Borderlands 2 automaten hack: So i found a strange Slot Machine glitch : Borderlands2

So i found a strange Slot Machine glitch : Borderlands2

Last night i was playing with a friend of mine on brand new characters and made it to Sanctuary, did things as you normally would, deal with scooter, collect up all the side quests, get a couple eridium upgrades. I went to the slot machines just for the hell of it to see if i could get a better weapon as all i had was a shitty revolver and coach gun, and i used both slot machines. So the images are rolling and i got eridium on the first machine, cool, i can get a shotgun ammo upgrade. Then i rerolled it and rolled the second machine, and got eridium from both, nothing too strange right? stupid luck? So i keep rerolling them trying to get at least a decent green gun from them, and i just kept getting eridium. I was talking to my friend in Discord the entire time and was asking if he had any mods or anything installed to which he said he didn’t, it was a fresh install on a brand new computer, so it couldn’t possibly have anything. I don’t even know how to install mods with Borderlands so i know i definitely didn’t have anything. We decided we wouldn’t exploit whatever was happening to get a bunch of eridium upgrades for free, and just saved and quit, then went back in to try and fix it. So i stayed by the slot machines and waiting for my friend to get back in the game, and we rolled the machines again. 1 triple eridium. 2 triple eridium. Eridium Jackpot on both machines. We try to fix it again by saving and quitting and repeat, my buddy gets back on, we try things yet again. We roll the slot machines again and hope for the best, we got the normal eridium again, success right? back to where we started at least. We decided to save and quit one more time, and hope that completely fixes it. We got back in, rolled the slot machines, and to our dismay, we see the vault symbols one by one lock into place. Double legendaries. We were shocked and obviously concerned, we’ve lost a decent bit of money at this point and decided we’d take the legendaries, but just sell them to get the money we wasted back. After this we decided saving and quitting isn’t helping and i got an idea, so i told my friend what if it’s an area glitch? maybe we just need to leave sanctuary, save and quit, then go back to Sanctuary, so that’s just what we did. We went to Three Horns Divide, saved and quit, rejoined, and went back to Sanctuary. We were obviously worried, but hopeful as we made our way back to the slot machines, and gave them a whirl. much to our relief, we saw 7, 7, bell, and triple cherries on the machines. We were so happy but just to make sure we rolled the machines again. Again perfectly normal stuff, we were so relieved to have things back to normal and we went about our business and did some side missions finally.

I’m sorry for such a long story, i felt it’d be best to describe what happened as much as i could, has anyone else encountered this? Both me and my friend have thousands of hours on the game and have never seen this happen.

Tipps, Shift-Codes & legendäre Waffen

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Slots Guide — Guides and Game Reviews

Here are the rewards you can expect, as well as the location of the slot machines.

Borderlands 2 has captivated Heart fans for years, to the point where its player base has remained heavily invested in the eight-year gap between the releases of Borderlands 2 and 3. With a colorful cast of characters, hundreds of guns, and an enticing environment to explore, Gearbox contributed a huge amount of content to the sequel.

One of the features introduced in Borderlands 2 was slot machines. . These interactive objects have opened up a fun new way for players to get extra loot. You can win weapons, skins, grenades, money and Eridium by playing Pandora slots. Keep reading to learn about slot machines in Borderlands 2.

Where are the slot machines in Borderlands 2?

There are a total of eight slot machines in Borderlands 2, which can be found in five different locations all over Pandora’s world. These places and their corresponding slot machines are as follows:

  • There are two slot machines at Sanctuary in Moxxi’ Bar.
  • There is one slot machine located at the gas station at Old Dahlwell Oasis in The Dust.
  • There is one slot machine in The Holy Spirits pub in the Highlands.
  • The Badass Crater Bug, featured in the Mr Torgue’s Campaign of Carnage DLC, features two slot machines.
  • Tavern Flamerock Refuge has two arcade machines featured in the Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep DLC.

What can you win on slot machines in Borderlands 2?

In the Borderlands 2 slot machines, you can win a lot of loot, including weapons, cash and the coveted Eridium currency, which can be used for all important upgrades. Here is a breakdown of the specific rewards that each winning spin will bring you:

12 parts eridium

Symbols Award
Any pair of matching characters Unusual (white) weapon
Pair of matching bell symbols Small amount of cash
Three Bells Large amount of cash
Three sevens Fancy Character Skin
Three cherries Unusual (green) weapon
Three Symbols Moxxi Rare (blue) weapon
Three Markus Symbols Epic (Purple) Weapon
Three Vault Symbols Legendary (orange) weapon
Three single iridiums 4 parts iridium
Three double eridium 8 parts iridium
Triple Eridium

There is also one additional reward that you can get through the slot machines, but be aware that this is not very nice .

Three heads will throw a live grenade that will not only waste your money but also deal some damage to you, so try to dodge the explosion as fast as you can if you spot them! >

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with other guides to popular games. Let’s talk about the secrets and tricks that you can use in games to your advantage. And also about useful and interesting stories in video games.


Borderlands 2

Andrey Kolsky / author of the article

Andrey Kolsky — assistant editor. His passion for gaming began with his first console (Sega Genesis) and he hasn’t stopped playing ever since. His favorite games are The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Team Fortress 2, Rainbow Six Siege, Pokémon Sword & Shield, Old School Runescape, Skyrim and Breath of the Wild.

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Borderlands 2 Game Description and Shift Codes

Borderlands 2 is a first-person shooter with RPG elements where the player takes control of one of six playable characters and embarks on an unforgettable journey in search of untold riches. In Borderlands 2, Shift codes are a welcome addition to the game that all players will love.


Five years after the first Vault Hunters destroyed the Destroyer, the shadow of tyranny falls on Pandora again. This time, Handsome Jack, the manager of the Hyperion company, became interested in the resources of the planet. He intends to open another Vault and wake up the sleeping Eridian Warrior. He figured out that whoever wakes up the alien first will be able to control it. Thus, Jack will solve the problem with the bandits on the planet, simply by destroying them. However, not only an alien is lurking in the Vault, but also untold riches, for which a hunt has been declared. So the main characters arrive on Pandora in the face of four characters with special unique skills. To equip them in Borderlands 2, Shift codes are one of the essentials. You will also need money that can be picked up from fallen enemies or found in safes and garbage heaps.

Equipment of characters

The game has a considerable number of weapons offered, including pistols, machine guns, assault rifles, sniper rifles, shotguns and RPGs. Weapons can be bought, found in boxes, or simply picked up from a corpse. All equipment in the game has a level of rarity, in ascending order: white, green, blue, purple, orange and pearlescent. Since the opening of the first Vault provoked a surge of an alien resource — Eridium, a weapon with Eridian effects appeared in the armament of the character. For example, pistols fire spikes, assault rifles fire plasma bolts, and sniper rifles fire reflective beams. In Borderlands 2, Shift codes will help you get better quality equipment.

Shift codes and golden keys

At the beginning of the game, the player receives only one golden key, but this can be fixed thanks to the creators of the game and their support for their creation. In Borderlands 2, Shift codes are entered through the main menu, then you need to click on the «Advanced» tab and select the Shift Code option. It must be remembered that the codes can only be activated once, but they give several golden keys.

There will be no problems with how to enter Shift codes in Borderlands 2 if you follow these instructions.