Call of duty black ops 3 kampagne: Call of Duty®: Black Ops III

Call of Duty®: Black Ops III

Call of Duty: Black Ops III
Zombies Chronicles Deluxe
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Call of Duty®: Black Ops 3 Digital Deluxe Edition enthält das Hauptspiel, den Season Pass & zusätzliche digitale Inhalte:

— Die NUK3TOWN-Bonus-Map. Die Map wurde von Grund auf neu entworfen und an Treyarchs neues dynamisches Bewegungssystem angepasst, damit die Spieler sich in dieser packenden neuen NUK3TOWN-Map bekämpfen können.

— The Giant-Bonus-Map: Die Zombies kehren zurück. Erleben Sie das Chaos von Treyarchs klassischer Map “Der Riese” und setzen Sie die Geschichte mit Dempsey, Nikolai, Richtofen und Takeo da fort, wo Origins endete.

— 3 Personalisierungspakete: Der Fanliebling Cyborg & Waffenfähiges 115 sowie ein neues Black Ops III-Pack. Alle mit Waffentarnung, Fadenkreuz und Visitenkarte.

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Call of Duty: Black Ops III
Standard & Digital-Standard
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Call of Duty®: Black Ops III ist eine finstere Zukunftsvision, in der bei einer neuen Generation Black Ops-Soldaten die Grenzen verwischen zwischen unserer Menschlichkeit und modernster militärischer Robotik, durch die die Zukunft der Kriegsführung bestimmt wird. Jetzt kaufen.

Call of Duty®: Black Ops III ist eine finstere Zukunftsvision, in der bei einer neuen Generation Black Ops-Soldaten die Grenzen verwischen zwischen unserer Menschlichkeit und modernster militärischer Robotik, durch die die Zukunft der Kriegsführung bestimmt wird. Jetzt kaufen.

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Call of Duty: Black Ops III
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Zombies Chronicles

Der Call of Duty: Black Ops III Season Pass bietet Ihnen Zugriff auf vier aufregende DLC-Packs.

Descent-DLC-Inhalt nicht erhältlich für PS3 oder Xbox 360.

*Season Pass ist nur auf Nextgen-Plattformen (einschließlich PS4TM verfügbar). DLC-Packs und andere DLC-Inhalte sind nicht zwangsläufig überall erhältlich. Preise und Veröffentlichungstermine können sich je nach Plattform unterscheiden. Call of Duty ®: Black Ops III-Spiel vorausgesetzt, separat erhältlich.

DESCENT bietet ein neues Zombies-Erlebnis sowie 4 actionreiche Multiplayer-Maps, darunter die Neuinterpretation des Call of Duty®: Black Ops II-Klassikers Raid. DLC 3 erscheint zuerst auf PlayStation 4 am 12. Juli. DLC 3 jetzt erhältlich für PS4™, Xbox One und PC.

*Descent-DLC-Inhalte nicht verfügbar auf PS3 oder Xbox 360. Der Season Pass und die DLC-Packs sind unter Umständen nicht auf allen Plattformen oder in allen Ländern verfügbar. Preise und Veröffentlichungstermine können je nach Plattform variieren. Spiel Call of Duty: Black Ops III erforderlich, separat erhältlich.

Der Call of Duty: Black Ops III Season Pass ist Ihr Ticket für vier aufregende DLC-Packs. Jetzt kaufen.

Eclipse-DLC-Inhalte nicht verfügbar auf PS3 oder Xbox 360.


*Season Pass und DLC-Inhalt nicht zwangsläufig überall erhältlich. Preise und Veröffentlichungstermine können sich je nach Plattform unterscheiden. Call of Duty®: Black Ops III-Spiel vorausgesetzt, separat erhältlich. Inhalt vom Season Pass kann separat gekauft werden. Wenn Sie den Season Pass kaufen: Nicht die DLC-Packs einzeln kaufen, da sonst doppelte Kosten entstehen.

Awakening-DLC-Inhalte nicht verfügbar auf PS3 oder Xbox 360.

Season Pass und DLC-Inhalt nicht zwangsläufig überall erhältlich. Preise und Veröffentlichungstermine können sich je nach Plattform unterscheiden. Call of Duty®: Black Ops III-Spiel vorausgesetzt, separat erhältlich. Inhalt vom Season Pass kann separat gekauft werden. Wenn Sie den Season Pass kaufen: Nicht die DLC-Packs einzeln kaufen, da sonst doppelte Kosten entstehen.

Salvation enthält mit Revelations den spannenden Höhepunkt der Zombies-Origins-Saga sowie vier einzigartige Multiplayer-Maps, einschließlich ‘Outlaw’, einer Westernvariante der Fan-Lieblingsmap ‘Standoff’ aus Black Ops II.

*Salvation-DLC-Inhalte nicht verfügbar auf PS3 oder Xbox 360. Season Pass und DLC-Inhalt nicht zwangsläufig überall erhältlich. Preise und Veröffentlichungstermine können sich je nach Plattform unterscheiden. Call of Duty: Black Ops III-Spiel vorausgesetzt, separat erhältlich.

Call of Duty®: Black Ops III — Zombies Chronicles is a content expansion for Call of Duty®: Black Ops III which is sold separately and is required to play this downloadable content pack.

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Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 — Neue Kampagnen- und Multiplayer-Screenshots

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Analysis of the plot Call of Duty Black Ops 3 — another dream of a dog?

I bet the plot of Call of Duty Black Ops 3 has remained a dark forest (not winter) for you. The story is difficult to understand in itself, and coupled with the disgusting Russian voice acting and localization — even more so. There are direct references to films like Source Code , Inception and Fight Club , which are not often seen in AAA shooters.

It is recommended to replay the campaign in English, but if this is difficult for you, this material will help to put all the pieces of the puzzle together. So, the plot starts in the distant future, the connection with the previous two parts is only indirect (more on that below).

The latest technology helps soldiers withstand inhuman loads, impose a holographic interface over their vision and more effectively fight against less civilized countries.

Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Plot Explanation: Imagine yourself in a winter forest

Nearly 50 years have passed since the completion of BO2 , with advanced air defense systems installed around the world. The result is a decrease in the percentage of air battles, so that landing operations are indispensable.

What is PNI (Direct Neural Interface)? This is a special program that connects to the brain of a soldier. The game starts with the release of the Minister of Egypt, overthrown by the military dictator. You can play as a man or a lady, which is important in co-op and multiplayer.

Alas, for us the mission ends with the loss of the upper and lower limbs, so further hospitalization in Switzerland follows. Local scientists have learned to use available technologies for the benefit of the army, literally resurrecting fallen soldiers.

Followed by a controlled flashback in which Taylor takes the action to a train that was blown up a decade ago. By replaying the recordings, we will be able to determine the location of the explosive device.

Result? The train boomed

Then follows a series of operations ending in the death of the entire detachment. In the last scene, we go out to the army units and hear the question: «Who are you, soldier?» . The answer is surprising: «I am Taylor» . Yes, exactly «Fight Club» ! And here it is important to restore the correct chronological sequence of events.

We are watching the memories of a dying brain, the infection of the whole group (starts with touching dead scientists in the laboratory) and an armed coup in the Egyptian capital. Only then does the first chapter begin with the injury of a playable character.

During subsequent operations, the mind replays memories in the head, and Hendrix (one of the partners) constantly criticizes us for being cruel to people. In reality, doctors are fighting for the life of the player, but to no avail.

In the last chapter, we jump into Taylor’s body, see his memories, follow Hendrix and try to eliminate the AI ​​ Corvus — the computer responsible for all the glitches in our head. Due to the open ending, it is not entirely clear whether it was possible to cope with artificial intelligence? It seems to me that he managed to rewrite our consciousness into a new body.

If we take a screenshot of the running text before the missions, we will find out that only «a few soldiers survived from the group, they were tried to operate, but there were difficulties with the integration of the PNI» . There are also other reports recommended for reading.

There is an alternative opinion that Taylor is the protagonist throughout the story (starting from the 2nd task), and the hero had visions in his head caused by the KORVUS going out of control.

Call of Duty Black Ops 3 story breakdown — what is the winter forest?

This illusion is seen by all members of the group, which indicates the beginning of infection with a virus program. Psychotherapy sessions were conducted with the subjects who were implanted with chips. The virtual «psychiatrist» chose this location as the best place to calm people down.

Since the people on the screen are long dead and their brains need to be recharged until the end of the program, it is in the snowy thicket that relaxation occurs. Rather, it should. Remember the last missions, where the background voice constantly calms and relaxes us. «Imagine that your eyelids are relaxed» , yeah.

An important fact: the main character is exposed to the same virus as the GG from the original «Black Operations» , who killed President Kennedy. This complex and twisted story is worthy of a film adaptation, where additional details will be revealed.

Dog sleep? In full, you just need to restore the sequence of actions. Write about your interpretation of events in the comments.

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TagsActivisionBlack Ops 3Call of DutyCall of Duty Black Ops 3TreyarchCORVUSplotplotspoilersplot human freedom. Directly any Mass Effect turns out. Where did the reckless trash frenzy characteristic of the first games in the series, the same Call of Duty: Black Ops, go? Why is everything so dark and serious now? Maybe it’s because Call of Duty: Black Ops III is not one, but four different games in one package.

Again, Treyarch shows us an alternative version of the future that does not correspond to either Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, or Call of Duty: Black Ops II, or Call of Duty: Ghosts, or Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. Although it is to the latter, thanks to the use of cyber implants and exotic gadgets, Call of Duty: Black Ops III is closest. However, both games are close in terms of timeline.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is set in 2060, Call of Duty: Black Ops III takes place in 2065 and 2070. Location — Ethiopia, Singapore, Egypt, Switzerland. However, there is not so much local color in the locations, after all, the future, and megacities, military bases and airfields are similar anywhere in the world. Although Treyarch managed to surprise us with a tropical hurricane, an Egyptian skyscraper (hello Judge Dredd) and a winter forest. Especially the winter forest. The hero of the story is a soldier who, as a result of an injury, received cyber implants and became part of an elite special unit working behind the front lines. Do not try to understand who is fighting with whom, why, why the main hostilities are taking place in Africa, what is happening in the rest of the world, how life on Earth has changed in general. Black Ops III leaves all this behind the scenes, limiting itself only to the general words of news reports.

The plot of Call of Duty is usually scolded, but personally I was interested in watching the development of this story. Moreover, this time it is connected with an attempt by artificial intelligence to understand itself and the world around it. Just don’t make my mistake, switch to the English version right away, since it’s possible on Steam. localization, to put it mildly, failed. Instead of Hollywood stars invited by Activision, in the Russian version you will get sloppy students who do not fall into intonation. Moreover, the translators also did not bother themselves — the characters regularly confuse the gender of the interlocutor, and sometimes they carry outright gag. Bonus — grammatical errors. All the work of Christopher Meloni, Katee Sackhoff, Tony Amendola, Ben Browder, Robert Picardo and other good actors — down the drain, just a shame. By the way, the stars not only voiced the characters of the game, but also shared their appearance with them, the actors are easy to recognize by their characteristic facial expressions and intonations.

In general, in terms of production value, Black Ops III is in no way inferior to Hollywood blockbusters. Expensive advertising campaign, stellar cast, great soundtrack, gorgeous special effects. Moreover, after the criticized previous parts of the game, in the new series we finally saw next-gen graphics — with voluminous foggy, realistic dynamic lighting, cloth physics, high-resolution textures, live faces … Black Ops III engine, which is an offshoot of the IW Engine, developed by Infinity Ward on the basis of the id Tech 3 engine (Quake III Arena), received a new renderer, a new graphics engine, an animation system, lighting, an audio processor, an AI subsystem, in fact, everything is new. And finally, Treyarch uses one engine for all components of the game, so no more reloads. God bless!

The game looks just fantastic, but only a select few will see all these beauties, the optimization of the PC version did not work out. In order to achieve a comfortable fps for shooters, the graphics settings need to be lowered in places not even to High, but to Medium, on which Call of Duty: Black Ops III looks no better than the recent Fallout 4. It’s not even worth talking about extra-quality, on very strong systems with such settings, the game shows no more than 10-15 frames per second, which during a real battle can fail to catastrophic 2-3 fps. So excuse the quality of the illustrations for this article, they were shot at medium settings.

In terms of gameplay, Call of Duty: Black Ops III differs little from Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. Literally in the second mission, we get the opportunity to intercept control of enemy turrets and drones, send a swarm of nanobots at opponents, set fire to enemies remotely, hack weapon electronics, etc. And of course, no one canceled wall running and other nice bonuses of a cybernetized body. Opponents traditionally do not shine with intelligence, as usual we are led along the trajectory verified by the developers — although the endless spawn of enemies and triggers seems to have become less, but, of course, it was not possible to do without them completely. Unfortunately, there are fewer scripted wow scenes, now the player must entertain himself. All in all, if you liked the campaigns in previous Call of Duty games, you’ll love Black Ops III as well. If you didn’t like it before, don’t try it.

Suddenly, after the end of the main campaign, another alternative storyline opens — Nightmares. This is a zombie campaign with the same heroes and the same scenery. Even the videos have remained the same, but the story they tell has changed beyond recognition. Moreover, there are completely different rules for obtaining weapons and survival tactics. The Nightmares campaign has the same 11 missions as the main one, but they are arranged in a different order. And here, due to the specifics of the enemies, it is worth playing at least two, covering each other’s backs. To be honest, we did not expect such generosity from Treyarch. For those who were expecting trash and frenzy from Black Ops III — here.

The third component of the new Call of Duty is multiplayer. Traditional spin shooter with short quick matches, explosive start and tons of game modes. As with Advanced Warfare, there’s the ability to jump high and run up walls, though unlike Titanfall, from which the feature was borrowed, combat doesn’t take on an extra dimension. The maps have remained two-story, vertically clamped, although it is clear that the level designers tried to accustom players to running along the walls. However, it does not bring any significant advantage.

Traditionally for Call of Duty, the emphasis in combat is on melee weapons, there is simply nowhere for snipers to deploy on tight levels. But in Black Ops III, due to the change in setting, the arsenal was significantly redesigned, so now you don’t even understand what to expect from this or that gun, you will have to try everything in battle. On the other hand, there is even more customization options for literally everything that you see in the new game, there is even a custom shop, including weapons, so you can customize almost any gun to suit your playstyle. New to Black Ops III are predefined character classes with their own superpowers. However, they take so long to charge that they can only be used a couple of times per battle.

There are almost two dozen multiplayer modes in Black Ops III, but only a few are really popular with players, and mostly classic ones. 75% of players choose standard modes, half of them prefer regular Team Deathmatch, and a third prefer domination with capture points. In some sections, it is completely empty — it is simply unrealistic to assemble a team for Capture the Flag, Communication Channel or Security. It is not clear why Treyarch even left them in the game. There is no particular excitement in the hardcore and bonus modes, however, you can always find a company for the insane Meat Grinder. It’s true, the wild lag, which has become a real scourge of Black Ops III, can spoil the game for you. Let’s just say that the probability of getting unplayable brakes in multiplayer is about 50%, which, frankly, is unacceptable for a network game. Treyarch is releasing patches, but so far the problem has not been resolved.

Again, if you like skill-driven Call of Duty multiplayer, you’ll love Black Ops III multiplayer. That’s just the old people here is clearly not a place, too quickly.

The fourth component of Black Ops III is the zombie co-op, Treyarch’s signature feature. This time the mode has been seriously redesigned. Now this is a full-fledged campaign, voiced by professional actors, in a completely different setting from the main game. Morgue City, the setting for the zombie mod, is an unimaginable mix of 1920s America and Rapture from BioShock 1/2 and BioShock Infinite. In zombie mode, your weapons, your bonuses, your characters. One problem, local zombies are dying, and by the way, not only zombies, everything is just as unconvincing as in the previous part. Exactly the same zombies in the Nightmares campaign both look and die much more convincingly. But overall, the zombie co-op gameplay feels more balanced and thoughtful than Black Ops II.

Parts of Morgue City can be opened gradually, using the money earned while shooting zombies, and the main task of the players is to survive the waves of evil spirits and cope with local bosses.