Bot in wow: Bot | WoWWiki | Fandom

Bot | WoWWiki | Fandom

For the instance abbreviated so, see Botanica.
For the instance abbreviated so, see Bastion of Twilight.


  • 1 In WoWWiki
  • 2 In World of Warcraft
    • 2.1 Reporting a botter
    • 2.2 Bot uses
      • 2.2.1 Gold and material farming
      • 2.2.2 Honor farming and Leveling
    • 2.3 History
      • 2.3.1 Early bots
      • 2.3.2 Glider lawsuit
      • 2.3.3 Second Generation
    • 2.4 Spotting a botter
      • 2.4.1 Suspicions
      • 2.4.2 Defenses
  • 3 External links

In WoWWiki

Main article: WoWWiki:Wiki bots

A bot is a special type of wiki user.

In World of Warcraft

This section concerns content exclusive to World of Warcraft.

Also known as AFK gaming, a bot is a method of controlling an in-game character by an automated means that does not require direct interaction from a player. Sometimes known as an «autoplaying game client», this is strictly prohibited by the World of Warcraft Terms of Use Agreement. Most often, a bot uses a series of automated macros to control the character in game.

Reporting a botter

Although they may not interrupt you or hamper your current gameplay, botters are considered by some to be a threat to a server due to the excessive farming which can allegedly damage a server’s virtual economy, however this is often disputed as there are many examples of economy normalization on servers where there is a heavy presence of gold farmers. PvP botters are also seen by many as a great nuisance in battlegrounds due to the disadvantages it brings your team and the boredom in playing against them.

If you suspect a character is being played by a bot, you are as of patch 4.3.4 encouraged by Blizzard to use the Report Player function. To do this, right click on a player’s portrait, click «Report Player For:», choose «Cheating», fill in detailed information and submit. You should include the time you have seen them, where you have seen them, and your reasons that you believe that the player is a bot. Another way to report any kind of cheating is to send a mail to [email protected]. Evidence such as screenshots and videos can be uploaded to respectively e.g. and

Bot uses

Gold and material farming

Bots can be used to farm gold, either directly (from gold dropped by mobs), or by proxy (materials that sell for gold). Certain areas in WoW are explored and mapped by botting communities which yield the best rate of gold per hour. But a lot of botters also farm for rare items which have very low drop rates, such as the Hyacinth Macaw from Stranglethorn Vale. Items like these have phenomenally low drop rates (roughly 1 in 1500 for the Macaw) and would be almost impossible to farm without a bot.
These methods are also used by gold farmers, professional Warcraft players who sell in-game gold, loot, or services for real-world money. This violates Blizzard’s Terms of Use agreement and may get both parties banned, however this is most often not the case as Blizzard has more of an interest in stopping the sellers (not the buyers) of gold trading. These farmers automate the process with bots, either to powerlevel characters unattended or to grind mobs continuously for rare drops.

Honor farming and Leveling

Bots can also be used for farming honor at the various Battlegrounds. Bots such as Pirox and Honorbuddy even include profiles for all the battlegrounds by default.
One of the most popular uses of bots, however, is leveling. This can be done in one of three ways; Questing, PvPing, and pure grinding. Some bots support quest profiles, which automatically perform quests (including quest pickup and turn in). Pure grinding is simply a basic process to kill certain mobs in certain areas till the player levels.
For a long time, from 2005 till 2009, pure grinding was the only method used to level with a bot, since questing profiles hadn’t been developed yet, and PvP battlegrounds yielded no experience.


Early bots

A number of bots developed by numerous people started appearing within a year or two of World of Warcraft’s release, such as Openbot. However, the most notable and famous of which was Glider, which first appeared in 2005. Developed by Michael Donnelly, Glider was noted for it’s particular ease of use, numerous features, and robust community. It’s strong community created many profiles to use with the bot, and distributed them freely. After it’s initial popularity, Glider was developed into a full featured bot in 2007 and sold for $25. The bot and it’s community thrived for over 4 years, and over 100,000 copies of Glider were sold (as of 2008). Glider quickly became the de-facto program of choose for most botters.

Glider lawsuit

In July of 2008, Blizzard filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona against the makers of Glider. The lawsuit alleged that MDY Industries, LLC (the company selling Glider) were liable for copyright infringement based, in part, on the premise that users of the World of Warcraft software are actually «licensees» rather than owners of their copy of software. Public Knowledge, a public interest group, publicaly criticized the decision. However, the court found that Glider infringed upon Blizzard’s intellectual property and ordered the makers of Glider to pay Blizzard six million dollars. In March 2009, MDY suspended Glider sales and operations, as well as closed their online community. As of September 2009, they are appealing the court decision.

Second Generation

After Glider ceased selling and developing their bot, a number of newer bots started appearing in late 2009, such as there was high demand among the botting community for a new bot similar to Glider. There were already bots out during Glider, such as WoWMimic set of bots that automate all aspects of the game, another was Farmer John Bot. Some other well-known bots were Pirox, Gatherbuddy (aka, Honorbuddy) and MMOLazy. Dubbed the «second generation» of bots, They aren’t similar to Glider as they are more advanced and offered more features, control and creation of profiles, and ease of use without External plugins. They have thriving online communities, as most of the previous members of Glider migrated over.

Other bots such as WRobot and TheNoobBot later emerged, but Honorbuddy became the most popular bot. But after years in court and increasingly frequent banwaves, Honorbuddy ceased it sales after losing as series of legal cases. The last judgement in March 2017 ordered the makers of Honorbuddy to pay Blizzard 8.5 million dollars in damages.

Spotting a botter

There are several signs that may indicate that one player in action could be a botter.

  • Silence: The botter does not normally respond to tells or emotes. Sometimes the botter will have an automated message when they are whispered to. Other bots may automatically log out if players repeatedly send whispers to them.
  • Odd Movement: The botter does not move normally. It spins around, jumps, runs in circles, runs in zig-zags, have a strict pattern in movement, ignores high level or groups of characters from the opposing faction when in danger or runs into objects.
  • Questionable Gear: Botters will almost always use BoE gear. Sometimes the gear may or may not be in their level range, meaning some gear being worn is meant for an earlier level while the character is able to wear better gear than that.
  • Default Pet Names: Most botters are usually hunters due to the ease of use of the class. Their pets may have their default names, «Boar» or complete gibberish names such as «argfwega».
  • Gibberish names: It is typical for dungeon botters to have names which makes no sense, such as «hgljgnlg».
  • Instantaneous interrupts: Some types of bots detect loaded casts and interrupt them the moment they begin to load.
  • Instantaneous removal of stun or incapitate: Using trinket or the human racial, a bot can remove such effects as Sap the same moment it is applied to the bot.
  • Perfectly timed Crowd Control: If a character is rotating its CC in a perfect manner, for example Polymorph, it can be a sign of a bot.
  • Turning while stunned or incapitated: No player should be able to turn around to face its target during stuns or incapitating effects after the effect inital latency of said player is over.
  • Very high activity as seen on Armory: Characters with an unreasonably high activity as seen on the Armory is suspicious. This is seen especially for dungeon botters, which may have done the same dungeon hundreds of times the past weeks. Battleground bots may have aquired unlikely much PvP gear.
  • Fighting only when attacked: Some botters are programmed to attack only when itself is attacked. This is characterized by instantaneous retaliation, ignoring the chance of success of surviving.
  • Standing still near missing quest givers: When quest givers are missing, usually as a result of usually getting killed by a member of the opposing faction, botters are prone to stand still and wait for the NPC at the exact same spot.
  • Attacking anything that comes in range: Especially evident in battlegrounds, botters can follow the same route until an enemy comes in range, ignoring factors like the chance of survival.
  • Very large amount of farmable items on the Auction House: Botters that have obtained large amount of farmed goods can sell these items on the AH. Such botters also tend to aggressively undercut the prices.
  • Standing still when fighting: Even though a botter can have a perfect rotation on its abilities, standing still while fighting does not always make sense even if the opponent isn’t moving. Standing in front of an opponent means he or she is able to parry. For example can a bot ignore that a Rogue uses Evasion, instead of trying to attack from behind where melee attacks cannot be dodged. Such bots usually don’t jump either.
  • «Tunnel vision»: Some bots ignore any other characters and focus only on its current target. This can be the case even if significantly easier targets are in range.
  • Silence: Sometimes players may not want to talk to others while they are busy playing, and some players may have an addon to produce automated messages for instances for when they do not want to be disturbed.
  • Odd Movement: While WoW can be a bandwidth consuming and high latency game, sometimes players may not have the best connection, causing character movements which may seem «bot-like». such as spinning, jumping, running in circles or into objects, etc. As for patterns in movement can be debatable. A player can perhaps be circling an area farming for loot or gold themselves as a way to efficiently kill mobs in an area once they return to a spot. Some players choose to ignore enemy opponents even if they are likely to be be killed.
  • Questionable Gear: Players may not make as much gold or have the amount of time or desire to go get new or higher level gear by running instances or doing quests. Otherwise, if players have the money, their character may be a twink, a type of character which commonly may be subject to wearing BoE goods from the auction house.
  • Default Pet Names: World of Warcraft gives the freedom to players on what to name their pet, and some may choose to keep its default name. However, gibberish names are against World of Warcraft’s terms of use.
  • Gibberish names: There can be different reasons to why people have gibberish names, for example that they simply don’t care what they are called.
  • Instantaneous interrupts: Some players can be either lucky or exceptionally skilled and know when loaded casts are likely to be cast.
  • Instantaneous removal of stun or incapitate: This might be because of the same reasons as for instantaneous interrupts.
  • Perfectly timed Crowd Control: As with instantaneous interrupts, such CC can be a result of either luck or great skill.
  • Turning while stunned or incapitated: Players with high latency can have a brief moment of movement after the initial stun or incapitate is applied.
  • Very high activity as seen on the Armory: Some players simply spend very much time playing World of Warcraft.
  • Fighting only when attacked: Some players don’t like PvP or choose to not attack for some other reason, and only fights back if attacked first.
  • Standing still near missing quest givers: Though most real players tend to move somewhat while waiting for the quest giver to return, some stand at the same spot like botters do.
  • Attacking anything that comes in range: Some players play aggressively and thus attack anyone nearby.
  • Very large amount of farmable items on the Auction House: Players may have farmed material without the use of a bot, and may also undercut the prices frequently.
  • Standing still when fighting: Some players are less skilled and/or unaware of the fact that attacking from behind maximises the output. Others do it more or less intentionally or unintentionally.
  • «Tunnel vision»: Especially new players are prone to tunnel vision someone, but any player can from time to time do this.

External links

News Blizzard bans more than 100k World of Warcraft accounts World of Warcraft bot company ordered to pay $8. 5 million

Bot Mafias Have Wreaked Havoc in ‘World of Warcraft Classic’

“Black Lotus for example is a scarce resource and can only be up on a few spawnpoints in the world at the same time. It’s pretty easy for botters to control these spawns and gauge the prices, so they go up,” Beutler says. Other resources that spawn in dungeons—which may be disconnected from the shared experience of other landscapes—don’t have that restriction. Botters can speed through these dungeons, gather rare resources and dump their wares onto the auction house, which artificially lowers their value.

“On a macroeconomic scale, some of these activities are a driving factor in gold inflation, while others are moving gold around the economy. All of them are harmful to ordinary players who are trying to trade goods and services within the game economy,” says a spokesperson for the WoW Classic development team. “The presence of bots has a strictly negative impact on the game experience, and we are completely aligned with our players in a desire to eliminate them.

That tie to real-life economics can breed desperation. On Blizzard’s WoW Classic forums, one player complained about another who allegedly operates 15 bots controlling the Eastern Plagueland for 12 to 14 hours a day. Anyone who kills the bots is subject to “obscene language and various kinds of threats,” says the poster. Two other sources described chat restrictions and threats they say they received from accounts that utilize bots.

Despite Blizzard’s recent crackdown, players have criticized how slow the studio has been to stomp out botting in WoW Classic. Unstrategic, too. Blizzard recently adjusted the drop rate on the Black Lotus so that it’s less rare, and ideally, less easily monopolized. The value crashed across servers, but unfortunately, players say, that just means more flowers for bots. “They would sell them at an inflated price and purchase anyone who tried to undercut and resell the item for the higher price,” says Loknar.

In a blog post today, Blizzard explained why it’s been slow to act: After using automated systems to determine if an suspect account is in fact a bot, official moderators must manually gather evidence,a “time consuming and complex” process. “While today’s suspensions were applied in a batch (often referred to as a «banwave»), it is a top priority for us to identify accounts that are botting and remove them,” the company wrote. “Our team works around the clock, every day of the week, and many of the suspensions and account closures over the last few months have gone out in the middle of the night, or on weekends.”

Although Blizzard recently erased tens of thousands of bots from the game, players are concerned that more will easily crop up to replace the old ones. Between banwaves, bots are leveling themselves up. It’s Whac-A-Mole. “People using bots are going for months without getting banned,” says Asmongold. “Blizzard isn’t fixing it because they’re so set on the way they solve problems that they’re unable to adapt to the way things have changed.”

One player, Tpyo, says he quit over the bots. They messed with the economy. They made it hard for him to get materials for high-level raids. And they intimidated him when he spoke out, earning him a chat restriction. “The world is full (of bots) and feels entirely empty when you’re in it,” he says. “It kinda killed the community feeling that kept me in the game.”

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Wow effect for managers, or we make convenient reporting for business with notifications in Telegram — Marketing on

My name is Alexander Polyakov, I have an advertising agency, and I’m not a programmer. In this article, I will tell you how I made a Telegram bot with reports for clients.

10 167

Managers need operational subtotals. Only those who follow the numbers truly control the situation.

I thought it would be great if a special robot could send key information, for example, sales results by the end of the day, week or month. Let the robot perform concierge services and report on how well the sales plan is being fulfilled, and the information comes directly to the messenger. nine0003

To set up this robot, I used Google Sheets, Python, and serverless computing at Amazon.

An example of a daily digest sent by the robot to Telegram. Alexander Polyakov

The bot immediately sends a link to the visualization and to the «raw» data in Google Sheets — in case you need to figure out in detail where this or that result came from.

Raw data on the tabs to find the answer to the question of where this or that anomaly came from. Alexander Polyakov

In the article I will tell you what is required to run such a robot.

I will be glad to ask questions. If I see that such reporting is of interest to the community, I will describe each step in detail in the following materials.

Here is what I use to run such a bot

1. CRM or any other source of transaction data,

2. Downloading data from advertising accounts via API,

3. AWS Lambda, so as not to set up the server,

4. DynamoDB, to store information about bot users, access rights and statistics. nine0003

Structure of data preparation and visualization Alexander Polyakov

To set everything up, I go through the following steps:

1. Checking that we have a CRM and it has all the data

We must immediately make sure that we have the information necessary to build a report in our CRM or other customer database.

  • statuses of transactions (won, lost, service or sales department contacted, there was a visit to the client or not, etc. )
  • transaction amounts or other result
  • information about what is the source of the transaction. These can be UTM attributes, Yandex.Metrics ClientID, phone number + call tracking data,
  • other transaction attributes: used promo codes, Amplitude user ID, etc.

2. Setting up data transfer from CRM to database

In my practice, such a database can be Google Spreadsheet, Google BigQuery or DynamoDB. nine0003

Passing data about hits can be done in the form of a manual upload or a Python script.

3. Checking the availability of the necessary data in advertising accounts

All advertising campaigns must have utm_tags, understandable and structured names. Here are examples of good and bad campaign names:

  • 🚫 Screwdrivers reg. general. — how is reg decrypted? is it networks or search?
  • ✅ (site. ru)_(shurupovert_awareness)_(regions)_(search) — clear landing, search or network, targeting conditions. nine0074

If we work with bloggers and take into account transactions using promotional codes, then a separate guide is needed, which contains information about which promotional code is associated with which influencer, dates and prices of placements.

4. Setting up data transfer from advertising accounts to the database

You can upload the data manually, but I usually automate the process using Python.

Some advertising cabinets are complex enough to get data quickly, so I created a special free tool based on Zumkit, which acts as a connector to the popular advertising systems API. In fact, this is a single window for access to statistics. The service is available to everyone.

Zumkit supports uploading statistics at the level of campaigns, ad groups and keywords for Yandex.Direct, Google Ads, VKontakte, Facebook Ads and MyTarget. Soon I will add support for Yandex.Market and TikTok advertising account.

You can request data in a list at once for multiple advertising accounts. nine0003


5. We collect aggregated data from CRM and advertising accounts

Next, you need to combine the data on costs and results. The union itself can be done both in Python — a quick way, and in Google Sheets using special formulas.

6. Visualize the received data in Google Data Studio or Google Sheets

Most of the time I use Google Data Studio. It’s easy to learn and uses its own built-in processor to calculate formulas in Google Sheets. Also in Google Data Studio, you can make a separate layout for mobile devices. nine0003

In Google Sheets, viewing is not as convenient as in Data Studio, but you can place «raw» data next to the graph, on the basis of which it is built, so that you can immediately assess the causes of a particular anomaly.

7. Register a telegram bot and make settings

A bot can be registered via @BotFather, there are many materials about it. But there are a few important points.

  1. To avoid a separate server, I create dedicated AWS Lambda firmware in the Amazon cloud. The function is activated via an HTTP webhook that sends Telegram to the Amazon server. nine0046
  2. Since each bot owner must keep track of users on their own and store their database to ensure performance, I use another service from the Amazon cloud — DynamoDB.

Both AWS Lambda and DynamoDB are free services up to a certain load level, they cost me about two dollars a month.

8. Create rights setting for bot users

Since I am broadcasting non-public information, it means that anyone who wishes should not have access to it, and it is impossible to make a private Telegram bot. nine0003

I’m using a simple authorization: to access a certain set of data, the bot needs to send the secret string . If the line belongs to a specific project, access is allowed and the user starts receiving reports, if not, the bot is silent.

Why such reporting is more useful than boxed solutions

I started doing these automatic reports with notifications in the fall of 2020. It may seem like just a fashion trend that adds value to an advertising agency, but I managed to get a few examples that have drastically affected the way the business works. nine0003

Quickly noticed a large order and offered a discount

Among my clients there is a plant where sales managers receive the main bonus as a percentage of closed deals and try to close them at a higher price. Motivation is calculated based on average success rates.

Businesses already have standard discount rates for large orders, but there are no instructions for very large orders, and every ruble counts in large transactions.

Due to the fact that , the manager saw abnormally high profits in Telegram, he was able to quickly find the manager responsible for the deal and agree with him on special conditions for both the client and the sales manager himself. Without prompt notifications, such an expensive deal could only be found out at a monthly meeting, and then only as a potential benefit.

Found working campaigns for car dealership

Typically, car dealerships consider the effectiveness of advertising in the final call, some take into account only unique and successful calls, but in fact, each call is associated with several lines of business, each of which has a different priority. For example, the value of an application to the sales department is much higher than the value of an application to the spare parts department. nine0003

The most effective campaigns for a car dealership, when measured by calls, are advertising campaigns about an authorized dealer. That is, when advertising occurs on requests like [official volkswagen dealer] . But upon closer examination, it turned out that such campaigns provide calls to the service and parts sales department. And the result for the sales department in such areas is weak.

Found dependency within a weekly sprint, reallocated budget and received more sales calls .

My name is Alexander Polyakov, I work in Internet advertising and data analysis. I would be interested in answering any questions about the preparation of such reports.

If you have questions or need help setting up Lambda or data visualization, you can contact me personally on Facebook:

My website with contact information:

My service for getting data from advertising accounts for free:

nine0002 Zoomkit API documentation



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