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Call of Duty 4 — Modern Warfare Cheats, Cheat Codes, Hints, Tips

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Call of Duty 4 — Modern Warfare
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Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare
Cheat Codes:
Update by:job
Enable the console by using the "Option" menu.  Then, press ~ to display the console 
window. Enter seta thereisacow "1337" as a console command.
Then, press ~ to display the console window again and enter one of the following 
codes to activate the cheat function. Note: Open the cfg file with a text editor 
and change the "seta monkeytoy" value from "1" to "0" if needed.
Result                             Code	
All weapons                      - give all
God mode                         - god
God mode but screen still shakes - demigod
No clipping mode                 - noclip
Flight mode                      - ufo
Enemies ignore you               - notarget
Full ammunition                  - give ammo
Spawn indicated item             - give [item name]
Set gravity; default is "39"     - jump_height [number]
Set speed; default is "1.00"     - timescale [number]
Add laser sight to all weapons   - cg_LaserForceOn 1
Remove gun graphics              - cg_drawGun
Zoom with any gun                - cg_fov
Better vision                    - r_fullbright
Give RPG                         - give rpg            
Give G3                          - give g3
Give MP5                         - give mp5            
Give DRAGUNOV                    - give dragunov       
Give BERETTA                     - give beretta    
Remove all your guns and health  - take all
Remove your ammo                 - take ammo
Draw light emitted from laser    - cg_laserlight 1
Suicide                          - kill 
Shoot without reloading          - sf_use_ignoreammo 1
give unlimited ammo              - player_sustainammo 1
Item names:
Use one of the following entries with the "give" code.  
Effect            Code 	
Brickblaster   - brick_blaster_mp
Helicopter     - helicopter_mp
Airstrike      - airstrike_mp
C4             - C4_mp
Easy Intel:
The following works on the mission entitled "Hunted". After fighting your way through 
a basement (after going underneath a bridge, across a field, et cetera), you'll reemerge
outside. A nearby house next to a vending machine and a car should be your target from 
here. Inside the house, there's a laptop on the table. This is a piece of Intel, and 
collecting all thirty of them in the game will unlock all of the Cheat options available.
If you collect the Laptop, and then head through the nearby checkpoint, it will be 
permanently acquired on your save file. Kill yourself at this point (a Grenade is an easy
way to do so), and backtrack to the house. Collect the Laptop again, go to the checkpoint,
kill yourself, and repeat the process. By doing this, you can collect thirty laptops 
without actually collecting all thirty of them. 
Prestige Mode:
To unlock Prestige Mode, which is a multiplayer-only mode, you must reach experience 
level fifty-five. Instead of capping out at level fifty-five, which is the highest 
level, Prestige Mode allows you to start again from level one. This can be done a total
of ten times, giving you ten different icons in in-game lobbies to show your extreme 
Unlockable: Arcade Mode:
To unlock Arcade Mode, beat the game once through on any difficulty level. Arcade Mode 
itself is split into two options - Full Challenge or Level Challenge - that add extra 
replayability to the game.
Unlockable: New Mission
To play an all-new mission, which is an extra mission after the main quest is completed,
beat the game and view the ending credits thereafter. After they've run their course, 
you will then be given the opportunity to play one last single player mission before all
is said and done.
Cheat mode:
Successfully complete the game.  A "Cheat" option will now appear during game play at 
the "Options" menu. 
Cheat options:
Collect the Intel Pieces (enemy laptop computers) hidden throughout the 
game to unlock the cheat options. The number of pieces you have determines 
which specific cheats are available. 
CoD Noir        - 2 Intel Pieces. Allows black and white graphics.
Photo-Negative  - 4 Intel Pieces. Inverts the colors.
Super Contrast  - 6 Intel Pieces. Increases the contrast.
Ragtime Warfare - 8 Intel Pieces. Silent movie mode.
Cluster Bombs   - 10 Intel Pieces. Frag grenades are more powerful.
A Bad Year      - 15 Intel Pieces. Enemies explode into tires when shot.
Slow-Mo Ability - 20 Intel Pieces. Slow motion game play.
Infinite Ammo   - 30 Intel Pieces.
Intel Pieces:
Below is the level distribution list for Intel Pieces, which are enemy 
laptops full of information strewn throughout the game. There are thirty 
of them total. The left column is the level in question, while the right 
column is how many Intel Pieces can be found on that level.  
Levels with no Intel Pieces are excluded completely.
Level  2 - 2 
Level  4 - 2 
Level  5 - 3 
Level  6 - 2 
Level  7 - 2 
Level  9 - 3 
Level 10 - 2 
Level 12 - 2 
Level 13 - 3 
Level 14 - 2 
Level 16 - 2 
Level 17 - 1 
Level 18 - 2 
Level 19 - 2
Various Codes:
Cheats are unlocked not by inserting passwords, but by acquiring the thirty 
Intel Pieces strewn throughout the game. The more of them you collect, the 
more cheats you can access. On the left are the number of Intel Pieces 
collected, and on the right are the cheats that are unlocked, 
with an explanation of what each does. 
2  - "CoD Noir" Play the game in black and white.
4  - "Photo-Negative" Game colors become inverted.
6  - "Super Contrast" Game's contrast increases.
8  - "Ragtime Warfare" The game feels like an old silent movie.
10 - "Cluster Bombs" One frag grenade thrown equals five in explosion.
15 - "A Bad Year" Enemies explode into tires when shot.
20 - "Slow-Mo Ability" Game plays at 40% normal speed. 
30 - "Infinite Ammo" Just what it says.
Epilogue Mission:
Sit and look through all the credits at the end of the game, and you'll 
unlock one more mission.
Mile High Club mission:
Complete Story mode under any difficulty. 
Multiplayer Challenges:
Simply ranking up is enough to unlock the ordinary perks, but weapon 
modifications like laser sights, grenade launcher attachments and silencers
are unlocked with specific challenges. Luckily these are pretty 
straightforward: want a sight for your M16? Get 50 kills with your M16. 
And better still, unlocking these gives you a bucket-load of XP towards 
your next promotion.
Crew Expendable: Desert Eagle:
In the second large containment room, run ahead of your team. There are 
two enemies with Desert Eagles who will try to surprise you around two 
corners, depending on the path you take.
Game Over: SSgt. Griggs's "Success!" comment:
Killing all three RPG enemies in the pursuing trucks in Game Over 
results in SSgt.  Griggs saying "Success!" 
Multi-player: Headshots:
When you kill another player with a headshot, a metal "ping" sound 
will play to confirm it.
Faster experience:
To level up quicker than usual, try to use the same gun until all the marksman 
and elite challenges are completed. They provide huge boosts and will quickly 
level you up to get new guns. However, do not use those guns yet. Just keep 
on the challenge until it has completed. The third phase of the challenge 
usually ends with 1,000 experience points and that will bump you up a rank 
almost in itself. Also, do not forget about the strange challenges like 
jumping 15 feet and surviving or falling 30 feet to your death. To get that 
one if not previously unlocked play the "Countdown" map and jump into one of 
the open missile silos. You will get instant experience points for simply dying. 
Also, remember to go prone and crouch to get those challenges as well.
Better accuracy:
Once you get the Red Dot Scope addon to your weapons, use it over the ACOG scope.  
The red dot will not enhance or take away anything and provides a better aimpoint 
on most weapons. The ACOG scope will actually add more range to your weapon, but 
take away accuracy which accomplishes almost nothing; especially so for snipers 
because it takes away range and adds nothing.
If a target is moving make sure to lead it. If you are not making shots try to 
lead your target more. Also, if you are a skilled sniper try using the M40A3 over 
the M21. It has a slower reload time and rate of fire, but it has enough damage 
to kill a target in one shot instead of two or three. It also allows you to be 
less noticeable with less rounds being fired; so someone else cannot follow 
the tracer shot back to you. A good setup for the sniper is the Claymore perk, 
to alert you when an enemy is trying to close in on your rear, and either the 
Sleight Of Hand or Stopping Power, then Iron Lungs to give you more time to 
line up your shots.
Map names:
Use one of the following entries with the map or spdevmap codes. 
coup (intermission sequence) 
aftermath (intermission sequence) 
New Mission:
To play an all-new mission, which is an extra mission after the main quest is 
completed, beat the game and view the ending credits thereafter. After they've 
run their course, you will then be given the opportunity to play one last single 
player mission before all is said and done.
Golden weapons:
Complete the indicated task to unlock the golden weapon camouflage. 
Golden Ak-47        - Complete all Assault Rifle challenges
Golden Desert Eagle - Reach level 55 
Golden Dragonuv     - Complete all Sniper challenges
Golden M1014        - Complete all Shotgun challenges
Golden M60          - Complete all LMG challenges
Golden Mini-Uzi     - Complete all SMG challenges
Faster experience:
To level up, gain points, and to complete challenges easily, find a TDM game of 
the map "Shipment", preferably with a lot of people.  Make sure you have the 
Steady Aim/Martyrdom/Stopping Power perks on and choose a gun you want to level 
up. Shipment is a very small close shoulder-to-shoulder map. Just run around 
holding down the trigger, taking down as many people as possible. 
This is very fast paced and you should tick points very quickly.
Death From Above: Easy points:
In Arcade mode you can score easy points by shooting the building with the 105mm 
or the 40mm. When the building is destroyed you will get 1,000 points.
One Shot, One Kill: Canine help: 
When you are on the mission where you have to carry your captain (when you are in 
the Ghillie Suits),you will find abandoned swimming pool with some rabid dogs at 
the bottom. Do not kill them. Just run around the edge and do not fall in. When 
you drop your captain off behind the Ferris wheel and both of you get into position, 
there will be a patrol after you. When your captain tells you to open fire with your 
sniper rifle, shoot anyone on the left side, closest to the building with the pool 
in it.  Everyone will hit the deck after one of their teammates dies. The dogs will 
sense danger, jump out of the window, and start attacking the soldiers. This 
is helpful as at least four or five of the soldiers die. 
This also saves ammunition.
Dog attack in All Ghillied Up mission:
In the 'All Ghillied Up' mission, you will come across a wild dog eating a dead 
soldier's remains. You will be told to leave it alone, but if you want a very 
difficult challenge in the game, shoot it. You will be attacked by a large pack 
of angry dogs.
Extra ammunition for R700 sniper in Multiplayer mode:
At level 38 in Multiplayer mode, you get the Overkill Perk Class 2 (located in the 
Perk 2 or Red Perks). This allows you to carry two primary weapons rather than a 
pistol. Some of the guns in online play can share ammunition. If you are a skilled 
sniper and prefer the bolt action to a semi-auto sniper, you can share ammo between 
the R700 (unlocked at level 34) and the G3 assault rifle (unlocked at level 25).  
Instead of having 40 rounds, you will have 152 rounds for the sniper, effectively 
giving you an endless supply of ammo for the R700. If you are a G3 user, you will 
gain an extra 40 rounds (two clips). This works both ways; since you share ammunition, 
you might not want to use too much ammo with the G3. Also, there are more combinations 
than just this one; experiment with different guns to see which ones can share ammo.
When you reach level 46, you will get the M14 Assault Rifle. In the class that you 
want to have the extra ammunition, you will need the M14 Assault Rifle and M21 Sniper 
Rifle as weapons. To use those two weapons, you must have Overkill (obtained at level 
38) and your second Perk on Overkill. For the other two Perks, you can have whatever 
Good sniping location in Crossfire map in Multiplayer mode:
This spot can only be reached when you are playing the old school free-for-all section. 
Go to the building at the very end of the map on the opposite side of the bus.  You can 
get to the very top of the building that is around the corner. First, get to the second
story where the chair is found. Get on the top of the chair facing the wall, and jump. 
You may have to run and jump, but eventually you will catch an edge. You can then work 
your way up to a great sniping position.
Dog attack in All Ghillied Up mission:
In the "All Ghillied Up" mission, you will come across a wild dog eating a dead soldier's 
remains. You will be told to leave it alone, but if you want a very difficult challenge 
in the game, shoot it. You will be attacked by a large pack of angry dogs.
How to Rank Up Quicker:
The memory address that contains the CoD4 XP has been located, and you can now modify 
it, making leveling up a much faster and easier process. This means that you can easily 
get the Commander Rank within a few hours of buying the game, and you can unlock all 
perks and weapons.
The memory address needed is: CBF0E68 (Now believed to have been changed to CB1FE80)
You can use a tool such as Tsearch to edit the value of that address (your XP), so that 
you'll only need one XP to get to the new CoD 4 rank. 
Here's how: open Tsearch, start a new script, enter the memory address, then enter in 
the XP you would like. Keep in mind - you'll want to back up your Call of Duty 4 profile 
just in case something goes wrong - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
More details: if you just want to quickly go up a level, take your current XP from the 
Rank screen in the multiplayer mode, then add the amount of XP you will need to go up a 
level. You'll want to subtract one or two XP in order to make it easy to gain a level. 
Then, go online and kill someone, or get an assist - BAM! - instant level up, and 
possibly a new rank.
Overkill perk, here you come! Seriously, though, I tested this method, and found it much 
more enjoyable to play through multiplayer the real way.
Helecopters easy takedown:
If you are playing with some really good people and they get helecopters alot then 
bring out your nuke toob (grenade launcher) and shoot the helecopter with it. It's very 
effective on the helecopters. 
Unlock All Intel Automatically:
You can unlock all of the intel laptops automatically on the PC version of CoD4, but since 
you'll need to mess with your game's files a little bit, you're doing so at your own risk.
Simply go to your player profile (it will look something like this: 
C:\program files\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\players\profiles\player\
and search for a file called config.cfg. Open the file by double-clicking it (or right-click 
it and open it in Notepad) and search for "cheat_points", minus the quotes, via the CTRL+F 
function. There will be a number next to cheat_points -- change it to "30" and all intel 
laptops will be automatically unlocked!
Crossfire: Sniping location:
The online Crossfire map has a very good sniping location. The spot can only be reached 
when you are playing the old school free 4 all section. The building at the very end of 
the map on the opposite side of the bus.  You can get to the very top of the building that
is around the corner. First, get to the second story where the chair is found. Get on the 
top of the chair facing the wall and jump. You may have to run and jump, but eventually 
you will catch an edge. You can then work your way up to the perfect sniping position. 
Mile High Club: Airplane reference:
In the "Mile High Club" level, during the opening sequence when a hole is being cut to 
drop into the plane, somebody says, "Surely you can't be serious". Captain Price then 
says, "I'm serious, and don't call me Shirley". This is a line from the movie Airplane.
Multi-player: Extra ammunition:
At level 38 in Multi-player mode, you get the Overkill perk (located in the Perk 2 or red 
perks). This allows you to carry two primary weapons rather than a pistol. Some of the guns 
in online play can share ammunition. If you are a skilled sniper and prefer the bolt action 
to a semi-auto sniper, you can share ammo between the R700 (unlocked at level 34) and the 
G3 assault rifle (unlocked at level 25).  Instead of having 40 rounds you will have 152 
rounds for the sniper, effectively giving you an endless supply of ammo for the R700. If 
you are a G3 user, you will gain an extra 40 rounds (two clips). This works both ways. 
Because you share ammunition, you might not want to get too trigger happy with the G3. 
Also, there are more than just this combination. Experiment with different guns to see 
which can share ammo.
When you reach level 46 you will get the M14 assault rifle and you will have the M21 sniper.
In the class that you want to have the extra ammo you will need have the M21 and M14 as a 
weapon. To have those two weapons you must have Overkill (obtained at level 38). You also 
must have your second perk on Overkill. For the other two perks you can have whatever 
Create an MP5 class. For your side arm, choose the M9. Because the MP5 and M9 share ammo
you will have 90 rounds of ammo instead of 60. This is a good trick if you prestiged and
have lost your Bandolier perk.  When you reach level 32, enable Bandolier in this class 
and you will get 270 rounds of ammo instead of 180.
Faster reloads:
Use the following trick if you are playing online or in Carrier mode. When your gun runs 
out of ammo you usually have to re-load, then cock your weapon. Note: This does not include 
RPGs, and rifle mounted grenade launchers. This trick makes it so you do not have to cock 
your gun after re-loading. When you run out of ammo, let your character reload, then 
quickly sprint forwards a short distance. Stop sprinting and return your gun to the firing 
position. It will be ready to fire without re-cocking.
Special grenades:
Pros: Blinds target, deafens and slows. 
Cons: Must be looking at grenade or in its direction to have any effect. 
Pros: Deafens, slows and does a little damage to target even if detonated behind. 
Cons: Target can still see where he or she is shooting. 
Pros: Can temporarily provide cover for getaways, relocation and traps (for example, 
throw a smoke grenade into a room and plant a claymore in the doorway, then throw a 
grenade inside to flush him out). 
Unlockable Multiplayer Weapons:
Assault Rifle - G3           - Reach Rank 25 
Assault Rifle - G36C         - Reach Rank 37 
Assault Rifle - M14          - Reach Rank 46 
Assault Rifle - M4 Carbine   - Reach Rank 10 
Assault Rifle - MP44         - Reach Rank 52 
LMG - M60E4                  - Reach Rank 19 
Pistol - Desert Eagle        - Reach Rank 43 
Pistol - Golden Desert Eagle - Reach Rank 55 
Pistol - M1911               - Reach Rank 16 
Shotgun - M1014              - Reach Rank 31 
SMG - AK-74U                 - Reach Rank 28 
SMG - Mini Uzi               - Reach Rank 13 
SMG - P90                    - Reach Rank 40
Sniper Rifle                 - Barret - Reach Rank 49
Sniper Rifle                 - Dragunov - Reach Rank 22
Sniper Rifle                 - M40 - Reach Rank 04
Sniper Rifle                 - R700 - Reach Rank 34
Multiplayer Challenges:
Simply ranking up is enough to unlock the ordinary perks, but weapon modifications 
like laser sights, grenade launcher attachments and silencers are unlocked with specific 
challenges.  Luckily these are pretty straightforward: want a sight for your M16? Get 50 
kills with your M16. And better still, unlocking these gives you a bucket-load of XP 
towards your next promotion.
F.N.G.: Obstacle course:
When Gaz tells you to go to Captain Price, walk out of the building and move towards 
the fence. Follow the fence. On the left are three men in a crouch. Walk past them 
to find an obstacle course. You can run it for fun.
Backlot: Sniping locations:
On the Marines side of "Flag B" is sheet metal guarding the top of a building. Climb the
ladder to get to the top. To stand on the sheet metal itself, climb onto a ledge and 
slowly go back and forth until you see the "Climb" option. Make your way to the ledge 
besides the building overlooking the tiny enclosure. You will see a white radiator. 
Jump into it. There are little knobs sticking out of the buildings that look like this. 
Radiator>[l]         l        l        l        l  code.  Once in the map, enable the following codes:
player_breath_hold_lerp 50 
player_breath_gasp_lerp 0 
player_breath_hold_time 30 
Zoom in with your scope, press [Shift] to steady, then release [Shift]. 
The scope will stay perfectly still.
Multi-player: Easy kill streak:
To get a seven kill streak, do not call in your helicopter immediately. Instead, go out on
a suicide mission and die. When you respawn, find a good hiding location and call in your 
helicopter. Then, every kill your helicopter gets will add on to a kill streak. For example,
if your helicopter gets three kills you will get a UAV, 5 kills airstrike, 7 kills, another 
helicopter. If you die at any time during this, then your helicopter will not count towards
a kill streak any more; it is important that you hide.
Vendetta - No scope reference:
In the first Russian mission, at the part where you must protect your friends below on the
streets with the sniper, after the first part you must move to another position with some 
Nazis with dogs .  If you manage to kill a Nazi or dog without using the scope on the sniper
(no-scope), Dimitri will say "No Scope!!? Good!!" in a very enthusiastic voice.
All Ghillied Up: Dog attack:
During the "All Ghillied Up" mission, you will come across a wild dog eating a dead soldier's
remains. You will be told to leave it alone, but if you want probably the most difficult 
challenge in the game, shoot it. You will be attacked by a large pack of angry dogs. In the 
mission when you play Cpt. Price, you will encounter a wild dog eating a man. You are told to
leave it alone, but if you kill it you will hear dogs growling. You are then attacked by a 
large pack of them. This is the best way to practice your dog killing skills, but be warned.
You must save your comrade, because if he dies you must start over again.
Death From Above: Easy points:
In Arcade mode you can score easy points by shooting the building with the 105mm or the 40mm.
When the building is destroyed you will get 1,000 points.  
One Shot, One Kill: Extra claymores:
Reach the last part of the mission, where you have to put Captain MacMillan down by the Ferris
wheel and wait for the helicopter. You can get an extra full round of claymores by using the 
following trick. Before putting MacMillan in the grass where he tells you to, put him down 
anywhere else so he will not call in the helicopter yet. Go around planting the claymores you
already have. You can now pick up MacMillan again and place him in the area he wants to be 
placed at. He will tell you to plant some claymores, and give you a fresh batch. You now have
a full inventory of claymores again. Plant them as desired. Note: Do not plant them where the
enemies will be coming from (behind the buildings). As soon as one explodes, they will all 
start crawling around and it will be harder to kill them. Try to plant them near cars where 
enemies hide behind. This will destroy the car and kill two or more enemies if you are lucky. 
Easy experience:
Playing games such as Sabotage and Ground War will give you lots of experience points because
both games offer many kills. Sabotage has a long clock, giving you the opportunity to get many
kills or challenges. Also, look for Sabotage on the Wetworks map. That map takes a lot of time

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Online F.

A.Q — Guide for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare on PlayStation 3 (PS3) (81874)

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Scroll down to read our guide named «Online F.A.Q» for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare on PlayStation 3 (PS3), or click the above links for more cheats.

Simple and straightforward,this is an Online FAQ.

Q: I was playing and it said Connection Interrupted. Then, I started moving
crazily. Is there an explanation to this?

A: Technically, yes, and there was an interruption between the connection of the
PS3 servers and the game server. Most likely, something else that is being used
(such as a DS or anything that uses online multiplayer EXCEPT the computer) got
crossed between these two waves, causing a malfunction. 

Q: There is no recoil for other players. Is this a cheat?

A: No, this is either your imagination, you've become addicted to the PS3 and
are seeing things, or serious lag. Sometimes in Kill-cam, it shows you the
Desert Eagle being fired with no recoil. This is when they fire very quickly.

Q: I see some people with golden weapons. How do I get these?

A: Complete the challenge set in that class. For example, if you want a gold
Mini-Uzi, complete the Sub-machine Gun challenges, or with other classes. These
are the golden guns: Desert Eagle, Dragunov, AK47, M1404 (the rapid shotgun,
sorry I don't have the PS3 near me), the M2030 (last LMG you get).

Q: There are SCREAMING children in my game, but I have about 500 points and its
not even done yet. Should I quit?

A: That's up to you, but I'd prefer that you stay in that game. 500 points is a
HUGE team leader, so you should stay. Plus, you should be leveling by the hundreds. 

Q: What attachment do you prefer?

A: DEFINITELY the ACOG Scope. Sure, for some weapons it may look stupid, but it
is the BEST attachment EVER. For the M4 Carbine, your tempted to use the RDS but
the ACOG acts as a sniper and it is a very accurate gun. If a gun has terrible
accuracy *say, the P90* theres no reason not to use the ACOG. Trust me, I've
level many times thanks to this.

Q: What are headshots? I am asked to do this in Cage Match but don't know what
it is.

A: Headshots are when you and someone else take turns killing each other with
headshots. This gives you points for the Expert challenge for skins, like the
Red Tiger.

Final Q: When do these 8 year olds learn to talk like they do? I can't play with
these retards for too long.

Final A: Chances are that your using the XBOX but didn't look in that area.
Anyways, 8 year olds try to act like they are really about 14 and talk crap. 
When you kill them, they throw huge fits about that you lag or you cheat. If you
DO NOT leave them alone and hone towards them, your going to be headset-raped by
them, because they will either cry, yell, torture you, report you (These idiots
use this as a bluff) or message you. Any retard knows the 3 choices. 1: Turn off
your headset. (This makes everyone else suffer but who cares) 2: Tell them to
shut up or report them. (Harassment is against the Terms of Service. This can
ban them.) 3: Keep egging them on and laugh to death because of their crying.
Then, wait until they leave, then win the game. Then message them telling them
they need to get rid of their headset and PS3 because they are incapable of
controlling their anger and little hissy fits. Then tell them I said this all
because I, too, am sick and tired of 8 year olds.

This all belongs to *thecheatmaster* and was made April 9, 2009. Any other
copies of this on other websites tell you it has been stolen. 

Copyright 2009©
Trademark CheatCodes.Com™

If you want to copy this please E-Mail me. Please give me 100% credit.

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Cheats for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare










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The first assessments of Hogwarts Legacy appeared on the net — journalists were satisfied


A fresh trailer for the bloody action Wanted: Dead dedicated to the game world

Developers Atomic Heart unveiled extended PC system requirements with expected performance of

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom will be officially translated into Russian

12 minutes of new gameplay of the Resident Evil 4 remake 3 905 February


Take-Two Interactive admits that Red Dead Redemption 2 continues to sell better than the publisher intended0003


Walt Disney announces mass layoffs

Dead Space remake hilarious video shows why you need to be careful when using a laser gun


Star Wars Jedi: Survivor gameplay video shows off a new planet

Hogwarts Legacy developers thanked fans for reaching a milestone on Twitch


Mechanics VoiceOver started full-fledged work on the Russian localization of Dead Space and announced the approximate release date


The developers of Hogwarts Legacy are unhappy that they were ordered to add trance to the game and call it «performative shit»


PC version of The Last of Us Part 1 postponed to March 28 — game needs more polish

Movies and series

Marvel has published the official synopsis of «Guardians of the Galaxy 3»

Early Access to Hogwarts Legacy

Now Available on PC

Modern Warfare for PS3 (used) in stock SPB PiterPlay.



Reason for markdown:
Opened packaging, traces of use

2 weeks from date of purchase (more info)

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  • Game controller PlayStation Move (PS3, PS4) (CECH-ZCM1E) used (+2690 RUB)

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  • AV cable for PS3 (3 bells) (+450 RUB)

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  • Used FIFA 12 (PS3) game (+170 rubles)

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  • Game NHL 12 (PS3) used (+390 RUB)

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of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
offers fresh
a look at the famous military franchise
shooters. Follow the tense plot
in the course of which before your eyes is about
World War III will unfold, or
take part in multiplayer
fights — in this game every gamer
find entertainment to their liking.


the game follows the story of two characters
— soldier of the British Air Force SAS,
as well as an American Marine. Stories
both characters are dramatically intertwined
among themselves: you are waiting for the plot, complete
intrigues and tense turns, in which
the fate of the whole world will be decided. Developers
skillfully vary the gameplay on
throughout the campaign to prevent
players get bored. During the passage
you will feel like you are part of a real
Hollywood production.

reimagines traditional gaming
first person shooter process.
The developers have improved each
game mechanics so that players get
maximum pleasure from the process. You
you will break into buildings captured
terrorists in the Middle East,
participate in covert operations, and
also prevent a global crisis in
last second. Diverse gaming
process and constant change of locations
literally won’t let you tear yourself away

weapon to taste and join the battle. A game
includes a large number of weapons,
reproduced on samples of real
machine guns, grenade launchers and shotguns.