as big a role as the main characters. Without the Joker, there is no Batman, so many people say. Luckily, Gotham Knights has several iconic villains to take on.

Mr. Freeze

Mr. Freeze is a cryogenics expert who has experienced a lab disaster. Now he needs a cryogenic suit just to stay alive. Mr. Freeze only wants to save his mortally ill wife, but he can resort to common villainy to get his way. nine0003


Clayface will also be in the game and will probably do his shapeshifting shenanigans. We’ve seen a glimpse of the boss fight, but there are no details on how it ties into the main story.

Harley Quinn

Harley Quinn in Gotham Knights has become much wiser and more aware of her essence. The developers drastically changed her reason for being and her story in Gotham Knights. Sure, she’s instantly recognizable for her looks and voice acting, but this time around, she’ll be more of a villain than Joker’s sidekick. This is a slightly more mature version of Harley Quinn and it shows in her boss fight. nine0003

The Court of Owls

The Court of Owls is a mysterious society in Gotham that secretly controls everything. In the comics, even Batman was unaware of their presence and that made them a very tangible and raw threat. Talon will feature prominently in the game and will be a good combat mission.

The Batcave has disappeared

Batman’s Cave has also disappeared, replaced by Belfrey. Batman has already left the bat computer there, so the bat family won’t be at a technological disadvantage. Heroes will be able to spend time there during the day, and at night go out to fight crime in the city. nine0003

Each hero has access to a Batcycle to make it easier to move around the city. They also have unique moves that further enhance exploration, such as Batgirl being able to glide through the city using her cape while Robin has a short distance teleportation mechanism.

Players will be able to choose their hero, equipment and abilities before heading to Belfry. The game is also a light role-playing game, so you will collect resources while fighting crime all over Gotham. Resources are used to create costumes, get new equipment and upgrades. Experience gained while playing in the open world will level up the hero and unlock new skills and abilities in a tree that is unique to each hero. nine0003

Costumes and transmogrification

What’s a superhero game without epic and original comic book-inspired costumes? Not fun, I’ll tell you. Luckily, Gotham Knights comes with a range of different costumes for your heroes.

There are 11 different costume styles for each character, for a total of 44 in the game. The developers emphasize that there will be no microtransactions in Gotham Knights, so you can get all the costumes through normal gameplay. It should be noted that the Beyond and KnightWatch sets are tied to the Deluxe and Collector’s Edition of the game. nine0003

You cannot mix and match different kits. You can only change some elements of costumes and, of course, colors. The developers hired artists from France, Germany, Japan, Korea, and the US to contribute their own unique costume ideas.

Gotham Knights Pre-Order and Edition Bonuses

Gotham Knights is available for pre-order now on all platforms. The game has three different editions, each offering different bonuses depending on how much you spend on the game. WB is giving away the 233 Kustom Batcycle Skin to anyone who pre-orders, even the Standard Edition. nine0003

  • Standard Edition — contains the base game and if you pre-order you will also receive the 233 Kustom Batcycle skin.
  • Deluxe Edition — The Deluxe Edition has everything the same as the Standard Edition, plus the Visionary Pack. The set contains the transmog «Jim Lee’s Knight’s Watch». A style for the From the Future costume, inspired by the universe of Batman Tomorrow. Resources for crafting new gear, enhanced gear, exclusive emotes, and 3 exclusive costume colors. nine0154
  • Collector’s Edition — This edition of Gotham Knights has everything the same as the Deluxe Edition. An artbook with illustrations, a figurine with the main characters in a special box and a map of Gotham City.

Various gameplay videos and official release trailer


Gotham Knights will be released on October 21, 2022 for PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X. LiveJournal

At the time, Christopher Nolan’s Batman films provided a powerful contrast to the grimness and realism of previous attempts to bring the story of a bat-masked crime-fighting billionaire to the screen. Then there were crossovers with members of the Justice League, and in 2022, DC introduced another reboot of the franchise with new faces — darker and harsher. Where is darker, you ask? We’ll figure out.

A wave of mysterious murders of high-ranking officials covers Gotham. First, the police discover the corpse of the mayor of Gotham with a note for Batman, and Lieutenant James Gordon decides to call the night vigilante in a bat mask, despite the condemning looks of his colleagues. The killer calls himself the Riddler and invites Batman to solve a riddle. Next, the corpse of the police commissioner is found with another envelope for Batman. nine0172 The Dark Avenger begins his own investigation to uncover the Riddler’s identity and stop the killing spree before it’s too late.

The plot of the reboot leaves the impression of a complex slow machine, which is completely uncharacteristic of comic book films. Here, the viewer is immediately thrown into a heap of characters familiar from the DC universe and not so much, who are tied into a complex bundle of relationships. This was done in order to put before the fact — the new «Batman» is significantly different from previous iterations, in particular — the genre. Now it’s a natural noir detective in which you sincerely follow the investigation, which is led by a guy with black eyeliner and in a fashionable suit with a cape and a mask with protruding ears. Comic and superhero elements begin to appear only at the third hour, when the scale of events grows and there is no way without it. nine0172

The abundance of characters and their new appearance forces the authors to spend more time on exposition and getting to know the environment. If the Nolan trilogy brought fictional Gotham closer to real metropolitan areas, Reeves’ film placed the heroes in one of them. There is little futuristic and extravagant here, but a lot of real and truthful. Due to this, the film is not perceived as a bright attraction with supervillains and superheroes. This is a more mundane story of the destruction of human lives, and desperate attempts to maintain control of the ship falling into the abyss of chaos. nine0172

Matt Reeves’ film can hardly even be called a superhero movie. More precisely, this is not quite a superhero movie, despite the fact that the key elements are present — there is a Batmobile, there is a sophisticated suit, there is a scattering of unusual gadgets, and even the grumbling butler Alfred is in place. And, of course, in the midst of all this paraphernalia rises the gloomy figure of a knight in the dark — mutilated by life’s wounds, but not a broken wanderer, wandering in the shadows in search of self-proclaimed justice, called by the alluring reflection of a searchlight on thick clouds hanging over Gotham. nine0003

In the hands of the director, every aspect of a familiar franchise is transformed into something new and stunning. Being both a director and a co-writer, Reeves took a story that had already been deposited in the subcortex and transformed it into an epic operetta. The result is closer to archaic noir crime detectives and crime dramas than to another summer blockbuster. It is much more down to earth than the previous adventures of The Dark Knight and it is definitely devoid of deliberate comics and fantasy of what is happening. In its new formula, Batman 2022 is very similar to the case of some Zodiac, when the next victim becomes the next piece of the puzzle in a larger picture that is gradually revealed to all participants. nine0172 The first half of the film fascinates with its gloominess and deliberate negligence in the disclosure of characters. There is no next attempt to retell the character’s backstory in new words. Reeves’ Batman is an already established and even familiar element of the city. Not everyone likes him, not everyone sees him as a savior, but the very fact of his existence is no longer shocking. The same is true for the rest of the characters — yes, there are not many of them — but those that are are identified instantly and sparkle with interesting facets. Catwoman charms, Penguin disgusts, Riddler frightens with its mystery and unpredictability, and laughter from the next cell clearly hints at the main antagonist for the next series. nine0172

An interesting moment in the continuity of the film — it is immediately clear that Reeves was trying to do something new, his own, which would distinguish his version of Batman from previous versions. However, he took realism from the Nolan trilogy, and carefully borrowed the visual style from the Batman Arkham video games. There, if anything, Rocksteady also experimented with the presentation of familiar material and created several iconic hallmarks of their version. It is these features that Reeves borrowed in his film. nine0172 Game Batman is an excellent detective who analyzes the situation, notices the details and draws conclusions. There are several scenes in the film where he does the same.
The Batman Arkham series takes place at night and is accompanied by rain — similar weather can boast of Reeves’ film, but the goals are achieved differently. In the games, the developers created beautiful environments that shimmered with reflections, while in the film, constant rain mainly works on the atmosphere.
By the way, about the city, Gotham from old films was a comic version of large cities, and New York with its classical architecture was hiding under the mask of Nolan’s Gotham. Batman Arkham’s Gotham was a cross between the two and featured spectacular metropolitan architecture, interspersed with advertisements and signs of Gotham facilities. Reeves borrowed this version of Gotham for his film, so an attentive DC fan will easily notice the familiar names and signs of factories, clubs and other infrastructure. nine0172 One of the gangs beaten up by Batman almost exactly repeats the make-up of the bandits from the game — whitened faces with elements underlined in black.
In addition, in one of the fights, Batman used a grappling hook to pull the opponent towards him, just like the game Batman did.
In summary, I can say that Reeves definitely played the game and, moreover, created its film adaptation, if not verbatim, then at least decent.

Only the most ancient vampires can turn into bats. Robert Pattinson has been playing a vampire for so long that he has finally «climbed» to that privilege. I had some doubts about his candidacy, but he more than exceeded my expectations. He not only turned out to be ready, he literally rushed to explore the strange figure of Bruce Wayne, filled with dark instincts and doubts. His Bruce Wayne is drastically different from his previous adaptations. Here he is the son of a famous person in the city, who literally lives in the shadow of the tragedy of his parents, almost not shining in secular society. This is not a daring heir to a multimillion-dollar fortune, effortlessly cracking down on bandits in a cool suit at night. This is a sociopath on the verge of an emotional breakdown, cut off from the world and surrounded by the ghosts of the past. Pattinson continues his triumphant retreat from the sugary Twilight vampire image, and his Wayne is a rare piece of uncomfortable image that’s hard to take your eyes off. nine0172

Zoë Kravitz, as the spectacular thief Selina Kyle, not only has incredible charisma in her role, but also demonstrates amazing unison with Pattinson. Her version of Catwoman is completely devoid of relaxing purring charm. As a lone wrestler, she meets a strange freak in a bat mask to discover justice motives close to her.

Paul Dano played the main villain of the film — the Riddler, who regularly provides the plot with new twists and puts the characters in uncomfortable situations. The trick of the character lies in the fact that he turned out to be extremely truthful and convincing. The scriptwriters gave the hero enough motivation to start terrorizing the city, and in a sense, you even begin to sympathize with the villain. Riddler Dano is a stark change from previous portrayals of the character in the films (especially when compared to the Schumacher Clown played by Jim Carrey). Even the game Riddler from the Batman Arkham series modestly retires into the shadow of faceless commentary, while Dano meets the viewer with an alarmed look through the glasses. nine0003

Geoffrey Wright was cast as Lieutenant James Gordon. The color of the actor is absolutely purple for me, since this does not matter to the plot, so I ignored this casting license.

The participation of John Turturro in the image of mafia Carmine Falcone turned out to be unexpected. It is interesting that his character, with primary insignificance, gradually gains momentum and at a certain moment comes almost to the fore.

Andy Serkis, who previously starred with Reeves in Planet of the Apes, is cast as the wise and calm Alfred, who calms Bruce Wayne’s disturbed restlessness by his mere presence. He didn’t get a lot of screen time, but what he has, Serkis plays measuredly and with dignity. nine0172

Colin Farrell, who played the bandit Oswild Cobblepot, better known by the nickname Penguin, is completely unrecognisable. Only in rare moments of bright and expressive facial expressions against the background of explosions of a car rushing forward, you can see familiar features, and the rest of the timing Farrell successfully hides under intricate make-up.

Matt Reeves’ new «Batman» is a great example of a good reboot of a familiar franchise.